ds480_elev (Watershed boundaries and digital elevation model of Oklahoma derived from 1:100,000 scale digital topographic maps)


Originator: Cederstrand, Joel R. and Rea, Alan
Publication_Date: 1995
ds480_elev (Watershed boundaries and digital elevation model of Oklahoma derived from 1:100,000 scale digital topographic maps)
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: raster digital data
Series_Name: Open-File Report
Issue_Identification: 95-727
Publication_Place: Oklahoma City, OK
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
This is a digital elevation model in the state of Oklahoma. 
This digital elevation model (DEM) was created by using the Australian     
National University Digital Elevation Model (ANUDEM) software package           
with 1:100,000-scale hypsography and hydrography data.  This DEM         
has 60-meter cells.  Depressions except a few very large depressions, mostly playa lakes, have been removed.  The DEM was used for automated watershed delineation for Oklahoma.
The DEM was developed to support delineation of drainage basins by using an automated procedure.

This DEM is intended to support automated delineation of drainage-basin boundaries consistent with the hypsographic and hydrographic features shown on 1:100,000-scale U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) quadrangle maps for Oklahoma.
Procedures used to create or automate data

     The software package developed by Michael Hutchinson at                    
Australian National University known as ANUDEM version 4.4,          
was used to make the DEM.  Four types of input data were used for the           
production of the DEM: hypsography (land-surface elevation) contours;           
hypsography points; hydrography; and points in large depressions.           
Following ANUDEM processing, a "fill" procedure (Jenson and Domingue,           
1988) was used to remove remaining depressions except for several               
large, true depressions (usually playa lakes).  Each of the processing          
steps is described in detail below.                                             
Hypsography Preprocessing                                                      
   The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 1:100,000-scale Digital Line Graph (DLG) files provided the hypsography data.  The DLG files were converted into               
ARC/INFO coverage format along with elevation attributes associated             
with the contours.  Only the elevation and depression contours were             
needed.  Other features from the DLGs were retained but given an               
elevation of 0.  ANUDEM accepts contour information only in a               
user-specified range of elevations, so the contours with elevations of          
zero were excluded from the ANUDEM-gridding process.  All the neat              
lines from the DLGs were removed.  Most DLG files except one                    
quadrangle (Hugoton, Kansas) included point elevations.  The DLG point              
elevations were converted into ARC/INFO point coverages, along with             
elevation attributes that were associated with the points.                      
     The ANUDEM software package is able to retain depressions                  
specified by the user.  Thus large depressions such as playa lakes              
could be retained in the DEM and not removed by the                             
drainage-enforcement procedure.  ANUDEM requires coordinates of a               
point in a depression to retain the depression.  Small                      
depressions--less than 3 cells (180 meters) wide--are likely to be              
smoothed over by the gridding algorithm, so only depressions larger             
than 3 cells were specified for retention.  The ARC/INFO GRID                   
function, SHRINK (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.(ESRI), 1994) 
with a distance of 3 cells, (120 meters) was used on the areas enclosed by depression contours to identify depressions large enough to retain.  
Points in these large depressions were input to ANUDEM.  The elevations associated with these points were set to the elevation of the surrounding depression contours minus half of the contour interval.                                    
     After the data were compiled into ARC/INFO format these data were                
converted into ASCII files using the UNGENERATE command (ESRI, 1994).           
Elevations were included in the hypsography and depression data as              
line or point identification numbers.  These files were input to                
Hydrography Preprocessing                                                      
     The 1:100,000-scale hydrography data were acquired as ARC/INFO             
datasets.  These data had been separated into 8-digit cataloging               
units, then later appended into one dataset.  These data were          
an early release of the River-Reach File (RF-3) distributed by the              
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Horn, 1986).  Cataloging units            
that included any part of Oklahoma were processed.                              
