Geologic and benthic characteristics of the seafloor from video images, San Pedro shelf, southern California - VIDEODES.SHP

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What does this data set describe?

Geologic and benthic characteristics of the seafloor from video images, San Pedro shelf, southern California - VIDEODES.SHP
VIDEODES.SHP is a GIS file describing locations and more than 120 geologic and biologic attributes seen on seafloor images transmitted from a towed video camera during September 2004 on survey O-1-04-SC.
This data set is one of a collection of digital files of a geographic information system (GIS) of spatially referenced data related to the study of seafloor geology and benthic habitats of the San Pedro shelf off southern California.
The San Pedro shelf study area covers approximately 400 sq km offshore of the metropolitan Los Angeles area out to a water depth of about 150 m (492 ft). The seafloor hosts a rich and varied biologic community and is subject to anthropogenic inputs from shipping traffic, sewage outfall systems, commercial fisheries, and recreational use. Between 1998 and 2004, the U.S. Geological Survey (in cooperation with Los Angeles and Orange County Sanitation Districts) mapped the seafloor with sonar technologies, collected video and still photography, and collected sediment samples to develop a characterization of this shelf area.
Additional information about the field activities from which this data set was derived are available online at
Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
Although this Federal Geographic Data Committee-compliant metadata file is intended to document the data set in nonproprietary form, as well as in ArcInfo format, this metadata file may include some ArcInfo-specific terminology.
  1. How should this data set be cited?

    Phillips, Eleyne L. , and Wong, Florence L. , 2012, Geologic and benthic characteristics of the seafloor from video images, San Pedro shelf, southern California - VIDEODES.SHP:.

    Online Links:

    • <>

    This is part of the following larger work.

    Wong, Florence L. , Edwards, Brian D. , Dartnell, Peter, and Phillips, Eleyne L. , 2012, Seafloor Geology and Benthic Habitats of the San Pedro shelf, southern California: U.S. Geological Survey Digital Series 552, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California.

    Online Links:

  2. What geographic area does the data set cover?

    West_Bounding_Coordinate: -118.31874443
    East_Bounding_Coordinate: -117.94869326
    North_Bounding_Coordinate: 33.71465996
    South_Bounding_Coordinate: 33.54936628

  3. What does it look like?

    <> (GIF)
    preview image of data set

  4. Does the data set describe conditions during a particular time period?

    Calendar_Date: 2004
    Currentness_Reference: ground condition

  5. What is the general form of this data set?

    Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: map

  6. How does the data set represent geographic features?

    1. How are geographic features stored in the data set?

      This is a Point data set. It contains the following vector data types (SDTS terminology):

      • Point (5216)

    2. What coordinate system is used to represent geographic features?

      Horizontal positions are specified in geographic coordinates, that is, latitude and longitude. Latitudes are given to the nearest 0.000001. Longitudes are given to the nearest 0.000001. Latitude and longitude values are specified in Decimal degrees.

      The horizontal datum used is WGS84.
      The ellipsoid used is WGS84.
      The semi-major axis of the ellipsoid used is 6378206.4.
      The flattening of the ellipsoid used is 1/294.98.

  7. How does the data set describe geographic features?

    Attributes of seafloor observations. (Source: This study.)

    Internal feature number. (Source: ESRI, <>)

    Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

    Feature geometry. (Source: ESRI, <>)

    Coordinates defining the features.

    day number counting from January 1 (Source: Common usage.)

    Range of values

    Coordinated Universal Time (Greenwich Mean Time) (Source: Common usage.)

    time formatted as HH:MM:SS AM/PM

    latitude (Source: Common usage.)

    Range of values

    longitude (Source: Common usage.)

    Range of values

    depth (meters) (Source: Common usage.)

    Range of values

    altitude (Source: Common usage.)

    Range of values

    heading (degrees) (Source: Common usage.)

    Range of values

    trackline or course made good (degrees) (Source: Common usage.)

