Appendix 4-1. Description of the data in Appendix 4. Appendix 4 contains the data described in the report Spatially-Pooled Depth-Dependent Water-Quality Data for Selected Reservoirs in Texas, January 1965 - January 2010 by Burley, T.E., Asquith, W.H., and Brooks, D.L. (2010). The STORAGE_ELEVATION_DATA.txt data file contains reservoir storage and elevation data for the selected reservoirs in Texas. The data were compiled from the Texas Water Development Board, the U.S.Geological Survey National Water Information System, and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. The files have all been saved in the Windows carriage-return, line-feed line ending convention. The files are all saved in the Unicode UTF-8 encoding scheme. Each data file is a one-or-more space delimited and should be readily imported into conventional spreadsheet and statistical software. Missing entries are encoded with the string "NA". The parameter code of 60000 used to indicate monthly reservoir storage data from the Texas Water Development Board was chosen by the authors and it is not the official parameter code for monthly reservoir storage data. The data in their native format did not have a parameter code so 60000 was used for processing and to satisfy any analytical needs only within the dataset described in the associated report. FILE: Appendix_4-2_USGS_STORAGE_ELEVATION_RESERVOIR_SITE_NAMES.txt This text file lists the SHORTNAME used for unique identification of each reservoir considered in the report as related to U.S. Geological Survey reservoir storage adn elevation data. Associated with one or more shortnames are the specific U.S. Geological Survey site ID(s) associated with the U.S. Geological Survey storage and elevation data compiled for each reservoir. FILE: Appendix_4-3_TWDB_STORAGE_RESERVOIR_SITE_NAMES.txt This text file lists the SHORTNAME used for unique identification of each reservoir considered in the report as related to Texas Water Development Board reservoir storage data. Associated with one or more shortnames are the specific Texas Water Development Board site ID(s) associated with the Texas Water Development Board storage data compiled for each reservoir. FILE: Appendix_4-4_TCEQ_STORAGE_ELEVATION_RESERVOIR_SITE_NAMES.txt This text file lists the SHORTNAME used for unique identification of each reservoir considered in the report as related to Texas Commission on Environmental Quality storage and elevation data. Associated with one or more shortnames are the specific Texas Commission on Environmental Quality site ID(s) associated with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality storage and elevation data compiled for each reservoir. DATA FILE: Appendix_4-5_STORAGE_ELEVATION_DATA.txt SHORTNAME: A short and unique to this report name for the reservoir A key list matching the SHORTNAME to the official name is found in the report. SOURCE_PK: A "primary key" used to identify the agency and record number of the originating data files. This key is limited usefulness to other users, but is left as a legacy field from the data assembly. EPOCH: The number of days since the reference date January 1, 1900. JULIAN: Number of complete days into the year for the corresponding date. DATE: The date of the record. P00054: The reservoir storage in acre-feet. The letter "P" has been prepended to the USGS parameter code "00054". The P00054 is used for the storage data from other agencies within this file. P00054_STATCODE: The statistic code of the reservoir storage: 00001 is maximum value 00002 is minimum value 00003 is mean value 30600 is value at 0600 or 6:00 A.M. 30700 is value at 0700 or 7:00 A.M. 30800 is value at 0800 or 8:00 A.M. 32400 is value at midnight 60000 is monthly value P00062: The reservoir elevation from the datum used in the originating data along with the datum used at the DATE. This file does not provide elevation datums and further investigation of station information would be required by users. P00062_STATCODE: The statistic code of the reservoir elevation: 00001 is daily maximum 00002 is daily minimum 00003 is daily mean 30600 is value at 0600 or 6:00 A.M. 30800 is value at 0800 or 8:00 A.M. 32400 is value at midnight