Data Series 340
Data Series 340
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Department of Energy, developed a transient ground-water flow model of the Death Valley region of southern Nevada and southeastern California to evaluate the effects of Nevada Test Site (NTS) activities on the regional ground-water flow system (Belcher and others, 2004; fig. 1). A database of spatially and temporally distributed ground-water withdrawals was developed to provide input datasets for modeling this large and complex ground-water flow system (San Juan and others, 2004). The previously published database documented the history of ground-water withdrawals in the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system (DVRFS) by user and water-use category from 1913 to 1998 (Moreo and others, 2003). Refining the ground-water flow model required extending the database through 2003 and improving water-use estimates.
This report documents updates to the original ground-water withdrawals database for the DVRFS ground-water flow model. Annual ground-water withdrawal estimates from 1913 to 2003 for each identified withdrawal location are compiled in an electronic database that is included in this report. Three revisions were made to the database. First, the updated database extends annual ground-water withdrawal estimates from 1998 through 2003 by using the same methodology described by Moreo and others (2003). Second, the updated database includes only data for withdrawal locations within the DVRFS model boundary as defined by Belcher and others (2004). Third, the ground-water withdrawal for irrigation was recomputed using improved estimates of crop consumptive use.