     Four changes were made in the RF-3 dataset before use in               
ANUDEM.  First, many small water bodies and streams that were not               
connected to the main stream network were eliminated.  Larger                   
unconnected streams were retained.                                              
     Second, center lines were generated for all large lakes, wide              
streams, and other water bodies. The polygons forming the water bodies          
were removed.  Because the stream center lines were used in the                 
creation of the DEM rather than water-body polygons, the DEM is not             
flat in the areas covered by water.  Some contours of the land surface          
before reservoir construction were included in the DLGs and were used          
with ANUDEM.  Because these input data were used, the user is                   
cautioned that DEM elevations in areas covered by water are not                 
necessarily reliable.                                                           
     Third, ANUDEM requires that all hydrographic lines point                   
downstream, so all lines pointing upstream were flipped.  The TRACE             
command in the ARCPLOT module of ARC/INFO and the FLIP command in the     ARCEDIT module of ARC/INFO (ESRI, 1994) were used to automate this              
process for lines forming streams connected with the main stream                
network.  However, the unconnected lines were flipped interactively if          
pointing upstream.                                                          
     Finally, the RF-3 data were incorrect in several places.  Large            
parts of several rivers and lakes were missing and two streams were             
incorrectly connected at the headwaters.  Also, the stream segments           
in the area of the Anthon 7.5-minute quadrangle had been shifted                
about 1 kilometer to the west.  Corrections were made using             
data extracted from the USGS 1:100,000-scale hydrography DLG.                   
Additional information regarding the processing of the RF-3 dataset            
is contained in the documentation file for "rf3stick".                          
ANUDEM and Generating the DEM                                                   
     The ANUDEM algorithm produces a hydrologically conditioned DEM by          
interpolating elevations by using hypsography and hydrography data.  ANUDEM            
uses a method of drainage enforcement to remove erroneous depressions           
from the DEM.                                                                   
     ANUDEM can use both point and contour-line data for hypsography.           
Depressions also can be specified for retention using point data.               
ANUDEM will remove depressions except those specified for                   
retention, subject to certain user-specified tolerances.  ANUDEM also           
uses the hydrography data in the drainage enforcement algorithm.  All 
hydrography lines point downstream and center lines are included in place of water-body polygons.                             
     The drainage enforcement algorithm "significantly increase[s] the          
accuracy, especially in terms of their drainage properties, of digital          
elevation models" (Hutchinson, 1989).  This algorithm removes                   
depressions only when drainage conditions contradict input elevation            
data by less than a user-specified tolerance.                                  
     The interpolation method is implemented by fitting a thin-plate            
spline to the data, conditioned by a surface-specific roughness                 
penalty.  Four user-specified tolerances are used to control how the            
data are interpolated.  The first tolerance specifies the root mean             
square residual, and is referred to as the RMS tolerance.  The ANUDEM           
documentation recommends this tolerance be set at 1.0 for contour               
data.  A second tolerance is the roughness penalty trade-off                    
tolerance.  The ANUDEM documentation recommends this tolerance be set           
to 0 if contour data are being used for input.  The third tolerance is          
a measure of the elevation accuracy of the data, and is referred to as          
the elevation tolerance.  "Data points which block drainage by no more          
than this tolerance are removed" (Hutchinson, 1989).  The ANUDEM                
documentation recommends this tolerance be set to half the contour              
interval.  The fourth tolerance is a measure of total relief.  This             
tolerance, referred to as the relief tolerance, limits the height of            
saddles above depressions that may be exits for these depressions               
(Hutchinson, 1989).  The ANUDEM documentation recommends this                   
tolerance be set to the total relief in the input dataset.  The tolerances 
for this project were set at 1.0 for the RMS tolerance, 0.0 for          
the roughness penalty trade-off tolerance, half the contour interval            
for the elevation tolerance, and 50 meters for the relief tolerance.            
     The entire state could not be processed at one time because of             
computer storage limitations and contour interval differences.  The             
ANUDEM processing was done on 11 separate processing blocks.  Data from quadrangles adjacent to the state boundary were            
used. Different tolerances were used for each processing block according to           
the contour interval.  The processing blocks overlapped, in most                
cases, by 12 kilometers on each side.  All input hypsography and                
hydrography data were appended and trimmed to cover the areas for each          
processing block.                                                               
     ANUDEM first creates a DEM with a very coarse cell size.                   