    Range of values

    speed over ground (knots) (Source: Common usage.)

    speed in knots

    major sediment type (Source: This study.)

    boulderboulder (maj, min)
    checkCHECK- location to review video (maj, min)
    cobblecobble (maj, min)
    gravelgravel (maj, min)
    intINTERFACE- change in seafloor type (maj, min)
    kelp_cvrkelp forest coverage (maj, min)
    mudmud (maj, min)
    rockrock (maj, min)
    sandsand (maj, min)
    undUNDEFINED- seafloor could not be seen/determined (maj, min)

    minor sediment type (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Sediment type
    Codeset Source:Attribute MAJ in this metadata record.

    qualitative description of slope (Source: This study.)

    cliffextreme relief (slope)
    flatlow relief (slope)
    slopeslope relief (slope)

    abiotic complexity (Source: This study.)

    a_hihigh abiotic complexity
    a_lowlow abiotic complexity
    a_modmoderate abiotic complexity
    a_traceabiotic complexity trace

    biotic complexity (Source: This study.)

    b_hihigh biotic complexity
    b_lowlow biotic complexity
    b_modmoderate biotic complexity
    b_tracetrace biotic complexity

    biotic coverage (Source: This study.)

    cvr_bbarren benthic coverage
    cvr_hhigh benthic coverage
    cvr_llow benthic coverage
    cvr_mmoderate benthic coverage

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    algalgae (other)
    anmanenome (other)
    anm_bburrowing anemone (other)
    anm_ssand rose anemone (other)
    ath_fganthropogenic fish gear (anthropogenic)
    ath_ghanthropogenic hole/gouge (anthropogenic)
    ath_oanthropogenic other (anthropogenic)
    ath_twanthropogenic trawl mark (anthropogenic)
    bdtbody trace (other)
    bivbivalve (other)
    bplbiotic plowing (other)
    brcbrachiopod (other)
    btwtool mark (other)
    cb_hcrab holothurian (other)
    cb_oother crab (other)
    cb_sspider crab (other)
    chckCHECK! (other)
    circircle scribe (other)
    corcoral (other)
    cor_eencrusting coral (other)
    cricrinoid (other)
    crucrustacean (other)
    cur_bcurrent bowed (current indicators)
    cur_lncurrent lineations (current indicators)
    cur_sccurrent scour (current indicators)
    cur_smcurrent smooth (current indicators)
    cur_wncurrent winnowed (current indicators)
    diadiatomaceous cover (other)
    dwddrift weed (other)
    eggegg case (other)
    elselasmobranch (other)
    fan_bgbushy golden gorgonian (other)
    fan_oother gorgonian (other)
    fan_ppurple gorgonian (other)
    fan_rred gorgonian (other)
    ffflat fish (other)
    flsfeatureless (current indicators)
    ftwfeather worm (other)
    gor_eerect progonian (other)
    gor_pprostrate gorgonian (other)
    gstgastropod (other)
    humbiotrubated/hummocky (burrow type)
    invinvertebrate (other)
    kelkelp - not obscuring (other)
    lblarge burrow (burrow type)
    lfyscattered leaf (other)
    metmetridium anenome (other)
    mndmound (other)
    obother burrow (burrow type)
    octoctopus (other)
    pgpit gentle (pit type)
    pnpennatulid (other)
    pn_fspfat sea pen (other)
    pn_ftpennatulid - feather (other)
    pn_swsea whip (other)
    poofecal coil (other)
    pshpit sharp (pit type)
    pupit undefined (pit type)
    rfround fish (other)
    rp_aasymmetrical ripple (bedform type)
    rp_cconfused ripple (bedform type)
    rp_ddegraded ripple (bedform type)
    rp_mmega ripple (bedform type)
    rp_ocoscillating ripple (bedform type)
    rp_orother ripple (bedform type)
    rp_shsharp ripple (bedform type)
    rp_susubtle ripple (bedform type)
    rx_bbbrocken/blocky (rock type)
    rx_ffractured rock (rock type)
    rx_irock island (rock type)
    rx_ssedimentary rock (rock type)
    rx_sboutsized clast (rock type)
    rx_ttalus (rock type)
    sarsardine/anchovy (other)
    sbsmall burrow (burrow type)
    scusea cucumber (other)
    scu_ccalifornia cucumber (other)
    scu_wwarty cucumber (other)
    sed_wsediment wave (current indicators)
    sh_dbshell debris (other)
    spg_eencrusting sponge (other)
    spg_ssololitary sponge (other)
    sqsquid (other)
    st_babasket star (other)
    st_brbrittle star (other)
    st_ostar other (other)
    st_ssand star (other)
    tbwtube worm (other)
    tcktrack/trail (other)
    trfturf (other)
    ur_dideep water irregular urchin (other)
    ur_ffragile urchin (other)
    ur_prpurple/red urchin (other)
    ur_rurchin regular (other)
    ur_wwhite urchin (other)
    vhhigh visibility (visibility)
    vmmoderate visibility (visibility)
    vnnephloid visibility (visibility)
    vppoor visibility (visibility)

