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Originator: Yael Sagy
Originator: David Finlayson

Publication_Date: 2007


bat_west.txt - Sidescan sonar bathymetry image of the entier region
Edition: (Version 1.0, May 15, 2007)

Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: map



Originator: Jonathan Warrick
Originator: Guy R. Cochrane
Originator: Yael Sagy
Originator: David Finlayson
Originator: Jodi Harney

Publication_Date: 2006 (publication in process)

Sea-Floor Mapping and Benthic Habitat GIS at the mouth of the Elwha River, Washington.

Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: map


Series_Name: USGS Data Series

Issue_Identification: 320


Publication_Place: Santa Cruz, CA

Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey

Online_Linkage: <URL:>



The sonar bathymetry image of the nearshore seafloor (0 to 80 m water depths)
of the Elwha River mouth area was mosaicked from data collected
in 2005. A 234 kHz Interferometric Submetix Swath Bathy Sonar System; SEA Swath Processor,
v. 2.05, SEA Grid Processor v. 2.05, was used for geophysical surveying.
The 2005 survey was navigated with a CodaOctopus, Model F180, Differential Global
Positioning System (DGPS). A KVH Industries Inc. azimuth digital
gyro-compass provided ship headings with 0.5 degree accuracy. Navigation
data were recorded using Yo-Nav version 1.19 (Gann, 1992). The sidescan
fish was towed approximately 30 m above the seafloor. The distance of
the fish behind the ship was not known during this survey and must be
estimated when the data are processed in order to produce the sidescan
image mosaics. The resolution of the processed data mosaics is 1 m.
This is one of a collection of digital files of a geographic
information system of spatially referenced data related to
the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program Nearshore Benthic Habitat Mapping
Project. See <> for more information.


These data are intended for science researchers, students, policy
makers, and the general public. The data can be
used with geographic information systems (GIS) software
to display geologic and oceanographic information.


Additional information about the field activities from
which this data set was derived are available online at <>

Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes
only and does not imply endorsement by the
U.S. Government.ent.

Although this Federal Geographic Data Committee-compliant metadata
file is intended to document the data set in nonproprietary form,
as well as in ArcInfo format, this metadata file may include some
ArcInfo-specific terminology.




Beginning_Date: 20050315

Ending_Date: 20050331

Currentness_Reference: Ground Condition


Progress: Complete

Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: As Needed



West_Bounding_Coordinate: -123.636582

East_Bounding_Coordinate: -123.542726

North_Bounding_Coordinate: 48.170833

South_Bounding_Coordinate: 48.136590



Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: None

Theme_Keyword: Coastal Geology

Theme_Keyword: Marine Geology

Theme_Keyword: sidescan sonar

Theme_Keyword: remote-sensing image

Theme_Keyword: MIPS


Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Place_Keyword: Washington
Place_Keyword: North Pacific Ocean
Place_Keyword: Northern Pacific Ocean
Place_Keyword: USA
Place_Keyword: Olympic National Park
Place_Keyword: Freshwater Bay
Place_Keyword: Elwha River
Place_Keyword: Ediz Hook
Place_Keyword: Juan de Fuca Straits
Place_Keyword: Port Angeles

Access_Constraints: None

Use_Constraints: None

Contact_Person: Guy R. Cochrane
United States Geological Survey (USGS) Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP)
Contact_Position: Geophysicist
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: USGS, 400 Natural Bridges Drive
City: Santa Cruz
State_or_Province: CA
Postal_Code: 95060-5792
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: (831) 427-4754
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: (831) 427-4748

The authors would like to thank, Larry Kooker, Mike Boyle, Gerry Hatcher, Dave Hogg, and Hank Chezar at the USGS Marine Facility (Redwood City, CA) contributed field support and logistical support. Andrew Stevenson from the USGS Coastal and Marine Program. The R/V Karluk was piloted by Katherine Peet from NOAA.
SunOS, 5.8, sun4u UNIX
Windows XP Professional, v. 2002, service pack 2
SEA Grid Processor v. 2.051
ArcGIS version 9.1

Attribute_Accuracy_Report: unknown
Logical_Consistency_Report: Logical Consistency untested
Completeness_Report: unknown
Horizontal_Positional_Accuracy_Report: On the order of 10 meters

