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Data Series 517

National Water-Quality Assessment Program

Environmental and Biological Data for Assessment of the Nutrient Enrichment Effects on Agricultural Stream Ecosystems, 2006–08: A Project of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program

By Robin A. Brightbill and Jill D. Frankforter

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In 2000, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency began the process of developing regional nutrient criteria for streams and rivers. In response to concerns about nutrients in streams and rivers by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and others, the U.S. Geological Survey National Water-Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA) began studying the effects of nutrient enrichment on agricultural stream ecosystems to aid in the understanding of how nutrients affect the biota in agricultural streams. Streams in three study areas were sampled from 2006 through 2008. These three study areas were in three NAWQA study units: Ozark Plateau (OZRK), Upper Mississippi River Basin (UMIS), and Upper Snake River Basin (USNK). Data collected included nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous) and other chemical constituents in the water column, biological samples [chlorophyll, algal assemblages, invertebrate assemblages, and fish assemblages (at a limited number of sites)], stream habitat, riparian land cover, and basin characteristics. This report describes and presents the data collected from these study areas.

First posted July 26, 2010

For additional information contact:
Director, Pennsylvania Water Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
214 Limekiln Road
New Cumberland, PA 17070

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Suggested citation:

Brightbill, R.A., and Frankforter, J.D., 2010, Environmental and biological data for assessment of the nutrient enrichment effects on agricultural stream ecosystems, 2006-08: A project of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 517, 12 p.





Site Selection

Sample Collection and Laboratory Analysis

Environmental and Biological Data

Review and Revision of Environmental and Biological Sample Data


References Cited

Appendix 1. Sites by Study Area, Collection Year, and What Was Sampled at Each Site, as Part of the Nutrient Enrichment Effects on Stream Ecosystems Study of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program, 2006–08

Appendix 2. Nitrogen and Phosphorus Data from the Water Column by Study Area and Stream, as Part of the Nutrient Enrichment Effects on Stream Ecosystems Study of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program, 2006–08

Appendix 3. Carbon Concentrations in Water Column and Carbon and Nitrogen Concentrations in Suspended-Sediment Samples by Study Area, Stream Name, Sample Date and Time Collected, as Part of the Nutrient Enrichment Effects on Stream Ecosystems Study of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program, 2006–08

Appendix 4. Field Parameters Including Water Temperature, Instantaneous Discharge, Specific Conductance, and Other Parameters, as Part of the Nutrient Enrichment Effects on Stream Ecosystems Study of the National Water- Quality Assessment Program, 2006–08

Appendix 5. Periphyton and Seston Chlorophyll a, Pheophytin a, and Biomass from both the Richest and Depositional Targeted Habitat and from the Water Column by study area, stream, sample date, and time collected as part of the Nutrient Enrichment Effects on Stream Ecosystems Study of the National Water Quality Assessment Program, 2006-08

Appendix 6. Algal taxonomic data collected from richest targeted (rock or wood) habitat by study area, stream, sample date and time as part of the Nutrient Enrichment Effects on Stream Ecosystems Study of the National Water Quality Assessment Program, 2006-08

Appendix 7. Algal taxonomic data collected from sand and silt habitat by study area, stream, sample date and time as part of the Nutrient Enrichment Effects on Stream Ecosystems Study of the NatioMacroinvertebrate taxonomic and density data from the richest targeted habitat by study area as part of the Nutrient Enrichment Effects on Stream Ecosystems Study of the National Water Quality Assessment Program, 2006-8nal Water Quality Assessment Program, 2006-08

Appendix 8. Macroinvertebrate taxonomic and density data from the richest targeted habitat by study area as part of the Nutrient Enrichment Effects on Stream Ecosystems Study of the National Water Quality Assessment Program, 2006-08

Appendix 9. Fish Taxonomic Data Collected for Ozark Plateau Stream Sampling Sites, as Part of the Nutrient Enrichment Effects on Stream Ecosystems Study of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program, 2006

Appendix 10. In-stream Microhabitat Data by Study Area and Stream, as Part of the Nutrient Enrichment Effects on Stream Ecosystems Study of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program, 2006–08

Appendix 11. Reach-Scale In-Stream Habitat and Solar Pathfinder® Data by Study Area and Stream, as Part of the Nutrient Enrichment Effects on Stream Ecosystems Study of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program, 2006–08

Appendix 12. GIS-derived riparian Land-Cover Data Collected at Segment and Reach Scales, as Part of the Nutrient Enrichment Effects on Stream Ecosystems Study of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program, 2006–08

Appendix 13. GIS-Derived Basin Features Data by Study Area and Stream, as Part of the Nutrient Enrichment Effects on Stream Ecosystems Study of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program, 2006–08