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    major sediment type (Source: This study.)

    boulderboulder (maj, min)
    CHECK- location to review videoCHECK- location to review video (maj, min)
    cobblecobble (maj, min)
    gravelgravel (maj, min)
    INTERFACE- change in seafloor typeINTERFACE- change in seafloor type (maj, min)
    kelp - not obscuringp_cvrkelp forest coverage (maj, min)
    mudmud (maj, min)
    rockrock (maj, min)
    sandsand (maj, min)
    undUNDEFINED- seafloor could not be seen/determined (maj, min)

    minor sediment type (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Sediment type
    Codeset Source:Attribute MAJ in this metadata record.

    qualitative description of slope (Source: This study.)

    extreme reliefextreme relief (slope)
    low relieflow relief (slope)
    slope reliefslope relief (slope)

    abiotic complexity (Source: This study.)

    a_hihigh abiotic complexity
    a_lowlow abiotic complexity
    a_modmoderate abiotic complexity
    a_traceabiotic complexity trace

    biotic complexity (Source: This study.)

    high biotic complexityhigh biotic complexity
    low biotic complexitylow biotic complexity
    moderate biotic complexitymoderate biotic complexity
    trace biotic complexitytrace biotic complexity

    biotic coverage (Source: This study.)

    barren benthic coveragebarren benthic coverage
    high benthic coveragehigh benthic coverage
    low benthic coveragelow benthic coverage
    moderate benthic coveragemoderate benthic coverage

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    algaealgae (other)
    anemoneanemone (other)
    burrowing anemoneburrowing anemone (other)
    sand rose anemonesand rose anemone (other)
    anthropogenic fish gearanthropogenic fish gear (anthropogenic)
    ath_ghanthropogenic hole/gouge (anthropogenic)
    anthropogenic otheranthropogenic other (anthropogenic)
    anthropogenic trawl markanthropogenic trawl mark (anthropogenic)
    body tracebody trace (other)
    bivalvebivalve (other)
    biotic plowingbiotic plowing (other)
    brachiopodbrachiopod (other)
    tool marktool mark (other)
    cb_hcrab holothurian (other)
    other crabother crab (other)
    spider crabspider crab (other)
    chckCHECK! (other)
    circle scribecircle scribe (other)
    coralcoral (other)
    coral_eencrusting coral (other)
    crinoidcrinoid (other)
    crustaceancrustacean (other)
    current bowedcurrent bowed (current indicators)
    current lineationscurrent lineations (current indicators)
    current scourcurrent scour (current indicators)
    current smoothcurrent smooth (current indicators)
    current winnowedcurrent winnowed (current indicators)
    diatomaceous coverdiatomaceous cover (other)
    drift weeddrift weed (other)
    egg caseegg case (other)
    elasmobranchelasmobranch (other)
    bushy golden gorgonianbushy golden gorgonian (other)
    other gorgonianother gorgonian (other)
    pit undefinedrple gorgonianpurple gorgonian (other)
    red gorgonianred gorgonian (other)
    low relief fishflat fish (other)
    featurelessfeatureless (current indicators)
    feather wormfeather worm (other)
    erect progonianerect progonian (other)
    prostrate gorgonianprostrate gorgonian (other)
    gastropodgastropod (other)
    humbiotrubated/hummocky (burrow type)
    invertebrateinvertebrate (other)
    kelp - not obscuringkelp - not obscuring (other)
    large burrowlarge burrow (burrow type)
    scattered leafscattered leaf (other)
    metridium anemoneridium anemonemetridium anenome (other)
    moundmound (other)
    other burrowother burrow (burrow type)
    octopusoctopus (other)
    pit gentlepit gentle (pit type)
    pennatulidpennatulid (other)
    pennatulid_fspfat sea pen (other)
    pennatulid_ftpennatulid - feather (other)
    pennatulid_swsea whip (other)
    fecal coilfecal coil (other)
    pit sharppit sharp (pit type)
    pit undefinedpit undefined (pit type)
    round fishround fish (other)
    asymmetrical rippleasymmetrical ripple (bedform type)
    confused rippleconfused ripple (bedform type)
    degraded rippledegraded ripple (bedform type)
    mega ripplemega ripple (bedform type)
    oscillating rippleoscillating ripple (bedform type)
    other rippleother ripple (bedform type)
    sharp ripplesharp ripple (bedform type)
    subtle ripplesubtle ripple (bedform type)
    rx_bbbrocken/blocky (rock type)
    fractured rockfractured rock (rock type)
    rock islandrock island (rock type)
    sedimentary rocksedimentary rock (rock type)
    sedimentary rockboutsized clast (rock type)
    talustalus (rock type)
    sarsardine/anchovy (other)
    small burrowsmall burrow (burrow type)
    sea cucumbersea cucumber (other)
    sea cucumber_ccalifornia cucumber (other)
    sea cucumber_wwarty cucumber (other)
    sediment wavesediment wave (current indicators)
    shell debrisshell debris (other)
    encrusting spongeencrusting sponge (other)
    solitary spongesololitary sponge (other)
    squidsquid (other)
    basket starbasket star (other)
    brittle starbrittle star (other)
    star otherstar other (other)
    sand starsand star (other)
    tube wormtube worm (other)
    tcktrack/trail (other)
    turfturf (other)
    deep water irregular urchindeep water irregular urchin (other)
    fragile urchinfragile urchin (other)
    ur_prpurple/red urchin (other)
    urchin regularurchin regular (other)
    white urchinwhite urchin (other)
    high visibilityhigh visibility (visibility)
    moderate visibilitymoderate visibility (visibility)
    nephloid visibilitynephloid visibility (visibility)
    poor visibilitypoor visibility (visibility)