The following processing steps were applied in the same manner to all of the three bathymetry grids: bat_east, bat_mid, and bat_west. Started with .sxr files that were the output from A 234 kHz Interferometric Submetrix
Sonar System. We used Swath Processor (SEA SWATH_Plus) to process the sonar data. The .sxr files were imported into SEA SWath Processor, inserting adjustments and offset information such as ship's motion, tides, velocity of sound profiles, and relative sensor positions. Lines were processed one by one and filter parameters were adjusted for each area and julian date that the data was collected. The output is a .txt file that was leter on grided and converted to an ESRGRID using Grid Processor and DMAgic softwares. In the following we describe all the parameters used in Swath Processor listed by area and Julian date (in output file format choose ASCII file and Attitude and Position):
EdizHook Day 03.15.2005 (Julian day 74); Bathy filters; Low-Amp = 20000, Range; Near Range (Max. Amplitude) = 3 m, Near Range (Min. Amplitude) = 5 m, Phase Confidence = 50 %, Phase Smooth; Number of Points = 3, Angle Proximity; Window = 25, Range = 0.1, threshold = 7, Minimum elevation = -90 degree, Box; Min. Depth = 2 m, Max. Depth = 90 m, Median; Sample Window size = 3, Along track 1; Max. Depth Difference = 3 m, Window Size = 2 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Along track 2; Learn Rate = 0.6, Mean; Window size = 1 m. Set Filters; Approximate water Depth = 15 m, Maximum Range Required = 251 m, Seabed Variation = Flat, Filter Level = Light. Speed of sound; SOS Form; SOS table, Use of SOS Table; Full ray tracing, Default SOS; 1481. 1; Position; 467555 E 5332648 N, Time (HMS); 18;20;0, DMY; 15.3.2005.
Day 03.16.2005 (Julian day 75); Bathy filters; Low-Amp = 110, Range; Near Range (Max. Amplitude) = 2 m, Near Range (Min. Amplitude) = 5 m, Phase Confidence = 50 %, Phase Smooth; Number of Points = 3, Angle Proximity; Window = 25, Range = 0.2, threshold = 7, Minimum elevation = -90 degree, Box; Min. Depth = 2 m, Max. Depth = 80 m, Median; Sample Window size = 3, Along track 1; Max. Depth Difference = 1 m, Window Size = 2 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Along track 2; Max. Depth Difference = 0.3 m, Window Size = 2 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Mean; Window size = 1 m. Set Filters; Approximate water Depth = 15 m, Maximum Range Required = 251 m, Seabed Variation = Flat, Filter Level = Light. Speed of sound; SOS Form; Auxiliary Port, Use of SOS Table; Full ray tracing, Default SOS; 1481. 1; Position; 467555 E 5332648 N, Time (HMS); 18;20;0, DMY; 15.3.2005.
Day 03.19.2005 (Julian day 78); Bathy filters; Low-Amp = 110, Range; Near Range (Max. Amplitude) = 1 m, Near Range (Min. Amplitude) = 2 m, Phase Confidence = 40 %, Phase Smooth; Number of Points = 3, Angle Proximity; Window = 15, Range = 0.1, threshold = 5, Minimum elevation = -90 degree, Box; Min. Depth = 1 m, Max. Depth = 25 m, Min. Horiz. Range = 0 m, Max. Horiz. Range = 80 m, Median; Sample Window size = 3, Along track 1; Max. Depth Difference = 3 m, Window Size = 10 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Along track 2; Max. Depth Difference = 0.5 m, Window Size = 2 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Mean; Window size = 1 m. Set Filters; Approximate water Depth = 5 m, Maximum Range Required = 80 m, Seabed Variation = Flat, Filter Level = Medium. Speed of sound; SOS Form; Auxiliary Port, Use of SOS Table; Full ray tracing, Default SOS; 1481. 1; Position; 455822 E 5332255 N, Time (HMS); 19;00;0, DMY; 18.3.2005. 2; Position; 456198 E 5332224 N, Time (HMS); 22;30;0, DMY; 17.3.2005. 3; Position; 465180 E 5332059 N, Time (HMS); 18;00;0, DMY; 19.3.2005.
