Data Series 283
Data Series 283
To help define baseline water quality of key water resources at Pinnacles National Monument, California, the U.S. Geological Survey collected and analyzed ground water from seven springs sampled during June 2006. During the dry season, seeps and springs are the primary source of water for wildlife in the monument and provide habitat for plants, amphibians, and aquatic life. Water samples were analyzed for dissolved concentrations of major ions, trace elements, nutrients, stable isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen, and tritium. In most cases, the concentrations of measured water-quality constituents in spring samples were lower than California threshold standards for drinking water and Federal threshold standards for drinking water and aquatic life. The concentrations of dissolved arsenic in three springs were above the Federal Maximum Contaminant Level for drinking water (10 μg/L). Water-quality information for samples collected from the springs will provide a reference point for comparison of samples collected from future monitoring networks and hydrologic studies in the Pinnacles National Monument, and will help National Park Service managers assess relations between water chemistry, geology, and land use.