Texas Water Science Center |
By Richard N. Slattery, Allen L. Furlow, and Darwin J. Ockerman
U.S. Geological Survey
Data Series 200
In cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the San Antonio Water System
The U.S. Geological Survey collected rainfall, streamflow, evapotranspiration, and rainfall and stormflow water-quality data from seven sites in two adjacent watersheds in the Honey Creek State Natural Area, Comal County, Texas, during August 2001–September 2003, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the San Antonio Water System. Data collected during this period represent baseline hydrologic and water-quality conditions before proposed removal of ashe juniper (Juniperus ashei) from one of the two watersheds. Juniper removal is intended as a best-management practice to increase water quantity (aquifer recharge and streamflow) and to protect water quality. Continuous (5-minute interval) rainfall data are collected at four sites; continuous (5-minute interval) streamflow data are collected at three sites. Fifteen-minute averages of meteorological and solar-energy-related data recorded at two sites are used to compute moving 30-minute evapotranspiration values on the basis of the energy-balance Bowen ratio method. Periodic rainfall water-quality data are collected at one site and stormflow water-quality data at three sites. Daily rainfall, streamflow, and evapotranspiration totals are presented in tables; detailed data are listed in an appendix. Results of analyses of the periodic rainfall and stormflow water-quality samples collected during runoff events are summarized in the appendix; not all data types were collected at all sites nor were all data types collected during the entire 26-month period.
Purpose and Scope
Description of Watersheds and Sites
Hydrologic and Water-Quality Data
Rainfall Data
Streamflow Data
Evapotranspiration Data
Water-Quality Data
Appendix—Rainfall, Streamflow, Evapotranspiration, and Water-Quality Data
1. | Map showing location of Honey Creek State Natural Area, Comal County, Texas |
2. | Map showing location of data-collection sites in the Honey Creek State Natural Area, Comal County, Texas |
1. | Hydrologic and water-quality data-collection sites, Honey Creek State Natural Area, Comal County, Texas |
2. | Daily rainfall at site 1 (USGS station 295040098283701, Honey Creek rain gage no. 1), Honey Creek State Natural Area, Comal County, Texas |
3. | Daily rainfall at site 2 (USGS station 08167347, Unnamed tributary Honey Creek, site 1C), Honey Creek State Natural Area, Comal County, Texas |
4. | Daily rainfall at site 3 (USGS station 08167350, Unnamed tributary Honey Creek site 1T), Honey Creek State Natural Area, Comal County, Texas |
5. | Daily rainfall at site 4 (USGS station 08167353, Unnamed tributary Honey Creek Site 2T), Honey Creek State Natural Area, Comal County, Texas |
6. | Daily mean streamflow at site 2 (USGS station 08167347, Unnamed tributary Honey Creek site 1C), Honey Creek State Natural Area, Comal County, Texas |
7. | Daily mean streamflow at site 3 (USGS station 08167350, Unnamed tributary Honey Creek site 1T), Honey Creek State Natural Area, Comal County, Texas |
8. | Daily mean streamflow at site 4 (USGS station 08167353, Unnamed tributary Honey Creek site 2T), Honey Creek State Natural Area, Comal County, Texas |
9. | Daily evapotranspiration at site 6 (USGS station 295104098285900, Honey Creekreference evapotranspiration), Honey Creek State Natural Area, Comal County, Texas |
10. | Daily evapotranspiration at site 7 (USGS station 295102098283200, Honey Creektreatment evapotranspiration), Honey Creek State Natural Area, Comal County, Texas |
11. | Water-quality sample site, date, and type, Honey Creek State Natural Area, Comal County, Texas |
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