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    Type of seafloor feature observed in streaming video image, in order of data entry (first feature observed stored in B1, second in B2, and so on). (Source: This study.)

    Formal codeset
    Codeset Name:Observed seafloor features
    Codeset Source:Attribute B1 in this metadata record.

    VIDEODES.PAT - point attributes
       25  JD                     8    16     F      3
       33  UTC                   11    11     C      -
       44  LAT                    8    16     F      3
       52  LON                    8    16     F      3
       60  DEP                    8    16     F      3
       68  ALT                    8    16     F      3
       76  HED                    8    16     F      3
       84  TMG                    8    16     F      3
       92  SOG                    8    16     F      3
      100  MAJ                    9     9     C      -
      109  MIN                    9     9     C      -
      118  SLOPE                  9     9     C      -
      127  ABIO_CMP               9     9     C      -
      136  BIO_CMP                9     9     C      -
      145  BIO_CVR                9     9     C      -
      154  B1                     9     9     C      -
      163  B2                     9     9     C      -
      172  B3                     9     9     C      -
      181  B4                     9     9     C      -
      190  B5                     9     9     C      -
      199  B6                     9     9     C      -
      208  B7                     9     9     C      -
      217  B8                     9     9     C      -
      226  B9                     9     9     C      -
      235  B10                    9     9     C      -
      244  B11                    9     9     C      -
      253  B12                    9     9     C      -
      262  B13                    9     9     C      -
      271  B14                    9     9     C      -
      280  B15                    9     9     C      -
      289  B16                    9     9     C      -
      298  B17                    9     9     C      -
      307  B18                    9     9     C      -
      316  B19                    9     9     C      -
      325  B20                    9     9     C      -
      334  B21                    9     9     C      -
      343  B22                    9     9     C      -
      352  B23                    9     9     C      -
      Table of observed seafloor features
      maj, min
        boulder - boulder
        check - CHECK- location to review video
        cobble - cobble
        gravel - gravel
        int - INTERFACE- change in seafloor type
        kelp_cvr - kelp forest coverage
        mud - mud
        rock - rock
        sand - sand
        und - UNDEFINED- seafloor could not be seen/determined
        cliff - extreme relief
        flat - low relief
        slope - slope relief
      abiotic complexity
        a_hi - high abiotic complexity
        a_low - low abiotic complexity
        a_mod - moderate abiotic complexity
        a_trace - abiotic complexity trace
      biotic complexity
        b_hi - high biotic complexity
        b_low - low biotic complexity
        b_mod - moderate biotic complexity
        b_trace - trace biotic complexity
      biotic coverage
        cvr_b - barren benthic coverage
        cvr_h - high benthic coverage
        cvr_l - low benthic coverage
        cvr_m - moderate benthic coverage
      current indicators
        cur_b - current bowed
        cur_ln - current lineations
        cur_sc - current scour
        cur_sm - current smooth
        cur_wn - current winnowed
        fls - featureless
        sed_w - sediment wave
        ath_fg - anthropogenic fish gear
        ath_gh - anthropogenic hole/gouge
        ath_o - anthropogenic other
        ath_tw - anthropogenic trawl mark
        vh - high visibility
        vm - moderate visibility
        vn - nephloid visibility
        vp - poor visibility
      bedform type
        rp_a - asymmetrical ripple
        rp_c - confused ripple
        rp_d - degraded ripple
        rp_m - mega ripple
        rp_oc - oscillating ripple
        rp_or - other ripple
        rp_sh - sharp ripple
        rp_su - subtle ripple
      rock type
        rx_bb - brocken/blocky
        rx_f - fractured rock
        rx_i - rock island
        rx_s - sedimentary rock
        rx_sb - outsized clast
        rx_t - talus
      burrow type
        hum - biotrubated/hummocky
        lb - large burrow
        ob - other burrow
        sb - small burrow
      pit type
        pg - pit gentle
        psh - pit sharp
