SampleID SampleNumber FieldSiteNumber LAB_ID JOB_ID QA-QC IncrementsPerArea SampleDate SampleTime SampleMediaGross SampleMediaDetail SampleDesc OrganicContent SpeciesGenus CommonName CollectionMethod SampleSource SampleZone SampleIntent FieldSamplePrep LabSamplePrep SieveSize CollectorCode SampleCom FieldMnrlgy BinocMnrlgy 1 07PB001TIL 07PB001 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 sediment till "glacial till; sample collection begun 15 cm below surface; clast sizes range from pebble up to ~9cm cobbles, in fine till matrix; we removed cobbles greater than ~1cm and filled large canvas bag; lithic fragments consist of various rock units including ho" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various KK/BE 2 07PB002TIL 07PB002 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 sediment till depth ~25-35 cm; large cobbles (up to 20-25 cm across) encountered only at greater depths (35 cm); some were flattened; entire range of cobble size not evident; very few small pebbles or large rocks; abundant fine material (mud); site at ~40 lower in elev grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various KK/BE 3 07PB003TIL 07PB003 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 sediment till "almost monolithic felsic intrusive rocks (~99%) with ~!% mafic igneous (?) rocks sub-angular (common) to rounded (less-common); dominantly 2.5-8 cm across, w/ minor fines and not much between the two extremes; sample collected between ~20-30 cm" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various KK/BE 4 07PB004TIL 07PB004 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 sediment till "multi-lithic fines to abundant cobbles; cobbles commonly pebble size up to ~25 cm across; lithics: hornfels, felsic ig + versicular basalt + green dk igneous w/ pyrite; hole only ~15 cm-20cm depth; no soil development at all on top of till; it is till at" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various KK/BE 5 07PB005TIL 07PB005 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 sediment till collected from 20-30 cm; cobbles range from pebble size grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various KK/BE 6 07PB006TIL 07PB006 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 sediment till "little soil development; good till with; hole ~20 cm deep; poly-lithic, fine sand to cobbles up to 35 cm across; lithic clasts, dominantly igneous rocks (vesicular basat, internet, Me crystalline rocks, felsic igneous rocks; some hornfels fair amount (~1" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various KK/BE 7 07PB007TIL 07PB007 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 sediment till "sampled from ~20cm; polylithic fragments of volcanic reactions, intermediate volcanic reactions, other; clay content high here; clasts largely 6cm or less - no large rock chunks; clasts angular to rounded" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various KK/BE 8 07PB010HMC 07PB010 3953 1:3 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 concentrate hmc "1 full 14' pan, moderate clay content, minor magnetite content; lithology of broken cobbles: 1.) abundant fine-grained, dark gray mafic igneous rock w/ disseminated fine pyrite 2.) medium-grained granodiorite to granite" composite active stream alluvium MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various KK/BE 9 07PB012HMC 07PB012 3953 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 concentrate hmc "taken 40-50' downstream from seep; creek is ~7' wide; composite sample from bank to center of stream; float in stream: felsic to mafic igneous rocks; most Kaskanak granodiorite mostly unaltered, but some pieces 100K K-span altered" composite active stream alluvium MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various KK/BE 10 07PB016HMC 07PB016 3953 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 concentrate hmc heavy metal concentrate from main stream above where seep flows in; stream ~1-2' wide and coarse sand and cobbles and rocks; volcanic rocks dominant lithology composite active stream alluvium MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various KK/BE 11 07PB020HMC 07PB020 3953 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 concentrate hmc "stream ~15' wide 2-8"" deep mod, gradient; heavy green moss covering all boulders; fines in gravel are organish (FeOx-rich); MnOx staining in cobbles is common; cobbles are mixed bag of lithologies, but felsic volcanics are common; abundant magnetite in co" heavy green moss covering all boulders composite active stream alluvium MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various KK/BE 12 07PB028TIL 07PB028 3951 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 sediment till "till, polylithic, mafic to felsic igneous rocks, hornfels" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various SS/KK/DF/BE 13 07PB053HMC 07PB053 3953 12:? 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 concentrate hmc "rock types: dark gray seds (=hornfels?), various igneous rocks (volcanic felsic, green mafic, etc.); some Fe floculation" composite active stream alluvium MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various KK/SS 14 07PB063TIL 07PB063 3951 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 sediment till "sample from morraine identified by Tom Hamilton as containing propylitically altered cobbles; polythic, rounded cobbles, unsorted clay/sand to cobbles ~8cm across; granite, felsic volcanics, some are FeOx (orange) stained; no obvious propylitic rocks" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various DF/BE 15 07PB064HMC 07PB064 3953 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 concentrate hmc "concentrate from stream sediment, minor heavies" composite active stream alluvium MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various DF/BE 16 07PB091TIL 07PB091 3951 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 sediment till on ridge; polylithic cobbles grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various KK/SS 17 07PB116TIL 07PB116 3951 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 sediment till till from hillslope; angular to rounded; abundant FeOx-stained angular cobbles w/ FeOx on joints; highly FeOx-rich rocks have fresh pyrite on fresh surfaced minor gossan cobbles; fresher rounded cobbles granites (of batholith?) grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various DF/BE/SS 18 07PB122HMC 07PB122 3953 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 concentrate hmc "stream sediment and heavy mineral concentrate from single pit in gravel bar; channel braided ~3' across braids; cobbles are granite and felsic volcanoes, MnOx (?) stained; minor heavies in concentrate" composite active stream alluvium MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various DF/BE/SS 19 07PB123HMC 07PB123 3953 15:? 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 concentrate hmc "alluvium is consistently FeOx-stained; stream ~2m widen 6"" deep, low gradient, willow/grass-lined banks; granite, felsic voncanics, greenish, fine-grained metaseds (?); minor amount of heavies in HMC" willow/grass lined banks composite active stream alluvium MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various DF/BE/SS 21 07PB048R 07PB048 C340609 MRP10894 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 rock "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of rock" "Fe altered quartz rich fragments some with [*]; [*] appear to be from hornblendes, possible sulfides noted in broken piece" grab single pit GX grind to -100 mesh KK/SS clay-altered felsic igneous rock with minor FeOx-staining and qtz phenocrysts; vuggy; grab from soil pit 23 07PB010STS 07PB010 C301961 MRP08279 1:3 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of stream sediment" "abundant sand and gravel with fines, cobbles up to 15 cm across; heavy FeOx-staining and lesser MnOx-staining on cobbles" grab active stream alluvium GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/BE 24 07PB012STS 07PB012 C301962 MRP08279 15:20 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of stream sediment" taken about 15 m downstream from seep; composite from bank to center of stream; stream about 2 m wide; alluvium in stream is felsic to mafic igneous rocks; mostly unaltered Kaskanak granodiorite but some pieces appear K-spar altered composite active stream alluvium GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/BE 25 07PB016STS 07PB016 C301963 MRP08279 10:10 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of stream sediment" collected from main stream above where seep flows in; alluvium is coarse sand and cobbles dominantly of volcanic lithologies; stream 0.5 m wide active stream alluvium GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split, then split" -80 mesh KK/BE 26 07PB020STS 07PB020 C301964 MRP08279 1:3 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of stream sediment" "fines in gravel are orangish (FeOx-rich); MnOx-staining is common; cobbles are mixed bag of lithologies, but felsic volcanics are common; abundant magnetite in concentrate" grab active stream alluvium GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/BE 27 07PB053STS 07PB053 C301965 MRP08279 12:30 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of stream sediment" "active stream channel is about 1 m across; composited from ~12 spots along stream; abundant gravel with minor fines (clays); H2O flow in stream is moderate; rock types in alluvium include dark gray hornfels(?), felsic volcanic, green mafic volcanic rocks; heavy MnOx staining and some Fe floc" composite active stream alluvium GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split, then split" -80 mesh KK/SS 28 07PB064STS 07PB064 C301966 MRP08279 1:3 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of stream sediment" stream 1-2 m across and 10-15 cm deep; felsic volcanic cobbles are predominant active stream alluvium GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE 29 07PB122STS 07PB122 C301968 MRP08279 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of stream sediment" "stream sediment from single pit in gravel bar; channels braided; alluvial cobbles are granite and felsic volcanics, MnOx(?)-stained" active stream alluvium GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, disaggregate, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS 30 07PB123STS 07PB123 C301969 MRP08279 15:30 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of stream sediment" "stream is 2 m wide X 15 cm deep; composite alluvium is FeOx-stained and composted of granite, felsic volcanics, and greenish, fine-grained metasediments (?)" composite active stream alluvium GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS 31 07PB009SCH 07PB009 RE07105013 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; well developed soil profile, 'A' horizon about 6 cm thick, 'B' horizon extends to bottom of hole (30 cm); lower 5 cm is bleached 'B' horizon; abundant fines, small cobbles up to 3 cm across; all material is damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 32 07PB009SEZ 07PB009 w1_01 XGW018 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; well developed soil profile, 'A' horizon about 6 cm thick, 'B' horizon extends to bottom of hole (30 cm); lower 5 cm is bleached 'B' horizon; abundant fines, small cobbles up to 3 cm across; all material is damp" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 33 07PB009SMM 07PB009 94950 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; well developed soil profile, 'A' horizon about 6 cm thick, 'B' horizon extends to bottom of hole (30 cm); lower 5 cm is bleached 'B' horizon; abundant fines, small cobbles up to 3 cm across; all material is damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 34 07PB009SNP 07PB009 RE07105012 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; well developed soil profile, 'A' horizon about 6 cm thick, 'B' horizon extends to bottom of hole (30 cm); lower 5 cm is bleached 'B' horizon; abundant fines, small cobbles up to 3 cm across; all material is damp" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 35 07PB009SSG 07PB009 A07-4470 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; well developed soil profile, 'A' horizon about 6 cm thick, 'B' horizon extends to bottom of hole (30 cm); lower 5 cm is bleached 'B' horizon; abundant fines, small cobbles up to 3 cm across; all material is damp" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 36 07PB009STO 07PB009 C297095 MRP08040 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; well developed soil profile, 'A' horizon about 6 cm thick, 'B' horizon extends to bottom of hole (30 cm); lower 5 cm is bleached 'B' horizon; abundant fines, small cobbles up to 3 cm across; all material is damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 37 07PB011SCH 07PB011 RE07105013 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon has fine silt/ mud interspersed w/ cobbles and small boulders, 'B' horizon is consistently dark brown in color; soil moist, but not wet" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 38 07PB011SEZ 07PB011 w1_02 XGW018 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon has fine silt/ mud interspersed w/ cobbles and small boulders, 'B' horizon is consistently dark brown in color; soil moist, but not wet" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 39 07PB011SMM 07PB011 94950 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon has fine silt/ mud interspersed w/ cobbles and small boulders, 'B' horizon is consistently dark brown in color; soil moist, but not wet" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 40 07PB011SNP 07PB011 RE07105012 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon has fine silt/ mud interspersed w/ cobbles and small boulders, 'B' horizon is consistently dark brown in color; soil moist, but not wet" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 41 07PB011SSG 07PB011 A07-4470 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon has fine silt/ mud interspersed w/ cobbles and small boulders, 'B' horizon is consistently dark brown in color; soil moist, but not wet" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 42 07PB011STO 07PB011 C297096 MRP08040 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon has fine silt/ mud interspersed w/ cobbles and small boulders, 'B' horizon is consistently dark brown in color; soil moist, but not wet" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 43 07PB012SCH 07PB012 RE07105013 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 7 cm thick; the 'A' is underlain by a concentration of cobbles (~2.5 cm across); in the 'B' horizon cobbles continue but are less abundant and in a fine mud matrix to 30 cm depth; wet soil composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 44 07PB012SEZ 07PB012 w1_03 XGW018 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 7 cm thick; the 'A' is underlain by a concentration of cobbles (~2.5 cm across); in the 'B' horizon cobbles continue but are less abundant and in a fine mud matrix to 30 cm depth; wet soil composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 45 07PB012SMM 07PB012 94950 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 7 cm thick; the 'A' is underlain by a concentration of cobbles (~2.5 cm across); in the 'B' horizon cobbles continue but are less abundant and in a fine mud matrix to 30 cm depth; wet soil composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 46 07PB012SNP 07PB012 RE07105012 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 7 cm thick; the 'A' is underlain by a concentration of cobbles (~2.5 cm across); in the 'B' horizon cobbles continue but are less abundant and in a fine mud matrix to 30 cm depth; wet soil composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 47 07PB012SSG 07PB012 A07-4470 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 7 cm thick; the 'A' is underlain by a concentration of cobbles (~2.5 cm across); in the 'B' horizon cobbles continue but are less abundant and in a fine mud matrix to 30 cm depth; wet soil composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 48 07PB012STO 07PB012 C297097 MRP08040 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; 'A' horizon is about 7 cm thick; the 'A' is underlain by a concentration of cobbles (~2.5 cm across); in the 'B' horizon cobbles continue but are less abundant and in a fine mud matrix to 30 cm depth; wet soil composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 49 07PB014SCH 07PB014 RE07105013 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 4-5 cm thick; the A caps a thick B horizon (to bottom of hole ~30cm) that is consistently light brown to gray silt composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 50 07PB014SEZ 07PB014 w1_04 XGW018 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 4-5 cm thick; the A caps a thick B horizon (to bottom of hole ~30cm) that is consistently light brown to gray silt composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 51 07PB014SMM 07PB014 94950 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 4-5 cm thick; the A caps a thick B horizon (to bottom of hole ~30cm) that is consistently light brown to gray silt composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 52 07PB014SNP 07PB014 RE07105012 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 4-5 cm thick; the A caps a thick B horizon (to bottom of hole ~30cm) that is consistently light brown to gray silt composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 53 07PB014SSG 07PB014 A07-4470 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 4-5 cm thick; the A caps a thick B horizon (to bottom of hole ~30cm) that is consistently light brown to gray silt composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 54 07PB014STO 07PB014 C297098 MRP08040 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; 'A' horizon is about 4-5 cm thick; the A caps a thick B horizon (to bottom of hole ~30cm) that is consistently light brown to gray silt composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 55 07PB016DSCH 07PB016D RE07105013 site duplicate 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; site duplicate, collected about 2 m away from 07PB016; soil about the same as 016 but significantly more rocks" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 56 07PB016DSEZ 07PB016D w1_06 XGW018 site duplicate 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; site duplicate, collected about 2 m away from 07PB016; soil about the same as 016 but significantly more rocks" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 57 07PB016DSMM 07PB016D 94950 site duplicate 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; site duplicate, collected about 2 m away from 07PB016; soil about the same as 016 but significantly more rocks" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 58 07PB016DSNP 07PB016D RE07105012 site duplicate 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; site duplicate, collected about 2 m away from 07PB016; soil about the same as 016 but significantly more rocks" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 59 07PB016DSSG 07PB016D A07-4470 site duplicate 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; site duplicate, collected about 2 m away from 07PB016; soil about the same as 016 but significantly more rocks" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 60 07PB016DSTO 07PB016D C297100 MRP08040 site duplicate 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; site duplicate, collected about 2 m away from 07PB016; soil about the same as 016 but significantly more rocks" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 61 07PB016SCH 07PB016 RE07105013 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; on hill above seep; organic 'A' horizon is about 4 cm thick, then dark brown 'B' horizon to 30 cm depth, mostly fine material with very few rocks; soil damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 62 07PB016SEZ 07PB016 w1_05 XGW018 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; on hill above seep; organic 'A' horizon is about 4 cm thick, then dark brown 'B' horizon to 30 cm depth, mostly fine material with very few rocks; soil damp" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 63 07PB016SMM 07PB016 94950 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; on hill above seep; organic 'A' horizon is about 4 cm thick, then dark brown 'B' horizon to 30 cm depth, mostly fine material with very few rocks; soil damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 64 07PB016SNP 07PB016 RE07105012 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; on hill above seep; organic 'A' horizon is about 4 cm thick, then dark brown 'B' horizon to 30 cm depth, mostly fine material with very few rocks; soil damp" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 65 07PB016SSG 07PB016 A07-4470 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; on hill above seep; organic 'A' horizon is about 4 cm thick, then dark brown 'B' horizon to 30 cm depth, mostly fine material with very few rocks; soil damp" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 66 07PB016STO 07PB016 C297099 MRP08040 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; on hill above seep; organic 'A' horizon is about 4 cm thick, then dark brown 'B' horizon to 30 cm depth, mostly fine material with very few rocks; soil damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 67 07PB017SCH 07PB017 RE07105013 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; soil collection site is about 50 m N of seep site; very organic-rich throughout the 25 cm deep hole; no pronounced color change between 'A' and 'B' horizons, if there even is a distiniction; roots prominent throughout; very few pebbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 68 07PB017SEZ 07PB017 w1_07 XGW018 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; soil collection site is about 50 m N of seep site; very organic-rich throughout the 25 cm deep hole; no pronounced color change between 'A' and 'B' horizons, if there even is a distiniction; roots prominent throughout; very few pebbles" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 69 07PB017SMM 07PB017 94950 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; soil collection site is about 50 m N of seep site; very organic-rich throughout the 25 cm deep hole; no pronounced color change between 'A' and 'B' horizons, if there even is a distiniction; roots prominent throughout; very few pebbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 70 07PB017SNP 07PB017 RE07105012 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; soil collection site is about 50 m N of seep site; very organic-rich throughout the 25 cm deep hole; no pronounced color change between 'A' and 'B' horizons, if there even is a distiniction; roots prominent throughout; very few pebbles" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 71 07PB017SSG 07PB017 A07-4470 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; soil collection site is about 50 m N of seep site; very organic-rich throughout the 25 cm deep hole; no pronounced color change between 'A' and 'B' horizons, if there even is a distiniction; roots prominent throughout; very few pebbles" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 72 07PB017STO 07PB017 C297101 MRP08040 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; soil collection site is about 50 m N of seep site; very organic-rich throughout the 25 cm deep hole; no pronounced color change between 'A' and 'B' horizons, if there even is a distiniction; roots prominent throughout; very few pebbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 73 07PB018SCH 07PB018 RE07105013 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; 'B' is brown-gray mud at top and gets coarser with depth (~20 cm); bottom of hole becomes very rocky (top of moraine?); mud (especially lower portion) might be lake silt composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 74 07PB018SEZ 07PB018 w1_08 XGW018 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; 'B' is brown-gray mud at top and gets coarser with depth (~20 cm); bottom of hole becomes very rocky (top of moraine?); mud (especially lower portion) might be lake silt composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 75 07PB018SMM 07PB018 94950 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; 'B' is brown-gray mud at top and gets coarser with depth (~20 cm); bottom of hole becomes very rocky (top of moraine?); mud (especially lower portion) might be lake silt composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 76 07PB018SNP 07PB018 RE07105012 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; 'B' is brown-gray mud at top and gets coarser with depth (~20 cm); bottom of hole becomes very rocky (top of moraine?); mud (especially lower portion) might be lake silt composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 77 07PB018SSG 07PB018 A07-4470 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; 'B' is brown-gray mud at top and gets coarser with depth (~20 cm); bottom of hole becomes very rocky (top of moraine?); mud (especially lower portion) might be lake silt composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 78 07PB018STO 07PB018 C297102 MRP08040 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; 'B' is brown-gray mud at top and gets coarser with depth (~20 cm); bottom of hole becomes very rocky (top of moraine?); mud (especially lower portion) might be lake silt (lake) composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 79 07PB020SCH 07PB020 RE07105013 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; ""soil"" on till on bluff overlying sampled spring and about 15 m W of spring; unsorted till composed of sand-pebbles-cobbles (up to about 8 cm across) and lesser silt and mud; 'A' horizon is a thin ~5 cm thick tundra mat; till is brown; poor soil development; damp soil; difficult to collect without including pebbles; no real 'B' horizon ('A', then till)" grab (composited along channel in pit) "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 80 07PB020SEZ 07PB020 w1_09 XGW018 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; ""soil"" on till on bluff overlying sampled spring and about 15 m W of spring; unsorted till composed of sand-pebbles-cobbles (up to about 8 cm across) and lesser silt and mud; 'A' horizon is a thin ~5 cm thick tundra mat; till is brown; poor soil development; damp soil; difficult to collect without including pebbles; no real 'B' horizon ('A', then till)" grab (composited along channel in pit) "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 81 07PB020SMM 07PB020 94950 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; ""soil"" on till on bluff overlying sampled spring and about 15 m W of spring; unsorted till composed of sand-pebbles-cobbles (up to about 8 cm across) and lesser silt and mud; 'A' horizon is a thin ~5 cm thick tundra mat; till is brown; poor soil development; damp soil; difficult to collect without including pebbles; no real 'B' horizon ('A', then till)" grab (composited along channel in pit) "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 82 07PB020SNP 07PB020 RE07105012 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; ""soil"" on till on bluff overlying sampled spring and about 15 m W of spring; unsorted till composed of sand-pebbles-cobbles (up to about 8 cm across) and lesser silt and mud; 'A' horizon is a thin ~5 cm thick tundra mat; till is brown; poor soil development; damp soil; difficult to collect without including pebbles; no real 'B' horizon ('A', then till)" grab (composited along channel in pit) "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 83 07PB020SSG 07PB020 A07-4470 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; ""soil"" on till on bluff overlying sampled spring and about 15 m W of spring; unsorted till composed of sand-pebbles-cobbles (up to about 8 cm across) and lesser silt and mud; 'A' horizon is a thin ~5 cm thick tundra mat; till is brown; poor soil development; damp soil; difficult to collect without including pebbles; no real 'B' horizon ('A', then till)" grab (composited along channel in pit) "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 84 07PB020STO 07PB020 C297103 MRP08040 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; ""soil"" on till on bluff overlying sampled spring and about 15 m W of spring; unsorted till composed of sand-pebbles-cobbles (up to about 8 cm across) and lesser silt and mud; 'A' horizon is a thin ~5 cm thick tundra mat; till is brown; poor soil development; damp soil; difficult to collect without including pebbles; no real 'B' horizon ('A', then till)" grab (composited along channel in pit) "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 85 07PB021SCH 07PB021 RE07105013 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; poor soil development; 'A' horizon is about 4 cm thick, then right into mud and silt with sparse pebbles;'B' is brown, very moist, but not saturated; soil becomes coarser-grained with depth; lake sediments on till (?)" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 86 07PB021SEZ 07PB021 w1_10 XGW018 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; poor soil development; 'A' horizon is about 4 cm thick, then right into mud and silt with sparse pebbles;'B' is brown, very moist, but not saturated; soil becomes coarser-grained with depth; lake sediments on till (?)" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 87 07PB021SMM 07PB021 94950 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; poor soil development; 'A' horizon is about 4 cm thick, then right into mud and silt with sparse pebbles;'B' is brown, very moist, but not saturated; soil becomes coarser-grained with depth; lake sediments on till (?)" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 88 07PB021SNP 07PB021 RE07105012 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; poor soil development; 'A' horizon is about 4 cm thick, then right into mud and silt with sparse pebbles;'B' is brown, very moist, but not saturated; soil becomes coarser-grained with depth; lake sediments on till (?)" grab "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 89 07PB021SSG 07PB021 A07-4470 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; poor soil development; 'A' horizon is about 4 cm thick, then right into mud and silt with sparse pebbles;'B' is brown, very moist, but not saturated; soil becomes coarser-grained with depth; lake sediments on till (?)" grab "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 90 07PB021STO 07PB021 C297104 MRP08040 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; poor soil development; 'A' horizon is about 4 cm thick, then right into mud and silt with sparse pebbles;'B' is brown, very moist, but not saturated; soil becomes coarser-grained with depth; lake sediments on till (?)" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 91 07PB022SCH 07PB022 RE07105013 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8.5 cm thick, 'B' horizon is silty clay that is brownish-orange in color; sparse cobbles are 2.5 to 6 cm diameter and are concentrated at the top of the 'B' horizon" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 92 07PB022SEZ 07PB022 w1_11 XGW018 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8.5 cm thick, 'B' horizon is silty clay that is brownish-orange in color; sparse cobbles are 2.5 to 6 cm diameter and are concentrated at the top of the 'B' horizon" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 93 07PB022SMM 07PB022 94950 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8.5 cm thick, 'B' horizon is silty clay that is brownish-orange in color; sparse cobbles are 2.5 to 6 cm diameter and are concentrated at the top of the 'B' horizon" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 94 07PB022SNP 07PB022 RE07105012 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8.5 cm thick, 'B' horizon is silty clay that is brownish-orange in color; sparse cobbles are 2.5 to 6 cm diameter and are concentrated at the top of the 'B' horizon" grab "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 95 07PB022SSG 07PB022 A07-4470 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8.5 cm thick, 'B' horizon is silty clay that is brownish-orange in color; sparse cobbles are 2.5 to 6 cm diameter and are concentrated at the top of the 'B' horizon" grab "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 96 07PB022STO 07PB022 C297105 MRP08040 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; 'A' horizon is about 8.5 cm thick, 'B' horizon is silty clay that is brownish-orange in color; sparse cobbles are 2.5 to 6 cm diameter and are concentrated at the top of the 'B' horizon" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 97 07PB023SCH 07PB023 RE07105013 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 5-7 cm thick and contains a few pebbles; in 'B' horizon, a gravel-rich area (with cobbles up to 3-5 cm) begins around ~23 cm; sample for SMM collected just above gravel horizon; still 1 mm size gravel in sample" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 98 07PB023SEZ 07PB023 w1_12 XGW018 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 5-7 cm thick and contains a few pebbles; in 'B' horizon, a gravel-rich area (with cobbles up to 3-5 cm) begins around ~23 cm; sample for SMM collected just above gravel horizon; still 1 mm size gravel in sample" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 99 07PB023SMM 07PB023 94950 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 5-7 cm thick and contains a few pebbles; in 'B' horizon, a gravel-rich area (with cobbles up to 3-5 cm) begins around ~23 cm; sample for SMM collected just above gravel horizon; still 1 mm size gravel in sample" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 100 07PB023SNP 07PB023 RE07105012 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 5-7 cm thick and contains a few pebbles; in 'B' horizon, a gravel-rich area (with cobbles up to 3-5 cm) begins around ~23 cm; sample for SMM collected just above gravel horizon; still 1 mm size gravel in sample" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 101 07PB023SSG 07PB023 A07-4470 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 5-7 cm thick and contains a few pebbles; in 'B' horizon, a gravel-rich area (with cobbles up to 3-5 cm) begins around ~23 cm; sample for SMM collected just above gravel horizon; still 1 mm size gravel in sample" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 102 07PB023STO 07PB023 C297106 MRP08040 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; organic 'A' horizon is about 5-7 cm thick and contains a few pebbles; in 'B' horizon, a gravel-rich area (with cobbles up to 3-5 cm) begins around ~23 cm; sample for SMM collected just above gravel horizon; still 1 mm size gravel in sample" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 103 07PB024SCH 07PB024 RE07105013 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 5 cm thick; till immediately underlies the tundra cap from surface to hole bottom (30 cm); fines are dark brown, granular to clay, cobbles are polylithic; roots in tundra extent to 15 cm depth; mostly damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 104 07PB024SEZ 07PB024 w1_13 XGW018 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 5 cm thick; till immediately underlies the tundra cap from surface to hole bottom (30 cm); fines are dark brown, granular to clay, cobbles are polylithic; roots in tundra extent to 15 cm depth; mostly damp" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 105 07PB024SMM 07PB024 94950 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 5 cm thick; till immediately underlies the tundra cap from surface to hole bottom (30 cm); fines are dark brown, granular to clay, cobbles are polylithic; roots in tundra extent to 15 cm depth; mostly damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 106 07PB024SNP 07PB024 RE07105012 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 5 cm thick; till immediately underlies the tundra cap from surface to hole bottom (30 cm); fines are dark brown, granular to clay, cobbles are polylithic; roots in tundra extent to 15 cm depth; mostly damp" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 107 07PB024SSG 07PB024 A07-4470 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 5 cm thick; till immediately underlies the tundra cap from surface to hole bottom (30 cm); fines are dark brown, granular to clay, cobbles are polylithic; roots in tundra extent to 15 cm depth; mostly damp" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 108 07PB024STO 07PB024 C297107 MRP08040 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; 'A' horizon is 5 cm thick; till immediately underlies the tundra cap from surface to hole bottom (30 cm); fines are dark brown, granular to clay, cobbles are polylithic; roots in tundra extent to 15 cm depth; mostly damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 109 07PB027SCH 07PB027 RE07105013 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; soil mostly saturated throughout, scattered but consistent cobbles ( up to 15 cm across); immediately underlying the 'A' horizon is a concentration of polylithic cobbles 2 to 5 cm across; 'B' has scattered polylithic cobbles (2-5 cm across)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 110 07PB027SEZ 07PB027 w1_14 XGW018 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; soil mostly saturated throughout, scattered but consistent cobbles ( up to 15 cm across); immediately underlying the 'A' horizon is a concentration of polylithic cobbles 2 to 5 cm across; 'B' has scattered polylithic cobbles (2-5 cm across)" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 111 07PB027SMM 07PB027 94950 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; soil mostly saturated throughout, scattered but consistent cobbles ( up to 15 cm across); immediately underlying the 'A' horizon is a concentration of polylithic cobbles 2 to 5 cm across; 'B' has scattered polylithic cobbles (2-5 cm across) are polylithic" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 112 07PB027SNP 07PB027 RE07105012 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; soil mostly saturated throughout, scattered but consistent cobbles ( up to 15 cm across); immediately underlying the 'A' horizon is a concentration of polylithic cobbles 2 to 5 cm across; 'B' has scattered polylithic cobbles (2-5 cm across)" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 113 07PB027SSG 07PB027 A07-4470 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; soil mostly saturated throughout, scattered but consistent cobbles ( up to 15 cm across); immediately underlying the 'A' horizon is a concentration of polylithic cobbles 2 to 5 cm across; 'B' has scattered polylithic cobbles (2-5 cm across)" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 114 07PB027STO 07PB027 C297108 MRP08040 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; soil mostly saturated throughout, scattered but consistent cobbles ( up to 15 cm across); immediately underlying the 'A' horizon is a concentration of polylithic cobbles 2 to 5 cm across; 'B' has scattered polylithic cobbles (2-5 cm across)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 115 07PB029SCH 07PB029 RE07105013 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; upper part of hole is very rocky, but it gets more sandy with depth; very slow and difficult to collect; polylithic small cobbles to gravel are predominant with lesser silt and mud; brown, damp, but not wet" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 116 07PB029SEZ 07PB029 w1_15 XGW018 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; upper part of hole is very rocky, but it gets more sandy with depth; very slow and difficult to collect; polylithic small cobbles to gravel are predominant with lesser silt and mud; brown, damp, but not wet" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 117 07PB029SMM 07PB029 94950 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; upper part of hole is very rocky, but it gets more sandy with depth; very slow and difficult to collect; polylithic small cobbles to gravel are predominant with lesser silt and mud; brown, damp, but not wet" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 118 07PB029SNP 07PB029 RE07105012 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; upper part of hole is very rocky, but it gets more sandy with depth; very slow and difficult to collect; polylithic small cobbles to gravel are predominant with lesser silt and mud; brown, damp, but not wet" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 119 07PB029SSG 07PB029 A07-4470 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; upper part of hole is very rocky, but it gets more sandy with depth; very slow and difficult to collect; polylithic small cobbles to gravel are predominant with lesser silt and mud; brown, damp, but not wet" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 120 07PB029STO 07PB029 C297109 MRP08040 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; upper part of hole is very rocky, but it gets more sandy with depth; very slow and difficult to collect; polylithic small cobbles to gravel are predominant with lesser silt and mud; brown, damp, but not wet" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 121 07PB030SCH 07PB030 RE07105013 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; soil taken in bog, so entire interval is organic peat; permafrost encountered at 30 cm; we sampled this material (= frozen upper B?) for SSG, SEZ and SSM sample; some gravel present; for SNP we sampled upper peat interval" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS(?) soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 122 07PB030SEZ 07PB030 w1_16 XGW018 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; soil taken in bog, so entire interval is organic peat; permafrost encountered at 30 cm; we sampled this material (= frozen upper B?) for SSG, SEZ and SSM sample; some gravel present; for SNP we sampled upper peat interval" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS(?) soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 123 07PB030SMM 07PB030 94950 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; soil taken in bog, so entire interval is organic peat; permafrost encountered at 30 cm; we sampled this material (= frozen upper B?) for SSG, SEZ and SSM sample; some gravel present; for SNP we sampled upper peat interval" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/SS(?) soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 124 07PB030SNP 07PB030 RE07105012 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; soil taken in bog, so entire interval is organic peat; permafrost encountered at 30 cm; we sampled this material (= frozen upper B?) for SSG, SEZ and SSM sample; some gravel present; for SNP we sampled upper peat interval" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS(?) soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 125 07PB030SSG 07PB030 A07-4470 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; soil taken in bog, so entire interval is organic peat; permafrost encountered at 30 cm; we sampled this material (= frozen upper B?) for SSG, SEZ and SSM sample; some gravel present; for SNP we sampled upper peat interval" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS(?) soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 126 07PB030STO 07PB030 C297110 MRP08040 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; soil taken in bog, so entire interval is organic peat; permafrost encountered at 30 cm; we sampled this material (= frozen upper B?) for SSG, SEZ and SSM sample; some gravel present; for SNP we sampled upper peat interval" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/SS(?) "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 127 07PB031SCH 07PB031 RE07105013 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; till immediately below tundra cap; soil is brown, organic, clay-rich material; no real 'B' horizon developed; same sample material used for all samples; very slow and difficult to collect; cobble-supported matrix (up to 25 cm across) with minor soil in between" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 128 07PB031SEZ 07PB031 w1_17 XGW018 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; till immediately below tundra cap; soil is brown, organic, clay-rich material; no real 'B' horizon developed; same sample material used for all samples; very slow and difficult to collect; cobble-supported matrix (up to 25 cm across) with minor soil in between" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 129 07PB031SMM 07PB031 94950 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; till immediately below tundra cap; soil is brown, organic, clay-rich material; no real 'B' horizon developed; same sample material used for all samples; very slow and difficult to collect; cobble-supported matrix (up to 25 cm across) with minor soil in between" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 130 07PB031SNP 07PB031 RE07105012 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; till immediately below tundra cap; soil is brown, organic, clay-rich material; no real 'B' horizon developed; same sample material used for all samples; very slow and difficult to collect; cobble-supported matrix (up to 25 cm across) with minor soil in between" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 131 07PB031SSG 07PB031 A07-4470 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; till immediately below tundra cap; soil is brown, organic, clay-rich material; no real 'B' horizon developed; same sample material used for all samples; very slow and difficult to collect; cobble-supported matrix (up to 25 cm across) with minor soil in between" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 132 07PB031STO 07PB031 C297111 MRP08040 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; till immediately below tundra cap; soil is brown, organic, clay-rich material; no real 'B' horizon developed; same sample material used for all samples; very slow and difficult to collect; cobble-supported matrix (up to 25 cm across) with minor soil in between" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 133 07PB033DSCH 07PB033D RE07105013 site duplicate 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon about 7 cm thick; 'B' is brownish clay to sand, with pebbles 3 cm or smaller; easy digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 134 07PB033DSEZ 07PB033D w1_19 XGW018 site duplicate 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon about 7 cm thick; 'B' is brownish clay to sand, with pebbles 3 cm or smaller; easy digging" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 135 07PB033DSMM 07PB033D 94950 site duplicate 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon about 7 cm thick; 'B' is brownish clay to sand, with pebbles 3 cm or smaller; easy digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 136 07PB033DSNP 07PB033D RE07105012 site duplicate 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon about 7 cm thick; 'B' is brownish clay to sand, with pebbles 3 cm or smaller; easy digging" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 137 07PB033DSSG 07PB033D A07-4470 site duplicate 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon about 7 cm thick; 'B' is brownish clay to sand, with pebbles 3 cm or smaller; easy digging" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 138 07PB033DSTO 07PB033D C297113 MRP08040 site duplicate 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; 'A' horizon about 7 cm thick; 'B' is brownish clay to sand, with pebbles 3 cm or smaller; easy digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 139 07PB033SCH 07PB033 RE07105013 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon about 7 cm thick; 'B' is brownish clay to sand, with pebbles 3 cm or smaller; easy digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 140 07PB033SEZ 07PB033 w1_18 XGW018 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon about 7 cm thick; 'B' is brownish clay to sand, with pebbles 3 cm or smaller; easy digging" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 141 07PB033SMM 07PB033 94950 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon about 7 cm thick; 'B' is brownish clay to sand, with pebbles 3 cm or smaller; easy digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 142 07PB033SNP 07PB033 RE07105012 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon about 7 cm thick; 'B' is brownish clay to sand, with pebbles 3 cm or smaller; easy digging" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 143 07PB033SSG 07PB033 A07-4470 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon about 7 cm thick; 'B' is brownish clay to sand, with pebbles 3 cm or smaller; easy digging" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 144 07PB033STO 07PB033 C297112 MRP08040 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; 'A' horizon about 7 cm thick; 'B' is brownish clay to sand, with pebbles 3 cm or smaller; easy digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 145 07PB036SCH 07PB036 RE07105013 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon varies from 10 to 15 cm thick; 'B' horizon is sandy clay with sparse 3 to 5 cm cobbles; hole becomes more clay-rich with depth; tan color to 'B' horizon; soil is saturated and filling with water over time composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 146 07PB036SEZ 07PB036 w1_20 XGW018 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon varies from 10 to 15 cm thick; 'B' horizon is sandy clay with sparse 3 to 5 cm cobbles; hole becomes more clay-rich with depth; tan color to 'B' horizon; soil is saturated and filling with water over time composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 147 07PB036SMM 07PB036 94950 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon varies from 10 to 15 cm thick; 'B' horizon is sandy clay with sparse 3 to 5 cm cobbles; hole becomes more clay-rich with depth; tan color to 'B' horizon; soil is saturated and filling with water over time composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 148 07PB036SNP 07PB036 RE07105012 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon varies from 10 to 15 cm thick; 'B' horizon is sandy clay with sparse 3 to 5 cm cobbles; hole becomes more clay-rich with depth; tan color to 'B' horizon; soil is saturated and filling with water over time composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 149 07PB036SSG 07PB036 A07-4470 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon varies from 10 to 15 cm thick; 'B' horizon is sandy clay with sparse 3 to 5 cm cobbles; hole becomes more clay-rich with depth; tan color to 'B' horizon; soil is saturated and filling with water over time composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 150 07PB036STO 07PB036 C297114 MRP08040 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; 'A' horizon varies from 10 to 15 cm thick; 'B' horizon is sandy clay with sparse 3 to 5 cm cobbles; hole becomes more clay-rich with depth; tan color to 'B' horizon; soil is saturated and filling with water over time composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 151 07PB037STO 07PB037 C297115 MRP08040 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; boggy, saturated soil from 40-cm thick organic peat; 'B' horizon below is gray and clay-rich with sparse pebbles (lake sediment?); could not measure 4-10 cm below A but we attempted to get proper interval with shovel" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 152 07PB037SCH 07PB037 RE07105013 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; boggy, saturated soil from 40-cm thick organic peat; 'B' horizon below is gray and clay-rich with sparse pebbles (lake sediment?); could not measure 4-10 cm below A but we attempted to get proper interval with shovel" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 153 07PB037SEZA 07PB037 w1_21 XGW018 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; boggy, saturated soil from 40-cm thick organic peat; 'B' horizon below is gray and clay-rich with sparse pebbles (lake sediment?); could not measure 4-10 cm below A but we attempted to get proper interval with shovel" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 154 07PB037SEZB 07PB037 w1_22 XGW018 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; boggy, saturated soil from 40-cm thick organic peat; 'B' horizon below is gray and clay-rich with sparse pebbles (lake sediment?); could not measure 4-10 cm below A but we attempted to get proper interval with shovel" composite "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 155 07PB037SMM 07PB037 94950 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; boggy, saturated soil from 40-cm thick organic peat; 'B' horizon below is gray and clay-rich with sparse pebbles (lake sediment?); could not measure 4-10 cm below A but we attempted to get proper interval with shovel" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 156 07PB037SNP 07PB037 RE07105012 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; boggy, saturated soil from 40-cm thick organic peat; 'B' horizon below is gray and clay-rich with sparse pebbles (lake sediment?); could not measure 4-10 cm below A but we attempted to get proper interval with shovel" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 157 07PB037SSG 07PB037 A07-4470 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; boggy, saturated soil from 40-cm thick organic peat; 'B' horizon below is gray and clay-rich with sparse pebbles (lake sediment?); could not measure 4-10 cm below A but we attempted to get proper interval with shovel" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 158 07PB038SCH 07PB038 RE07105013 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; 10 cm thick 'A' horizon, followed by 20 cm of 'B' horizon that is dark brown to red brown; sandy, clay-rich, light brown soil for the next 15 cm to bottom of hole; cobbles in hole are polylithic up to 12 cm and are found mostly at the boundary between soil types; very easy to dig; the lighter brown soil is partially frozen" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 159 07PB038SEZ 07PB038 w1_23 XGW018 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; 10 cm thick 'A' horizon, followed by 20 cm of 'B' horizon that is dark brown to red brown; sandy, clay-rich, light brown soil for the next 15 cm to bottom of hole; cobbles in hole are polylithic up to 12 cm and are found mostly at the boundary between soil types; very easy to dig; the lighter brown soil is partially frozen" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 160 07PB038SMM 07PB038 94950 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 10 cm thick 'A' horizon, followed by 20 cm of 'B' horizon that is dark brown to red brown; sandy, clay-rich, light brown soil for the next 15 cm to bottom of hole; cobbles in hole are polylithic up to 12 cm and are found mostly at the boundary between soil types; very easy to dig; the lighter brown soil is partially frozen" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 161 07PB038SNP 07PB038 RE07105012 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 10 cm thick 'A' horizon, followed by 20 cm of 'B' horizon that is dark brown to red brown; sandy, clay-rich, light brown soil for the next 15 cm to bottom of hole; cobbles in hole are polylithic up to 12 cm and are found mostly at the boundary between soil types; very easy to dig; the lighter brown soil is partially frozen" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 162 07PB038SSG 07PB038 A07-4470 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 10 cm thick 'A' horizon, followed by 20 cm of 'B' horizon that is dark brown to red brown; sandy, clay-rich, light brown soil for the next 15 cm to bottom of hole; cobbles in hole are polylithic up to 12 cm and are found mostly at the boundary between soil types; very easy to dig; the lighter brown soil is partially frozen" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 163 07PB038STO 07PB038 C297116 MRP08040 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; 10 cm thick 'A' horizon, followed by 20 cm of 'B' horizon that is dark brown to red brown; sandy, clay-rich, light brown soil for the next 15 cm to bottom of hole; cobbles in hole are polylithic up to 12 cm and are found mostly at the boundary between soil types; very easy to dig; the lighter brown soil is partially frozen" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 164 07PB039SCH 07PB039 RE07105013 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 10 cm thick; 'B' is brown, sandy, with abundant clay; there are abundant cobbles of altered granodiorite with pyrite and quartz in upper 25 cm of profile; some cobbles are angular, some are rounded, could be colluvium plus glacial deposits; the interval for SMM had abundant rounded cobbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 165 07PB039SEZ 07PB039 w1_24 XGW018 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 10 cm thick; 'B' is brown, sandy, with abundant clay; there are abundant cobbles of altered granodiorite with pyrite and quartz in upper 25 cm of profile; some cobbles are angular, some are rounded, could be colluvium plus glacial deposits; the interval for SMM had abundant rounded cobbles" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 166 07PB039SMM 07PB039 94950 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 10 cm thick; 'B' is brown, sandy, with abundant clay; there are abundant cobbles of altered granodiorite with pyrite and quartz in upper 25 cm of profile; some cobbles are angular, some are rounded, could be colluvium plus glacial deposits; the interval for SMM had abundant rounded cobbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 167 07PB039SNP 07PB039 RE07105012 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 10 cm thick; 'B' is brown, sandy, with abundant clay; there are abundant cobbles of altered granodiorite with pyrite and quartz in upper 25 cm of profile; some cobbles are angular, some are rounded, could be colluvium plus glacial deposits; the interval for SMM had abundant rounded cobbles" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 168 07PB039SSG 07PB039 A07-4470 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 10 cm thick; 'B' is brown, sandy, with abundant clay; there are abundant cobbles of altered granodiorite with pyrite and quartz in upper 25 cm of profile; some cobbles are angular, some are rounded, could be colluvium plus glacial deposits; the interval for SMM had abundant rounded cobbles" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 169 07PB039STO 07PB039 C297117 MRP08040 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; 'A' horizon is 10 cm thick; 'B' is brown, sandy, with abundant clay; there are abundant cobbles of altered granodiorite with pyrite and quartz in upper 25 cm of profile; some cobbles are angular, some are rounded, could be colluvium plus glacial deposits; the interval for SMM had abundant rounded cobbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 170 07PB040SCH 07PB040 RE07105013 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; soil contains subangular to rounded cobbles 12 cm across and smaller; mineralized angular cobbles in SMM fraction; collected on 10 degree slope with solifluction lobes composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 171 07PB040SEZ 07PB040 w1_25 XGW018 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach soil fraction; soil contains subangular to rounded cobbles 12 cm across and smaller; mineralized angular cobbles in SMM fraction; collected on 10 degree slope with solifluction lobes composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 172 07PB040SMM 07PB040 94950 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; soil contains subangular to rounded cobbles 12 cm across and smaller; mineralized angular cobbles in SMM fraction; collected on 10 degree slope with solifluction lobes composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 173 07PB040SNP 07PB040 RE07105012 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; soil contains subangular to rounded cobbles 12 cm across and smaller; mineralized angular cobbles in SMM fraction; collected on 10 degree slope with solifluction lobes composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 174 07PB040SSG 07PB040 A07-4470 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; soil contains subangular to rounded cobbles 12 cm across and smaller; mineralized angular cobbles in SMM fraction; collected on 10 degree slope with solifluction lobes composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 175 07PB040STO 07PB040 C297118 MRP08040 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; soil contains subangular to rounded cobbles 12 cm across and smaller; mineralized angular cobbles in SMM fraction; collected on 10 degree slope with solifluction lobes composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 176 07PB041SCH 07PB041 RE07105013 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 3 cm thick; 'B' is brown and clay-rich with a few cobbles up to ~5 cm across; color gets slighly more orange with depth; abundant mud, very few pebbles; soil very moist-but not saturated" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 177 07PB041SEZ 07PB041 w1_26 XGW018 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 3 cm thick; 'B' is brown and clay-rich with a few cobbles up to ~5 cm across; color gets slighly more orange with depth; abundant mud, very few pebbles; soil very moist-but not saturated" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 178 07PB041SMM 07PB041 94950 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 3 cm thick; 'B' is brown and clay-rich with a few cobbles up to ~5 cm across; color gets slighly more orange with depth; abundant mud, very few pebbles; soil very moist-but not saturated" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 179 07PB041SNP 07PB041 RE07105012 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 3 cm thick; 'B' is brown and clay-rich with a few cobbles up to ~5 cm across; color gets slighly more orange with depth; abundant mud, very few pebbles; soil very moist-but not saturated" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 180 07PB041SSG 07PB041 A07-4470 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 3 cm thick; 'B' is brown and clay-rich with a few cobbles up to ~5 cm across; color gets slighly more orange with depth; abundant mud, very few pebbles; soil very moist-but not saturated" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 181 07PB041STO 07PB041 C297119 MRP08040 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; 'A' horizon is 3 cm thick; 'B' is brown and clay-rich with a few cobbles up to ~5 cm across; color gets slighly more orange with depth; abundant mud, very few pebbles; soil very moist-but not saturated" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 182 07PB042SCH 07PB042 RE07105013 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; 'A' is 15 cm thick; cobbles are concentrated in the lower 'A' and upper 'B' horozions; at about 10 cm below 'A', the soil changes color from brown to lighter brown; sampled SMM interval is reddish dark brown and partly frozen" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 183 07PB042SEZ 07PB042 w1_27 XGW018 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; 'A' is 15 cm thick; cobbles are concentrated in the lower 'A' and upper 'B' horozions; at about 10 cm below 'A', the soil changes color from brown to lighter brown; sampled SMM interval is reddish dark brown and partly frozen" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 184 07PB042SMM 07PB042 94950 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' is 15 cm thick; cobbles are concentrated in the lower 'A' and upper 'B' horozions; at about 10 cm below 'A', the soil changes color from brown to lighter brown; sampled SMM interval is reddish dark brown and partly frozen" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 185 07PB042SNP 07PB042 RE07105012 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 'A' is 15 cm thick; cobbles are concentrated in the lower 'A' and upper 'B' horozions; at about 10 cm below 'A', the soil changes color from brown to lighter brown; sampled SMM interval is reddish dark brown and partly frozen" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 186 07PB042SSG 07PB042 A07-4470 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 'A' is 15 cm thick; cobbles are concentrated in the lower 'A' and upper 'B' horozions; at about 10 cm below 'A', the soil changes color from brown to lighter brown; sampled SMM interval is reddish dark brown and partly frozen" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 187 07PB042STO 07PB042 C297120 MRP08040 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; 'A' is 15 cm thick; cobbles are concentrated in the lower 'A' and upper 'B' horozions; at about 10 cm below 'A', the soil changes color from brown to lighter brown; sampled SMM interval is reddish dark brown and partly frozen" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 188 07PB044SCH 07PB044 RE07105013 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 7-10 cm thick; SMM interval is zoned from light tan at top to red-brown to black at bottom; very few pebbles overall; light tan sandy zone in upper 'B'; black organic-rich? towards bottom of hole; soil damp composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 189 07PB044SEZ 07PB044 w1_28 XGW018 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 7-10 cm thick; SMM interval is zoned from light tan at top to red-brown to black at bottom; very few pebbles overall; light tan sandy zone in upper 'B'; black organic-rich? towards bottom of hole; soil damp composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 190 07PB044SMM 07PB044 94950 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 7-10 cm thick; SMM interval is zoned from light tan at top to red-brown to black at bottom; very few pebbles overall; light tan sandy zone in upper 'B'; black organic-rich? towards bottom of hole; soil damp composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 191 07PB044SNP 07PB044 RE07105012 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 7-10 cm thick; SMM interval is zoned from light tan at top to red-brown to black at bottom; very few pebbles overall; light tan sandy zone in upper 'B'; black organic-rich? towards bottom of hole; soil damp composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 192 07PB044SSG 07PB044 A07-4470 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 7-10 cm thick; SMM interval is zoned from light tan at top to red-brown to black at bottom; very few pebbles overall; light tan sandy zone in upper 'B'; black organic-rich? towards bottom of hole; soil damp composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 193 07PB044STO 07PB044 C297121 MRP08040 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; 'A' horizon is 7-10 cm thick; SMM interval is zoned from light tan at top to red-brown to black at bottom; very few pebbles overall; light tan sandy zone in upper 'B'; black organic-rich? towards bottom of hole; soil damp composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 194 07PB045SCH 07PB045 RE07105013 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 10 to 15 cm thick; under the 'A' is a very pebble/cobble rich area (frost heave?); in the 'B' just below the SMM zone we encountered a pebble-free tan mud; soil very saturated; little 'clumps' of red clay with pebbles at core (in situ weathering?) composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 195 07PB045SEZ 07PB045 w1_29 XGW018 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 10 to 15 cm thick; under the 'A' is a very pebble/cobble rich area (frost heave?); in the 'B' just below the SMM zone we encountered a pebble-free tan mud; soil very saturated; little 'clumps' of red clay with pebbles at core (in situ weathering?) composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 196 07PB045SMM 07PB045 94950 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 10 to 15 cm thick; under the 'A' is a very pebble/cobble rich area (frost heave?); in the 'B' just below the SMM zone we encountered a pebble-free tan mud; soil very saturated; little 'clumps' of red clay with pebbles at core (in situ weathering?) composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 197 07PB045SNP 07PB045 RE07105012 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 10 to 15 cm thick; under the 'A' is a very pebble/cobble rich area (frost heave?); in the 'B' just below the SMM zone we encountered a pebble-free tan mud; soil very saturated; little 'clumps' of red clay with pebbles at core (in situ weathering?) composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 198 07PB045SSG 07PB045 A07-4470 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 10 to 15 cm thick; under the 'A' is a very pebble/cobble rich area (frost heave?); in the 'B' just below the SMM zone we encountered a pebble-free tan mud; soil very saturated; little 'clumps' of red clay with pebbles at core (in situ weathering?) composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 199 07PB045STO 07PB045 C297122 MRP08040 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; 'A' horizon is 10 to 15 cm thick; under the 'A' is a very pebble/cobble rich area (frost heave?); in the 'B' just below the SMM zone we encountered a pebble-free tan mud; soil very saturated; little 'clumps' of red clay with pebbles at core (in situ weathering?) composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 200 07PB046SCH 07PB046 RE07105013 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is an 8 cm thick tundra cap; 'B' is saturated tan clay with pebbles 2-4 cm across; very sticky tan mud composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 201 07PB046SEZ 07PB046 w1_30 XGW018 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is an 8 cm thick tundra cap; 'B' is saturated tan clay with pebbles 2-4 cm across; very sticky tan mud composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 202 07PB046SMM 07PB046 94950 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is an 8 cm thick tundra cap; 'B' is saturated tan clay with pebbles 2-4 cm across; very sticky tan mud composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 203 07PB046SNP 07PB046 RE07105012 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is an 8 cm thick tundra cap; 'B' is saturated tan clay with pebbles 2-4 cm across; very sticky tan mud composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 204 07PB046SSG 07PB046 A07-4470 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is an 8 cm thick tundra cap; 'B' is saturated tan clay with pebbles 2-4 cm across; very sticky tan mud composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 205 07PB046STO 07PB046 C297123 MRP08040 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; 'A' horizon is an 8 cm thick tundra cap; 'B' is saturated tan clay with pebbles 2-4 cm across; very sticky tan mud composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 206 07PB047SCH 07PB047 RE07105013 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; good soil profile; 'A' about 8 cm thick; 'B' is dark brown, sandy silt clay that is relatively organic-rich; 0-30 cm easy digging with few cobbles; at 30 cm depth is a cobble layer (= till?) with cobbles 2-10 cm across; soil barely damp, not sticky" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 207 07PB047SEZ 07PB047 w1_31 XGW018 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; good soil profile; 'A' about 8 cm thick; 'B' is dark brown, sandy silt clay that is relatively organic-rich; 0-30 cm easy digging with few cobbles; at 30 cm depth is a cobble layer (= till?) with cobbles 2-10 cm across; soil barely damp, not sticky" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 208 07PB047SMM 07PB047 94950 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; good soil profile; 'A' about 8 cm thick; 'B' is dark brown, sandy silt clay that is relatively organic-rich; 0-30 cm easy digging with few cobbles; at 30 cm depth is a cobble layer (= till?) with cobbles 2-10 cm across; soil barely damp, not sticky" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 209 07PB047SNP 07PB047 RE07105012 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; good soil profile; 'A' about 8 cm thick; 'B' is dark brown, sandy silt clay that is relatively organic-rich; 0-30 cm easy digging with few cobbles; at 30 cm depth is a cobble layer (= till?) with cobbles 2-10 cm across; soil barely damp, not sticky" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 210 07PB047SSG 07PB047 A07-4470 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; good soil profile; 'A' about 8 cm thick; 'B' is dark brown, sandy silt clay that is relatively organic-rich; 0-30 cm easy digging with few cobbles; at 30 cm depth is a cobble layer (= till?) with cobbles 2-10 cm across; soil barely damp, not sticky" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 211 07PB047STO 07PB047 C297124 MRP08040 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; good soil profile; 'A' about 8 cm thick; 'B' is dark brown, sandy silt clay that is relatively organic-rich; 0-30 cm easy digging with few cobbles; at 30 cm depth is a cobble layer (= till?) with cobbles 2-10 cm across; soil barely damp, not sticky" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 212 07PB048SCH 07PB048 RE07105013 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; very rocky and hard digging; entire hole is in rounded to subangular rocks up to small boulders; half the cobbles are altered, quartz-rich fragments, locally vuggy, and may contain sulfides; organic 'A' is 10 cm thick; A/B is sandy-silty, dark brown, and very rocky; suspect frost heave pile (most likely) or colluvium or even possibly C horizon" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 213 07PB048SEZ 07PB048 w1_32 XGW018 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; very rocky and hard digging; entire hole is in rounded to subangular rocks up to small boulders; half the cobbles are altered, quartz-rich fragments, locally vuggy, and may contain sulfides; organic 'A' is 10 cm thick; A/B is sandy-silty, dark brown, and very rocky; suspect frost heave pile (most likely) or colluvium or even possibly C horizon" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 214 07PB048SMM 07PB048 94950 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; very rocky and hard digging; entire hole is in rounded to subangular rocks up to small boulders; half the cobbles are altered, quartz-rich fragments, locally vuggy, and may contain sulfides; organic 'A' is 10 cm thick; A/B is sandy-silty, dark brown, and very rocky; suspect frost heave pile (most likely) or colluvium or even possibly C horizon" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 215 07PB048SNP 07PB048 RE07105012 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; very rocky and hard digging; entire hole is in rounded to subangular rocks up to small boulders; half the cobbles are altered, quartz-rich fragments, locally vuggy, and may contain sulfides; organic 'A' is 10 cm thick; A/B is sandy-silty, dark brown, and very rocky; suspect frost heave pile (most likely) or colluvium or even possibly C horizon" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 216 07PB048SSG 07PB048 A07-4470 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; very rocky and hard digging; entire hole is in rounded to subangular rocks up to small boulders; half the cobbles are altered, quartz-rich fragments, locally vuggy, and may contain sulfides; organic 'A' is 10 cm thick; A/B is sandy-silty, dark brown, and very rocky; suspect frost heave pile (most likely) or colluvium or even possibly C horizon" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 217 07PB048STO 07PB048 C297125 MRP08040 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; very rocky and hard digging; entire hole is in rounded to subangular rocks up to small boulders; half the cobbles are altered, quartz-rich fragments, locally vuggy, and may contain sulfides; organic 'A' is 10 cm thick; A/B is sandy-silty, dark brown, and very rocky; suspect frost heave pile (most likely) or colluvium or even possibly C horizon" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 218 07PB050SCH 07PB050 RE07105013 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; right below tundra cap and down to 30 cm is gravel-like soil that looks like stream sediment; below that is tan sandy clay, but in patches; wet; saturated where clay overlies gravely areas; 4""-6"" below surface; appears to be a fluvial deposit (re-worked till?)