Data Series 345
Data Series 345
Table 2. Brief description of the datasets collected and analyzed as part of the National Water Quality Assessment Nutrient Enrichment Effects Team Study.
[seston, water column; RTH, richest targeted habitat (for example, rock or wood); DTH, depositional targeted habitat (for example, fine grain substrate); GIS, geographic information system]
Dataset | Brief description |
Sites | List of sites by study area and associated data (appendix 1). |
Nutrients | Nitrogen and phosphorus data from the water column (appendix 2). |
Carbon and nitrogen | Carbon and nitrogen data in the water column and on the suspended sediment in the water column (appendix 3). |
Field parameters | Data includes water temperature, instantaneous stream discharge, specific conductance, suspended-sediment concentration, and turbidity alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, etc. (appendix 4). |
Chlorophyll | Includes seston chlorophyll a, along with chlorophyll a and ash-free dry weight for both RTH and DTH (appendix 5). |
RTH algae | Benthic algal assemblage data from RTH substrate (appendix 6). |
DTH algae | Benthic algal assemblage data from DTH substrate (appendix 7). |
RTH invertebrates | Benthic invertebrate assemblage data from RTH substrate (appendix 8). |
Fish | Fish assemblage data from White-Miama River Basins study unit only (appendix 9). |
Habitat | Summary of reach-scale in-stream habitat data (appendix 10). |
GIS riparian data | GIS derived riparian buffer data at various scales (appendix 11). |
GIS basin features | GIS derived data on basin features including land use, soils, nutrient loadings, precipitation, runoff, geology, and ecoregions (appendix 12). |