Data Series 384
2008EAARL Coastal Topography–Northern Gulf of MexicoAmar Nayegandhi,1 John C. Brock,2 Abby Sallenger,2 C. Wayne Wright,3 Laurinda J. Travers,4 and James Lebonitte1 1Jacobs Technology, St. Petersburg, FL, 2 USGS, FISC St. Petersburg, FL, 3NASA, Wallops Flight Facility, Wallops Island, VA, 4Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, FL This DVD contains Lidar-derived bare earth (BE) and first surface (FS) coastal topography GIS datasets of the northern Gulf of Mexico, which includes Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi, following Hurricane Ivan's landfall on September 16, 2004. These datasets were acquired on September 19, 2004. Click on one of the Quarter-Quad areas, highlighted in blue on each map, to view the corresponding images and links to each data directory.
Suggested Citation: Nayegandhi, A,. Brock, J. C., Sallenger, A. H., Wright, C. W., Travers, L. J., Lebonitte, J., 2008, EAARL coastal topography–northern Gulf of Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 384, 1 DVD ROM.
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