Data Series 345
Data Series 345
As part of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program, a study assessing the effects of nutrient enrichment on agricultural stream ecosystems was implemented in 2001. The recent emphasis by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA) effort to develop regional nutrient criteria and the development of nutrient total maximum daily loads has created a need for a better understanding of how nutrient conditions are affected by natural and human-related factors, and how nutrients affect aquatic biological communities (algae and invertebrates). The NAWQA program is designed to provide consistent methods leading to nationally comparable data and analysis. This consistent data collection and analysis were incorporated into the Nutrient Enrichment Effects Team (NEET) study of agriculturally affected streams in different geographic regions of the United States. More information about the NAWQA program can be accessed online at and at for the NEET study.
Various types of data have been collected in the field and generated either in the laboratory or through computing efforts as part of the NEET program of NAWQA. The data are presented here for ease of reference for other NEET reports and for their use by other scientific investigators. Brief descriptions of methods and references are provided except where a protocol was altered and so a method’s description is provided to aid in the understanding of how the data were collected.