USGS - science for a changing world

Data Series 412

Data Series 412

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Table 3.ArcHydro datasets tiled by 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code.

[Abbreviations: NED, National Elevation Dataset; IDTM83, Idaho Transverse Mercator projection based on North American Datum of 1983; m, meter; DEM, Digital Elevation Model]

Dataset name Description
Basic grids used by ArcHydro Tools
cat Catchment grid.
dem Digital elevation model, from NED, projected to IDTM83 projection, 10-m resolution, elevations in centimeters.
fac Flow accumulation grid.
fac_global Global flow accumulation grid (includes upstream HUCs). Present only for HUCs downstream of others.
fdr Flow direction grid.
lnk Link grid.
str Stream grid used to define catchments.
str900 Dense stream grid used for display and to guide delineation, 900-cell threshold.
Geodatabase feature classes used by ArcHydro Tools
Catchment Polygon version of cat grid.
AdjointCatchment Polygons representing aggregated catchments upstream of each non-headwater catchment.
DrainageLine ArcHydro drainage line feature class.
DrainagePoint ArcHydro drainage point feature class.
LongestFlowPathCat Longest flowpath in each catchment, computed by ArcHydro.
LongestFlowPathAdjCat Longest flowpath in each adjoint catchment, computed by ArcHydro.
Basin characteristic grids
bsldem10m Basin slope based on a 10-m DEM.
nfsl30 Grid of cells with north-facing slopes greater than or equal to 30 percent.
slop30 Grid of cells with slopes greater than or equal to 30 percent.
Continuous parameter grids of basin characteristics
bsld10_cpg Average upstream basin slope based on a 10-m DEM for every cell.
elev_cpg Average upstream basin elevation in feet for every cell.
forest_cpg Average upstream percent forested area for every cell.
nfsl30_cpg Average upstream percentage of cells with north-facing slopes greater than or equal to 30 percent for every cell.
precip_cpg Average upstream basin precipitation in 10ths of 1 inch for every cell.
slop30_cpg Average upstream basin percentage of cells with slopes greater than or equal to 30 percent for every cell.

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