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 219 07PB050SEZ 07PB050 w1_33 XGW018 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; right below tundra cap and down to 30 cm is gravel-like soil that looks like stream sediment; below that is tan sandy clay, but in patches; wet; saturated where clay overlies gravely areas; 4""-6"" below surface; appears to be a fluvial deposit (re-worked till?)" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 220 07PB050SMM 07PB050 94950 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; right below tundra cap and down to 30 cm is gravel-like soil that looks like stream sediment; below that is tan sandy clay, but in patches; wet; saturated where clay overlies gravely areas; 4""-6"" below surface; appears to be a fluvial deposit (re-worked till?)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 221 07PB050SSG 07PB050 A07-4470 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; right below tundra cap and down to 30 cm is gravel-like soil that looks like stream sediment; below that is tan sandy clay, but in patches; wet; saturated where clay overlies gravely areas; 4""-6"" below surface; appears to be a fluvial deposit (re-worked till?)" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 222 07PB050STO 07PB050 C297126 MRP08040 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; right below tundra cap and down to 30 cm is gravel-like soil that looks like stream sediment; below that is tan sandy clay, but in patches; wet; saturated where clay overlies gravely areas; 4""-6"" below surface; appears to be a fluvial deposit (re-worked till?)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 223 07PB051SCH 07PB051 RE07105013 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; thin organic cap ('A'o) about 3-4 cm thick; then cobbly gravel without many fines to ~30 cm deep; then lighter-colored brown muddy silt to bottom of hole ~40 cm; wet, but not saturated; dominantly polylithic rounded cobbles but also < 5% more angular FeOx-altered felsic igneous rock (locally with square vugs where pyrite weathered out); difficult to sample; seems more fluvial then till-like" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 224 07PB051SEZ 07PB051 w1_34 XGW018 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; thin organic cap ('A'o) about 3-4 cm thick; then cobbly gravel without many fines to ~30 cm deep; then lighter-colored brown muddy silt to bottom of hole ~40 cm; wet, but not saturated; dominantly polylithic rounded cobbles but also < 5% more angular FeOx-altered felsic igneous rock (locally with square vugs where pyrite weathered out); difficult to sample; seems more fluvial then till-like" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 225 07PB051SMM 07PB051 94950 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; thin organic cap ('A'o) about 3-4 cm thick; then cobbly gravel without many fines to ~30 cm deep; then lighter-colored brown muddy silt to bottom of hole ~40 cm; wet, but not saturated; dominantly polylithic rounded cobbles but also < 5% more angular FeOx-altered felsic igneous rock (locally with square vugs where pyrite weathered out); difficult to sample; seems more fluvial then till-like" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 226 07PB051SNP 07PB051 RE07105012 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; thin organic cap ('A'o) about 3-4 cm thick; then cobbly gravel without many fines to ~30 cm deep; then lighter-colored brown muddy silt to bottom of hole ~40 cm; wet, but not saturated; dominantly polylithic rounded cobbles but also < 5% more angular FeOx-altered felsic igneous rock (locally with square vugs where pyrite weathered out); difficult to sample; seems more fluvial then till-like" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 227 07PB051SSG 07PB051 A07-4470 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; thin organic cap ('A'o) about 3-4 cm thick; then cobbly gravel without many fines to ~30 cm deep; then lighter-colored brown muddy silt to bottom of hole ~40 cm; wet, but not saturated; dominantly polylithic rounded cobbles but also < 5% more angular FeOx-altered felsic igneous rock (locally with square vugs where pyrite weathered out); difficult to sample; seems more fluvial then till-like" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 228 07PB051STO 07PB051 C297127 MRP08040 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; thin organic cap ('A'o) about 3-4 cm thick; then cobbly gravel without many fines to ~30 cm deep; then lighter-colored brown muddy silt to bottom of hole ~40 cm; wet, but not saturated; dominantly polylithic rounded cobbles but also < 5% more angular FeOx-altered felsic igneous rock (locally with square vugs where pyrite weathered out); difficult to sample; seems more fluvial then till-like" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 229 07PB052SCH 07PB052 RE07105013 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is 8 cm thick; sandy soil with cobbles 2-10 cm across; color light brown; A/B horizons are poorly developed, polylithic gravel; cobbles in gravel include mafic porphry and an FeOx- and MnOx-stained, sanadine-bearing crystal tuff" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigirated until analyzed 230 07PB052SEZ 07PB052 w1_35 XGW018 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is 8 cm thick; sandy soil with cobbles 2-10 cm across; color light brown; A/B horizons are poorly developed, polylithic gravel; cobbles in gravel include mafic porphry and an FeOx- and MnOx-stained, sanadine-bearing crystal tuff" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 231 07PB052SMM 07PB052 94950 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is 8 cm thick; sandy soil with cobbles 2-10 cm across; color light brown; A/B horizons are poorly developed, polylithic gravel; cobbles in gravel include mafic porphry and an FeOx- and MnOx-stained, sanadine-bearing crystal tuff" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigirated until analyzed 232 07PB052SNP 07PB052 RE07105012 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is 8 cm thick; sandy soil with cobbles 2-10 cm across; color light brown; A/B horizons are poorly developed, polylithic gravel; cobbles in gravel include mafic porphry and an FeOx- and MnOx-stained, sanadine-bearing crystal tuff" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 233 07PB052SSG 07PB052 A07-4470 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is 8 cm thick; sandy soil with cobbles 2-10 cm across; color light brown; A/B horizons are poorly developed, polylithic gravel; cobbles in gravel include mafic porphry and an FeOx- and MnOx-stained, sanadine-bearing crystal tuff" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 234 07PB052STO 07PB052 C297128 MRP08040 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; organic 'A' cap is 8 cm thick; sandy soil with cobbles 2-10 cm across; color light brown; A/B horizons are poorly developed, polylithic gravel; cobbles in gravel include mafic porphry and an FeOx- and MnOx-stained, sanadine-bearing crystal tuff" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 235 07PB055SCH 07PB055 RE07105013 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; heavy solifluction at site; heaves range from saturated clay to soi-free rock; sample collected from saturated soil rich zone; water fills the hole; cobbles range from 2 cm to 15 cm across and are both rounded and angular; soil is tan to light brown with gray clay streaks composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 236 07PB055SEZ 07PB055 w1_36 XGW018 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach soil fraction; heavy solifluction at site; heaves range from saturated clay to soi-free rock; sample collected from saturated soil rich zone; water fills the hole; cobbles range from 2 cm to 15 cm across and are both rounded and angular; soil is tan to light brown with gray clay streaks composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 237 07PB055SMM 07PB055 94950 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; heavy solifluction at site; heaves range from saturated clay to soi-free rock; sample collected from saturated soil rich zone; water fills the hole; cobbles range from 2 cm to 15 cm across and are both rounded and angular; soil is tan to light brown with gray clay streaks composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 238 07PB055SNP 07PB055 RE07105012 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; heavy solifluction at site; heaves range from saturated clay to soi-free rock; sample collected from saturated soil rich zone; water fills the hole; cobbles range from 2 cm to 15 cm across and are both rounded and angular; soil is tan to light brown with gray clay streaks composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 239 07PB055SSG 07PB055 A07-4470 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; heavy solifluction at site; heaves range from saturated clay to soi-free rock; sample collected from saturated soil rich zone; water fills the hole; cobbles range from 2 cm to 15 cm across and are both rounded and angular; soil is tan to light brown with gray clay streaks composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 240 07PB055STO 07PB055 C297129 MRP08040 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; heavy solifluction at site; heaves range from saturated clay to soi-free rock; sample collected from saturated soil rich zone; water fills the hole; cobbles range from 2 cm to 15 cm across and are both rounded and angular; soil is tan to light brown with gray clay streaks composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 241 07PB057DSCH 07PB057D RE07105013 site duplicate 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; orgainc 'A' cap is 8-10 cm thick; beneath the soil is a cobble-rich in a matrix of brown clay; light brown cobbles are rounded; damp soil composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 242 07PB057DSEZ 07PB057D w1_38 XGW018 site duplicate 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach soil fraction; orgainc 'A' cap is 8-10 cm thick; beneath the soil is a cobble-rich in a matrix of brown clay; light brown cobbles are rounded; damp soil composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 243 07PB057DSMM 07PB057D 94950 site duplicate 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; orgainc 'A' cap is 8-10 cm thick; beneath the soil is a cobble-rich in a matrix of brown clay; light brown cobbles are rounded; damp soil composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 244 07PB057DSNP 07PB057D RE07105012 site duplicate 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; orgainc 'A' cap is 8-10 cm thick; beneath the soil is a cobble-rich in a matrix of brown clay; light brown cobbles are rounded; damp soil composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 245 07PB057DSSG 07PB057D A07-4470 site duplicate 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; orgainc 'A' cap is 8-10 cm thick; beneath the soil is a cobble-rich in a matrix of brown clay; light brown cobbles are rounded; damp soil composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 246 07PB057DSTO 07PB057D C297131 MRP08040 site duplicate 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; orgainc 'A' cap is 8-10 cm thick; beneath the soil is a cobble-rich in a matrix of brown clay; light brown cobbles are rounded; damp soil composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 247 07PB057SCH 07PB057 RE07105013 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; orgainc 'A' cap is 8-10 cm thick; beneath the soil is a cobble-rich in a matrix of brown clay; light brown cobbles are rounded; damp soil composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 248 07PB057SEZ 07PB057 w1_37 XGW018 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach soil fraction; orgainc 'A' cap is 8-10 cm thick; beneath the soil is a cobble-rich in a matrix of brown clay; light brown cobbles are rounded; damp soil composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 249 07PB057SMM 07PB057 94950 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; orgainc 'A' cap is 8-10 cm thick; beneath the soil is a cobble-rich in a matrix of brown clay; light brown cobbles are rounded; damp soil composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 250 07PB057SNP 07PB057 RE07105012 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; orgainc 'A' cap is 8-10 cm thick; beneath the soil is a cobble-rich in a matrix of brown clay; light brown cobbles are rounded; damp soil composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 251 07PB057SSG 07PB057 A07-4470 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; orgainc 'A' cap is 8-10 cm thick; beneath the soil is a cobble-rich in a matrix of brown clay; light brown cobbles are rounded; damp soil composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 252 07PB057STO 07PB057 C297130 MRP08040 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; orgainc 'A' cap is 8-10 cm thick; beneath the soil is a cobble-rich in a matrix of brown clay; light brown cobbles are rounded; damp soil composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 253 07PB058SCH 07PB058 RE07105013 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; sample hole cut through small woody shrubs; organic rich dark soil with a few pebbles up to 2 cm across; easy digging once through the root mat; 15 cm below the A-O cap is a dark band; 43 cm below A we hit gravel; for SMM interval, the upper 5 cm is light brown and clay rich (B?), but the remainder is black and organic rich (2nd A?); entire sample hole is organic-rich with roots; one vuggy Fe-stained altered rock noted; concerns: it looks like a repeated A/B/A/C profile" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 254 07PB058SEZ 07PB058 w1_39 XGW018 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; sample hole cut through small woody shrubs; organic rich dark soil with a few pebbles up to 2 cm across; easy digging once through the root mat; 15 cm below the A-O cap is a dark band; 43 cm below A we hit gravel; for SMM interval, the upper 5 cm is light brown and clay rich (B?), but the remainder is black and organic rich (2nd A?); entire sample hole is organic-rich with roots; one vuggy Fe-stained altered rock noted; concerns: it looks like a repeated A/B/A/C profile" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 255 07PB058SMM 07PB058 94950 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; sample hole cut through small woody shrubs; organic rich dark soil with a few pebbles up to 2 cm across; easy digging once through the root mat; 15 cm below the A-O cap is a dark band; 43 cm below A we hit gravel; for SMM interval, the upper 5 cm is light brown and clay rich (B?), but the remainder is black and organic rich (2nd A?); entire sample hole is organic-rich with roots; one vuggy Fe-stained altered rock noted; concerns: it looks like a repeated A/B/A/C profile" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 256 07PB058SNP 07PB058 RE07105012 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; sample hole cut through small woody shrubs; organic rich dark soil with a few pebbles up to 2 cm across; easy digging once through the root mat; 15 cm below the A-O cap is a dark band; 43 cm below A we hit gravel; for SMM interval, the upper 5 cm is light brown and clay rich (B?), but the remainder is black and organic rich (2nd A?); entire sample hole is organic-rich with roots; one vuggy Fe-stained altered rock noted; concerns: it looks like a repeated A/B/A/C profile" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 257 07PB058SSG 07PB058 A07-4470 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; sample hole cut through small woody shrubs; organic rich dark soil with a few pebbles up to 2 cm across; easy digging once through the root mat; 15 cm below the A-O cap is a dark band; 43 cm below A we hit gravel; for SMM interval, the upper 5 cm is light brown and clay rich (B?), but the remainder is black and organic rich (2nd A?); entire sample hole is organic-rich with roots; one vuggy Fe-stained altered rock noted; concerns: it looks like a repeated A/B/A/C profile" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 258 07PB058STO 07PB058 C297132 MRP08040 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; sample hole cut through small woody shrubs; organic rich dark soil with a few pebbles up to 2 cm across; easy digging once through the root mat; 15 cm below the A-O cap is a dark band; 43 cm below A we hit gravel; for SMM interval, the upper 5 cm is light brown and clay rich (B?), but the remainder is black and organic rich (2nd A?); entire sample hole is organic-rich with roots; one vuggy Fe-stained altered rock noted; concerns: it looks like a repeated A/B/A/C profile" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 259 07PB060SCH 07PB060 RE07105013 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; below the 8 cm thick organic 'A' cap is the 'B' horizon that is blotchy tan and dark reddish brown; at 20 cm depth, rounded cobbles up to 15 cm in diameter" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 260 07PB060SEZ 07PB060 w1_40 XGW018 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; below the 8 cm thick organic 'A' cap is the 'B' horizon that is blotchy tan and dark reddish brown; at 20 cm depth, rounded cobbles up to 15 cm in diameter" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 261 07PB060SMM 07PB060 94950 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; below the 8 cm thick organic 'A' cap is the 'B' horizon that is blotchy tan and dark reddish brown; at 20 cm depth, rounded cobbles up to 15 cm in diameter" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 262 07PB060SNP 07PB060 RE07105012 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; below the 8 cm thick organic 'A' cap is the 'B' horizon that is blotchy tan and dark reddish brown; at 20 cm depth, rounded cobbles up to 15 cm in diameter" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 263 07PB060SSG 07PB060 A07-4470 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; below the 8 cm thick organic 'A' cap is the 'B' horizon that is blotchy tan and dark reddish brown; at 20 cm depth, rounded cobbles up to 15 cm in diameter" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 264 07PB060STO 07PB060 C297133 MRP08040 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; below the 8 cm thick organic 'A' cap is the 'B' horizon that is blotchy tan and dark reddish brown; at 20 cm depth, rounded cobbles up to 15 cm in diameter" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 265 07PB061SCH 07PB061 RE07105013 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; root mat 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is light brown and clay rich soi; SMM interval is fairly consistent with light brown clay and sparse pebbles ranging from 3 to 10 cm across; saturated soil; very thick low shrubby cover composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 266 07PB061SEZ 07PB061 w1_41 XGW018 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach soil fraction; root mat 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is light brown and clay rich soi; SMM interval is fairly consistent with light brown clay and sparse pebbles ranging from 3 to 10 cm across; saturated soil; very thick low shrubby cover composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 267 07PB061SMM 07PB061 94950 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; root mat 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is light brown and clay rich soi; SMM interval is fairly consistent with light brown clay and sparse pebbles ranging from 3 to 10 cm across; saturated soil; very thick low shrubby cover composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 268 07PB061SNP 07PB061 RE07105012 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; root mat 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is light brown and clay rich soi; SMM interval is fairly consistent with light brown clay and sparse pebbles ranging from 3 to 10 cm across; saturated soil; very thick low shrubby cover composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 269 07PB061SSG 07PB061 A07-4470 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; root mat 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is light brown and clay rich soi; SMM interval is fairly consistent with light brown clay and sparse pebbles ranging from 3 to 10 cm across; saturated soil; very thick low shrubby cover composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 270 07PB061STO 07PB061 C297134 MRP08040 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; root mat 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is light brown and clay rich soi; SMM interval is fairly consistent with light brown clay and sparse pebbles ranging from 3 to 10 cm across; saturated soil; very thick low shrubby cover composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 271 07PB066SCH 07PB066 RE07105013 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; 5-8 cm organic 'A' vegetation cap; rocky sand till below organic cap; polylithic rounded cobbles; not much variation with depth; very difficult digging; lots of pebbles and rare fines; some pebbles are iron-stained and others are blue green (weak propylithic?) composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 272 07PB066SEZ 07PB066 w1_42 XGW018 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach soil fraction; 5-8 cm organic 'A' vegetation cap; rocky sand till below organic cap; polylithic rounded cobbles; not much variation with depth; very difficult digging; lots of pebbles and rare fines; some pebbles are iron-stained and others are blue green (weak propylithic?) composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 273 07PB066SMM 07PB066 94950 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 5-8 cm organic 'A' vegetation cap; rocky sand till below organic cap; polylithic rounded cobbles; not much variation with depth; very difficult digging; lots of pebbles and rare fines; some pebbles are iron-stained and others are blue green (weak propylithic?) composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 274 07PB066SNP 07PB066 RE07105012 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 5-8 cm organic 'A' vegetation cap; rocky sand till below organic cap; polylithic rounded cobbles; not much variation with depth; very difficult digging; lots of pebbles and rare fines; some pebbles are iron-stained and others are blue green (weak propylithic?) composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 275 07PB066SSG 07PB066 A07-4470 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 5-8 cm organic 'A' vegetation cap; rocky sand till below organic cap; polylithic rounded cobbles; not much variation with depth; very difficult digging; lots of pebbles and rare fines; some pebbles are iron-stained and others are blue green (weak propylithic?) composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 276 07PB066STO 07PB066 C297135 MRP08040 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; 5-8 cm organic 'A' vegetation cap; rocky sand till below organic cap; polylithic rounded cobbles; not much variation with depth; very difficult digging; lots of pebbles and rare fines; some pebbles are iron-stained and others are blue green (weak propylithic?) composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 277 07PB067SCH 07PB067 RE07105013 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; poor soil profile; immediately after 7 cm-thick 'A' horizon is brown till; polylithic, gravel to cobbles up to 15 cm across; difficult to collect" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 278 07PB067SEZ 07PB067 w1_43 XGW018 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; poor soil profile; immediately after 7 cm-thick 'A' horizon is brown till; polylithic, gravel to cobbles up to 15 cm across; difficult to collect" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 279 07PB067SMM 07PB067 94950 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; poor soil profile; immediately after 7 cm-thick 'A' horizon is brown till; polylithic, gravel to cobbles up to 15 cm across; difficult to collect" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 280 07PB067SNP 07PB067 RE07105012 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; poor soil profile; immediately after 7 cm-thick 'A' horizon is brown till; polylithic, gravel to cobbles up to 15 cm across; difficult to collect" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 281 07PB067SSG 07PB067 A07-4470 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; poor soil profile; immediately after 7 cm-thick 'A' horizon is brown till; polylithic, gravel to cobbles up to 15 cm across; difficult to collect" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 282 07PB067STO 07PB067 C297136 MRP08040 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; poor soil profile; immediately after 7 cm-thick 'A' horizon is brown till; polylithic, gravel to cobbles up to 15 cm across; difficult to collect" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 283 07PB068SNP 07PB068 RE07105012 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; peat is frozen at 10 cm depth; could only sample 2 fractions; SNP from base of organic 'A' cap and SSG from lower part of unfrozen peat composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS(?) soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 284 07PB068SSG 07PB068 A07-4470 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; peat is frozen at 10 cm depth; could only sample 2 fractions; SNP from base of organic 'A' cap and SSG from lower part of unfrozen peat composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS(?) soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 285 07PB069SCH 07PB069 RE07105013 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; sandy loam; root mat; about 20 cm thick 'A' horizon; at bottom of hole (40 cm) we hit gravel; reddish brown soil below 'A'; almost no pebbles at all; some roots exposed (from overlying A); dry, well-drained" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 286 07PB069SEZ 07PB069 w1_44 XGW018 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; sandy loam; root mat; about 20 cm thick 'A' horizon; at bottom of hole (40 cm) we hit gravel; reddish brown soil below 'A'; almost no pebbles at all; some roots exposed (from overlying A); dry, well-drained" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 287 07PB069SMM 07PB069 94950 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; sandy loam; root mat; about 20 cm thick 'A' horizon; at bottom of hole (40 cm) we hit gravel; reddish brown soil below 'A'; almost no pebbles at all; some roots exposed (from overlying A); dry, well-drained" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 288 07PB069SNP 07PB069 RE07105012 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; sandy loam; root mat; about 20 cm thick 'A' horizon; at bottom of hole (40 cm) we hit gravel; reddish brown soil below 'A'; almost no pebbles at all; some roots exposed (from overlying A); dry, well-drained" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 289 07PB069SSG 07PB069 A07-4470 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; sandy loam; root mat; about 20 cm thick 'A' horizon; at bottom of hole (40 cm) we hit gravel; reddish brown soil below 'A'; almost no pebbles at all; some roots exposed (from overlying A); dry, well-drained" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 290 07PB069STO 07PB069 C297137 MRP08040 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; sandy loam; root mat; about 20 cm thick 'A' horizon; at bottom of hole (40 cm) we hit gravel; reddish brown soil below 'A'; almost no pebbles at all; some roots exposed (from overlying A); dry, well-drained" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 291 07PB071SCH 07PB071 RE07105013 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; 'A' is 8 cm thick; then nearly all dark brown silty fines from base of 'A' to about 30 cm depth; at 30 cm soil changes to tan brown and muddy; upper B has a whitish film coating grains that appears to be blotchy, but at a consistent level in the soil; the white film roughly coincides with a gravel layer above it; possible volcanic ash? Or drilling mud?" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 292 07PB071SEZ 07PB071 w1_45 XGW018 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; 'A' is 8 cm thick; then nearly all dark brown silty fines from base of 'A' to about 30 cm depth; at 30 cm soil changes to tan brown and muddy; upper B has a whitish film coating grains that appears to be blotchy, but at a consistent level in the soil; the white film roughly coincides with a gravel layer above it; possible volcanic ash? Or drilling mud?" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 293 07PB071SMM 07PB071 94950 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' is 8 cm thick; then nearly all dark brown silty fines from base of 'A' to about 30 cm depth; at 30 cm soil changes to tan brown and muddy; upper B has a whitish film coating grains that appears to be blotchy, but at a consistent level in the soil; the white film roughly coincides with a gravel layer above it; possible volcanic ash? Or drilling mud?" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 294 07PB071SNP 07PB071 RE07105012 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 'A' is 8 cm thick; then nearly all dark brown silty fines from base of 'A' to about 30 cm depth; at 30 cm soil changes to tan brown and muddy; upper B has a whitish film coating grains that appears to be blotchy, but at a consistent level in the soil; the white film roughly coincides with a gravel layer above it; possible volcanic ash? Or drilling mud?" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 295 07PB071SSG 07PB071 A07-4470 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 'A' is 8 cm thick; then nearly all dark brown silty fines from base of 'A' to about 30 cm depth; at 30 cm soil changes to tan brown and muddy; upper B has a whitish film coating grains that appears to be blotchy, but at a consistent level in the soil; the white film roughly coincides with a gravel layer above it; possible volcanic ash? Or drilling mud?" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 296 07PB071STO 07PB071 C297138 MRP08040 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; 'A' is 8 cm thick; then nearly all dark brown silty fines from base of 'A' to about 30 cm depth; at 30 cm soil changes to tan brown and muddy; upper B has a whitish film coating grains that appears to be blotchy, but at a consistent level in the soil; the white film roughly coincides with a gravel layer above it; possible volcanic ash? Or drilling mud?" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 297 07PB073SCH 07PB073 RE07105013 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; organic 'A' is about 10 cm thick; at base of organic layer is a 8 cm thick cobble rich zone; in 'B' below cobbles is blotchy, light brown to tan clay-rich soil; wet to saturated" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 298 07PB073SEZ 07PB073 w1_46 XGW018 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; organic 'A' is about 10 cm thick; at base of organic layer is a 8 cm thick cobble rich zone; in 'B' below cobbles is blotchy, light brown to tan clay-rich soil; wet to saturated" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 299 07PB073SMM 07PB073 94950 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' is about 10 cm thick; at base of organic layer is a 8 cm thick cobble rich zone; in 'B' below cobbles is blotchy, light brown to tan clay-rich soil; wet to saturated" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 300 07PB073SNP 07PB073 RE07105012 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; organic 'A' is about 10 cm thick; at base of organic layer is a 8 cm thick cobble rich zone; in 'B' below cobbles is blotchy, light brown to tan clay-rich soil; wet to saturated" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 301 07PB073SSG 07PB073 A07-4470 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; organic 'A' is about 10 cm thick; at base of organic layer is a 8 cm thick cobble rich zone; in 'B' below cobbles is blotchy, light brown to tan clay-rich soil; wet to saturated" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 302 07PB073STO 07PB073 C297139 MRP08040 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; organic 'A' is about 10 cm thick; at base of organic layer is a 8 cm thick cobble rich zone; in 'B' below cobbles is blotchy, light brown to tan clay-rich soil; wet to saturated" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 303 07PB074SCH 07PB074 RE07105013 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 5-8 cm thick; at it's base is a cobble layer; upper 'B' is pebble rich; moderate amount of polylithic, rounded to subangular, cobbles (bluish basalt); most of B consistent dark to medium brown color, sandy/ sandy clay; dry soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 304 07PB074SEZ 07PB074 w1_47 XGW018 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 5-8 cm thick; at it's base is a cobble layer; upper 'B' is pebble rich; moderate amount of polylithic, rounded to subangular, cobbles (bluish basalt); most of B consistent dark to medium brown color, sandy/ sandy clay; dry soil" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 305 07PB074SMM 07PB074 94950 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 5-8 cm thick; at it's base is a cobble layer; upper 'B' is pebble rich; moderate amount of polylithic, rounded to subangular, cobbles (bluish basalt); most of B consistent dark to medium brown color, sandy/ sandy clay; dry soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 306 07PB074SNP 07PB074 RE07105012 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 5-8 cm thick; at it's base is a cobble layer; upper 'B' is pebble rich; moderate amount of polylithic, rounded to subangular, cobbles (bluish basalt); most of B consistent dark to medium brown color, sandy/ sandy clay; dry soil" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 307 07PB074SSG 07PB074 A07-4470 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 5-8 cm thick; at it's base is a cobble layer; upper 'B' is pebble rich; moderate amount of polylithic, rounded to subangular, cobbles (bluish basalt); most of B consistent dark to medium brown color, sandy/ sandy clay; dry soil" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 308 07PB074STO 07PB074 C297140 MRP08040 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; 'A' horizon is about 5-8 cm thick; at it's base is a cobble layer; upper 'B' is pebble rich; moderate amount of polylithic, rounded to subangular, cobbles (bluish basalt); most of B consistent dark to medium brown color, sandy/ sandy clay; dry soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 309 07PB075SCH 07PB075 RE07105013 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is abouth 10 cm thick and dark brown; 'B' is tan mud/silt that gets slightly more orange with depth; sparse cobbles and pebbles; partially frozen in bottom of pit; at bottom of pit, unfrozen soil is saturated; extreme variability in soil pits at this site" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 310 07PB075SEZ 07PB075 w1_48 XGW018 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is abouth 10 cm thick and dark brown; 'B' is tan mud/silt that gets slightly more orange with depth; sparse cobbles and pebbles; partially frozen in bottom of pit; at bottom of pit, unfrozen soil is saturated; extreme variability in soil pits at this site" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 311 07PB075SMM 07PB075 94950 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is abouth 10 cm thick and dark brown; 'B' is tan mud/silt that gets slightly more orange with depth; sparse cobbles and pebbles; partially frozen in bottom of pit; at bottom of pit, unfrozen soil is saturated; extreme variability in soil pits at this site" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 312 07PB075SNP 07PB075 RE07105012 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is abouth 10 cm thick and dark brown; 'B' is tan mud/silt that gets slightly more orange with depth; sparse cobbles and pebbles; partially frozen in bottom of pit; at bottom of pit, unfrozen soil is saturated; extreme variability in soil pits at this site" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 313 07PB075SSG 07PB075 A07-4470 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is abouth 10 cm thick and dark brown; 'B' is tan mud/silt that gets slightly more orange with depth; sparse cobbles and pebbles; partially frozen in bottom of pit; at bottom of pit, unfrozen soil is saturated; extreme variability in soil pits at this site" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 314 07PB075STO 07PB075 C297141 MRP08040 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; 'A' horizon is abouth 10 cm thick and dark brown; 'B' is tan mud/silt that gets slightly more orange with depth; sparse cobbles and pebbles; partially frozen in bottom of pit; at bottom of pit, unfrozen soil is saturated; extreme variability in soil pits at this site" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 315 07PB077SCH 07PB077 RE07105013 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' is fairly uniform, semi-saturated brown clay with cobbles 2-5 cm across; digging was moderately difficult due to sticky clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 316 07PB077SEZ 07PB077 w2_49 XGW018 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' is fairly uniform, semi-saturated brown clay with cobbles 2-5 cm across; digging was moderately difficult due to sticky clay" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 317 07PB077SMM 07PB077 94950 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' is fairly uniform, semi-saturated brown clay with cobbles 2-5 cm across; digging was moderately difficult due to sticky clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 318 07PB077SNP 07PB077 RE07105012 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' is fairly uniform, semi-saturated brown clay with cobbles 2-5 cm across; digging was moderately difficult due to sticky clay" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 319 07PB077SSG 07PB077 A07-4470 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' is fairly uniform, semi-saturated brown clay with cobbles 2-5 cm across; digging was moderately difficult due to sticky clay" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 320 07PB077STO 07PB077 C297142 MRP08040 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' is fairly uniform, semi-saturated brown clay with cobbles 2-5 cm across; digging was moderately difficult due to sticky clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh NS/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 321 07PB078SCH 07PB078 RE07105013 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 7 cm thick; wet, but not saturated hole; high concentration of small cobbles just below the 'A' (frost heaving?), then silt and small polylithic pebbles to bottom of hole at about 50 cm; consistent brown soil; no obvious lake silt horizon observed" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 322 07PB078SEZ 07PB078 w2_50 XGW018 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 7 cm thick; wet, but not saturated hole; high concentration of small cobbles just below the 'A' (frost heaving?), then silt and small polylithic pebbles to bottom of hole at about 50 cm; consistent brown soil; no obvious lake silt horizon observed" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 323 07PB078SMM 07PB078 94950 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 7 cm thick; wet, but not saturated hole; high concentration of small cobbles just below the 'A' (frost heaving?), then silt and small polylithic pebbles to bottom of hole at about 50 cm; consistent brown soil; no obvious lake silt horizon observed" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 324 07PB078SNP 07PB078 RE07105012 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fractio; organic 'A' horizon is 7 cm thick; wet, but not saturated hole; high concentration of small cobbles just below the 'A' (frost heaving?), then silt and small polylithic pebbles to bottom of hole at about 50 cm; consistent brown soil; no obvious lake silt horizon observed" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 325 07PB078SSG 07PB078 A07-4470 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 7 cm thick; wet, but not saturated hole; high concentration of small cobbles just below the 'A' (frost heaving?), then silt and small polylithic pebbles to bottom of hole at about 50 cm; consistent brown soil; no obvious lake silt horizon observed" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 326 07PB078STO 07PB078 C297143 MRP08040 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; organic 'A' horizon is 7 cm thick; wet, but not saturated hole; high concentration of small cobbles just below the 'A' (frost heaving?), then silt and small polylithic pebbles to bottom of hole at about 50 cm; consistent brown soil; no obvious lake silt horizon observed" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 327 07PB079SCH 07PB079 RE07105013 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; vegetation cap is about 8 cm thick and 'A' continues to depth of about 13 cm; starting at top of B horizon the soil is saturated; tannish brown clay; at 25 cm depth begins a cobble-rich layer composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 328 07PB079SEZ 07PB079 w2_51 XGW018 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach soil fraction; vegetation cap is about 8 cm thick and 'A' continues to depth of about 13 cm; starting at top of B horizon the soil is saturated; tannish brown clay; at 25 cm depth begins a cobble-rich layer composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 329 07PB079SMM 07PB079 94950 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; vegetation cap is about 8 cm thick and 'A' continues to depth of about 13 cm; starting at top of B horizon the soil is saturated; tannish brown clay; at 25 cm depth begins a cobble-rich layer composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 330 07PB079SNP 07PB079 RE07105012 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; vegetation cap is about 8 cm thick and 'A' continues to depth of about 13 cm; starting at top of B horizon the soil is saturated; tannish brown clay; at 25 cm depth begins a cobble-rich layer composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 331 07PB079SSG 07PB079 A07-4470 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; vegetation cap is about 8 cm thick and 'A' continues to depth of about 13 cm; starting at top of B horizon the soil is saturated; tannish brown clay; at 25 cm depth begins a cobble-rich layer composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 332 07PB079STO 07PB079 C297144 MRP08040 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; vegetation cap is about 8 cm thick and 'A' continues to depth of about 13 cm; starting at top of B horizon the soil is saturated; tannish brown clay; at 25 cm depth begins a cobble-rich layer composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh NS/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 333 07PB080SCH 07PB080 RE07105013 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; organic-rich 'A' horizon is 9 cm thick; then brown, fine, rich 'B' horizon with interspersed small polylithic cobbles; moderate slope; hill slope to the E; relatively easy to collect; damp pit" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 334 07PB080SEZ 07PB080 w2_52 XGW018 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; organic-rich 'A' horizon is 9 cm thick; then brown, fine, rich 'B' horizon with interspersed small polylithic cobbles; moderate slope; hill slope to the E; relatively easy to collect; damp pit" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 335 07PB080SMM 07PB080 94950 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic-rich 'A' horizon is 9 cm thick; then brown, fine, rich 'B' horizon with interspersed small polylithic cobbles; moderate slope; hill slope to the E; relatively easy to collect; damp pit" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 336 07PB080SNP 07PB080 RE07105012 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; organic-rich 'A' horizon is 9 cm thick; then brown, fine, rich 'B' horizon with interspersed small polylithic cobbles; moderate slope; hill slope to the E; relatively easy to collect; damp pit" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 337 07PB080SSG 07PB080 A07-4470 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; organic-rich 'A' horizon is 9 cm thick; then brown, fine, rich 'B' horizon with interspersed small polylithic cobbles; moderate slope; hill slope to the E; relatively easy to collect; damp pit" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 338 07PB080STO 07PB080 C297150 MRP08042 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; organic-rich 'A' horizon is 9 cm thick; then brown, fine, rich 'B' horizon with interspersed small polylithic cobbles; moderate slope; hill slope to the E; relatively easy to collect; damp pit" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 339 07PB081SCH 07PB081 RE07105013 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon with peat is about 25 cm thick; 'B' horizon is moderately moist with rounded pebbles about 2-7 cm across, matrix supported; moderately compact; matrix is clay sand; SSG was fairly organic since the roots penetrated deeply" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 340 07PB081SEZA 07PB081 w2_53 XGW018 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon with peat is about 25 cm thick; 'B' horizon is moderately moist with rounded pebbles about 2-7 cm across, matrix supported; moderately compact; matrix is clay sand; SSG was fairly organic since the roots penetrated deeply" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 341 07PB081SMM 07PB081 94950 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon with peat is about 25 cm thick; 'B' horizon is moderately moist with rounded pebbles about 2-7 cm across, matrix supported; moderately compact; matrix is clay sand; SSG was fairly organic since the roots penetrated deeply" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 342 07PB081SNP 07PB081 RE07105012 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon with peat is about 25 cm thick; 'B' horizon is moderately moist with rounded pebbles about 2-7 cm across, matrix supported; moderately compact; matrix is clay sand; SSG was fairly organic since the roots penetrated deeply" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 343 07PB081SSG 07PB081 A07-4470 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon with peat is about 25 cm thick; 'B' horizon is moderately moist with rounded pebbles about 2-7 cm across, matrix supported; moderately compact; matrix is clay sand; SSG was fairly organic since the roots penetrated deeply" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 344 07PB081STO 07PB081 C297151 MRP08042 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; organic 'A' horizon with peat is about 25 cm thick; 'B' horizon is moderately moist with rounded pebbles about 2-7 cm across, matrix supported; moderately compact; matrix is clay sand; SSG was fairly organic since the roots penetrated deeply" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh NS/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 345 07PB083SCH 07PB083 RE07105013 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; vegetation cap is about 8 cm thick; at base of 'A' horizon is a 2.5 cm gray ash (?) layer; generally brown clay to sand with few pebbles; the SMM interval is sandy to gravel (2 to 10 cm cobbles) continuous to bottom of hole; wet, but not saturated; easy digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 346 07PB083SEZ 07PB083 w2_55 XGW018 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; vegetation cap is about 8 cm thick; at base of 'A' horizon is a 2.5 cm gray ash (?) layer; generally brown clay to sand with few pebbles; the SMM interval is sandy to gravel (2 to 10 cm cobbles) continuous to bottom of hole; wet, but not saturated; easy digging" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 347 07PB083SMM 07PB083 94950 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; vegetation cap is about 8 cm thick; at base of 'A' horizon is a 2.5 cm gray ash (?) layer; generally brown clay to sand with few pebbles; the SMM interval is sandy to gravel (2 to 10 cm cobbles) continuous to bottom of hole; wet, but not saturated; easy digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 348 07PB083SNP 07PB083 RE07105012 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; vegetation cap is about 8 cm thick; at base of 'A' horizon is a 2.5 cm gray ash (?) layer; generally brown clay to sand with few pebbles; the SMM interval is sandy to gravel (2 to 10 cm cobbles) continuous to bottom of hole; wet, but not saturated; easy digging" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 349 07PB083SSG 07PB083 A07-4470 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; vegetation cap is about 8 cm thick; at base of 'A' horizon is a 2.5 cm gray ash (?) layer; generally brown clay to sand with few pebbles; the SMM interval is sandy to gravel (2 to 10 cm cobbles) continuous to bottom of hole; wet, but not saturated; easy digging" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 350 07PB083STO 07PB083 C297152 MRP08042 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; vegetation cap is about 8 cm thick; at base of 'A' horizon is a 2.5 cm gray ash (?) layer; generally brown clay to sand with few pebbles; the SMM interval is sandy to gravel (2 to 10 cm cobbles) continuous to bottom of hole; wet, but not saturated; easy digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh NS/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 351 07PB084SCH 07PB084 RE07105013 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 12 cm thick; 'B' is brown for the first 3 cm; at 5 cm from top of 'B' is a gradual color change from dark brown to orange brown; pebbles are sparse but consistent throughout; dominantly silty and sandy to bottom; no clay (ash?) horizon as found at 07PB083; sample is moist and easy to collect composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 352 07PB084SEZ 07PB084 w2_56 XGW018 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 12 cm thick; 'B' is brown for the first 3 cm; at 5 cm from top of 'B' is a gradual color change from dark brown to orange brown; pebbles are sparse but consistent throughout; dominantly silty and sandy to bottom; no clay (ash?) horizon as found at 07PB083; sample is moist and easy to collect composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 353 07PB084SMM 07PB084 94950 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 12 cm thick; 'B' is brown for the first 3 cm; at 5 cm from top of 'B' is a gradual color change from dark brown to orange brown; pebbles are sparse but consistent throughout; dominantly silty and sandy to bottom; no clay (ash?) horizon as found at 07PB083; sample is moist and easy to collect composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 354 07PB084SNP 07PB084 RE07105012 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 12 cm thick; 'B' is brown for the first 3 cm; at 5 cm from top of 'B' is a gradual color change from dark brown to orange brown; pebbles are sparse but consistent throughout; dominantly silty and sandy to bottom; no clay (ash?) horizon as found at 07PB083; sample is moist and easy to collect composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 355 07PB084SSG 07PB084 A07-4470 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 12 cm thick; 'B' is brown for the first 3 cm; at 5 cm from top of 'B' is a gradual color change from dark brown to orange brown; pebbles are sparse but consistent throughout; dominantly silty and sandy to bottom; no clay (ash?) horizon as found at 07PB083; sample is moist and easy to collect composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 356 07PB084STO 07PB084 C297153 MRP08042 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; 'A' horizon is about 12 cm thick; 'B' is brown for the first 3 cm; at 5 cm from top of 'B' is a gradual color change from dark brown to orange brown; pebbles are sparse but consistent throughout; dominantly silty and sandy to bottom; no clay (ash?) horizon as found at 07PB083; sample is moist and easy to collect composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 357 07PB085SCH 07PB085 RE07105013 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; dark brown, organic-rich soil; thick root ball down to 18 cm depth; very few cobbles; saturated but not oozing; hole bottomed in frozen soil; entire hole is rich in organic material" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 358 07PB085SEZ 07PB085 w2_57 XGW018 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; dark brown, organic-rich soil; thick root ball down to 18 cm depth; very few cobbles; dark brown, organic-rich soil; thick root ball down to 18 cm depth; very few cobbles; saturated but not oozing; hole bottomed in frozen soil; entire hole is rich in organic material" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 359 07PB085SMM 07PB085 94950 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; dark brown, organic-rich soil; thick root ball down to 18 cm depth; very few cobbles; saturated but not oozing; hole bottomed in frozen soil; entire hole is rich in organic material" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 360 07PB085SNP 07PB085 RE07105012 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; dark brown, organic-rich soil; thick root ball down to 18 cm depth; very few cobbles; saturated but not oozing; hole bottomed in frozen soil; entire hole is rich in organic material" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 361 07PB085SSG 07PB085 A07-4470 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; dark brown, organic-rich soil; thick root ball down to 18 cm depth; very few cobbles; saturated but not oozing; hole bottomed in frozen soil; entire hole is rich in organic material" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 362 07PB085STO 07PB085 C297154 MRP08042 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; dark brown, organic-rich soil; thick root ball down to 18 cm depth; very few cobbles; saturated but not oozing; hole bottomed in frozen soil; entire hole is rich in organic material" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh NS/SS/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 363 07PB086SCH 07PB086 RE07105013 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; peaty organic 'A' is about 12 cm thick; then 5 more cm of lower 'A', for a total of 17 cm; 'B' horizon is medium tan caly with rounded to subrounded pebbles to bottom of hole at 55 cm; wet to bottom, icy at bottom; very clay rich with dispersed pebbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 364 07PB086SEZ 07PB086 w2_58 XGW018 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; peaty organic 'A' is about 12 cm thick; then 5 more cm of lower 'A', for a total of 17 cm; 'B' horizon is medium tan caly with rounded to subrounded pebbles to bottom of hole at 55 cm; wet to bottom, icy at bottom; very clay rich with dispersed pebbles" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 365 07PB086SMM 07PB086 94950 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; peaty organic 'A' is about 12 cm thick; then 5 more cm of lower 'A', for a total of 17 cm; 'B' horizon is medium tan caly with rounded to subrounded pebbles to bottom of hole at 55 cm; wet to bottom, icy at bottom; very clay rich with dispersed pebbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 366 07PB086SNP 07PB086 RE07105012 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; peaty organic 'A' is about 12 cm thick; then 5 more cm of lower 'A', for a total of 17 cm; 'B' horizon is medium tan caly with rounded to subrounded pebbles to bottom of hole at 55 cm; wet to bottom, icy at bottom; very clay rich with dispersed pebbles" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 367 07PB086SSG 07PB086 A07-4470 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; peaty organic 'A' is about 12 cm thick; then 5 more cm of lower 'A', for a total of 17 cm; 'B' horizon is medium tan caly with rounded to subrounded pebbles to bottom of hole at 55 cm; wet to bottom, icy at bottom; very clay rich with dispersed pebbles" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 368 07PB086STO 07PB086 C297155 MRP08042 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; peaty organic 'A' is about 12 cm thick; then 5 more cm of lower 'A', for a total of 17 cm; 'B' horizon is medium tan caly with rounded to subrounded pebbles to bottom of hole at 55 cm; wet to bottom, icy at bottom; very clay rich with dispersed pebbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 369 07PB087SCH 07PB087 RE07105013 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; below the 20 cm thick organic A-o horizon is a 10-15 cm thick layer of angular cobbles (frost heave?); this is followed by gray clay with red iron streaks to bottom of hole; very sticky and saturated composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 370 07PB087SEZ 07PB087 w2_59 XGW018 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach soil fraction; below the 20 cm thick organic A-o horizon is a 10-15 cm thick layer of angular cobbles (frost heave?); this is followed by gray clay with red iron streaks to bottom of hole; very sticky and saturated composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 371 07PB087SMM 07PB087 94950 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; below the 20 cm thick organic A-o horizon is a 10-15 cm thick layer of angular cobbles (frost heave?); this is followed by gray clay with red iron streaks to bottom of hole; very sticky and saturated composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 372 07PB087SNP 07PB087 RE07105012 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; below the 20 cm thick organic A-o horizon is a 10-15 cm thick layer of angular cobbles (frost heave?); this is followed by gray clay with red iron streaks to bottom of hole; very sticky and saturated composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 373 07PB087SSG 07PB087 A07-4470 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; below the 20 cm thick organic A-o horizon is a 10-15 cm thick layer of angular cobbles (frost heave?); this is followed by gray clay with red iron streaks to bottom of hole; very sticky and saturated composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 374 07PB087STO 07PB087 C297156 MRP08042 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis;; below the 20 cm thick organic A-o horizon is a 10-15 cm thick layer of angular cobbles (frost heave?); this is followed by gray clay with red iron streaks to bottom of hole; very sticky and saturated composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh NS/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 375 07PB089SCH 07PB089 RE07105013 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; 25 cm thick organic A-o layer; underlaine by layer of cobbles up to 20 cm in diameter (frost heave?); below cobbles is the sticky gray clay; at this site the roots extend on down into the gray clay composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 376 07PB089SEZA 07PB089 w2_60 XGW018 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach soil fraction; 25 cm thick organic A-o layer; underlaine by layer of cobbles up to 20 cm in diameter (frost heave?); below cobbles is the sticky gray clay; at this site the roots extend on down into the gray clay; ASEZ sample is all peat @ 10-15 cm depth and BSEZ is still fairly organic rich composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 377 07PB089SEZB 07PB089 w2_61 XGW018 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach soil fraction; 25 cm thick organic A-o layer; underlaine by layer of cobbles up to 20 cm in diameter (frost heave?); below cobbles is the sticky gray clay; at this site the roots extend on down into the gray clay; ASEZ sample is all peat @ 10-15 cm depth and BSEZ is still fairly organic rich composite "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 378 07PB089SMM 07PB089 94950 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 25 cm thick organic A-o layer; underlaine by layer of cobbles up to 20 cm in diameter (frost heave?); below cobbles is the sticky gray clay; at this site the roots extend on down into the gray clay composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 379 07PB089SNP 07PB089 RE07105012 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 25 cm thick organic A-o layer; underlaine by layer of cobbles up to 20 cm in diameter (frost heave?); below cobbles is the sticky gray clay; at this site the roots extend on down into the gray clay composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 380 07PB089SSG 07PB089 A07-4470 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 25 cm thick organic A-o layer; underlaine by layer of cobbles up to 20 cm in diameter (frost heave?); below cobbles is the sticky gray clay; at this site the roots extend on down into the gray clay composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 381 07PB089STO 07PB089 C297157 MRP08042 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; 25 cm thick organic A-o layer; underlaine by layer of cobbles up to 20 cm in diameter (frost heave?); below cobbles is the sticky gray clay; at this site the roots extend on down into the gray clay composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh NS/SS/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 382 07PB090DSCH 07PB090D RE07105013 site duplicate 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is mostly gray clay with angular cobbles from 3-15 cm across; total hole depth is 30 cm; ice at bottom of hole; soupy, saturated soil; root penetrate into clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 383 07PB090DSEZ 07PB090D w2_63 XGW018 site duplicate 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is mostly gray clay with angular cobbles from 3-15 cm across; total hole depth is 30 cm; ice at bottom of hole; soupy, saturated soil; root penetrate into clay" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 384 07PB090DSMM 07PB090D 94950 site duplicate 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is mostly gray clay with angular cobbles from 3-15 cm across; total hole depth is 30 cm; ice at bottom of hole; soupy, saturated soil; root penetrate into clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 385 07PB090DSNP 07PB090D RE07105012 site duplicate 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is mostly gray clay with angular cobbles from 3-15 cm across; total hole depth is 30 cm; ice at bottom of hole; soupy, saturated soil; root penetrate into clay" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 386 07PB090DSSG 07PB090D A07-4470 site duplicate 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is mostly gray clay with angular cobbles from 3-15 cm across; total hole depth is 30 cm; ice at bottom of hole; soupy, saturated soil; root penetrate into clay" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 387 07PB090DSTO 07PB090D C297159 MRP08042 site duplicate 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is mostly gray clay with angular cobbles from 3-15 cm across; total hole depth is 30 cm; ice at bottom of hole; soupy, saturated soil; root penetrate into clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh NS/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 388 07PB090SCH 07PB090 RE07105013 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is mostly gray clay with angular cobbles from 3-15 cm across; total hole depth is 30 cm; ice at bottom of hole; soupy, saturated soil; root penetrate into clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 389 07PB090SEZ 07PB090 w2_62 XGW018 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is mostly gray clay with angular cobbles from 3-15 cm across; total hole depth is 30 cm; ice at bottom of hole; soupy, saturated soil; root penetrate into clay" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 390 07PB090SMM 07PB090 94950 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is mostly gray clay with angular cobbles from 3-15 cm across; total hole depth is 30 cm; ice at bottom of hole; soupy, saturated soil; root penetrate into clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 391 07PB090SNP 07PB090 RE07105012 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is mostly gray clay with angular cobbles from 3-15 cm across; total hole depth is 30 cm; ice at bottom of hole; soupy, saturated soil; root penetrate into clay" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 392 07PB090SSG 07PB090 A07-4470 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is mostly gray clay with angular cobbles from 3-15 cm across; total hole depth is 30 cm; ice at bottom of hole; soupy, saturated soil; root penetrate into clay" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 393 07PB090STO 07PB090 C297158 MRP08042 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is mostly gray clay with angular cobbles from 3-15 cm across; total hole depth is 30 cm; ice at bottom of hole; soupy, saturated soil; root penetrate into clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 394 07PB092SNP 07PB092 RE07105012 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; sample collected about 20 cm deep; frozen ground/peat below; almost no mineral soil; frozen ground at 25 cm; no other samples collected; could not access the SSG or SMM intervals composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 395 07PB093SNP 07PB093 RE07105012 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; sample collected from peat root mat in organic 'A' horizon; hole dug ~20 cm where we hit frozen ground; hole quickly filled with water; root mat may extend farther since no mineral soil composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved BE/NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 396 07PB094SNP 07PB094 RE07105012 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; collected from base of root mass ~25 cm deep; did not hit mineral soil before hitting frozen ground composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 397 07PB095SNP 07PB095 RE07105012 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; collected from base of root mat in organic 'A' horizon; hole is 28 cm thick, in peat and organic debris, down to frozen ground at bottom; small amount of mineral soil at base of root zone; hole filled about 1/2 full of water almost immediately upon digging" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 398 07PB096SCH 07PB096 RE07105013 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon down to 50 cm; below 'A' horizon are angular to subrounded cobbles up to 10 cm across; 'A' is dark brown and organic; 'B' is sandy, saturated and greenish gray; stinky hydrogen sulfide smell in the mud; basalt, grenodiorite in cobbles; sample difficult to collect" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 399 07PB096SEZA 07PB096 w2_64 XGW018 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon down to 50 cm; below 'A' horizon are angular to subrounded cobbles up to 10 cm across; 'A' is dark brown and organic; 'B' is sandy, saturated and greenish gray; stinky hydrogen sulfide smell in the mud; basalt, grenodiorite in cobbles; sample difficult to collect; SEZA & ASTL are from organic horizon" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 400 07PB096SEZB 07PB096 w2_65 XGW018 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon down to 50 cm; below 'A' horizon are angular to subrounded cobbles up to 10 cm across; 'A' is dark brown and organic; 'B' is sandy, saturated and greenish gray; stinky hydrogen sulfide smell in the mud; basalt, grenodiorite in cobbles; sample difficult to collect; SEZB & BSTL were collected about 8 cm into 'B' horizon" composite "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 401 07PB096SMM 07PB096 94950 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon down to 50 cm; below 'A' horizon are angular to subrounded cobbles up to 10 cm across; 'A' is dark brown and organic; 'B' is sandy, saturated and greenish gray; stinky hydrogen sulfide smell in the mud; basalt, grenodiorite in cobbles; sample difficult to collect" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 402 07PB096SNP 07PB096 RE07105012 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon down to 50 cm; below 'A' horizon are angular to subrounded cobbles up to 10 cm across; 'A' is dark brown and organic; 'B' is sandy, saturated and greenish gray; stinky hydrogen sulfide smell in the mud; basalt, grenodiorite in cobbles; sample difficult to collect" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 403 07PB096SSG 07PB096 A07-4470 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon down to 50 cm; below 'A' horizon are angular to subrounded cobbles up to 10 cm across; 'A' is dark brown and organic; 'B' is sandy, saturated and greenish gray; stinky hydrogen sulfide smell in the mud; basalt, grenodiorite in cobbles; sample difficult to collect" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 404 07PB096STO 07PB096 C297160 MRP08042 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; 'A' horizon down to 50 cm; below 'A' horizon are angular to subrounded cobbles up to 10 cm across; 'A' is dark brown and organic; 'B' is sandy, saturated and greenish gray; stinky hydrogen sulfide smell in the mud; basalt, grenodiorite in cobbles; sample difficult to collect" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh NS/SS/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 405 07PB097SCH 07PB097 RE07105013 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 15 cm thick, dark, organic-rich, and contains a lot of roots; 'B' horizon is a light brown to tan silty soil; wet but not saturated; brown clumps in soil; water seeps into bottom of hole; easy to collect; sticky mud and silt with few pebbles; bottom of hole is dark brown and could be another soil horizon(?)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 406 07PB097SEZ 07PB097 w2_66 XGW018 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 15 cm thick, dark, organic-rich, and contains a lot of roots; 'B' horizon is a light brown to tan silty soil; wet but not saturated; brown clumps in soil; water seeps into bottom of hole; easy to collect; sticky mud and silt with few pebbles; bottom of hole is dark brown and could be another soil horizon(?)" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 407 07PB097SMM 07PB097 94950 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 15 cm thick, dark, organic-rich, and contains a lot of roots; 'B' horizon is a light brown to tan silty soil; wet but not saturated; brown clumps in soil; water seeps into bottom of hole; easy to collect; sticky mud and silt with few pebbles; bottom of hole is dark brown and could be another soil horizon(?)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 408 07PB097SNP 07PB097 RE07105012 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 15 cm thick, dark, organic-rich, and contains a lot of roots; 'B' horizon is a light brown to tan silty soil; wet but not saturated; brown clumps in soil; water seeps into bottom of hole; easy to collect; sticky mud and silt with few pebbles; bottom of hole is dark brown and could be another soil horizon(?)" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 409 07PB097SSG 07PB097 A07-4470 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 15 cm thick, dark, organic-rich, and contains a lot of roots; 'B' horizon is a light brown to tan silty soil; wet but not saturated; brown clumps in soil; water seeps into bottom of hole; easy to collect; sticky mud and silt with few pebbles; bottom of hole is dark brown and could be another soil horizon(?)" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 410 07PB097STO 07PB097 C297161 MRP08042 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; 'A' horizon is 15 cm thick, dark, organic-rich, and contains a lot of roots; 'B' horizon is a light brown to tan silty soil; wet but not saturated; brown clumps in soil; water seeps into bottom of hole; easy to collect; sticky mud and silt with few pebbles; bottom of hole is dark brown and could be another soil horizon(?)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 411 07PB098SNP 07PB098 RE07105012 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 15 cm thick, dark, organic-rich, and contains a lot of roots; 'B' horizon is a light brown to tan silty soil; wet but not saturated; brown clumps in soil; water seeps into bottom of hole; easy to collect; sticky mud and silt with few pebbles; bottom of hole is dark brown and could be another soil horizon(?)" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 412 07PB099SCH 07PB099 RE07105013 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 56 cm thick, root-filled, peaty, and smells of hydrogen sulfide upon initial removal of tundra vegetation cap; below 'A' is layer of angular cobbles up to 10 cm across (frost heave?); some cobbles are very red; 'B' horizon is muddy silt, brown, mixed with angular cobbles to bottom of hole at about 90 cm deep; no permafrost; in filling water at ~2 l/min; soil sample difficult to collect; low gradient slope" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 413 07PB099SEZA 07PB099 w2_67 XGW018 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; horizon A is root-filled, peaty, smell of H2S upon initial removal of tundra cap; below A is layer of angular cobbles up to 10 cm across; some are very red; muddy silt, brown, mixed with angular cobbles to button of hole ~90 cm deep; no permafrost; in filling water at ~2 l/min; difficult to collect; low gradient" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 414 07PB099SMM 07PB099 94950 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 56 cm thick, root-filled, peaty, and smells of hydrogen sulfide upon initial removal of tundra vegetation cap; below 'A' is layer of angular cobbles up to 10 cm across (frost heave?); some cobbles are very red; 'B' horizon is muddy silt, brown, mixed with angular cobbles to bottom of hole at about 90 cm deep; no permafrost; in filling water at ~2 l/min; soil sample difficult to collect; low gradient slope" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 415 07PB099SNP 07PB099 RE07105012 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 56 cm thick, root-filled, peaty, and smells of hydrogen sulfide upon initial removal of tundra vegetation cap; below 'A' is layer of angular cobbles up to 10 cm across (frost heave?); some cobbles are very red; 'B' horizon is muddy silt, brown, mixed with angular cobbles to bottom of hole at about 90 cm deep; no permafrost; in filling water at ~2 l/min; soil sample difficult to collect; low gradient slope" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 416 07PB099SSG 07PB099 A07-4470 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 56 cm thick, root-filled, peaty, and smells of hydrogen sulfide upon initial removal of tundra vegetation cap; below 'A' is layer of angular cobbles up to 10 cm across (frost heave?); some cobbles are very red; 'B' horizon is muddy silt, brown, mixed with angular cobbles to bottom of hole at about 90 cm deep; no permafrost; in filling water at ~2 l/min; soil sample difficult to collect; low gradient slope" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 417 07PB099STO 07PB099 C297162 MRP08042 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; 'A' horizon is 56 cm thick, root-filled, peaty, and smells of hydrogen sulfide upon initial removal of tundra vegetation cap; below 'A' is layer of angular cobbles up to 10 cm across (frost heave?); some cobbles are very red; 'B' horizon is muddy silt, brown, mixed with angular cobbles to bottom of hole at about 90 cm deep; no permafrost; in filling water at ~2 l/min; soil sample difficult to collect; low gradient slope" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 418 07PB100SNP 07PB100 RE07105012 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; organic ''A' horizon down to 25 cm where frozen tundra is encountered; low gradient, boggy; SNP collected at base of root mat at permafrost boundary" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 419 07PB101SNP 07PB101 RE07105012 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; organic-rich 'A' horizon down to 20 cm; then permafrost; all peat and no mineral soil; low gradient, boggy; SNP collected in bottom of organic root mass at permafrost contact; no other soil media possible" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 420 07PB102SCH 07PB102 RE07105013 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; organic-rich 'A' horizon is 5 cm thick; then 12 cm of mottled brown to tan soil with rounded cobbles followed by 10 cm of buff-colored silty clay with very small pebbles; this is followed by sandy gravel (fluvial ?) with cobbles (coarse sand to cobbles 5 cm across); SMM layer is in the buff-colored, silty clay and overlying mottled later; low to moderate gradient; damp but not wet, well-drained" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 421 07PB102SEZ 07PB102 w2_69 XGW018 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; organic-rich 'A' horizon is 5 cm thick; then 12 cm of mottled brown to tan soil with rounded cobbles followed by 10 cm of buff-colored silty clay with very small pebbles; this is followed by sandy gravel (fluvial ?) with cobbles (coarse sand to cobbles 5 cm across); SMM layer is in the buff-colored, silty clay and overlying mottled later; low to moderate gradient; damp but not wet, well-drained" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 422 07PB102SMM 07PB102 94950 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic-rich 'A' horizon is 5 cm thick; then 12 cm of mottled brown to tan soil with rounded cobbles followed by 10 cm of buff-colored silty clay with very small pebbles; this is followed by sandy gravel (fluvial ?) with cobbles (coarse sand to cobbles 5 cm across); SMM layer is in the buff-colored, silty clay and overlying mottled later; low to moderate gradient; damp but not wet, well-drained" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 423 07PB102SNP 07PB102 RE07105012 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; below A is 12 cm of mottled brown to tan soil with rounded cobbles; then 10 cm of buff-colored silty clay with very small pebbles; then sandy fluvial (?) cobbles (coarse sand to 5 cm cobbles); SMM layer is in the buff-colored silty clay and overlying mottled later; low to moderate gradient; damp but not wet, well-drained" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 424 07PB102SSG 07PB102 A07-4470 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; below A is 12 cm of mottled brown to tan soil with rounded cobbles; then 10 cm of buff-colored silty clay with very small pebbles; then sandy fluvial (?) cobbles (coarse sand to 5 cm cobbles); SMM layer is in the buff-colored silty clay and overlying mottled later; low to moderate gradient; damp but not wet, well-drained" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 425 07PB102STO 07PB102 C297163 MRP08042 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; below A is 12 cm of mottled brown to tan soil with rounded cobbles; then 10 cm of buff-colored silty clay with very small pebbles; then sandy fluvial (?) cobbles (coarse sand to 5 cm cobbles); SMM layer is in the buff-colored silty clay and overlying mottled later; low to moderate gradient; damp but not wet, well-drained" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 426 07PB103SCH 07PB103 RE07105013 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; dark, organic rich soil; 'A' horizon is very organic rich and about 12 cm thick; 'B' os organic rich soil with sparse pebbles (up to 15 cm across); soil damp but not saturated; some concern that this soil sample (SMM) might be basal 'A'" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 427 07PB103SEZ 07PB103 w2_70 XGW018 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; dark, organic rich soil; 'A' horizon is very organic rich and about 12 cm thick; 'B' os organic rich soil with sparse pebbles (up to 15 cm across); soil damp but not saturated; some concern that this soil sample (SMM) might be basal 'A'" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 428 07PB103SMM 07PB103 94950 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; dark, organic rich soil; 'A' horizon is very organic rich and about 12 cm thick; 'B' os organic rich soil with sparse pebbles (up to 15 cm across); soil damp but not saturated; some concern that this soil sample (SMM) might be basal 'A'" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 429 07PB103SNP 07PB103 RE07105012 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; dark, organic rich soil; 'A' horizon is very organic rich and about 12 cm thick; 'B' os organic rich soil with sparse pebbles (up to 15 cm across); soil damp but not saturated; some concern that this soil sample (SMM) might be basal 'A'" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 430 07PB103SSG 07PB103 A07-4470 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; dark, organic rich soil; 'A' horizon is very organic rich and about 12 cm thick; 'B' os organic rich soil with sparse pebbles (up to 15 cm across); soil damp but not saturated; some concern that this soil sample (SMM) might be basal 'A'" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 431 07PB103STO 07PB103 C297164 MRP08042 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; dark, organic rich soil; 'A' horizon is very organic rich and about 12 cm thick; 'B' os organic rich soil with sparse pebbles (up to 15 cm across); soil damp but not saturated; some concern that this soil sample (SMM) might be basal 'A'" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 432 07PB104SCH 07PB104 RE07105013 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; thin tundra cap; organic 'A' horizon is about 10 cm thick; SMM interval was saturated soil with abundant pebbles and cobbles; easy to dig, but hard to sample" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 433 07PB104SEZ 07PB104 w2_71 XGW018 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; thin tundra cap; organic 'A' horizon is about 10 cm thick; SMM interval was saturated soil with abundant pebbles and cobbles; easy to dig, but hard to sample" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 434 07PB104SMM 07PB104 94950 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; thin tundra cap; organic 'A' horizon is about 10 cm thick; SMM interval was saturated soil with abundant pebbles and cobbles; easy to dig, but hard to sample" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 435 07PB104SNP 07PB104 RE07105012 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; thin tundra cap; organic 'A' horizon is about 10 cm thick; SMM interval was saturated soil with abundant pebbles and cobbles; easy to dig, but hard to sample" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 436 07PB104SSG 07PB104 A07-4470 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; thin tundra cap; organic 'A' horizon is about 10 cm thick; SMM interval was saturated soil with abundant pebbles and cobbles; easy to dig, but hard to sample" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 437 07PB104STO 07PB104 C297165 MRP08042 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; thin tundra cap; organic 'A' horizon is about 10 cm thick; SMM interval was saturated soil with abundant pebbles and cobbles; easy to dig, but hard to sample" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 438 07PB105SCH 07PB105 RE07105013 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is aboaut 10 cm thick; below that the soil is organic-rich, dark brown gravel for 5 cm; the next 5 cm of soil has a color change to rusty red brown; SEZ is from the rusty red layer; SSG is from the red-brown layer; SMM contains both, in a cobble-ric layer with sandy fines and minor clay; polylithic rounded cobbles up to 10 cm across; soil is damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 439 07PB105SEZ 07PB105 w2_72 XGW018 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is aboaut 10 cm thick; below that the soil is organic-rich, dark brown gravel for 5 cm; the next 5 cm of soil has a color change to rusty red brown; SEZ is from the rusty red layer; SSG is from the red-brown layer; SMM contains both, in a cobble-ric layer with sandy fines and minor clay; polylithic rounded cobbles up to 10 cm across; soil is damp" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 440 07PB105SMM 07PB105 94950 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is aboaut 10 cm thick; below that the soil is organic-rich, dark brown gravel for 5 cm; the next 5 cm of soil has a color change to rusty red brown; SEZ is from the rusty red layer; SSG is from the red-brown layer; SMM contains both, in a cobble-ric layer with sandy fines and minor clay; polylithic rounded cobbles up to 10 cm across; soil is damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 441 07PB105SNP 07PB105 RE07105012 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is aboaut 10 cm thick; below that the soil is organic-rich, dark brown gravel for 5 cm; the next 5 cm of soil has a color change to rusty red brown; SEZ is from the rusty red layer; SSG is from the red-brown layer; SMM contains both, in a cobble-ric layer with sandy fines and minor clay; polylithic rounded cobbles up to 10 cm across; soil is damp" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 442 07PB105SSG 07PB105 A07-4470 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is aboaut 10 cm thick; below that the soil is organic-rich, dark brown gravel for 5 cm; the next 5 cm of soil has a color change to rusty red brown; SEZ is from the rusty red layer; SSG is from the red-brown layer; SMM contains both, in a cobble-ric layer with sandy fines and minor clay; polylithic rounded cobbles up to 10 cm across; soil is damp" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 443 07PB105STO 07PB105 C297166 MRP08042 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; organic 'A' cap is aboaut 10 cm thick; below that the soil is organic-rich, dark brown gravel for 5 cm; the next 5 cm of soil has a color change to rusty red brown; SEZ is from the rusty red layer; SSG is from the red-brown layer; SMM contains both, in a cobble-ric layer with sandy fines and minor clay; polylithic rounded cobbles up to 10 cm across; soil is damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 444 07PB107SCH 07PB107 RE07105013 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; below that is a 10 to 15 cm thick layer of angular cobbles up to 10 cm in diameter (frost heave?); 'B', below the cobble layer, is a light tan clay soupy soil (extremely saturated clay that oozes into the hole); clay contains rounded pebbles up to 8 cm across; SMM and SSG collected from soupy clay material; SEZ is half souply clay and halp damp brown soil from between the angular cobbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 445 07PB107SEZ 07PB107 w2_73 XGW018 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; below that is a 10 to 15 cm thick layer of angular cobbles up to 10 cm in diameter (frost heave?); 'B', below the cobble layer, is a light tan clay soupy soil (extremely saturated clay that oozes into the hole); clay contains rounded pebbles up to 8 cm across; SMM and SSG collected from soupy clay material; SEZ is half souply clay and halp damp brown soil from between the angular cobbles" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 446 07PB107SMM 07PB107 94950 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; below that is a 10 to 15 cm thick layer of angular cobbles up to 10 cm in diameter (frost heave?); 'B', below the cobble layer, is a light tan clay soupy soil (extremely saturated clay that oozes into the hole); clay contains rounded pebbles up to 8 cm across; SMM and SSG collected from soupy clay material; SEZ is half souply clay and halp damp brown soil from between the angular cobbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 447 07PB107SNP 07PB107 RE07105012 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; below that is a 10 to 15 cm thick layer of angular cobbles up to 10 cm in diameter (frost heave?); 'B', below the cobble layer, is a light tan clay soupy soil (extremely saturated clay that oozes into the hole); clay contains rounded pebbles up to 8 cm across; SMM and SSG collected from soupy clay material; SEZ is half souply clay and halp damp brown soil from between the angular cobbles" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 448 07PB107SSG 07PB107 A07-4470 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; below that is a 10 to 15 cm thick layer of angular cobbles up to 10 cm in diameter (frost heave?); 'B', below the cobble layer, is a light tan clay soupy soil (extremely saturated clay that oozes into the hole); clay contains rounded pebbles up to 8 cm across; SMM and SSG collected from soupy clay material; SEZ is half souply clay and halp damp brown soil from between the angular cobbles" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 449 07PB107STO 07PB107 C297167 MRP08042 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; below that is a 10 to 15 cm thick layer of angular cobbles up to 10 cm in diameter (frost heave?); 'B', below the cobble layer, is a light tan clay soupy soil (extremely saturated clay that oozes into the hole); clay contains rounded pebbles up to 8 cm across; SMM and SSG collected from soupy clay material; SEZ is half souply clay and halp damp brown soil from between the angular cobbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 450 07PB108SCH 07PB108 RE07105013 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; organic 'A' is about 8 cm thick with angular to sub-rounded cobbles; 'B' is sandy, rocky material down to the bottom of hole; damp, not saturated; not much fine material; hard digging; moderate slope" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 451 07PB108SEZ 07PB108 w2_74 XGW018 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; organic 'A' is about 8 cm thick with angular to sub-rounded cobbles; 'B' is sandy, rocky material down to the bottom of hole; damp, not saturated; not much fine material; hard digging; moderate slope" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 452 07PB108SMM 07PB108 94950 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' is about 8 cm thick with angular to sub-rounded cobbles; 'B' is sandy, rocky material down to the bottom of hole; damp, not saturated; not much fine material; hard digging; moderate slope" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 453 07PB108SNP 07PB108 RE07105012 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; organic 'A' is about 8 cm thick with angular to sub-rounded cobbles; 'B' is sandy, rocky material down to the bottom of hole; damp, not saturated; not much fine material; hard digging; moderate slope" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 454 07PB108SSG 07PB108 A07-4470 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; organic 'A' is about 8 cm thick with angular to sub-rounded cobbles; 'B' is sandy, rocky material down to the bottom of hole; damp, not saturated; not much fine material; hard digging; moderate slope" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 455 07PB108STO 07PB108 C297168 MRP08042 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; organic 'A' is about 8 cm thick with angular to sub-rounded cobbles; 'B' is sandy, rocky material down to the bottom of hole; damp, not saturated; not much fine material; hard digging; moderate slope" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 456 07PB109DSCH 07PB109D RE07105013 site duplicate 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is a buff-colored, clay-rich soil with scattered rounded polylithic cobbles; cobbles increase with depth; pit is damp, but not saturated; gentle slope here, but variable slopes due to solifluction" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 457 07PB109DSEZ 07PB109D w2_76 XGW018 site duplicate 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is a buff-colored, clay-rich soil with scattered rounded polylithic cobbles; cobbles increase with depth; pit is damp, but not saturated; gentle slope here, but variable slopes due to solifluction" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 458 07PB109DSMM 07PB109D 94950 site duplicate 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is a buff-colored, clay-rich soil with scattered rounded polylithic cobbles; cobbles increase with depth; pit is damp, but not saturated; gentle slope here, but variable slopes due to solifluction" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 459 07PB109DSNP 07PB109D RE07105012 site duplicate 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is a buff-colored, clay-rich soil with scattered rounded polylithic cobbles; cobbles increase with depth; pit is damp, but not saturated; gentle slope here, but variable slopes due to solifluction" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 460 07PB109DSSG 07PB109D A07-4470 site duplicate 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is a buff-colored, clay-rich soil with scattered rounded polylithic cobbles; cobbles increase with depth; pit is damp, but not saturated; gentle slope here, but variable slopes due to solifluction" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 461 07PB109DSTO 07PB109D C297170 MRP08042 site duplicate 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is a buff-colored, clay-rich soil with scattered rounded polylithic cobbles; cobbles increase with depth; pit is damp, but not saturated; gentle slope here, but variable slopes due to solifluction" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 462 07PB109SCH 07PB109 RE07105013 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is a buff-colored, clay-rich soil with scattered rounded polylithic cobbles; cobbles increase with depth; pit is damp, but not saturated; gentle slope here, but variable slopes due to solifluction" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 463 07PB109SEZ 07PB109 w2_75 XGW018 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is a buff-colored, clay-rich soil with scattered rounded polylithic cobbles; cobbles increase with depth; pit is damp, but not saturated; gentle slope here, but variable slopes due to solifluction" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 464 07PB109SMM 07PB109 94950 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is a buff-colored, clay-rich soil with scattered rounded polylithic cobbles; cobbles increase with depth; pit is damp, but not saturated; gentle slope here, but variable slopes due to solifluction" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 465 07PB109SNP 07PB109 RE07105012 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is a buff-colored, clay-rich soil with scattered rounded polylithic cobbles; cobbles increase with depth; pit is damp, but not saturated; gentle slope here, but variable slopes due to solifluction" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 466 07PB109SSG 07PB109 A07-4470 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is a buff-colored, clay-rich soil with scattered rounded polylithic cobbles; cobbles increase with depth; pit is damp, but not saturated; gentle slope here, but variable slopes due to solifluction" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 467 07PB109STO 07PB109 C297169 MRP08042 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is a buff-colored, clay-rich soil with scattered rounded polylithic cobbles; cobbles increase with depth; pit is damp, but not saturated; gentle slope here, but variable slopes due to solifluction" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 468 07PB110SCH 07PB110 RE07105013 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; organic 'A' tundra cap about 8 cm thick; this is followed by a 10 cm thick layer of cobbles (2.5 to 15 cm in diamter; frost heave?) without any fines; below that is a clay rich layer with cobbles to bottom of hole; clay is lighter brown than the organic layer; polylithic rounded cobbles; soil is damp; some small cobbles appear to be altered composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 469 07PB110SEZ 07PB110 w2_77 XGW018 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach soil fraction; organic 'A' tundra cap about 8 cm thick; this is followed by a 10 cm thick layer of cobbles (2.5 to 15 cm in diamter; frost heave?) without any fines; below that is a clay rich layer with cobbles to bottom of hole; clay is lighter brown than the organic layer; polylithic rounded cobbles; soil is damp; some small cobbles appear to be altered composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 470 07PB110SMM 07PB110 94950 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' tundra cap about 8 cm thick; this is followed by a 10 cm thick layer of cobbles (2.5 to 15 cm in diamter; frost heave?) without any fines; below that is a clay rich layer with cobbles to bottom of hole; clay is lighter brown than the organic layer; polylithic rounded cobbles; soil is damp; some small cobbles appear to be altered composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 471 07PB110SNP 07PB110 RE07105012 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; organic 'A' tundra cap about 8 cm thick; this is followed by a 10 cm thick layer of cobbles (2.5 to 15 cm in diamter; frost heave?) without any fines; below that is a clay rich layer with cobbles to bottom of hole; clay is lighter brown than the organic layer; polylithic rounded cobbles; soil is damp; some small cobbles appear to be altered composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 472 07PB110SSG 07PB110 A07-4470 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; organic 'A' tundra cap about 8 cm thick; this is followed by a 10 cm thick layer of cobbles (2.5 to 15 cm in diamter; frost heave?) without any fines; below that is a clay rich layer with cobbles to bottom of hole; clay is lighter brown than the organic layer; polylithic rounded cobbles; soil is damp; some small cobbles appear to be altered composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 473 07PB110STO 07PB110 C297171 MRP08042 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; organic 'A' tundra cap about 8 cm thick; this is followed by a 10 cm thick layer of cobbles (2.5 to 15 cm in diamter; frost heave?) without any fines; below that is a clay rich layer with cobbles to bottom of hole; clay is lighter brown than the organic layer; polylithic rounded cobbles; soil is damp; some small cobbles appear to be altered composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 474 07PB111SCH 07PB111 RE07105013 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; 'A' organic horizon is about 5 cm thick; 'B' is tan, clay-rich soil with lesser pebbles and cobbles up to 10 cm across; low gradient (~5%); damp soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 475 07PB111SEZ 07PB111 w2_78 XGW018 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; 'A' organic horizon is about 5 cm thick; 'B' is tan, clay-rich soil with lesser pebbles and cobbles up to 10 cm across; low gradient (~5%); damp soil" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 476 07PB111SMM 07PB111 94950 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' organic horizon is about 5 cm thick; 'B' is tan, clay-rich soil with lesser pebbles and cobbles up to 10 cm across; low gradient (~5%); damp soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 477 07PB111SNP 07PB111 RE07105012 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 'A' organic horizon is about 5 cm thick; 'B' is tan, clay-rich soil with lesser pebbles and cobbles up to 10 cm across; low gradient (~5%); damp soil" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 478 07PB111SSG 07PB111 A07-4470 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 'A' organic horizon is about 5 cm thick; 'B' is tan, clay-rich soil with lesser pebbles and cobbles up to 10 cm across; low gradient (~5%); damp soil" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 479 07PB111STO 07PB111 C297172 MRP08042 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; 'A' organic horizon is about 5 cm thick; 'B' is tan, clay-rich soil with lesser pebbles and cobbles up to 10 cm across; low gradient (~5%); damp soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 480 07PB112SCH 07PB112 RE07105013 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 5 cm thick; then into dark brown soil that gradual lightens at depth to light brown clay rich mud with pebbles; damp soil; cobbles are generally small up to 5 cm composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 481 07PB112SEZ 07PB112 w2_79 XGW018 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 5 cm thick; then into dark brown soil that gradual lightens at depth to light brown clay rich mud with pebbles; damp soil; cobbles are generally small up to 5 cm composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 482 07PB112SMM 07PB112 94950 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 5 cm thick; then into dark brown soil that gradual lightens at depth to light brown clay rich mud with pebbles; damp soil; cobbles are generally small up to 5 cm composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 483 07PB112SNP 07PB112 RE07105012 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 5 cm thick; then into dark brown soil that gradual lightens at depth to light brown clay rich mud with pebbles; damp soil; cobbles are generally small up to 5 cm composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 484 07PB112SSG 07PB112 A07-4470 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 5 cm thick; then into dark brown soil that gradual lightens at depth to light brown clay rich mud with pebbles; damp soil; cobbles are generally small up to 5 cm composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 485 07PB112STO 07PB112 C297173 MRP08042 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; organic 'A' horizon is about 5 cm thick; then into dark brown soil that gradual lightens at depth to light brown clay rich mud with pebbles; damp soil; cobbles are generally small up to 5 cm composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 486 07PB114SCH 07PB114 RE07105013 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; below that are cobbles (frost heave?); then into clay-rich 'B' soil with rounded cobbles to bottom of hole; soil moist; hole easy to dig and collect composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 487 07PB114SEZ 07PB114 w2_80 XGW018 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; below that are cobbles (frost heave?); then into clay-rich 'B' soil with rounded cobbles to bottom of hole; soil moist; hole easy to dig and collect composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 488 07PB114SMM 07PB114 94950 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; below that are cobbles (frost heave?); then into clay-rich 'B' soil with rounded cobbles to bottom of hole; soil moist; hole easy to dig and collect composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 489 07PB114SNP 07PB114 RE07105012 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; below that are cobbles (frost heave?); then into clay-rich 'B' soil with rounded cobbles to bottom of hole; soil moist; hole easy to dig and collect composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 490 07PB114SSG 07PB114 A07-4470 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; below that are cobbles (frost heave?); then into clay-rich 'B' soil with rounded cobbles to bottom of hole; soil moist; hole easy to dig and collect composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 491 07PB114STO 07PB114 C299867 MRP08116 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; below that are cobbles (frost heave?); then into clay-rich 'B' soil with rounded cobbles to bottom of hole; soil moist; hole easy to dig and collect composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 492 07PB115SCH 07PB115 RE07105013 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; very deep hole; organic 'A' cap is about 30 cm thick and dark brown; 'B' defined by an abrupt color change to light grayish tan, mud to sand with small gravel; fairly mois" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 493 07PB115SEZA 07PB115 w2_81 XGW018 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; very deep hole; organic 'A' cap is about 30 cm thick and dark brown; 'B' defined by an abrupt color change to light grayish tan, mud to sand with small gravel; fairly moist; ASEZ fraction is from the dark organic material with pebbles" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 494 07PB115SEZB 07PB115 w2_82 XGW018 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; very deep hole; organic 'A' cap is about 30 cm thick and dark brown; 'B' defined by an abrupt color change to light grayish tan, mud to sand with small gravel; fairly moist; BSEZ fraction was collected 38 cm down (about 8 cm into the 'B') and is the muddy grayish-tan soil" composite "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 495 07PB115SMM 07PB115 94950 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; very deep hole; organic 'A' cap is about 30 cm thick and dark brown; 'B' defined by an abrupt color change to light grayish tan, mud to sand with small gravel; fairly mois" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 496 07PB115SNP 07PB115 RE07105012 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; very deep hole; organic 'A' cap is about 30 cm thick and dark brown; 'B' defined by an abrupt color change to light grayish tan, mud to sand with small gravel; fairly mois" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 497 07PB115SSG 07PB115 A07-4470 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; very deep hole; organic 'A' cap is about 30 cm thick and dark brown; 'B' defined by an abrupt color change to light grayish tan, mud to sand with small gravel; fairly mois" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 498 07PB115STO 07PB115 C297174 MRP08042 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; very deep hole; organic 'A' cap is about 30 cm thick and dark brown; 'B' defined by an abrupt color change to light grayish tan, mud to sand with small gravel; fairly mois" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 499 07PB117SCH 07PB117 RE07105013 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon tundra cap is about 8 cm thick; immediately below is till with large polylithic cobbles up to 25 cm across, in a muddy matrix; this 'B' horizon is light tan brown; soil damp; hard digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 500 07PB117SEZ 07PB117 w2_83 XGW018 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon tundra cap is about 8 cm thick; immediately below is till with large polylithic cobbles up to 25 cm across, in a muddy matrix; this 'B' horizon is light tan brown; soil damp; hard digging" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 501 07PB117SMM 07PB117 94950 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon tundra cap is about 8 cm thick; immediately below is till with large polylithic cobbles up to 25 cm across, in a muddy matrix; this 'B' horizon is light tan brown; soil damp; hard digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 502 07PB117SNP 07PB117 RE07105012 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon tundra cap is about 8 cm thick; immediately below is till with large polylithic cobbles up to 25 cm across, in a muddy matrix; this 'B' horizon is light tan brown; soil damp; hard digging" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 503 07PB117SSG 07PB117 A07-4470 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon tundra cap is about 8 cm thick; immediately below is till with large polylithic cobbles up to 25 cm across, in a muddy matrix; this 'B' horizon is light tan brown; soil damp; hard digging" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 504 07PB117STO 07PB117 C297175 MRP08042 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; 'A' horizon tundra cap is about 8 cm thick; immediately below is till with large polylithic cobbles up to 25 cm across, in a muddy matrix; this 'B' horizon is light tan brown; soil damp; hard digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 505 07PB118SCH 07PB118 RE07105013 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon tundra cap is about 8 cm thick; immediately below is 'B' horizon gravel and clay; local gravel lenses are clay-free while local clay lenses are almost gravel-free; clay varies from gray to rusty red, more rusty them usual" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 506 07PB118SEZ 07PB118 w2_84 XGW018 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon tundra cap is about 8 cm thick; immediately below is 'B' horizon gravel and clay; local gravel lenses are clay-free while local clay lenses are almost gravel-free; clay varies from gray to rusty red, more rusty them usual" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 507 07PB118SMM 07PB118 94950 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon tundra cap is about 8 cm thick; immediately below is 'B' horizon gravel and clay; local gravel lenses are clay-free while local clay lenses are almost gravel-free; clay varies from gray to rusty red, more rusty them usual" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 508 07PB118SNP 07PB118 RE07105012 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon tundra cap is about 8 cm thick; immediately below is 'B' horizon gravel and clay; local gravel lenses are clay-free while local clay lenses are almost gravel-free; clay varies from gray to rusty red, more rusty them usual" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 509 07PB118SSG 07PB118 A07-4470 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon tundra cap is about 8 cm thick; immediately below is 'B' horizon gravel and clay; local gravel lenses are clay-free while local clay lenses are almost gravel-free; clay varies from gray to rusty red, more rusty them usual" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 510 07PB118STO 07PB118 C297176 MRP08042 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; 'A' horizon tundra cap is about 8 cm thick; immediately below is 'B' horizon gravel and clay; local gravel lenses are clay-free while local clay lenses are almost gravel-free; clay varies from gray to rusty red, more rusty them usual" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 511 07PB119SCH 07PB119 RE07105013 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; below the organic 'A' horizon cap are angular cobbles up to 25 cm across (frost heave?); then rare rounded cobbles are found below the angular cobbles; angular cobbles have little clay matrix; the clay content increases with depth; yellow-tan clay; saturated but not oozing; gentle ~5 degree slope composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 512 07PB119SEZ 07PB119 w2_85 XGW018 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach soil fraction; below the organic 'A' horizon cap are angular cobbles up to 25 cm across (frost heave?); then rare rounded cobbles are found below the angular cobbles; angular cobbles have little clay matrix; the clay content increases with depth; yellow-tan clay; saturated but not oozing; gentle ~5 degree slope composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 513 07PB119SMM 07PB119 94950 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; below the organic 'A' horizon cap are angular cobbles up to 25 cm across (frost heave?); then rare rounded cobbles are found below the angular cobbles; angular cobbles have little clay matrix; the clay content increases with depth; yellow-tan clay; saturated but not oozing; gentle ~5 degree slope composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 514 07PB119SNP 07PB119 RE07105012 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; below the organic 'A' horizon cap are angular cobbles up to 25 cm across (frost heave?); then rare rounded cobbles are found below the angular cobbles; angular cobbles have little clay matrix; the clay content increases with depth; yellow-tan clay; saturated but not oozing; gentle ~5 degree slope composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 515 07PB119SSG 07PB119 A07-4470 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; below the organic 'A' horizon cap are angular cobbles up to 25 cm across (frost heave?); then rare rounded cobbles are found below the angular cobbles; angular cobbles have little clay matrix; the clay content increases with depth; yellow-tan clay; saturated but not oozing; gentle ~5 degree slope composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 516 07PB119STO 07PB119 C297177 MRP08042 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; below the organic 'A' horizon cap are angular cobbles up to 25 cm across (frost heave?); then rare rounded cobbles are found below the angular cobbles; angular cobbles have little clay matrix; the clay content increases with depth; yellow-tan clay; saturated but not oozing; gentle ~5 degree slope composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 517 07PB120SCH 07PB120 RE07105013 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; organic 'A-o' horizon cap is about 8 cm thick and is followed by 20 cm of dark brown, organic-ricy 'A' soil; dense cobbles just below the organic cap (frost heave?); 'B' horizon is tan-brown and marks an abrupt color change with the 'A' horizon; 'B' has rounded polylithic cobbles; at least one sandy horizon in the SMM interval; damp soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 518 07PB120SEZA 07PB120 w2_86 XGW018 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; organic 'A-o' horizon cap is about 8 cm thick and is followed by 20 cm of dark brown, organic-ricy 'A' soil; dense cobbles just below the organic cap (frost heave?); 'B' horizon is tan-brown and marks an abrupt color change with the 'A' horizon; 'B' has rounded polylithic cobbles; at least one sandy horizon in the SMM interval; damp soil; ASEZ collected in 'A' horizon and BSEZ collected in 'B' horizon" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 519 07PB120SEZB 07PB120 w2_87 XGW018 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; organic 'A-o' horizon cap is about 8 cm thick and is followed by 20 cm of dark brown, organic-ricy 'A' soil; dense cobbles just below the organic cap (frost heave?); 'B' horizon is tan-brown and marks an abrupt color change with the 'A' horizon; 'B' has rounded polylithic cobbles; at least one sandy horizon in the SMM interval; damp soil; ASEZ collected in 'A' horizon and BSEZ collected in 'B' horizon" composite "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 520 07PB120SMM 07PB120 94950 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A-o' horizon cap is about 8 cm thick and is followed by 20 cm of dark brown, organic-ricy 'A' soil; dense cobbles just below the organic cap (frost heave?); 'B' horizon is tan-brown and marks an abrupt color change with the 'A' horizon; 'B' has rounded polylithic cobbles; at least one sandy horizon in the SMM interval; damp soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 521 07PB120SNP 07PB120 RE07105012 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; organic 'A-o' horizon cap is about 8 cm thick and is followed by 20 cm of dark brown, organic-ricy 'A' soil; dense cobbles just below the organic cap (frost heave?); 'B' horizon is tan-brown and marks an abrupt color change with the 'A' horizon; 'B' has rounded polylithic cobbles; at least one sandy horizon in the SMM interval; damp soil" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 522 07PB120SSG 07PB120 A07-4470 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; organic 'A-o' horizon cap is about 8 cm thick and is followed by 20 cm of dark brown, organic-ricy 'A' soil; dense cobbles just below the organic cap (frost heave?); 'B' horizon is tan-brown and marks an abrupt color change with the 'A' horizon; 'B' has rounded polylithic cobbles; at least one sandy horizon in the SMM interval; damp soil" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 523 07PB120STO 07PB120 C297178 MRP08042 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; organic 'A-o' horizon cap is about 8 cm thick and is followed by 20 cm of dark brown, organic-ricy 'A' soil; dense cobbles just below the organic cap (frost heave?); 'B' horizon is tan-brown and marks an abrupt color change with the 'A' horizon; 'B' has rounded polylithic cobbles; at least one sandy horizon in the SMM interval; damp soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 524 07PB121SNP 07PB121 RE07105012 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; collected from organic mat 35 cm below surface; cold water filled the hole past large rounded cobbles in bottom of hole; could not get below larger cobbles; swampy organic smell; no other fraction collected then SNP; depth of hole about 40 cm, all in 'A-o'" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 525 07PB122SCH 07PB122 RE07105013 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; brown 'A' contniues to depth of about 10 cm from surface; then a color change at 'B' horizon to lighter brown; 'B' horizon is silty clay with silt > clay; scattered cobbles up to about 6 cm across; damp soil; easy digging; low relieve <5% composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 526 07PB122SEZ 07PB122 w2_88 XGW018 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; brown 'A' contniues to depth of about 10 cm from surface; then a color change at 'B' horizon to lighter brown; 'B' horizon is silty clay with silt > clay; scattered cobbles up to about 6 cm across; damp soil; easy digging; low relieve <5% composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 527 07PB122SMM 07PB122 94950 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; brown 'A' contniues to depth of about 10 cm from surface; then a color change at 'B' horizon to lighter brown; 'B' horizon is silty clay with silt > clay; scattered cobbles up to about 6 cm across; damp soil; easy digging; low relieve <5% composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 528 07PB122SNP 07PB122 RE07105012 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; brown 'A' contniues to depth of about 10 cm from surface; then a color change at 'B' horizon to lighter brown; 'B' horizon is silty clay with silt > clay; scattered cobbles up to about 6 cm across; damp soil; easy digging; low relieve <5% composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 529 07PB122SSG 07PB122 A07-4470 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; brown 'A' contniues to depth of about 10 cm from surface; then a color change at 'B' horizon to lighter brown; 'B' horizon is silty clay with silt > clay; scattered cobbles up to about 6 cm across; damp soil; easy digging; low relieve <5% composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 530 07PB122STO 07PB122 C297179 MRP08042 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; organic 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; brown 'A' contniues to depth of about 10 cm from surface; then a color change at 'B' horizon to lighter brown; 'B' horizon is silty clay with silt > clay; scattered cobbles up to about 6 cm across; damp soil; easy digging; low relieve <5% composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 531 07PB124SCH 07PB124 RE07105013 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach soil fraction; organic 'A' tundra cap is 12 cm thick, followed by another 12 cm of dark brown 'A'; then into slightly lighter brown 'B', which is sand, silt, and lesser clay; cobbles are concentrated in upper 'A' and there are only sparse pebbles in 'B'; pit is in deep grass; low gradient (~5 degrees); damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 532 07PB124SEZA 07PB124 w2_89 XGW018 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; organic 'A' tundra cap is 12 cm thick, followed by another 12 cm of dark brown 'A'; then into slightly lighter brown 'B', which is sand, silt, and lesser clay; cobbles are concentrated in upper 'A' and there are only sparse pebbles in 'B'; pit is in deep grass; low gradient (~5 degrees); damp; ASEZ collected 10 cm from surface while BSEZ collected 8 cm from top of B horizon" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 533 07PB124SMM 07PB124 94950 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' tundra cap is 12 cm thick, followed by another 12 cm of dark brown 'A'; then into slightly lighter brown 'B', which is sand, silt, and lesser clay; cobbles are concentrated in upper 'A' and there are only sparse pebbles in 'B'; pit is in deep grass; low gradient (~5 degrees); damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SMM split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 534 07PB124SNP 07PB124 RE07105012 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; organic 'A' tundra cap is 12 cm thick, followed by another 12 cm of dark brown 'A'; then into slightly lighter brown 'B', which is sand, silt, and lesser clay; cobbles are concentrated in upper 'A' and there are only sparse pebbles in 'B'; pit is in deep grass; low gradient (~5 degrees); damp" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 535 07PB124SSG 07PB124 A07-4470 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; organic 'A' tundra cap is 12 cm thick, followed by another 12 cm of dark brown 'A'; then into slightly lighter brown 'B', which is sand, silt, and lesser clay; cobbles are concentrated in upper 'A' and there are only sparse pebbles in 'B'; pit is in deep grass; low gradient (~5 degrees); damp" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SSG split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 536 07PB124STO 07PB124 C297180 MRP08042 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; organic 'A' tundra cap is 12 cm thick, followed by another 12 cm of dark brown 'A'; then into slightly lighter brown 'B', which is sand, silt, and lesser clay; cobbles are concentrated in upper 'A' and there are only sparse pebbles in 'B'; pit is in deep grass; low gradient (~5 degrees); damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 537 07PB008ALK 07PB008 C299782 MRP08113 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered KK/BE 538 07PB009ALK 07PB009 C299784 MRP08113 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered KK/BE 539 07PB011ALK 07PB011 C299789 MRP08113 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered KK/BE 540 07PB012ALK 07PB012 C299802 MRP08113 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered KK/BE 541 07PB013ALK 07PB013 C299783 MRP08113 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered KK/BE 542 07PB014ALK 07PB014 C299797 MRP08113 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered KK/BE 543 07PB015ALK 07PB015 C299800 MRP08113 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered KK/BE 544 07PB016ALK 07PB016 C299791 MRP08113 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered KK/BE 545 07PB016DALK 07PB016D C299790 MRP08113 site duplicate 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered KK/BE 546 07PB017ALK 07PB017 C299804 MRP08113 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered KK/BE 547 07PB018ALK 07PB018 C299807 MRP08113 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered KK/BE 548 07PB019ALK 07PB019 C299796 MRP08113 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered KK/BE 549 07PB020ALK 07PB020 C299810 MRP08113 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered KK/BE 550 07PB032ALK 07PB032 C299812 MRP08113 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/BE turbidity might be affected by David's stirring up of the water 551 07PB034ALK 07PB034 C299809 MRP08113 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/BE small pools within scar below site (where there is no vegetation-see photos) have pH of ~4.0 (by pH paper test) 552 07PB035ALK 07PB035 MRP08113 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/BE turbidity is causing interference 553 07PB043ALK 07PB043 C299785 MRP08113 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/BE alkalinity sample turned pink immediately upon adding green activator solution (meaning value is <<10 ppm); cond. standard checked to verify meter 554 07PB049ALK 07PB049 C299799 MRP08113 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/BE 555 07PB054ALK 07PB054 C299811 MRP08113 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified lake GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/BE 556 07PB056ALK 07PB056 C299808 MRP08113 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/BE 557 07PB059ALK 07PB059 C299780 MRP08113 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified lake GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/BE lakes today have low conductivity and low turbidity but have all been difficult to filter (each requiring ~5 filters) 558 07PB062ALK 07PB062 C299803 MRP08113 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/BE 559 07PB064ALK 07PB064 C299798 MRP08113 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified stream GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/BE 560 07PB065ALK 07PB065 C299795 MRP08113 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/BE difficult to filter 561 07PB070ALK 07PB070 C299817 MRP08113 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/BE 562 07PB070DALK 07PB070D C299816 MRP08113 site duplicate 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/BE 563 07PB072ALK 07PB072 C299781 MRP08113 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified lake GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/BE 564 07PB076ALK 07PB076 C299787 MRP08113 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified lake GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/BE 565 07PB082ALK 07PB082 C299792 MRP08113 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/BE 566 07PB088ALK 07PB088 C299815 MRP08113 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/BE 567 07PB096ALK 07PB096 C299813 MRP08113 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified stream GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered NS/SS/DF/BE 568 07PB099ALK 07PB099 C299814 MRP08113 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/BE/SS 569 07PB106ALK 07PB106 C299793 MRP08113 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified stream GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/BE pH read; transposition error; re-done 570 07PB106DALK 07PB106D C299794 MRP08113 site duplicate 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified stream GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/BE 571 07PB113ALK 07PB113 C299806 MRP08113 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/BE 572 07PB122ALK 07PB122 C299788 MRP08113 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/BE/SS 573 07PB123ALK 07PB123 C299801 MRP08113 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified stream GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/BE/SS 574 07PB125ALK 07PB125 C299818 MRP08113 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, drill hole" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/BE/SS 575 07PB126ALK 07PB126 C299819 MRP08113 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, drill hole" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/BE/SS 576 07PB127ALK 07PB127 C299822 MRP08113 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, drill hole" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/BE/SS 577 07PB128ALK 07PB128 C299820 MRP08113 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, drill hole" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/BE/SS 578 07PB128DALK 07PB128D C299821 MRP08113 site duplicate 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, drill hole" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/BE/SS 579 07PB129ALK 07PB129 MRP08113 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, drill hole" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered JD 582 07PB008FU 07PB008 C299734 MRP08112 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 583 07PB009FU 07PB009 C299736 MRP08112 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 584 07PB011FU 07PB011 C299741 MRP08112 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 585 07PB012FU 07PB012 C299755 MRP08112 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 586 07PB013FU 07PB013 C299735 MRP08112 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 587 07PB014FU 07PB014 C299750 MRP08112 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 588 07PB015FU 07PB015 C299753 MRP08112 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 589 07PB016FU 07PB016 C299743 MRP08112 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 590 07PB016DFU 07PB016D C299742 MRP08112 site duplicate 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 591 07PB017FU 07PB017 C299757 MRP08112 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 592 07PB018FU 07PB018 C299760 MRP08112 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 593 07PB019FU 07PB019 C299749 MRP08112 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 594 07PB020FU 07PB020 C299763 MRP08112 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 595 07PB025FU 07PB025 C299778 MRP08112 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE alkalinity sample turned pink immediately upon adding green activator solution (meaning value is <<10 ppm) 596 07PB026FU 07PB026 C299769 MRP08112 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE alkalinity sample turned pink immediately upon adding green activator solution (meaning value is <<10 ppm) 597 07PB032FU 07PB032 C299766 MRP08112 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE turbidity might be affected by David's stirring up of the water 598 07PB034FU 07PB034 C299762 MRP08112 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE small pools within scar below site (where there is no vegetation-see photos) have pH of ~4.0 (by pH paper test) 599 07PB035FU 07PB035 MRP08112 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE turbidity is causing interference 600 07PB043FU 07PB043 C299737 MRP08112 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE alkalinity sample turned pink immediately upon adding green activator solution (meaning value is <<10 ppm); cond. standard checked to verify meter 601 07PB049FU 07PB049 C299752 MRP08112 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 602 07PB054FU 07PB054 C299765 MRP08112 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified lake GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 603 07PB056FU 07PB056 C299761 MRP08112 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 604 07PB059FU 07PB059 C299732 MRP08112 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified lake GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE lakes today have low conductivity and low turbidity but have all been difficult to filter (each requiring ~5 filters) 605 07PB062FU 07PB062 C299756 MRP08112 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 606 07PB064FU 07PB064 C299751 MRP08112 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 607 07PB065FU 07PB065 C299748 MRP08112 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE difficult to filter 608 07PB070FU 07PB070 C299772 MRP08112 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 609 07PB070DFU 07PB070D C299771 MRP08112 site duplicate 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 610 07PB072FU 07PB072 C299733 MRP08112 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified lake GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 611 07PB076FU 07PB076 C299739 MRP08112 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified lake GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 612 07PB079FU 07PB079 C299779 MRP08112 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified groundwater GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u NS/SS no parameters collected; water is that which collected in bottom of soil pit - filtered back in camp 613 07PB082FU 07PB082 C299744 MRP08112 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 614 07PB088FU 07PB088 C299770 MRP08112 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 615 07PB096FU 07PB096 C299767 MRP08112 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u NS/SS/DF/BE 616 07PB099FU 07PB099 C299768 MRP08112 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 617 07PB106FU 07PB106 C299745 MRP08112 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE pH read; transposition error; re-done 618 07PB106DFU 07PB106D C299746 MRP08112 site duplicate 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 619 07PB113FU 07PB113 C299759 MRP08112 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 620 07PB122FU 07PB122 C299740 MRP08112 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 621 07PB123FU 07PB123 C299754 MRP08112 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 622 07PB125FU 07PB125 C299773 MRP08112 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 623 07PB126FU 07PB126 C299774 MRP08112 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 624 07PB127FU 07PB127 C299777 MRP08112 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 625 07PB128FU 07PB128 C299775 MRP08112 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 626 07PB128DFU 07PB128D C299776 MRP08112 site duplicate 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 627 07PB129FU 07PB129 MRP08112 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u JD 632 07PB008 07PB008 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered KK/BE 633 07PB009 07PB009 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample heavy "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered KK/BE 634 07PB011 07PB011 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered KK/BE 635 07PB012 07PB012 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered KK/BE 636 07PB013 07PB013 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered KK/BE 637 07PB014 07PB014 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered KK/BE 638 07PB015 07PB015 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered KK/BE 639 07PB016 07PB016 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered KK/BE 640 07PB016D 07PB016D site duplicate 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered KK/BE 641 07PB017 07PB017 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered KK/BE 642 07PB018 07PB018 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered KK/BE 643 07PB019 07PB019 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered KK/BE 644 07PB020 07PB020 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered KK/BE 645 07PB025 07PB025 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none DF/BE alkalinity sample turned pink immediately upon adding green activator solution (meaning value is <<10 ppm) 646 07PB026 07PB026 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/BE alkalinity sample turned pink immediately upon adding green activator solution (meaning value is <<10 ppm) 647 07PB032 07PB032 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/BE turbidity might be affected by David's stirring up of the water 648 07PB034 07PB034 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/BE small pools within scar below site (where there is no vegetation-see photos) have pH of ~4.0 (by pH paper test) 649 07PB035 07PB035 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/BE turbidity is causing interference 650 07PB043 07PB043 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/BE alkalinity sample turned pink immediately upon adding green activator solution (meaning value is <<10 ppm); cond. standard checked to verify meter 651 07PB049 07PB049 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/BE 652 07PB054 07PB054 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample composite lake GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/BE 653 07PB056 07PB056 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/BE 654 07PB059 07PB059 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample lake GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/BE lakes today have low conductivity and low turbidity but have all been difficult to filter (each requiring ~5 filters) 655 07PB062 07PB062 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/BE 656 07PB064 07PB064 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample stream GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/BE 657 07PB065 07PB065 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/BE difficult to filter 658 07PB070 07PB070 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/BE 659 07PB070D 07PB070D site duplicate 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/BE 660 07PB072 07PB072 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample lake GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/BE 661 07PB076 07PB076 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample lake GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/BE 662 07PB082 07PB082 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/BE 663 07PB088 07PB088 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/BE 664 07PB096 07PB096 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample stream GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered NS/SS/DF/BE 665 07PB099 07PB099 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/BE/SS 666 07PB106 07PB106 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample stream GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/BE pH read; transposition error; re-done 667 07PB106D 07PB106D site duplicate 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample stream GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/BE 668 07PB113 07PB113 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/BE 669 07PB122 07PB122 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/BE/SS 670 07PB123 07PB123 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample stream GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/BE/SS 671 07PB125 07PB125 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, drill hole" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/BE/SS 672 07PB126 07PB126 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, drill hole" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/BE/SS 673 07PB127 07PB127 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, drill hole" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/BE/SS 674 07PB128 07PB128 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, drill hole" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/BE/SS 675 07PB128D 07PB128D site duplicate 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, drill hole" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/BE/SS 676 07PB129 07PB129 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, drill hole" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered JD 679 07PB008HG 07PB008 C299825 MRP08114 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 680 07PB009HG 07PB009 C299827 MRP08114 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 681 07PB011HG 07PB011 C299832 MRP08114 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 682 07PB012HG 07PB012 C299845 MRP08114 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 683 07PB013HG 07PB013 C299826 MRP08114 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 684 07PB014HG 07PB014 C299840 MRP08114 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 685 07PB015HG 07PB015 C299843 MRP08114 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 686 07PB016DHG 07PB016D C299833 MRP08114 site duplicate 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 687 07PB016HG 07PB016 C299834 MRP08114 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 688 07PB017HG 07PB017 C299847 MRP08114 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 689 07PB018HG 07PB018 C299849 MRP08114 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 690 07PB019HG 07PB019 C299839 MRP08114 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 691 07PB020HG 07PB020 C299852 MRP08114 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 692 07PB025HG 07PB025 C299861 MRP08114 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE alkalinity sample turned pink immediately upon adding green activator solution (meaning value is <<10 ppm) 693 07PB026HG 07PB026 C299857 MRP08114 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE alkalinity sample turned pink immediately upon adding green activator solution (meaning value is <<10 ppm) 694 07PB032HG 07PB032 C299854 MRP08114 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE turbidity might be affected by David's stirring up of the water 695 07PB034HG 07PB034 C299851 MRP08114 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE small pools within scar below site (where there is no vegetation-see photos) have pH of ~4.0 (by pH paper test) 696 07PB043HG 07PB043 C299828 MRP08114 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE alkalinity sample turned pink immediately upon adding green activator solution (meaning value is <<10 ppm); cond. standard checked to verify meter 697 07PB049HG 07PB049 C299842 MRP08114 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 698 07PB054HG 07PB054 C299853 MRP08114 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified lake GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 699 07PB056HG 07PB056 C299850 MRP08114 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 700 07PB059HG 07PB059 C299823 MRP08114 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified lake GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE lakes today have low conductivity and low turbidity but have all been difficult to filter (each requiring ~5 filters) 701 07PB062HG 07PB062 C299846 MRP08114 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 702 07PB064HG 07PB064 C299841 MRP08114 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 703 07PB065HG 07PB065 C299838 MRP08114 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE difficult to filter 704 07PB070DHG 07PB070D C299859 MRP08114 site duplicate 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 705 07PB070HG 07PB070 C299860 MRP08114 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 706 07PB072HG 07PB072 C299824 MRP08114 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified lake GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 707 07PB076HG 07PB076 C299830 MRP08114 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified lake GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 708 07PB082HG 07PB082 C299835 MRP08114 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 709 07PB088HG 07PB088 C299858 MRP08114 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 710 07PB096HG 07PB096 C299855 MRP08114 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u NS/SS/DF/BE 711 07PB099HG 07PB099 C299856 MRP08114 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 712 07PB106DHG 07PB106D C299837 MRP08114 site duplicate 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 713 07PB106HG 07PB106 C299836 MRP08114 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE pH read; transposition error; re-done 714 07PB113HG 07PB113 C299848 MRP08114 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 715 07PB122HG 07PB122 C299831 MRP08114 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 716 07PB123HG 07PB123 C299844 MRP08114 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), K2Cr2O7/HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 717 07PB125HG 07PB125 C299862 MRP08115 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 718 07PB126HG 07PB126 C299863 MRP08115 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 719 07PB127HG 07PB127 C299866 MRP08115 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 720 07PB128DHG 07PB128D C299865 MRP08115 site duplicate 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 721 07PB128HG 07PB128 C299864 MRP08115 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 723 07PB008FA 07PB008 C299639 MRP08110 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 724 07PB009FA 07PB009 C299641 MRP08110 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 725 07PB011FA 07PB011 C299646 MRP08110 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 726 07PB012FA 07PB012 C299660 MRP08110 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 727 07PB013FA 07PB013 C299640 MRP08110 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 728 07PB014FA 07PB014 C299655 MRP08110 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 729 07PB015FA 07PB015 C299658 MRP08110 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 730 07PB016DFA 07PB016D C299647 MRP08110 site duplicate 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 731 07PB016FA 07PB016 C299648 MRP08110 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 732 07PB017FA 07PB017 C299662 MRP08110 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 733 07PB018FA 07PB018 C299665 MRP08110 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 734 07PB019FA 07PB019 C299654 MRP08110 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 735 07PB020FA 07PB020 C299668 MRP08110 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 736 07PB025FA 07PB025 C299683 MRP08110 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE alkalinity sample turned pink immediately upon adding green activator solution (meaning value is <<10 ppm) 737 07PB026FA 07PB026 C299674 MRP08110 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE alkalinity sample turned pink immediately upon adding green activator solution (meaning value is <<10 ppm) 738 07PB032FA 07PB032 C299671 MRP08110 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE turbidity might be affected by David's stirring up of the water 739 07PB034FA 07PB034 C299667 MRP08110 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE small pools within scar below site (where there is no vegetation-see photos) have pH of ~4.0 (by pH paper test) 740 07PB035FA 07PB035 MRP08110 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE turbidity is causing interference 741 07PB043FA 07PB043 C299642 MRP08110 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE alkalinity sample turned pink immediately upon adding green activator solution (meaning value is <<10 ppm); cond. standard checked to verify meter 742 07PB049FA 07PB049 C299657 MRP08110 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 743 07PB054FA 07PB054 C299670 MRP08110 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified lake GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 744 07PB056FA 07PB056 C299666 MRP08110 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 745 07PB059FA 07PB059 C299637 MRP08110 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified lake GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE lakes today have low conductivity and low turbidity but have all been difficult to filter (each requiring ~5 filters) 746 07PB062FA 07PB062 C299661 MRP08110 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 747 07PB064FA 07PB064 C299656 MRP08110 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 748 07PB065FA 07PB065 C299653 MRP08110 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE difficult to filter 749 07PB070DFA 07PB070D C299676 MRP08110 site duplicate 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 750 07PB070FA 07PB070 C299677 MRP08110 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 751 07PB072FA 07PB072 C299638 MRP08110 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified lake GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 752 07PB076FA 07PB076 C299644 MRP08110 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified lake GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 753 07PB079FA 07PB079 C299684 MRP08110 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified groundwater GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u NS/SS no parameters collected; water is that which collected in bottom of soil pit - filtered back in camp 754 07PB082FA 07PB082 C299649 MRP08110 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 755 07PB088FA 07PB088 C299675 MRP08110 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 756 07PB096FA 07PB096 C299672 MRP08110 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u NS/SS/DF/BE 757 07PB099FA 07PB099 C299673 MRP08110 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 758 07PB106DFA 07PB106D C299651 MRP08110 site duplicate 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 759 07PB106FA 07PB106 C299650 MRP08110 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE pH read; transposition error; re-done 760 07PB113FA 07PB113 C299664 MRP08110 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 761 07PB122FA 07PB122 C299645 MRP08110 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 762 07PB123FA 07PB123 C299659 MRP08110 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 763 07PB125FA 07PB125 C299678 MRP08110 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 764 07PB126FA 07PB126 C299679 MRP08110 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 765 07PB127FA 07PB127 C299682 MRP08110 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 766 07PB128DFA 07PB128D C299681 MRP08110 site duplicate 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 767 07PB128FA 07PB128 C299680 MRP08110 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 768 07PB129FA 07PB129 MRP08110 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u JD 773 07PB008RA 07PB008 C299687 MRP08111 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered KK/BE 774 07PB009RA 07PB009 C299689 MRP08111 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered KK/BE 775 07PB011RA 07PB011 C299694 MRP08111 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered KK/BE 776 07PB012RA 07PB012 C299708 MRP08111 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered KK/BE 777 07PB013RA 07PB013 C299688 