Elevations are interpolated at that cell size and depressions are               
removed in an iterative process.  When RMS residuals reach the                  
specified tolerance, the interpolation process begins again, by using a            
cell size one-half the previous cell size.  The process repeats until           
the final user-specified cell size is reached.  During each                     
resolution, ANUDEM applies the drainage-enforcement algorithm to                
remove depressions after every five iterations.  ANUDEM interpolates            
iteratively at each resolution until the user-specified number of               
iterations is reached or the user-specified tolerances are overcome             
(Hutchinson, 1989).  Forty iterations were specified for this project,            
but the interpolations always were completed before reaching this               
maximum.  The DEM produced by ANUDEM contained floating-point                   
elevations in meters.                                                           
     Six kilometers were trimmed from the edges of each overlapping processing block after ANUDEM processing to avoid problems introduced by           
interpolations near the edges of the input datasets. The elevations            
in the remaining overlapping areas were averaged together using a               
distance-weighted method.  By using the ARC/INFO GRID function MOSAIC,        
the processing blocks were combined to create two DEMs: one covering           
the Oklahoma Panhandle and the Buffalo quadrangle and the other DEM             
covering the state exclusive of the panhandle.                                  
Filling the DEMs                                                               
     The resulting DEMs contained numerous depressions that had not            
been removed by the drainage-enforcement algorithm by using the specified          
tolerances.  Most depressions in DEMs are errors resulting from the            
representation of the surface in raster form (Jenson and Domingue,              
1988 and Hutchinson, 1989).  The presence of many small depressions             
would complicate the process of watershed delineation, so the DEMs             
were processed by using the ARC/INFO command FILL in the GRID module, an    
implementation of the approach outlined by Jenson and Domingue (1988).          
The FILL command fills depressions to pour points at the minimum                
elevations along the boundaries of the drainage basins upstream from the               
depressions.  The identification and removal of depressions is an               
iterative process.  When a depression is filled the boundaries of the           
filled area may create new depressions that will be filled in the next          
iteration.  The FILL command uses five steps.  First, the direction          
of flow is determined for each cell.  Second, depressions or sinks are          
found.  Sinks are cells surrounded by cells with higher elevation               
values. Third, the drainage basins of these sinks are computed.                 
Fourth, the depths of the sinks are found.  Fifth, the sinks are                
filled to the value of the lowest drainage basin boundary cell.  This           
five-part process is repeated until all sinks are filled (ESRI, 1994).          
    Cells with values of NODATA were entered at the depression centers to retain large depressions such as playa lakes.  The points used to           
specify depressions for retention by ANUDEM were converted to NODATA            
values in the DEM.  The FILL procedure does not fill areas draining             
into cells containing values of NODATA.  The original elevations were replaced into the cells that had been set to           
NODATA after the FILL procedure.                                                                         
    Because of a processing error the DEM, excluding the Oklahoma                   
Panhandle, the NODATA cells that represented large depressions were not            
given a NODATA value prior to the fill procedure.  Examination of the           
areas covered by filled sinks revealed two large depressions that had           
been filled inadvertently.  Data values for these areas were extracted          
from the unfilled DEM and used to replace the values in the filled DEM          
using the MERGE function of the ARC/INFO GRID module (ESRI, 1994).              
    The FLOWDIRECTION function of the GRID module of ARC/INFO is able         to resolve single-cell depressions without filling the depressions.  Therefore             
single-cell depressions and the large depressions specified for                 
retention are the only depressions remaining in the DEM after filling.          
The retained large depressions are presented in the noncontributing            
areas of the "noncontr" dataset.                                               
    A problem with the input 1:100,000 hydrography data was discovered          
at this processing stage.  The RF-3 hydrography data in the area            
covered by the Anthon 7.5-minute quadrangle were shifted from the             
true positions to about 1 kilometer to the west.  As a result,          
many streams in the area were drawn along topographic ridges                
instead of valleys.  These errors in the input data resulted in                 
substantial errors in the DEM.  The erroneous data were removed from            
"/rf3stick" dataset and the correct data were inserted from USGS               
1:100,000 DLG hydrography data.  All the hypsography and hydrography            
data for several kilometers around this area were extracted from the            
datasets and input to ANUDEM.  The resulting DEM was trimmed by                
several cells to eliminate any edge problems.  An area of NODATA                
smaller than this corrected DEM was made in the large unfilled DEM.             
