Data Series 457
AbstractHydrographic areas (HA) in Nevada were delineated by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Nevada Division of Water Resources in the late 1960s for scientific and administrative purposes. The official HA names, numbers, and boundaries continue to be used in USGS scientific reports and Nevada State Division of Water Resources administrative activities. HAs for the Great Basin region of the United States were mapped in the late 1980’s as part of a USGS regional assessment of aquifer systems in the Great Basin. The Great Basin HAs are being published in digital format to document the data as the basic accounting unit for past and recent hydrologic investigations in the Great Basin. The data, in digital Geographic Information Systems (GIS) format, is available from the U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Discipline data clearinghouse. A link to the GIS data is available in the sidebar on the right side of this page. The data can be downloaded in ArcGIS 9.3 personal geodatabase, shapefile, or XML workspace format. |
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Buto, S.G., 2009, Digital Representation of 1:1,000,000-scale Hydrographic Areas of the Great Basin: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 457, 5 p.
Development of the Great Basin Hydrographic Area Digital Dataset
Differences between Nevada and Great Basin Hydrographic Areas
References Cited