Data Series 282
Summary of Suspended-Sediment Concentration Data, San Francisco Bay, California, Water Year 2005
Prepared in cooperation with the CALFED Bay–Delta Authority and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco District
By Paul A. Buchanan and Megan A. Lionberger
Table of Contents
Conversion Factors, Datum, Abbreviations, and Acronyms
Sensor Calibration and Suspended-Sediment Concentration Data
References Cited
Figure 1. San Francisco Bay study area, California.
Figure 2. Typical monitoring installation, San Francisco Bay study.
Figure 3. Example of raw and processed optical data, mid-depth sensor, Mare Island Causeway, San Pablo Bay, California, water year 2005.
Figure 4. Calibration of near-surface and near-bottom optical sensors at Mallard Island, Suisun Bay, California, water year 2005.
Figure 5. Graphs showing time series of near-surface and near-bottom suspended-sediment concentrations calculated from sensor readings at Mallard Island, Suisun Bay, California, water year 2005.
Figure 6. Graph showing calibration of near-surface optical sensor at Benicia Bridge, Suisun Bay, California, water year 2005.
Figure 7. Graphs showing calibration of near-bottom optical sensors, October 1–November 23 and November 23–September 30 at Benicia Bridge, Suisun Bay, California, water year 2005.
Figure 8. Graphs showing time series of near-surface and near-bottom suspended-sediment concentrations calculated from sensor readings at Benicia Bridge, Suisun Bay, California, water year 2005.
Figure 9. Graphs showing calibration of mid-depth and near-bottom optical sensors at Carquinez Bridge, San Pablo Bay, California, water year 2005.
Figure 10. Graphs showing time series of mid-depth and near-bottom suspended-sediment concentrations calculated from sensor readings at Carquinez Bridge, San Pablo Bay, California, water year 2005.
Figure 11. Graph showing calibration of mid-depth optical sensor at Mare Island Causeway, San Pablo Bay, California, water year 2005 .
Figure 12. Graphs showing calibrations of near-bottom optical sensors, October 1–March 29 and March 29–September 30 at Mare Island Causeway, San Pablo Bay, California, water year 2005.
Figure 13. Graphs showing time series of mid-depth and near-bottom suspended-sediment concentrations calculated from sensor readings at Mare Island Causeway, San Pablo Bay, California, water year 2005.
Figure 14. Graph showing calibration of mid-depth optical sensor at Channel Marker 1, San Pablo Bay, California, water year 2005.
Figure 15. Graph showing time series of mid-depth suspended-sediment concentrations calculated from sensor readings at Channel Marker 1, San Pablo Bay, California, water year 2005.
Figure 16. Graphs showing calibration of mid-depth and near-bottom optical sensors at Point San Pablo, Central San Francisco Bay, California, water year 2005.
Figure 17. Graphs showing time series of mid-depth and near-bottom suspended-sediment concentrations calculated from sensor readings at Point San Pablo, Central San Francisco Bay, California, water year 2005.
Figure 18. Graph showing calibration of mid-depth optical sensor at Alcatraz Island, Central San Francisco Bay, California, water year 2005.
Figure 19. Graph showing time series of mid-depth suspended-sediment concentrations calculated from sensor readings at Alcatraz Island, Central San Francisco Bay, California, water year 2005.
Figure 20. Graphs showing calibration of mid-depth and near-bottom optical sensors at San Mateo Bridge, South San Francisco Bay, California, water year 2005.
Figure 21. Graphs showing time series of mid-depth and near-bottom suspended-sediment concentrations calculated from sensor readings at San Mateo Bridge, South San Francisco Bay, California, water year 2005.
Figure 22. Graphs showing calibration of mid-depth optical sensors, October 1–July 28 and July 28 –September 30 at Dumbarton Bridge, South San Francisco Bay, California, water year 2005.
Figure 23. Graphs showing calibration of near-bottom optical sensors, October 1–March 30, March 30–July 28 and July 28 –September 30 at Dumbarton Bridge, South San Francisco Bay, California, water year 2005 .
Figure 24. Graphs showing time series of mid-depth and near-bottom suspended-sediment concentrations calculated from sensor readings at Dumbarton Bridge, South San Francisco Bay, California, water year 2005 .
Figure 25. Graphs showing calibration of mid-depth optical sensors, October 13–April 20 and April 20–September 30 at Channel Marker 17, South San Francisco Bay, California, water year 2005.
Figure 26. Graphs showing calibration of near-bottom optical sensors, October 1–March 30 and April 20 –September 30 at Channel Marker 17, South San Francisco Bay, California, water year 2005.
Figure 27. Graphs showing time series of mid-depth and near-bottom suspended-sediment concentrations calculated from sensor readings at Channel Marker 17, South San Francisco Bay, California, water year 2005.
Table 1. Optical sensor depths (in feet) below mean lower low water (MLLW), Suisun Bay, San Pablo Bay, and Central and South San Francisco Bays, California, water year 2005.
Table 2. Statistical summary of calculated suspended-sediment concentration data and usable percentage of a complete year of valid data (96 data points per day x 365 days) collected using optical sensors, Suisun Bay, San Pablo Bay, and Central and South San Francisco Bays, California, water year 2005.
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Send questions or comments about this report to the author, Paul Buchanan, (916) 278-3121.
For more information about USGS activities in California, visit the USGS California Water Science Center home page.