These two DEMs were then combined by using the MOSAIC function of the           
ARC/INFOs GRID module.  An area larger than the area that had been             
corrected with ANUDEM was processed as before with FILL.  The                   
resulting DEM was then trimmed to a polygon that avoided all filled             
depressions and combined with the filled DEM of the state using the             
MERGE function of the ARC/INFOs GRID module (ESRI, 1994).  MERGE combined the DEMs, giving precedence to the corrected values in the area covered by the polygon, that resulted in a revised filled DEM for the               
state excluding the panhandle.                                                  
     The DEM for the panhandle and Buffalo quadrangle and the DEM for           
the state excluding the panhandle were then trimmed to have a                   
12-kilometer overlap around the southern and eastern boundaries of the          
Buffalo quadrangle (fig. 1).  The Oklahoma Panhandle and Buffalo quadrangle DEMs were combined by using the MOSAIC function to create a seamless statewide DEM.                                    
     The direction of overland surface-water flow for each cell (flow           
direction) was computed from the statewide floating-point DEM.                  
The floating-point DEM requires about twice the disk            
space as an integer version, for this reason, the distribution of the DEM was rounded to the nearest meter.  This was accomplished by adding 0.5 meter to         
every elevation and then truncating the result to integer meters.     

  Related spatial and tabular datasets and programs                          
    okflowdr -- flow direction of okdem                                         
    okflowac -- reclassed flow accumulation of okdem                            
    rf3stick -- downstream-directed stick hydrography                           
    watershd -- Oklahoma watersheds and 8-digit hydrologic units for            
                the remainder of the Arkansas, Red, and White River             
    noncontr -- noncontributing areas in Oklahoma                              
  References cited                                                            
    Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI), 1994,                
    Cell-based modeling with GRID 7.0.2--Hydrologic and distance                
    modeling tools, ARC/INFO On-line manuals: Redlands, CA.                     
    Horn, R.C., 1986, Reach File Manual: U.S. Environmental Protection
    Agency, 40p.

    Hutchinson, M.F., 1989, A new procedure for gridding elevation             
    and stream data with automatic removal of spurious pits: Journal            
    of Hydrology, v.106, p. 211-232.                                            
    Jenson, S.K. and Domingue, J.O., 1988, Software tools to extract            
    topographic structure from digital elevation data for geographic            
    information system analysis: Photogrammetric Engineering and                
    Remote Sensing, v. 54, no. 11, p. 1,593-1,600.                                 
    National Geodetic Survey (NGS), May 1995, Data Sheets, South                
    Central U.S., 1 CD-ROM.                                                     
    U.S. Geological Survey, 1990, Digital Elevation Models, National            
    Mapping Program Technical Instructions Data Users Guide 5, 51 p.            
    U.S. Geological Survey, 1989, Digital Line Graphs from                      
    1:100,000-scale Maps, National Mapping Program Technical                    
    Instructions Data Users Guide 2, 88 p.                                      
    Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive                 
purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.            
Although this Federal Geographic Data Committee-compliant metadata              
file is intended to document the "okdem.bil" file, this metadata file           
was developed by using the DOCUMENT program with ARC/INFO.  Therefore,     
this file may include some ARC/INFO-specific terminology.  Users are            
cautioned not to be confused by this terminology.  This metadata file           
should contain enough information to eliminate any confusion caused by          
the use of ARC/INFO-specific terminology.
Calendar_Date: 1996
publication date
Progress: Complete
Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: None planned
West_Bounding_Coordinate: -102.8861
East_Bounding_Coordinate: -93.8192
North_Bounding_Coordinate: 37.0899
South_Bounding_Coordinate: 33.3992
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Theme_Keyword: DEM
Place_Keyword: Oklahoma
Access_Constraints: None
This DEM has a 60-meter cell size.  This DEM was designed to support              
automated watershed delineation at scales equal to or smaller than              
1:100,000.  The elevations have been rounded to the nearest meter               
because of disk space and processing time concerns.  The elevations             
were derived from 1:100,000-scale hypsography and hydrography data.             