MRP08111 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered KK/BE 778 07PB014RA 07PB014 C299703 MRP08111 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered KK/BE 779 07PB015RA 07PB015 C299706 MRP08111 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered KK/BE 780 07PB016DRA 07PB016D C299695 MRP08111 site duplicate 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered KK/BE 781 07PB016RA 07PB016 C299696 MRP08111 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered KK/BE 782 07PB017RA 07PB017 C299710 MRP08111 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered KK/BE 783 07PB018RA 07PB018 C299713 MRP08111 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered KK/BE 784 07PB019RA 07PB019 C299702 MRP08111 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered KK/BE 785 07PB020RA 07PB020 C299716 MRP08111 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered KK/BE 786 07PB025RA 07PB025 C299731 MRP08111 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE alkalinity sample turned pink immediately upon adding green activator solution (meaning value is <<10 ppm) 787 07PB026RA 07PB026 C299722 MRP08111 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE alkalinity sample turned pink immediately upon adding green activator solution (meaning value is <<10 ppm) 788 07PB032RA 07PB032 C299719 MRP08111 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE turbidity might be affected by David's stirring up of the water 789 07PB034RA 07PB034 C299715 MRP08111 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE small pools within scar below site (where there is no vegetation-see photos) have pH of ~4.0 (by pH paper test) 790 07PB035RA 07PB035 MRP08111 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE turbidity is causing interference 791 07PB043RA 07PB043 C299690 MRP08111 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE alkalinity sample turned pink immediately upon adding green activator solution (meaning value is <<10 ppm); cond. standard checked to verify meter 792 07PB049RA 07PB049 C299705 MRP08111 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE 793 07PB054RA 07PB054 C299718 MRP08111 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified lake GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE 794 07PB056RA 07PB056 C299714 MRP08111 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE 795 07PB059RA 07PB059 C299685 MRP08111 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified lake GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE lakes today have low conductivity and low turbidity but have all been difficult to filter (each requiring ~5 filters) 796 07PB062RA 07PB062 C299709 MRP08111 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE 797 07PB064RA 07PB064 C299704 MRP08111 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE 798 07PB065RA 07PB065 C299701 MRP08111 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE difficult to filter 799 07PB070DRA 07PB070D C299724 MRP08111 site duplicate 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE 800 07PB070RA 07PB070 C299725 MRP08111 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE 801 07PB072RA 07PB072 C299686 MRP08111 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified lake GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE 802 07PB076RA 07PB076 C299692 MRP08111 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified lake GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE 803 07PB082RA 07PB082 C299697 MRP08111 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE 804 07PB088RA 07PB088 C299723 MRP08111 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE 805 07PB096RA 07PB096 C299720 MRP08111 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered NS/SS/DF/BE 806 07PB099RA 07PB099 C299721 MRP08111 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE/SS 807 07PB106DRA 07PB106D C299699 MRP08111 site duplicate 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE 808 07PB106RA 07PB106 C299698 MRP08111 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE pH read; transposition error; re-done 809 07PB113RA 07PB113 C299712 MRP08111 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE 810 07PB122RA 07PB122 C299693 MRP08111 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE/SS 811 07PB123RA 07PB123 C299707 MRP08111 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE/SS 812 07PB125RA 07PB125 C299726 MRP08111 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE/SS 813 07PB126RA 07PB126 C299727 MRP08111 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE/SS 814 07PB127RA 07PB127 C299730 MRP08111 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE/SS 815 07PB128DRA 07PB128D C299729 MRP08111 site duplicate 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE/SS 816 07PB128RA 07PB128 C299728 MRP08111 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/BE/SS 817 07PB129RA 07PB129 MRP08111 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered JD 822 07PB008FA 07PB008 A07-3769 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 823 07PB009FA 07PB009 A07-3769 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 824 07PB011FA 07PB011 A07-3769 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 825 07PB012FA 07PB012 A07-3769 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 826 07PB013FA 07PB013 A07-3769 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 827 07PB014FA 07PB014 A07-3769 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 828 07PB015FA 07PB015 A07-3769 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 829 07PB016DFA 07PB016D A07-3769 site duplicate 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 830 07PB016FA 07PB016 A07-3769 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 831 07PB017FA 07PB017 A07-3769 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 832 07PB018FA 07PB018 A07-3769 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 833 07PB019FA 07PB019 A07-3769 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 834 07PB020FA 07PB020 A07-3769 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 835 07PB025FA 07PB025 A07-3769 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE alkalinity sample turned pink immediately upon adding green activator solution (meaning value is <<10 ppm) 836 07PB026FA 07PB026 A07-3769 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE alkalinity sample turned pink immediately upon adding green activator solution (meaning value is <<10 ppm) 837 07PB032FA 07PB032 A07-3769 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE turbidity might be affected by David's stirring up of the water 838 07PB034FA 07PB034 A07-3769 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE small pools within scar below site (where there is no vegetation-see photos) have pH of ~4.0 (by pH paper test) 839 07PB035FA 07PB035 A07-3769 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE turbidity is causing interference 840 07PB043FA 07PB043 A07-3769 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE alkalinity sample turned pink immediately upon adding green activator solution (meaning value is <<10 ppm); cond. standard checked to verify meter 841 07PB049FA 07PB049 A07-3769 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 842 07PB054FA 07PB054 A07-3769 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified lake GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 843 07PB056FA 07PB056 A07-3769 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 844 07PB059FA 07PB059 A07-3769 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified lake GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE lakes today have low conductivity and low turbidity but have all been difficult to filter (each requiring ~5 filters) 845 07PB062FA 07PB062 A07-3769 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 846 07PB064FA 07PB064 A07-3769 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 847 07PB065FA 07PB065 A07-3769 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE difficult to filter 848 07PB070DFA 07PB070D A07-3769 site duplicate 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 849 07PB070FA 07PB070 A07-3769 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 850 07PB072FA 07PB072 A07-3769 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified lake GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 851 07PB076FA 07PB076 A07-3769 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified lake GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 852 07PB079FA 07PB079 A07-3769 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified groundwater GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u NS/SS no parameters collected; water is that which collected in bottom of soil pit - filtered back in camp 853 07PB082FA 07PB082 A07-3769 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 854 07PB088FA 07PB088 A07-3769 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 855 07PB096FA 07PB096 A07-3769 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u NS/SS/DF/BE 856 07PB099FA 07PB099 A07-3769 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 857 07PB106DFA 07PB106D A07-3769 site duplicate 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 858 07PB106FA 07PB106 A07-3769 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE pH read; transposition error; re-done 859 07PB113FA 07PB113 A07-3769 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 860 07PB122FA 07PB122 A07-3769 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 861 07PB123FA 07PB123 A07-3769 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 862 07PB125FA 07PB125 A07-3769 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 863 07PB126FA 07PB126 A07-3769 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 864 07PB127FA 07PB127 A07-3769 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 865 07PB128DFA 07PB128D A07-3769 site duplicate 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 866 07PB128FA 07PB128 A07-3769 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 867 07PB129FA 07PB129 A07-3769 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u JD 870 07PB079 07PB079 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample groundwater GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered NS/SS no parameters collected; water is that which collected in bottom of soil pit - filtered back in camp 871 07PB095 07PB095 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 water field test sample no water sample collected; just pH and conductivity groundwater GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered NS/SS/DF/BE only pH/cond parameters measured for curiosity 888 07PB081SEZB 07PB081 w2_54 XGW018 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon with peat is about 25 cm thick; 'B' horizon is moderately moist with rounded pebbles about 2-7 cm across, matrix supported; moderately compact; matrix is clay sand; SSG was fairly organic since the roots penetrated deeply" composite "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 889 07PB099SEZB 07PB099 w2_68 XGW018 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; horizon A is root-filled, peaty, smell of H2S upon initial removal of tundra cap; below A is layer of angular cobbles up to 10 cm across; some are very red; muddy silt, brown, mixed with angular cobbles to button of hole ~90 cm deep; no permafrost; in filling water at ~2 l/min; difficult to collect; low gradient" composite "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 890 07PB124SEZB 07PB124 w2_90 XGW018 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach soil fraction; organic 'A' tundra cap is 12 cm thick, followed by another 12 cm of dark brown 'A'; then into slightly lighter brown 'B', which is sand, silt, and lesser clay; cobbles are concentrated in upper 'A' and there are only sparse pebbles in 'B'; pit is in deep grass; low gradient (~5 degrees); damp; ASEZ collected 10 cm from surface while BSEZ collected 8 cm from top of B horizon" composite "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 907 07PB050SNP 07PB050 RE07105012 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil sodium pyrophosphate leachate of soil "sodium pyrophosphate leach soil fraction; right below tundra cap and down to 30 cm is gravel-like soil that looks like stream sediment; below that is tan sandy clay, but in patches; wet; saturated where clay overlies gravely areas; 4""-6"" below surface; appears to be a fluvial deposit (re-worked till?); right below cap to 30 cm, gravely soil looks like stream sediment; below that tan sandy clay, but in patches; wet; saturated where clay overlies gravely areas; sampled 4""-10"" below 'A'" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SNP split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 915 07PB009SPH 07PB009 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; well developed soil profile, 'A' horizon about 6 cm thick, 'B' horizon extends to bottom of hole (30 cm); lower 5 cm is bleached 'B' horizon; abundant fines, small cobbles up to 3 cm across; all material is damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 916 07PB011SPH 07PB011 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon has fine silt/ mud interspersed w/ cobbles and small boulders, 'B' horizon is consistently dark brown in color; soil moist, but not wet" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 917 07PB012SPH 07PB012 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil soil pH fraction; 'A' horizon is about 7 cm thick; the 'A' is underlain by a concentration of cobbles (~2.5 cm across); in the 'B' horizon cobbles continue but are less abundant and in a fine mud matrix to 30 cm depth; wet soil composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 918 07PB014SPH 07PB014 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil soil pH fraction; 'A' horizon is about 4-5 cm thick; the A caps a thick B horizon (to bottom of hole ~30cm) that is consistently light brown to gray silt composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 920 07PB016SPH 07PB016 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; on hill above seep; organic 'A' horizon is about 4 cm thick, then dark brown 'B' horizon to 30 cm depth, mostly fine material with very few rocks; soil damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 921 07PB016DSPH 07PB016D site duplicate 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; site duplicate, collected about 2 m away from 07PB016; soil about the same as 016 but significantly more rocks" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 922 07PB017SPH 07PB017 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; soil collection site is about 50 m N of seep site; very organic-rich throughout the 25 cm deep hole; no pronounced color change between 'A' and 'B' horizons, if there even is a distiniction; roots prominent throughout; very few pebbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 923 07PB018SPH 07PB018 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil soil pH fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; 'B' is brown-gray mud at top and gets coarser with depth (~20 cm); bottom of hole becomes very rocky (top of moraine?); mud (especially lower portion) might be lake silt. composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 924 07PB020SPH 07PB020 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; ""soil"" on till on bluff overlying sampled spring and about 15 m W of spring; unsorted till composed of sand-pebbles-cobbles (up to about 8 cm across) and lesser silt and mud; 'A' horizon is a thin ~5 cm thick tundra mat; till is brown; poor soil development; damp soil; difficult to collect without including pebbles; no real 'B' horizon ('A', then till)" grab (composited along channel in pit) "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 925 07PB021SPH 07PB021 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; poor soil development; 'A' horizon is about 4 cm thick, then right into mud and silt with sparse pebbles;'B' is brown, very moist, but not saturated; soil becomes coarser-grained with depth; lake sediments on till (?)" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 926 07PB022SPH 07PB022 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8.5 cm thick, 'B' horizon is silty clay that is brownish-orange in color; sparse cobbles are 2.5 to 6 cm diameter and are concentrated at the top of the 'B' horizon" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 927 07PB023SPH 07PB023 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 5-7 cm thick and contains a few pebbles; in 'B' horizon, a gravel-rich area (with cobbles up to 3-5 cm) begins around ~23 cm; sample for SMM collected just above gravel horizon; still 1 mm size gravel in sample" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 928 07PB024SPH 07PB024 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; 'A' horizon is 5 cm thick; till immediately underlies the tundra cap from surface to hole bottom (30 cm); fines are dark brown, granular to clay, cobbles are polylithic; roots in tundra extent to 15 cm depth; mostly damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 929 07PB027SPH 07PB027 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; soil mostly saturated throughout, scattered but consistent cobbles ( up to 15 cm across); immediately underlying the 'A' horizon is a concentration of polylithic cobbles 2 to 5 cm across; 'B' has scattered polylithic cobbles (2-5 cm across)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 930 07PB029SPH 07PB029 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; upper part of hole is very rocky, but it gets more sandy with depth; very slow and difficult to collect; polylithic small cobbles to gravel are predominant with lesser silt and mud; brown, damp, but not wet" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 931 07PB030SPH 07PB030 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; soil taken in bog, so entire interval is organic peat; permafrost encountered at 30 cm; we sampled this material (= frozen upper B?) for SSG, SEZ and SSM sample; some gravel present; for SNP we sampled upper peat interval" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS(?) soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 932 07PB031SPH 07PB031 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; till immediately below tundra cap; soil is brown, organic, clay-rich material; no real 'B' horizon developed; same sample material used for all samples; very slow and difficult to collect; cobble-supported matrix (up to 25 cm across) with minor soil in between" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 933 07PB033SPH 07PB033 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; 'A' horizon about 7 cm thick; 'B' is brownish clay to sand, with pebbles 3 cm or smaller; easy digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 934 07PB033DSPH 07PB033D site duplicate 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; 'A' horizon about 7 cm thick; 'B' is brownish clay to sand, with pebbles 3 cm or smaller; easy digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 935 07PB036SPH 07PB036 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil soil pH fraction; 'A' horizon varies from 10 to 15 cm thick; 'B' horizon is sandy clay with sparse 3 to 5 cm cobbles; hole becomes more clay-rich with depth; tan color to 'B' horizon; soil is saturated and filling with water over time composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 937 07PB037SPH 07PB037 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; boggy, saturated soil from 40-cm thick organic peat; 'B' horizon below is gray and clay-rich with sparse pebbles (lake sediment?); could not measure 4-10 cm below A but we attempted to get proper interval with shovel" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 938 07PB038SPH 07PB038 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; 10 cm thick 'A' horizon, followed by 20 cm of 'B' horizon that is dark brown to red brown; sandy, clay-rich, light brown soil for the next 15 cm to bottom of hole; cobbles in hole are polylithic up to 12 cm and are found mostly at the boundary between soil types; very easy to dig; the lighter brown soil is partially frozen" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 939 07PB039SPH 07PB039 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; cobbles; 'A' horizon is 10 cm thick; 'B' is brown, sandy, with abundant clay; there are abundant cobbles of altered granodiorite with pyrite and quartz in upper 25 cm of profile; some cobbles are angular, some are rounded, could be colluvium plus glacial deposits; the interval for SMM had abundant rounded cobbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 940 07PB040SPH 07PB040 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil soil pH fraction; soil contains subangular to rounded cobbles 12 cm across and smaller; mineralized angular cobbles in SMM fraction; collected on 10 degree slope with solifluction lobes composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 941 07PB041SPH 07PB041 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; 'A' horizon is 3 cm thick; 'B' is brown and clay-rich with a few cobbles up to ~5 cm across; color gets slighly more orange with depth; abundant mud, very few pebbles; soil very moist-but not saturated" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 942 07PB042SPH 07PB042 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; 'A' is 15 cm thick; cobbles are concentrated in the lower 'A' and upper 'B' horozions; at about 10 cm below 'A', the soil changes color from brown to lighter brown; sampled SMM interval is reddish dark brown and partly frozen" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 943 07PB044SPH 07PB044 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil soil pH fraction; 'A' horizon is 7-10 cm thick; SMM interval is zoned from light tan at top to red-brown to black at bottom; very few pebbles overall; light tan sandy zone in upper 'B'; black organic-rich? towards bottom of hole; soil damp composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 944 07PB045SPH 07PB045 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil soil pH fraction; 'A' horizon is 10 to 15 cm thick; under the 'A' is a very pebble/cobble rich area (frost heave?); in the 'B' just below the SMM zone we encountered a pebble-free tan mud; soil very saturated; little 'clumps' of red clay with pebbles at core (in situ weathering?) composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 945 07PB046SPH 07PB046 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil soil pH fraction; 'A' horizon is an 8 cm thick tundra cap; 'B' is saturated tan clay with pebbles 2-4 cm across; very sticky tan mud composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 946 07PB047SPH 07PB047 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; good soil profile; 'A' about 8 cm thick; 'B' is dark brown, sandy silt clay that is relatively organic-rich; 0-30 cm easy digging with few cobbles; at 30 cm depth is a cobble layer (= till?) with cobbles 2-10 cm across; soil barely damp, not sticky" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 947 07PB048SPH 07PB048 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; very rocky and hard digging; entire hole is in rounded to subangular rocks up to small boulders; half the cobbles are altered, quartz-rich fragments, locally vuggy, and may contain sulfides; organic 'A' is 10 cm thick; A/B is sandy-silty, dark brown, and very rocky; suspect frost heave pile (most likely) or colluvium or even possibly C horizon" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 948 07PB050SPH 07PB050 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; right below tundra cap and down to 30 cm is gravel-like soil that looks like stream sediment; below that is tan sandy clay, but in patches; wet; saturated where clay overlies gravely areas; 4""-6"" below surface; appears to be a fluvial deposit (re-worked till?)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 949 07PB051SPH 07PB051 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; thin organic cap ('A'o) about 3-4 cm thick; then cobbly gravel without many fines to ~30 cm deep; then lighter-colored brown muddy silt to bottom of hole ~40 cm; wet, but not saturated; dominantly polylithic rounded cobbles but also < 5% more angular FeOx-altered felsic igneous rock (locally with square vugs where pyrite weathered out); difficult to sample; seems more fluvial then till-like" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 950 07PB052SPH 07PB052 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; organic 'A' cap is 8 cm thick; sandy soil with cobbles 2-10 cm across; color light brown; A/B horizons are poorly developed, polylithic gravel; cobbles in gravel include mafic porphry and an FeOx- and MnOx-stained, sanadine-bearing crystal tuff" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigirated until analyzed 951 07PB055SPH 07PB055 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil soil pH fraction; heavy solifluction at site; heaves range from saturated clay to soi-free rock; sample collected from saturated soil rich zone; water fills the hole; cobbles range from 2 cm to 15 cm across and are both rounded and angular; soil is tan to light brown with gray clay streaks composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 952 07PB057SPH 07PB057 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil soil pH fraction; orgainc 'A' cap is 8-10 cm thick; beneath the soil is a cobble-rich in a matrix of brown clay; light brown cobbles are rounded; damp soil composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 953 07PB057DSPH 07PB057D site duplicate 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil soil pH fraction; orgainc 'A' cap is 8-10 cm thick; beneath the soil is a cobble-rich in a matrix of brown clay; light brown cobbles are rounded; damp soil composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 954 07PB058SPH 07PB058 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; sample hole cut through small woody shrubs; organic rich dark soil with a few pebbles up to 2 cm across; easy digging once through the root mat; 15 cm below the A-O cap is a dark band; 43 cm below A we hit gravel; for SMM interval, the upper 5 cm is light brown and clay rich (B?), but the remainder is black and organic rich (2nd A?); entire sample hole is organic-rich with roots; one vuggy Fe-stained altered rock noted; concerns: it looks like a repeated A/B/A/C profile" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 955 07PB060SPH 07PB060 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; below the 8 cm thick organic 'A' cap is the 'B' horizon that is blotchy tan and dark reddish brown; at 20 cm depth, rounded cobbles up to 15 cm in diameter" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 956 07PB061SPH 07PB061 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil soil pH fraction; root mat 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is light brown and clay rich soi; SMM interval is fairly consistent with light brown clay and sparse pebbles ranging from 3 to 10 cm across; saturated soil; very thick low shrubby cover composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 957 07PB066SPH 07PB066 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil soil pH fraction; 5-8 cm organic 'A' vegetation cap; rocky sand till below organic cap; polylithic rounded cobbles; not much variation with depth; very difficult digging; lots of pebbles and rare fines; some pebbles are iron-stained and others are blue green (weak propylithic?) composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 958 07PB067SPH 07PB067 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; poor soil profile; immediately after 7 cm-thick 'A' horizon is brown till; polylithic, gravel to cobbles up to 15 cm across; difficult to collect" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 959 07PB069SPH 07PB069 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; sandy loam; root mat; about 20 cm thick 'A' horizon; at bottom of hole (40 cm) we hit gravel; reddish brown soil below 'A'; almost no pebbles at all; some roots exposed (from overlying A); dry, well-drained" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 960 07PB071SPH 07PB071 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; 'A' is 8 cm thick; then nearly all dark brown silty fines from base of 'A' to about 30 cm depth; at 30 cm soil changes to tan brown and muddy; upper B has a whitish film coating grains that appears to be blotchy, but at a consistent level in the soil; the white film roughly coincides with a gravel layer above it; possible volcanic ash? Or drilling mud?" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 961 07PB073SPH 07PB073 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; organic 'A' is about 10 cm thick; at base of organic layer is a 8 cm thick cobble rich zone; in 'B' below cobbles is blotchy, light brown to tan clay-rich soil; wet to saturated" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 962 07PB074SPH 07PB074 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; 'A' horizon is about 5-8 cm thick; at it's base is a cobble layer; upper 'B' is pebble rich; moderate amount of polylithic, rounded to subangular, cobbles (bluish basalt); most of B consistent dark to medium brown color, sandy/ sandy clay; dry soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 963 07PB075SPH 07PB075 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; 'A' horizon is abouth 10 cm thick and dark brown; 'B' is tan mud/silt that gets slightly more orange with depth; sparse cobbles and pebbles; partially frozen in bottom of pit; at bottom of pit, unfrozen soil is saturated; extreme variability in soil pits at this site" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 964 07PB077SPH 07PB077 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' is fairly uniform, semi-saturated brown clay with cobbles 2-5 cm across; digging was moderately difficult due to sticky clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 965 07PB078SPH 07PB078 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 7 cm thick; wet, but not saturated hole; high concentration of small cobbles just below the 'A' (frost heaving?), then silt and small polylithic pebbles to bottom of hole at about 50 cm; consistent brown soil; no obvious lake silt horizon observed" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 966 07PB079SPH 07PB079 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil soil pH fraction; vegetation cap is about 8 cm thick and 'A' continues to depth of about 13 cm; starting at top of B horizon the soil is saturated; tannish brown clay; at 25 cm depth begins a cobble-rich layer composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 968 07PB080SPH 07PB080 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; organic-rich 'A' horizon is 9 cm thick; then brown, fine, rich 'B' horizon with interspersed small polylithic cobbles; moderate slope; hill slope to the E; relatively easy to collect; damp pit" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 969 07PB081SPH 07PB081 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; organic 'A' horizon with peat is about 25 cm thick; 'B' horizon is moderately moist with rounded pebbles about 2-7 cm across, matrix supported; moderately compact; matrix is clay sand; SSG was fairly organic since the roots penetrated deeply" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 970 07PB083SPH 07PB083 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; vegetation cap is about 8 cm thick; at base of 'A' horizon is a 2.5 cm gray ash (?) layer; generally brown clay to sand with few pebbles; the SMM interval is sandy to gravel (2 to 10 cm cobbles) continuous to bottom of hole; wet, but not saturated; easy digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 972 07PB084SPH 07PB084 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil soil pH fraction; 'A' horizon is about 12 cm thick; 'B' is brown for the first 3 cm; at 5 cm from top of 'B' is a gradual color change from dark brown to orange brown; pebbles are sparse but consistent throughout; dominantly silty and sandy to bottom; no clay (ash?) horizon as found at 07PB083; sample is moist and easy to collect composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 973 07PB085SPH 07PB085 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; dark brown, organic-rich soil; thick root ball down to 18 cm depth; very few cobbles; saturated but not oozing; hole bottomed in frozen soil; entire hole is rich in organic material" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 974 07PB086SPH 07PB086 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; peaty organic 'A' is about 12 cm thick; then 5 more cm of lower 'A', for a total of 17 cm; 'B' horizon is medium tan caly with rounded to subrounded pebbles to bottom of hole at 55 cm; wet to bottom, icy at bottom; very clay rich with dispersed pebbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 975 07PB087SPH 07PB087 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil soil pH fraction; below the 20 cm thick organic A-o horizon is a 10-15 cm thick layer of angular cobbles (frost heave?); this is followed by gray clay with red iron streaks to bottom of hole; very sticky and saturated composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 977 07PB089SPH 07PB089 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil soil pH fraction; 25 cm thick organic A-o layer; underlaine by layer of cobbles up to 20 cm in diameter (frost heave?); below cobbles is the sticky gray clay; at this site the roots extend on down into the gray clay composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 978 07PB090SPH 07PB090 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is mostly gray clay with angular cobbles from 3-15 cm across; total hole depth is 30 cm; ice at bottom of hole; soupy, saturated soil; root penetrate into clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 979 07PB090DSPH 07PB090D site duplicate 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is mostly gray clay with angular cobbles from 3-15 cm across; total hole depth is 30 cm; ice at bottom of hole; soupy, saturated soil; root penetrate into clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 980 07PB096SPH 07PB096 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; difficult to collect; 'A' horizon down to 50 cm; below 'A' horizon are angular to subrounded cobbles up to 10 cm across; 'A' is dark brown and organic; 'B' is sandy, saturated and greenish gray; stinky hydrogen sulfide smell in the mud; basalt, grenodiorite in cobbles; sample difficult to collect" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 981 07PB097SPH 07PB097 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; 'A' horizon is 15 cm thick, dark, organic-rich, and contains a lot of roots; 'B' horizon is a light brown to tan silty soil; wet but not saturated; brown clumps in soil; water seeps into bottom of hole; easy to collect; sticky mud and silt with few pebbles; bottom of hole is dark brown and could be another soil horizon(?)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 982 07PB099SPH 07PB099 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; 'A' horizon is 56 cm thick, root-filled, peaty, and smells of hydrogen sulfide upon initial removal of tundra vegetation cap; below 'A' is layer of angular cobbles up to 10 cm across (frost heave?); some cobbles are very red; 'B' horizon is muddy silt, brown, mixed with angular cobbles to bottom of hole at about 90 cm deep; no permafrost; in filling water at ~2 l/min; soil sample difficult to collect; low gradient slope" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 983 07PB102SPH 07PB102 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; below A is 12 cm of mottled brown to tan soil with rounded cobbles; then 10 cm of buff-colored silty clay with very small pebbles; then sandy fluvial (?) cobbles (coarse sand to 5 cm cobbles); SMM layer is in the buff-colored silty clay and overlying mottled later; low to moderate gradient; damp but not wet, well-drained" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 984 07PB103SPH 07PB103 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; dark, organic rich soil; 'A' horizon is very organic rich and about 12 cm thick; 'B' os organic rich soil with sparse pebbles (up to 15 cm across); soil damp but not saturated; some concern that this soil sample (SMM) might be basal 'A'" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 985 07PB104SPH 07PB104 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; thin tundra cap; organic 'A' horizon is about 10 cm thick; SMM interval was saturated soil with abundant pebbles and cobbles; easy to dig, but hard to sample" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 986 07PB105SPH 07PB105 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; organic 'A' cap is aboaut 10 cm thick; below that the soil is organic-rich, dark brown gravel for 5 cm; the next 5 cm of soil has a color change to rusty red brown; SEZ is from the rusty red layer; SSG is from the red-brown layer; SMM contains both, in a cobble-ric layer with sandy fines and minor clay; polylithic rounded cobbles up to 10 cm across; soil is damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 987 07PB107SPH 07PB107 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; below that is a 10 to 15 cm thick layer of angular cobbles up to 10 cm in diameter (frost heave?); 'B', below the cobble layer, is a light tan clay soupy soil (extremely saturated clay that oozes into the hole); clay contains rounded pebbles up to 8 cm across; SMM and SSG collected from soupy clay material; SEZ is half souply clay and halp damp brown soil from between the angular cobbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 988 07PB108SPH 07PB108 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; organic 'A' is about 8 cm thick with angular to sub-rounded cobbles; 'B' is sandy, rocky material down to the bottom of hole; damp, not saturated; not much fine material; hard digging; moderate slope" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 989 07PB109SPH 07PB109 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is a buff-colored, clay-rich soil with scattered rounded polylithic cobbles; cobbles increase with depth; pit is damp, but not saturated; gentle slope here, but variable slopes due to solifluction" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 990 07PB109DSPH 07PB109D site duplicate 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is a buff-colored, clay-rich soil with scattered rounded polylithic cobbles; cobbles increase with depth; pit is damp, but not saturated; gentle slope here, but variable slopes due to solifluction" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 991 07PB110SPH 07PB110 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil soil pH fraction; organic 'A' tundra cap about 8 cm thick; this is followed by a 10 cm thick layer of cobbles (2.5 to 15 cm in diamter; frost heave?) without any fines; below that is a clay rich layer with cobbles to bottom of hole; clay is lighter brown than the organic layer; polylithic rounded cobbles; soil is damp; some small cobbles appear to be altered composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 992 07PB111SPH 07PB111 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; 'A' organic horizon is about 5 cm thick; 'B' is tan, clay-rich soil with lesser pebbles and cobbles up to 10 cm across; low gradient (~5%); damp soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 993 07PB112SPH 07PB112 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil soil pH fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 5 cm thick; then into dark brown soil that gradual lightens at depth to light brown clay rich mud with pebbles; damp soil; cobbles are generally small up to 5 cm composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 994 07PB114SPH 07PB114 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil soil pH fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; below that are cobbles (frost heave?); then into clay-rich 'B' soil with rounded cobbles to bottom of hole; soil moist; hole easy to dig and collect composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 995 07PB115SPH 07PB115 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; very deep hole; organic 'A' cap is about 30 cm thick and dark brown; 'B' defined by an abrupt color change to light grayish tan, mud to sand with small gravel; fairly mois" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 996 07PB117SPH 07PB117 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; 'A' horizon tundra cap is about 8 cm thick; immediately below is till with large polylithic cobbles up to 25 cm across, in a muddy matrix; this 'B' horizon is light tan brown; soil damp; hard digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 997 07PB118SPH 07PB118 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; 'A' horizon tundra cap is about 8 cm thick; immediately below is 'B' horizon gravel and clay; local gravel lenses are clay-free while local clay lenses are almost gravel-free; clay varies from gray to rusty red, more rusty them usual" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 998 07PB119SPH 07PB119 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil soil pH fraction; below the organic 'A' horizon cap are angular cobbles up to 25 cm across (frost heave?); then rare rounded cobbles are found below the angular cobbles; angular cobbles have little clay matrix; the clay content increases with depth; yellow-tan clay; saturated but not oozing; gentle ~5 degree slope composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 999 07PB120SPH 07PB120 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; organic 'A-o' horizon cap is about 8 cm thick and is followed by 20 cm of dark brown, organic-ricy 'A' soil; dense cobbles just below the organic cap (frost heave?); 'B' horizon is tan-brown and marks an abrupt color change with the 'A' horizon; 'B' has rounded polylithic cobbles; at least one sandy horizon in the SMM interval; damp soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 1000 07PB122SPH 07PB122 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil soil pH fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; brown 'A' contniues to depth of about 10 cm from surface; then a color change at 'B' horizon to lighter brown; 'B' horizon is silty clay with silt > clay; scattered cobbles up to about 6 cm across; damp soil; easy digging; low relieve <5% composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 1002 07PB124SPH 07PB124 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil pH fraction; organic 'A' tundra cap is 12 cm thick, followed by another 12 cm of dark brown 'A'; then into slightly lighter brown 'B', which is sand, silt, and lesser clay; cobbles are concentrated in upper 'A' and there are only sparse pebbles in 'B'; pit is in deep grass; low gradient (~5 degrees); damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 1003 07PB011VALL 07PB011 A07-4355 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of alder leaves "vegetation, alder, leaves only" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" KK/BE 1004 07PB011VALT 07PB011 A07-4355 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of alder twigs "vegetation, alder, twigs only" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" KK/BE 1005 07PB011VWIL 07PB011 A07-4355 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow leaves "vegetation, willow, leaves only" willow composite single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" KK/BE 1006 07PB011VWIT 07PB011 A07-4355 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow twigs "vegetation, willow, twigs only" willow composite single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" KK/BE 1007 07PB013VALL 07PB013 A07-4355 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of alder leaves "vegetation, alder, leaves only" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" KK/BE 1008 07PB013VALT 07PB013 A07-4355 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of alder twigs "vegetation, alder, twigs only" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" KK/BE 1009 07PB013VWIL 07PB013 A07-4355 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow leaves "vegetation, willow, leaves only" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" KK/BE 1010 07PB013VWIT 07PB013 A07-4355 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow twigs "vegetation, willow, twigs only" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" KK/BE 1011 07PB014VALL 07PB014 A07-4355 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of alder leaves "vegetation, alder, leaves only" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" KK/BE 1012 07PB014VALT 07PB014 A07-4355 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of alder twigs "vegetation, alder, twigs only" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" KK/BE 1013 07PB014VWIL 07PB014 A07-4355 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow leaves "vegetation, willow, leaves only" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" KK/BE 1014 07PB014VWIT 07PB014 A07-4355 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow twigs "vegetation, willow, twigs only" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" KK/BE 1015 07PB016VALL 07PB016 A07-4355 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of alder leaves "vegetation, alder, leaves only" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" KK/BE 1016 07PB016VALT 07PB016 A07-4355 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of alder twigs "vegetation, alder, twigs only" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" KK/BE 1017 07PB016VWIL 07PB016 A07-4355 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow leaves "vegetation, willow, leaves only" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" KK/BE 1018 07PB016VWIT 07PB016 A07-4355 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow twigs "vegetation, willow, twigs only" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" KK/BE 1019 07PB023VBBL 07PB023 A07-4355 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of bog birch leaves "vegetation, bog birch, leaves only; about 0.3 m tall" Betula nana dwarf bog birch single bush GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" SS/KK/DF/BE 1020 07PB023VBBT 07PB023 A07-4355 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of bog birch twigs "vegetation, bog birch, twigs only; about 0.3 m tall" Betula nana dwarf bog birch single bush GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" SS/KK/DF/BE 1021 07PB023VWIL 07PB023 A07-4355 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow leaves "vegetation, willow, leaves only, 0.5 m tall X 1 m diameter; collected about 30 m S of soil site" dwarf willow single bush GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" SS/KK/DF/BE 1022 07PB023VWIT 07PB023 A07-4355 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow twigs "vegetation, willow, twigs only, 0.5 m tall X 1 m diameter; collected about 30 m S of soil site" dwarf willow single bush GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" SS/KK/DF/BE 1023 07PB029VBBL 07PB029 A07-4355 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of bog birch leaves "vegetation, bog birch, leaves only" Betula nana dwarf bog birch single bush GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" SS 1024 07PB029VBBT 07PB029 A07-4355 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of bog birch twigs "vegetation, bog birch, twigs only" Betula nana dwarf bog birch single bush GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" SS 1025 07PB029VWIL 07PB029 A07-4355 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow leaves "vegetation, willow, leaves only" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" SS 1026 07PB029VWIT 07PB029 A07-4355 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow twigs "vegetation, willow, twigs only" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" SS 1027 07PB032VBBL 07PB032 A07-4355 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of bog birch leaves "vegetation, bog birch, leaves only, about 0.6 m tall X 1 m diameter; collected directly over sampled spring; luxurient growth" Betula nana dwarf bog birch single bush GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" DF/BE 1028 07PB032VBBT 07PB032 A07-4355 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of bog birch twigs "vegetation, bog birch, twigs only, about 0.6 m tall X 1 m diameter; collected directly over sampled spring; luxurient growth" Betula nana dwarf bog birch single bush GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" DF/BE 1029 07PB032VWIL 07PB032 A07-4355 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow leaves "vegetation, willow, leaves only, small, just above spring; about 1 m tall X 1 m diameter; no flowers" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" DF/BE 1030 07PB032VWIT 07PB032 A07-4355 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow twigs "vegetation, willow, twigs only, small, just above spring; about 1 m tall X 1 m diameter; no flowers" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" DF/BE 1031 07PB038VALL 07PB038 A07-4355 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of alder leaves "vegetation, alder, leaves only, 2 m tall X 3 m diameter, flowering" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" KK/SS 1032 07PB038VALT 07PB038 A07-4355 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of alder twigs "vegetation, alder, twigs only, 2 m tall X 3 m diameter, flowering" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" KK/SS 1033 07PB038VBBL 07PB038 A07-4355 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of bog birch leaves "vegetation, bog birch, leaves only, about 0.6 m tall X 1 m diameter" Betula nana dwarf bog birch single bush GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" KK/SS 1034 07PB038VBBT 07PB038 A07-4355 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of bog birch twigs "vegetation, bog birch, twigs only, about 0.6 m tall X 1 m diameter" Betula nana dwarf bog birch single bush GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" KK/SS 1035 07PB038VWIL 07PB038 A07-4355 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow leaves "vegetation, willow, leaves only, flowering, about 2 m tall X 2.5 m diameter" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" KK/SS 1036 07PB038VWIT 07PB038 A07-4355 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow twigs "vegetation, willow, twigs only, flowering, about 2 m tall X 2.5 m diameter" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" KK/SS 1037 07PB048VALL 07PB048 A07-4355 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of alder leaves "vegetation, alder, leaves only" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" KK/SS 1038 07PB048VALT 07PB048 A07-4355 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of alder twigs "vegetation, alder, twigs only" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" KK/SS 1039 07PB048VWIL 07PB048 A07-4355 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow leaves "vegetation, willow, leaves only" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" KK/SS 1040 07PB048VWIT 07PB048 A07-4355 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow twigs "vegetation, willow, twigs only" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" KK/SS 1041 07PB058VALL 07PB058 A07-4355 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of alder leaves "vegetation, alder, leaves only, 2.5 m tall X 3 m diameter" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" KK/SS 1042 07PB058VALT 07PB058 A07-4355 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of alder twigs "vegetation, alder, twigs only, 2.5 m tall X 3 m diameter" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" KK/SS 1043 07PB058VWIL 07PB058 A07-4355 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow leaves "vegetation, willow, leaves only, 1.4 m tall X 1 m diameter" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" KK/SS 1044 07PB058VWIT 07PB058 A07-4355 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow twigs "vegetation, willow, twigs only, 1.4 m tall X 1 m diameter" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" KK/SS 1045 07PB069DVALL 07PB069D A07-4355 site duplicate 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of alder leaves "vegetation, alder, leaves only" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" KK/SS 1046 07PB069DVALT 07PB069D A07-4355 site duplicate 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of alder twigs "vegetation, alder, twigs only" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" KK/SS 1047 07PB069VALL 07PB069 A07-4355 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of alder leaves "vegetation, alder, leaves only, 1 m tall X 4 m diameter" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" KK/SS 1048 07PB069VALT 07PB069 A07-4355 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of alder twigs "vegetation, alder, twigs only, 1 m tall X 4 m diameter" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" KK/SS 1049 07PB069VBBL 07PB069 A07-4355 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of bog birch leaves "vegetation, bog birch, leaves only, about 1 m tall X 0.8 m diameter" Betula nana dwarf bog birch single bush GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" KK/SS 1050 07PB069VBBT 07PB069 A07-4355 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of bog birch twigs "vegetation, bog birch, twigs only, about 1 m tall X 0.8 m diameter" Betula nana dwarf bog birch single bush GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" KK/SS 1051 07PB079VWIL 07PB079 A07-4355 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow leaves "vegetation, willow, leaves only" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" NS/SS 1052 07PB079VWIT 07PB079 A07-4355 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow twigs "vegetation, willow, twigs only" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" NS/SS 1053 07PB081VALL 07PB081 A07-4355 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of alder leaves "vegetation, alder, leaves only" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" NS/SS 1054 07PB081VALT 07PB081 A07-4355 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of alder twigs "vegetation, alder, twigs only" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" NS/SS 1055 07PB081VBBL 07PB081 A07-4355 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of bog birch leaves "vegetation, bog birch, leaves only" Betula nana dwarf bog birch single bush GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" NS/SS 1056 07PB081VBBT 07PB081 A07-4355 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of bog birch twigs "vegetation, bog birch, twigs only" Betula nana dwarf bog birch single bush GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" NS/SS 1057 07PB081VWIL 07PB081 A07-4355 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow leaves "vegetation, willow, leaves only" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" NS/SS 1058 07PB081VWIT 07PB081 A07-4355 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow twigs "vegetation, willow, twigs only" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" NS/SS 1059 07PB092VBBL 07PB092 A07-4355 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of bog birch leaves "vegetation, bog birch, leaves only, collected from several small bushes in an area about 3 m in diameter; each bush about 0.5 m diameter X 0.3 m tall" Betula nana dwarf bog birch several bushes GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" NS/SS/DF/BE 1060 07PB092VBBT 07PB092 A07-4355 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of bog birch twigs "vegetation, bog birch, twigs only, collected from several small bushes in an area about 3 m in diameter; each bush about 0.5 m diameter X 0.3 m tall" Betula nana dwarf bog birch several bushes GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" NS/SS/DF/BE 1061 07PB092VWIL 07PB092 A07-4355 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow leaves "vegetation, willow, leaves only, about 1 m tall X 1 m diameter, with a few flowers" dwarf willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" NS/SS/DF/BE 1062 07PB092VWIT 07PB092 A07-4355 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow twigs "vegetation, willow, twigs only, about 1 m tall X 1 m diameter, with a few flowers" dwarf willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" NS/SS/DF/BE 1063 07PB094VBBL 07PB094 A07-4355 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of bog birch leaves "vegetation, bog birch, leaves only, collected from several small bushes in an area about 3 m in diameter; bushes range from about 15 cm to 30 cm tall" Betula nana dwarf bog birch several bushes GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" NS/SS/DF/BE 1064 07PB094VBBT 07PB094 A07-4355 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of bog birch twigs "vegetation, bog birch, twigs only, collected from several small bushes in an area about 3 m in diameter; bushes range from about 15 cm to 30 cm tall" Betula nana dwarf bog birch several bushes GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" NS/SS/DF/BE 1065 07PB094VWIL 07PB094 A07-4355 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow leaves "vegetation, willow, leaves only, about 0.5 m tall X 2 m diameter, flowering" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" NS/SS/DF/BE 1066 07PB094VWIT 07PB094 A07-4355 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow twigs "vegetation, willow, twigs only, about 0.5 m tall X 2 m diameter, flowering" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigsrinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" NS/SS/DF/BE 1067 07PB096VWIL 07PB096 A07-4355 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow leaves "vegetation, willow, leaves only" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" NS/SS/DF/BE 1068 07PB096VWIT 07PB096 A07-4355 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow twigs "vegetation, willow, twigs only" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" NS/SS/DF/BE 1069 07PB098VBBL 07PB098 A07-4355 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of bog birch leaves "vegetation, bog birch, leaves only, collected from several small bushes over an area 4 m in diameter; all about 20 cm high" Betula nana dwarf bog birch several bushes GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" DF/BE/SS 1070 07PB098VBBT 07PB098 A07-4355 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of bog birch twigs "vegetation, bog birch, twigs only, collected from several small bushes over an area 4 m in diameter; all about 20 cm high" Betula nana dwarf bog birch several bushes GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" DF/BE/SS 1071 07PB098VWIL 07PB098 A07-4355 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow leaves "vegetation, willow, leaves only, about 0.75 m tall X 0.75 m diameter, has cotton-like flowers, scraggly" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" DF/BE/SS 1072 07PB098VWIT 07PB098 A07-4355 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow twigs "vegetation, willow, twigs only, about 0.75 m tall X 0.75 m diameter, has cotton-like flowers, scraggly" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" DF/BE/SS 1073 07PB100VBBL 07PB100 A07-4355 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of bog birch leaves "vegetation, bog birch, leaves only, collected from several small bushes over an area 4 m in diameter; all about 20 cm high" Betula nana dwarf bog birch composite several bushes GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" DF/BE/SS 1074 07PB100VBBT 07PB100 A07-4355 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of bog birch twigs "vegetation, bog birch, twigs only, collected from several small bushes over an area 4 m in diameter; all about 20 cm high" Betula nana dwarf bog birch composite several bushes GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" DF/BE/SS 1075 07PB100VWIL 07PB100 A07-4355 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow leaves "vegetation, willow, leaves only, adjacent to soil pit; 30 cm tall X 80 cm diameter, scraggly" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" DF/BE/SS 1076 07PB100VWIT 07PB100 A07-4355 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow twigs "vegetation, willow, twigs only, adjacent to soil pit; 30 cm tall X 80 cm diameter, scraggly" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" DF/BE/SS 1077 07PB108VALL 07PB108 A07-4355 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of alder leaves "vegetation, alder, leaves only, about 2 m tall X 4 m diameter" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" DF/BE/SS 1078 07PB108VALT 07PB108 A07-4355 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of alder twigs "vegetation, alder, twigs only, about 2 m tall X 4 m diameter" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" DF/BE/SS 1079 07PB108VBBL 07PB108 A07-4355 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of bog birch leaves "vegetation, bog birch, leaves onlycollected from several small bushes over a 3 m X 3 m area; all about 25 cm high" Betula nana dwarf bog birch several bushes GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" DF/BE/SS 1080 07PB108VBBT 07PB108 A07-4355 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of bog birch twigs "vegetation, bog birch, twigs onlycollected from several small bushes over a 3 m X 3 m area; all about 25 cm high" Betula nana dwarf bog birch several bushes GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" DF/BE/SS 1081 07PB108VWIL 07PB108 A07-4355 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow leaves "vegetation, willow, leaves only, about 1/3 m tall X 2 m diameter; bug-eaten, leaves, flowering" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" DF/BE/SS 1082 07PB108VWIT 07PB108 A07-4355 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow twigs "vegetation, willow, twigs only, about 1/3 m tall X 2 m diameter; bug-eaten, leaves, flowering" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" DF/BE/SS 1083 07PB114VALL 07PB114 A07-4355 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of alder leaves "vegetation, alder, leaves only, 1.5 m tall X 5 m diameter, with small pine-cone like fruits" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" SS 1084 07PB114VALT 07PB114 A07-4355 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of alder twigs "vegetation, alder, twigs only, 1.5 m tall X 5 m diameter, with small pine-cone like fruits" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" SS 1085 07PB114VBBL 07PB114 A07-4355 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of bog birch leaves "vegetation, bog birch, leaves only, collected from several small bushes over a 1.5 m X 3 m area; all about 30 cm high, flowering" Betula nana dwarf bog birch several bushes GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" SS 1086 07PB114VBBT 07PB114 A07-4355 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of bog birch twigs "vegetation, bog birch, twigs only, collected from several small bushes over a 1.5 m X 3 m area; all about 30 cm high, flowering" Betula nana dwarf bog birch several bushes GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" SS 1087 07PB114VWIL 07PB114 A07-4355 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow leaves "vegetation, willow, leaves only" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" SS 1088 07PB114VWIT 07PB114 A07-4355 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow twigs "vegetation, willow, twigs only" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" SS 1089 07PB122VBBL 07PB122 A07-4355 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of bog birch leaves "vegetation, bog birch, leaves only; ground-clinging, about 10 cm tall X 30 cm diameter" Betula nana dwarf bog birch single bush GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" DF/BE/SS 1090 07PB122VBBT 07PB122 A07-4355 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of bog birch twigs "vegetation, bog birch, twigs only; ground-clinging, about 10 cm tall X 30 cm diameter" Betula nana dwarf bog birch single bush GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" DF/BE/SS 1091 07PB122VWIL 07PB122 A07-4355 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow leaves "vegetation, willow, leaves only, about 1/3 m x 3 m, flowering (gone to seed)" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" DF/BE/SS 1092 07PB122VWIT 07PB122 A07-4355 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow twigs "vegetation, willow, twigs only, about 1/3 m x 3 m, flowering (gone to seed)" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" DF/BE/SS 1093 07PB124VALL 07PB124 A07-4355 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of alder leaves "vegetation, alder, leaves only" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" DF/BE/SS 1094 07PB124VALT 07PB124 A07-4355 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of alder twigs "vegetation, alder, twigs only" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" DF/BE/SS 1095 07PB124VWIL 07PB124 A07-4355 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow leaves "vegetation, willow, leaves only" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick leaves" DF/BE/SS 1096 07PB124VWIT 07PB124 A07-4355 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 organic high resolution aqua regia leachate of willow twigs "vegetation, willow, twigs only" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry, hand pick twigs" DF/BE/SS 1103 07PB011VWI 07PB011 A706696 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of willow leaves and twigs "vegetation, willow" willow composite single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" KK/BE 1104 07PB013VAL 07PB013 A706696 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of alder leaves and twigs "vegetation, alder" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" KK/BE 1105 07PB013VWI 07PB013 A706696 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of willow leaves and twigs "vegetation, willow" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" KK/BE 1106 07PB016VAL 07PB016 A706696 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of alder leaves and twigs "vegetation, alder" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" KK/BE 1107 07PB016VWI 07PB016 A706696 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of willow leaves and twigs "vegetation, willow" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" KK/BE 1108 07PB023VBB 07PB023 A706696 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of dwarf bog birch leaves and twigs "vegetation, bog birch; about 0.3 m tall" Betula nana dwarf bog birch single bush GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" SS/KK/DF/BE 1109 07PB023VWI 07PB023 A706696 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of willow leaves and twigs "vegetation, willow, 0.5 m tall X 1 m diameter; collected about 30 m S of soil site" dwarf willow single bush GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" SS/KK/DF/BE 1110 07PB029VBB 07PB029 A706696 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of dwarf bog birch leaves and twigs "vegetation, bog birch" Betula nana dwarf bog birch single bush GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" SS 1111 07PB029VWI 07PB029 A706696 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of willow leaves and twigs "vegetation, willow" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" SS 1112 07PB032VBB 07PB032 A706696 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of dwarf bog birch leaves and twigs "vegetation, bog birch, about 0.6 m tall X 1 m diameter; collected directly over sampled spring; luxurient growth" Betula nana dwarf bog birch single bush GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" DF/BE 1113 07PB032VWI 07PB032 A706696 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of willow leaves and twigs "vegetation, willow, small, just above spring; about 1 m tall X 1 m diameter; no flowers" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" DF/BE 1114 07PB038VAL 07PB038 A706696 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of alder leaves and twigs "vegetation, alder, 2 m tall X 3 m diameter, flowering" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" KK/SS 1115 07PB038VBB 07PB038 A706696 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of bog birch leaves and twigs "vegetation, bog birch, about 0.6 m tall X 1 m diameter" Betula nana dwarf bog birch single bush GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" KK/SS 1116 07PB038VWI 07PB038 A706696 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of willow leaves and twigs "vegetation, willow, flowering, about 2 m tall X 2.5 m diameter" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" KK/SS 1117 07PB058VAL 07PB058 A706696 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of alder leaves and twigs "vegetation, alder, 2.5 m tall X 3 m diameter" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" KK/SS 1118 07PB058VWI 07PB058 A706696 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of willow leaves and twigs "vegetation, willow, 1.4 m tall X 1 m diameter" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" KK/SS 1119 07PB069VAL 07PB069 A706696 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of alder leaves and twigs "vegetation, alder, 1 m tall X 4 m diameter" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" KK/SS 1120 07PB069VBB 07PB069 A706696 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of bog birch leaves and twigs "vegetation, bog birch, about 1 m tall X 0.8 m diameter" Betula nana dwarf bog birch single bush GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" KK/SS 1121 07PB081VBB 07PB081 A706696 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of bog birch leaves and twigs "vegetation, bog birch" Betula nana dwarf bog birch single bush GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" NS/SS 1122 07PB081VAL 07PB081 A706696 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of alder leaves and twigs "vegetation, alder" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" NS/SS 1123 07PB081VWI 07PB081 A706696 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of willow leaves and twigs "vegetation, willow" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" NS/SS 1124 07PB092VBB 07PB092 A706696 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of dwarf bog birch leaves and twigs "vegetation, bog birch, collected from several small bushes in an area about 3 m in diameter; each bush about 0.5 m diameter X 0.3 m tall" Betula nana dwarf bog birch several bushes GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" NS/SS/DF/BE 1125 07PB092VWI 07PB092 A706696 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of dwarf willow leaves and twigs "vegetation, willow, about 1 m tall X 1 m diameter, with a few flowers" dwarf willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" NS/SS/DF/BE 1126 07PB094VBB 07PB094 A706696 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of bog birch leaves and twigs "vegetation, bog birch, collected from several small bushes in an area about 3 m in diameter; bushes range from about 15 cm to 30 cm tall" Betula nana dwarf bog birch several bushes GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" NS/SS/DF/BE 1127 07PB094VWI 07PB094 A706696 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of willow leaves and twigs "vegetation, willow, about 0.5 m tall X 2 m diameter, flowering" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" NS/SS/DF/BE 1128 07PB098VBB 07PB098 A706696 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of bog birch leaves and twigs "vegetation, bog birch, collected from several small bushes over an area 4 m in diameter; all about 20 cm high" Betula nana dwarf bog birch several bushes GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" DF/BE/SS 1129 07PB098VWI 07PB098 A706696 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of willow leaves and twigs "vegetation, willow, about 0.75 m tall X 0.75 m diameter, has cotton-like flowers, scraggly" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" DF/BE/SS 1130 07PB100VBB 07PB100 A706696 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of bog birch leaves and twigs "vegetation, bog birch, collected from several small bushes over an area 4 m in diameter; all about 20 cm high" Betula nana dwarf bog birch composite several bushes GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" DF/BE/SS 1131 07PB100VWI 07PB100 A706696 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of willow leaves and twigs "vegetation, willow, adjacent to soil pit; 30 cm tall X 80 cm diameter, scraggly" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" DF/BE/SS 1132 07PB108VAL 07PB108 A706696 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of alder leaves and twigs "vegetation, alder, about 2 m tall X 4 m diameter" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" DF/BE/SS 1133 07PB108VBB 07PB108 A706696 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of bog birch leaves and twigs "vegetation, bog birchcollected from several small bushes over a 3 m X 3 m area; all about 25 cm high" Betula nana dwarf bog birch several bushes GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" DF/BE/SS 1134 07PB108VWI 07PB108 A706696 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of willow leaves and twigs "vegetation, willow, about 1/3 m tall X 2 m diameter; bug-eaten, leaves, flowering" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" DF/BE/SS 1135 07PB114VAL 07PB114 A706696 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of alder leaves and twigs "vegetation, alder, 1.5 m tall X 5 m diameter, with small pine-cone like fruits" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" SS 1136 07PB114VBB 07PB114 A706696 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of bog birch leaves and twigs "vegetation, bog birch, collected from several small bushes over a 1.5 m X 3 m area; all about 30 cm high, flowering" Betula nana dwarf bog birch several bushes GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" SS 1137 07PB122VBB 07PB122 A706696 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of bog birch leaves and twigs "vegetation, bog birch; ground-clinging, about 10 cm tall X 30 cm diameter" Betula nana dwarf bog birch single bush GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" DF/BE/SS 1138 07PB122VWI 07PB122 A706696 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of willow leaves and twigs "vegetation, willow, about 1/3 m x 3 m, flowering (gone to seed)" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" DF/BE/SS 1139 07PB124VAL 07PB124 A706696 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of willow leaves and twigs "vegetation, alder" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" DF/BE/SS 1140 07PB124VWI 07PB124 A706696 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of willow leaves and twigs "vegetation, willow" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" DF/BE/SS 1249 07PB009SAR 07PB009 VAN07002214 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; well developed soil profile, 'A' horizon about 6 cm thick, 'B' horizon extends to bottom of hole (30 cm); lower 5 cm is bleached 'B' horizon; abundant fines, small cobbles up to 3 cm across; all material is damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1250 07PB011SAR 07PB011 VAN07002214 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon has fine silt/ mud interspersed w/ cobbles and small boulders, 'B' horizon is consistently dark brown in color; soil moist, but not wet" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1251 07PB012SAR 07PB012 VAN07002214 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil aqua regia leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 7 cm thick; the 'A' is underlain by a concentration of cobbles (~2.5 cm across); in the 'B' horizon cobbles continue but are less abundant and in a fine mud matrix to 30 cm depth; wet soil composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1252 07PB014SAR 07PB014 VAN07002214 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil aqua regia leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 4-5 cm thick; the A caps a thick B horizon (to bottom of hole ~30cm) that is consistently light brown to gray silt composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1253 07PB016DSAR 07PB016D VAN07002214 site duplicate 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; site duplicate, collected about 2 m away from 07PB016; soil about the same as 016 but significantly more rocks" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1254 07PB016SAR 07PB016 VAN07002214 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; on hill above seep; organic 'A' horizon is about 4 cm thick, then dark brown 'B' horizon to 30 cm depth, mostly fine material with very few rocks; soil damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1255 07PB017SAR 07PB017 VAN07002214 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; soil collection site is about 50 m N of seep site; very organic-rich throughout the 25 cm deep hole; no pronounced color change between 'A' and 'B' horizons, if there even is a distiniction; roots prominent throughout; very few pebbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1256 07PB018SAR 07PB018 VAN07002214 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil aqua regia leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; 'B' is brown-gray mud at top and gets coarser with depth (~20 cm); bottom of hole becomes very rocky (top of moraine?); mud (especially lower portion) might be lake silt. composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1257 07PB020SAR 07PB020 VAN07002214 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; ""soil"" on till on bluff overlying sampled spring and about 15 m W of spring; unsorted till composed of sand-pebbles-cobbles (up to about 8 cm across) and lesser silt and mud; 'A' horizon is a thin ~5 cm thick tundra mat; till is brown; poor soil development; damp soil; difficult to collect without including pebbles; no real 'B' horizon ('A', then till)" grab (composited along channel in pit) "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1259 07PB021SAR 07PB021 VAN07002214 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; poor soil development; 'A' horizon is about 4 cm thick, then right into mud and silt with sparse pebbles;'B' is brown, very moist, but not saturated; soil becomes coarser-grained with depth; lake sediments on till (?)" