ArcInfo Grid Export format - e00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This format is readable by ArcInfo, ERDAS Imagine, ArcView, and other packages. When imported into ArcInfo and ArcView, the file will unpack into a directory containing all the components of the registered grid coverage. The ArcGrid module in ArcInfo and Spatial Analyst in ArcView will allow display in color shaded- relief. Note that this is a Arcinfo grid format and not an ArcInfo coverage. Note: the magnetic grid is regridded from 1 km to 2 km only for this format because the conversion programs wouldn't handle the original file size. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- COORDINATE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION FOR ALL GRIDS Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic Units: meters Datum: NAD27 Spheroid: Clarke 1866 1st standard parallel: 33° N. 2nd standard parallel: 45° N. Central meridian: -100° W. Latitude of projection's origin: 0° N. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of Grid: texas_cbggrav Cell Size = 2000.000 Data Type: Floating Point Number of Rows = 602 Number of Columns = 658 BOUNDARY STATISTICS Xmin = -667000.000 Xmax = 649000.000 Ymin = 3167000.000 Ymax = 4371000.000 CBG grid values: Minimum Value = -275.125 Maximum Value = 52.109 Mean = -75.209 Standard Deviation = 62.310 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of Grid: texas_isograv Cell Size = 2000.000 Data Type: Floating Point Number of Rows = 602 Number of Columns = 658 BOUNDARY STATISTICS Xmin = -667000.000 Xmax = 649000.000 Ymin = 3167000.000 Ymax = 4371000.000 Minimum Value = -86.890 Maximum Value = 103.663 Mean = -3.851 Standard Deviation = 19.823 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of Grid: texas_mag2km Cell Size = 2000.000 Data Type: Floating Point Number of Rows = 621 Number of Columns = 673 BOUNDARY STATISTICS Xmin = -645000.000 Xmax = 701000.000 Ymin = 3171000.000 Ymax = 4413000.000 MAG grid values: Minimum Value = -1370.639 Maximum Value = 1638.026 Mean = -117.295 Standard Deviation = 163.737