Depth_start Depth_end Depth_median clay silt fine_sand med_sand coarse_sand granule blank interval sand% silt% clay% color deformation bed_thickness %shell %organic %bioturb wavy flaser lenticular cross_bed massive_bed inclined_bed horiz_lam hint of laminations grain_size heavy_min micro_fossils radiometric radiograph photo strat_type color sed_texture phys_char. spec_desig Additional_Text_Attributes DATE CORE ID Filename LAT Deg Min LONG Deg Min TIMESTART TIMESTOP PVC w/ line number and shot WATER DEPTH (FT) PENSTART PENSTOP MEAS LENGTH MISC NOTES -3 2 -0.5 shell_fragments silt 96.51341109 3.48658891 0 gray 35.41089728 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 2 7 4.5 shell_fragments silt 96.33043376 3.66956624 0 gray 38.09088165 100 0 grain_size 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 7 12 9.5 shell_fragments silt 96.14745642 3.85254358 0 gray 39.43087383 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 12 17 14.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 95.96447909 4.03552091 0 gray 40.77086602 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 17 22 19.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 95.78150176 4.21849824 0 gray 39.87753789 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 22 27 24.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 95.57238481 4.42761519 0 gray 38.98420977 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 27 32 29.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 95.36326785 4.63673215 0 gray 37.64421759 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 32 37 34.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 95.1541509 4.8458491 0 gray 36.3042254 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 37 42 39.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 94.94503395 5.05496605 0 gray 43.45085039 100 0 grain_size 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 42 47 44.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 94.735917 5.264083 0 gray 42.55752226 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 47 52 49.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 94.52680005 5.47319995 0 gray 30.05092854 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 52 57 54.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 94.42224157 5.57775843 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 57 62 59.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 94.31768309 5.68231691 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 62 67 64.5 fine_sand 94.21312462 5.78687538 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 67 72 69.5 fine_sand 94.10856614 5.89143386 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 72 77 74.5 fine_sand 94.00400767 5.99599233 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 77 82 79.5 fine_sand 93.89944919 6.10055081 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 82 87 84.5 fine_sand 93.79489071 6.20510929 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 87 92 89.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 93.69033224 6.30966776 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 92 97 94.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 93.58577376 6.41422624 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 97 102 99.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 93.65112281 6.34887719 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 102 107 104.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 93.71647186 6.28352814 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 107 112 109.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 93.7818209 6.2181791 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 112 117 114.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 93.84716995 6.15283005 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 117 122 119.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 93.912519 6.087481 0 gray 0 100 0 grain_size 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 122 127 124.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 93.97786805 6.02213195 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 127 132 129.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 94.04321709 5.95678291 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 132 137 134.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 94.10856614 5.89143386 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 137 142 139.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 94.10856614 5.89143386 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 142 147 144.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 94.10856614 5.89143386 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 147 152 149.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 94.10856614 5.89143386 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 152 157 154.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 94.10856614 5.89143386 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 157 162 159.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 94.10856614 5.89143386 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 162 167 164.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 94.42224157 5.57775843 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 167 172 169.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 94.735917 5.264083 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 172 177 174.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 95.04959243 4.95040757 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 177 182 179.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 95.36326785 4.63673215 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 182 187 184.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 95.67694328 4.32305672 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 187 192 189.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 95.99061871 4.00938129 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 192 197 194.5 fine_sand 96.30429414 3.69570586 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 197 202 199.5 fine_sand 96.53432278 3.46567722 0 gray 0 100 0 grain_size 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 202 207 204.5 fine_sand 96.76435143 3.23564857 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 207 212 209.5 fine_sand 96.99438008 3.00561992 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 212 217 214.5 fine_sand 97.22440872 2.77559128 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 217 222 219.5 fine_sand 97.45443737 2.54556263 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 222 227 224.5 fine_sand 97.33245248 2.66754752 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 227 232 229.5 fine_sand 97.21046759 2.78953241 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 232 237 234.5 fine_sand 97.08848271 2.91151729 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 237 242 239.5 fine_sand 96.96649782 3.03350218 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 242 247 244.5 fine_sand 96.84451293 3.15548707 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 247 252 249.5 fine_sand 96.72252804 3.27747196 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 252 257 254.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 96.65282239 3.34717761 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 257 262 259.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 96.58311674 3.41688326 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 262 267 264.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 96.51341109 3.48658891 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 267 272 269.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 96.15791227 3.84208773 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 272 277 274.5 fine_sand 95.80241345 4.19758655 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 277 282 279.5 fine_sand 95.44691463 4.55308537 0 gray 0 100 0 grain_size 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 282 287 284.5 fine_sand 95.09141582 4.90858418 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 287 292 289.5 fine_sand 94.735917 5.264083 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 292 297 294.5 fine_sand 95.32841503 4.67158497 0 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 297 302 299.5 fine_sand 95.92091306 2.99262282 1.08646412 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 302 307 304.5 fine_sand 96.51341109 1.31366067 2.17292824 gray 0 100 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 307 312 309.5 fine_sand 77.74516466 18.99544298 3.25939236 gray 0 0 100 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 312 317 314.5 fine_sand 68.15192449 26.4361946 5.41188091 gray 0 0 100 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 317 322 319.5 fine_sand 58.55868432 33.87694621 7.56436947 gray 0 0 100 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 322 327 324.5 fine_sand 57.35626185 33.8769462 8.76679195 gray 0 0 100 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 327 332 329.5 shell_fragments fine_sand 56.15383938 33.8769462 9.96921442 gray 0 0 100 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 332 337 334.5 shell_fragments planar_beds fine_sand 50.29856472 38.37296067 11.32847461 gray 0 0 100 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 337 342 339.5 shell_fragments planar_beds fine_sand 46.11622569 41.19603952 12.68773479 gray 0 0 100 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 342 347 344.5 planar_beds fine_sand 45.22747864 41.35287723 13.41964413 gray 0 0 100 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 347 352 349.5 planar_beds silt 44.3387316 41.50971494 14.15155346 gray 0 0 100 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 352 357 354.5 silt 44.07733541 40.67324714 15.24941745 gray 0 0 100 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 357 362 359.5 silt silt 43.81593922 39.83677933 16.34728145 gray 0 0 100 grain_size 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm, more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud contact, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 362 367 364.5 silt 44.3387316 40.88236409 14.77890431 0 6/23/07 07SCC52 07SCC_52ci.dat 30 4.157 88 52.445 445 447 UNO 12 14.4 _ _ 146.5 "headed into shallower water to capture the 'up' side of scarp. Brownish gray shely silt fine sand at top, dark olive gray silty sand at base, shells rare but present throughout 0-314cm; more common above 50cm, sharp basal contact @ 314cm with change in color and mud, hints of lamination through 314-374 cm, one shell fragmented at 334 cm" 44.3387316 40.88236409 14.77890431 0