        pu - pit undefined
        alg - algae
        anm - anenome
        anm_b - burrowing anemone
        anm_s - sand rose anemone
        bdt - body trace
        biv - bivalve
        bpl - biotic plowing
        brc - brachiopod
        btw - tool mark
        cb_h - crab holothurian
        cb_o - other crab
        cb_s - spider crab
        chck - CHECK!
        cir - circle scribe
        cor - coral
        cor_e - encrusting coral
        cri - crinoid
        cru - crustacean
        dia - diatomaceous cover
        dwd - drift weed
        egg - egg case
        els - elasmobranch
        fan_bg - bushy golden gorgonian
        fan_o - other gorgonian
        fan_p - purple gorgonian
        fan_r - red gorgonian
        ff - flat fish
        ftw - feather worm
        gor_e - erect progonian
        gor_p - prostrate gorgonian
        gst - gastropod
        inv - invertebrate
        kel - kelp - not obscuring
        lfy - scattered leaf
        met - metridium anenome
        mnd - mound
        oct - octopus
        pn - pennatulid
        pn_fsp - fat sea pen
        pn_ft - pennatulid - feather
        pn_sw - sea whip
        poo - fecal coil
        rf - round fish
        sar - sardine/anchovy
        scu - sea cucumber
        scu_c - california cucumber
        scu_w - warty cucumber
        sh_db - shell debris
        spg_e - encrusting sponge
        spg_s - solitary sponge
        sq - squid
        st_ba - basket star
        st_br - brittle star
        st_o - star other
        st_s - sand star
        tbw - tube worm
        tck - track/trail
        trf - turf
        ur_di - deep water irregular urchin
        ur_f - fragile urchin
        ur_pr - purple/red urchin
        ur_r - urchin regular
        ur_w - white urchin
    Entity_and_Attribute_Detail_Citation: none

Who produced the data set?

  1. Who are the originators of the data set? (may include formal authors, digital compilers, and editors)

  2. Who also contributed to the data set?

  3. To whom should users address questions about the data?

    United States Geological Survey (USGS) Coastal and Marine Geology (CMG)
    Attn: Florence L. Wong
    Geologist, GIS Coordinator
    USGS, MailStop 999, 345 Middlefield Road
    Menlo Park, CA 94025-3561

    (650) 329-5327 (voice)
    (650) 329-5190 (FAX)

Why was the data set created?

These data are intended for science researchers, students, policy makers, and the general public. The data can be used with geographic information systems (GIS) software to display geologic and oceanographic information.

How was the data set created?

  1. From what previous works were the data drawn?

  2. How were the data generated, processed, and modified?

    Date: 2004 (process 1 of 6)
    Ten hours and 7.3 line-km of seafloor video data were collected within the study area in 2004, out of 156 total hours and 365 line-km of the research cruise. Two video camcorders recorded oblique and vertical-looking video of the same field of view, in which either of the laser beam pairs provided scale. The vertical-looking data is annotated to include navigation, altitude, depth and time. RedHen Systems(TM) hardware/software recorded the GPS navigational data onto one of the audio tracks of both video systems, and comments spoken into a microphone onboard the survey vessel occupy the other audio track. The digital video were archived onto DVD using VOB/mpeg2 compression, preserving the audio track separation, and transferred onto external hard drives. RedHen System's MediaMapper(TM) program then read and imported the geospatial data into XML files. The Trackpoint-corrected navigational data replaced the original navigation using a timestamp correlation. These data locations were exported to GIS point shapefiles, providing geospatial markers for the videos and photographs in an ArcGIS project (Phillips, 2007).
    Seafloor images captured by a towed video camera were transmitted to the shipboard laboratory. Coded descriptions of the features observed on the video monitor were entered into a database with three programmable keypads (Anderson and others, 2008). More than 120 geologic and biologic attributes (such as seafloor composition, abiotic complexity, biotic complexity, biologic modifiers of the seafloor, and number of benthic fauna and demersal fish) were keyed during each 20- to 30-second observation period. Each observation consists of 6 mandatory attributes and as many secondary attributes as could be observed and noted. The string of attributes were recorded to a comma-delimited file with time stamps and geographic coordinates at the beginning and end of the observation.