Day 03.21.2005 (Julian day 80); Bathy filters; Low-Amp = 110, Range; Near Range (Max. Amplitude) = 2 m, Near Range (Min. Amplitude) = 4 m, Phase Confidence = 50 %, Phase Smooth; Number of Points = 3, Angle Proximity; Window = 25, Range = 0.1, threshold = 7, Minimum elevation = -90 degree, Box; Min. Depth = 3 m, Max. Depth = 40 m, Median; Sample Window size = 3, Along track 1; Max. Depth Difference = 3 m, Window Size = 5 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Along track 2; Max. Depth Difference = 1 m, Window Size = 2 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Mean; Window size = 1 m. Set Filters; Approximate water Depth = 5 m, Maximum Range Required = 80 m, Seabed Variation = Flat, Filter Level = Medium. Speed of sound; SOS Form; Auxiliary Port, Use of SOS Table; Full ray tracing, Default SOS; 1481. 1; Position; 455822 E 5332255 N, Time (HMS); 19;00;0, DMY; 18.3.2005. 2; Position; 456198 E 5332224 N, Time (HMS); 22;30;0, DMY; 17.3.2005. 3; Position; 465180 E 5332059 N, Time (HMS); 18;00;0, DMY; 19.3.2005. 4; Position; 458858 E 5333511 N, Time (HMS); 18;20;0, DMY; 21.3.2005.
Day 03.27.2005 (Julian day 86); Bathy filters; Low-Amp = 110, Range; Near Range (Max. Amplitude) = 2 m, Near Range (Min. Amplitude) = 4 m, Phase Confidence = 42 %, Phase Smooth; Number of Points = 3, Angle Proximity; Window = 5, Range = 0.3, threshold = 2, Minimum elevation = -90 degree, Box; Min. Depth = 1 m, Max. Depth = 15 m, Median; Sample Window size = 3, Along track 1; Max. Depth Difference = 2 m, Window Size = 5 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Along track 2; Max. Depth Difference = 0.5 m, Window Size = 2 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Mean; Window size = 1 m. Set Filters; Approximate water Depth = 5 m, Maximum Range Required = 80 m, Seabed Variation = Flat, Filter Level = Medium. Speed of sound; SOS Form; Auxiliary Port, Use of SOS Table; Full ray tracing, Default SOS; 1481. 1; Position; 454066 E 5332807 N, Time (HMS); 21;30;0, DMY; 27.3.2005.
Elwha Day 03.17.2005 (Julian day 76); Bathy filters; Low-Amp = 100, Range; Near Range (Max. Amplitude) = 2 m, Near Range (Min. Amplitude) = 4 m, Phase Confidence = 42 %, Phase Smooth; Number of Points = 3, Angle Proximity; Window = 25, Range = 0.1, threshold = 7, Minimum elevation = -90 degree, Box; Min. Depth = 1 m, Max. Depth = 40 m, Median; Sample Window size = 3, Along track 1; Max. Depth Difference = 2 m, Window Size = 7 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Along track 2; Max. Depth Difference = 0.5 m, Window Size = 2 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Mean; Window size = 1 m. Set Filters; Approximate water Depth = 15 m, Maximum Range Required = 251 m, Seabed Variation = Flat, Filter Level = Light. Speed of sound; SOS Form; Auxiliary Port, Use of SOS Table; First value in table, Default SOS; 1481. 1; Position; 458233 E 5334156 N, Time (HMS); 18;50;0, DMY; 17.3.2005 (SVP 4). 2; Position; 456198 E 5332224 N, Time (HMS); 22;30;0, DMY; 17.3.2005.
Day 03.18.2005 (Julian day 77); Bathy filters; Low-Amp = 110, Range; Near Range (Max. Amplitude) = 5 m, Near Range (Min. Amplitude) = 9 m, Phase Confidence = 42 %, Phase Smooth; Number of Points = 3, Angle Proximity; Window = 25, Range = 0.1, threshold = 3, Minimum elevation = -90 degree, Box; Min. Depth = 10 m, Max. Depth = 40 m, Median; Sample Window size = 3, Along track 1; Max. Depth Difference = 3 m, Window Size = 7 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Along track 2; Max. Depth Difference = 0.5 m, Window Size = 2 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Mean; Window size = 1 m. Set Filters; Approximate water Depth = 15 m, Maximum Range Required = 251 m, Seabed Variation = Flat, Filter Level = Light. Speed of sound; SOS Form; Auxiliary Port, Use of SOS Table; Full ray tracing, Default SOS; 1481. 1; Position; 455822 E 5332255 N, Time (HMS); 19;00;0, DMY; 18.3.2005.
