Data Series 283
Data Series 283
This data report summarizes the objectives, sampling plan, and sampling and analysis protocols used by the U.S. Geological Survey in conducting the level-one baseline water-quality inventory of springs at Pinnacles National Monument. The resulting water-quality data indicate that the seven sampled springs are of generally good quality, although three of the springs had dissolved arsenic concentrations that were higher than the USEPA drinking water standard of 10 µg/L that took effect on January 23, 2006. The data collected in this study provide baseline water-quality information that can be used in conjunction with future water-quality data to assess temporal chemical trends. The data also provide information that will facilitate future study of ground-water-flow systems, stream-aquifer interactions, and wetlands. Ultimately, these data and future studies will improve the understanding of ground-water-flow systems that must be considered during the resource management decision-making process by National Park Service staff at Pinnacles National Monument.