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1260 07PB022SAR 07PB022 VAN07002214 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8.5 cm thick, 'B' horizon is silty clay that is brownish-orange in color; sparse cobbles are 2.5 to 6 cm diameter and are concentrated at the top of the 'B' horizon" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1261 07PB023SAR 07PB023 VAN07002214 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 5-7 cm thick and contains a few pebbles; in 'B' horizon, a gravel-rich area (with cobbles up to 3-5 cm) begins around ~23 cm; sample for SMM collected just above gravel horizon; still 1 mm size gravel in sample" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1262 07PB024SAR 07PB024 VAN07002214 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 5 cm thick; till immediately underlies the tundra cap from surface to hole bottom (30 cm); fines are dark brown, granular to clay, cobbles are polylithic; roots in tundra extent to 15 cm depth; mostly damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1263 07PB027SAR 07PB027 VAN07002214 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; soil mostly saturated throughout, scattered but consistent cobbles ( up to 15 cm across); immediately underlying the 'A' horizon is a concentration of polylithic cobbles 2 to 5 cm across; 'B' has scattered polylithic cobbles (2-5 cm across)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1264 07PB029SAR 07PB029 VAN07002214 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; upper part of hole is very rocky, but it gets more sandy with depth; very slow and difficult to collect; polylithic small cobbles to gravel are predominant with lesser silt and mud; brown, damp, but not wet" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1265 07PB030SAR 07PB030 VAN07002214 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; soil taken in bog, so entire interval is organic peat; permafrost encountered at 30 cm; we sampled this material (= frozen upper B?) for SSG, SEZ and SSM sample; some gravel present; for SNP we sampled upper peat interval" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS(?) "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1266 07PB031SAR 07PB031 VAN07002214 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; till immediately below tundra cap; soil is brown, organic, clay-rich material; no real 'B' horizon developed; same sample material used for all samples; very slow and difficult to collect; cobble-supported matrix (up to 25 cm across) with minor soil in between" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1267 07PB033DSAR 07PB033D VAN07002214 site duplicate 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon about 7 cm thick; 'B' is brownish clay to sand, with pebbles 3 cm or smaller; easy digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1268 07PB033SAR 07PB033 VAN07002214 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon about 7 cm thick; 'B' is brownish clay to sand, with pebbles 3 cm or smaller; easy digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1269 07PB036SAR 07PB036 VAN07002214 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil aqua regia leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon varies from 10 to 15 cm thick; 'B' horizon is sandy clay with sparse 3 to 5 cm cobbles; hole becomes more clay-rich with depth; tan color to 'B' horizon; soil is saturated and filling with water over time composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1270 07PB037SAR 07PB037 VAN07002214 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; boggy, saturated soil from 40-cm thick organic peat; 'B' horizon below is gray and clay-rich with sparse pebbles (lake sediment?); could not measure 4-10 cm below A but we attempted to get proper interval with shovel" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1271 07PB038SAR 07PB038 VAN07002214 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; 10 cm thick 'A' horizon, followed by 20 cm of 'B' horizon that is dark brown to red brown; sandy, clay-rich, light brown soil for the next 15 cm to bottom of hole; cobbles in hole are polylithic up to 12 cm and are found mostly at the boundary between soil types; very easy to dig; the lighter brown soil is partially frozen" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1272 07PB039SAR 07PB039 VAN07002214 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 10 cm thick; 'B' is brown, sandy, with abundant clay; there are abundant cobbles of altered granodiorite with pyrite and quartz in upper 25 cm of profile; some cobbles are angular, some are rounded, could be colluvium plus glacial deposits; the interval for SMM had abundant rounded cobbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1273 07PB040SAR 07PB040 VAN07002214 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil aqua regia leach soil fraction; soil contains subangular to rounded cobbles 12 cm across and smaller; mineralized angular cobbles in SMM fraction; collected on 10 degree slope with solifluction lobes composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1274 07PB041SAR 07PB041 VAN07002214 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 3 cm thick; 'B' is brown and clay-rich with a few cobbles up to ~5 cm across; color gets slighly more orange with depth; abundant mud, very few pebbles; soil very moist-but not saturated" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1275 07PB042SAR 07PB042 VAN07002214 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; 'A' is 15 cm thick; cobbles are concentrated in the lower 'A' and upper 'B' horozions; at about 10 cm below 'A', the soil changes color from brown to lighter brown; sampled SMM interval is reddish dark brown and partly frozen" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1276 07PB044SAR 07PB044 VAN07002214 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil aqua regia leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 7-10 cm thick; SMM interval is zoned from light tan at top to red-brown to black at bottom; very few pebbles overall; light tan sandy zone in upper 'B'; black organic-rich? towards bottom of hole; soil damp composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1278 07PB045SAR 07PB045 VAN07002214 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil aqua regia leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 10 to 15 cm thick; under the 'A' is a very pebble/cobble rich area (frost heave?); in the 'B' just below the SMM zone we encountered a pebble-free tan mud; soil very saturated; little 'clumps' of red clay with pebbles at core (in situ weathering?) composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1279 07PB046SAR 07PB046 VAN07002214 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil aqua regia leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is an 8 cm thick tundra cap; 'B' is saturated tan clay with pebbles 2-4 cm across; very sticky tan mud composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1280 07PB047SAR 07PB047 VAN07002214 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; good soil profile; 'A' about 8 cm thick; 'B' is dark brown, sandy silt clay that is relatively organic-rich; 0-30 cm easy digging with few cobbles; at 30 cm depth is a cobble layer (= till?) with cobbles 2-10 cm across; soil barely damp, not sticky" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1281 07PB048SAR 07PB048 VAN07002214 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; very rocky and hard digging; entire hole is in rounded to subangular rocks up to small boulders; half the cobbles are altered, quartz-rich fragments, locally vuggy, and may contain sulfides; organic 'A' is 10 cm thick; A/B is sandy-silty, dark brown, and very rocky; suspect frost heave pile (most likely) or colluvium or even possibly C horizon" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1282 07PB050SAR 07PB050 VAN07002214 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; right below tundra cap and down to 30 cm is gravel-like soil that looks like stream sediment; below that is tan sandy clay, but in patches; wet; saturated where clay overlies gravely areas; 4""-6"" below surface; appears to be a fluvial deposit (re-worked till?)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1283 07PB051SAR 07PB051 VAN07002214 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; thin organic cap ('A'o) about 3-4 cm thick; then cobbly gravel without many fines to ~30 cm deep; then lighter-colored brown muddy silt to bottom of hole ~40 cm; wet, but not saturated; dominantly polylithic rounded cobbles but also < 5% more angular FeOx-altered felsic igneous rock (locally with square vugs where pyrite weathered out); difficult to sample; seems more fluvial then till-like" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1284 07PB052SAR 07PB052 VAN07002214 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is 8 cm thick; sandy soil with cobbles 2-10 cm across; color light brown; A/B horizons are poorly developed, polylithic gravel; cobbles in gravel include mafic porphry and an FeOx- and MnOx-stained, sanadine-bearing crystal tuff" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1285 07PB055SAR 07PB055 VAN07002214 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil aqua regia leach soil fraction; heavy solifluction at site; heaves range from saturated clay to soi-free rock; sample collected from saturated soil rich zone; water fills the hole; cobbles range from 2 cm to 15 cm across and are both rounded and angular; soil is tan to light brown with gray clay streaks composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1286 07PB057DSAR 07PB057D VAN07002214 site duplicate 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil aqua regia leach soil fraction; orgainc 'A' cap is 8-10 cm thick; beneath the soil is a cobble-rich in a matrix of brown clay; light brown cobbles are rounded; damp soil composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1287 07PB057SAR 07PB057 VAN07002214 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil aqua regia leach soil fraction; orgainc 'A' cap is 8-10 cm thick; beneath the soil is a cobble-rich in a matrix of brown clay; light brown cobbles are rounded; damp soil composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1288 07PB058SAR 07PB058 VAN07002214 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; sample hole cut through small woody shrubs; organic rich dark soil with a few pebbles up to 2 cm across; easy digging once through the root mat; 15 cm below the A-O cap is a dark band; 43 cm below A we hit gravel; for SMM interval, the upper 5 cm is light brown and clay rich (B?), but the remainder is black and organic rich (2nd A?); entire sample hole is organic-rich with roots; one vuggy Fe-stained altered rock noted; concerns: it looks like a repeated A/B/A/C profile" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1289 07PB060SAR 07PB060 VAN07002214 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; below the 8 cm thick organic 'A' cap is the 'B' horizon that is blotchy tan and dark reddish brown; at 20 cm depth, rounded cobbles up to 15 cm in diameter" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1290 07PB061SAR 07PB061 VAN07002214 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil aqua regia leach soil fraction; root mat 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is light brown and clay rich soi; SMM interval is fairly consistent with light brown clay and sparse pebbles ranging from 3 to 10 cm across; saturated soil; very thick low shrubby cover composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1291 07PB066SAR 07PB066 VAN07002214 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil aqua regia leach soil fraction; 5-8 cm organic 'A' vegetation cap; rocky sand till below organic cap; polylithic rounded cobbles; not much variation with depth; very difficult digging; lots of pebbles and rare fines; some pebbles are iron-stained and others are blue green (weak propylithic?) composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1292 07PB067SAR 07PB067 VAN07002214 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; poor soil profile; immediately after 7 cm-thick 'A' horizon is brown till; polylithic, gravel to cobbles up to 15 cm across; difficult to collect" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1293 07PB069SAR 07PB069 VAN07002214 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; sandy loam; root mat; about 20 cm thick 'A' horizon; at bottom of hole (40 cm) we hit gravel; reddish brown soil below 'A'; almost no pebbles at all; some roots exposed (from overlying A); dry, well-drained" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1294 07PB071SAR 07PB071 VAN07002214 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; 'A' is 8 cm thick; then nearly all dark brown silty fines from base of 'A' to about 30 cm depth; at 30 cm soil changes to tan brown and muddy; upper B has a whitish film coating grains that appears to be blotchy, but at a consistent level in the soil; the white film roughly coincides with a gravel layer above it; possible volcanic ash? Or drilling mud?" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1295 07PB073SAR 07PB073 VAN07002214 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; organic 'A' is about 10 cm thick; at base of organic layer is a 8 cm thick cobble rich zone; in 'B' below cobbles is blotchy, light brown to tan clay-rich soil; wet to saturated" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1296 07PB074SAR 07PB074 VAN07002214 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 5-8 cm thick; at it's base is a cobble layer; upper 'B' is pebble rich; moderate amount of polylithic, rounded to subangular, cobbles (bluish basalt); most of B consistent dark to medium brown color, sandy/ sandy clay; dry soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1297 07PB075SAR 07PB075 VAN07002214 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is abouth 10 cm thick and dark brown; 'B' is tan mud/silt that gets slightly more orange with depth; sparse cobbles and pebbles; partially frozen in bottom of pit; at bottom of pit, unfrozen soil is saturated; extreme variability in soil pits at this site" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1298 07PB077SAR 07PB077 VAN07002214 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' is fairly uniform, semi-saturated brown clay with cobbles 2-5 cm across; digging was moderately difficult due to sticky clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1299 07PB078SAR 07PB078 VAN07002214 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 7 cm thick; wet, but not saturated hole; high concentration of small cobbles just below the 'A' (frost heaving?), then silt and small polylithic pebbles to bottom of hole at about 50 cm; consistent brown soil; no obvious lake silt horizon observed" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1300 07PB079SAR 07PB079 VAN07002214 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil aqua regia leach soil fraction; vegetation cap is about 8 cm thick and 'A' continues to depth of about 13 cm; starting at top of B horizon the soil is saturated; tannish brown clay; at 25 cm depth begins a cobble-rich layer composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1301 07PB080SAR 07PB080 VAN07002214 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; organic-rich 'A' horizon is 9 cm thick; then brown, fine, rich 'B' horizon with interspersed small polylithic cobbles; moderate slope; hill slope to the E; relatively easy to collect; damp pit" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1302 07PB081SAR 07PB081 VAN07002214 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon with peat is about 25 cm thick; 'B' horizon is moderately moist with rounded pebbles about 2-7 cm across, matrix supported; moderately compact; matrix is clay sand; SSG was fairly organic since the roots penetrated deeply" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1303 07PB083SAR 07PB083 VAN07002214 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; vegetation cap is about 8 cm thick; at base of 'A' horizon is a 2.5 cm gray ash (?) layer; generally brown clay to sand with few pebbles; the SMM interval is sandy to gravel (2 to 10 cm cobbles) continuous to bottom of hole; wet, but not saturated; easy digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1304 07PB084SAR 07PB084 VAN07002214 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil aqua regia leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 12 cm thick; 'B' is brown for the first 3 cm; at 5 cm from top of 'B' is a gradual color change from dark brown to orange brown; pebbles are sparse but consistent throughout; dominantly silty and sandy to bottom; no clay (ash?) horizon as found at 07PB083; sample is moist and easy to collect composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1306 07PB085SAR 07PB085 VAN07002214 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; dark brown, organic-rich soil; thick root ball down to 18 cm depth; very few cobbles; saturated but not oozing; hole bottomed in frozen soil; entire hole is rich in organic material" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1307 07PB086SAR 07PB086 VAN07002214 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; peaty organic 'A' is about 12 cm thick; then 5 more cm of lower 'A', for a total of 17 cm; 'B' horizon is medium tan caly with rounded to subrounded pebbles to bottom of hole at 55 cm; wet to bottom, icy at bottom; very clay rich with dispersed pebbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1308 07PB087SAR 07PB087 VAN07002214 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil aqua regia leach soil fraction; below the 20 cm thick organic A-o horizon is a 10-15 cm thick layer of angular cobbles (frost heave?); this is followed by gray clay with red iron streaks to bottom of hole; very sticky and saturated composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1309 07PB089SAR 07PB089 VAN07002214 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil aqua regia leach soil fraction; 25 cm thick organic A-o layer; underlaine by layer of cobbles up to 20 cm in diameter (frost heave?); below cobbles is the sticky gray clay; at this site the roots extend on down into the gray clay composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1310 07PB090DSAR 07PB090D VAN07002214 site duplicate 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is mostly gray clay with angular cobbles from 3-15 cm across; total hole depth is 30 cm; ice at bottom of hole; soupy, saturated soil; root penetrate into clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1311 07PB090SAR 07PB090 VAN07002214 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is mostly gray clay with angular cobbles from 3-15 cm across; total hole depth is 30 cm; ice at bottom of hole; soupy, saturated soil; root penetrate into clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1312 07PB096SAR 07PB096 VAN07002214 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon down to 50 cm; below 'A' horizon are angular to subrounded cobbles up to 10 cm across; 'A' is dark brown and organic; 'B' is sandy, saturated and greenish gray; stinky hydrogen sulfide smell in the mud; basalt, grenodiorite in cobbles; sample difficult to collect" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1313 07PB097SAR 07PB097 VAN07002214 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 15 cm thick, dark, organic-rich, and contains a lot of roots; 'B' horizon is a light brown to tan silty soil; wet but not saturated; brown clumps in soil; water seeps into bottom of hole; easy to collect; sticky mud and silt with few pebbles; bottom of hole is dark brown and could be another soil horizon(?)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1314 07PB099SAR 07PB099 VAN07002214 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 56 cm thick, root-filled, peaty, and smells of hydrogen sulfide upon initial removal of tundra vegetation cap; below 'A' is layer of angular cobbles up to 10 cm across (frost heave?); some cobbles are very red; 'B' horizon is muddy silt, brown, mixed with angular cobbles to bottom of hole at about 90 cm deep; no permafrost; in filling water at ~2 l/min; soil sample difficult to collect; low gradient slopel/min; soil sample difficult to collect; low gradient slope" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1316 07PB102SAR 07PB102 VAN07002214 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; organic-rich 'A' horizon is 5 cm thick; then 12 cm of mottled brown to tan soil with rounded cobbles followed by 10 cm of buff-colored silty clay with very small pebbles; this is followed by sandy gravel (fluvial ?) with cobbles (coarse sand to cobbles 5 cm across); SMM layer is in the buff-colored, silty clay and overlying mottled later; low to moderate gradient; damp but not wet, well-drained" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1318 07PB103SAR 07PB103 VAN07002214 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; dark, organic rich soil; 'A' horizon is very organic rich and about 12 cm thick; 'B' os organic rich soil with sparse pebbles (up to 15 cm across); soil damp but not saturated; some concern that this soil sample (SMM) might be basal 'A'" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1319 07PB104SAR 07PB104 VAN07002214 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; thin tundra cap; organic 'A' horizon is about 10 cm thick; SMM interval was saturated soil with abundant pebbles and cobbles; easy to dig, but hard to sample" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1320 07PB105SAR 07PB105 VAN07002214 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is aboaut 10 cm thick; below that the soil is organic-rich, dark brown gravel for 5 cm; the next 5 cm of soil has a color change to rusty red brown; SEZ is from the rusty red layer; SSG is from the red-brown layer; SMM contains both, in a cobble-ric layer with sandy fines and minor clay; polylithic rounded cobbles up to 10 cm across; soil is damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1321 07PB107SAR 07PB107 VAN07002214 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; below that is a 10 to 15 cm thick layer of angular cobbles up to 10 cm in diameter (frost heave?); 'B', below the cobble layer, is a light tan clay soupy soil (extremely saturated clay that oozes into the hole); clay contains rounded pebbles up to 8 cm across; SMM and SSG collected from soupy clay material; SEZ is half souply clay and halp damp brown soil from between the angular cobbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1322 07PB108SAR 07PB108 VAN07002214 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; organic 'A' is about 8 cm thick with angular to sub-rounded cobbles; 'B' is sandy, rocky material down to the bottom of hole; damp, not saturated; not much fine material; hard digging; moderate slope" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1323 07PB109DSAR 07PB109D VAN07002214 site duplicate 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is a buff-colored, clay-rich soil with scattered rounded polylithic cobbles; cobbles increase with depth; pit is damp, but not saturated; gentle slope here, but variable slopes due to solifluction" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1324 07PB109SAR 07PB109 VAN07002214 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is a buff-colored, clay-rich soil with scattered rounded polylithic cobbles; cobbles increase with depth; pit is damp, but not saturated; gentle slope here, but variable slopes due to solifluction" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1325 07PB110SAR 07PB110 VAN07002214 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil aqua regia leach soil fraction; organic 'A' tundra cap about 8 cm thick; this is followed by a 10 cm thick layer of cobbles (2.5 to 15 cm in diamter; frost heave?) without any fines; below that is a clay rich layer with cobbles to bottom of hole; clay is lighter brown than the organic layer; polylithic rounded cobbles; soil is damp; some small cobbles appear to be altered composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1326 07PB111SAR 07PB111 VAN07002214 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; 'A' organic horizon is about 5 cm thick; 'B' is tan, clay-rich soil with lesser pebbles and cobbles up to 10 cm across; low gradient (~5%); damp soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1327 07PB112SAR 07PB112 VAN07002214 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil aqua regia leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 5 cm thick; then into dark brown soil that gradual lightens at depth to light brown clay rich mud with pebbles; damp soil; cobbles are generally small up to 5 cm composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1328 07PB114SAR 07PB114 VAN07002214 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil aqua regia leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; below that are cobbles (frost heave?); then into clay-rich 'B' soil with rounded cobbles to bottom of hole; soil moist; hole easy to dig and collect composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1329 07PB115SAR 07PB115 VAN07002214 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; very deep hole; organic 'A' cap is about 30 cm thick and dark brown; 'B' defined by an abrupt color change to light grayish tan, mud to sand with small gravel; fairly moist" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1330 07PB117SAR 07PB117 VAN07002214 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon tundra cap is about 8 cm thick; immediately below is till with large polylithic cobbles up to 25 cm across, in a muddy matrix; this 'B' horizon is light tan brown; soil damp; hard digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1331 07PB118SAR 07PB118 VAN07002214 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon tundra cap is about 8 cm thick; immediately below is 'B' horizon gravel and clay; local gravel lenses are clay-free while local clay lenses are almost gravel-free; clay varies from gray to rusty red, more rusty them usual" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1332 07PB119SAR 07PB119 VAN07002214 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil aqua regia leach soil fraction; below the organic 'A' horizon cap are angular cobbles up to 25 cm across (frost heave?); then rare rounded cobbles are found below the angular cobbles; angular cobbles have little clay matrix; the clay content increases with depth; yellow-tan clay; saturated but not oozing; gentle ~5 degree slope composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1333 07PB120SAR 07PB120 VAN07002214 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia; organic 'A-o' horizon cap is about 8 cm thick and is followed by 20 cm of dark brown, organic-ricy 'A' soil; dense cobbles just below the organic cap (frost heave?); 'B' horizon is tan-brown and marks an abrupt color change with the 'A' horizon; 'B' has rounded polylithic cobbles; at least one sandy horizon in the SMM interval; damp soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1334 07PB122SAR 07PB122 VAN07002214 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil aqua regia; organic 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; brown 'A' contniues to depth of about 10 cm from surface; then a color change at 'B' horizon to lighter brown; 'B' horizon is silty clay with silt > clay; scattered cobbles up to about 6 cm across; damp soil; easy digging; low relieve <5% composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1335 07PB124SAR 07PB124 VAN07002214 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach soil fraction; organic 'A' tundra cap is 12 cm thick, followed by another 12 cm of dark brown 'A'; then into slightly lighter brown 'B', which is sand, silt, and lesser clay; cobbles are concentrated in upper 'A' and there are only sparse pebbles in 'B'; pit is in deep grass; low gradient (~5 degrees); damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1700 07PB092SNP-SSG 07PB092 A07-4470 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; sample collected about 20 cm deep; frozen ground/peat below; almost no mineral soil; frozen ground at 25 cm; no other samples collected; could not access the SSG or SMM intervals composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SSG split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 1701 07PB093SNP-SSG 07PB093 A07-4470 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; sample collected from peat root mat in organic 'A' horizon; hole dug ~20 cm where we hit frozen ground; hole quickly filled with water; root mat may extend farther since no mineral soil composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SSG split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved BE/NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 1702 07PB094SNP-SSG 07PB094 A07-4470 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; collected from base of root mass ~25 cm deep; did not hit mineral soil before hitting frozen ground composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SSG split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 1703 07PB098SNP-SSG 07PB098 A07-4470 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 15 cm thick, dark, organic-rich, and contains a lot of roots; 'B' horizon is a light brown to tan silty soil; wet but not saturated; brown clumps in soil; water seeps into bottom of hole; easy to collect; sticky mud and silt with few pebbles; bottom of hole is dark brown and could be another soil horizon(?)" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SSG split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 1704 07PB100SNP-SSG 07PB100 A07-4470 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; organic ''A' horizon down to 25 cm where frozen tundra is encountered; low gradient, boggy; SNP collected at base of root mat at permafrost boundary" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SSG split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 1705 07PB101SNP-SSG 07PB101 A07-4470 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; organic-rich 'A' horizon down to 20 cm; then permafrost; all peat and no mineral soil; low gradient, boggy; SNP collected in bottom of organic root mass at permafrost contact; no other soil media possible" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SSG split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 1718 07PB121SNP-SSG 07PB121 A07-4470 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons "soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; collected from organic mat 35 cm below surface; cold water filled the hole past large rounded cobbles in bottom of hole; could not get below larger cobbles; swampy organic smell; no other fraction collected then SNP; depth of hole about 40 cm, all in 'A-o'" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SSG split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 1734 07PB068SNP-SSG 07PB068 A07-4470 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil aqueous extract for soil gas hydrocarbons soil gas hydrocarbons leach soil fraction; peat is frozen at 10 cm depth; could only sample 2 fractions; SNP from base of organic 'A' cap and SSG from lower part of unfrozen peat composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SSG split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS(?) soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 1735 07PB011VAL 07PB011 A706696 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of alder leaves and twigs "vegetation, alder" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" KK/BE 1736 07PB014VAL 07PB014 A706696 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of alder leaves and twigs "vegetation, alder" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" KK/BE 1737 07PB014VWI 07PB014 A706696 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of willow leaves and twigs "vegetation, willow" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" KK/BE 1738 07PB016DVAL 07PB016 A706696 site duplicate 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of alder leaves and twigs "vegetation, alder" alder single tree GX "rinse with deionized water, air dry" KK/BE 1739 07PB048VAL 07PB048 A706696 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of alder leaves and twigs "vegetation, alder" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" KK/SS 1740 07PB048VWI 07PB048 A706696 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of willow leaves and twigs "vegetation, willow" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" KK/SS 1741 07PB069DVAL 07PB069D A706696 site duplicate 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of alder leaves and twigs "vegetation, alder" alder single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" KK/SS 1742 07PB079VWI 07PB079 A706696 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of willow leaves and twigs "vegetation, willow" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" NS/SS 1745 07PB096VWI 07PB096 A706696 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of willow leaves and twigs "vegetation, willow" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" NS/SS/DF/BE 1746 07PB114VWI 07PB114 A706696 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 organic aqua regia leachate of willow leaves and twigs "vegetation, willow" willow single tree GX none "rinse with deionized water, air dry" SS 1754 07PB008DOC 07PB008 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 1755 07PB009DOC 07PB009 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 1756 07PB011DOC 07PB011 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 1757 07PB012DOC 07PB012 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 1758 07PB013DOC 07PB013 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 1759 07PB014DOC 07PB014 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 1760 07PB015DOC 07PB015 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 1761 07PB016DDOC 07PB016D site duplicate 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 1762 07PB016DOC 07PB016 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 1763 07PB017DOC 07PB017 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 1764 07PB018DOC 07PB018 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 1765 07PB019DOC 07PB019 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 1766 07PB020DOC 07PB020 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 1767 07PB025DOC 07PB025 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE alkalinity sample turned pink immediately upon adding green activator solution (meaning value is <<10 ppm) 1768 07PB026DOC 07PB026 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE alkalinity sample turned pink immediately upon adding green activator solution (meaning value is <<10 ppm) 1769 07PB032DOC 07PB032 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE turbidity might be affected by David's stirring up of the water 1770 07PB034DOC 07PB034 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE small pools within scar below site (where there is no vegetation-see photos) have pH of ~4.0 (by pH paper test) 1771 07PB035DOC 07PB035 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE turbidity is causing interference 1772 07PB043DOC 07PB043 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE alkalinity sample turned pink immediately upon adding green activator solution (meaning value is <<10 ppm); cond. standard checked to verify meter 1773 07PB049DOC 07PB049 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 1774 07PB054DOC 07PB054 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified lake GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 1775 07PB056DOC 07PB056 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 1776 07PB059DOC 07PB059 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified lake GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE lakes today have low conductivity and low turbidity but have all been difficult to filter (each requiring ~5 filters) 1777 07PB062DOC 07PB062 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 1778 07PB064DOC 07PB064 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 1779 07PB065DOC 07PB065 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE difficult to filter 1780 07PB070DDOC 07PB070D site duplicate 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 1781 07PB070DOC 07PB070 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 1782 07PB072DOC 07PB072 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified lake GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 1783 07PB076DOC 07PB076 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified lake GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 1784 07PB082DOC 07PB082 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 1785 07PB088DOC 07PB088 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 1786 07PB096DOC 07PB096 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u NS/SS/DF/BE 1787 07PB099DOC 07PB099 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 1788 07PB106DDOC 07PB106D site duplicate 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 1789 07PB106DOC 07PB106 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 1790 07PB113DOC 07PB113 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 1791 07PB122DOC 07PB122 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 1792 07PB123DOC 07PB123 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 1793 07PB125DOC 07PB125 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 1794 07PB126DOC 07PB126 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 1795 07PB127DOC 07PB127 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 1796 07PB128DDOC 07PB128D site duplicate 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 1797 07PB128DOC 07PB128 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 1798 07PB129DOC 07PB129 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u JD 1801 07PB008FE 07PB008 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 1802 07PB009FE 07PB009 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 1803 07PB011FE 07PB011 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 1804 07PB012FE 07PB012 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 1805 07PB013FE 07PB013 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 1806 07PB014FE 07PB014 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 1807 07PB015FE 07PB015 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 1808 07PB016DFE 07PB016D site duplicate 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 1809 07PB016FE 07PB016 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 1810 07PB017FE 07PB017 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 1811 07PB018FE 07PB018 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 1812 07PB019FE 07PB019 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 1813 07PB020FE 07PB020 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u KK/BE 1814 07PB025FE 07PB025 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE alkalinity sample turned pink immediately upon adding green activator solution (meaning value is <<10 ppm) 1815 07PB026FE 07PB026 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE alkalinity sample turned pink immediately upon adding green activator solution (meaning value is <<10 ppm) 1816 07PB032FE 07PB032 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE turbidity might be affected by David's stirring up of the water 1817 07PB034FE 07PB034 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE small pools within scar below site (where there is no vegetation-see photos) have pH of ~4.0 (by pH paper test) 1818 07PB035FE 07PB035 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE turbidity is causing interference 1819 07PB043FE 07PB043 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE alkalinity sample turned pink immediately upon adding green activator solution (meaning value is <<10 ppm); cond. standard checked to verify meter 1820 07PB049FE 07PB049 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 1821 07PB054FE 07PB054 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified lake GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 1822 07PB056FE 07PB056 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 1823 07PB059FE 07PB059 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified lake GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE lakes today have low conductivity and low turbidity but have all been difficult to filter (each requiring ~5 filters) 1824 07PB062FE 07PB062 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 1825 07PB064FE 07PB064 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 1826 07PB065FE 07PB065 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE difficult to filter 1827 07PB070DFE 07PB070D site duplicate 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 1828 07PB070FE 07PB070 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 1829 07PB072FE 07PB072 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified lake GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 1830 07PB076FE 07PB076 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified lake GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 1831 07PB079FE 07PB079 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified groundwater GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u NS/SS no parameters collected; water is that which collected in bottom of soil pit - filtered back in camp 1832 07PB082FE 07PB082 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 1833 07PB088FE 07PB088 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 1834 07PB096FE 07PB096 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u NS/SS/DF/BE 1835 07PB099FE 07PB099 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 1836 07PB106DFE 07PB106D site duplicate 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 1837 07PB106FE 07PB106 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE pH read; transposition error; re-done 1838 07PB113FE 07PB113 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE 1839 07PB122FE 07PB122 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 1840 07PB123FE 07PB123 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 1841 07PB125FE 07PB125 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 1842 07PB126FE 07PB126 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 1843 07PB127FE 07PB127 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 1844 07PB128DFE 07PB128D site duplicate 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 1845 07PB128FE 07PB128 7/12/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/BE/SS 1846 07PB129FE 07PB129 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u JD 1945 07PB045LFA 07PB045 C306154 MRP08528 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil de-ionized water leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 10 to 15 cm thick; under the 'A' is a very pebble/cobble rich area (frost heave?); in the 'B' just below the SMM zone we encountered a pebble-free tan mud; soil very saturated; little 'clumps' of red clay with pebbles at core (in situ weathering?) composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1946 07PB023LFA 07PB023 C306155 MRP08528 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 5-7 cm thick and contains a few pebbles; in 'B' horizon, a gravel-rich area (with cobbles up to 3-5 cm) begins around ~23 cm; sample for SMM collected just above gravel horizon; still 1 mm size gravel in sample" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1947 07PB036LFA 07PB036 C306156 MRP08528 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil de-ionized water leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon varies from 10 to 15 cm thick; 'B' horizon is sandy clay with sparse 3 to 5 cm cobbles; hole becomes more clay-rich with depth; tan color to 'B' horizon; soil is saturated and filling with water over time composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1949 07PB016DLFA 07PB016D C306158 MRP08528 site duplicate 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; site duplicate, collected about 2 m away from 07PB016; soil about the same as 016 but significantly more rocks" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1950 07PB075LFA 07PB075 C306159 MRP08528 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is abouth 10 cm thick and dark brown; 'B' is tan mud/silt that gets slightly more orange with depth; sparse cobbles and pebbles; partially frozen in bottom of pit; at bottom of pit, unfrozen soil is saturated; extreme variability in soil pits at this site" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1951 07PB024LFA 07PB024 C306160 MRP08528 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 5 cm thick; till immediately underlies the tundra cap from surface to hole bottom (30 cm); fines are dark brown, granular to clay, cobbles are polylithic; roots in tundra extent to 15 cm depth; mostly damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1952 07PB021LFA 07PB021 C306161 MRP08528 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; poor soil development; 'A' horizon is about 4 cm thick, then right into mud and silt with sparse pebbles;'B' is brown, very moist, but not saturated; soil becomes coarser-grained with depth; lake sediments on till (?)" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1955 07PB044LFA 07PB044 C306164 MRP08528 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil de-ionized water leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 7-10 cm thick; SMM interval is zoned from light tan at top to red-brown to black at bottom; very few pebbles overall; light tan sandy zone in upper 'B'; black organic-rich? towards bottom of hole; soil damp composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1956 07PB014LFA 07PB014 C306165 MRP08528 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil de-ionized water leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 4-5 cm thick; the A caps a thick B horizon (to bottom of hole ~30cm) that is consistently light brown to gray silt composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1957 07PB033LFA 07PB033 C306166 MRP08528 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon about 7 cm thick; 'B' is brownish clay to sand, with pebbles 3 cm or smaller; easy digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1958 07PB102LFA 07PB102 C306167 MRP08528 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; organic-rich 'A' horizon is 5 cm thick; then 12 cm of mottled brown to tan soil with rounded cobbles followed by 10 cm of buff-colored silty clay with very small pebbles; this is followed by sandy gravel (fluvial ?) with cobbles (coarse sand to cobbles 5 cm across); SMM layer is in the buff-colored, silty clay and overlying mottled later; low to moderate gradient; damp but not wet, well-drained" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1959 07PB041LFA 07PB041 C306168 MRP08528 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 3 cm thick; 'B' is brown and clay-rich with a few cobbles up to ~5 cm across; color gets slighly more orange with depth; abundant mud, very few pebbles; soil very moist-but not saturated" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1960 07PB022LFA 07PB022 C306169 MRP08528 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8.5 cm thick, 'B' horizon is silty clay that is brownish-orange in color; sparse cobbles are 2.5 to 6 cm diameter and are concentrated at the top of the 'B' horizon" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1962 07PB051LFA 07PB051 C306171 MRP08528 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; thin organic cap ('A'o) about 3-4 cm thick; then cobbly gravel without many fines to ~30 cm deep; then lighter-colored brown muddy silt to bottom of hole ~40 cm; wet, but not saturated; dominantly polylithic rounded cobbles but also < 5% more angular FeOx-altered felsic igneous rock (locally with square vugs where pyrite weathered out); difficult to sample; seems more fluvial then till-like" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1963 07PB042LFA 07PB042 C306172 MRP08528 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; 'A' is 15 cm thick; cobbles are concentrated in the lower 'A' and upper 'B' horozions; at about 10 cm below 'A', the soil changes color from brown to lighter brown; sampled SMM interval is reddish dark brown and partly frozen" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1964 07PB047LFA 07PB047 C306173 MRP08528 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; good soil profile; 'A' about 8 cm thick; 'B' is dark brown, sandy silt clay that is relatively organic-rich; 0-30 cm easy digging with few cobbles; at 30 cm depth is a cobble layer (= till?) with cobbles 2-10 cm across; soil barely damp, not sticky" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1965 07PB111LFA 07PB111 C306174 MRP08528 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; 'A' organic horizon is about 5 cm thick; 'B' is tan, clay-rich soil with lesser pebbles and cobbles up to 10 cm across; low gradient (~5%); damp soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1966 07PB105LFA 07PB105 C306175 MRP08528 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is aboaut 10 cm thick; below that the soil is organic-rich, dark brown gravel for 5 cm; the next 5 cm of soil has a color change to rusty red brown; SEZ is from the rusty red layer; SSG is from the red-brown layer; SMM contains both, in a cobble-ric layer with sandy fines and minor clay; polylithic rounded cobbles up to 10 cm across; soil is damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1967 07PB085LFA 07PB085 C306176 MRP08528 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; dark brown, organic-rich soil; thick root ball down to 18 cm depth; very few cobbles; saturated but not oozing; hole bottomed in frozen soil; entire hole is rich in organic material" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1968 07PB097LFA 07PB097 C306177 MRP08528 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 15 cm thick, dark, organic-rich, and contains a lot of roots; 'B' horizon is a light brown to tan silty soil; wet but not saturated; brown clumps in soil; water seeps into bottom of hole; easy to collect; sticky mud and silt with few pebbles; bottom of hole is dark brown and could be another soil horizon(?)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1969 07PB055LFA 07PB055 C306178 MRP08528 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil de-ionized water leach soil fraction; heavy solifluction at site; heaves range from saturated clay to soi-free rock; sample collected from saturated soil rich zone; water fills the hole; cobbles range from 2 cm to 15 cm across and are both rounded and angular; soil is tan to light brown with gray clay streaks composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1970 07PB012LFA 07PB012 C306179 MRP08528 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil de-ionized water leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 7 cm thick; the 'A' is underlain by a concentration of cobbles (~2.5 cm across); in the 'B' horizon cobbles continue but are less abundant and in a fine mud matrix to 30 cm depth; wet soil composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1971 07PB057LFA 07PB057 C306180 MRP08528 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil de-ionized water leach soil fraction; site duplicate; orgainc 'A' cap is 8-10 cm thick; beneath the soil is a cobble-rich in a matrix of brown clay; light brown cobbles are rounded; damp soil composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1973 07PB071LFA 07PB071 C306182 MRP08528 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; 'A' is 8 cm thick; then nearly all dark brown silty fines from base of 'A' to about 30 cm depth; at 30 cm soil changes to tan brown and muddy; upper B has a whitish film coating grains that appears to be blotchy, but at a consistent level in the soil; the white film roughly coincides with a gravel layer above it; possible volcanic ash? Or drilling mud?" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1974 07PB040LFA 07PB040 C306183 MRP08528 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil de-ionized water leach soil fraction; soil contains subangular to rounded cobbles 12 cm across and smaller; mineralized angular cobbles in SMM fraction; collected on 10 degree slope with solifluction lobes composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1975 07PB027LFA 07PB027 C306184 MRP08528 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; soil mostly saturated throughout, scattered but consistent cobbles ( up to 15 cm across); immediately underlying the 'A' horizon is a concentration of polylithic cobbles 2 to 5 cm across; 'B' has scattered polylithic cobbles (2-5 cm across)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1977 07PB096LFA 07PB096 C306186 MRP08528 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon down to 50 cm; below 'A' horizon are angular to subrounded cobbles up to 10 cm across; 'A' is dark brown and organic; 'B' is sandy, saturated and greenish gray; stinky hydrogen sulfide smell in the mud; basalt, grenodiorite in cobbles; sample difficult to collect" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1980 07PB103LFA 07PB103 C306189 MRP08528 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; dark, organic rich soil; 'A' horizon is very organic rich and about 12 cm thick; 'B' os organic rich soil with sparse pebbles (up to 15 cm across); soil damp but not saturated; some concern that this soil sample (SMM) might be basal 'A'" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1981 07PB104LFA 07PB104 C306190 MRP08528 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; thin tundra cap; organic 'A' horizon is about 10 cm thick; SMM interval was saturated soil with abundant pebbles and cobbles; easy to dig, but hard to sample" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1984 07PB011LFA 07PB011 C306193 MRP08528 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon has fine silt/ mud interspersed w/ cobbles and small boulders, 'B' horizon is consistently dark brown in color; soil moist, but not wet" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1985 07PB099LFA 07PB099 C306194 MRP08528 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 56 cm thick, root-filled, peaty, and smells of hydrogen sulfide upon initial removal of tundra vegetation cap; below 'A' is layer of angular cobbles up to 10 cm across (frost heave?); some cobbles are very red; 'B' horizon is muddy silt, brown, mixed with angular cobbles to bottom of hole at about 90 cm deep; no permafrost; in filling water at ~2 l/min; soil sample difficult to collect; low gradient slope" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1986 07PB087LFA 07PB087 C306195 MRP08528 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil de-ionized water leach soil fraction; below the organic A-o horizon is a 10-15 cm thick layer of angular cobbles (frost heave?); this is followed by gray clay with red iron streaks to bottom of hole; very sticky and saturated composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1987 07PB114LFA 07PB114 C306196 MRP08528 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil de-ionized water leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; below that are cobbles (frost heave?); then into clay-rich 'B' soil with rounded cobbles to bottom of hole; soil moist; hole easy to dig and collect composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1988 07PB033DLFA 07PB033D C306197 MRP08528 site duplicate 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon about 7 cm thick; 'B' is brownish clay to sand, with pebbles 3 cm or smaller; easy digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1989 07PB038LFA 07PB038 C306198 MRP08528 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; 10 cm thick 'A' horizon, followed by 20 cm of 'B' horizon that is dark brown to red brown; sandy, clay-rich, light brown soil for the next 15 cm to bottom of hole; cobbles in hole are polylithic up to 12 cm and are found mostly at the boundary between soil types; very easy to dig; the lighter brown soil is partially frozen" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1990 07PB020LFA 07PB020 C306199 MRP08528 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; ""soil"" on till on bluff overlying sampled spring and about 15 m W of spring; unsorted till composed of sand-pebbles-cobbles (up to about 8 cm across) and lesser silt and mud; 'A' horizon is a thin ~5 cm thick tundra mat; till is brown; poor soil development; damp soil; difficult to collect without including pebbles; no real 'B' horizon ('A', then till)" grab (composited along channel in pit) "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1993 07PB039LFA 07PB039 C306202 MRP08529 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 10 cm thick; 'B' is brown, sandy, with abundant clay; there are abundant cobbles of altered granodiorite with pyrite and quartz in upper 25 cm of profile; some cobbles are angular, some are rounded, could be colluvium plus glacial deposits; the interval for SMM had abundant rounded cobbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1994 07PB073LFA 07PB073 C306203 MRP08529 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; organic 'A' is about 10 cm thick; at base of organic layer is a 8 cm thick cobble rich zone; in 'B' below cobbles is blotchy, light brown to tan clay-rich soil; wet to saturated" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1995 07PB018LFA 07PB018 C306204 MRP08529 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil de-ionized water leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; 'B' is brown-gray mud at top and gets coarser with depth (~20 cm); bottom of hole becomes very rocky (top of moraine?); mud (especially lower portion) might be lake silt composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1996 07PB090DLFA 07PB090D C306205 MRP08529 site duplicate 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is mostly gray clay with angular cobbles from 3-15 cm across; total hole depth is 30 cm; ice at bottom of hole; soupy, saturated soil; root penetrate into clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1997 07PB067LFA 07PB067 C306206 MRP08529 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; poor soil profile; immediately after 7 cm-thick 'A' horizon is brown till; polylithic, gravel to cobbles up to 15 cm across; difficult to collect" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1998 07PB061LFA 07PB061 C306207 MRP08529 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil de-ionized water leach soil fraction; root mat 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is light brown and clay rich soi; SMM interval is fairly consistent with light brown clay and sparse pebbles ranging from 3 to 10 cm across; saturated soil; very thick low shrubby cover composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 1999 07PB080LFA 07PB080 C306208 MRP08529 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; organic-rich 'A' horizon is 9 cm thick; then brown, fine, rich 'B' horizon with interspersed small polylithic cobbles; moderate slope; hill slope to the E; relatively easy to collect; damp pit" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2000 07PB108LFA 07PB108 C306209 MRP08529 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; organic 'A' is about 8 cm thick with angular to sub-rounded cobbles; 'B' is sandy, rocky material down to the bottom of hole; damp, not saturated; not much fine material; hard digging; moderate slope" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2001 07PB109DLFA 07PB109D C306210 MRP08529 site duplicate 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is a buff-colored, clay-rich soil with scattered rounded polylithic cobbles; cobbles increase with depth; pit is damp, but not saturated; gentle slope here, but variable slopes due to solifluction" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2002 07PB115LFA 07PB115 C306211 MRP08529 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; very deep hole; organic 'A' cap is about 30 cm thick and dark brown; 'B' defined by an abrupt color change to light grayish tan, mud to sand with small gravel; fairly mois" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2003 07PB118LFA 07PB118 C306212 MRP08529 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon tundra cap is about 8 cm thick; immediately below is 'B' horizon gravel and clay; local gravel lenses are clay-free while local clay lenses are almost gravel-free; clay varies from gray to rusty red, more rusty them usual" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2004 07PB017LFA 07PB017 C306213 MRP08529 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; soil collection site is about 50 m N of seep site; very organic-rich throughout the 25 cm deep hole; no pronounced color change between 'A' and 'B' horizons, if there even is a distiniction; roots prominent throughout; very few pebbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2005 07PB029LFA 07PB029 C306214 MRP08529 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; upper part of hole is very rocky, but it gets more sandy with depth; very slow and difficult to collect; polylithic small cobbles to gravel are predominant with lesser silt and mud; brown, damp, but not wet" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2006 07PB037LFA 07PB037 C306215 MRP08529 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; boggy, saturated soil from 40-cm thick organic peat; 'B' horizon below is gray and clay-rich with sparse pebbles (lake sediment?); could not measure 4-10 cm below A but we attempted to get proper interval with shovel" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2008 07PB048LFA 07PB048 C306217 MRP08529 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; very rocky and hard digging; entire hole is in rounded to subangular rocks up to small boulders; half the cobbles are altered, quartz-rich fragments, locally vuggy, and may contain sulfides; organic 'A' is 10 cm thick; A/B is sandy-silty, dark brown, and very rocky; suspect frost heave pile (most likely) or colluvium or even possibly C horizon" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2009 07PB079LFA 07PB079 C306218 MRP08529 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil de-ionized water leach soil fraction; vegetation cap is about 8 cm thick and 'A' continues to depth of about 13 cm; starting at top of B horizon the soil is saturated; tannish brown clay; at 25 cm depth begins a cobble-rich layer composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2010 07PB081LFA 07PB081 C306219 MRP08529 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon with peat is about 25 cm thick; 'B' horizon is moderately moist with rounded pebbles about 2-7 cm across, matrix supported; moderately compact; matrix is clay sand; SSG was fairly organic since the roots penetrated deeply" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2011 07PB009LFA 07PB009 C306220 MRP08529 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; well developed soil profile, 'A' horizon about 6 cm thick, 'B' horizon extends to bottom of hole (30 cm); lower 5 cm is bleached 'B' horizon; abundant fines, small cobbles up to 3 cm across; all material is damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2012 07PB016LFA 07PB016 C306221 MRP08529 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; on hill above seep; organic 'A' horizon is about 4 cm thick, then dark brown 'B' horizon to 30 cm depth, mostly fine material with very few rocks; soil damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2013 07PB046LFA 07PB046 C306222 MRP08529 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil de-ionized water leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is an 8 cm thick tundra cap; 'B' is saturated tan clay with pebbles 2-4 cm across; very sticky tan mud composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2014 07PB074LFA 07PB074 C306223 MRP08529 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 5-8 cm thick; at it's base is a cobble layer; upper 'B' is pebble rich; moderate amount of polylithic, rounded to subangular, cobbles (bluish basalt); most of B consistent dark to medium brown color, sandy/ sandy clay; dry soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2015 07PB086LFA 07PB086 C306224 MRP08529 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; peaty organic 'A' is about 12 cm thick; then 5 more cm of lower 'A', for a total of 17 cm; 'B' horizon is medium tan caly with rounded to subrounded pebbles to bottom of hole at 55 cm; wet to bottom, icy at bottom; very clay rich with dispersed pebbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2016 07PB107LFA 07PB107 C306225 MRP08529 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; below that is a 10 to 15 cm thick layer of angular cobbles up to 10 cm in diameter (frost heave?); 'B', below the cobble layer, is a light tan clay soupy soil (extremely saturated clay that oozes into the hole); clay contains rounded pebbles up to 8 cm across; SMM and SSG collected from soupy clay material; SEZ is half souply clay and halp damp brown soil from between the angular cobbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2017 07PB030LFA 07PB030 C306226 MRP08529 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; soil taken in bog, so entire interval is organic peat; permafrost encountered at 30 cm; we sampled this material (= frozen upper B?) for SSG, SEZ and SSM sample; some gravel present; for SNP we sampled upper peat interval" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS(?) "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2018 07PB031LFA 07PB031 C306227 MRP08529 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; till immediately below tundra cap; soil is brown, organic, clay-rich material; no real 'B' horizon developed; same sample material used for all samples; very slow and difficult to collect; cobble-supported matrix (up to 25 cm across) with minor soil in between" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2020 07PB050LFA 07PB050 C306229 MRP08529 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; right below tundra cap and down to 30 cm is gravel-like soil that looks like stream sediment; below that is tan sandy clay, but in patches; wet; saturated where clay overlies gravely areas; 4""-6"" below surface; appears to be a fluvial deposit (re-worked till?)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2021 07PB052LFA 07PB052 C306230 MRP08529 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is 8 cm thick; sandy soil with cobbles 2-10 cm across; color light brown; A/B horizons are poorly developed, polylithic gravel; cobbles in gravel include mafic porphry and an FeOx- and MnOx-stained, sanadine-bearing crystal tuff" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2022 07PB060LFA 07PB060 C306231 MRP08529 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; below the 8 cm thick organic 'A' cap is the 'B' horizon that is blotchy tan and dark reddish brown; at 20 cm depth, rounded cobbles up to 15 cm in diameter" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2023 07PB112LFA 07PB112 C306232 MRP08529 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil de-ionized water leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 5 cm thick; then into dark brown soil that gradual lightens at depth to light brown clay rich mud with pebbles; damp soil; cobbles are generally small up to 5 cm composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2024 07PB057DLFA 07PB057D C306233 MRP08529 site duplicate 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil de-ionized water leach soil fraction; site duplicate; orgainc 'A' cap is 8-10 cm thick; beneath the soil is a cobble-rich in a matrix of brown clay; light brown cobbles are rounded; damp soil composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2025 07PB058LFA 07PB058 C306234 MRP08529 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; sample hole cut through small woody shrubs; organic rich dark soil with a few pebbles up to 2 cm across; easy digging once through the root mat; 15 cm below the A-O cap is a dark band; 43 cm below A we hit gravel; for SMM interval, the upper 5 cm is light brown and clay rich (B?), but the remainder is black and organic rich (2nd A?); entire sample hole is organic-rich with roots; one vuggy Fe-stained altered rock noted; concerns: it looks like a repeated A/B/A/C profile" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2026 07PB066LFA 07PB066 C306235 MRP08529 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil de-ionized water leach soil fraction; 5-8 cm organic 'A' vegetation cap; rocky sand till below organic cap; polylithic rounded cobbles; not much variation with depth; very difficult digging; lots of pebbles and rare fines; some pebbles are iron-stained and others are blue green (weak propylithic?) composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2027 07PB089LFA 07PB089 C306236 MRP08529 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil de-ionized water leach soil fraction; 25 cm thick organic A-o layer; underlaine by layer of cobbles up to 20 cm in diameter (frost heave?); below cobbles is the sticky gray clay; at this site the roots extend on down into the gray clay composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2028 07PB090LFA 07PB090 C306237 MRP08529 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is mostly gray clay with angular cobbles from 3-15 cm across; total hole depth is 30 cm; ice at bottom of hole; soupy, saturated soil; root penetrate into clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2029 07PB110LFA 07PB110 C306238 MRP08529 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil de-ionized water leach soil fraction; organic 'A' tundra cap about 8 cm thick; this is followed by a 10 cm thick layer of cobbles (2.5 to 15 cm in diamter; frost heave?) without any fines; below that is a clay rich layer with cobbles to bottom of hole; clay is lighter brown than the organic layer; polylithic rounded cobbles; soil is damp; some small cobbles appear to be altered composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2030 07PB069LFA 07PB069 C306239 MRP08529 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; sandy loam; root mat; about 20 cm thick 'A' horizon; at bottom of hole (40 cm) we hit gravel; reddish brown soil below 'A'; almost no pebbles at all; some roots exposed (from overlying A); dry, well-drained" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2031 07PB077LFA 07PB077 C306240 MRP08529 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' is fairly uniform, semi-saturated brown clay with cobbles 2-5 cm across; digging was moderately difficult due to sticky clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2032 07PB117LFA 07PB117 C306241 MRP08529 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon tundra cap is about 8 cm thick; immediately below is till with large polylithic cobbles up to 25 cm across, in a muddy matrix; this 'B' horizon is light tan brown; soil damp; hard digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2033 07PB120LFA 07PB120 C306242 MRP08529 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; organic 'A-o' horizon cap is about 8 cm thick and is followed by 20 cm of dark brown, organic-ricy 'A' soil; dense cobbles just below the organic cap (frost heave?); 'B' horizon is tan-brown and marks an abrupt color change with the 'A' horizon; 'B' has rounded polylithic cobbles; at least one sandy horizon in the SMM interval; damp soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2034 07PB122LFA 07PB122 C306243 MRP08529 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil de-ionized water leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; brown 'A' contniues to depth of about 10 cm from surface; then a color change at 'B' horizon to lighter brown; 'B' horizon is silty clay with silt > clay; scattered cobbles up to about 6 cm across; damp soil; easy digging; low relieve <5% composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2035 07PB124LFA 07PB124 C306244 MRP08529 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; organic 'A' tundra cap is 12 cm thick, followed by another 12 cm of dark brown 'A'; then into slightly lighter brown 'B', which is sand, silt, and lesser clay; cobbles are concentrated in upper 'A' and there are only sparse pebbles in 'B'; pit is in deep grass; low gradient (~5 degrees); damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2036 07PB078LFA 07PB078 C306245 MRP08529 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 7 cm thick; wet, but not saturated hole; high concentration of small cobbles just below the 'A' (frost heaving?), then silt and small polylithic pebbles to bottom of hole at about 50 cm; consistent brown soil; no obvious lake silt horizon observed" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2037 07PB083LFA 07PB083 C306246 MRP08529 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; vegetation cap is about 8 cm thick; at base of 'A' horizon is a 2.5 cm gray ash (?) layer; generally brown clay to sand with few pebbles; the SMM interval is sandy to gravel (2 to 10 cm cobbles) continuous to bottom of hole; wet, but not saturated; easy digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2038 07PB084LFA 07PB084 C306247 MRP08529 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil de-ionized water leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 12 cm thick; 'B' is brown for the first 3 cm; at 5 cm from top of 'B' is a gradual color change from dark brown to orange brown; pebbles are sparse but consistent throughout; dominantly silty and sandy to bottom; no clay (ash?) horizon as found at 07PB083; sample is moist and easy to collect composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2039 07PB109LFA 07PB109 C306248 MRP08529 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil "de-ionized water leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is a buff-colored, clay-rich soil with scattered rounded polylithic cobbles; cobbles increase with depth; pit is damp, but not saturated; gentle slope here, but variable slopes due to solifluction" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2040 07PB119LFA 07PB119 C306249 MRP08529 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil de-ionized water Field Leach Test leachate of soil de-ionized water leach soil fraction; below the organic 'A' horizon cap are angular cobbles up to 25 cm across (frost heave?); then rare rounded cobbles are found below the angular cobbles; angular cobbles have little clay matrix; the clay content increases with depth; yellow-tan clay; saturated but not oozing; gentle ~5 degree slope composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), LFA split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS "soil (not sieved) collected 10-25 cm below surface, generally in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed" 2041 07PB077SBL 07PB077 A07-4470 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' is fairly uniform, semi-saturated brown clay with cobbles 2-5 cm across; digging was moderately difficult due to sticky clay" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2042 07PB079SBL 07PB079 A07-4470 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil BioLeach leach soil fraction; vegetation cap is about 8 cm thick and 'A' continues to depth of about 13 cm; starting at top of B horizon the soil is saturated; tannish brown clay; at 25 cm depth begins a cobble-rich layer composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2043 07PB039SBL 07PB039 A07-4470 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 10 cm thick; 'B' is brown, sandy, with abundant clay; there are abundant cobbles of altered granodiorite with pyrite and quartz in upper 25 cm of profile; some cobbles are angular, some are rounded, could be colluvium plus glacial deposits; the interval for SMM had abundant rounded cobbles" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2044 07PB024SBL 07PB024 A07-4470 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 5 cm thick; till immediately underlies the tundra cap from surface to hole bottom (30 cm); fines are dark brown, granular to clay, cobbles are polylithic; roots in tundra extent to 15 cm depth; mostly damp" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2045 07PB030SBL 07PB030 A07-4470 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; soil taken in bog, so entire interval is organic peat; permafrost encountered at 30 cm; we sampled this material (= frozen upper B?) for SSG, SEZ and SSM sample; some gravel present; for SNP we sampled upper peat interval" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS(?) soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2046 07PB105SBL 07PB105 A07-4470 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is aboaut 10 cm thick; below that the soil is organic-rich, dark brown gravel for 5 cm; the next 5 cm of soil has a color change to rusty red brown; SEZ is from the rusty red layer; SSG is from the red-brown layer; SMM contains both, in a cobble-ric layer with sandy fines and minor clay; polylithic rounded cobbles up to 10 cm across; soil is damp" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2047 07PB021SBL 07PB021 A07-4470 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; poor soil development; 'A' horizon is about 4 cm thick, then right into mud and silt with sparse pebbles;'B' is brown, very moist, but not saturated; soil becomes coarser-grained with depth; lake sediments on till (?)" