MEDIM Medium codes and the descriptions are:
0 = Not determined
6 = Ground water (Water below the surface of the earth contained in the saturated zone. The code does not include soil moisture or interstitial water.)
9 = Surface water (Water on the surface of the earth stored or transported in rivers, streams, estuaries, lakes, ponds, swamps, glaciers or other aquatic areas. This code also may refer to water in urban drains and storm-sewer systems.)
SAMPL Sample record number
Database record number individual to site, date, and time of sample collection.
Station_Nm Station Name
The station name for ground-water sites is the same as the local number. The local number for ground-water sites includes the township and range followed by the section and a series of letters that designate the quarter-section subdivisions, from the largest to the smallest, followed by a site sequence number. The order of the quarter-section subdivisions differ from that used by the Bureau of Land Management and the public-land survey. The public-land survey uses a series of coordinate directions and a fraction to designate the quarter-section subdivisions listed from smallest to largest followed by the section, township, and range. For example, the same 10-acre plot would be described by using the public-land survey as NW1/4 SW1/4 NE1/4 Sec.5 T2S R3E and described by using the USGS Local_No as 02S-03E-05 ACB. A direct comparison between the quarter-section subdivisions for the public-land survey and the USGS Local_No is that A=NE, B=NW, C=SW, and D=SE.
Site_ID Site Identification Number
The Site ID for ground-water sites is a 15-digit identification number assigned to the site, and contains no blanks or alphabetic characters. Although the site-identification number is formed initially from the latitude and longitude of a point believed to represent the location of the site followed by a 2-digit sequence number, the Site ID is an identifier and not a locator. The first six digits of the Site ID are the value of latitude, the 7th through 13th digits are the value of longitude, and the 14th and 15th digits are sequence numbers used to distinguish between sites at the same location.
STYPE Sample type codes and the descriptions are:
A = Not determined
B = Other QA
H = Composite
1 = Spike
2 = Blank
3 = Reference
4 = Blind
5 = Duplicate
6 = Reference Material
7 = Replicate
8 = Spike solution
9 = Regular
Each parameter code for the following parameter code attributes is preceded by a remark code for that parameter. Example: R00028 is the remark code field for P00028. Remark codes and the descriptions are:
< = Less than. (Actual value is known to be less than the value shown.)
= Greater than. (Actual value is known to be greater than the value shown.)
E = Estimated value. (Value is estimated.)
A = Average value. (Value is an average.)
V = Contamination. (Constituent was detected in both the environmental sample and the associated blanks.)
S = Most probable value.
Values listed for the following fields are reported to the nearest accuracy level of the measurement or analytical method:
P72008 Depth of well, feet below land surface datum
P72019 Depth to water level, feet below land surface
P72000 Altitude of land surface, feet
P82079 Turbidity, water, unfiltered, laboratory, nephelometric turbidity units
P90095 Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, laboratory, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius
P90410 Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, fixed endpoint (pH 4.5) titration, laboratory, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate
P99220 Chloride, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter
P99114 Iron(II), water, filtered, field, milligrams per liter
P99115 Iron, water, filtered, field, milligrams per liter
P82365 Thorium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter
P82626 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter
P77441 1-Naphthol, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter
P90652 2,4,6-Tribromophenol, surrogate, Schedules 1383/1385, water, unfiltered, percent recovery
P82660 2,6-Diethylaniline, water, filtered (0.7 micron glass fiber filter), recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82584 3-Hydroxy carbofuran, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter
P77825 Alachlor, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82587 Aldicarb sulfone, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82586 Aldicarb sulfoxide, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82619 Aldicarb, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter
P91065 alpha-HCH-d6, surrogate, water, filtered (0.7 micron glass fiber filter), percent recovery
P82184 Ametryn, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82686 Azinphos-methyl, water, filtered (0.7 micron glass fiber filter), recoverable, micrograms per liter
P99835 BDMC, surrogate, water, unfiltered, percent recovery
P82673 Benfluralin, water, filtered (0.7 micron glass fiber filter), recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82680 Carbaryl, water, filtered (0.7 micron glass fiber filter), recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82674 Carbofuran, water, filtered (0.7 micron glass fiber filter), recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82615 Carbofuran, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82687 cis-Permethrin, water, filtered (0.7 micron glass fiber filter), recoverable, micrograms per liter
P81757 Cyanazine, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82682 DCPA, water, filtered (0.7 micron glass fiber filter), recoverable, micrograms per liter
P91063 Diazinon-d10, surrogate, water, filtered (0.7 micron glass fiber filter), percent recovery
