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Data Series 546

Water-Quality, Water-Level, and Discharge Data Associated with the Mississippi Embayment Agricultural Chemical Transport Study, 2006–2008

Melinda S. Dalton, Claire E. Rose, and Richard H. Coupe


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In 2006, the Agricultural Chemicals: Sources, Transport and Fate study team (Agricultural Chemicals Team, ACT) of the U.S. Geological Survey National Water-Quality Assessment Program began a study in northwestern Mississippi to evaluate the influence of surface-water recharge on the occurrence of agriculturally related nutrients and pesticides in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer. The ACT study was composed in the Bogue Phalia Basin, an indicator watershed within the National Water-Quality Assessment Program Mississippi Embayment Study Unit and utilized several small, subbasins within the Bogue Phalia to evaluate surface and groundwater interaction and chemical transport in the Basin. Data collected as part of this ACT study include water-quality data from routine and incident-driven water samples evaluated for major ions, nutrients, organic carbon, physical properties, and commonly used pesticides in the area; discharge, gage height and water-level data for surface-water sites, the shallow alluvial aquifer, and hyporheic zone; additionally, agricultural data and detailed management activities were reported by land managers for farms within two subbasins of the Bogue Phalia Basin—Tommie Bayou at Pace, MS, and an unnamed tributary to Clear Creek near Napanee, MS.

First posted December 13, 2010

For additional information contact:
Richard H. Coupe
USGS Mississippi Water Science Center
NAWQA Mississippi Embayment Study Unit
308 South Airport Road
Pearl, Mississippi 39208-6649
telephone: 601-933-2982

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Suggested citation:

Dalton, M.S., Rose, C.E., and Coupe, R.H., 2010, Water-quality, water-level, and discharge data associated with the Mississippi embayment agricultural chemical-transport study, 2006-2008: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 546, 60 p.





Purpose and Scope

Study Area

Site-Identification System

Data-Collection Methods

Presentation of Data

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