
This report provides summarized physical, chemical, and biological stream data collected at 30 stream sites along an urban gradient in central North Carolina during 2002–2003. These data were collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program study on the effects of urbanization on stream ecosystems (EUSE), which examines the magnitude and pattern of response in stream biological communities, hydrology, habitat, and water chemistry as basins are urbanized near 10 metropolitan areas throughout the United States (fig. 1). The presented data are from one of these metropolitan areas; namely, the Raleigh-Durham and associated metropolitan areas in North Carolina. Understanding the interrelationships of urban land use and physical, chemical, and biological stream responses may contribute to informed decisions that result in practical and effective water-resource management and strategies to protect and restore stream ecosystems. Further information about the urban streams program can be found at

Map of United States showing study locations in Seattle-Tacoma, Portland, Salt Lake City, Denver, Dallas-Fort Worth, Milwaukee-Green Bay, Birmingham, Atlanta, Raleigh, and Boston
Figure 1. Locations of urban study areas.