Data Series 190

Data Series 190

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Table 3. Description of tables contained in the water-level database for the Rainier Mesa area, Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada.

Table name Table grouping Description Remarks
RM_sitefile Site information U.S. Department of Energy name for hole; location coordinates; general location information (hydrographic area number, hydrologic unit code, and NTS area number); and land-surface altitude. Basic information describing the site.
RM_gw_mpnt Site information Measuring-point information. Only wells actively measured by USGS are included.
RM_gw_rmks Site information Miscellaneous remarks related to the site, well, or water-level data. Remarks derived from a variety of sources including published reports, drilling records, or field notes.
RM_gw_cons Well-construction
Construction dates, hole and well depth, and construction method. General construction information.
RM_gw_hole Well-construction
Hole diameters and intervals. May have multiple entries for each site that describe unique intervals of hole.
RM_gw_csng Well-construction
Casing diameters and intervals. May have multiple entries for each site that describe unique intervals of casing.
RM_gw_open Well-construction
Open-interval information. May have multiple entries for each site, each describing a unique open interval. Open-intervals are defined by the diameter of the interval, the depths to the top and bottom of the interval, and the type of interval. The most common interval types are well screen and open hole. A typical site may have two open-interval entries in the database. One describes the screen or slotted interval and the other describes the open hole that surrounds the screen. The open-hole interval, which is commonly longer than and inclusive of the screened interval, may be sand or gravel packed or may be unfilled.
RM_gw_lith Lithology information Detailed lithologic descriptions of cuttings or cores. The descriptions provided are original descriptions written by many different geologists and workers over the past 50 years and compiled primarily by H.R. Covington and D.B. Wood of the U.S. Geological Survey.
RM_gw_aqfr Lithology information Aquifers or lithologic units contributing water at each site. The designations for aquifers or water-bearing units are lithostratigraphic based rather than hydrostratigraphic based, as is commonly used for the Nevada Test Site (Laczniak and others, 1996, table 1).
RM_gw_lev Water-level information Date, depth, source, status, method, and accuracy of water level. Basic data pertaining to the water-level measurement. Water-level accuracy pertains to the depth-to-water measurement and not the water-level altitude.
RM_wl_rmks Water-level information Remarks related to specific water-level measurements.
RM_wl_attrib_gen Water-level information General-condition attribute for each water level.
RM_wl_attrib_det Water-level information Detailed-condition attributes for each water level.
RM_hyd_narrative Water-level information Hydrograph narrative.

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