Version History for DS 268 Janet M. Carter, Gregory C. Delzer, James A. Kingsbury, Jessica A. Hopple Concentration Data for Anthropogenic Organic Compounds in Ground Water, Surface Water, and Finished Water of Selected Community Water Systems in the United States, 2002-05 Version 1.0: Posted On-line May 27, 2007 Version 1.1: Posted On-line October 19, 2007 The text version was modified. A sentence was added on p. 4 that clarifies that the source-water samples for phase 1 and phase 2 from the Rio Grande Valley (RIOG) study are the same because only one set of samples was collected. Text was changed on p. 8 to reflect that the data for four compounds were “removed” rather than “censored.” The CASRN for 2,4-D on p. 17 was corrected to 94-75-7; the CASRN for picloram on p. 20 was corrected to 1918-02-1; the parameter code for phenol on p. 26 was corrected to 34466. The data set for Appendix 2 was revised. Some non-preferred caffeine data were censored on the “Personal care products” worksheet. This change affected the gw.personal.txt file. Three records were removed from the data set because they were not collected for the an SWQA study. The deleted samples were (1) HPGW 415000097273001 on February 21, 2003 at 1305; (2) RIOG 351025106341601 on May 2, 2005 at 1200; and (3) RIOG 351025106341601 on May 19, 2005 at 1100. A note was added to the “Documentation and abbreviations” worksheet that clarifies that the source- water samples for phase 1 and phase 2 from the Rio Grande Valley (RIOG) study are the same because only one set of samples was collected. Remark code “C” for censored was changed to “R” for removed. The data set for Appendix 3 was revised. The analytical results from the Kansas Laboratory for the herbicides alachlor and metolachlor were replaced with results from the National Water Quality Laboratory (NWQL). The Kansas laboratory has higher reporting levels than the National Water Quality Laboratory (NWQL). This change affected the files swdata.xls and sw.herbicide.txt. In addition, the sample type for some quality-assurance/quality-control data were revised. Remark code “C” for censored was changed to “R” for removed. Version 1.2: Posted On-line March 18, 2008 The data set for Appendix 3 was revised to correct the station identification numbers for stations 14211005 and 14211006. ________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.3: Posted On-line May 30, 2008 The data sets for Appendixes 2 and 3 were revised. For compounds detected in 50 percent or more of an individual Study Unit’s field blank samples, all environmental and quality-control data for that Study Unit were removed in Appendixes 2 and 3 by coding concentrations with an “R.” After removal of these data, compounds detected in 5 percent or more of all field blank samples were evaluated, and all detections of those compounds in environmental samples that were less than or equal to the highest blank concentration were censored by coding environmental concentrations with a “C<” in the remark columns and by changing the concentration to the highest blank concentration. A note was added to the “Documentation and abbreviations” worksheet for gwdata.xls and swdata.xls that explains the additional censoring or removal of data from the report. The text of the report also was revised to include a description of the additional censoring or removal of data from the report. ________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.4: Posted On-line July 17, 2009 The text version was modified. The principal aquifers listed in table 1 were revised for the CONN, TRIN, and UMIS (map number 13) Study Units. In table 2 for the PODL Study Unit, the Potomac River location was changed from Virginia to Maryland. Appendix 2 was revised to replace the 15-digit station identification number with a unique station identification number. The principal aquifers listed in Appendix 2 were corrected to match revisions in table 1. Appendix 3 was revised to correct the location of the Potomac River to Maryland.