Revision History for U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 285 By Barbara J. Milby Dawson, George L. Bennett V, and Kenneth Belitz Ground-Water Quality Data in the Southern Sacramento Valley, California, 2005—Results from the California GAMA Program ----------------------------------------------------- Posted online August 07, 2018 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted August 07, 2018, version 1.1 Page 1. Sixth paragraph in the Abstract section. "Volatile organic compounds were detected in 49 out of 83 wells sampled and pesticides were detected in 35 out of 82 wells..." was changed to "Volatile organic compounds were detected in 49 out of 83 wells sampled and pesticides were detected in 34 out of 82 wells..." Page 12. Paragraph was added after first paragraph on page. The paragraph added was "One constituent, oxamyl, was detected in 7 of the 9 monitoring wells sampled in this study at levels below or near the reporting level with values ranging from 0.01 to 0.08 µg/L. Oxamyl was also detected in an associated field blank. Because oxamyl was detected in a field blank, was detected at levels below or near the reporting level, was detected in 7 of the 9 monitoring wells sampled with the same sampling equipment, and is very rarely detected in groundwater, oxymyl has been determined to be of QC concern. All oxamyl values were censored and reported as nondetections and flagged with a “V” remark code." Page 20. First paragraph of Pesticide Compounds section. "Of the additional 59 pesticide compounds analyzed in samples from selected wells, 10 were detected at least once (table 12B)." was changed to "Of the additional 59 pesticide compounds analyzed in samples from selected wells, 9 were detected at least once (table 12B)." Second paragraph of Pesticide Compounds section. "Of the 82 wells sampled, 35 had at least one detection of any pesticide compound (tables 12A and 12B). The following pesticide compounds were censored on the basis of QC analysis and were not reported here: benfluralin, DCPA, and trifluralin." was changed to "Of the 82 wells sampled, 34 had at least one detection of any pesticide compound (tables 12A and 12B). The following pesticide compounds were censored on the basis of QC analysis and were not reported here: benfluralin, DCPA, and trifluralin." Page 22. Added new reference. Bennett, G.L., V, Fram, M.S., and Belitz, Kenneth, 2011, Status of groundwater quality in the Southern, Middle, and Northern Sacramento Valley study units, 2005–08—California GAMA Priority Basin Project: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2011–5002, 120 p. Page 36. Table 3C. For constituent "Oxamyl," in column "Detected in groundwater samples in this study," the data was changed from "yes" to "no." Page 47. Table 6. A row was added for constituent "Oxamyl." Footnote 2 was added. Page 72. Table 12B. Removed Insecticide column with constituent "Oxamyl." Removed Nongrid well NAMFP-10 row.