USGS - science for a changing world

Data Series 340

Data Series 340

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References Cited

Allen, R.G., Walter, I.A., Elliott, R.L., Howell, T.A., eds., 2005, The ASCE standardized reference evapotranspiration equation: American Society of Civil Engineers, 216 p.

Belcher, W.R., D’Agnese, F.A., and O’Brien, G.M., 2004, A. Introduction, in Belcher, W.R., ed., Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California—Hydrogeologic framework and transient ground-water flow model: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5205, p. 3–19, online at

Flint, L.E., and Flint, A.L., 2007, Regional analysis of ground-water recharge, in Stonestrom, D.A., Constantz, J., Ferré, T.P.A., and Leake, S.A., eds., Ground-water recharge in the arid and semiarid southwestern United States: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1703, p. 29-59, online at

Moreo, M.T., Halford, K.J., La Camera, R.J., and Laczniak, R.J., 2003, Estimated ground-water withdrawals from the Death Valley regional flow system, Nevada and California, 1913-98: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4245, 28 p., on-line at

San Juan, C.A., Belcher, W.R., Laczniak, R.J., and Putnam, H.M., 2004, C. Hydrologic components for model development, in Belcher, W.R., ed., Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California—Hydrogeologic framework and transient ground-water flow model: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5205, p. 99–136, on-line at

Shevenell, Lisa, 1996, Statewide potential evapotranspiration maps for Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, report 48, 32 p.

U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1993, National Engineering Handbook, part 623, chapter 2, Irrigation Water Requirements Guide: Soil Conservation Service, 304 p.

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