Day 03.19.2005 (Julian day 78); Bathy filters; Low-Amp = 110, Range; Near Range (Max. Amplitude) = 1 m, Near Range (Min. Amplitude) = 2 m, Phase Confidence = 40 %, Phase Smooth; Number of Points = 3, Angle Proximity; Window = 15, Range = 0.1, threshold = 5, Minimum elevation = -90 degree, Box; Min. Depth = 1 m, Max. Depth = 25 m, Min. Horiz. Range = 0 m, Max. Horiz. Range = 80 m, Median; Sample Window size = 3, Along track 1; Max. Depth Difference = 3 m, Window Size = 10 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Along track 2; Max. Depth Difference = 0.5 m, Window Size = 2 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Mean; Window size = 1 m. Set Filters; Approximate water Depth = 5 m, Maximum Range Required = 80 m, Seabed Variation = Flat, Filter Level = Medium. Speed of sound; SOS Form; Auxiliary Port, Use of SOS Table; Full ray tracing, Default SOS; 1481. 1; Position; 455822 E 5332255 N, Time (HMS); 19;00;0, DMY; 18.3.2005. 2; Position; 456198 E 5332224 N, Time (HMS); 22;30;0, DMY; 17.3.2005. 3; Position; 465180 E 5332059 N, Time (HMS); 18;00;0, DMY; 19.3.2005.
Day 03.21.2005 (Julian day 80); Bathy filters; Low-Amp = 110, Range; Near Range (Max. Amplitude) = 2 m, Near Range (Min. Amplitude) = 4 m, Phase Confidence = 50 %, Phase Smooth; Number of Points = 3, Angle Proximity; Window = 25, Range = 0.1, threshold = 7, Minimum elevation = -90 degree, Box; Min. Depth = 3 m, Max. Depth = 40 m, Median; Sample Window size = 3, Along track 1; Max. Depth Difference = 3 m, Window Size = 5 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Along track 2; Max. Depth Difference = 1 m, Window Size = 2 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Mean; Window size = 1 m. Set Filters; Approximate water Depth = 5 m, Maximum Range Required = 80 m, Seabed Variation = Flat, Filter Level = Medium. Speed of sound; SOS Form; Auxiliary Port, Use of SOS Table; Full ray tracing, Default SOS; 1481. 1; Position; 455822 E 5332255 N, Time (HMS); 19;00;0, DMY; 18.3.2005. 2; Position; 456198 E 5332224 N, Time (HMS); 22;30;0, DMY; 17.3.2005. 3; Position; 465180 E 5332059 N, Time (HMS); 18;00;0, DMY; 19.3.2005. 4; Position; 458858 E 5333511 N, Time (HMS); 18;20;0, DMY; 21.3.2005.
Day 03.25.2005 (Julian day 84); Bathy filters; Low-Amp = 110, Range; Near Range (Max. Amplitude) = 2 m, Near Range (Min. Amplitude) = 3 m, Phase Confidence = 50 %, Phase Smooth; Number of Points = 3, Angle Proximity; Window = 25, Range = 0.1, threshold = 7, Minimum elevation = -90 degree, Box; Min. Depth = 3 m, Max. Depth = 45 m, Median; Sample Window size = 3, Along track 1; Max. Depth Difference = 2 m, Window Size = 5 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Along track 2; Max. Depth Difference = 0.5 m, Window Size = 2 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Mean; Window size = 1 m. Set Filters; Approximate water Depth = 5 m, Maximum Range Required = 80 m, Seabed Variation = Flat, Filter Level = Medium. Speed of sound; SOS Form; Auxiliary Port, Use of SOS Table; Full ray tracing, Default SOS; 1481. 1; Position; 452746 E 5333399 N, Time (HMS); 21;00;0, DMY; 25.3.2005.
Day 03.27.2005 (Julian day 86); Bathy filters; Low-Amp = 110, Range; Near Range (Max. Amplitude) = 2 m, Near Range (Min. Amplitude) = 4 m, Phase Confidence = 50 %, Phase Smooth; Number of Points = 3, Angle Proximity; Window = 25, Range = 0.1, threshold = 7, Minimum elevation = -90 degree, Box; Min. Depth = 1 m, Max. Depth = 15 m, Median; Sample Window size = 3, Along track 1; Max. Depth Difference = 2 m, Window Size = 5 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Along track 2; Max. Depth Difference = 0.5 m, Window Size = 2 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Mean; Window size = 1 m. Set Filters; Approximate water Depth = 5 m, Maximum Range Required = 80 m, Seabed Variation = Flat, Filter Level = Medium. Speed of sound; SOS Form; Auxiliary Port, Use of SOS Table; Full ray tracing, Default SOS; 1481. 1; Position; 454066 E 5332807 N, Time (HMS); 21;30;0, DMY; 27.3.2005.
