Data Series 258
Data Series 258
AF | atomic fluorescence |
AL | California Department of Health Services Advisory Level |
CAS | Chemical Abstract Service (American Chemical Society) |
CCV | continuing calibration verification |
CSU | combined standard uncertainty |
DLR | detection level for the purpose of reporting |
DO | dissolved oxygen |
DOC | dissolved organic carbon |
E | estimated value |
GAMA | Ground-Water Ambient Monitoring and Assessment program |
GFAA | Agraphite furnace atomic absorption |
HAL-US | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Lifetime Health Advisory |
HCl | hydrochloric acid |
LRL | laboratory reporting level |
LSD | land-surface datum |
LT-MDL | long-term method detection level |
MCL | maximum contaminant level |
MCL-CA | California Department of Health Services Maximum Contaminant Level |
MCL-US | United States Environmental Protection Agency Maximum Contaminant Level |
MD | method detection level |
MDL | method detection limit |
MRL | minimum reporting level |
MS | Monterey Bay and Salinas Valley Study Unit |
MSMB | Monterey Bay and Salinas Valley Study Unit: Monterey Bay study area |
MSMBFP | Monterey Bay and Salinas Valley Study Unit: Monterey Bay study area flow-path well |
MSMBMW | Monterey Bay and Salinas Valley Study Unit: Monterey Bay study area monitoring well |
MSPR | Monterey Bay and Salinas Valley Study Unit: Paso Robles study area |
MSSC | Monterey Bay and Salinas Valley Study Unit: Santa Cruz study area |
MSSV | Monterey Bay and Salinas Valley Study Unit: Salinas Valley study area |
MTBE | methyl tert-butyl ether |
MU | method uncertainty |
N | normal (1 gram-equivalent per liter of solution) |
na | not available |
NAWQA | National Water-Quality Assessment (USGS) |
nc | sample not collected |
nd | no data |
NDMA | N-nitrosodimethylamine |
NL | California notification level (CADHS) |
No. | number |
PCE | tetrachloroethene |
PMC | percent modern carbon |
QC | quality control |
RSD | relative standard deviation |
SC | specific conductance |
SMCL | secondary maximum contaminant level |
SMCL-CA | California Department of Health Services secondary maximum contaminant level |
SMCL-US | United States Environmental Protection Agency secondary maximum contaminant level |
SMOW | Standard Mean Ocean Water |
SSMDC | sample specific minimum detectable concentration |
TCE | trichloroethene |
TCP | 1,2,3-trichloropropane |
TDS | total dissolved solids |
TT | treatment technique |
UCMR | unregulated contaminant monitoring regulation |
V | value censored due to blank contamination |
VE | estimated value censored due to blank contamination |
VOC | volatile organic compound |
CADHS | California Department of Health Services |
CAEPA | California Environmental Protection Agency |
DWR | California Department of Water Resources |
LLNL | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
MWH | Montgomery Watson-Harza Laboratory |
NCDC | National Climate Data Center |
NRP | National Research Program (USGS) |
NWIS | National Water Information System (USGS) |
NWQL | National Water Quality Laboratory |
USEPA | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency |
USGS | U.S. Geological Survey |
cm3 STP | cubic centimeters at standard temperature and pressure (0 degrees Celsius and 1 atmosphere of pressure) |
δ | delta notation, expressed as per mil |
ft | foot (feet) |
in. | inch (inches) |
kg | kilogram |
L | liter |
lb | pound |
mg | milligram |
mg/L | milligrams per liter |
mi | mile |
mi2 | square mile |
mL | milliliter |
µg | microgram |
µg/L | micrograms per liter |
µL | microliter |
µm | micrometer |
pCi/L | picocuries per liter |
per mil | parts per thousand |
ppb | parts per billion (µg/L) |
ppm | parts per million (mg/L) |
ppt | parts per trillion (µg/mL) |
TU | tritium unit |