USGS Data Series 353

Mid-Pliocene Planktic Foraminifer Census Data and Alkenone Unsaturation Indices from Ocean Drilling Program Hole 677A


Table 2. Alkenone unsaturation index (UK'37) data, Ocean Drilling Program Hole 677A

Sample UK'37
12-6 135-140 0.9552
12-6 135-140 0.9574
12-7 35-40 0.9530
13-1 32-38 0.9725
13-1 135-140 0.9666
13-2 45-50 0.9725
13-2 45-50 0.9765
13-2 135-140 0.9666
13-3 32-38 0.9550
13-3 94-98 0.9679
13-3 135-140 0.9586
13-4 27-30 0.9534
13-4 75-80 0.9550
13-4 128-130 0.9695
13-5 45-50 0.9634
13-5 86-91 0.9538
13-6 32-38 0.9687
13-6 92-96 0.9636
13-6 135-140 0.9521
13-7 35-40 0.9636
14-1 32-38 0.9644
14-1 92-98 0.9716
14-1 135-140 0.9595
14-2 27-30 0.9571
14-2 75-80 0.9525
14-2 75-80 0.9512
14-2 135-140 0.9608
14-3 32-38 0.9613
14-3 75-80 0.9582
14-3 75-80 0.9587
14-3 135-140 0.9494
14-4 26-30 0.9651
14-4 78-80 0.9578
14-5 5-10 0.9658
14-5 55-60 0.9554
14-5 135-140 0.9737
14-6 35-40 0.9740
14-6 92-98 0.9714
14-7 5-10 0.9752
15-1 15-20 0.9784
15-1 75-80 0.9726
15-1 135-140 0.9617
15-2 55-60 0.9737
15-2 115-120 0.9735
15-3 27-30 0.9652
15-3 92-98 0.9677
15-3 142-148 0.9675
15-3 142-148 0.9696
15-4 55-60 0.9691
15-5 5-10 0.9507
15-5 63-69 0.9548
15-5 135-140 0.9601
15-5 135-140 0.9622
15-6 35-40 0.9586
15-6 115-120 0.9627
15-7 35-40 0.9682
16-1 35-40 0.9554
16-1 115-120 0.9558
16-2 85-87 0.9520
16-3 41-44 0.9598
16-3 105-107 0.9608
16-4 27-30 0.9747
16-4 85-90 0.9718
16-4 125-130 0.9698
16-5 35-40 0.9737
16-5 85-90 0.9694
16-5 135-140 0.9611
17-2 135-140 0.9721
17-3 35-40 0.9646
17-3 77-80 0.9684
17-3 127-130 0.9651
17-4 35-40 0.9694
17-4 93-98 0.9683
17-5 15-20 0.9672
17-5 92-98 0.9618
18-1 15-20 0.9837
18-1 85-90 0.9789
18-1 85-90 0.9815
18-1 135-140 0.9843
18-2 55-60 0.9715
18-2 115-120 0.9868
18-3 35-40 0.9831
18-3 35-40 0.9845
18-3 95-100 0.9893
18-4 15-20 0.9840
18-4 15-20 0.9824
18-4 85-90 0.9813
18-4 135-140 0.9746
18-4 135-140 0.9779

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Page Last Modified: June 12, 2008