U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 477



ESRI format

The raster data used to create the maps provided in this report can be found in the data folder. Each set of data is provided in a separate subfolder in the data folder, along with pertinent metadata. The following data are provided in ESRI native file formats and are compatible with ArcGIS software, including the free ArcGIS Explorer application. Vector points and contour lines are provided as shapefiles. Raster datasets are provided in grid format. All the files within a given subfolder are required to correctly load the data into ArcGIS applications.

  • 1kmrug, projected 1000-m grid of rugosity, NAD-83, Albers Conical Equal Area projection, metadata
  • 250mrug, projected 250-m grid of rugosity, NAD-83, Albers Conical Equal Area projection, metadata

    jpeg format

    Click on file name to open image, then click on opened image to zoom in. Use browser "back" command to return to this page.

  • RugosityDSMapLayout250.jpg, 600 dpi map of Florida shelf with 250 meter rugosity grid superimposed on color-scaled bathymetry (12.4 MB), NAD-83

  • RugosityDSMapLayout1000.jpg, 600 dpi map of Florida shelf with 1000 meter rugosity grid superimposed on color-scaled bathymetry (10.3 MB), NAD-83

    GeoTIFF format

    Click on file name to open image, then click on opened image to zoom in. Use browser "back" command to return to this page.

  • Rugosity250.tif, 250 meter grid of Florida shelf rugosity (35.2 MB), NAD-83

  • Rugosity1000.tif, 600 dpi 1000 meter grid of Florida shelf rugosity (2.2 MB), NAD-83

    ASCII format

    ASCII files are located in the data/ascii subdirectory. Two files containing unformatted text data at cell sizes of 1000 m and 250 m are named as 1kmascii.asc and 250ascii.asc, respectively.
