Appendix 2-1. Description of the data in Appendix 2. Appendix 2 contains the data described in the report Spatially-Pooled Depth-Dependent Water-Quality Data for Selected Reservoirs in Texas, January 1965 - January 2010 by Burley, T.E., Asquith, W.H., and Brooks, D.L. (2010). This folder contains three descriptive files (including this file) and many data files of water quality data from U.S. Geological Survey sites described in the report. The files have all been saved in the Windows carriage-return, line-feed line ending convention. The files are all saved in the Unicode UTF-8 encoding scheme. Each data file is a one-or-more space delimited and should be readily imported into conventional spreadsheet and statistical software. Missing entries are encoded with the string "NA". FILE: Appendix_2-2_USGS_QW_PARAMETERS.txt This text file lists the water-quality parameter numbers, description, and units found in associated data files within this folder. For example, the parameter 00010 is water temperature in degrees Celsius. These data can be found in file USGS_P00010.txt. Other parameters are similarly provided. FILE: Appendix_2-3_USGS_RESERVOIR_SITE_NAMES.txt This text file lists the SHORTNAME used for unique identification of each reservoir considered in the report. Associated with one or more occurrences of the SHORTNAME, the official USGS station identification number is provided. Most reservoirs are primarily identified by an 8 digit number, such as 08086400 for Hubbard Creek Reservoir, Texas. Within the reservoir are additional data collection sites and these are shown by a 15 digit number, which is constructed based on the latitude and longitude of the site. The RESERVOIR_NAME is generalized name; whereas USGS_NAME contains the official USGS name for the site number in USGS_STATION_ID. Finally, the file is pipe ("|") delimited. DATA FILES: Appendix_2-4_USGS_P00010.txt Appendix_2-13_USGS_P00666.txt Appendix_2-22_USGS_P00927.txt Appendix_2-31_USGS_P62854.txt Appendix_2-5_USGS_P00095.txt Appendix_2-14_USGS_P00690.txt Appendix_2-23_USGS_P00929.txt Appendix_2-32_USGS_P62855.txt Appendix_2-6_USGS_P00300.txt Appendix_2-15_USGS_P00694.txt Appendix_2-24_USGS_P00930.txt Appendix_2-7_USGS_P00400.txt Appendix_2-16_USGS_P00900.txt Appendix_2-25_USGS_P00935.txt Appendix_2-8_USGS_P00480.txt Appendix_2-17_USGS_P00902.txt Appendix_2-26_USGS_P00937.txt Appendix_2-9_USGS_P00600.txt Appendix_2-18_USGS_P00904.txt Appendix_2-27_USGS_P00940.txt Appendix_2-10_USGS_P00602.txt Appendix_2-19_USGS_P00910.txt Appendix_2-28_USGS_P00945.txt Appendix_2-11_USGS_P00630.txt Appendix_2-20_USGS_P00915.txt Appendix_2-29_USGS_P00950.txt Appendix_2-12_USGS_P00665.txt Appendix_2-21_USGS_P00925.txt Appendix_2-30_USGS_P00951.txt Each data file has column headings as follows and for the example, "P00010" represents the parameter number for water temperature in Celsius. The leading "P" is purposefully implaced to avoid numeric confusion as real data. The column entries are: SHORTNAME is the unique name for the reservoir used in the report. EPOCH is the day count since the reference date January 1, 1900. JULIAN number of complete days into the year for the corresponding date. DATE is the day of the data with dropping of hours and minutes as described in the report. DEPTH is the sampling depth in feet (parameter code 00003). PARAMETER is a repeating of the parameter number. P00010MEAN is the mean of the numerical (data) values for P00010 found on the DATE and at the sampling DEPTH. P00010STDEV is the standard deviation of values for P00010 found on the DATE and at the sampling DEPTH. P00010COUNT is the count of the samples used in computation of the mean and standard deviation. Here follows the example header line for the data file USGS_P00010.txt as an example: SHORTNAME EPOCH JULIAN DATE DEPTH PARAMETER P00010MEAN P00010STDEV P00010COUNT