Data Series 537
ABSTRACTTo facilitate the development of a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model of the Quillayute River estuary, the U.S. Geological Survey conducted a bathymetric survey of the Quillayute River and its tributaries, upstream of the La Push Harbor. Streamflow also was measured concurrent with the bathymetric survey. This report documents the bathymetric and streamflow data collected in the Quillayute (river mile 0.4–5.7), Dickey (river mile 0–0.4), and Bogachiel Rivers (river mile 0–0.8) on April 20–21 and May 4–6, 2010, including a longitudinal profile, about 7-miles long, of water-surface and riverbed elevations. In all, 173,800 bathymetric points were collected and streamflow measurements in the mainstem Quillayute River ranged from 3,630 to 7,800 cubic feet per second. |
First posted September 29, 2010 For additional information contact: Part or all of this report is presented in Portable Document Format (PDF); the latest version of Adobe Reader or similar software is required to view it. Download the latest version of Adobe Reader, free of charge. |
Czuba, J.A., Barnas, C.R., McKenna, T.E., Justin, G.B., and Payne, K.L., 2010, Bathymetric and streamflow data for the Quillayute, Dickey, and Bogachiel Rivers, Clallam County, Washington, April–May 2010: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 537, 12 p.
Bathymetric and Streamflow Data
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