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2048 07PB012SBL 07PB012 A07-4470 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil BioLeach leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 7 cm thick; the 'A' is underlain by a concentration of cobbles (~2.5 cm across); in the 'B' horizon cobbles continue but are less abundant and in a fine mud matrix to 30 cm depth; wet soil composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2050 07PB109DSBL 07PB109D A07-4470 site duplicate; average of 2 replicate samples 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is a buff-colored, clay-rich soil with scattered rounded polylithic cobbles; cobbles increase with depth; pit is damp, but not saturated; gentle slope here, but variable slopes due to solifluction" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed; 2 replicate samples were averaged by lab and only the average value was provided 2051 07PB047SBL 07PB047 A07-4470 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; good soil profile; 'A' about 8 cm thick; 'B' is dark brown, sandy silt clay that is relatively organic-rich; 0-30 cm easy digging with few cobbles; at 30 cm depth is a cobble layer (= till?) with cobbles 2-10 cm across; soil barely damp, not sticky" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2053 07PB080SBL 07PB080 A07-4470 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; organic-rich 'A' horizon is 9 cm thick; then brown, fine, rich 'B' horizon with interspersed small polylithic cobbles; moderate slope; hill slope to the E; relatively easy to collect; damp pit" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2054 07PB014SBL 07PB014 A07-4470 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil BioLeach leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 4-5 cm thick; the A caps a thick B horizon (to bottom of hole ~30cm) that is consistently light brown to gray silt composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2055 07PB018SBL 07PB018 A07-4470 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil BioLeach leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; 'B' is brown-gray mud at top and gets coarser with depth (~20 cm); bottom of hole becomes very rocky (top of moraine?); mud (especially lower portion) might be lake silt. composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2057 07PB085SBL 07PB085 A07-4470 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; dark brown, organic-rich soil; thick root ball down to 18 cm depth; very few cobbles; saturated but not oozing; hole bottomed in frozen soil; entire hole is rich in organic material" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2058 07PB022SBL 07PB022 A07-4470 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8.5 cm thick, 'B' horizon is silty clay that is brownish-orange in color; sparse cobbles are 2.5 to 6 cm diameter and are concentrated at the top of the 'B' horizon" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2060 07PB011SBL 07PB011 A07-4470 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon has fine silt/ mud interspersed w/ cobbles and small boulders, 'B' horizon is consistently dark brown in color; soil moist, but not wet" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2061 07PB117SBL 07PB117 A07-4470 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon tundra cap is about 8 cm thick; immediately below is till with large polylithic cobbles up to 25 cm across, in a muddy matrix; this 'B' horizon is light tan brown; soil damp; hard digging" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2062 07PB089SBL 07PB089 A07-4470 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil BioLeach leach soil fraction; 25 cm thick organic A-o layer; underlaine by layer of cobbles up to 20 cm in diameter (frost heave?); below cobbles is the sticky gray clay; at this site the roots extend on down into the gray clay composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2063 07PB048SBL 07PB048 A07-4470 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; very rocky and hard digging; entire hole is in rounded to subangular rocks up to small boulders; half the cobbles are altered, quartz-rich fragments, locally vuggy, and may contain sulfides; organic 'A' is 10 cm thick; A/B is sandy-silty, dark brown, and very rocky; suspect frost heave pile (most likely) or colluvium or even possibly C horizon" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2064 07PB060SBL 07PB060 A07-4470 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; below the 8 cm thick organic 'A' cap is the 'B' horizon that is blotchy tan and dark reddish brown; at 20 cm depth, rounded cobbles up to 15 cm in diameter" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2065 07PB119SBL 07PB119 A07-4470 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil BioLeach leach soil fraction; below the organic 'A' horizon cap are angular cobbles up to 25 cm across (frost heave?); then rare rounded cobbles are found below the angular cobbles; angular cobbles have little clay matrix; the clay content increases with depth; yellow-tan clay; saturated but not oozing; gentle ~5 degree slope composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2066 07PB020SBL 07PB020 A07-4470 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; ""soil"" on till on bluff overlying sampled spring and about 15 m W of spring; unsorted till composed of sand-pebbles-cobbles (up to about 8 cm across) and lesser silt and mud; 'A' horizon is a thin ~5 cm thick tundra mat; till is brown; poor soil development; damp soil; difficult to collect without including pebbles; no real 'B' horizon ('A', then till)" grab (composited along channel in pit) "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2067 07PB050SBL 07PB050 A07-4470 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; right below tundra cap and down to 30 cm is gravel-like soil that looks like stream sediment; below that is tan sandy clay, but in patches; wet; saturated where clay overlies gravely areas; 4""-6"" below surface; appears to be a fluvial deposit (re-worked till?)" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2068 07PB099SBL 07PB099 A07-4470 average of 2 replicate samples 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 56 cm thick, root-filled, peaty, and smells of hydrogen sulfide upon initial removal of tundra vegetation cap; below 'A' is layer of angular cobbles up to 10 cm across (frost heave?); some cobbles are very red; 'B' horizon is muddy silt, brown, mixed with angular cobbles to bottom of hole at about 90 cm deep; no permafrost; in filling water at ~2 l/min; soil sample difficult to collect; low gradient slope" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed; 2 replicate samples were averaged by lab and only the average value was provided 2070 07PB078SBL 07PB078 A07-4470 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 7 cm thick; wet, but not saturated hole; high concentration of small cobbles just below the 'A' (frost heaving?), then silt and small polylithic pebbles to bottom of hole at about 50 cm; consistent brown soil; no obvious lake silt horizon observed" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2071 07PB017SBL 07PB017 A07-4470 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; soil collection site is about 50 m N of seep site; very organic-rich throughout the 25 cm deep hole; no pronounced color change between 'A' and 'B' horizons, if there even is a distiniction; roots prominent throughout; very few pebbles" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2072 07PB103SBL 07PB103 A07-4470 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; dark, organic rich soil; 'A' horizon is very organic rich and about 12 cm thick; 'B' os organic rich soil with sparse pebbles (up to 15 cm across); soil damp but not saturated; some concern that this soil sample (SMM) might be basal 'A'" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2073 07PB074SBL 07PB074 A07-4470 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 5-8 cm thick; at it's base is a cobble layer; upper 'B' is pebble rich; moderate amount of polylithic, rounded to subangular, cobbles (bluish basalt); most of B consistent dark to medium brown color, sandy/ sandy clay; dry soil" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2074 07PB109SBL 07PB109 A07-4470 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is a buff-colored, clay-rich soil with scattered rounded polylithic cobbles; cobbles increase with depth; pit is damp, but not saturated; gentle slope here, but variable slopes due to solifluction" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2075 07PB104SBL 07PB104 A07-4470 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; thin tundra cap; organic 'A' horizon is about 10 cm thick; SMM interval was saturated soil with abundant pebbles and cobbles; easy to dig, but hard to sample" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2076 07PB069SBL 07PB069 A07-4470 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; sandy loam; root mat; about 20 cm thick 'A' horizon; at bottom of hole (40 cm) we hit gravel; reddish brown soil below 'A'; almost no pebbles at all; some roots exposed (from overlying A); dry, well-drained" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2077 07PB033DSBL 07PB033D A07-4470 site duplicate 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon about 7 cm thick; 'B' is brownish clay to sand, with pebbles 3 cm or smaller; easy digging" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2078 07PB075SBL 07PB075 A07-4470 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is abouth 10 cm thick and dark brown; 'B' is tan mud/silt that gets slightly more orange with depth; sparse cobbles and pebbles; partially frozen in bottom of pit; at bottom of pit, unfrozen soil is saturated; extreme variability in soil pits at this site" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2080 07PB071SBL 07PB071 A07-4470 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; 'A' is 8 cm thick; then nearly all dark brown silty fines from base of 'A' to about 30 cm depth; at 30 cm soil changes to tan brown and muddy; upper B has a whitish film coating grains that appears to be blotchy, but at a consistent level in the soil; the white film roughly coincides with a gravel layer above it; possible volcanic ash? Or drilling mud?" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2081 07PB066SBL 07PB066 A07-4470 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil BioLeach leach soil fraction; 5-8 cm organic 'A' vegetation cap; rocky sand till below organic cap; polylithic rounded cobbles; not much variation with depth; very difficult digging; lots of pebbles and rare fines; some pebbles are iron-stained and others are blue green (weak propylithic?) composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2082 07PB108SBL 07PB108 A07-4470 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; organic 'A' is about 8 cm thick with angular to sub-rounded cobbles; 'B' is sandy, rocky material down to the bottom of hole; damp, not saturated; not much fine material; hard digging; moderate slope" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2083 07PB061SBL 07PB061 A07-4470 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil BioLeach leach soil fraction; root mat 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is light brown and clay rich soi; SMM interval is fairly consistent with light brown clay and sparse pebbles ranging from 3 to 10 cm across; saturated soil; very thick low shrubby cover composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2084 07PB097SBL 07PB097 A07-4470 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 15 cm thick, dark, organic-rich, and contains a lot of roots; 'B' horizon is a light brown to tan silty soil; wet but not saturated; brown clumps in soil; water seeps into bottom of hole; easy to collect; sticky mud and silt with few pebbles; bottom of hole is dark brown and could be another soil horizon(?)" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2085 07PB081SBL 07PB081 A07-4470 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon with peat is about 25 cm thick; 'B' horizon is moderately moist with rounded pebbles about 2-7 cm across, matrix supported; moderately compact; matrix is clay sand; SSG was fairly organic since the roots penetrated deeply" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2086 07PB102SBL 07PB102 A07-4470 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; organic-rich 'A' horizon is 5 cm thick; then 12 cm of mottled brown to tan soil with rounded cobbles followed by 10 cm of buff-colored silty clay with very small pebbles; this is followed by sandy gravel (fluvial ?) with cobbles (coarse sand to cobbles 5 cm across); SMM layer is in the buff-colored, silty clay and overlying mottled later; low to moderate gradient; damp but not wet, well-drained" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2087 07PB096SBL 07PB096 A07-4470 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon down to 50 cm; below 'A' horizon are angular to subrounded cobbles up to 10 cm across; 'A' is dark brown and organic; 'B' is sandy, saturated and greenish gray; stinky hydrogen sulfide smell in the mud; basalt, grenodiorite in cobbles; sample difficult to collect" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2088 07PB055SBL 07PB055 A07-4470 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil BioLeach leach soil fraction; heavy solifluction at site; heaves range from saturated clay to soi-free rock; sample collected from saturated soil rich zone; water fills the hole; cobbles range from 2 cm to 15 cm across and are both rounded and angular; soil is tan to light brown with gray clay streaks composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2090 07PB052SBL 07PB052 A07-4470 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is 8 cm thick; sandy soil with cobbles 2-10 cm across; color light brown; A/B horizons are poorly developed, polylithic gravel; cobbles in gravel include mafic porphry and an FeOx- and MnOx-stained, sanadine-bearing crystal tuff" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2091 07PB087SBL 07PB087 A07-4470 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil BioLeach leach soil fraction; below the 20 cm thick organic A-o horizon is a 10-15 cm thick layer of angular cobbles (frost heave?); this is followed by gray clay with red iron streaks to bottom of hole; very sticky and saturated composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2092 07PB083SBL 07PB083 A07-4470 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; vegetation cap is about 8 cm thick; at base of 'A' horizon is a 2.5 cm gray ash (?) layer; generally brown clay to sand with few pebbles; the SMM interval is sandy to gravel (2 to 10 cm cobbles) continuous to bottom of hole; wet, but not saturated; easy digging" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2093 07PB067SBL 07PB067 A07-4470 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; poor soil profile; immediately after 7 cm-thick 'A' horizon is brown till; polylithic, gravel to cobbles up to 15 cm across; difficult to collect" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2094 07PB016DSBL 07PB016D A07-4470 site duplicate 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; site duplicate, collected about 2 m away from 07PB016; soil about the same as 016 but significantly more rocks" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2095 07PB110SBL 07PB110 A07-4470 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil BioLeach leach soil fraction; organic 'A' tundra cap about 8 cm thick; this is followed by a 10 cm thick layer of cobbles (2.5 to 15 cm in diamter; frost heave?) without any fines; below that is a clay rich layer with cobbles to bottom of hole; clay is lighter brown than the organic layer; polylithic rounded cobbles; soil is damp; some small cobbles appear to be altered composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2096 07PB090SBL 07PB090 A07-4470 average of 2 replicate samples 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is mostly gray clay with angular cobbles from 3-15 cm across; total hole depth is 30 cm; ice at bottom of hole; soupy, saturated soil; root penetrate into clay" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed; 2 replicate samples were averaged by lab and only the average value was provided 2097 07PB031SBL 07PB031 A07-4470 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; till immediately below tundra cap; soil is brown, organic, clay-rich material; no real 'B' horizon developed; same sample material used for all samples; very slow and difficult to collect; cobble-supported matrix (up to 25 cm across) with minor soil in between" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2100 07PB042SBL 07PB042 A07-4470 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; 'A' is 15 cm thick; cobbles are concentrated in the lower 'A' and upper 'B' horozions; at about 10 cm below 'A', the soil changes color from brown to lighter brown; sampled SMM interval is reddish dark brown and partly frozen" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2101 07PB037SBL 07PB037 A07-4470 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; boggy, saturated soil from 40-cm thick organic peat; 'B' horizon below is gray and clay-rich with sparse pebbles (lake sediment?); could not measure 4-10 cm below A but we attempted to get proper interval with shovel" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2103 07PB045SBL 07PB045 A07-4470 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil BioLeach leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 10 to 15 cm thick; under the 'A' is a very pebble/cobble rich area (frost heave?); in the 'B' just below the SMM zone we encountered a pebble-free tan mud; soil very saturated; little 'clumps' of red clay with pebbles at core (in situ weathering?) composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2104 07PB036SBL 07PB036 A07-4470 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil BioLeach leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon varies from 10 to 15 cm thick; 'B' horizon is sandy clay with sparse 3 to 5 cm cobbles; hole becomes more clay-rich with depth; tan color to 'B' horizon; soil is saturated and filling with water over time composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2105 07PB118SBL 07PB118 A07-4470 average of 2 replicate samples 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon tundra cap is about 8 cm thick; immediately below is 'B' horizon gravel and clay; local gravel lenses are clay-free while local clay lenses are almost gravel-free; clay varies from gray to rusty red, more rusty them usual" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed; 2 replicate samples were averaged by lab and only the average value was provided 2106 07PB111SBL 07PB111 A07-4470 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; 'A' organic horizon is about 5 cm thick; 'B' is tan, clay-rich soil with lesser pebbles and cobbles up to 10 cm across; low gradient (~5%); damp soil" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2107 07PB114SBL 07PB114 A07-4470 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil BioLeach leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; below that are cobbles (frost heave?); then into clay-rich 'B' soil with rounded cobbles to bottom of hole; soil moist; hole easy to dig and collect composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2108 07PB086SBL 07PB086 A07-4470 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; peaty organic 'A' is about 12 cm thick; then 5 more cm of lower 'A', for a total of 17 cm; 'B' horizon is medium tan caly with rounded to subrounded pebbles to bottom of hole at 55 cm; wet to bottom, icy at bottom; very clay rich with dispersed pebbles" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2110 07PB041SBL 07PB041 A07-4470 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 3 cm thick; 'B' is brown and clay-rich with a few cobbles up to ~5 cm across; color gets slighly more orange with depth; abundant mud, very few pebbles; soil very moist-but not saturated" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2111 07PB073SBL 07PB073 A07-4470 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; organic 'A' is about 10 cm thick; at base of organic layer is a 8 cm thick cobble rich zone; in 'B' below cobbles is blotchy, light brown to tan clay-rich soil; wet to saturated" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2112 07PB044SBL 07PB044 A07-4470 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil BioLeach leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 7-10 cm thick; SMM interval is zoned from light tan at top to red-brown to black at bottom; very few pebbles overall; light tan sandy zone in upper 'B'; black organic-rich? towards bottom of hole; soil damp composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2113 07PB029SBL 07PB029 A07-4470 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; upper part of hole is very rocky, but it gets more sandy with depth; very slow and difficult to collect; polylithic small cobbles to gravel are predominant with lesser silt and mud; brown, damp, but not wet" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2114 07PB122SBL 07PB122 A07-4470 average of 2 replicate samples 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil BioLeach leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; brown 'A' contniues to depth of about 10 cm from surface; then a color change at 'B' horizon to lighter brown; 'B' horizon is silty clay with silt > clay; scattered cobbles up to about 6 cm across; damp soil; easy digging; low relieve <5% composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed; 2 replicate samples were averaged by lab and only the average value was provided 2115 07PB016SBL 07PB016 A07-4470 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; on hill above seep; organic 'A' horizon is about 4 cm thick, then dark brown 'B' horizon to 30 cm depth, mostly fine material with very few rocks; soil damp" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2116 07PB120SBL 07PB120 A07-4470 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction;; organic 'A-o' horizon cap is about 8 cm thick and is followed by 20 cm of dark brown, organic-ricy 'A' soil; dense cobbles just below the organic cap (frost heave?); 'B' horizon is tan-brown and marks an abrupt color change with the 'A' horizon; 'B' has rounded polylithic cobbles; at least one sandy horizon in the SMM interval; damp soil" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2117 07PB090DSBL 07PB090D A07-4470 site duplicate 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is mostly gray clay with angular cobbles from 3-15 cm across; total hole depth is 30 cm; ice at bottom of hole; soupy, saturated soil; root penetrate into clay" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2118 07PB057SBL 07PB057 A07-4470 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil BioLeach leach soil fraction; orgainc 'A' cap is 8-10 cm thick; beneath the soil is a cobble-rich in a matrix of brown clay; light brown cobbles are rounded; damp soil composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2120 07PB046SBL 07PB046 A07-4470 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil BioLeach leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is an 8 cm thick tundra cap; 'B' is saturated tan clay with pebbles 2-4 cm across; very sticky tan mud composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2121 07PB023SBL 07PB023 A07-4470 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 5-7 cm thick and contains a few pebbles; in 'B' horizon, a gravel-rich area (with cobbles up to 3-5 cm) begins around ~23 cm; sample for SMM collected just above gravel horizon; still 1 mm size gravel in sample" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2122 07PB051SBL 07PB051 A07-4470 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; thin organic cap ('A'o) about 3-4 cm thick; then cobbly gravel without many fines to ~30 cm deep; then lighter-colored brown muddy silt to bottom of hole ~40 cm; wet, but not saturated; dominantly polylithic rounded cobbles but also < 5% more angular FeOx-altered felsic igneous rock (locally with square vugs where pyrite weathered out); difficult to sample; seems more fluvial then till-like" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2123 07PB124SBL 07PB124 A07-4470 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; organic 'A' tundra cap is 12 cm thick, followed by another 12 cm of dark brown 'A'; then into slightly lighter brown 'B', which is sand, silt, and lesser clay; cobbles are concentrated in upper 'A' and there are only sparse pebbles in 'B'; pit is in deep grass; low gradient (~5 degrees); damp" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2125 07PB107SBL 07PB107 A07-4470 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; below that is a 10 to 15 cm thick layer of angular cobbles up to 10 cm in diameter (frost heave?); 'B', below the cobble layer, is a light tan clay soupy soil (extremely saturated clay that oozes into the hole); clay contains rounded pebbles up to 8 cm across; SMM and SSG collected from soupy clay material; SEZ is half souply clay and halp damp brown soil from between the angular cobbles" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2126 07PB027SBL 07PB027 A07-4470 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; soil mostly saturated throughout, scattered but consistent cobbles ( up to 15 cm across); immediately underlying the 'A' horizon is a concentration of polylithic cobbles 2 to 5 cm across; 'B' has scattered polylithic cobbles (2-5 cm across)" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2127 07PB009SBL 07PB009 A07-4470 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; well developed soil profile, 'A' horizon about 6 cm thick, 'B' horizon extends to bottom of hole (30 cm); lower 5 cm is bleached 'B' horizon; abundant fines, small cobbles up to 3 cm across; all material is damp" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2128 07PB058SBL 07PB058 A07-4470 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; sample hole cut through small woody shrubs; organic rich dark soil with a few pebbles up to 2 cm across; easy digging once through the root mat; 15 cm below the A-O cap is a dark band; 43 cm below A we hit gravel; for SMM interval, the upper 5 cm is light brown and clay rich (B?), but the remainder is black and organic rich (2nd A?); entire sample hole is organic-rich with roots; one vuggy Fe-stained altered rock noted; concerns: it looks like a repeated A/B/A/C profile" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2130 07PB057DSBL 07PB057D A07-4470 site duplicate 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil BioLeach leach soil fraction; orgainc 'A' cap is 8-10 cm thick; beneath the soil is a cobble-rich in a matrix of brown clay; light brown cobbles are rounded; damp soil composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2131 07PB084SBL 07PB084 A07-4470 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil BioLeach leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 12 cm thick; 'B' is brown for the first 3 cm; at 5 cm from top of 'B' is a gradual color change from dark brown to orange brown; pebbles are sparse but consistent throughout; dominantly silty and sandy to bottom; no clay (ash?) horizon as found at 07PB083; sample is moist and easy to collect composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2132 07PB038SBL 07PB038 A07-4470 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; 10 cm thick 'A' horizon, followed by 20 cm of 'B' horizon that is dark brown to red brown; sandy, clay-rich, light brown soil for the next 15 cm to bottom of hole; cobbles in hole are polylithic up to 12 cm and are found mostly at the boundary between soil types; very easy to dig; the lighter brown soil is partially frozen" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2133 07PB033SBL 07PB033 A07-4470 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon about 7 cm thick; 'B' is brownish clay to sand, with pebbles 3 cm or smaller; easy digging" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2134 07PB112SBL 07PB112 A07-4470 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil BioLeach leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 5 cm thick; then into dark brown soil that gradual lightens at depth to light brown clay rich mud with pebbles; damp soil; cobbles are generally small up to 5 cm composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2135 07PB040SBL 07PB040 A07-4470 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil BioLeach leach soil fraction; soil contains subangular to rounded cobbles 12 cm across and smaller; mineralized angular cobbles in SMM fraction; collected on 10 degree slope with solifluction lobes composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2136 07PB115SBL 07PB115 A07-4470 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; very deep hole; organic 'A' cap is about 30 cm thick and dark brown; 'B' defined by an abrupt color change to light grayish tan, mud to sand with small gravel; fairly mois" composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2138 07PB068SBL 07PB068 A07-4470 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil BioLeach leach soil fraction; peat is frozen at 10 cm depth; could only sample 2 fractions; SNP from base of organic 'A' cap and SSG from lower part of unfrozen peat composite "single pit, from upper part of B horizon, SBL split from SSG subsample" B horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS(?) soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2139 07PB121SNP-SBL 07PB121 A07-4470 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; collected from organic mat 35 cm below surface; cold water filled the hole past large rounded cobbles in bottom of hole; could not get below larger cobbles; swampy organic smell; no other fraction collected then SNP; depth of hole about 40 cm, all in 'A-o'" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SBL split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2140 07PB093SNP-SBL 07PB093 A07-4470 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil BioLeach leach soil fraction; sample collected from peat root mat in organic 'A' horizon; hole dug ~20 cm where we hit frozen ground; hole quickly filled with water; root mat may extend farther since no mineral soil composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SBL split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved BE/NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2141 07PB068SNP-SBL 07PB068 A07-4470 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil BioLeach leach soil fraction; peat is frozen at 10 cm depth; could only sample 2 fractions; SNP from base of organic 'A' cap and SSG from lower part of unfrozen peat composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SBL split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved KK/SS(?) soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2142 07PB098SNP-SBL 07PB098 A07-4470 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 15 cm thick, dark, organic-rich, and contains a lot of roots; 'B' horizon is a light brown to tan silty soil; wet but not saturated; brown clumps in soil; water seeps into bottom of hole; easy to collect; sticky mud and silt with few pebbles; bottom of hole is dark brown and could be another soil horizon(?)" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SBL split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2143 07PB092SNP-SBL 07PB092 A07-4470 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil BioLeach leach soil fraction; sample collected about 20 cm deep; frozen ground/peat below; almost no mineral soil; frozen ground at 25 cm; no other samples collected; could not access the SSG or SMM intervals composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SBL split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2144 07PB094SNP-SBL 07PB094 A07-4470 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil BioLeach leach soil fraction; collected from base of root mass ~25 cm deep; did not hit mineral soil before hitting frozen ground composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SBL split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2145 07PB101SNP-SBL 07PB101 A07-4470 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; organic-rich 'A' horizon down to 20 cm; then permafrost; all peat and no mineral soil; low gradient, boggy; SNP collected in bottom of organic root mass at permafrost contact; no other soil media possible" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SBL split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2146 07PB100SNP-SBL 07PB100 A07-4470 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil BioLeach leachate of soil "BioLeach leach soil fraction; organic ''A' horizon down to 25 cm where frozen tundra is encountered; low gradient, boggy; SNP collected at base of root mat at permafrost boundary" composite "single pit, from bottom part of A horizon--from underside of tundra cap when removed, SBL split from SNP subsample" A horizon GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected from bottom part of A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2164 07PB009STL 07PB009 w_01 XGW018 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; well developed soil profile, 'A' horizon about 6 cm thick, 'B' horizon extends to bottom of hole (30 cm); lower 5 cm is bleached 'B' horizon; abundant fines, small cobbles up to 3 cm across; all material is damp" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2166 07PB011STL 07PB011 w_02 XGW018 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon has fine silt/ mud interspersed w/ cobbles and small boulders, 'B' horizon is consistently dark brown in color; soil moist, but not wet" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2167 07PB012STL 07PB012 w_03 XGW018 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil TerraSol leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 7 cm thick; the 'A' is underlain by a concentration of cobbles (~2.5 cm across); in the 'B' horizon cobbles continue but are less abundant and in a fine mud matrix to 30 cm depth; wet soil composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2168 07PB014STL 07PB014 w_04 XGW018 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil TerraSol leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 4-5 cm thick; the A caps a thick B horizon (to bottom of hole ~30cm) that is consistently light brown to gray silt composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2169 07PB016STL 07PB016 w_05 XGW018 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; on hill above seep; organic 'A' horizon is about 4 cm thick, then dark brown 'B' horizon to 30 cm depth, mostly fine material with very few rocks; soil damp" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2170 07PB016DSTL 07PB016D w_06 XGW018 site duplicate 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; site duplicate, collected about 2 m away from 07PB016; soil about the same as 016 but significantly more rocks" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2171 07PB017STL 07PB017 w_07 XGW018 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; soil collection site is about 50 m N of seep site; very organic-rich throughout the 25 cm deep hole; no pronounced color change between 'A' and 'B' horizons, if there even is a distiniction; roots prominent throughout; very few pebbles" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2172 07PB018STL 07PB018 w_08 XGW018 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil TerraSol leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; 'B' is brown-gray mud at top and gets coarser with depth (~20 cm); bottom of hole becomes very rocky (top of moraine?); mud (especially lower portion) might be lake silt. composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2173 07PB020STL 07PB020 w_09 XGW018 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; ""soil"" on till on bluff overlying sampled spring and about 15 m W of spring; unsorted till composed of sand-pebbles-cobbles (up to about 8 cm across) and lesser silt and mud; 'A' horizon is a thin ~5 cm thick tundra mat; till is brown; poor soil development; damp soil; difficult to collect without including pebbles; no real 'B' horizon ('A', then till)" grab (composited along channel in pit) "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2174 07PB021STL 07PB021 w_10 XGW018 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; poor soil development; 'A' horizon is about 4 cm thick, then right into mud and silt with sparse pebbles;'B' is brown, very moist, but not saturated; soil becomes coarser-grained with depth; lake sediments on till (?)" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2176 07PB022STL 07PB022 w_11 XGW018 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8.5 cm thick, 'B' horizon is silty clay that is brownish-orange in color; sparse cobbles are 2.5 to 6 cm diameter and are concentrated at the top of the 'B' horizon" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2177 07PB023STL 07PB023 w_12 XGW018 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 5-7 cm thick and contains a few pebbles; in 'B' horizon, a gravel-rich area (with cobbles up to 3-5 cm) begins around ~23 cm; sample for SMM collected just above gravel horizon; still 1 mm size gravel in sample" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2178 07PB024STL 07PB024 w_13 XGW018 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 5 cm thick; till immediately underlies the tundra cap from surface to hole bottom (30 cm); fines are dark brown, granular to clay, cobbles are polylithic; roots in tundra extent to 15 cm depth; mostly damp" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2179 07PB027STL 07PB027 w_14 XGW018 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; soil mostly saturated throughout, scattered but consistent cobbles ( up to 15 cm across); immediately underlying the 'A' horizon is a concentration of polylithic cobbles 2 to 5 cm across; 'B' has scattered polylithic cobbles (2-5 cm across)" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2180 07PB029STL 07PB029 w_15 XGW018 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; upper part of hole is very rocky, but it gets more sandy with depth; very slow and difficult to collect; polylithic small cobbles to gravel are predominant with lesser silt and mud; brown, damp, but not wet" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2181 07PB030STL 07PB030 w_16 XGW018 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; soil taken in bog, so entire interval is organic peat; permafrost encountered at 30 cm; we sampled this material (= frozen upper B?) for SSG, SEZ and SSM sample; some gravel present; for SNP we sampled upper peat interval" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS(?) soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2182 07PB031STL 07PB031 w_17 XGW018 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; till immediately below tundra cap; soil is brown, organic, clay-rich material; no real 'B' horizon developed; same sample material used for all samples; very slow and difficult to collect; cobble-supported matrix (up to 25 cm across) with minor soil in between" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2183 07PB033STL 07PB033 w_18 XGW018 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon about 7 cm thick; 'B' is brownish clay to sand, with pebbles 3 cm or smaller; easy digging" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2184 07PB033DSTL 07PB033D w_19 XGW018 site duplicate 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon about 7 cm thick; 'B' is brownish clay to sand, with pebbles 3 cm or smaller; easy digging" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2185 07PB036STL 07PB036 w_20 XGW018 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil TerraSol leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon varies from 10 to 15 cm thick; 'B' horizon is sandy clay with sparse 3 to 5 cm cobbles; hole becomes more clay-rich with depth; tan color to 'B' horizon; soil is saturated and filling with water over time composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2187 07PB037ASTL 07PB037 w_21 XGW018 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; boggy, saturated soil from 40-cm thick organic peat; 'B' horizon below is gray and clay-rich with sparse pebbles (lake sediment?); could not measure 4-10 cm below A but we attempted to get proper interval with shovel" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2188 07PB037BSTL 07PB037 w_22 XGW018 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; boggy, saturated soil from 40-cm thick organic peat; 'B' horizon below is gray and clay-rich with sparse pebbles (lake sediment?); could not measure 4-10 cm below A but we attempted to get proper interval with shovel" composite "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2189 07PB038STL 07PB038 w_23 XGW018 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; 10 cm thick 'A' horizon, followed by 20 cm of 'B' horizon that is dark brown to red brown; sandy, clay-rich, light brown soil for the next 15 cm to bottom of hole; cobbles in hole are polylithic up to 12 cm and are found mostly at the boundary between soil types; very easy to dig; the lighter brown soil is partially frozen" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2190 07PB039STL 07PB039 w_24 XGW018 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 10 cm thick; 'B' is brown, sandy, with abundant clay; there are abundant cobbles of altered granodiorite with pyrite and quartz in upper 25 cm of profile; some cobbles are angular, some are rounded, could be colluvium plus glacial deposits; the interval for SMM had abundant rounded cobbles" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2191 07PB040STL 07PB040 w_25 XGW018 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil TerraSol leach soil fraction; soil contains subangular to rounded cobbles 12 cm across and smaller; mineralized angular cobbles in SMM fraction; collected on 10 degree slope with solifluction lobes composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2192 07PB041STL 07PB041 w_26 XGW018 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 3 cm thick; 'B' is brown and clay-rich with a few cobbles up to ~5 cm across; color gets slighly more orange with depth; abundant mud, very few pebbles; soil very moist-but not saturated" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2193 07PB042STL 07PB042 w_27 XGW018 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; 'A' is 15 cm thick; cobbles are concentrated in the lower 'A' and upper 'B' horozions; at about 10 cm below 'A', the soil changes color from brown to lighter brown; sampled SMM interval is reddish dark brown and partly frozen" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2194 07PB044STL 07PB044 w_28 XGW018 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil TerraSol leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 7-10 cm thick; SMM interval is zoned from light tan at top to red-brown to black at bottom; very few pebbles overall; light tan sandy zone in upper 'B'; black organic-rich? towards bottom of hole; soil damp composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2195 07PB045STL 07PB045 w_29 XGW018 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil TerraSol leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 10 to 15 cm thick; under the 'A' is a very pebble/cobble rich area (frost heave?); in the 'B' just below the SMM zone we encountered a pebble-free tan mud; soil very saturated; little 'clumps' of red clay with pebbles at core (in situ weathering?) composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2196 07PB046STL 07PB046 w_30 XGW018 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil TerraSol leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is an 8 cm thick tundra cap; 'B' is saturated tan clay with pebbles 2-4 cm across; very sticky tan mud composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2198 07PB047STL 07PB047 w_31 XGW018 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; good soil profile; 'A' about 8 cm thick; 'B' is dark brown, sandy silt clay that is relatively organic-rich; 0-30 cm easy digging with few cobbles; at 30 cm depth is a cobble layer (= till?) with cobbles 2-10 cm across; soil barely damp, not sticky" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2199 07PB048STL 07PB048 w_32 XGW018 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; very rocky and hard digging; entire hole is in rounded to subangular rocks up to small boulders; half the cobbles are altered, quartz-rich fragments, locally vuggy, and may contain sulfides; organic 'A' is 10 cm thick; A/B is sandy-silty, dark brown, and very rocky; suspect frost heave pile (most likely) or colluvium or even possibly C horizon" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2200 07PB050STL 07PB050 w_33 XGW018 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; right below tundra cap and down to 30 cm is gravel-like soil that looks like stream sediment; below that is tan sandy clay, but in patches; wet; saturated where clay overlies gravely areas; 4""-6"" below surface; appears to be a fluvial deposit (re-worked till?)" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2201 07PB051STL 07PB051 w_34 XGW018 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; thin organic cap ('A'o) about 3-4 cm thick; then cobbly gravel without many fines to ~30 cm deep; then lighter-colored brown muddy silt to bottom of hole ~40 cm; wet, but not saturated; dominantly polylithic rounded cobbles but also < 5% more angular FeOx-altered felsic igneous rock (locally with square vugs where pyrite weathered out); difficult to sample; seems more fluvial then till-like" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2202 07PB052STL 07PB052 w_35 XGW018 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is 8 cm thick; sandy soil with cobbles 2-10 cm across; color light brown; A/B horizons are poorly developed, polylithic gravel; cobbles in gravel include mafic porphry and an FeOx- and MnOx-stained, sanadine-bearing crystal tuff" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2203 07PB055STL 07PB055 w_36 XGW018 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil TerraSol leach soil fraction; heavy solifluction at site; heaves range from saturated clay to soi-free rock; sample collected from saturated soil rich zone; water fills the hole; cobbles range from 2 cm to 15 cm across and are both rounded and angular; soil is tan to light brown with gray clay streaks composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2204 07PB057STL 07PB057 w_37 XGW018 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil TerraSol leach soil fraction; orgainc 'A' cap is 8-10 cm thick; beneath the soil is a cobble-rich in a matrix of brown clay; light brown cobbles are rounded; damp soil composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2205 07PB057DSTL 07PB057D w_38 XGW018 site duplicate 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil TerraSol leach soil fraction; orgainc 'A' cap is 8-10 cm thick; beneath the soil is a cobble-rich in a matrix of brown clay; light brown cobbles are rounded; damp soil composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2206 07PB058STL 07PB058 w_39 XGW018 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; sample hole cut through small woody shrubs; organic rich dark soil with a few pebbles up to 2 cm across; easy digging once through the root mat; 15 cm below the A-O cap is a dark band; 43 cm below A we hit gravel; for SMM interval, the upper 5 cm is light brown and clay rich (B?), but the remainder is black and organic rich (2nd A?); entire sample hole is organic-rich with roots; one vuggy Fe-stained altered rock noted; concerns: it looks like a repeated A/B/A/C profile" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2207 07PB060STL 07PB060 w_40 XGW018 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; below the 8 cm thick organic 'A' cap is the 'B' horizon that is blotchy tan and dark reddish brown; at 20 cm depth, rounded cobbles up to 15 cm in diameter" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2209 07PB061STL 07PB061 w_41 XGW018 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil TerraSol leach soil fraction; root mat 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is light brown and clay rich soi; SMM interval is fairly consistent with light brown clay and sparse pebbles ranging from 3 to 10 cm across; saturated soil; very thick low shrubby cover composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2210 07PB066STL 07PB066 w_42 XGW018 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil TerraSol leach soil fraction; 5-8 cm organic 'A' vegetation cap; rocky sand till below organic cap; polylithic rounded cobbles; not much variation with depth; very difficult digging; lots of pebbles and rare fines; some pebbles are iron-stained and others are blue green (weak propylithic?) composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2211 07PB067STL 07PB067 w_43 XGW018 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; poor soil profile; immediately after 7 cm-thick 'A' horizon is brown till; polylithic, gravel to cobbles up to 15 cm across; difficult to collect" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2212 07PB069STL 07PB069 w_44 XGW018 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; sandy loam; root mat; about 20 cm thick 'A' horizon; at bottom of hole (40 cm) we hit gravel; reddish brown soil below 'A'; almost no pebbles at all; some roots exposed (from overlying A); dry, well-drained" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2213 07PB071STL 07PB071 w_45 XGW018 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; 'A' is 8 cm thick; then nearly all dark brown silty fines from base of 'A' to about 30 cm depth; at 30 cm soil changes to tan brown and muddy; upper B has a whitish film coating grains that appears to be blotchy, but at a consistent level in the soil; the white film roughly coincides with a gravel layer above it; possible volcanic ash? Or drilling mud?" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2214 07PB073STL 07PB073 w_46 XGW018 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; organic 'A' is about 10 cm thick; at base of organic layer is a 8 cm thick cobble rich zone; in 'B' below cobbles is blotchy, light brown to tan clay-rich soil; wet to saturated" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2215 07PB074STL 07PB074 w_47 XGW018 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 5-8 cm thick; at it's base is a cobble layer; upper 'B' is pebble rich; moderate amount of polylithic, rounded to subangular, cobbles (bluish basalt); most of B consistent dark to medium brown color, sandy/ sandy clay; dry soil" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2216 07PB075STL 07PB075 w_48 XGW018 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is abouth 10 cm thick and dark brown; 'B' is tan mud/silt that gets slightly more orange with depth; sparse cobbles and pebbles; partially frozen in bottom of pit; at bottom of pit, unfrozen soil is saturated; extreme variability in soil pits at this site" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2217 07PB077STL 07PB077 w_49 XGW018 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' is fairly uniform, semi-saturated brown clay with cobbles 2-5 cm across; digging was moderately difficult due to sticky clay" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2218 07PB078STL 07PB078 w_50 XGW018 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 7 cm thick; wet, but not saturated hole; high concentration of small cobbles just below the 'A' (frost heaving?), then silt and small polylithic pebbles to bottom of hole at about 50 cm; consistent brown soil; no obvious lake silt horizon observed" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2220 07PB079STL 07PB079 w_51 XGW018 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil TerraSol leach soil fraction; vegetation cap is about 8 cm thick and 'A' continues to depth of about 13 cm; starting at top of B horizon the soil is saturated; tannish brown clay; at 25 cm depth begins a cobble-rich layer composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2221 07PB080STL 07PB080 w_52 XGW018 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; organic-rich 'A' horizon is 9 cm thick; then brown, fine, rich 'B' horizon with interspersed small polylithic cobbles; moderate slope; hill slope to the E; relatively easy to collect; damp pit" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2222 07PB081ASTL 07PB081 w_53 XGW018 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon with peat is about 25 cm thick; 'B' horizon is moderately moist with rounded pebbles about 2-7 cm across, matrix supported; moderately compact; matrix is clay sand; SSG was fairly organic since the roots penetrated deeply" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2223 07PB081BSTL 07PB081 w_54 XGW018 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon with peat is about 25 cm thick; 'B' horizon is moderately moist with rounded pebbles about 2-7 cm across, matrix supported; moderately compact; matrix is clay sand; SSG was fairly organic since the roots penetrated deeply" composite "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2224 07PB083STL 07PB083 w_55 XGW018 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; vegetation cap is about 8 cm thick; at base of 'A' horizon is a 2.5 cm gray ash (?) layer; generally brown clay to sand with few pebbles; the SMM interval is sandy to gravel (2 to 10 cm cobbles) continuous to bottom of hole; wet, but not saturated; easy digging" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2225 07PB084STL 07PB084 w_56 XGW018 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil TerraSol leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 12 cm thick; 'B' is brown for the first 3 cm; at 5 cm from top of 'B' is a gradual color change from dark brown to orange brown; pebbles are sparse but consistent throughout; dominantly silty and sandy to bottom; no clay (ash?) horizon as found at 07PB083; sample is moist and easy to collect composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2226 07PB085STL 07PB085 w_57 XGW018 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; dark brown, organic-rich soil; thick root ball down to 18 cm depth; very few cobbles; saturated but not oozing; hole bottomed in frozen soil; entire hole is rich in organic material" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2227 07PB086STL 07PB086 w_58 XGW018 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; peaty organic 'A' is about 12 cm thick; then 5 more cm of lower 'A', for a total of 17 cm; 'B' horizon is medium tan caly with rounded to subrounded pebbles to bottom of hole at 55 cm; wet to bottom, icy at bottom; very clay rich with dispersed pebbles" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2228 07PB087STL 07PB087 w_59 XGW018 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil TerraSol leach soil fraction; below the 20 cm thick organic A-o horizon is a 10-15 cm thick layer of angular cobbles (frost heave?); this is followed by gray clay with red iron streaks to bottom of hole; very sticky and saturated composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2229 07PB089ASTL 07PB089 w_60 XGW018 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil TerraSol leach soil fraction; 25 cm thick organic A-o layer; underlaine by layer of cobbles up to 20 cm in diameter (frost heave?); below cobbles is the sticky gray clay; at this site the roots extend on down into the gray clay composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2231 07PB089BSTL 07PB089 w_61 XGW018 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil TerraSol leach soil fraction; 25 cm thick organic A-o layer; underlaine by layer of cobbles up to 20 cm in diameter (frost heave?); below cobbles is the sticky gray clay; at this site the roots extend on down into the gray clay composite "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2232 07PB090STL 07PB090 w_62 XGW018 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is mostly gray clay with angular cobbles from 3-15 cm across; total hole depth is 30 cm; ice at bottom of hole; soupy, saturated soil; root penetrate into clay" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2233 07PB090DSTL 07PB090D w_63 XGW018 site duplicate 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is mostly gray clay with angular cobbles from 3-15 cm across; total hole depth is 30 cm; ice at bottom of hole; soupy, saturated soil; root penetrate into clay" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2234 07PB096ASTL 07PB096 w_64 XGW018 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon down to 50 cm; below 'A' horizon are angular to subrounded cobbles up to 10 cm across; 'A' is dark brown and organic; 'B' is sandy, saturated and greenish gray; stinky hydrogen sulfide smell in the mud; basalt, grenodiorite in cobbles; sample difficult to collect; SEZA & ASTL are from organic horizon" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2235 07PB096BSTL 07PB096 w_65 XGW018 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon down to 50 cm; below 'A' horizon are angular to subrounded cobbles up to 10 cm across; 'A' is dark brown and organic; 'B' is sandy, saturated and greenish gray; stinky hydrogen sulfide smell in the mud; basalt, grenodiorite in cobbles; sample difficult to collect; SEZB & BSTL were collected about 8 cm into 'B' horizon" composite "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2236 07PB097STL 07PB097 w_66 XGW018 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 15 cm thick, dark, organic-rich, and contains a lot of roots; 'B' horizon is a light brown to tan silty soil; wet but not saturated; brown clumps in soil; water seeps into bottom of hole; easy to collect; sticky mud and silt with few pebbles; bottom of hole is dark brown and could be another soil horizon(?)" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2237 07PB099ASTL 07PB099 w_67 XGW018 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; horizon A is root-filled, peaty, smell of H2S upon initial removal of tundra cap; below A is layer of angular cobbles up to 10 cm across; some are very red; muddy silt, brown, mixed with angular cobbles to button of hole ~90 cm deep; no permafrost; in filling water at ~2 l/min; difficult to collect; low gradient" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2238 07PB099BSTL 07PB099 w_68 XGW018 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; horizon A is root-filled, peaty, smell of H2S upon initial removal of tundra cap; below A is layer of angular cobbles up to 10 cm across; some are very red; muddy silt, brown, mixed with angular cobbles to button of hole ~90 cm deep; no permafrost; in filling water at ~2 l/min; difficult to collect; low gradient" composite "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2239 07PB102STL 07PB102 w_69 XGW018 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; below A is 12 cm of mottled brown to tan soil with rounded cobbles; then 10 cm of buff-colored silty clay with very small pebbles; then sandy fluvial (?) cobbles (coarse sand to 5 cm cobbles); SMM layer is in the buff-colored silty clay and overlying mottled later; low to moderate gradient; damp but not wet, well-drained" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2240 07PB103STL 07PB103 w_70 XGW018 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; dark, organic rich soil; 'A' horizon is very organic rich and about 12 cm thick; 'B' os organic rich soil with sparse pebbles (up to 15 cm across); soil damp but not saturated; some concern that this soil sample (SMM) might be basal 'A'" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2242 07PB104STL 07PB104 w_71 XGW018 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; thin tundra cap; organic 'A' horizon is about 10 cm thick; SMM interval was saturated soil with abundant pebbles and cobbles; easy to dig, but hard to sample" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2243 07PB105STL 07PB105 w_72 XGW018 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is aboaut 10 cm thick; below that the soil is organic-rich, dark brown gravel for 5 cm; the next 5 cm of soil has a color change to rusty red brown; SEZ is from the rusty red layer; SSG is from the red-brown layer; SMM contains both, in a cobble-ric layer with sandy fines and minor clay; polylithic rounded cobbles up to 10 cm across; soil is damp" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2244 07PB107STL 07PB107 w_73 XGW018 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; below that is a 10 to 15 cm thick layer of angular cobbles up to 10 cm in diameter (frost heave?); 'B', below the cobble layer, is a light tan clay soupy soil (extremely saturated clay that oozes into the hole); clay contains rounded pebbles up to 8 cm across; SMM and SSG collected from soupy clay material; SEZ is half souply clay and halp damp brown soil from between the angular cobbles" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2245 07PB108STL 07PB108 w_74 XGW018 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; organic 'A' is about 8 cm thick with angular to sub-rounded cobbles; 'B' is sandy, rocky material down to the bottom of hole; damp, not saturated; not much fine material; hard digging; moderate slope" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2246 07PB109STL 07PB109 w_75 XGW018 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fractio; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is a buff-colored, clay-rich soil with scattered rounded polylithic cobbles; cobbles increase with depth; pit is damp, but not saturated; gentle slope here, but variable slopes due to solifluction" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2247 07PB109DSTL 07PB109D w_76 XGW018 site duplicate 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fractio; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is a buff-colored, clay-rich soil with scattered rounded polylithic cobbles; cobbles increase with depth; pit is damp, but not saturated; gentle slope here, but variable slopes due to solifluction" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2248 07PB110STL 07PB110 w_77 XGW018 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil TerraSol leach soil fraction; organic 'A' tundra cap about 8 cm thick; this is followed by a 10 cm thick layer of cobbles (2.5 to 15 cm in diamter; frost heave?) without any fines; below that is a clay rich layer with cobbles to bottom of hole; clay is lighter brown than the organic layer; polylithic rounded cobbles; soil is damp; some small cobbles appear to be altered composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2249 07PB111STL 07PB111 w_78 XGW018 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; 'A' organic horizon is about 5 cm thick; 'B' is tan, clay-rich soil with lesser pebbles and cobbles up to 10 cm across; low gradient (~5%); damp soil" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2250 07PB112STL 07PB112 w_79 XGW018 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil TerraSol leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 5 cm thick; then into dark brown soil that gradual lightens at depth to light brown clay rich mud with pebbles; damp soil; cobbles are generally small up to 5 cm composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2251 07PB114STL 07PB114 w_80 XGW018 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil TerraSol leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; below that are cobbles (frost heave?); then into clay-rich 'B' soil with rounded cobbles to bottom of hole; soil moist; hole easy to dig and collect composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2253 07PB115ASTL 07PB115 w_81 XGW018 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; very deep hole; organic 'A' cap is about 30 cm thick and dark brown; 'B' defined by an abrupt color change to light grayish tan, mud to sand with small gravel; fairly moist; ASEZ fraction is from the dark organic material with pebbles" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2254 07PB115BSTL 07PB115 w_82 XGW018 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fractio; very deep hole; organic 'A' cap is about 30 cm thick and dark brown; 'B' defined by an abrupt color change to light grayish tan, mud to sand with small gravel; fairly moist; BSEZ fraction was collected 38 cm down (about 8 cm into the 'B') and is the muddy grayish-tan soil" composite "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2255 07PB117STL 07PB117 w_83 XGW018 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon tundra cap is about 8 cm thick; immediately below is till with large polylithic cobbles up to 25 cm across, in a muddy matrix; this 'B' horizon is light tan brown; soil damp; hard digging" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2256 07PB118STL 07PB118 w_84 XGW018 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon tundra cap is about 8 cm thick; immediately below is 'B' horizon gravel and clay; local gravel lenses are clay-free while local clay lenses are almost gravel-free; clay varies from gray to rusty red, more rusty them usual" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2257 07PB119STL 07PB119 w_85 XGW018 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil TerraSol leach soil fraction; below the organic 'A' horizon cap are angular cobbles up to 25 cm across (frost heave?); then rare rounded cobbles are found below the angular cobbles; angular cobbles have little clay matrix; the clay content increases with depth; yellow-tan clay; saturated but not oozing; gentle ~5 degree slope composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2258 07PB120ASTL 07PB120 w_86 XGW018 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; organic 'A-o' horizon cap is about 8 cm thick and is followed by 20 cm of dark brown, organic-ricy 'A' soil; dense cobbles just below the organic cap (frost heave?); 'B' horizon is tan-brown and marks an abrupt color change with the 'A' horizon; 'B' has rounded polylithic cobbles; at least one sandy horizon in the SMM interval; damp soil; ASEZ collected in 'A' horizon and BSEZ collected in 'B' horizon" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2259 07PB120BSTL 07PB120 w_87 XGW018 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; organic 'A-o' horizon cap is about 8 cm thick and is followed by 20 cm of dark brown, organic-ricy 'A' soil; dense cobbles just below the organic cap (frost heave?); 'B' horizon is tan-brown and marks an abrupt color change with the 'A' horizon; 'B' has rounded polylithic cobbles; at least one sandy horizon in the SMM interval; damp soil; ASEZ collected in 'A' horizon and BSEZ collected in 'B' horizon" composite "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2260 07PB122STL 07PB122 w_88 XGW018 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil TerraSol leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; brown 'A' contniues to depth of about 10 cm from surface; then a color change at 'B' horizon to lighter brown; 'B' horizon is silty clay with silt > clay; scattered cobbles up to about 6 cm across; damp soil; easy digging; low relieve <5% composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2261 07PB124ASTL 07PB124 w_89 XGW018 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; organic 'A' tundra cap is 12 cm thick, followed by another 12 cm of dark brown 'A'; then into slightly lighter brown 'B', which is sand, silt, and lesser clay; cobbles are concentrated in upper 'A' and there are only sparse pebbles in 'B'; pit is in deep grass; low gradient (~5 degrees); damp; ASEZ collected 10 cm from surface while BSEZ collected 8 cm from top of B horizon" composite "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2262 07PB124BSTL 07PB124 w_90 XGW018 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "TerraSol leach soil fraction; organic 'A' tundra cap is 12 cm thick, followed by another 12 cm of dark brown 'A'; then into slightly lighter brown 'B', which is sand, silt, and lesser clay; cobbles are concentrated in upper 'A' and there are only sparse pebbles in 'B'; pit is in deep grass; low gradient (~5 degrees); damp; ASEZ collected 10 cm from surface while BSEZ collected 8 cm from top of B horizon" composite "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 2325 08PB238TIL 08PB238 4318 1:3 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment till "unsorted till; size varies from pebble to small boulders; abundant clay matrix; polylithic, but dominantly volcanic composition; thin till layer on outcrop; not a thick accumulation here" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/DF 2326 08PB239TIL 08PB239 4318 1:3 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment till unsorted till; clay matrix; polylithic cobbles are gravel size to small boulders; sample is dominantly clay grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/DF 2327 08PB240TIL 08PB240 4318 1:3 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment till "unsorted till; polylithic; volcanics and granite with clay matrix; clay to 3"" diameter cobbles; some cobbles have FeOx-stained fracture-joint surfaces; tundra-covered till" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/DF FeOx-stained fracture-joint surfaces 2328 08PB241TIL 08PB241 4318 1:2 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment till "unsorted till; clay to small boulders; polylithic, but dominantly volcanic" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/DF 2329 08PB242TIL 08PB242 4318 1:2 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment till unsorted till; polylithic; gravel to small cobbles with silt-sized matrix; dominantly volcanic; felsic to mafic grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/DF 2330 08PB243TIL 08PB243 4318 1:2 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment till unsorted till; polylithic; felsic to mafic volcanics dominant; some granitic; some with FeOx staining grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/DF some FeOx staining 2331 08PB244TIL 08PB244 4318 1:2 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment till "unsorted till; polylithic; silt and sand to cobbles up to 3"" across; less clay than previous sites; volcanic rock dominant; minor orange-stained granitic rock; tundra-covered" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/DF