USGS - science for a changing world

Data Series 345

Data Series 345

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Table 2. Brief description of the datasets collected and analyzed as part of the National Water Quality Assessment Nutrient Enrichment Effects Team Study.

[seston, water column; RTH, richest targeted habitat (for example, rock or wood); DTH, depositional targeted habitat (for example, fine grain substrate); GIS, geographic information system]

Dataset Brief description
Sites List of sites by study area and associated data (appendix 1).
Nutrients Nitrogen and phosphorus data from the water column (appendix 2).
Carbon and nitrogen Carbon and nitrogen data in the water column and on the suspended sediment in the water column (appendix 3).
Field parameters Data includes water temperature, instantaneous stream discharge, specific conductance, suspended-sediment concentration, and turbidity alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, etc. (appendix 4).
Chlorophyll Includes seston chlorophyll a, along with chlorophyll a and ash-free dry weight for both RTH and DTH (appendix 5).
RTH algae Benthic algal assemblage data from RTH substrate (appendix 6).
DTH algae Benthic algal assemblage data from DTH substrate (appendix 7).
RTH invertebrates Benthic invertebrate assemblage data from RTH substrate (appendix 8).
Fish Fish assemblage data from White-Miama River Basins study unit only (appendix 9).
Habitat Summary of reach-scale in-stream habitat data (appendix 10).
GIS riparian data GIS derived riparian buffer data at various scales (appendix 11).
GIS basin features GIS derived data on basin features including land use, soils, nutrient loadings, precipitation, runoff, geology, and ecoregions (appendix 12).

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