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Data Series 306

Publications Warehouse Data Series 306

National Water-Quality Assessment Program

Riparian Land Use/Land Cover Data for Five Study Units in the Nutrient Enrichment Effects Topical Study of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program

By Michaela R. Johnson, Gary R. Buell, Moon H. Kim, and Mark R. Nardi

Data Series 306 Contents | Citation


This dataset was developed as part of the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program, Nutrient Enrichment Effects Topical (NEET) study for five study units distributed across the United States: Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, Central Columbia Plateau-Yakima River Basin, Central Nebraska Basins, Potomac River Basin and Delmarva Peninsula, and White, Great and Little Miami River Basins. One hundred forty-three stream reaches were examined as part of the NEET study conducted 2003–04. Stream segments, with lengths equal to the logarithm of the basin area, were delineated upstream from the downstream ends of the stream reaches with the use of digital orthophoto quarter quadrangles (DOQQ) or selected from the high-resolution National Hydrography Dataset (NHD). Use of the NHD was necessary when the stream was not distinguishable in the DOQQ because of dense tree canopy. The analysis area for each stream segment was defined by a buffer beginning at the segment extending to 250 meters lateral to the stream segment. Delineation of land use/land cover (LULC) map units within stream segment buffers was conducted using on-screen digitizing of riparian LULC classes interpreted from the DOQQ. LULC units were mapped using a classification strategy consisting of nine classes. National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) data were used to aid in wetland classification. Longitudinal transect sampling lines offset from the stream segments were generated and partitioned into the underlying LULC types. These longitudinal samples yielded the relative linear extent and sequence of each LULC type within the riparian zone at the segment scale. The resulting areal and linear LULC data filled in the spatial-scale gap between the 30-meter resolution of the National Land Cover Dataset and the reach-level habitat assessment data collected onsite routinely for NAWQA ecological sampling. The final data consisted of 12 geospatial datasets: LULC within 25 meters of the stream reach (polygon); LULC within 50 meters of the stream reach (polygon); LULC within 50 meters of the stream segment (polygon); LULC within 100 meters of the stream segment (polygon); LULC within 150 meters of the stream segment (polygon); LULC within 250 meters of the stream segment (polygon); frequency of gaps in woody vegetation LULC at the reach scale (arc); stream reaches (arc); longitudinal LULC at the reach scale (arc); frequency of gaps in woody vegetation LULC at the segment scale (arc); stream segments (arc); and longitudinal LULC at the segment scale (arc).

Posted December 2007

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Purpose and Scope
Riparian Land Use/Land Cover Data
References Cited

Report Citation

Johnson, M.R., Buell, G.R., Kim, M.H., and Nardi, M.R., 2007, Riparian land use/land cover data for five study units in the Nutrient Enrichment Effects Topical study of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 306, 9 p.

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