minor orange staining 2332 08PB245TIL 08PB245 4318 1:2 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment till "unsorted till; polylithic intermediate volcanic and granitic rock; some FeOx-stained cobbles; sandy-silty fines; cobbles up to 4"" across; some vein quartz in FeOx-stained cobbles" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/DF some FeOx staining 2333 08PB246TIL 08PB246 4318 1:2 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment till unsorted till; clay and silt-rich; pebbles to small boulders; polylithic; mafic to intermediate volcanic rocks predominant; minor granitic cobbles; minor FeOx on scattered cobbles grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/DF minor FeOx staining 2334 08PB247TIL 08PB247 4318 1:2 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment till unsorted till; polylithic; some vein quartz in cobbles; fine to coarse gravel-size with rare small boulders; fines are sandy silt; mafic to intermediate volcanics and granitic cobbles; sparse FeOx staining grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/DF sparse FeOx staining 2335 08PB248TIL 08PB248 4318 1:2 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment till "unsorted till; unsorted, polylithic cobbles; sandy and silty matrix; cobbles are gravel to small cobble size; rare small boulders; mafic to intermediate volcanic rock; fine-grained felsic cobbles; rare FeOx staining on felsic cobbles" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/DF rare FeOx staining 2336 08PB249TIL 08PB249 4318 1:2 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment till unsorted till; generally coarse-grained gravel with small cobbles; rare boulders; sandy and silty matrix; felsic to intermediate to mafic volcanic and granitic cobbles; rare FeOx staining grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/DF rare FeOx staining 2337 08PB250TIL 08PB250 4318 1:2 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment till unsorted till; sandy and silty matrix; gravel to small cobbles; rare boulders and larger glacial erratics; polylithic; mafic to felsic volcanic and granite cobbles; rare FeOx staining grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/DF rare FeOx staining 2338 08PB251TIL 08PB251 4318 1:2 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment till "unsorted till; sandy and silty matrix; gravel to cobbles up to 4"" across; polylithic; mafic to felsic volcanics, less granitics; almost no FeOx-stained cobbles or pebbles" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/DF 2339 08PB252TIL 08PB252 4318 1:2 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment till "unsorted till; sand and silt matrix; gravel to cobbles up to 4"" across; sparse boulders; polylithic; intermediate to felsic volcanics, granite; sparse FeOx staining" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/DF sparse FeOx staining 2340 08PB253TIL 08PB253 4318 1:3 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment till "unsorted till; clay and silty matrix; gravel to cobbles up to 5"" across; rare boulders; polylithic; intermediate to felsic volcanics, less common granitic cobbles" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/DF 2341 08PB269HMC 08PB269 not noted 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 concentrate hmc "heavy mineral concentrate; minor heavies in pan; collected with full 16"" pan" composite active stream alluvium MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK/SS "2% fluor yel zirc xls; sphn; few px (blk) xls; sev cinn grns; tr of wht apat & oxdzd cubic pyr; sev grns of cordier; also pale gn px; andal; brt red rutile; rare transp, lt-colored tour prisms; mstly rndd qtz & lt-clrd silic mnrls w attchd dk mnrls" 2342 08PB270HMC 08PB270 not noted 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 concentrate hmc "heavy mineral concentrate; minor heavies (magnetite); at least 1 fleck of visible gold in pan, observed by vanning; collected with full 16"" pan" composite active stream alluvium MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK/SS "magnetite, at least 1 fleck visible gold" no ore-related mnrls obsrvd; mstly rndd qtz & lt-clrd silic mnrls w attchd dk mnrls; num ang-w rndd rock-like frags; few grns epid 2343 08PB271HMC 08PB271 not noted 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 concentrate hmc "heavy mineral concentrate; low heavy minerals (dark, dominantly magnetite); collected with full 16"" pan" composite active stream alluvium MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK/SS magnetite 5% fluor yel zirc; tr oxdzd cubic pyr; fresh blue tarnish pyr; poss thin Fe-rich dirty cinn on rock grns(?); also solid red cinn; mstly rndd qtz & lt-clrd silic mnrls w attchd dk mnrls; num ang-w rndd rock-like frags; few grns epid 2344 08PB272HMC 08PB272 not noted 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 concentrate hmc "heavy mineral concentrate; moderate heavies (black sand; magnetite); at least 1 fleck of megascopic gold; collected with full 16"" pan" composite active stream alluvium MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK/SS "magnetite, at least 1 fleck visible gold" 1% fluor yel zirc; 1 grn gold; mstly rndd qtz & lt-clrd silic mnrls w attchd dk mnrls; num ang-w rndd rock-like frags; few grns epid 2345 08PB273HMC 08PB273 not noted 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 concentrate hmc "heavy mineral concentrate; difiicult site to pan due to depth and swiftness; moderate amount of dark heavies (magnetite); collected with full 16"" pan" composite active stream alluvium MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK/SS magnetite 1% fluor yel zirc; sprs yel monaz; gold; cinn; mstly rndd qtz & lt-clrd silic mnrls w attchd dk mnrls; num ang-w rndd rock-like frags; few grns epid 2346 08PB274HMC 08PB274 not noted 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 concentrate hmc "heavy mineral concentrate; collected from overbank gravel; moderate content of dark heavies (magnetite); tiny Au flecks in pan; collected with full 16"" pan" composite active stream alluvium MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK/SS "magnetite, tiny flecks of visible gold" 1% fluor yel zirc; oxdzd pyr; sme sill; yel monaz; mstly rndd qtz & lt-clrd silic mnrls w attchd dk mnrls; num ang-w rndd rock-like frags; few grns epid 2347 08PB276HMC 08PB276 not noted 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 concentrate hmc "heavy mineral concentrate; sparse heavies (magnetite); no gold observed; collected with full 16"" pan" composite active stream alluvium MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK/SS magnetite 0.5% fluor yel zirc; oxdzd pyr; sme sill; yel monaz; mstly rndd qtz & lt-clrd silic mnrls w attchd dk mnrls; num ang-w rndd rock-like frags; few grns epid 2348 08PB277HMC 08PB277 not noted 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 concentrate hmc "heavy mineral concentrate; minor heavies in sample; magnetite; visible gold noted; collected with full 16"" pan" composite active stream alluvium MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK/SS "magnetite, tiny flecks of visible gold" 10% fluor zirc; v tiny gold; mstly rndd qtz & lt-clrd silic mnrls w attchd dk mnrls; num ang-w rndd rock-like frags; few grns epid 2349 08PB278DHMC 08PB278D site duplicate not noted 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 concentrate hmc "site duplicate of 08PB278; heavy mineral concentrate; sparse heavies (black sand; magnetite); no gold noted in second pan; collected with full 16"" pan" composite active stream alluvium MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK/SS magnetite no scheel; 1 % fluor zirc; mst grns hvly Fe-stnd; mstly rndd qtz & lt-clrd silic mnrls w attchd dk mnrls; num ang-w rndd rock-like frags; few grns epid 2350 08PB278HMC 08PB278 not noted 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 concentrate hmc "heavy mineral concentrate; sparse heavies (black sand; magnetite); two tiny flecks of gold observed; collected with full 16"" pan" composite active stream alluvium MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK/SS "magnetite, at least 2 flecks visible gold" 1% fluor zirc; 3 grns scheel; mst grns hvly Fe-stnd (ferricrete nearby?); 1 grn gold; mstly rndd qtz & lt-clrd silic mnrls w attchd dk mnrls; num ang-w rndd rock-like frags; few grns epid 2351 08PB279HMC 08PB279 not noted 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 concentrate hmc "heavy mineral concentrate; moderate heavies; magnetite; 2 flakes of gold seen in pan; collected with full 16"" pan" composite active stream alluvium MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK/SS "magnetite, at least 2 flecks visible gold" 0.5% fluor zirc; sme sill; gold(1) v tiny; mstly rndd qtz & lt-clrd silic mnrls w attchd dk mnrls; num ang-w rndd rock-like frags; few grns epid 2352 08PB289HMC 08PB289 not noted 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 concentrate hmc "heavy mineral concentrate; sparse heavies (magnetite) noted in pan; no gold flakes noted; collected with full 16"" pan" composite active stream alluvium MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK/SS magnetite v silty spl; mst grns covered w clay; 1 % fluor zirc; mstly rndd qtz & lt-clrd silic mnrls w attchd dk mnrls; num ang-w rndd rock-like frags; few grns epid 2353 08PB179R 08PB179 C340615 MRP10894 not noted 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 rock "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of rock" "orange-stained rubble crop at 'discovery' outcrop; FeOx on fractures; argillically altered, local quartz-druse-lined vugs, locally brecciated; locally cut by thin gray quartz veinlets; looks epithermal/hydrothermal/shallow" composite rubble crop GX and possible dating grind to -100 mesh BE 2354 08PB180R 08PB180 C340618 MRP10894 not noted 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 rock "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of rock" greenish-orange drill cutting mud collected downslope of drillsite composite drill cuttings GX grind to -100 mesh BE drill cuttings from just below drillsite DH4232 2355 08PB262R 08PB262 C340610 MRP10894 not noted 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 rock "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of rock" "silica-rich; vein and brecciate fine-grained sedimentary, probably Jurassic/Cretaceous; angular, FeOx-stained rubble crop" composite rubble crop HS grind to -100 mesh BE/KK/SS 2356 08PB130PDS 08PB130 C316616 MRP09211 8:25 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; very fine-grained, lumpy sediment; orange-brown color likely from FeOx, peaty; vegetation in and adjacent to pond has slight orange staining; quantity of mineral sediment is uncertain because of high organic content; substrate dominantly granitic cobbles, staining on substrate FeOx stained cobbles (orange)" high composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS/DF/BE/BM 2357 08PB131DPDS 08PB131D C316732 MRP09215 site duplicate 5:30 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "sample site duplicate of 08PB131; pond sediment; silty brown sediment with moderate organic debris; collected from fines pockets interspersed with cobbly frost heaves; streaks of orange and black sediment; cobbles up to 6 in across; substrate not noted, staining on substrate not noted" moderate composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS/DF 2358 08PB131PDS 08PB131 C316617 MRP09211 3:20 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; silty brown sediment with moderate organic debris; collected from fines pockets interspersed with cobbly frost heaves; streaks of orange and black sediment; cobbles up to 6 in across; substrate not noted, staining on substrate not noted" moderate composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/BM 2359 08PB132PDS 08PB132 C316618 MRP09211 4:25 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; brown, silty, pebble-rich, and organic-rich; granitic pebbles in sediment; substrate granitic pebbles common, staining on substrate not noted" moderate composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/BM 2360 08PB133PDS 08PB133 C316619 MRP09211 6:35 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; deep pond; sediment scraped from bottom slope; abundant mineral sediment; organics low to moderate; gravel up to 1 in across; substrate not noted, staining on substrate not noted" moderate composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS/DF 2361 08PB134PDS 08PB134 C316620 MRP09211 10:25 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; sediment is coarse and hard to collect; gravel is angular from frost shattering; surface of rocks and sediment is slightly stained brown-orange; rocks below surface are not stained; substrate not noted, staining on substrate unidentified brown-orange staining" moderate composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS/DF/BE/BM 2362 08PB135PDS 08PB135 C316621 MRP09211 5:20 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; coarse gravel & silt, minor clay content, chocolate brown; substrate minor cobbles up to a few cm across, staining on substrate FeOx & MnOx on cobbles along shore adjacent to sample site" minor composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/SS/BE/BM 2363 08PB136PDS 08PB136 C316622 MRP09211 4:30 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; tan moderate to high organic content, sediment has a lot of roots/organic material; substrate cobbles & gravel, staining on substrate almost none" high composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/BM/SS/DF 2364 08PB137PDS 08PB137 C316623 MRP09211 4:20 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; almost no fine mineral sediment; everything coated with a brown algae; areas that appear to be sandy are actually covered with continuous mats of algae; one location found with highly organic black sediment; substrate very rocky bottom, staining on substrate not noted" high composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS/DF 2365 08PB138PDS 08PB138 C316624 MRP09211 4:25 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; fine silt & sand mixed with angular cobbles; gray sediment; substrate cobbles, largely volcanic rock, staining on substrate not observed" low composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/RS 2366 08PB139PDS 08PB139 C316625 MRP09211 5:30 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; fine yellow tan silty mud; substrate frost heaves of large angular cobbles in lake and along shore, staining on substrate not noted" not noted composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/SS 2367 08PB140PDS 08PB140 C316626 MRP09211 4:20 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; fines are silt to sand, gray; substrate dominantly underlain by coarse cobbles, largely volcanic and lesser granitic cobbles, staining on substrate minor FeOx and MnOx, but most cobbles have MnOx staining" moderate composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/RS 2368 08PB141PDS 08PB141 C316627 MRP09211 10:12 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; abundant silt and high organic content, brown silt; substrate volumetrically minor angular volcanic cobbles, staining on substrate not observed" high composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/SS/BE/RS 2369 08PB142PDS 08PB142 C316628 MRP09211 1:4 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; grab sample from single point due to cobbles and pond depth; silt trapped by root mats; silt and gravel; silt is brown-orange; substrate dominantly volcanic cobbles, staining on substrate possible FeOx" high composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/RS 2370 08PB143PDS 08PB143 C316629 MRP09211 5:30 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; layer of fine gravel covers sediment surface; below that is fine but fairly firm silty sediment; all the sediment is a reddish tan color; substrate small gravel on surface of pond, staining on substrate reddish tan color" not noted composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/SS 2371 08PB144PDS 08PB144 C316630 MRP09211 4:30 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; silty; sediment is tan to brown and mostly mineral sediment; substrate shattered gravel-cobble frost heaves with silty sediment beneath, staining on substrate not noted" low composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/RS 2372 08PB145PDS 08PB145 C316631 MRP09211 2:4 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; medium-dark brown, abundant organics; dominantly silt, lesser sand; substrate minor pebbles and fractured cobbles, staining on substrate MnOx staining on cobbles rimming pond" high composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/SS/RS/BE 2373 08PB146PDS 08PB146 C316632 MRP09211 1:4 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; silt to sand within and below coarse cobbles; fines somewhat difficult to collect; dominantly coarse gravels; substrate dominantly volcanic cobbles, staining on substrate not observed" minor composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/RS 2374 08PB147PDS 08PB147 C316633 MRP09211 5:25 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; dark brown to brown-green; fetid organic smell; found organic-rich sediment on cove at S end; very highly organic; substrate rocky bottom with scarce sediment, tan to brown algae covers rocks in deeper part of pond, staining on substrate not noted" high composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/SS 2376 08PB149PDS 08PB149 C316635 MRP09211 2:20 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; high organic content, root-bound, dark brown silty sediment; reeds and grass bind the sediment such that it was hard to collect; substrate not noted, staining on substrate not noted" high composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/SS 2377 08PB150PDS 08PB150 C316636 MRP09211 1:4 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; grab from one silt/clay-rich point within the dominantly cobble-rich pond bottom; dark gray to brown clay/silt with coarse angular volcanic cobbles; substrate coarse, angular volcanic cobbles, staining on substrate not observed" moderate to high composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/CC 2378 08PB151PDS 08PB151 C316637 MRP09211 3:20 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; dark brown and approaches peat in character; substrate rocky bottom covered with brown to tan algae, staining on substrate not noted" high composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/SS 2379 08PB152PDS 08PB152 C316638 MRP09211 1:4 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; abundant silt, earthy brown; substrate cobbles are angular volcanic rock, staining on substrate not observed" low composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/CC 2380 08PB153PDS 08PB153 C316639 MRP09211 not noted 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; fine brownish-orange sediment with occasional cobbles; substrate not noted, staining on substrate not noted" not noted composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/SS 2381 08PB155PDS 08PB155 C316640 MRP09211 4:30 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; very peaty sediment, almost no mineral soil; medium brown color; substrate not noted, staining on substrate not noted" high composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/SS 2382 08PB156PDS 08PB156 C316641 MRP09211 1:4 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; gray silt in gravel-rich matrix; substrate cobbles all grayish volcanic and lesser granite composition, staining on substrate some FeOx and maybe MnOx staining" moderate composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/CC 2383 08PB157PDS 08PB157 C316642 MRP09211 5:60 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; peaty; no mineral soil observed; dark brown with a slight orange tint; substrate not noted, staining on substrate not noted" high composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/SS 2384 08PB159PDS 08PB159 C316643 MRP09211 8:40 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; gravelly till with patches of organic muck; lots of mineral soil; had to use 10-mesh stainless steel screen to remove coarser pebbles from sample; substrate gravelly till bottom, staining on substrate not noted" low composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS/DF 2385 08PB160PDS 08PB160 C316644 MRP09211 4:16 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; gray gravel and silt within root mats; substrate gray volcanic and sedimentary pebbles, staining on substrate not observed" moderate composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/CC 2386 08PB161PDS 08PB161 C316645 MRP09211 4:40 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; gravelly till; substrate gravelly till bottom, staining on substrate not observed" not noted composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/SS 2387 08PB162PDS 08PB162 C316703 MRP09215 3:12 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; brown-gray silt and gravel with moderate organics; substrate gravel is gray to volcanics and sedimentary clasts, trace felsic volcanics, staining on substrate not observed" moderate composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/CC 2388 08PB163DPDS 08PB163D C316733 MRP09215 site duplicate 5:120 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "sample duplicate of 08PB163; pond sediment; mixed sand and gravel; substrate mixed sand and gravel bottom lightly covered with algae, rock ranges from pebble to 3 in diameter, staining on substrate not observed" not noted composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/SS 2389 08PB163PDS 08PB163 C316704 MRP09215 5:120 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; mixed sand and gravel; substrate mixed sand and gravel bottom lightly covered with algae, rock ranges from pebble to 3 in diameter, staining on substrate not observed" not noted composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/SS 2390 08PB164PDS 08PB164 C316705 MRP09215 8:25 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; brown mud and silt interspersed among cobbles and boulders; substrate dominantly granite, volcanic and lesser sedimentary cobbles, staining on substrate MnOx on cobbles rimming pond, no FeOx" low composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/MR 2392 08PB166PDS 08PB166 C316706 MRP09215 8:25 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; abundant clay and silt; easy to collect; substrate dominantly volcanic and lesser granite and sedimentary rocks, staining on substrate MnOx on exposed cobbles rimming pond" moderate composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/MR 2393 08PB168PDS 08PB168 C316708 MRP09215 5:20 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; gray, fine, organic-rich silt; substrate dominantly volcanic and lesser granite and sedimentary rocks, staining on substrate not observed" high composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/MR 2394 08PB169PDS 08PB169 C316709 MRP09215 10:20 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; collected near breached beaver dam; may be equivalent to sediments at mid-pond; sediment was gray and clay-rich with small pebbles and gravel; some of the more organic material (brown) not affected by the flow out of the lake was also collected; substrate not noted, staining on substrate not noted" moderate composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/SS 2395 08PB170PDS 08PB170 C316710 MRP09215 3:10 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; gray silt, organic rich, also some mud; substrate dominantly felsic volcanic and granitic clasts, staining on substrate not observed" high composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/MR 2396 08PB171PDS 08PB171 C316711 MRP09215 8:50 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; reedy pond has 1-3 in of organic-rich sediment with mineral sediment below; organic-rich sediment mixed with mineral sediment composed of medium sand to gravel; substrate medium sand to gravel, staining on substrate not noted" moderate composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/SS 2397 08PB172PDS 08PB172 C316712 MRP09215 5:20 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; gray silt; substrate pebbles, of felsic and mafic volcanic origin,1 piece of opaline quartz (from Tertiary basalt vesicle?), staining on substrate not observed" high composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/MR 2398 08PB173PDS 08PB173 C316713 MRP09215 18:40 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; sandy sediment with some layers of organic-rich, dark brown; screened out gravel and pebbles with 10-mesh stainless steel screen; substrate not noted, staining on substrate very minor MnOx (?) staining on some pebbles, most have none" not noted composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS/DF 2399 08PB174PDS 08PB174 C316714 MRP09215 2:8 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; gray silt and mud; black mud with strong smell and high organic content; difficult to collect; substrate dominantly volcanic and granitic clasts and boulders, staining on substrate not observed" high composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/MR 2400 08PB175PDS 08PB175 C316715 MRP09215 4:20 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; high black organic content; strong-smelling black muck; difficult to collect; minor gray silty sediment; substrate volumetrically minor angular cobbles are predominantly intermediate to felsic volcanic composition, staining on substrate not observed" high composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/SS/BE/MR 2401 08PB176PDS 08PB176 C316716 MRP09215 20:40 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; gravelly sediment with brown silt; substrate brown silt, staining on substrate not observed" low composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/LK 2402 08PB177PDS 08PB177 C316717 MRP09215 20:40 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; dark gray silt; substrate gravel and cobbles, granitic cobbles common, staining on substrate MnOx on near-shore cobbles, no FeOx staining" moderate composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/LK 2404 08PB181PDS 08PB181 C316719 MRP09215 10:30 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; chocolate brown muddy silty sediment; substrate not noted, staining on substrate not observed" minor composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/LK 2405 08PB182PDS 08PB182 C316720 MRP09215 4:20 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; chocolate brown; easy to collect; substrate not noted, staining on substrate not observed" low composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/LK 2406 08PB183PDS 08PB183 C316721 MRP09215 15:30 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; medium gray and tan find sand; almost no pebbles; substrate not noted, staining on substrate not observed" moderate composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/LK 2407 08PB184PDS 08PB184 C316722 MRP09215 not noted 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; medium to fine tan sand; collected in alder/grass root mats; substrate not noted, staining on substrate not observed" high composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/LK 2408 08PB185PDS 08PB185 C316723 MRP09215 8:20 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; 100% organic debris; brown; collected on floating muskeg; substrate no pebbles or cobbles, all organic, staining on substrate not observed" high composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF 2409 08PB186PDS 08PB186 C316724 MRP09215 not noted 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; almost all dark brown organic debris; substrate rare pebbles are granitic and volcanic composition, staining on substrate not observed" high composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF 2410 08PB187PDS 08PB187 C316725 MRP09215 8:20 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; dominantly dark brown debris with minor fine gray entrained sandy sediment; substrate no cobbles, staining on substrate not observed" high composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF 2411 08PB188PDS 08PB188 C316726 MRP09215 10:20 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; abundant sand to silt from gravel; substrate cobbles are volcanic (mafic to felsic), staining on substrate MnOx on cobbles rimming pond, some felsic cobbles are slightly FeOx-stained" low composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF 2412 08PB189PDS 08PB189 C316727 MRP09215 not noted 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; brown organic pond muck; almost all organic; no sediment; substrate no pebbles or cobbles, staining on substrate not observed" high composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF 2413 08PB190DPDS 08PB190D C316734 MRP09215 site duplicate 10:30 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "sample duplicate of 08PB190; pond sediment; abundant sand and silt, tan to gray from gravelly area; substrate dominantly intermediate to felsic volcanic cobbles and boulders, minor granitic rock, good sediment development, staining on substrate not observed" low composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF 2414 08PB190PDS 08PB190 C316728 MRP09215 10:30 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; abundant sand and silt, tan to gray from gravelly area; substrate dominantly intermediate to felsic volcanic cobbles and boulders, minor granitic rock, good sediment development, staining on substrate not observed" low composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF 2415 08PB254PDS 08PB254 C316729 MRP09215 6:30 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; fines from pockets among boulders; brown, some with orange (FeOx?) tinge; low organic content; substrate not noted, staining on substrate some orange tinge" low composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 2417 08PB255PDS 08PB255 C316730 MRP09215 5:50 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; abundant orange-brown fine sediment; substrate not noted, staining on substrate FeOx stained cobbles (orange)" low composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 2419 08PB256PDS 08PB256 C316731 MRP09215 5:30 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; silty, sandy; thick accumulations; substrate not noted, staining on substrate FeOx stained cobbles (orange)" low composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 2420 08PB269STS 08PB269 C320139 MRP09491 not noted 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of stream sediment" "stream sediment; collected on gravel bar; sieved on site with 10-mesh stainless steel screen; substrate alluvial cobbles are felsic and porphyritic volcanic, green intermediate volcanic, and dark metasedimentary rock, staining on substrate MnOx staining" low; brown algae on cobbles composite active stream alluvium GX sieved on-site to minus-10 mesh (2mm) with stainless steel screen; air dried "sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2421 08PB270STS 08PB270 C320140 MRP09491 not noted 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of stream sediment" "stream sediment; sandy pebble-rich bottom with occasional Fe-stained gravel; sparse cobbles; sieved on site with 10-mesh stainless steel screen; substrate not noted, staining on substrate many pebbles have MnOx staining, occasional Fe-stained gravel" low composite active stream alluvium GX sieved on-site to minus-10 mesh (2mm) with stainless steel screen; air dried "sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2422 08PB271STS 08PB271 C320141 MRP09491 not noted 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of stream sediment" "stream sediment; composite collected from along gravel bar; sieved on site with 10-mesh stainless steel screen; substrate alluvium has about 25% FeOx-stained (tan-orange) rhyolite porphyry with quartz phenocrysts, 25% darker intermediate volcanics, about 50% dark gray fine-grained sedimentary rocks, rhyolite porphyry is noticeably vuggy, staining on substrate MnOx-stained pebbles and cobbles, lesser FeOx" low composite active stream alluvium GX sieved on-site to minus-10 mesh (2mm) with stainless steel screen; air dried "sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2423 08PB272STS 08PB272 C320142 MRP09491 not noted 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of stream sediment" "stream sediment; composited from along gravel bar; much sandier material than that of previous sites; sieved on site with 10-mesh stainless steel screen; substrate felsic volcanic porphyry and intermediate volcanics plus green fine-grained hornfels, staining on substrate MnOx staining, lesser FeOx staining" minor composite active stream alluvium GX sieved on-site to minus-10 mesh (2mm) with stainless steel screen; air dried "sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2424 08PB273STS 08PB273 C320143 MRP09491 not noted 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of stream sediment" "stream sediment; about 2-3' deep, swift, about 35' across; composite collected with sediment scoop along gravel bar next to shore; dominantly sand and pebbles; sieved on site with 10-mesh stainless steel screen; substrate can't tell lithologies with depth and swiftness of water, staining on substrate not noted" low composite active stream alluvium GX sieved on-site to minus-10 mesh (2mm) with stainless steel screen; air dried "sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2425 08PB274STS 08PB274 C320144 MRP09491 not noted 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of stream sediment" "stream sediment; high gradient, about 4' across, 2-5"" deep; composite over a 10 square foot area in overbank gravel; few fines; collected with difficulty; sieved on site with 10-mesh stainless steel screen; substrate angular cobbles of felsic and intermediate volcanic rocks, staining on substrate FeOx on felsic cobbles" low composite active stream alluvium GX sieved on-site to minus-10 mesh (2mm) with stainless steel screen; air dried "sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2426 08PB275STS 08PB275 C320145 MRP09491 not noted 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of stream sediment" "stream sediment; very organic rich fine black mud; collected with sediment scoop in deep water; no pebbles or cobbles; unable to get concentrate sample; all fine mud; substrate not noted, staining on substrate not noted" high composite active stream alluvium GX sieved on-site to minus-10 mesh (2mm) with stainless steel screen; air dried "sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2427 08PB276STS 08PB276 C320146 MRP09491 not noted 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of stream sediment" "stream sediment; scattered pebbles up to about 1"" across; did not sieve at 10 mesh; sediment has dark reddish-brown cast; substrate not noted, staining on substrate not observed" moderate to high composite active stream alluvium GX sieved on-site to minus-10 mesh (2mm) with stainless steel screen; air dried "sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2428 08PB277STS 08PB277 C320147 MRP09491 not noted 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of stream sediment" "stream sediment; layer of cobbles at surface underlain by finer gravel; dark gray pebbles; sieved on site with 10-mesh stainless steel screen; substrate rocks too dark to determine lithologies, staining on substrate not observed" low composite active stream alluvium GX sieved on-site to minus-10 mesh (2mm) with stainless steel screen; air dried "sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2429 08PB278DSTS 08PB278D C320149 MRP09491 site duplicate not noted 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of stream sediment" "sample site duplicate of 08PB278; stream sediment; very pebble-rich, mixed with coarse sand and silt; reddish-yellow finer sediment; sieved on site with 10-mesh stainless steel screen; substrate gravel to small cobbles, staining on substrate about 50% stained black with MnOx, others stained with FeOx" very low composite active stream alluvium GX sieved on-site to minus-10 mesh (2mm) with stainless steel screen; air dried "sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2430 08PB278STS 08PB278 C320148 MRP09491 not noted 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of stream sediment" "stream sediment; very pebble-rich, mixed with coarse sand and silt; reddish-yellow finer sediment; sieved on site with 10-mesh stainless steel screen; substrate gravel to small cobbles, staining on substrate about 50% stained black with MnOx, others stained with FeOx" very low composite active stream alluvium GX sieved on-site to minus-10 mesh (2mm) with stainless steel screen; air dried "sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2431 08PB279STS 08PB279 C320150 MRP09491 not noted 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of stream sediment" "stream sediment; composite over 10' reach; pebbles include rhyolite porphyry; lot of greenish mafic-looking igneous rock; sieved on site with 10-mesh stainless steel screen; substrate rhyolite porphyry, greenish mafic-looking igneous rock, staining on substrate not noted" low composite active stream alluvium GX sieved on-site to minus-10 mesh (2mm) with stainless steel screen; air dried "sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2432 08PB289STS 08PB289 C320151 MRP09491 not noted 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of stream sediment" "stream sediment; delta deposit where stream enters breached beaver pond; sieved on site with 10-mesh stainless steel screen; substrate 80% metasediments, 20% granodiorite/volcanic, metasediments are sub-angular while igneous rocks are rounded, staining on substrate minor FeOx" low composite active stream alluvium GX sieved on-site to minus-10 mesh (2mm) with stainless steel screen; air dried "sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2433 08PB192DSCH 08PB192D RE08161293 site duplicate 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; sample site duplicate of 08PB192; 10"" vegetation cap; very wet green clay with oozy consistency; hole will not stay open due to clay; angular cobbles <4"" mixed in clay; orange streaks in clay; collected SEZA at 6"" in organic peat; collected SEZB just below B horizon; SMM composited from clay oozing into the hole" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/LK 2434 08PB192DSEZA 08PB192D w2_56 BHX001 site duplicate 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for enzyme leach; sample site duplicate of 08PB192; 10"" vegetation cap; very wet green clay with oozy consistency; hole will not stay open due to clay; angular cobbles <4"" mixed in clay; orange streaks in clay; collected SEZA at 6"" in organic peat; collected SEZB just below B horizon; SMM composited from clay oozing into the hole" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 2435 08PB192DSEZB 08PB192D w1_43 BHX001 site duplicate 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; sample site duplicate of 08PB192; 10"" vegetation cap; very wet green clay with oozy consistency; hole will not stay open due to clay; angular cobbles <4"" mixed in clay; orange streaks in clay; collected SEZA at 6"" in organic peat; collected SEZB just below B horizon; SMM composited from clay oozing into the hole" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 2437 08PB192DSTO 08PB192D C316695 MRP09213 site duplicate 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; sample site duplicate of 08PB192; 10"" vegetation cap; very wet green clay with oozy consistency; hole will not stay open due to clay; angular cobbles <4"" mixed in clay; orange streaks in clay; collected SEZA at 6"" in organic peat; collected SEZB just below B horizon; SMM composited from clay oozing into the hole" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS/LK 2438 08PB192SCH 08PB192 RE08161293 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; 10"" vegetation cap; very wet green clay with oozy consistency; hole will not stay open due to clay; angular cobbles <4"" mixed in clay; orange streaks in clay; collected SEZA at 6"" in organic peat; collected SEZB just below B horizon; SMM composited from clay oozing into the hole" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/LK 2439 08PB192SEZA 08PB192 w2_49 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for enzyme leach; 10"" vegetation cap; very wet green clay with oozy consistency; hole will not stay open due to clay; angular cobbles <4"" mixed in clay; orange streaks in clay; collected SEZA at 6"" in organic peat; collected SEZB just below B horizon; SMM composited from clay oozing into the hole" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 2440 08PB192SEZB 08PB192 w2_48 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 10"" vegetation cap; very wet green clay with oozy consistency; hole will not stay open due to clay; angular cobbles <4"" mixed in clay; orange streaks in clay; collected SEZA at 6"" in organic peat; collected SEZB just below B horizon; SMM composited from clay oozing into the hole" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 2442 08PB192STO 08PB192 C316650 MRP09213 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 10"" vegetation cap; very wet green clay with oozy consistency; hole will not stay open due to clay; angular cobbles <4"" mixed in clay; orange streaks in clay; collected SEZA at 6"" in organic peat; collected SEZB just below B horizon; SMM composited from clay oozing into the hole" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS/LK 2443 08PB193SCH 08PB193 RE08161293 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; very wet boggy area; hard to find site with soil below peat; moved site about 60' W of line; peat layer 14"" thick; soil below peat is brown to gray black, silty to sandy with small gravel; water fills hole faster than we can bail it" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/LK 2444 08PB193SEZA 08PB193 w1_24 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for enzyme leach; very wet boggy area; hard to find site with soil below peat; moved site about 60' W of line; peat layer 14"" thick; soil below peat is brown to gray black, silty to sandy with small gravel; water fills hole faster than we can bail it" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 2445 08PB193SEZB 08PB193 w1_14 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; very wet boggy area; hard to find site with soil below peat; moved site about 60' W of line; peat layer 14"" thick; soil below peat is brown to gray black, silty to sandy with small gravel; water fills hole faster than we can bail it" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 2447 08PB193STO 08PB193 C316651 MRP09213 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; very wet boggy area; hard to find site with soil below peat; moved site about 60' W of line; peat layer 14"" thick; soil below peat is brown to gray black, silty to sandy with small gravel; water fills hole faster than we can bail it" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS/LK 2448 08PB194SCH 08PB194 RE08161293 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; at 20"", still in peat; 10"" dark black peat on top; woody roots; below 10"", peat turns light orange; collected SEZA at 6""; SEZB at 15""; SMM below 15"" (will be very organic-rich); almost no mineral soil noted; SMM lighter brown peat from below 15""; caution: high organic content in SMM" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/LK 2449 08PB194SEZA 08PB194 w1_19 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for enzyme leach; at 20"", still in peat; 10"" dark black peat on top; woody roots; below 10"", peat turns light orange; collected SEZA at 6""; SEZB at 15""; SMM below 15"" (will be very organic-rich); almost no mineral soil noted; SMM lighter brown peat from below 15""; caution: high organic content in SMM" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 2450 08PB194SEZB 08PB194 w1_31 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; at 20"", still in peat; 10"" dark black peat on top; woody roots; below 10"", peat turns light orange; collected SEZA at 6""; SEZB at 15""; SMM below 15"" (will be very organic-rich); almost no mineral soil noted; SMM lighter brown peat from below 15""; caution: high organic content in SMM" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 2452 08PB194STO 08PB194 C316652 MRP09213 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; at 20"", still in peat; 10"" dark black peat on top; woody roots; below 10"", peat turns light orange; collected SEZA at 6""; SEZB at 15""; SMM below 15"" (will be very organic-rich); almost no mineral soil noted; SMM lighter brown peat from below 15""; caution: high organic content in SMM" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS/LK 2453 08PB195SCH 08PB195 RE08161293 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; dug 24"" deep hole; still in peat; collected SEZA at 6""; collected SEZB at 15""; collected SMM below 15""; dark brown peat all the way down; caution: high organic content in SMM" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/LK 2454 08PB195SEZA 08PB195 w1_36 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for enzyme leach; dug 24"" deep hole; still in peat; collected SEZA at 6""; collected SEZB at 15""; collected SMM below 15""; dark brown peat all the way down; caution: high organic content in SMM" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 2455 08PB195SEZB 08PB195 w1_10 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; dug 24"" deep hole; still in peat; collected SEZA at 6""; collected SEZB at 15""; collected SMM below 15""; dark brown peat all the way down; caution: high organic content in SMM" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 2457 08PB195STO 08PB195 C316653 MRP09213 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; dug 24"" deep hole; still in peat; collected SEZA at 6""; collected SEZB at 15""; collected SMM below 15""; dark brown peat all the way down; caution: high organic content in SMM" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS/LK 2458 08PB196SCH 08PB196 RE08161293 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 3"" of dark black peat at top; brown peat further down; still in peat at 24""; hole wet and slowly filling with water; SEZA at 6""; SEZB at 15""; SMM at 15"" and below; peat all the way down to bottom (24""); caution: high organic content in SMM" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/LK 2459 08PB196SEZA 08PB196 w2_64 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for enzyme leach; 3"" of dark black peat at top; brown peat further down; still in peat at 24""; hole wet and slowly filling with water; SEZA at 6""; SEZB at 15""; SMM at 15"" and below; peat all the way down to bottom (24""); caution: high organic content in SMM" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 2460 08PB196SEZB 08PB196 w1_39 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 3"" of dark black peat at top; brown peat further down; still in peat at 24""; hole wet and slowly filling with water; SEZA at 6""; SEZB at 15""; SMM at 15"" and below; peat all the way down to bottom (24""); caution: high organic content in SMM" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 2462 08PB196STO 08PB196 C316654 MRP09213 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 3"" of dark black peat at top; brown peat further down; still in peat at 24""; hole wet and slowly filling with water; SEZA at 6""; SEZB at 15""; SMM at 15"" and below; peat all the way down to bottom (24""); caution: high organic content in SMM" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS/LK 2464 08PB197SCH 08PB197 RE08161293 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; collected SEZ at 6"" deep and top of mineral soil; small-sized gravel noted near top of mineral soil; collected SMM from 10-15"" deep; soil is dark brown to black silty mineral; block of ice found on one side of hole at about 6""" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/LK 2465 08PB197SEZ 08PB197 w1_41 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; collected SEZ at 6"" deep and top of mineral soil; small-sized gravel noted near top of mineral soil; collected SMM from 10-15"" deep; soil is dark brown to black silty mineral; block of ice found on one side of hole at about 6""" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 2467 08PB197STO 08PB197 C316655 MRP09213 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; collected SEZ at 6"" deep and top of mineral soil; small-sized gravel noted near top of mineral soil; collected SMM from 10-15"" deep; soil is dark brown to black silty mineral; block of ice found on one side of hole at about 6""" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS/LK 2468 08PB198SCH 08PB198 RE08161293 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 6-7"" of organic root-bound peat; saturated brown organic soil/peat; soil sticks in large clumps to 18""; SEZ at 7"" from saturated brown organic soil; no SEZB sample; SMM taken from 10"" and below" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/LK 2469 08PB198SEZ 08PB198 w1_06 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 6-7"" of organic root-bound peat; saturated brown organic soil/peat; soil sticks in large clumps to 18""; SEZ at 7"" from saturated brown organic soil; no SEZB sample; SMM taken from 10"" and below" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 2471 08PB198STO 08PB198 C316656 MRP09213 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 6-7"" of organic root-bound peat; saturated brown organic soil/peat; soil sticks in large clumps to 18""; SEZ at 7"" from saturated brown organic soil; no SEZB sample; SMM taken from 10"" and below" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS/LK 2472 08PB199SCH 08PB199 RE08161293 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 24"" deep hole all in peat; very woody peat; SEZA collected 6"" from surface; SEZB collected at 15"" from surface; SMM collected from 10-18""; water in peat is almost clear (i.e; not even muddy water)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/LK 2473 08PB199SEZA 08PB199 w1_13 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for enzyme leach; 24"" deep hole all in peat; very woody peat; SEZA collected 6"" from surface; SEZB collected at 15"" from surface; SMM collected from 10-18""; water in peat is almost clear (i.e; not even muddy water)" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 2474 08PB199SEZB 08PB199 w1_25 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 24"" deep hole all in peat; very woody peat; SEZA collected 6"" from surface; SEZB collected at 15"" from surface; SMM collected from 10-18""; water in peat is almost clear (i.e; not even muddy water)" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 2476 08PB199STO 08PB199 C316657 MRP09213 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 24"" deep hole all in peat; very woody peat; SEZA collected 6"" from surface; SEZB collected at 15"" from surface; SMM collected from 10-18""; water in peat is almost clear (i.e; not even muddy water)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS/LK 2477 08PB200SEZA 08PB200 w2_63 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for enzyme leach; dug in soggy peat, at 7"" hit ice; collected SEZA from bottom of rootball around 6-7"" depth; could not collect SEZB or SMM due to ice" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 2478 08PB201SCH 08PB201 RE08161293 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; dug hole 12"" deep and hit ice; entire hole in peat; site is in the middle of a bog; no other choice for site; SS was standing in water just to dig the hole; peat is brown and full of grassy material and roots; collected SEZA at around 6"" in peat; collected SEZB at around 12"" in peat; collected peat between 6 and 12"" for SMM; caution: high organic content in SMM" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS 2479 08PB201SEZA 08PB201 w1_27 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for enzyme leach; dug hole 12"" deep and hit ice; entire hole in peat; site is in the middle of a bog; no other choice for site; SS was standing in water just to dig the hole; peat is brown and full of grassy material and roots; collected SEZA at around 6"" in peat; collected SEZB at around 12"" in peat; collected peat between 6 and 12"" for SMM; caution: high organic content in SMM" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS 2480 08PB201SEZB 08PB201 w2_57 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; dug hole 12"" deep and hit ice; entire hole in peat; site is in the middle of a bog; no other choice for site; SS was standing in water just to dig the hole; peat is brown and full of grassy material and roots; collected SEZA at around 6"" in peat; collected SEZB at around 12"" in peat; collected peat between 6 and 12"" for SMM; caution: high organic content in SMM" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS 2482 08PB201STO 08PB201 C316659 MRP09213 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; dug hole 12"" deep and hit ice; entire hole in peat; site is in the middle of a bog; no other choice for site; SS was standing in water just to dig the hole; peat is brown and full of grassy material and roots; collected SEZA at around 6"" in peat; collected SEZB at around 12"" in peat; collected peat between 6 and 12"" for SMM; caution: high organic content in SMM" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS 2483 08PB202SEZA 08PB202 w1_21 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for enzyme leach; dug 8"" hole in peat; hit ice; collected SEZA 6"" below surface; could not collect SEZB or SMM due to ice; peat is brown with thick grassy root mat and minor wood" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2484 08PB204SCH 08PB204 RE08161293 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; dug 30"" deep hole; all in peat; peat is dark brown to very dark brown, mixed with some mud at depth; hole slowly filled with water while working; collected SEZA 4-6"" below surface; collected SEZB 15-17"" below surface; collected peat from 6 to 15"" below surface for SMM" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS 2485 08PB204SEZA 08PB204 w1_07 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for enzyme leach; dug 30"" deep hole; all in peat; peat is dark brown to very dark brown, mixed with some mud at depth; hole slowly filled with water while working; collected SEZA 4-6"" below surface; collected SEZB 15-17"" below surface; collected peat from 6 to 15"" below surface for SMM" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS 2486 08PB204SEZB 08PB204 w1_30 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; dug 30"" deep hole; all in peat; peat is dark brown to very dark brown, mixed with some mud at depth; hole slowly filled with water while working; collected SEZA 4-6"" below surface; collected SEZB 15-17"" below surface; collected peat from 6 to 15"" below surface for SMM" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS 2488 08PB204STO 08PB204 C316661 MRP09213 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; dug 30"" deep hole; all in peat; peat is dark brown to very dark brown, mixed with some mud at depth; hole slowly filled with water while working; collected SEZA 4-6"" below surface; collected SEZB 15-17"" below surface; collected peat from 6 to 15"" below surface for SMM" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS 2489 08PB205SCH 08PB205 RE08161293 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; lower A horizon (4-8"" below surface); next 8"" is brown organic- and clay-rich layer with white streak (ash?) as a layer (about 0.2"" thick); at around 14"" depth is very black organic-rich thin layer; no cobbles or pebbles; SEZA collected 4-6"" below surface in peaty A horizon; SEZB collected just below ""ash"" streak in B soil; SMM collected from 8 to 18"" depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2490 08PB205SEZA 08PB205 w1_17 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for enzyme leach; lower A horizon (4-8"" below surface); next 8"" is brown organic- and clay-rich layer with white streak (ash?) as a layer (about 0.2"" thick); at around 14"" depth is very black organic-rich thin layer; no cobbles or pebbles; SEZA collected 4-6"" below surface in peaty A horizon; SEZB collected just below ""ash"" streak in B soil; SMM collected from 8 to 18"" depth" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2491 08PB205SEZB 08PB205 w1_20 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; lower A horizon (4-8"" below surface); next 8"" is brown organic- and clay-rich layer with white streak (ash?) as a layer (about 0.2"" thick); at around 14"" depth is very black organic-rich thin layer; no cobbles or pebbles; SEZA collected 4-6"" below surface in peaty A horizon; SEZB collected just below ""ash"" streak in B soil; SMM collected from 8 to 18"" depth" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2493 08PB205STO 08PB205 C316662 MRP09213 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; lower A horizon (4-8"" below surface); next 8"" is brown organic- and clay-rich layer with white streak (ash?) as a layer (about 0.2"" thick); at around 14"" depth is very black organic-rich thin layer; no cobbles or pebbles; SEZA collected 4-6"" below surface in peaty A horizon; SEZB collected just below ""ash"" streak in B soil; SMM collected from 8 to 18"" depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2494 08PB206SCH 08PB206 RE08161293 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; first well-developed soil site seen so far on this traverse; right below the root mat is a thin layer of angular gravel with occassional cobbles below; soil is dark brown and organic-rich; at 20"" depth there is a distinct color change to light tan; none of the light tan material was included in the SMM; SEZ collected at 6"" depth; SMM collected from 8-18"" depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2495 08PB206SEZ 08PB206 w1_26 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; first well-developed soil site seen so far on this traverse; right below the root mat is a thin layer of angular gravel with occassional cobbles below; soil is dark brown and organic-rich; at 20"" depth there is a distinct color change to light tan; none of the light tan material was included in the SMM; SEZ collected at 6"" depth; SMM collected from 8-18"" depth" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2497 08PB206STO 08PB206 C316663 MRP09213 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; first well-developed soil site seen so far on this traverse; right below the root mat is a thin layer of angular gravel with occassional cobbles below; soil is dark brown and organic-rich; at 20"" depth there is a distinct color change to light tan; none of the light tan material was included in the SMM; SEZ collected at 6"" depth; SMM collected from 8-18"" depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2498 08PB207SCH 08PB207 RE08161293 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; thin layer with scattered small cobbles at around 4"" depth; organic ""AO"" layer is about 4"" thick; about 12"" down soil color changes from dark organic-rich brown to lighter sandy-rich tan; SEZ collected 4-6"" below surface in upper B; rounded intermediate to felsic cobbles; SMM collected 4-14"" from surface, including both the dark brown and tan soil described above" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF 2499 08PB207SEZ 08PB207 w2_47 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; thin layer with scattered small cobbles at around 4"" depth; organic ""AO"" layer is about 4"" thick; about 12"" down soil color changes from dark organic-rich brown to lighter sandy-rich tan; SEZ collected 4-6"" below surface in upper B; rounded intermediate to felsic cobbles; SMM collected 4-14"" from surface, including both the dark brown and tan soil described above" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF 2501 08PB207STO 08PB207 C316664 MRP09213 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; thin layer with scattered small cobbles at around 4"" depth; organic ""AO"" layer is about 4"" thick; about 12"" down soil color changes from dark organic-rich brown to lighter sandy-rich tan; SEZ collected 4-6"" below surface in upper B; rounded intermediate to felsic cobbles; SMM collected 4-14"" from surface, including both the dark brown and tan soil described above." composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF 2502 08PB208SCH 08PB208 RE08161293 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; dug 22"" deep hole; tundra mat, 2"" thick; then 8"" of organic-rich black soil; at 10"" depth the soil abruptly changes to a clay-rich tan material; small gravel and coarse sand seen in tan material; SEZ collected at 4-6""; SMM collected in tan soils 10-20"" deep." composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS 2503 08PB208SEZ 08PB208 w1_28 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; dug 22"" deep hole; tundra mat, 2"" thick; then 8"" of organic-rich black soil; at 10"" depth the soil abruptly changes to a clay-rich tan material; small gravel and coarse sand seen in tan material; SEZ collected at 4-6""; SMM collected in tan soils 10-20"" deep" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS 2505 08PB208STO 08PB208 C316665 MRP09213 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; dug 22"" deep hole; tundra mat, 2"" thick; then 8"" of organic-rich black soil; at 10"" depth the soil abruptly changes to a clay-rich tan material; small gravel and coarse sand seen in tan material; SEZ collected at 4-6""; SMM collected in tan soils 10-20"" deep" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS 2506 08PB209SCH 08PB209 RE08161293 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; easy digging; 4"" tundra vegetation cap followed by dark brown organic-rich soil to 6"" depth; then all light brown ""B"" soil; sandy, clay-rich soil with interspersed scattered rounded volcanic cobbles; collected SEZ at 6-8"" depth in light brown sandy soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2507 08PB209SEZ 08PB209 w1_22 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; soil sample: Easy digging; 4"" tundra vegetation cap followed by dark brown organic-rich soil to 6"" depth; then all light brown ""B"" soil; sandy, clay-rich soil with interspersed scattered rounded volcanic cobbles; collected SEZ at 6-8"" depth in light brown sandy soil" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2509 08PB209STO 08PB209 C316666 MRP09213 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; easy digging; 4"" tundra vegetation cap followed by dark brown organic-rich soil to 6"" depth; then all light brown ""B"" soil; sandy, clay-rich soil with interspersed scattered rounded volcanic cobbles; collected SEZ at 6-8"" depth in light brown sandy soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2510 08PB210SCH 08PB210 RE08161293 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; dug 29"" deep hole; 2"" root mat in tundra; 2"" of dark organic-rich soil; light tan clay to bottom of hole; minor pebbles found in clay; clay is wet enough to be very sticky; SEZ collected at 6"" in tan clay; SMM collected from 8-18"" depth; one 8"" diameter cobble dug up at top of tan clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/SS 2511 08PB210SEZ 08PB210 w1_45 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; dug 29"" deep hole; 2"" root mat in tundra; 2"" of dark organic-rich soil; light tan clay to bottom of hole; minor pebbles found in clay; clay is wet enough to be very sticky; SEZ collected at 6"" in tan clay; SMM collected from 8-18"" depth; one 8"" diameter cobble dug up at top of tan clay" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/SS 2513 08PB210STO 08PB210 C316667 MRP09213 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; dug 29"" deep hole; 2"" root mat in tundra; 2"" of dark organic-rich soil; light tan clay to bottom of hole; minor pebbles found in clay; clay is wet enough to be very sticky; SEZ collected at 6"" in tan clay; SMM collected from 8-18"" depth; one 8"" diameter cobble dug up at top of tan clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/SS 2514 08PB211SCH 08PB211 RE08161293 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 1-2"" tundra cap; 6"" brown to reddish-brown organic soil, followed by 4"" of well-sorted medium-sized gray sand (beach? [Hamilton maps as glacial lake/drift]); below sand is the tan clayey silt with isolated gravel" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/SS 2515 08PB211SEZ 08PB211 w1_32 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 1-2"" tundra cap; 6"" brown to reddish-brown organic soil, followed by 4"" of well-sorted medium-sized gray sand (beach? [Hamilton maps as glacial lake/drift]); below sand is the tan clayey silt with isolated gravel" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/SS 2517 08PB211STO 08PB211 C316668 MRP09213 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 1-2"" tundra cap; 6"" brown to reddish-brown organic soil, followed by 4"" of well-sorted medium-sized gray sand (beach? [Hamilton maps as glacial lake/drift]); below sand is the tan clayey silt with isolated gravel" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh DF/SS 2518 08PB212SCH 08PB212 RE08161293 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 2"" vegetation cap; light brown clay-rich soil with cobbles interspersed throughout; very uniform material; ""pretty sticky digging""" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2519 08PB212SEZ 08PB212 w1_33 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 2"" vegetation cap; light brown clay-rich soil with cobbles interspersed throughout; very uniform material; ""pretty sticky digging""" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2521 08PB212STO 08PB212 C316669 MRP09213 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 2"" vegetation cap; light brown clay-rich soil with cobbles interspersed throughout; very uniform material; ""pretty sticky digging""" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2522 08PB213SCH 08PB213 RE08161293 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 2"" vegetation cap; then right into tan sticky, sandy clay; has interspersed gravel-sized pebbles; very consistent; hard digging through clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2523 08PB213SEZ 08PB213 w2_53 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 2"" vegetation cap; then right into tan sticky, sandy clay; has interspersed gravel-sized pebbles; very consistent; hard digging through clay" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2525 08PB213STO 08PB213 C316670 MRP09213 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 2"" vegetation cap; then right into tan sticky, sandy clay; has interspersed gravel-sized pebbles; very consistent; hard digging through clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2526 08PB214SCH 08PB214 RE08161293 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; vegetation cap 3"" thick; silt and sand, rich dark brown to reddish brown; sparse pebbles found throughout (2 cm biggest); reddish material starts 10-12"" deep; SEZ collected at 4-6"", in chocolate brown; SMM collected 8-14"" inches down" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2527 08PB214SEZ 08PB214 w1_34 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; vegetation cap 3"" thick; silt and sand, rich dark brown to reddish brown; sparse pebbles found throughout (2 cm biggest); reddish material starts 10-12"" deep; SEZ collected at 4-6"", in chocolate brown; SMM collected 8-14"" inches down" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2529 08PB214STO 08PB214 C316672 MRP09213 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; vegetation cap 3"" thick; silt and sand, rich dark brown to reddish brown; sparse pebbles found throughout (2 cm biggest); reddish material starts 10-12"" deep; SEZ collected at 4-6"", in chocolate brown; SMM collected 8-14"" inches down" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2530 08PB215SCH 08PB215 RE08161293 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; peat for 14"" with ice at the bottom; water pooled on the ice; peat is rooty and dark brown; SEZA collected at 4"" below surface in dark brown peat; SEZB collected 14"" below surface in brown peat immediately above frozen ground; SMM collected in peat interval 4-14"" below surface; no mineral soil observed in peat; water in hole is clear (not muddy), also indicating lack of silt or mud; caution: SMM sample is high in organics" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2531 08PB215SEZA 08PB215 w2_55 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for enzyme leach; peat for 14"" with ice at the bottom; water pooled on the ice; peat is rooty and dark brown; SEZA collected at 4"" below surface in dark brown peat; SEZB collected 14"" below surface in brown peat immediately above frozen ground; SMM collected in peat interval 4-14"" below surface; no mineral soil observed in peat; water in hole is clear (not muddy), also indicating lack of silt or mud; caution: SMM sample is high in organics" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2532 08PB215SEZB 08PB215 w2_60 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; peat for 14"" with ice at the bottom; water pooled on the ice; peat is rooty and dark brown; SEZA collected at 4"" below surface in dark brown peat; SEZB collected 14"" below surface in brown peat immediately above frozen ground; SMM collected in peat interval 4-14"" below surface; no mineral soil observed in peat; water in hole is clear (not muddy), also indicating lack of silt or mud; caution: SMM sample is high in organics" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2534 08PB215STO 08PB215 C316673 MRP09213 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; peat for 14"" with ice at the bottom; water pooled on the ice; peat is rooty and dark brown; SEZA collected at 4"" below surface in dark brown peat; SEZB collected 14"" below surface in brown peat immediately above frozen ground; SMM collected in peat interval 4-14"" below surface; no mineral soil observed in peat; water in hole is clear (not muddy), also indicating lack of silt or mud; caution: SMM sample is high in organics, mud" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2535 08PB216SCH 08PB216 RE08161293 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 2"" vegetated AO tundra cap; then about 2"" of dark brown organic-rich soil; then into brown soil for about 10""; below that to bottom of hole at 18"" the soil is tan; soil is sandy to silty; coarse cobbles found in layer just below tundra; SEZ collected 4-6"" from surface in good B soil; SMM collected from 4 to 14"" from surface in good pebble-free brown soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2536 08PB216SEZ 08PB216 w1_18 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 2"" vegetated AO tundra cap; then about 2"" of dark brown organic-rich soil; then into brown soil for about 10""; below that to bottom of hole at 18"" the soil is tan; soil is sandy to silty; coarse cobbles found in layer just below tundra; SEZ collected 4-6"" from surface in good B soil; SMM collected from 4 to 14"" from surface in good pebble-free brown soil" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2538 08PB216STO 08PB216 C316674 MRP09213 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 2"" vegetated AO tundra cap; then about 2"" of dark brown organic-rich soil; then into brown soil for about 10""; below that to bottom of hole at 18"" the soil is tan; soil is sandy to silty; coarse cobbles found in layer just below tundra; SEZ collected 4-6"" from surface in good B soil; SMM collected from 4 to 14"" from surface in good pebble-free brown soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2539 08PB217SCH 08PB217 RE08161293 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 3"" tundra cap with brown cobble-rich sediment down to bottom of 24"" hole; cobbles up to 4"" in diameter; soil is coarse sandy to silt-sized material" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS 2540 08PB217SEZ 08PB217 w1_04 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 3"" tundra cap with brown cobble-rich sediment down to bottom of 24"" hole; cobbles up to 4"" in diameter; soil is coarse sandy to silt-sized material" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS 2542 08PB217STO 08PB217 C316675 MRP09213 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 3"" tundra cap with brown cobble-rich sediment down to bottom of 24"" hole; cobbles up to 4"" in diameter; soil is coarse sandy to silt-sized material" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS 2543 08PB218SCH 08PB218 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; dug hole in wet bog 24"" deep; first 16"" were brown to dark brown peat; below peat was a gray clay that was the consistency of modeling clay; scattered gravel found in clay; SEZA collected in peat 4-6"" below surface; SEZB collected in gray clay 17"" down; SMM collected in gray clay 17-24""; had to use metal shovel to break clay free for sampling; hole filled very quickly with water" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2544 08PB218SEZA 08PB218 w1_12 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for enzyme leach; dug hole in wet bog 24"" deep; first 16"" were brown to dark brown peat; below peat was a gray clay that was the consistency of modeling clay; scattered gravel found in clay; SEZA collected in peat 4-6"" below surface; SEZB collected in gray clay 17"" down; SMM collected in gray clay 17-24""; had to use metal shovel to break clay free for sampling; hole filled very quickly with water" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2545 08PB218SEZB 08PB218 w1_01 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; dug hole in wet bog 24"" deep; first 16"" were brown to dark brown peat; below peat was a gray clay that was the consistency of modeling clay; scattered gravel found in clay; SEZA collected in peat 4-6"" below surface; SEZB collected in gray clay 17"" down; SMM collected in gray clay 17-24""; had to use metal shovel to break clay free for sampling; hole filled very quickly with water" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2547 08PB218STO 08PB218 C316676 MRP09213 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; dug hole in wet bog 24"" deep; first 16"" were brown to dark brown peat; below peat was a gray clay that was the consistency of modeling clay; scattered gravel found in clay; SEZA collected in peat 4-6"" below surface; SEZB collected in gray clay 17"" down; SMM collected in gray clay 17-24""; had to use metal shovel to break clay free for sampling; hole filled very quickly with water" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2548 08PB220SCH 08PB220 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; about 20"" deep hole; thick organic AO is about 8"" thick; wet hole; then into gray clay (looks like lake sediment deposits seen in 2007); angular cobbles found just below the organic layer; slightly orange-brown layer (FeOx?) just below AO in B; SEZA collected in organic layer 4-6"" below surface; SEZB collected 2-4"" below the B, which we define by the organic layer to gray clay transition; SMM collected 4-14"" below uppermost B; all gray clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF 2549 08PB220SEZA 08PB220 w1_08 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for