ElwhaEast Day 03.17.2005 (Julian day 76); Bathy filters; Low-Amp = 100, Range; Near Range (Max. Amplitude) = 2 m, Near Range (Min. Amplitude) = 4 m, Phase Confidence = 42 %, Phase Smooth; Number of Points = 3, Angle Proximity; Window = 25, Range = 0.1, threshold = 7, Minimum elevation = -90 degree, Box; Min. Depth = 1 m, Max. Depth = 40 m, Median; Sample Window size = 3, Along track 1; Max. Depth Difference = 2 m, Window Size = 7 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Along track 2; Max. Depth Difference = 0.5 m, Window Size = 2 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Mean; Window size = 1 m. Set Filters; Approximate water Depth = 15 m, Maximum Range Required = 251 m, Seabed Variation = Flat, Filter Level = Light. Speed of sound; SOS Form; Auxiliary Port, Use of SOS Table; First value in table, Default SOS; 1481. 1; Position; 458233 E 5334156 N, Time (HMS); 18;50;0, DMY; 17.3.2005 (SVP 4). 2; Position; 456198 E 5332224 N, Time (HMS); 22;30;0, DMY; 17.3.2005.
Day 03.19.2005 (Julian day 78); Bathy filters; Low-Amp = 110, Range; Near Range (Max. Amplitude) = 1 m, Near Range (Min. Amplitude) = 2 m, Phase Confidence = 40 %, Phase Smooth; Number of Points = 3, Angle Proximity; Window = 15, Range = 0.1, threshold = 5, Minimum elevation = -90 degree, Box; Min. Depth = 1 m, Max. Depth = 25 m, Min. Horiz. Range = 0 m, Max. Horiz. Range = 80 m, Median; Sample Window size = 3, Along track 1; Max. Depth Difference = 3 m, Window Size = 10 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Along track 2; Max. Depth Difference = 0.5 m, Window Size = 2 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Mean; Window size = 1 m. Set Filters; Approximate water Depth = 5 m, Maximum Range Required = 80 m, Seabed Variation = Flat, Filter Level = Medium. Speed of sound; SOS Form; Auxiliary Port, Use of SOS Table; Full ray tracing, Default SOS; 1481. 1; Position; 455822 E 5332255 N, Time (HMS); 19;00;0, DMY; 18.3.2005. 2; Position; 456198 E 5332224 N, Time (HMS); 22;30;0, DMY; 17.3.2005. 3; Position; 465180 E 5332059 N, Time (HMS); 18;00;0, DMY; 19.3.2005.
Day 03.21.2005 (Julian day 80); Bathy filters; Low-Amp = 110, Range; Near Range (Max. Amplitude) = 2 m, Near Range (Min. Amplitude) = 4 m, Phase Confidence = 50 %, Phase Smooth; Number of Points = 3, Angle Proximity; Window = 25, Range = 0.1, threshold = 7, Minimum elevation = -90 degree, Box; Min. Depth = 3 m, Max. Depth = 40 m, Median; Sample Window size = 3, Along track 1; Max. Depth Difference = 3 m, Window Size = 5 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Along track 2; Max. Depth Difference = 1 m, Window Size = 2 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Mean; Window size = 1 m. Set Filters; Approximate water Depth = 5 m, Maximum Range Required = 80 m, Seabed Variation = Flat, Filter Level = Medium. Speed of sound; SOS Form; Auxiliary Port, Use of SOS Table; Full ray tracing, Default SOS; 1481. 1; Position; 455822 E 5332255 N, Time (HMS); 19;00;0, DMY; 18.3.2005. 2; Position; 456198 E 5332224 N, Time (HMS); 22;30;0, DMY; 17.3.2005. 3; Position; 465180 E 5332059 N, Time (HMS); 18;00;0, DMY; 19.3.2005. 4; Position; 458858 E 5333511 N, Time (HMS); 18;20;0, DMY; 21.3.2005.
Day 03.24.2005 (Julian day 83); Bathy filters; Low-Amp = 110, Range; Near Range (Max. Amplitude) = 2 m, Near Range (Min. Amplitude) = 4 m, Phase Confidence = 45 %, Phase Smooth; Number of Points = 3, Angle Proximity; Window = 25, Range = 0.1, threshold = 7, Minimum elevation = -90 degree, Box; Min. Depth = 3 m, Max. Depth = 30 m, Max. Horiz. Range = 60 m, Median; Sample Window size = 3, Along track 1; Max. Depth Difference = 2 m, Window Size = 5 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Along track 2; Max. Depth Difference = 0.5 m, Window Size = 2 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Mean; Window size = 1 m. Set Filters; Approximate water Depth = 5 m, Maximum Range Required = 80 m, Seabed Variation = Flat, Filter Level = Medium. Speed of sound; SOS Form; Auxiliary Port, Use of SOS Table; Full ray tracing, Default SOS; 1481. 1; Position; 454066 E 5332807 N, Time (HMS); 21;30;0, DMY; 24.3.2005.
