USGS - science for a changing world

Data Series 286

Data Series 286

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Table 3. Summary of monthly median concentrations of organic chemical compounds in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) from Las Vegas Bay and Overton Arm, Lake Mead, Nevada, May 1999–May 2000.

[Units for all analytes in microgram per kilogram of fish tissue, wet weight. Abbreviations: HCB, hexachlorobenzene; HCH, hexaclorocyclohexine; o,p´-DDE, dichlorodiphenyldicloroethene; o,p´-DDD, dichlorodiphenyldicloroethane; PCA, pentachloroanisole; PCB, polychlorinated biphenyl; p,p´-DDD, 2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)-1, 1-dichloroethane; p,p´-DDE, 1.1-dichloro-2,2bis(p-chlorophenyl) ethylene; ND, not detected above reporting limit. Symbols: α, alpha; β, beta; δ, delta; γ, gamma; o, ortho, p, para]

Sex Site Sample size Percent lipid Triflur-alin α-HCH HCB PCA β-HCH γ-HCH δ-HCH Chlor-pyrifos Dacthal Octachloro-styrene Heptachlor epoxide
May 1999
Male Las Vegas Bay (14) 8.5 ND 1.55 5.00 3.05 ND 3.55 5.75 0.55 3.75 1.70 0.30
Male Overton Arm (15) 7.0 ND ND .01 ND ND ND ND ND 3.00 ND ND
Female Las Vegas Bay (16) 8.3 ND 2.15 3.95 2.15 6.35 2.90 7.15 ND 3.40 1.15 ND
Female Overton Arm (15) 5.4 ND ND .29 ND ND ND ND ND 3.40 ND ND
June 1999
Male Las Vegas Bay (15) 5.5 ND 0.68 0.42 ND 3.80 ND ND 1.60 2.70 ND 0.62
Male Overton Arm (14) 6.0 ND ND .73 ND ND ND ND 1.45 3.45 ND ND
September 1999
Male Las Vegas Bay (10) 8.1 0.46 ND 2.64 0.32 ND ND ND 0.66 1.56 3.00 ND
November 1999
Male Las Vegas Bay (10) 6.7 0.67 1.07 3.90 0.45 1.54 0.97 1.96 0.95 1.34 5.33 ND
January 2000
Male Las Vegas Bay (9) 12.7 ND 1.15 2.00 0.81 3.24 1.84 1.87 0.95 1.68 1.81 ND
March 2000
Male Las Vegas Bay (10) 11.5 ND 6.95 8.95 3.80 7.00 9.90 4.55 8.65 5.95 14.50 ND
May 2000
Male Las Vegas Bay (13) 10.2 ND 8.50 7.10 1.60 ND 6.00 ND 5.50 5.00 12.00 ND
Sex Site Sample size Oxy-chlordane trans-chlordane o,p’-DDE cis-chlordane trans-nonachlor p,p’-DDE Dieldrin o,p’-DDD p,p’-DDD cis-non-achlor Total PCB
May 1999
Male Las Vegas Bay (14) 1.25 5.00 23.20 7.50 6.45 115.50 3.90 19.50 13.00 1.45 2,920.0
Male Overton Arm (15) ND .05 ND .37 1.00 12.00 ND ND ND .40 26.0
Female Las Vegas Bay (16) .93 3.55 16.00 5.65 5.60 88.50 ND 14.50 13.00 2.15 187.5
Female Overton Arm (15) ND ND ND ND ND 4.80 ND ND ND ND 9.5
June 1999
Male Las Vegas Bay (15) 1.00 1.10 0.96 1.70 2.20 50.00 1.40 7.90 2.20 1.10 156.0
Male Overton Arm (14) .99 .16 ND .49 1.50 14.50 1.20 ND ND .19 23.1
September 1999
Male Las Vegas Bay (10) 0.10 0.97 8.08 1.36 3.22 87.95 1.25 2.57 5.27 0.71 176.5
November 1999
Male Las Vegas Bay (10) ND 2.20 30.90 2.85 4.41 162.50 0.97 7.79 14.18 1.05 288.0
January 2000
Male Las Vegas Bay (9) ND 0.66 5.30 0.97 2.28 103.00 0.96 1.54 5.19 0.51 290.0
March 2000
Male Las Vegas Bay (10) ND 7.85 62.50 11.50 13.50 380.00 2.05 38.00 ND 4.80 480.5
May 2000
Male Las Vegas Bay (13) ND 6.60 32.00 13.00 14.00 410.00 ND ND ND 4.40 392.0

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