1974 Lava Fountains Telephoto view to the south across Kilauea Caldera from the U.S. Geological Survey Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, July 19, 1974, 1:25 p.m. Lava fountains as high as 25 m on the skyline south of Keanakakoi Crater feed lava cascading in to the crater. Three en echelon fissure fountains are active north of Keanakakoi. Low fountains at the crater's north rim feed flows that have just cut the Crater Rim Road, middle fountains feed fluid pahoehoe lavas into a gully on the right. High fountains on the floor of Kilauea Crater (foreground) mark the easternmost extent of the caldera-floor fountains that extend more than a kilometer west of this photo. Photograph by J. C. Forbes. |