Appendix 1. Description of the data in Appendix 1. Appendix 1 contains the data described in the report Spatially-Pooled Depth-Dependent Water-Quality Data for Selected Reservoirs in Texas, January 1965 - January 2010 by Burley, T.E., Asquith, W.H., and Brooks, D.L. (2010). Each appendix contains data-specific README files in addition to the data files themselves. FOLDER: Appendix_2_USGSdata This folder contains the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Information System water-quality data compiled for the above report. FOLDER: Appendix_3_TCEQdata This folder contains the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality water-quality data compiled for the above report. FOLDER: Appendix_4_StorageElevation This folder contains the reservoir storage and elevation data from the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Information System, Texas Water Development Board, and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality compiled for the above report.