This shapefile is to be used as a general reference to show the extent of the major aquifers in Oklahoma. The file was created from multiple sources of information. The scales and accuracy of these sources vary. This map layer shows the general outlines of the principal bedrock and alluvium aquifers in Oklahoma. The three main sources for aquifer boundaries were from the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB), the Oklahoma State Department of Health, and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). This map layer is intended to be used for display purposes, and should not be used for local data analysis.
The purpose of this shapefile is to provide generalized aquifer boundaries. This information should not be used for detailed analysis and studies.
ground condition
The data represent the results of data collection and/or processing for the specific OWRB activity or purpose described. As such, the data are valid only for the use, content, time, and accuracy specifications determined or intended by, or acceptable to, the OWRB. These data are not guaranteed to be useable, timely, accurate, or complete. The user is responsible for any use of these data other than the use by the OWRB, and for the results of any application of the data for other than the purpose intended by the OWRB. Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the OWRB, NEITHER THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA NOR THE OWRB NOR ANY OTHER AGENCY THEREOF, NOR ANY OF THE EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, OR SUBCONTRACTORS, MAKE ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, NOR ASSUME ANY LEGAL LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY FOR OR AS TO THE ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, USEFULNESS OR MERCHANTABILITY OF ANY DATUM, SOFTWARE, INFORMATION, APPARATUS, PRODUCT, OR PROCESS DISCLOSED, NOR REPRESENT THAT THE USE WOULD NOT INFRINGE ON PRIVATELY OWNED RIGHTS. NOR SHALL THE ACT OF DISTRIBUTION CONSTITUTE ANY SUCH WARRANTY. THIS DISCLAIMER APPLIES BOTH TO INDIVIDUAL USE OF THE DATA AND AGGREGATE USE WITH OTHER DATA. Conclusions drawn from, or actions undertaken on the basis of, such data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. Users are cautioned to consider carefully the provisional nature of these data and information before using these data for decisions that concern personal or public safety or the conduct of business that involves substantial monetary or operational consequences.
3800 N. Classen Blvd.
These data were not checked by the U.S. Geological Survey for accuracy or completeness. Should a question of accuracy or completeness arise, the user should contact the originator cited in the metadata.
This shapefile represents the major bedrock aquifer boundaries in Oklahoma and should be used only as a general reference.
Provided the Aquifer Boundaries
Provided the Aquifer Boundaries
Major Alluvium and Bedrock boundaries
The various sources of input information were merged together into one ArcView Shapefile
3800 N. Classen Blvd.
Internal feature number.
Feature geometry.
Aquifer Name
Aquifer Type
Aquifer Code
Antlers bedrock aquifer
Arbuckle-Simpson bedrock aquifer
Arbuckle-Timbered Hills bedrock aquifer
Blaine bedrock aquifer
Elk City bedrock aquifer
Ogallala bedrock aquifer
Roubidoux bedrock aquifer
Rush Springs bedrock aquifer
Vamoosa-Ada bedrock aquifer
Garber-Wellington bedrock aquifer
Arkansas River alluvium and terrace aquifer
Canadian River alluvium and terrace aquifer
Cimarron River alluvium and terrrace aquifer
Enid Isolated Terrace allluvium and terrace aquifer
Gerty Sand alluvium and terrace aquifer
North Fork of the Red River alluvium and terrace aquifer
Red River alluvium and terrace aquifer
Salt Fork of the Arkansas River alluvium and terrace aquifer
Tillman Terrace alluvium and terrace aquifer
Washita River alluvium and terrace aquifer
North Canadian River alluvium and terrace aquifer
Perimeter of polygon in miles
Area of polygon in square miles
Source of Aquifer Boundary
Oklahoma State Department of Health
Oklahoma Water Resources Board
U.S. Geological Survey
Area of polygon in acres
3800 N. Classen Blvd.
The data represent the results of data collection and/or processing for the specific OWRB activity or purpose described. As such, the data are valid only for the use, content, time, and accuracy specifications determined or intended by, or acceptable to, the OWRB. These data are not guaranteed to be useable, timely, accurate, or complete. The user is responsible for any use of these data other than the use by the OWRB, and for the results of any application of the data for other than the purpose intended by the OWRB. Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the OWRB, NEITHER THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA NOR THE OWRB NOR ANY OTHER AGENCY THEREOF, NOR ANY OF THE EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, OR SUBCONTRACTORS, MAKE ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, NOR ASSUME ANY LEGAL LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY FOR OR AS TO THE ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, USEFULNESS OR MERCHANTABILITY OF ANY DATUM, SOFTWARE, INFORMATION, APPARATUS, PRODUCT, OR PROCESS DISCLOSED, NOR REPRESENT THAT THE USE WOULD NOT INFRINGE ON PRIVATELY OWNED RIGHTS. NOR SHALL THE ACT OF DISTRIBUTION CONSTITUTE ANY SUCH WARRANTY. THIS DISCLAIMER APPLIES BOTH TO INDIVIDUAL USE OF THE DATA AND AGGREGATE USE WITH OTHER DATA. Conclusions drawn from, or actions undertaken on the basis of, such data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. Users are cautioned to consider carefully the provisional nature of these data and information before using these data for decisions that concern personal or public safety or the conduct of business that involves substantial monetary or operational consequences.
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3800 N. Classen Blvd.