    Date: 2007 (process 2 of 6)
    Edited data table: Gathered unique code entries from attribute table, reconciled mistyped entries.

    Date: 30-Mar-2009 (process 3 of 6)
    First draft of metadata created by florence using FGDCMETA.AML ver. 1.35 08/02/2000 on ArcInfo data set /we/florence/sanpedro/covs/videodes

    Date: 28-May-2010 (process 4 of 6)
    Metadata imported.

    Data sources used in this process:

    • d:\TEMP\xml297.tmp

    Date: 28-May-2010 (process 5 of 6)
    Metadata imported.

    Data sources used in this process:

    • d:\TEMP\xml2B8.tmp

    Date: 28-May-2010 (process 6 of 6)
    Dataset copied.

    Data sources used in this process:

    • Q:\sanpedro\covs\videodes

  3. What similar or related data should the user be aware of?

    Phillips, Eleyne L., 2007, Exploring rippled scour depressions offshore Huntington Beach, CA: Master of Sciences thesis. University of California, Santa Cruz [unnumbered], University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, California.

    Online Links:

    Other_Citation_Details: Phillips, 2007
    Anderson, T.J., Cochrane, G.R, Roberts, D.A., Chezar, H., and Hatcher, G., 2008, A systematic real-time method to characterize seafloor habitats and benthic macro-organisms - Habitat mapping with a side-scar sonar and towed came ra-sled, in Mapping the Seafloor for Habitat Characterization^M: Geological Association of Canada Special Paper 47.

    Online Links:

    Other_Citation_Details: p. 71-79

How reliable are the data; what problems remain in the data set?

  1. How well have the observations been checked?

    The seafloor attributes are values or descriptions determined during original shipboard video observations. The attributes have been edited for consistent terminology. There are no plans for review of video.

  2. How accurate are the geographic locations?

    Navigation data were recorded for the ship using Differential Geographic Positioning System (DGPS). The layback, or the offset incurred by towing a sled, was determined using Trackpoint 2000 technology, an underwater acoustic ranging system. This Trackpoint navigation was spliced into the original DGPS navigation data to determine the location of the camera sled. Local variables such as transient currents were not factored in and may introduce uncertainties in the exact location of the observations.

  3. How accurate are the heights or depths?

  4. Where are the gaps in the data? What is missing?


  5. How consistent are the relationships among the observations, including topology?

    Point features present.

How can someone get a copy of the data set?

Are there legal restrictions on access or use of the data?

Access_Constraints: None
Use_Constraints: None

  1. Who distributes the data set? (Distributor 1 of 1)

    United States Geological Survey (USGS) Coastal and Marine Geology (CMG)
    Attn: Florence L. Wong
    Geologist, GIS Coordinator
    USGS, MailStop 999, 345 Middlefield Road
    Menlo Park, CA 94025-3561

    (650) 329-5327 (voice)
    (650) 329-5190 (FAX)

  2. What's the catalog number I need to order this data set?

    USGS DS 552

  3. What legal disclaimers am I supposed to read?

    Please recognize the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) as the source of this information.
    Although these data have been used by the U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior, no warranty expressed or implied is made by the U.S. Geological Survey as to the accuracy of the data.
    The act of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the U.S. Geological Survey in the use of this data, software, or related materials.

  4. How can I download or order the data?

Who wrote the metadata?

Last modified: 31-Aug-2009
Last Reviewed: 2009
Metadata author:
U.S. Geological Survey
Attn: Florence L. Wong
Menlo Park, California REQUIRED: 94025

650-329-5327 (voice)

Metadata standard:
FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata (FGDC-STD-001-1998)
Metadata extensions used:

Generated by mp version 2.9.15 on Mon Jul 30 14:54:34 2012