USGS Data Series 252
This report is available as a CD-ROM: Contact the Georgia Water Science Center to obtain the CD-ROM.
Jaime A. Painter and Mark N. Landers
U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 252 (Published March 2007)
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Georgia Water Science Center—in cooperation with Federal, State, and local agencies—collected surface-water streamflow, water-quality, and ecological data during the 2005 Water Year (October 1, 2004–September 30, 2005). These data were compiled into layers of an interactive ArcReaderTM published map document (pmf). ArcReaderTM is a product of Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc (ESRI®). Datasets represented on the interactive map are
The map interface provides the ability to identify a station in spatial reference to the political boundaries of the State of Georgia and other features—such as major streams, major roads, and other collection stations. Each station is hyperlinked to a station summary showing seasonal and annual stream characteristics for the current year and for the period of record. For continuous discharge stations, the station summary includes a one page graphical summary page containing five graphs, a station map, and a photograph of the station. The graphs provide a quick overview of the current and period-of-record hydrologic conditions of the station by providing a daily mean discharge graph for the water year, monthly statistics graph for the water year and period of record, an annual mean streamflow graph for the period of record, an annual minimum 7-day average streamflow graph for the period of record, and an annual peak streamflow graph for the period of record. Additionally, data can be accessed through the layer’s link to the National Water Inventory System Web (NWISWeb) Interface.
This report presents an overview of surface-water streamflow, water-quality, and ecological data collected during the 2005 Water Year. The data-collection networks represented on the interactive map include discharge records of 183 surface-water gaging stations; stage for 204 surface-water gaging stations; precipitation for 169 surface-water gaging stations; elevations for 19 lakes and reservoirs; continuous water-quality records for 67 surface-water stations; annual peak stage and peak discharge for 85 crest-stage partial-record surface-water stations; miscellaneous streamflow measurements at 40 surface-water stations; miscellaneous water-quality data at 262 surface-water stations; and ecological data at 13 surface-water stations in Georgia.
To view and use the published map file (sw_conditions_2005.pmf) the user must install ArcReaderTM. ArcReaderTM can be installed on a Microsoft® Windows® NT, 2000, XP or Vista operating system computer by executing the program arcreader92.exe, which can be downloaded from ESRI® (
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