Day 03.25.2005 (Julian day 84); Bathy filters; Low-Amp = 110, Range; Near Range (Max. Amplitude) = 2 m, Near Range (Min. Amplitude) = 3 m, Phase Confidence = 50 %, Phase Smooth; Number of Points = 3, Angle Proximity; Window = 25, Range = 0.1, threshold = 7, Minimum elevation = -90 degree, Box; Min. Depth = 3 m, Max. Depth = 45 m, Median; Sample Window size = 3, Along track 1; Max. Depth Difference = 2 m, Window Size = 5 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Along track 2; Max. Depth Difference = 0.5 m, Window Size = 2 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Mean; Window size = 1 m. Set Filters; Approximate water Depth = 5 m, Maximum Range Required = 80 m, Seabed Variation = Flat, Filter Level = Medium. Speed of sound; SOS Form; Auxiliary Port, Use of SOS Table; Full ray tracing, Default SOS; 1481. 1; Position; 452746 E 5333399 N, Time (HMS); 21;00;0, DMY; 25.3.2005.
Day 03.27.2005 (Julian day 86); Bathy filters; Low-Amp = 110, Range; Near Range (Max. Amplitude) = 2 m, Near Range (Min. Amplitude) = 4 m, Phase Confidence = 50 %, Phase Smooth; Number of Points = 3, Angle Proximity; Window = 25, Range = 0.1, threshold = 7, Minimum elevation = -90 degree, Box; Min. Depth = 1 m, Max. Depth = 15 m, Median; Sample Window size = 3, Along track 1; Max. Depth Difference = 2 m, Window Size = 5 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Along track 2; Max. Depth Difference = 0.5 m, Window Size = 2 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Mean; Window size = 1 m. Set Filters; Approximate water Depth = 5 m, Maximum Range Required = 80 m, Seabed Variation = Flat, Filter Level = Medium. Speed of sound; SOS Form; Auxiliary Port, Use of SOS Table; Full ray tracing, Default SOS; 1481. 1; Position; 454066 E 5332807 N, Time (HMS); 21;30;0, DMY; 27.3.2005.
FreshwaterBay Day 03.24.2005 (Julian day 83); Bathy filters; Low-Amp = 110, Range; Near Range (Max. Amplitude) = 2 m, Near Range (Min. Amplitude) = 4 m, Phase Confidence = 45 %, Phase Smooth; Number of Points = 3, Angle Proximity; Window = 25, Range = 0.1, threshold = 7, Minimum elevation = -90 degree, Box; Min. Depth = 3 m, Max. Depth = 30 m, Max. Horiz. Range = 60 m, Median; Sample Window size = 3, Along track 1; Max. Depth Difference = 2 m, Window Size = 5 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Along track 2; Max. Depth Difference = 0.5 m, Window Size = 2 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Mean; Window size = 1 m. Set Filters; Approximate water Depth = 5 m, Maximum Range Required = 80 m, Seabed Variation = Flat, Filter Level = Medium. Speed of sound; SOS Form; Auxiliary Port, Use of SOS Table; Full ray tracing, Default SOS; 1481. 1; Position; 454066 E 5332807 N, Time (HMS); 21;30;0, DMY; 24.3.2005.
Day 03.25.2005 (Julian day 84); Bathy filters; Low-Amp = 110, Range; Near Range (Max. Amplitude) = 2 m, Near Range (Min. Amplitude) = 3 m, Phase Confidence = 50 %, Phase Smooth; Number of Points = 3, Angle Proximity; Window = 25, Range = 0.1, threshold = 7, Minimum elevation = -90 degree, Box; Min. Depth = 3 m, Max. Depth = 45 m, Median; Sample Window size = 3, Along track 1; Max. Depth Difference = 2 m, Window Size = 5 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Along track 2; Max. Depth Difference = 0.5 m, Window Size = 2 m, Learn Rate = 0.6, Mean; Window size = 1 m. Set Filters; Approximate water Depth = 5 m, Maximum Range Required = 80 m, Seabed Variation = Flat, Filter Level = Medium. Speed of sound; SOS Form; Auxiliary Port, Use of SOS Table; Full ray tracing, Default SOS; 1481. 1; Position; 452746 E 5333399 N, Time (HMS); 21;00;0, DMY; 25.3.2005.
Process_Date: 20060909

