Depth_start Depth_end Depth_median %sand characteristic interval deformation sand% silt% bed<1cm bed1-10cm bed10-30cm bed>30cm color avg_grainsize burrowing shell_content %organics laminated wavy lenticular small_x-beds lg_x-beds massive blank1 blank2 grain size peel radiometeric radiograph photograph strat_type color sed_texture phys_char. spec_desig Additional_Text_Attributes Date of desc. Extrainfo. Proj. Id. Year Core id Run Filename Deg Min Deg Min W.D. (ft) Pen. Lngth (M) Pen. Lngth (ft) Meas. Lngth (cm.) Comments 2 7 4.5 2.967533817 laminar_planar_beds 0 10.88773322 100 100 grain size Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 7 12 9.5 2.967533817 laminar_planar_beds 0 10.88773322 100 100 grain size Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 12 17 14.5 3.185416432 laminar_planar_beds 0 14.8516208 100 100 grain size Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 17 22 19.5 3.403299047 laminar_planar_beds 0 16.3860289 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 22 27 24.5 3.621181662 laminar_planar_beds 0 17.92043699 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 27 32 29.5 3.839064276 laminar_planar_beds 0 18.49584003 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 32 37 34.5 4.056946891 laminar_planar_beds 0 19.07124306 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 37 42 39.5 3.076475125 laminar_planar_beds 0 18.04830433 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 42 47 44.5 2.096003358 laminar_planar_beds 0 15.87455953 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 47 52 49.5 2.822278741 laminar_planar_beds 0 13.70081473 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 52 57 54.5 3.548554123 laminar_planar_beds 0 11.97460562 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 57 62 59.5 4.274829506 laminar_planar_beds 0 10.24839651 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 62 67 64.5 5.001104888 laminar_planar_beds 0 7.946784364 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 67 72 69.5 5.218987503 laminar_planar_beds 0 7.563182339 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 72 77 74.5 5.436870118 laminar_planar_beds 0 8.586121071 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 77 82 79.5 4.692437851 laminar_planar_beds 0 8.117274152 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 82 87 84.5 3.948005584 laminar_planar_beds 0 7.648427234 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 87 92 89.5 3.203573317 laminar_planar_beds 0 7.179580315 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 92 97 94.5 2.459141049 laminar_planar_beds 0 8.628743518 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 97 102 99.5 2.440984165 laminar_planar_beds 0 10.07790672 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 102 107 104.5 2.42282728 laminar_planar_beds 0 11.52706992 100 100 grain size Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 107 112 109.5 2.404670396 laminar_planar_beds 0 11.33526891 100 100 grain size Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 112 117 114.5 2.386513511 laminar_planar_beds 0 11.1434679 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 117 122 119.5 2.430090034 laminar_planar_beds 0 11.65493726 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 122 127 124.5 2.473666557 laminar_planar_beds 0 12.16640663 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 127 132 129.5 2.51724308 laminar_planar_beds 0 12.67787599 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 132 137 134.5 2.560819603 laminar_planar_beds 0 12.48607498 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 137 142 139.5 2.604396126 laminar_planar_beds 0 12.29427397 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 142 147 144.5 2.27884661 laminar_planar_beds 0 11.56969237 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 147 152 149.5 1.953297094 laminar_planar_beds 0 10.84511077 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 152 157 154.5 1.627747579 laminar_planar_beds 0 10.12052917 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 157 162 159.5 1.302198063 laminar_planar_beds 0 11.1434679 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 162 167 164.5 0.976648547 laminar_planar_beds 0 13.44508004 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 167 172 169.5 0.651099031 laminar_planar_beds 0 13.06147802 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 172 177 174.5 0.325549516 laminar_planar_beds 0 12.67787599 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 177 182 179.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 12.29427397 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 182 187 184.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 8.841855753 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 187 192 189.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 8.074651705 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 192 197 194.5 0.135059825 laminar_planar_beds 0 7.307447657 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 197 202 199.5 1.079217823 laminar_planar_beds 0 6.540243608 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 202 207 204.5 0.719478548 laminar_planar_beds 0 7.051712974 100 100 grain size Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 207 212 209.5 0.359739274 laminar_planar_beds 0 7.563182339 100 100 grain size Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 212 217 214.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 9.864794484 100 100 grain size Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 217 222 219.5 0.819713683 laminar_planar_beds 0 12.16640663 100 100 grain size Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 222 227 224.5 1.639427366 laminar_planar_beds 0 11.31395769 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 227 232 229.5 2.459141049 laminar_planar_beds 0 10.46150874 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 232 237 234.5 1.844355787 laminar_planar_beds 0 9.609059802 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 237 242 239.5 1.229570525 laminar_planar_beds 0 10.88773322 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 242 247 244.5 0.614785262 laminar_planar_beds 0 12.16640663 100 100 radiograph photograph Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 247 252 249.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 14.08441675 100 100 radiograph photograph Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 252 257 254.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 16.76963092 100 100 radiograph photograph Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 257 262 259.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 19.45484509 100 100 radiograph Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 262 267 264.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 17.40896763 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 267 272 269.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 15.36309016 100 100 radiograph photograph Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 272 277 274.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 13.63688106 100 100 radiograph photograph Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 277 282 279.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 11.91067195 100 100 radiograph Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 282 287 284.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 10.71724343 100 100 radiograph photograph Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 287 292 289.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 9.523814907 100 100 radiograph photograph Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 292 297 294.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 8.330386388 100 100 photograph Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 297 302 299.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 6.987779303 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 302 307 304.