USGS - science for a changing world
Minerals Management Service

U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 428

Disc Contents

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Disc Contentsmetadata for the CI-87 vibracoresinstructions and information for the CI-87 vibracores.TXT files of the vibracore classification profilesscanned (.PDF) versions of the vibracore description sheetsinformation for the CI-87 vibracorestable describing cruise ID naming lineage for MASH data rescue seriesScanned PDF version of navigation logbook for 81GY6Scanned PDF version of seismic logbook for 81GY6Scanned PDF version of handwritten logbook for 81CA1 leg 2Scanned PDF version of handwritten logbook for 81CA1 leg 1Scanned PDF version of post-cruise report for 81GY6Scanned PDF version of post-cruise report for 81CA1folder contains logbooks and post-cruise reportfolder contains logbooks and post-cruise reportinstructions and information for this reportfolder contains printable TIFF and GIF images of the original scans with information header filesprintable profiles with information headersprintable profiles with information headersoriginals scansoriginals scansfolder contains original, uncompressed scanned TIFF images of the paper seismic recordsinformation header filesinformation header filesraw navigation .TXT file for cruise 81GY6raw navigation .TXT file for cruise 81CA1raw navigation from 81CA1 and 81GY6GIS documents included with the archive discfolder contains raw and processed navigation filesGIS files included with the archive discArcGIS .TXT readme file for 81CA1 and 81GY6processed .XLS navigation file for cruise 81GY6folder contains handwritten cruise logbooks and post-cruise reportsstudy area and trackline mapsprocessed .XLS navigation file for cruise 81CA1logbookprocessed navigation from 81CA1 and 81GY6folder contains HTML pages and images.ZIP file contains ArcGIS layers and maps for 81CA1 and 81GY6folder contains information header filesfolder contains the scanned TIFF images of the paper seismic recordsfolder contains study area and trackline mapshome page for viewing this report with a web browser

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