The .sxp files outputed from Swath Processor were imported to Grid Processor and exported as text files. Text files were imported into DMagic and exported as .asc files. Then the .asc files were imported to ArcMap and converted to an ESRIGRID format.

Process_Date: 20060922

In ArcGIS, The individual swath grids were mosaiced atop adjacent nearshore swaths sequentially. The nearshore side of each swath was masked to remove far-range and noisy data areas without producing gaps or exposing lower quality data in the adjacent swath when overlain on the mosaic. Mosaicing was done by manually drawing a mask around the best possible data for each line. Best possible data was determined subjectively and included the least
no data values as possible in the overlapping areas. Where the swaths overlapped the data in the underlying deeper edge of the mosaic were overwritten by the values in the masked swath, values were not averaged where overlap occurred, to preserve data texture.
Merging the masked lines (create a mosaic) together using Mosaic To New Raster with the option "First" such that the better lines are on top and so to avoid averaging overlapping areas (in order to preserve rugosity).

Process_Date: 20060930

Direct_Spatial_Reference_Method: Raster
Raster_Object_Type: Grid Cell
Row_Count: 3753
Column_Count: 6952
Vertical_Count: 1

Grid_Coordinate_System_Name: Universal Transverse Mercator
UTM_Zone_Number: 10
Scale_Factor_at_Central_Meridian: 0.999600
Longitude_of_Central_Meridian: -123.000000
Latitude_of_Projection_Origin: 0.000000
False_Easting: 500000.000000
False_Northing: 0.000000
Planar_Coordinate_Encoding_Method: row and column
Abscissa_Resolution: 1.000000
Ordinate_Resolution: 1.000000
Planar_Distance_Units: meters
Horizontal_Datum_Name: D_WGS_1984
Ellipsoid_Name: WGS_1984
Semi-major_Axis: 6378137.000000
Denominator_of_Flattening_Ratio: 298.257224






United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP)
Contact_Person: Guy R. Cochrane

Contact_Position: Geophysicist


Address_Type: mailing and physical address

Address: USGS, 400 Natural Bridges Drive

City: Santa Cruz

State_or_Province: CA

Postal_Code: 95060-5792

Country: USA

Contact_Voice_Telephone: (831) 427-4754

Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: (831) 427-4748



Please recognize the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) as the source of
this information.

Although these data have been used by the U.S. Geological Survey,
U.S. Department of the Interior, no warranty expressed or implied
is made by the U.S. Geological Survey as to the accuracy of the

The act of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty,
and no responsibility is assumed by the U.S. Geological Survey in
the use of this data, software, or related materials.


Metadata_Date: 2007

Metadata_Review_Date: 2007





United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP)
Contact_Person: Guy R. Cochrane

Contact_Position: Geophysicist


Address_Type: mailing and physical address

Address: USGS, 400 Natural Bridges Drive

City: Santa Cruz

State_or_Province: CA

Postal_Code: 95060-5792

Country: USA

Contact_Voice_Telephone: (831) 427-4754

Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: (831) 427-4748


FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata ("CSDGM version 2")

Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998

Metadata_Access_Constraints: none

Metadata_Use_Constraints: none

Generated by mp version 2.9.2 on Wed Sep 26 13:45:13 2007