U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 254

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Note: The Web version of this archive does not contain the SEG-Y Trace files. These files are very large and would require extremely long download times. To obtain the complete DVD archive, contact USGS Information Services at 1-888-ASK-USGS.

Disc Contentsreconstructed 1000-shot locations for line 06c01reconstructed navigation for line 06c01overview.pdflogbookscience.pdfequipment.pdfcrew.pdfoverview.pdfdigitalthumbnailslinenavcruisenavinteractiveprintables06fsh01.txt06fsh01.txtoperation.pdflogbookchirp.tarreadme.txtsoftwaredsgynews.txtdumpsegy.exedumpsegy.txtreadme.txtarc.zipprocnavrawnavequipment.pdfcrew.pdfhandwrittenhtmlusgssuarcprofilesshotnavnavmapsfacsindex.html

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