The process used to derive these elevations is discussed in the                 
Supplemental_Information section.  Water bodies were not included in            
the input data; only centerlines of streams, lakes, and reservoirs              
were used.  In some cases, underwater contours were used for                    
hypsographic input data.  The user is cautioned that the DEM                    
elevations in areas covered by water are not necessarily reliable.
Contact_Person: Joel R. Cederstrand
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Contact_Position: Geographer
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
202 NW 66th St., Bldg. 7
City: Oklahoma City
State_or_Province: Oklahoma
Postal_Code: 73116
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 405-843-7570
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 405-843-7712
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: jrceders@usgs.gov
Hours_of_Service: 8:00-4:45 Central
Contact Instructions:
If unavailable, ask for Alan Rea
Compilation of this dataset and the associated metadata was funded             
under a cooperative Joint Funding Agreement between the U.S.                    
Geological Survey; the State of Oklahoma, Office of the Secretary of            
Environment; and the Oklahoma Water Resources Board.
Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 2; ESRI ArcCatalog
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These data cover the state of Oklahoma plus a variable-width                
margin outside the state boundary.  Areas covered by water were not             
flattened and elevations in those areas are not necessarily reliable.
A set of geodetic control points (National Geodetic Survey, 1995) was used as an                   
independent check to evaluate the vertical accuracy of the DEM.  The            
results of the evaluation are shown in Table 1 in the Open-File Report 95-727.  The root-mean-squared-error (RMSE) was calculated as described in U.S. Geological Survey (1990).                                                                         
  Control points with elevations that differed from the DEM by more           
than two contour intervals were individually checked to determine the           
cause of the errors.  The control points were located on                        
1:24,000-scale 7.5-minute quadrangle maps and elevations were read              
from those maps.  Initially, the elevations of 25 control points were           
found to be in error.  These elevations were corrected in the control           
point dataset, then the errors were recalculated.                              
  Errors larger than two contour intervals existed at 25 points after recalculation.  Of these 25 points, 22 were located on the tops of small hills that were not shown on the less-detailed 1:100,000-scale topographic maps.  One other point was in a strip mine and had no nearby contours on the 1:100,000-scale map.  Two other      
points appeared to have been lowered by the drainage enforcement algorithm.
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Direct_Spatial_Reference_Method: Raster
Raster_Object_Type: Grid Cell
Row_Count: 7114
Column_Count: 13796
Vertical_Count: 1
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Map_Projection_Name: Albers Conical Equal Area
Standard_Parallel: 29.500000
Standard_Parallel: 45.500000
Longitude_of_Central_Meridian: -96.000000
Latitude_of_Projection_Origin: 23.000000
False_Easting: 0.000000
False_Northing: 0.000000
Planar_Coordinate_Encoding_Method: row and column
Abscissa_Resolution: 60.000000
Ordinate_Resolution: 60.000000
Planar_Distance_Units: meters
Horizontal_Datum_Name: North American Datum of 1983
Ellipsoid_Name: Geodetic Reference System 80
Semi-major_Axis: 6378137.000000
Denominator_of_Flattening_Ratio: 298.257222
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Entity_Type_Label: okdem.vat
Attribute_Label: Rowid
Internal feature number.
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.
Attribute_Label: VALUE
land-surface elevation for each cell rounded to nearest meter (NGVD 1929)
Enumerated_Domain_Value: Integer
Attribute_Label: COUNT
Number of grid cells of a value
Enumerated_Domain_Value: Integer
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Contact_Person: ESIC, Open-File Reports Section
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Address_Type: mailing address
Box 25286
City: Denver Federal Center
State_or_Province: CO
Postal_Code: 80225
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 303-202-4200
Resource_Description: USGS Open-File Report 95-727 (CD-ROM)
The U.S. Government assums no liability for these data nor the use thereof.
Transfer_Size: 56.839
CD-ROM drive and software capable of accessing ISO-9660 standard disc format.
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Metadata_Date: 19960314
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Contact_Person: Joel R. Cederstrand
Contact_Position: Geographer
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
202 NW 66th St., Bldg.7
City: Oklahoma City
State_or_Province: OK
Postal_Code: 73116
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 405-843-7570
Metadata_Standard_Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001-1994
Metadata_Time_Convention: local time
Online_Linkage: http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html
Profile_Name: ESRI Metadata Profile
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