P82052 Dicamba, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82183 Dichlorprop, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82677 Disulfoton, water, filtered (0.7 micron glass fiber filter), recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82668 EPTC, water, filtered (0.7 micron glass fiber filter), recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82663 Ethalfluralin, water, filtered (0.7 micron glass fiber filter), recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82672 Ethoprop, water, filtered (0.7 micron glass fiber filter), recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82666 Linuron, water, filtered (0.7 micron glass fiber filter), recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82667 Methyl parathion, water, filtered (0.7 micron glass fiber filter), recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82612 Metolachlor, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82630 Metribuzin, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82611 Metribuzin, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82671 Molinate, water, filtered (0.7 micron glass fiber filter), recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82684 Napropamide, water, filtered (0.7 micron glass fiber filter), recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82613 Oxamyl, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82669 Pebulate, water, filtered (0.7 micron glass fiber filter), recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82683 Pendimethalin, water, filtered (0.7 micron glass fiber filter), recoverable, micrograms per liter
P90630 Phenol-d5, surrogate, Schedules 1383/1385, water, unfiltered, percent recovery
P82664 Phorate, water, filtered (0.7 micron glass fiber filter), recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82676 Propyzamide, water, filtered (0.7 micron glass fiber filter), recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82679 Propanil, water, filtered (0.7 micron glass fiber filter), recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82685 Propargite, water, filtered (0.7 micron glass fiber filter), recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82670 Tebuthiuron, water, filtered (0.7 micron glass fiber filter), recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82665 Terbacil, water, filtered (0.7 micron glass fiber filter), recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82675 Terbufos, water, filtered (0.7 micron glass fiber filter), recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82681 Thiobencarb, water, filtered (0.7 micron glass fiber filter), recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82678 Triallate, water, filtered (0.7 micron glass fiber filter), recoverable, micrograms per liter
P82661 Trifluralin, water, filtered (0.7 micron glass fiber filter), recoverable, micrograms per liter
P81551 Xylene (all isomers), water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter
P77562 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter
P77168 1,1-Dichloropropene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter
P77443 1,2,3-Trichloropropane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter
P77651 1,2-Dibromoethane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter
P77173 1,3-Dichloropropane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter
P77170 2,2-Dichloropropane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter
P77275 2-Chlorotoluene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter
P77277 4-Chlorotoluene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter
P81555 Bromobenzene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter
P77128 Styrene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter
P75986 Alpha radioactivity 2-sigma combined uncertainty, water, filtered, natural uranium curve, micrograms per liter
P75987 Alpha radioactivity 2-sigma combined uncertainty, water, filtered, Th-230 curve, picocuries per liter
P75989 Beta radioactivity 2-sigma combined uncertainty, water, filtered, Cs-137 curve, picocuries per liter
P75988 Beta radioactivity 2-sigma combined uncertainty, water, filtered, Sr-90/Y-90 curve, picocuries per liter
P82172 Carbon-14, percent modern
P82082 Deuterium/Protium ratio, water, unfiltered, per mil
P80030 Gross alpha radioactivity, water, filtered, natural uranium curve, micrograms per liter
P80050 Gross beta radioactivity, water, filtered, Sr-90/Y-90 curve, picocuries per liter
P80049 Gross beta radioactivity, water, unfiltered, Sr-90/Y-90 curve, picocuries per liter
P75998 Polonium-210 2-sigma combined uncertainty, water, filtered, picocuries per liter
P76001 Radium-226 2-sigma combined uncertainty, water, filtered, picocuries per liter
P76000 Radium-228 2-sigma combined uncertainty, water, filtered, picocuries per liter
P81366 Radium-228, water, filtered, picocuries per liter
P76002 Radon-222 2-sigma combined uncertainty, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter
P82303 Radon-222, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter
P75997 Thorium-230 2-sigma combined uncertainty, water, filtered, picocuries per liter
P75999 Thorium-232 2-sigma combined uncertainty, water, filtered, picocuries per liter
P75976 Thorium-232, water, filtered, picocuries per liter
P75985 Tritium 2-sigma combined uncertainty, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter
P75990 Uranium (natural) 2-sigma combined uncertainty, water, filtered, micrograms per liter
P75993 Uranium (natural) 2-sigma combined uncertainty, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter
P80015 Uranium, water, filtered, extraction fluorometric method, picocuries per liter
P75992 Uranium-234 2-sigma combined uncertainty, water, filtered, picocuries per liter
P75994 Uranium-235 2-sigma combined uncertainty, water, filtered, picocuries per liter
P75991 Uranium-238 2-sigma combined uncertainty, water, filtered, picocuries per liter
P76004 Alpha radioactivity 2-sigma combined uncertainty, suspended sediment, Th-230 curve, picocuries per liter
P76005 Beta radioactivity 2-sigma combined uncertainty, suspended sediment, Cs-137 curve, picocuries per liter
P80040 Gross alpha radioactivity, suspended sediment, natural uranium curve, micrograms per liter
P80060 Gross beta radioactivity, suspended sediment, Sr-90/Y-90 curve, picocuries per liter
P82081 Carbon-13/Carbon-12 ratio, water, unfiltered, per mil
P82085 Oxygen-18/Oxygen-16 ratio, water, unfiltered, per mil
P82086 Sulfur-34/Sulfur-32 ratio, water, unfiltered, per mil
P99855 Sample volume, Schedule 1383, milliliters
P99856 Sample volume, Schedule 2001, milliliters
P99848 Sample volume, Schedule 2050, milliliters
P99818 Set number, Schedule 2001
P99820 Set number, Schedule 2050