This is a shapefile of county boundaries for the state of Oklahoma.
This county boundary dataset was prepared by Geo Information Systems at the University of Oklahoma to provide information about the county boundaries in the State of Oklahoma as provided by 2000 TIGER (Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing data format)/Line files of the Census Bureau. The TIGER/Line data for the individual counties was transformed into an ArcView shape file for the entire State of Oklahoma.
20020701; later revision is ongoing and continuous
The attribute information contains county name, state fips code, and county fips code.
The county boundaries were originally derived from TIGER/Line 2000 files of the Census Bureau. TIGER/Line files were originally digitized at a scale of 1:100,000 to an accuracy of 160 feet. These data were not checked by the U.S. Geological Survey for accuracy or completeness. Should a question of accuracy or completeness arise, the user should contact the originator cited in the metadata.
The compiler contains the syntax of the 1998 version of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata, known as FGDC-STD-001-1998 and also supports the Biological Data Profile of that standard, FGDC-STD-001.1-1999. Local extensions to the standard are permitted and a mechanism is provided that allows these extensions to be described to the compiler.
accuracy of 160 feet.
accuracy of 160 feet.
Internal feature number.
Feature geometry.
Oklahoma State-County Name
User Defined
State Federal Information Processing Standard Code for the State (State-Code)
User Defined
County Federal Information Processing Standard Code for the County (County-Code)
User Defined
3100 Monitor Ave, Ste 180
Users must assume responsibility to determine the usablitiy of these data for their purposes
3100 Monitor Ave, Ste 180