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U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 590

How to Download SEG-Y Data

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The seismic data files are binary encoded and cannot be viewed directly. The best way to download these files is to open the segy folder, select the SEG-Y files you wish to download, and drag and drop these files onto your hard drive or use the File > Copy command.

The SEG-Y formatted trace files have a .sgy extension. A detailed description of the data format can be found at

NOTE: These files may be extremely large. The SEG-Y files for 09CCT03 range in size from 0.021 to 385 MB and 2 to 193 MB for 09CCT04. The web version of this archive does not contain the SEG-Y trace files. These files are very large and would require extremely long download times. To obtain the complete DVD archive, contact USGS Information at 1-888-ASK-USGS or

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