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 5.645172219 100 100 grain size Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 307 312 309.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 7.477937445 100 100 grain size Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 312 317 314.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 9.310702672 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 317 322 319.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 11.1434679 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 322 327 324.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 11.01560056 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 327 332 329.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 10.88773322 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 332 337 334.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 10.79183271 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 337 342 339.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 10.6959322 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 342 347 344.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 10.6000317 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 347 352 349.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 10.50413119 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 352 357 354.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 10.84511077 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 357 362 359.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 11.18609035 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 362 367 364.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 11.52706992 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 367 372 369.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 11.78280461 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 372 377 374.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 12.03853929 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 377 382 379.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 12.29427397 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 382 387 384.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 11.52706992 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 387 392 389.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 10.75986587 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 392 397 394.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 9.992661826 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 397 402 399.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 9.033656765 100 100 grain size Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 402 407 404.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 8.074651705 100 100 grain size Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 407 412 409.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 8.458253729 100 100 grain size Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 412 417 414.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 8.841855753 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 417 422 419.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 9.097590436 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 422 427 424.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 9.353325119 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 427 432 429.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 11.10084545 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 432 437 434.5 0.24489458 laminar_planar_beds 0 12.84836578 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 437 442 439.5 0.48978916 laminar_planar_beds 0 14.59588612 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 442 447 444.5 0.734683739 laminar_planar_beds 0 13.3172127 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 447 452 449.5 0.979578319 laminar_planar_beds 0 12.03853929 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 452 457 454.5 1.224472899 laminar_planar_beds 0 10.75986587 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 457 462 459.5 1.180896376 laminar_planar_beds 0 8.458253729 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 462 467 464.5 1.137319853 laminar_planar_beds 0 7.733672128 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 467 472 469.5 1.09374333 laminar_planar_beds 0 7.009090527 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 472 477 474.5 1.050166807 laminar_planar_beds 0 6.284508925 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 477 482 479.5 1.006590284 laminar_planar_beds 0 7.861539469 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 482 487 484.5 1.485932037 laminar_planar_beds 0 9.438570013 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 487 492 489.5 1.965273789 laminar_planar_beds 0 11.01560056 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 492 497 494.5 2.444615542 laminar_planar_beds 0 10.47216436 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 497 502 499.5 2.923957294 laminar_planar_beds 0 9.928728155 100 100 grain size Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 502 507 504.5 3.403299047 laminar_planar_beds 0 9.385291954 100 100 grain size Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 507 512 509.5 3.635707169 laminar_planar_beds 0 8.841855753 100 100 grain size Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 512 517 514.5 3.868115292 laminar_planar_beds 0 9.48119246 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 517 522 519.5 4.100523414 laminar_planar_beds 0 10.12052917 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 522 527 524.5 4.332931536 laminar_planar_beds 0 11.27133524 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 527 532 529.5 4.565339659 laminar_planar_beds 0 12.42214131 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 532 537 534.5 4.147731314 laminar_planar_beds 0 13.57294738 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 537 542 539.5 3.730122969 laminar_planar_beds 0 14.29752899 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 542 547 544.5 3.312514624 laminar_planar_beds 0 15.02211059 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 547 552 549.5 2.894906279 laminar_planar_beds 0 15.74669219 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 552 557 554.5 2.357462496 laminar_planar_beds 0 18.17617167 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 557 562 559.5 1.820018713 laminar_planar_beds 0 20.60565116 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 562 567 564.5 1.28257493 laminar_planar_beds 0 19.26304408 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 567 572 569.5 0.745131147 laminar_planar_beds 0 17.92043699 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 572 577 574.5 0.207687363 laminar_planar_beds 0 16.57782991 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 577 582 579.5 0.885544387 laminar_planar_beds 0 15.23522282 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 582 587 584.5 1.563401411 laminar_planar_beds 0 14.89424325 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 587 592 589.5 2.241258435 laminar_planar_beds 0 14.55326367 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 592 597 594.5 1.49417229 laminar_planar_beds 0 14.21228409 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 597 602 599.5 0.747086145 laminar_planar_beds 0 12.86967701 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 602 607 604.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 11.52706992 100 100 grain size Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 607 612 609.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 10.18446284 100 100 grain size Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 612 617 614.5 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 8.841855753 100 100 Prodelta- std. laminated muds 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 6.923845632 100 100 4/11/88 Off Shore CI 87 8 2 CI-87-8R2.dat 29 52.02 88 46.97 34 12.2 40 620 Off shore of Red Fish Point 0 laminar_planar_beds 0 6.923845632 100 100