Process description: The calibration of the Landsat ETM+ maps produced by Davis (2006) are relative reflectance and need to be "grounded" with ground reflectance data, but the difficulties in performing field work in Afghanistan precluded ground reflectance surveys. For natural color calibration, which only involves the blue, green, and red wavelength bands of Landsat, we could use ground photographs, Munsell color readings of ground surfaces, or another image base that accurately depicts the surface color. Ground photography is the least reliable of these three approaches. On four separate field trips to the north-central part of Afghanistan, we acquired ground photographs and Munsell color readings for a variety of ground surfaces, but the field areas did not include the wide range of surface colors found in Afghanistan, especially the desert areas. Therefore, we had to supplement our ground color-sample data with a less direct source of color information.
Process software and version: ENVI 4.x and ArcMap 9.x
Source used: Davis, P. A., 2006, Calibrated Landsat ETM+ nonthermal-band image mosaics of Afghanistan. U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2006-1345, 18 p.
Source used: Kalluri, S., Grant, D., Tucker, C., Policelli, F., Dykstra, J., and Bearden, P., 2000, NASA creates global archive of ortho-rectified Landsat data. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 81, no. 50, p. 609, 617-618.
Source produced: Escadafal, R., Girard, M.-C., and Courault, D., 1989, Munsell soil color and soil reflectance in the visible spectral bands of Landsat MSS and TM data. Remote Sensing of Environment, v. 27, p. 37-46.
Source produced: Goddard, E. N., Trask, P. D., De Ford, R. K., Rove, O. N., Singewald, J. T., and Overbeck, R. M., 1980, GSA Rock Color Chart, Munsell Corporation, 115 color chips,16 p.
Source produced: Munsell Color, 2000, Munsell Soil Color Chart, Baltimore, Maryland, 322 color chips, 22 p.
Process date: 2005-2007
Who did this process
Phil Davis
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