enzyme leach; about 20"" deep hole; thick organic AO is about 8"" thick; wet hole; then into gray clay (looks like lake sediment deposits seen in 2007); angular cobbles found just below the organic layer; slightly orange-brown layer (FeOx?) just below AO in B; SEZA collected in organic layer 4-6"" below surface; SEZB collected 2-4"" below the B, which we define by the organic layer to gray clay transition; SMM collected 4-14"" below uppermost B; all gray clay" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF 2550 08PB220SEZB 08PB220 w1_37 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; about 20"" deep hole; thick organic AO is about 8"" thick; wet hole; then into gray clay (looks like lake sediment deposits seen in 2007); angular cobbles found just below the organic layer; slightly orange-brown layer (FeOx?) just below AO in B; SEZA collected in organic layer 4-6"" below surface; SEZB collected 2-4"" below the B, which we define by the organic layer to gray clay transition; SMM collected 4-14"" below uppermost B; all gray clay" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF 2552 08PB220STO 08PB220 C316677 MRP09213 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; about 20"" deep hole; thick organic AO is about 8"" thick; wet hole; then into gray clay (looks like lake sediment deposits seen in 2007); angular cobbles found just below the organic layer; slightly orange-brown layer (FeOx?) just below AO in B; SEZA collected in organic layer 4-6"" below surface; SEZB collected 2-4"" below the B, which we define by the organiclayer to gray clay transition; SMM collected 4-14"" below uppermost B; all gray clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF 2553 08PB221SCH 08PB221 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 22"" deep hole; 3"" tundra cap with sub-angular cobbles beneath; below cobbles there is about 2"" of orangeish-tan clay followed to bottom of hole by a sticky gray clay; all of the clay is full of cobbles; it is a very hard hole to dig; SEZ collected just at the bottom of the orangeish-tan clay; SMM collected in the gray clay beneath" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2554 08PB221SEZ 08PB221 w2_58 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 22"" deep hole; 3"" tundra cap with sub-angular cobbles beneath; below cobbles there is about 2"" of orangeish-tan clay followed to bottom of hole by a sticky gray clay; all of the clay is full of cobbles; it is a very hard hole to dig; SEZ collected just at the bottom of the orangeish-tan clay; SMM collected in the gray clay beneath" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2556 08PB221STO 08PB221 C316678 MRP09213 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 22"" deep hole; 3"" tundra cap with sub-angular cobbles beneath; below cobbles there is about 2"" of orangeish-tan clay followed to bottom of hole by a sticky gray clay; all of the clay is full of cobbles; it is a very hard hole to dig; SEZ collected just at the bottom of the orangeish-tan clay; SMM collected in the gray clay beneath" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2557 08PB222SCH 08PB222 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; difficult boggy pit; top organic layer very thick peat; hole is 30"" deep, wet; towards bottom material is about 50% peat, 50% mud; relatively large boulder in hole (about 1' across by 8""); appears to be fine-grained basalt; SEZA collected from peat 6"" below surface; SEZB collected from 16-18"", mud and peat; SMM collected about 16-20"" in mud and peat" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2558 08PB222SEZA 08PB222 w1_46 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for enzyme leach; difficult boggy pit; top organic layer very thick peat; hole is 30"" deep, wet; towards bottom material is about 50% peat, 50% mud; relatively large boulder in hole (about 1' across by 8""); appears to be fine-grained basalt; SEZA collected from peat 6"" below surface; SEZB collected from 16-18"", mud and peat; SMM collected about 16-20"" in mud and peat" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2559 08PB222SEZB 08PB222 w1_42 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; difficult boggy pit; top organic layer very thick peat; hole is 30"" deep, wet; towards bottom material is about 50% peat, 50% mud; relatively large boulder in hole (about 1' across by 8""); appears to be fine-grained basalt; SEZA collected from peat 6"" below surface; SEZB collected from 16-18"", mud and peat; SMM collected about 16-20"" in mud and peat" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2561 08PB222STO 08PB222 C316679 MRP09213 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; difficult boggy pit; top organic layer very thick peat; hole is 30"" deep, wet; towards bottom material is about 50% peat, 50% mud; relatively large boulder in hole (about 1' across by 8""); appears to be fine-grained basalt; SEZA collected from peat 6"" below surface; SEZB collected from 16-18"", mud and peat; SMM collected about 16-20"" in mud and peat" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2562 08PB223SCH 08PB223 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; wet site; thick peaty layers it about 10"" thick; then sub-angular to angular cobbles in gray clay down to about 22"" deep; matrix-supported; SEZA taken 4-6"" below surface in peat with minor mud; SEZB taken 14-15"" below surface in gray clay; SMM collected in gray clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2563 08PB223SEZA 08PB223 w2_61 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for enzyme leach; wet site; thick peaty layers it about 10"" thick; then sub-angular to angular cobbles in gray clay down to about 22"" deep; matrix-supported; SEZA taken 4-6"" below surface in peat with minor mud; SEZB taken 14-15"" below surface in gray clay; SMM collected in gray clay" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2564 08PB223SEZB 08PB223 w1_38 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; wet site; thick peaty layers it about 10"" thick; then sub-angular to angular cobbles in gray clay down to about 22"" deep; matrix-supported; SEZA taken 4-6"" below surface in peat with minor mud; SEZB taken 14-15"" below surface in gray clay; SMM collected in gray clay" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2566 08PB223STO 08PB223 C316680 MRP09213 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; wet site; thick peaty layers it about 10"" thick; then sub-angular to angular cobbles in gray clay down to about 22"" deep; matrix-supported; SEZA taken 4-6"" below surface in peat with minor mud; SEZB taken 14-15"" below surface in gray clay; SMM collected in gray clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2567 08PB224SCH 08PB224 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; digging hard; 4"" thick tundra cap; matrix supported cobbles; cobbles angular to sub-angular in gray clay to bottom of hole; SEZ collected in clay about 6"" depth; SMM collected in clay 6-16"" depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2568 08PB224SEZ 08PB224 w1_23 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; digging hard; 4"" thick tundra cap; matrix supported cobbles; cobbles angular to sub-angular in gray clay to bottom of hole; SEZ collected in clay about 6"" depth; SMM collected in clay 6-16"" depth" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2570 08PB224STO 08PB224 C316681 MRP09213 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; digging hard; 4"" thick tundra cap; matrix supported cobbles; cobbles angular to sub-angular in gray clay to bottom of hole; SEZ collected in clay about 6"" depth; SMM collected in clay 6-16"" depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2571 08PB225SCH 08PB225 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 30"" hole; 12"" of peat; peat and mud with cobbles all the way down; interspersed cobbles; dark brown with high organic content; no gray clay noted; SEZA collected 4-6"" down in peat; SEZB collected 15"" down; clearly muddier but still mostly organic; SMM collected 14-24"" down in muddy peaty organic soil; some wood noted in peat" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2572 08PB225SEZA 08PB225 w2_54 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for enzyme leach; 30"" hole; 12"" of peat; peat and mud with cobbles all the way down; interspersed cobbles; dark brown with high organic content; no gray clay noted; SEZA collected 4-6"" down in peat; SEZB collected 15"" down; clearly muddier but still mostly organic; SMM collected 14-24"" down in muddy peaty organic soil; some wood noted in peat" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2573 08PB225SEZB 08PB225 w1_15 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 30"" hole; 12"" of peat; peat and mud with cobbles all the way down; interspersed cobbles; dark brown with high organic content; no gray clay noted; SEZA collected 4-6"" down in peat; SEZB collected 15"" down; clearly muddier but still mostly organic; SMM collected 14-24"" down in muddy peaty organic soil; some wood noted in peat" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2575 08PB225STO 08PB225 C316682 MRP09213 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 30"" hole; 12"" of peat; peat and mud with cobbles all the way down; interspersed cobbles; dark brown with high organic content; no gray clay noted; SEZA collected 4-6"" down in peat; SEZB collected 15"" down; clearly muddier but still mostly organic; SMM collected 14-24"" down in muddy peaty organic soil; some wood noted in peat" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2576 08PB226SCH 08PB226 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 6-8"" of peaty moss; then just below is clast-supported (angular to sub-angular) accumulation of cobbles with clay matrix for about 3"" thick layer; then matrix-supported gray to brown clay to bottom of hole at 20""; peat is spongy; SEZ collected at 8"" in cobbly clay; SMM collected from 10-20"" below surface in brown-gray matrix-supported clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2577 08PB226SEZ 08PB226 w1_02 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 6-8"" of peaty moss; then just below is clast-supported (angular to sub-angular) accumulation of cobbles with clay matrix for about 3"" thick layer; then matrix-supported gray to brown clay to bottom of hole at 20""; peat is spongy; SEZ collected at 8"" in cobbly clay; SMM collected from 10-20"" below surface in brown-gray matrix-supported clay" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2579 08PB226STO 08PB226 C316683 MRP09213 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 6-8"" of peaty moss; then just below is clast-supported (angular to sub-angular) accumulation of cobbles with clay matrix for about 3"" thick layer; then matrix-supported gray to brown clay to bottom of hole at 20""; peat is spongy; SEZ collected at 8"" in cobbly clay; SMM collected from 10-20"" below surface in brown-gray matrix-supported clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2580 08PB227SCH 08PB227 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 4"" thick tundra cap; layer of angular to sub-rounded cobbles below cap; dark soil just at top of B; becomes brown clay with abundant cobbles and pebbles; SEZ collected about 6"" below surface; SMM collected in brown clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2581 08PB227SEZ 08PB227 w2_59 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 4"" thick tundra cap; layer of angular to sub-rounded cobbles below cap; dark soil just at top of B; becomes brown clay with abundant cobbles and pebbles; SEZ collected about 6"" below surface; SMM collected in brown clay" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2583 08PB227STO 08PB227 C316684 MRP09213 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 4"" thick tundra cap; layer of angular to sub-rounded cobbles below cap; dark soil just at top of B; becomes brown clay with abundant cobbles and pebbles; SEZ collected about 6"" below surface; SMM collected in brown clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2584 08PB228SCH 08PB228 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 24"" hole; tundra cap about 4"" thick; cobbles near surface; transitions immediately into tan-brown silty clay with interspersed sub-rounded to sub-angular cobbles; SEZ collected at about 6"" depth in silty clay; SMM collected 8-18"" depth in silty clay; clay is not sticky; sample much easier to collect" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2585 08PB228SEZ 08PB228 w1_29 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 24"" hole; tundra cap about 4"" thick; cobbles near surface; transitions immediately into tan-brown silty clay with interspersed sub-rounded to sub-angular cobbles; SEZ collected at about 6"" depth in silty clay; SMM collected 8-18"" depth in silty clay; clay is not sticky; sample much easier to collect" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2587 08PB228STO 08PB228 C316685 MRP09213 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 24"" hole; tundra cap about 4"" thick; cobbles near surface; transitions immediately into tan-brown silty clay with interspersed sub-rounded to sub-angular cobbles; SEZ collected at about 6"" depth in silty clay; SMM collected 8-18"" depth in silty clay; clay is not sticky; sample much easier to collect" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2588 08PB229SCH 08PB229 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 2"" thick tundra cap; this is underlain by 12"" of angular to sub-rounded cobbles with sparse fine matrix; then a 1"" layer of gray sand or ash; then 10"" of silty brown clay with interspersed rounded cobbles; bottom of hole at 24"" has another 2"" layer of sandy ash (?); SEZ collected by picking sparse matrix from between cobbles at 4-6"" below surface; SMM collected from 8-18"" from surface" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2589 08PB229SEZ 08PB229 w1_35 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 2"" thick tundra cap; this is underlain by 12"" of angular to sub-rounded cobbles with sparse fine matrix; then a 1"" layer of gray sand or ash; then 10"" of silty brown clay with interspersed rounded cobbles; bottom of hole at 24"" has another 2"" layer of sandy ash (?); SEZ collected by picking sparse matrix from between cobbles at 4-6"" below surface; SMM collected from 8-18"" from surface" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2591 08PB229STO 08PB229 C316686 MRP09213 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 2"" thick tundra cap; this is underlain by 12"" of angular to sub-rounded cobbles with sparse fine matrix; then a 1"" layer of gray sand or ash; then 10"" of silty brown clay with interspersed rounded cobbles; bottom of hole at 24"" has another 2"" layer of sandy ash (?); SEZ collected by picking sparse matrix from between cobbles at 4-6"" below surface; SMM collected from 8-18"" from surface" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2592 08PB230SCH 08PB230 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; hole dry in till; rounded cobbles, clast-supported with interspersed fines; variable size range from clay to large cobbles all the way down; minimal organic material; a-B boundary about 4"" down; transition from dark brown to brown; hole is about 20"" deep; SEZ collected 4-6"" down in color transition; SMM collected from 6-16""" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2593 08PB230SEZ 08PB230 w2_51 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; hole dry in till; rounded cobbles, clast-supported with interspersed fines; variable size range from clay to large cobbles all the way down; minimal organic material; a-B boundary about 4"" down; transition from dark brown to brown; hole is about 20"" deep; SEZ collected 4-6"" down in color transition; SMM collected from 6-16""" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2595 08PB230STO 08PB230 C316687 MRP09213 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; hole dry in till; rounded cobbles, clast-supported with interspersed fines; variable size range from clay to large cobbles all the way down; minimal organic material; a-B boundary about 4"" down; transition from dark brown to brown; hole is about 20"" deep; SEZ collected 4-6"" down in color transition; SMM collected from 6-16""" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2596 08PB231SCH 08PB231 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 2"" tundra cap, then into fairly uniform till; coarse to fine rounded cobbles; color change 3-4"" down from dark brown rooty to gray brown; SEZ collected at 4-6"" at color transition; SMM collected from 6-16"" with lots of cobbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2597 08PB231SEZ 08PB231 w2_62 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 2"" tundra cap, then into fairly uniform till; coarse to fine rounded cobbles; color change 3-4"" down from dark brown rooty to gray brown; SEZ collected at 4-6"" at color transition; SMM collected from 6-16"" with lots of cobbles" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2599 08PB231STO 08PB231 C316688 MRP09213 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 2"" tundra cap, then into fairly uniform till; coarse to fine rounded cobbles; color change 3-4"" down from dark brown rooty to gray brown; SEZ collected at 4-6"" at color transition; SMM collected from 6-16"" with lots of cobbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2600 08PB232SCH 08PB232 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 3"" tundra vegetation cap; then 3"" layer of angular to sub-rounded cobbles; cobble supported; then brown silty clay to 24"" depth that is interspersed with rounded gravel clasts; SEZ collected 5-6"" from surface; SMM collected 7-17"" from surface" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2601 08PB232SEZ 08PB232 w1_03 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 3"" tundra vegetation cap; then 3"" layer of angular to sub-rounded cobbles; cobble supported; then brown silty clay to 24"" depth that is interspersed with rounded gravel clasts; SEZ collected 5-6"" from surface; SMM collected 7-17"" from surface" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2603 08PB232STO 08PB232 C316689 MRP09213 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 3"" tundra vegetation cap; then 3"" layer of angular to sub-rounded cobbles; cobble supported; then brown silty clay to 24"" depth that is interspersed with rounded gravel clasts; SEZ collected 5-6"" from surface; SMM collected 7-17"" from surface" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2604 08PB233DSCH 08PB233D RE08161293 site duplicate 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; sample site duplicate of 08PB233; 20"" deep hole; root cap 3"" thick, followed by sparse pebbles/gravel (matrix-supported) down to 6""; at about 8-9"", transition from chocolate-brown matrix (silt) into brown clayey silt with interspersed large rounded volcanic (intermediate to mafic) cobbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2605 08PB233DSEZ 08PB233D w2_66 BHX001 site duplicate 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; sample site duplicate; 20"" deep hole; root cap 3"" thick, followed by sparse pebbles/gravel (matrix-supported) down to 6""; at about 8-9"", transition from chocolate-brown matrix (silt) into brown clayey silt with interspersed large rounded volcanic (intermediate to mafic) cobbles" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2607 08PB233DSTO 08PB233D C316696 MRP09213 site duplicate 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; sample site duplicate of 08PB233; 20"" deep hole; root cap 3"" thick, followed by sparse pebbles/gravel (matrix-supported) down to 6""; at about 8-9"", transition from chocolate-brown matrix (silt) into brown clayey silt with interspersed large rounded volcanic (intermediate to mafic) cobbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2608 08PB233SCH 08PB233 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; root cap 3"" thick, followed by sparse pebbles/gravel (matrix-supported) down to 6""; at about 8-9"", transition from chocolate-brown matrix (silt) into brown clayey silt with interspersed rounded cobbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2609 08PB233SEZ 08PB233 w1_11 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; root cap 3"" thick, followed by sparse pebbles/gravel (matrix-supported) down to 6""; at about 8-9"", transition from chocolate-brown matrix (silt) into brown clayey silt with interspersed rounded cobbles" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2611 08PB233STO 08PB233 C316690 MRP09213 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; root cap 3"" thick, followed by sparse pebbles/gravel (matrix-supported) down to 6""; at about 8-9"", transition from chocolate-brown matrix (silt) into brown clayey silt with interspersed rounded cobbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2612 08PB234SCH 08PB234 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; tundra cap is about 4"" thick and contains a gray sand; then below the cap is tan sandy silt down to 30""; no clasts, all silt; silt has slight orange color; very easy sample to collect; in hand lens, gray sand is well-sorted sub-angular multimineralogic with quartz; mineral grains argue against ash and more towards alluvial origin; SEZ collected from 6"" from surface in orange-tan silty sand; SMM collected from 10-20"" from surface in orange-tan silty sand" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2613 08PB234SEZ 08PB234 w1_40 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; tundra cap is about 4"" thick and contains a gray sand; then below the cap is tan sandy silt down to 30""; no clasts, all silt; silt has slight orange color; very easy sample to collect; in hand lens, gray sand is well-sorted sub-angular multimineralogic with quartz; mineral grains argue against ash and more towards alluvial origin; SEZ collected from 6"" from surface in orange-tan silty sand; SMM collected from 10-20"" from surface in orange-tan silty sand" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2615 08PB234STO 08PB234 C316691 MRP09213 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; tundra cap is about 4"" thick and contains a gray sand; then below the cap is tan sandy silt down to 30""; no clasts, all silt; silt has slight orange color; very easy sample to collect; in hand lens, gray sand is well-sorted sub-angular multimineralogic with quartz; mineral grains argue against ash and more towards alluvial origin; SEZ collected from 6"" from surface in orange-tan silty sand; SMM collected from 10-20"" from surface in orange-tan silty sand" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2616 08PB235SCH 08PB235 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 3"" vegetation tundra cap with gray to white clay layer within it; then into mottled gray to brown silt for about 8""; then silty sand with rounded pebbles and gravel, brown with hint of orange to bottom of hole at 25""; SEZ collected at 6"" depth in gray to brown silt; SMM collected at 8-18"" straddling the soil described above" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2617 08PB235SEZ 08PB235 w2_65 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 3"" vegetation tundra cap with gray to white clay layer within it; then into mottled gray to brown silt for about 8""; then silty sand with rounded pebbles and gravel, brown with hint of orange to bottom of hole at 25""; SEZ collected at 6"" depth in gray to brown silt; SMM collected at 8-18"" straddling the soil described above" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 2619 08PB235STO 08PB235 C316692 MRP09213 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 3"" vegetation tundra cap with gray to white clay layer within it; then into mottled gray to brown silt for about 8""; then silty sand with rounded pebbles and gravel, brown with hint of orange to bottom of hole at 25""; SEZ collected at 6"" depth in gray to brown silt; SMM collected at 8-18"" straddling the soil described above" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 2620 08PB236SCH 08PB236 RE08161293 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 22"" deep hole; 1-2"" tundra cap; next 5"" is chocolate brown soil with sub-angular gravel to cobbles; fairly sharp transition to tannish gray clayey silt, contains coarse sand to small cobbles; SEZ collected at 6"" right below color transition; SMM collected from 8-18"" down" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS 2621 08PB236SEZ 08PB236 w2_52 BHX001 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 22"" deep hole; 1-2"" tundra cap; next 5"" is chocolate brown soil with sub-angular gravel to cobbles; fairly sharp transition to tannish gray clayey silt, contains coarse sand to small cobbles; SEZ collected at 6"" right below color transition; SMM collected from 8-18"" down" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS 2623 08PB236STO 08PB236 C316693 MRP09213 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 22"" deep hole; 1-2"" tundra cap; next 5"" is chocolate brown soil with sub-angular gravel to cobbles; fairly sharp transition to tannish gray clayey silt, contains coarse sand to small cobbles; SEZ collected at 6"" right below color transition; SMM collected from 8-18"" down" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS 2624 08PB237SCH 08PB237 RE08161293 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; soil found in solifluction lobes moving downhill; indicates soil is likely allocthonous but fairly close to source; hole is 14"" deep; frozen solid on bottom; tundra cap is 4-6"" thick with dark brown soil beneath to bottom; encountered large woody root in hole (1.5"" diameter); SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected from 6-14"" deep" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS 2625 08PB237SEZ 08PB237 w1_44 BHX001 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; soil found in solifluction lobes moving downhill; indicates soil is likely allocthonous but fairly close to source; hole is 14"" deep; frozen solid on bottom; tundra cap is 4-6"" thick with dark brown soil beneath to bottom; encountered large woody root in hole (1.5"" diameter); SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected from 6-14"" deep" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS 2627 08PB237STO 08PB237 C316694 MRP09213 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; found in solifluction lobes moving downhill; indicates soil is likely allocthonous but fairly close to source; hole is 14"" deep; frozen solid on bottom; tundra cap is 4-6"" thick with dark brown soil beneath to bottom; encountered large woody root in hole (1.5"" diameter); SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected from 6-14"" deep" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS 2628 08PB257SCH 08PB257 RE08161293 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; tundra AO cap about 4"" thick; then into cobble-rich clay; thin layer of cobbles below cap; gray-tan clay, cobbles up to 3"" across; SEZ collected at 6"" depth; SMM collected at 6-14"" depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2629 08PB257SEZ 08PB257 w_02 BHX002 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; tundra AO cap about 4"" thick; then into cobble-rich clay; thin layer of cobbles below cap; gray-tan clay, cobbles up to 3"" across; SEZ collected at 6"" depth; SMM collected at 6-14"" depth" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2631 08PB257STO 08PB257 C320092 MRP09489 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; tundra AO cap about 4"" thick; then into cobble-rich clay; thin layer of cobbles below cap; gray-tan clay, cobbles up to 3"" across; SEZ collected at 6"" depth; SMM collected at 6-14"" depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2632 08PB258SCH 08PB258 RE08161293 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; tundra cap is about 10"" thick, dark organic-rich soil; a-B contact is about 13"" down from surface; a-B contact is a good color change from dark brown to brown; b is sandy clay with abundant pebble and cobbles up to about 3"" across; SEZA collected 6"" below surface in organic A; SEZB collected 4"" below A-B contact; SMM collected 4"" below A-B contact (17-23"" depth)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2633 08PB258SEZA 08PB258 w_03 BHX002 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for enzyme leach; tundra cap is about 10"" thick, dark organic-rich soil; a-B contact is about 13"" down from surface; a-B contact is a good color change from dark brown to brown; b is sandy clay with abundant pebble and cobbles up to about 3"" across; SEZA collected 6"" below surface in organic A; SEZB collected 4"" below A-B contact; SMM collected 4"" below A-B contact (17-23"" depth)" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2634 08PB258SEZB 08PB258 w_04 BHX002 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; tundra cap is about 10"" thick, dark organic-rich soil; a-B contact is about 13"" down from surface; a-B contact is a good color change from dark brown to brown; b is sandy clay with abundant pebble and cobbles up to about 3"" across; SEZA collected 6"" below surface in organic A; SEZB collected 4"" below A-B contact; SMM collected 4"" below A-B contact (17-23"" depth)" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2636 08PB258STO 08PB258 C320093 MRP09489 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; tundra cap is about 10"" thick, dark organic-rich soil; a-B contact is about 13"" down from surface; a-B contact is a good color change from dark brown to brown; b is sandy clay with abundant pebble and cobbles up to about 3"" across; SEZA collected 6"" below surface in organic A; SEZB collected 4"" below A-B contact; SMM collected 4"" below A-B contact (17-23"" depth)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2637 08PB259SCH 08PB259 RE08161293 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; tundra cap is 4"", underlain by large boulders (7-8""); beneath cobble layer is brown sandy layer; SEZ collected right below A, 4"" from surface; transition between A and B is irregular; b is sandy with mostly gravel-size cobbles; dark brown-tan in color; noticed some large porphyry intermediate cobbles here; largest cobbles just below A" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2638 08PB259SEZ 08PB259 w_05 BHX002 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; tundra cap is 4"", underlain by large boulders (7-8""); beneath cobble layer is brown sandy layer; SEZ collected right below A, 4"" from surface; transition between A and B is irregular; b is sandy with mostly gravel-size cobbles; dark brown-tan in color; noticed some large porphyry intermediate cobbles here; largest cobbles just below A" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2640 08PB259STO 08PB259 C320094 MRP09489 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; tundra cap is 4"", underlain by large boulders (7-8""); beneath cobble layer is brown sandy layer; SEZ collected right below A, 4"" from surface; transition between A and B is irregular; b is sandy with mostly gravel-size cobbles; dark brown-tan in color; noticed some large porphyry intermediate cobbles here; largest cobbles just below A" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2641 08PB260SCH 08PB260 RE08161293 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; tundra organic cap is about 3"" thick; 6"" of A horizon; bottom of A has abundant angular broken cobbles; SEZ collected at very top of B horizon; a is dark brown; b is much lighter tan-brown, sandy clay with abundant 1-2"" rounded cobbles; SMM collected from 4"" below A-B contact to bottom of hole at about 16"" deep; soil is nearly saturated" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2642 08PB260SEZ 08PB260 w_06 BHX002 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; tundra organic cap is about 3"" thick; 6"" of A horizon; bottom of A has abundant angular broken cobbles; SEZ collected at very top of B horizon; a is dark brown; b is much lighter tan-brown, sandy clay with abundant 1-2"" rounded cobbles; SMM collected from 4"" below A-B contact to bottom of hole at about 16"" deep; soil is nearly saturated" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2644 08PB260STO 08PB260 C320095 MRP09489 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; tundra organic cap is about 3"" thick; 6"" of A horizon; bottom of A has abundant angular broken cobbles; SEZ collected at very top of B horizon; a is dark brown; b is much lighter tan-brown, sandy clay with abundant 1-2"" rounded cobbles; SMM collected from 4"" below A-B contact to bottom of hole at about 16"" deep; soil is nearly saturated" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2645 08PB261SCH 08PB261 RE08161293 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; organic cap and A horizon is about 8 in thick; A-horizon soil color is a dark brown; several rounded to subrounded pebbles and cobbles, up to approx; 4 in across, straddle the lower A and upper B horizons; the B horizon is a lighter brown color and becomes less cobble rich with depth; soil is damp and sticky; sample description made in office using photographs" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2646 08PB261SEZA 08PB261 w_07 BHX002 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for enzyme leach; organic cap and A horizon is about 8 in thick; A-horizon soil color is a dark brown; several rounded to subrounded pebbles and cobbles, up to approx; 4 in across, straddle the lower A and upper B horizons; the B horizon is a lighter brown color and becomes less cobble rich with depth; soil is damp and sticky; SEZA sample collected in A horizon at a depth of about 4-6 inches from fine-grained material between cobbles; sample description made in office using photographs" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2647 08PB261SEZB 08PB261 w_08 BHX002 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; no notes; organic cap and A horizon is about 8 in thick; A-horizon soil color is a dark brown; several rounded to subrounded pebbles and cobbles, up to approx; 4 in across, straddle the lower A and upper B horizons; the B horizon is a lighter brown color and becomes less cobble rich with depth; soil is damp and sticky; SEZB sample collected at a depth of 12-14 inches or approximately 4 inches below the A/B contact; sample description made in office using photographs" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2649 08PB261STO 08PB261 C320096 MRP09489 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; organic cap and A horizon is about 8 in thick; A-horizon soil color is a dark brown; several rounded to subrounded pebbles and cobbles, up to approx; 4 in across, straddle the lower A and upper B horizons; the B horizon is a lighter brown color and becomes less cobble rich with depth; soil is damp and sticky; sample description made in office using photographs" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2650 08PB262SCH 08PB262 RE08161293 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; no soil horizon development; colluvial; angular iron-stained cobbles up to 6"" long; clast support with at most saturated soil between; hard to collect; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected at 6-12""" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2651 08PB262SEZ 08PB262 w_09 BHX002 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; no soil horizon development; colluvial; angular iron-stained cobbles up to 6"" long; clast support with at most saturated soil between; hard to collect; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected at 6-12""" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2653 08PB262STO 08PB262 C320097 MRP09489 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; no soil horizon development; colluvial; angular iron-stained cobbles up to 6"" long; clast support with at most saturated soil between; hard to collect; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected at 6-12""" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2654 08PB263SCH 08PB263 RE08161293 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; a horizon ranges from 6-10"" with downhill side thinner; b is very clay-rich; brown with cobbles from gravel to 3""; fairly saturated but not dripping; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected 10-16""" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2655 08PB263SEZ 08PB263 w_10 BHX002 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; a horizon ranges from 6-10"" with downhill side thinner; b is very clay-rich; brown with cobbles from gravel to 3""; fairly saturated but not dripping; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected 10-16""" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2657 08PB263STO 08PB263 C320098 MRP09489 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; a horizon ranges from 6-10"" with downhill side thinner; b is very clay-rich; brown with cobbles from gravel to 3""; fairly saturated but not dripping; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected 10-16""" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2658 08PB264SCH 08PB264 RE08161293 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 6"" of A; next 4"" (top of B) saturated and dripping; b is tan clay-rich with scattered cobbles up to 2""; well-compacted (modeling clay)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2659 08PB264SEZ 08PB264 w_11 BHX002 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 6"" of A; next 4"" (top of B) saturated and dripping; b is tan clay-rich with scattered cobbles up to 2""; well-compacted (modeling clay)" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2661 08PB264STO 08PB264 C320099 MRP09489 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 6"" of A; next 4"" (top of B) saturated and dripping; b is tan clay-rich with scattered cobbles up to 2""; well-compacted (modeling clay)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2662 08PB265DSCH 08PB265D RE08161293 site duplicate 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; sample site duplicate of 08PB265; 3"" of good AO horizon; brown to dark rich brown soil down to 18""; then knife-edge change to orange Fe-rich C with angular pebbles to cobbles; almost no pebbles in B; damp all the way down; bottom 2"" are lighter brown; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected 6-16""; did not collect in C horizon; angular rocks are igneous with flattened shards (?), volcanic; totally altered" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2663 08PB265DSEZ 08PB265D w_13 BHX002 site duplicate 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; sample site duplicate of 08PB265; 3"" of good AO horizon; brown to dark rich brown soil down to 18""; then knife-edge change to orange Fe-rich C with angular pebbles to cobbles; almost no pebbles in B; damp all the way down; bottom 2"" are lighter brown; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected 6-16""; did not collect in C horizon; angular rocks are igneous with flattened shards (?), volcanic; totally altered" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2665 08PB265DSTO 08PB265D C320132 MRP09489 site duplicate 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; sample site duplicate of 08PB265; 3"" of good AO horizon; brown to dark rich brown soil down to 18""; then knife-edge change to orange Fe-rich C with angular pebbles to cobbles; almost no pebbles in B; damp all the way down; bottom 2"" are lighter brown; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected 6-16""; did not collect in C horizon; angular rocks are igneous with flattened shards (?), volcanic; totally altered" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2666 08PB265SCH 08PB265 RE08161293 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 3"" of good AO horizon; brown to dark rich brown soil down to 18""; then knife-edge change to orange Fe-rich C with angular pebbles to cobbles; almost no pebbles in B; damp all the way down; bottom 2"" are lighter brown; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected 6-16""; did not collect in C horizon; angular rocks are igneous with flattened shards (?), volcanic; totally altered" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2667 08PB265SEZ 08PB265 w_12 BHX002 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 3"" of good AO horizon; brown to dark rich brown soil down to 18""; then knife-edge change to orange Fe-rich C with angular pebbles to cobbles; almost no pebbles in B; damp all the way down; bottom 2"" are lighter brown; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected 6-16""; did not collect in C horizon; angular rocks are igneous with flattened shards (?), volcanic; totally altered" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2669 08PB265STO 08PB265 C320100 MRP09489 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 3"" of good AO horizon; brown to dark rich brown soil down to 18""; then knife-edge change to orange Fe-rich C with angular pebbles to cobbles; almost no pebbles in B; damp all the way down; bottom 2"" are lighter brown; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected 6-16""; did not collect in C horizon; angular rocks are igneous with flattened shards (?), volcanic; totally altered" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2670 08PB266SCH 08PB266 RE08161293 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; saturated from just below A to bottom of hole; b soil color varies from gray to brown with patches that are orange and yellow; pebble-supported (rounded pebbles); SEZ collected from 6"" down; SMM collected from 10-16"" down; too pebbly and wet so 2 bags collected" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2671 08PB266SEZ 08PB266 w_14 BHX002 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; saturated from just below A to bottom of hole; b soil color varies from gray to brown with patches that are orange and yellow; pebble-supported (rounded pebbles); SEZ collected from 6"" down; SMM collected from 10-16"" down; too pebbly and wet so 2 bags collected" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2673 08PB266STO 08PB266 C320101 MRP09489 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; saturated from just below A to bottom of hole; b soil color varies from gray to brown with patches that are orange and yellow; pebble-supported (rounded pebbles); SEZ collected from 6"" down; SMM collected from 10-16"" down; too pebbly and wet so 2 bags collected" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2674 08PB267SCH 08PB267 RE08161293 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; first 12"" cobbly but then relatively noncobbly; soil matrix consistent from bottom of A; a about 3""; b is brown, sandy to clay-rich" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2675 08PB267SEZ 08PB267 w_15 BHX002 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; first 12"" cobbly but then relatively noncobbly; soil matrix consistent from bottom of A; a about 3""; b is brown, sandy to clay-rich" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2677 08PB267STO 08PB267 C320103 MRP09489 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; first 12"" cobbly but then relatively noncobbly; soil matrix consistent from bottom of A; a about 3""; b is brown, sandy to clay-rich" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2678 08PB268SCH 08PB268 RE08161293 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; vegetated AO is about 3"" thick; then immediately into brown silt, dark brown at top and getting progressively lighter with depth; at about 15"" deep it is yellow-brown silt; no pebbles at all; likely lake silt; fine rootlets to bottom of hole at 18"" depth; SEZ collected from 6"" below surface in silty B horizon; SMM collected from 8-18"", easy to collect" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2679 08PB268SEZ 08PB268 w_16 BHX002 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; vegetated AO is about 3"" thick; then immediately into brown silt, dark brown at top and getting progressively lighter with depth; at about 15"" deep it is yellow-brown silt; no pebbles at all; likely lake silt; fine rootlets to bottom of hole at 18"" depth; SEZ collected from 6"" below surface in silty B horizon; SMM collected from 8-18"", easy to collect" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2681 08PB268STO 08PB268 C320104 MRP09489 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; vegetated AO is about 3"" thick; then immediately into brown silt, dark brown at top and getting progressively lighter with depth; at about 15"" deep it is yellow-brown silt; no pebbles at all; likely lake silt; fine rootlets to bottom of hole at 18"" depth; SEZ collected from 6"" below surface in silty B horizon; SMM collected from 8-18"", easy to collect" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2682 08PB280SCH 08PB280 RE08161293 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; vegetation cap about 4"" thick; dark organic-rich material for 1"", lighter brown next 4-6"", tan; SEZA collected at 6"" depth in organic A horizon; SEZB collected at 16"" depth 4"" into the B horizon; SMM collected from 16"" to bottom of hole; presence of rock fairly consistent all the way down, rounded to sub-angular" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2683 08PB280SEZA 08PB280 w_17 BHX002 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for enzyme leach; vegetation cap about 4"" thick; dark organic-rich material for 1"", lighter brown next 4-6"", tan; SEZA collected at 6"" depth in organic A horizon; SEZB collected at 16"" depth 4"" into the B horizon; SMM collected from 16"" to bottom of hole; presence of rock fairly consistent all the way down, rounded to sub-angular" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2684 08PB280SEZB 08PB280 w_18 BHX002 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; vegetation cap about 4"" thick; dark organic-rich material for 1"", lighter brown next 4-6"", tan; SEZA collected at 6"" depth in organic A horizon; SEZB collected at 16"" depth 4"" into the B horizon; SMM collected from 16"" to bottom of hole; presence of rock fairly consistent all the way down, rounded to sub-angular" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2686 08PB280STO 08PB280 C320105 MRP09489 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; vegetation cap about 4"" thick; dark organic-rich material for 1"", ligher brown next 4-6"", tan; SEZA collected at 6"" depth in organic A horizon; SEZB collected at 16"" depth 4"" into the B horizon; SMM collected from 16"" to bottom of hole; presence of rock fairly consistent all the way down, rounded to sub-angular" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2687 08PB281SCH 08PB281 RE08161293 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 3"" vegetation cap underlain by 12"" dark brown organic A horizon; sharp color change to yellow-tan organic-free (B horizon); contains abundant clay; sub-rounded to sub-angular cobbles of granodiorite; all cobbles similar lithology; SEZA collected 6"" below surface in A horizon; SEZB collected just below A at 16"" in B horizon; SMM collected 16"" to bottom of hole; rocks fairly abundant in SMM interval" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS 2688 08PB281SEZA 08PB281 w_19 BHX002 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for enzyme leach; 3"" vegetation cap underlain by 12"" dark brown organic A horizon; sharp color change to yellow-tan organic-free (B horizon); contains abundant clay; sub-rounded to sub-angular cobbles of granodiorite; all cobbles similar lithology; SEZA collected 6"" below surface in A horizon; SEZB collected just below A at 16"" in B horizon; SMM collected 16"" to bottom of hole; rocks fairly abundant in SMM interval" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS 2689 08PB281SEZB 08PB281 w_20 BHX002 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 3"" vegetation cap underlain by 12"" dark brown organic A horizon; sharp color change to yellow-tan organic-free (B horizon); contains abundant clay; sub-rounded to sub-angular cobbles of granodiorite; all cobbles similar lithology; SEZA collected 6"" below surface in A horizon; SEZB collected just below A at 16"" in B horizon; SMM collected 16"" to bottom of hole; rocks fairly abundant in SMM interval" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS 2691 08PB281STO 08PB281 C320106 MRP09489 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 3"" vegetation cap underlain by 12"" dark brown organic A horizon; sharp color change to yellow-tan organic-free (B horizon); contains abundant clay; sub-rounded to sub-angular cobbles of granodiorite; all cobbles similar lithology; SEZA collected 6"" below surface in A horizon; SEZB collected just below A at 16"" in B horizon; SMM collected 16"" to bottom of hole; rocks fairly abundant in SMM interval" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/SS 2692 08PB283SCH 08PB283 RE08161293 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 3"" vegetation cap; organic layer; dark brown to 10""; from 10""; tan to light brown sandy soil; cobbles sub-rounded to sub-angular; almost entirely granodiorite; SEZA collected 6"" below surface; SEZB collected 14"" in B horizon; SMM collected from 14-20"" in B horizon" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS 2693 08PB283SEZA 08PB283 w_21 BHX002 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for enzyme leach; 3"" vegetation cap; organic layer; dark brown to 10""; from 10""; tan to light brown sandy soil; cobbles sub-rounded to sub-angular; almost entirely granodiorite; SEZA collected 6"" below surface; SEZB collected 14"" in B horizon; SMM collected from 14-20"" in B horizon" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS 2694 08PB283SEZB 08PB283 w_22 BHX002 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 3"" vegetation cap; organic layer; dark brown to 10""; from 10""; tan to light brown sandy soil; cobbles sub-rounded to sub-angular; almost entirely granodiorite; SEZA collected 6"" below surface; SEZB collected 14"" in B horizon; SMM collected from 14-20"" in B horizon" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS 2696 08PB283STO 08PB283 C320107 MRP09489 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 3"" vegetation cap; organic layer; dark brown to 10""; from 10""; tan to light brown sandy soil; cobbles sub-rounded to sub-angular; almost entirely granodiorite; SEZA collected 6"" below surface; SEZB collected 14"" in B horizon; SMM collected from 14-20"" in B horizon" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh KK/SS 2697 08PB284SCH 08PB284 RE08161293 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; a horizon about 3"" thick; clay to sandy dark brown soil with abundant round to sub-angular cobbles up to 10"" in length, 3-7"" common; mostly granodiorite plus green mafic rock; consistent B horizon down to bottom of hole; no color change; fe staining on cobbles; SEZ collected at 6"" in B; SMM collected 7"" and below" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2698 08PB284SEZ 08PB284 w_23 BHX002 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; a horizon about 3"" thick; clay to sandy dark brown soil with abundant round to sub-angular cobbles up to 10"" in length, 3-7"" common; mostly granodiorite plus green mafic rock; consistent B horizon down to bottom of hole; no color change; fe staining on cobbles; SEZ collected at 6"" in B; SMM collected 7"" and below" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2700 08PB284STO 08PB284 C320108 MRP09489 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; a horizon about 3"" thick; clay to sandy dark brown soil with abundant round to sub-angular cobbles up to 10"" in length, 3-7"" common; mostly granodiorite plus green mafic rock; consistent B horizon down to bottom of hole; no color change; fe staining on cobbles; SEZ collected at 6"" in B; SMM collected 7"" and below" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2701 08PB285SCH 08PB285 RE08161293 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 30"" deep hole; dark brown organic soil all the way but gradually getting lighter and siltier; occasional pebbles are rounded; scattered throughout; no well-defined break between A and B horizons; SEZA collected at 6"" in black organic material; SEZB collected at 15"" in brown silty soil; SMM collected 15-30"" depth; abundant mineral soil, not just organic material; silty brown and brownish tan" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2702 08PB285SEZA 08PB285 w_24 BHX002 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for enzyme leach; 30"" deep hole; dark brown organic soil all the way but gradually getting lighter and siltier; occasional pebbles are rounded; scattered throughout; no well-defined break between A and B horizons; SEZA collected at 6"" in black organic material; SEZB collected at 15"" in brown silty soil; SMM collected 15-30"" depth; abundant mineral soil, not just organic material; silty brown and brownish tan" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2703 08PB285SEZB 08PB285 w_25 BHX002 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 30"" deep hole; dark brown organic soil all the way but gradually getting lighter and siltier; occasional pebbles are rounded; scattered throughout; no well-defined break between A and B horizons; SEZA collected at 6"" in black organic material; SEZB collected at 15"" in brown silty soil; SMM collected 15-30"" depth; abundant mineral soil, not just organic material; silty brown and brownish tan" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2705 08PB285STO 08PB285 C320109 MRP09489 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 30"" deep hole; dark brown organic soil all the way but gradually getting lighter and siltier; occasional pebbles are rounded; scattered throughout; no well-defined break between A and B horizons; SEZA collected at 6"" in black organic material; SEZB collected at 15"" in brown silty soil; SMM collected 15-30"" depth; abundant mineral soil, not just organic material; silty brown and brownish tan" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2706 08PB288SCH 08PB288 RE08161293 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; uniform silt and clay all the way down; 2"" vegetation cap; rooted zone to 6""; sporadic roots even deeper; brown at very surface grading into a tan brown in the top 4-6""; no pebbles down; SEZ collected at 6"", well into B horizon; SMM collected from 5-15"" depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2707 08PB288SEZ 08PB288 w_26 BHX002 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; uniform silt and clay all the way down; 2"" vegetation cap; rooted zone to 6""; sporadic roots even deeper; brown at very surface grading into a tan brown in the top 4-6""; no pebbles down; SEZ collected at 6"", well into B horizon; SMM collected from 5-15"" depth" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2709 08PB288STO 08PB288 C320110 MRP09489 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; uniform silt and clay all the way down; 2"" vegetation cap; rooted zone to 6""; sporadic roots even deeper; brown at very surface grading into a tan brown in the top 4-6""; no pebbles down; SEZ collected at 6"", well into B horizon; SMM collected from 5-15"" depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2710 08PB290SCH 08PB290 RE08161293 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; uniform silt and clay all the way down; 2"" vegetation cap; rooted zone to 6""; sporadic roots even deeper; brown at very surface grading into a tan brown in the top 4-6""; no pebbles down; SEZ collected at 6"", well into B horizon; SMM collected from 5-15"" depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2711 08PB290SEZ 08PB290 w_27 BHX002 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; uniform silt and clay all the way down; 2"" vegetation cap; rooted zone to 6""; sporadic roots even deeper; brown at very surface grading into a tan brown in the top 4-6""; no pebbles down; SEZ collected at 6"", well into B horizon; SMM collected from 5-15"" depth" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2713 08PB290STO 08PB290 C320111 MRP09489 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; uniform silt and clay all the way down; 2"" vegetation cap; rooted zone to 6""; sporadic roots even deeper; brown at very surface grading into a tan brown in the top 4-6""; no pebbles down; SEZ collected at 6"", well into B horizon; SMM collected from 5-15"" depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2714 08PB291SCH 08PB291 RE08161293 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; a is 2-4"" thick, dark brown soil; brown B is uniformly silty; no pebbles or cobbles; slight amount of water filling hole; sticky B indicates higher clay content than previous 2 holes; SEZ collected at 6"" depth (about 1.5"" below A-B boundary)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2715 08PB291SEZ 08PB291 w_28 BHX002 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; a is 2-4"" thick, dark brown soil; brown B is uniformly silty; no pebbles or cobbles; slight amount of water filling hole; sticky B indicates higher clay content than previous 2 holes; SEZ collected at 6"" depth (about 1.5"" below A-B boundary)" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2717 08PB291STO 08PB291 C320112 MRP09489 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; a is 2-4"" thick, dark brown soil; brown B is uniformly silty; no pebbles or cobbles; slight amount of water filling hole; sticky B indicates higher clay content than previous 2 holes; SEZ collected at 6"" depth (about 1.5"" below A-B boundary)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2718 08PB292SCH 08PB292 RE08161293 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; easy digging; no pebbles; dark brown organic-rich layer 2"" thick; at 4"" down changes to lighter brown; maintains color to 20""; bottom 2"" much lighter tan; silt with clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2719 08PB292SEZ 08PB292 w_29 BHX002 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; easy digging; no pebbles; dark brown organic-rich layer 2"" thick; at 4"" down changes to lighter brown; maintains color to 20""; bottom 2"" much lighter tan; silt with clay" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2721 08PB292STO 08PB292 C320113 MRP09489 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; easy digging; no pebbles; dark brown organic-rich layer 2"" thick; at 4"" down changes to lighter brown; maintains color to 20""; bottom 2"" much lighter tan; silt with clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2722 08PB293SCH 08PB293 RE08161293 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 4"" vegetation, dark brown AO cap; then into tan silty soil to bottom at 16"" deep; dryer than last 2 sites; no pebbles or cobbles; easy digging; SEZ collected 6"" down; SMM collected 8-16"" depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2723 08PB293SEZ 08PB293 w_30 BHX002 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 4"" vegetation, dark brown AO cap; then into tan silty soil to bottom at 16"" deep; dryer than last 2 sites; no pebbles or cobbles; easy digging; SEZ collected 6"" down; SMM collected 8-16"" depth" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2725 08PB293STO 08PB293 C320114 MRP09489 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 4"" vegetation, dark brown AO cap; then into tan silty soil to bottom at 16"" deep; dryer than last 2 sites; no pebbles or cobbles; easy digging; SEZ collected 6"" down; SMM collected 8-16"" depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2726 08PB294SCH 08PB294 RE08161293 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 3-4"" A with brown silty B down about 10-11"", changing to light brown; no pebbles in hole; consistent texture; silt with clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2727 08PB294SEZ 08PB294 w_31 BHX002 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 3-4"" A with brown silty B down about 10-11"", changing to light brown; no pebbles in hole; consistent texture; silt with clay" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2729 08PB294STO 08PB294 C320116 MRP09489 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 3-4"" A with brown silty B down about 10-11"", changing to light brown; no pebbles in hole; consistent texture; silt with clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2730 08PB295SCH 08PB295 RE08161293 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; vegetation cap about 2"" thick; aO stops there; soil brown for another 3"" (5"" from top), then gets progressively lighter to light tan to bottom of hole at 20""; at 20"", cobbles begin where light tan clay begins; FeOx orange spots concentrated in bottom half of hole; SMM collected in brown and light tan" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2731 08PB295SEZ 08PB295 w_32 BHX002 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; vegetation cap about 2"" thick; aO stops there; soil brown for another 3"" (5"" from top), then gets progressively lighter to light tan to bottom of hole at 20""; at 20"", cobbles begin where light tan clay begins; FeOx orange spots concentrated in bottom half of hole; SMM collected in brown and light tan" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2733 08PB295STO 08PB295 C320117 MRP09489 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; vegetation cap about 2"" thick; aO stops there; soil brown for another 3"" (5"" from top), then gets progressively lighter to light tan to bottom of hole at 20""; at 20"", cobbles begin where light tan clay begins; FeOx orange spots concentrated in bottom half of hole; SMM collected in brown and light tan" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2734 08PB296SCH 08PB296 RE08161293 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; vegetation cap is about 2"" thick, followed by brown silty clay; top 6"" of this is saturated; grades in color to light brown at 12"" deep; then a yellow tan to bottom at 18"" deep; yellow-tan material has small patches of orange-mottled FeOx; sparse pebbles; high clay content; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected at 8-18""" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2735 08PB296SEZ 08PB296 w_33 BHX002 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; vegetation cap is about 2"" thick, followed by brown silty clay; top 6"" of this is saturated; grades in color to light brown at 12"" deep; then a yellow tan to bottom at 18"" deep; yellow-tan material has small patches of orange-mottled FeOx; sparse pebbles; high clay content; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected at 8-18""" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2737 08PB296STO 08PB296 C320118 MRP09489 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; vegetation cap is about 2"" thick, followed by brown silty clay; top 6"" of this is saturated; grades in color to light brown at 12"" deep; then a yellow tan to bottom at 18"" deep; yellow-tan material has small patches of orange-mottled FeOx; sparse pebbles; high clay content; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected at 8-18""" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2738 08PB297SCH 08PB297 RE08161293 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 1"" of A but variable; shallow vegetation cap; medium-brown clay-rich, cobble-rich soil with rounded cobbles up to 6"" across; some dark brown mottled spots in the B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2739 08PB297SEZ 08PB297 w_34 BHX002 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 1"" of A but variable; shallow vegetation cap; medium-brown clay-rich, cobble-rich soil with rounded cobbles up to 6"" across; some dark brown mottled spots in the B" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2741 08PB297STO 08PB297 C320119 MRP09489 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 1"" of A but variable; shallow vegetation cap; medium-brown clay-rich, cobble-rich soil with rounded cobbles up to 6"" across; some dark brown mottled spots in the B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2742 08PB298DSCH 08PB298D RE08161293 site duplicate 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; sample site duplicate of 08PB298; vegetation cap thin and broke apart; 1.5"" thick brown silty soil to bottom, wet silty clay; no orange splotches; scattered pebbles and cobbles; uniform brown color throughout" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2743 08PB298DSEZ 08PB298D w_36 BHX002 site duplicate 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; sample site duplicate of 08PB298; vegetation cap thin and broke apart; 1.5"" thick brown silty soil to bottom, wet silty clay; no orange splotches; scattered pebbles and cobbles; uniform brown color throughout" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2745 08PB298DSTO 08PB298D C320133 MRP09489 site duplicate 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; sample site duplicate of 08PB298; vegetation cap thin and broke apart; 1.5"" thick brown silty soil to bottom, wet silty clay; no orange splotches; scattered pebbles and cobbles; uniform brown color throughout" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2746 08PB298SCH 08PB298 RE08161293 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; vegetation cap thin and broke apart; 1.5"" thick brown silty soil to bottom, wet silty clay; no orange splotches; scattered pebbles and cobbles; uniform brown color throughout" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2747 08PB298SEZ 08PB298 w_35 BHX002 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; vegetation cap thin and broke apart; 1.5"" thick brown silty soil to bottom, wet silty clay; no orange splotches; scattered pebbles and cobbles; uniform brown color throughout" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2749 08PB298STO 08PB298 C320120 MRP09489 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; vegetation cap thin and broke apart; 1.5"" thick brown silty soil to bottom, wet silty clay; no orange splotches; scattered pebbles and cobbles; uniform brown color throughout" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2750 08PB299SCH 08PB299 RE08161293 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 4"" AO horizon; organic rich with vegetation cover; tan-colored silty clay in hole from 4"" to bottom at 20""; no pebbles; consistent texture; lots of fine rootlets" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS 2751 08PB299SEZ 08PB299 w_37 BHX002 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 4"" AO horizon; organic rich with vegetation cover; tan-colored silty clay in hole from 4"" to bottom at 20""; no pebbles; consistent texture; lots of fine rootlets" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS 2753 08PB299STO 08PB299 C320121 MRP09489 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 4"" AO horizon; organic rich with vegetation cover; tan-colored silty clay in hole from 4"" to bottom at 20""; no pebbles; consistent texture; lots of fine rootlets" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh SS 2754 08PB300SCH 08PB300 RE08161293 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; thin, about 2"" vegetative cap with dark brown soil; quickly grades to brown and gray silty clay to bottom at 20""; no pebbles; clay rich; moist but not saturated" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2755 08PB300SEZ 08PB300 w_38 BHX002 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; thin, about 2"" vegetative cap with dark brown soil; quickly grades to brown and gray silty clay to bottom at 20""; no pebbles; clay rich; moist but not saturated" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2757 08PB300STO 08PB300 C320122 MRP09489 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; thin, about 2"" vegetative cap with dark brown soil; quickly grades to brown and gray silty clay to bottom at 20""; no pebbles; clay rich; moist but not saturated" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2758 08PB301SCH 08PB301 RE08161293 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; vegetation cap about 2-3"" thick, dark brown; then 9"" of dark B, clay-rich, mottled darker brown patches; at 12"" from surface is distinct color change to lighter tan; light tan has FeOx orange patches near top of light tan soil; no pebbles; SEZ collected in brown soil 6"" from surface; SMM collected from 8-18"" and contains both brown and tan soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2759 08PB301SEZ 08PB301 w_39 BHX002 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; vegetation cap about 2-3"" thick, dark brown; then 9"" of dark B, clay-rich, mottled darker brown patches; at 12"" from surface is distinct color change to lighter tan; light tan has FeOx orange patches near top of light tan soil; no pebbles; SEZ collected in brown soil 6"" from surface; SMM collected from 8-18"" and contains both brown and tan soil" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2761 08PB301STO 08PB301 C320123 MRP09489 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; vegetation cap about 2-3"" thick, dark brown; then 9"" of dark B, clay-rich, mottled darker brown patches; at 12"" from surface is distinct color change to lighter tan; light tan has FeOx orange patches near top of light tan soil; no pebbles; SEZ collected in brown soil 6"" from surface; SMM collected from 8-18"" and contains both brown and tan soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2762 08PB302SCH 08PB302 RE08161293 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 2-3"" A horizon, dark brown to black; b is mottled brown and tan silty clay; color lightens to bottom at 18""; at bottom, soil is nearly all tan; no pebbles; more 'sticky' than prevoius; not much (if any) Fe staining as in site before; SEZ collected in light brown to tan soil; SMM collected in light brown to tan soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2763 08PB302SEZ 08PB302 w_40 BHX002 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 2-3"" A horizon, dark brown to black; b is mottled brown and tan silty clay; color lightens to bottom at 18""; at bottom, soil is nearly all tan; no pebbles; more 'sticky' than prevoius; not much (if any) Fe staining as in site before; SEZ collected in light brown to tan soil; SMM collected in light brown to tan soil" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2765 08PB302STO 08PB302 C320124 MRP09489 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 2-3"" A horizon, dark brown to black; b is mottled brown and tan silty clay; color lightens to bottom at 18""; at bottom, soil is nearly all tan; no pebbles; more 'sticky' than prevoius; not much (if any) Fe staining as in site before; SEZ collected in light brown to tan soil; SMM collected in light brown to tan soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2766 08PB303SCH 08PB303 RE08161293 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 20"" deep hole; 2"" thick vegetation cap; dark brown soil down 3"", grades to lighter brown for 3""; lighter brown with splotches of gray and orange, silty clay; right before bottom of hole it is a very light tan; no pebbles; easy digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2767 08PB303SEZ 08PB303 w_41 BHX002 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 20"" deep hole; 2"" thick vegetation cap; dark brown soil down 3"", grades to lighter brown for 3""; lighter brown with splotches of gray and orange, silty clay; right before bottom of hole it is a very light tan; no pebbles; easy digging" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2769 08PB303STO 08PB303 C320125 MRP09489 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 20"" deep hole; 2"" thick vegetation cap; dark brown soil down 3"", grades to lighter brown for 3""; lighter brown with splotches of gray and orange, silty clay; right before bottom of hole it is a very light tan; no pebbles; easy digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2770 08PB304SCH 08PB304 RE08161293 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 2-3"" vegetation AO cap; then into light brown B with dark brown mottled soil; minor FeOx splotches; at 8"" depth is solid light tan contact characterized by FeOx splotches; more silty than clay-rich; no pebbles; SEZ collected at 6"" in light brown with mottled dark brown soil; SMM collected at 6-16"" mostly in light brown, includes FeOx splotches and light tan soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2771 08PB304SEZ 08PB304 w_42 BHX002 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 2-3"" vegetation AO cap; then into light brown B with dark brown mottled soil; minor FeOx splotches; at 8"" depth is solid light tan contact characterized by FeOx splotches; more silty than clay-rich; no pebbles; SEZ collected at 6"" in light brown with mottled dark brown soil; SMM collected at 6-16"" mostly in light brown, includes FeOx splotches and light tan soil" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2773 08PB304STO 08PB304 C320126 MRP09489 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 2-3"" vegetation AO cap; then into light brown B with dark brown mottled soil; minor FeOx splotches; at 8"" depth is solid light tan contact characterized by FeOx splotches; more silty than clay-rich; no pebbles; SEZ collected at 6"" in light brown with mottled dark brown soil; SMM collected at 6-16"" mostly in light brown, includes FeOx splotches and light tan soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2774 08PB305SCH 08PB305 RE08161293 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; vegetation cap 3"", dark brown organic soil; below, sharp change to brown clay-rich almost saturated soil to bottom of 20"" hole; very sticky; clay; no iron oxide splotches; lots of cobbles but matrix-supported; cobbles up to 8"", rounded; most are granodiorite in composition" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2775 08PB305SEZ 08PB305 w_43 BHX002 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; vegetation cap 3"", dark brown organic soil; below, sharp change to brown clay-rich almost saturated soil to bottom of 20"" hole; very sticky; clay; no iron oxide splotches; lots of cobbles but matrix-supported; cobbles up to 8"", rounded; most are granodiorite in composition" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2777 08PB305STO 08PB305 C320127 MRP09489 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; vegetation cap 3"", dark brown organic soil; below, sharp change to brown clay-rich almost saturated soil to bottom of 20"" hole; very sticky; clay; no iron oxide splotches; lots of cobbles but matrix-supported; cobbles up to 8"", rounded; most are granodiorite in composition" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2778 08PB306SCH 08PB306 RE08161293 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; collected from low point between tussocks; vegetation cap 6"" thick, dark brown and rooty; goes into lighter brown soil; SEZ collected in light brown soil; splotches of iron oxide in material; in bottom of hole below sampled zone is a much lighter tan; clay rich, occasional pebbles and small cobbles through; saturated below surface; dry but damp with depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2779 08PB306SEZ 08PB306 w_44 BHX002 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; collected from low point between tussocks; vegetation cap 6"" thick, dark brown and rooty; goes into lighter brown soil; SEZ collected in light brown soil; splotches of iron oxide in material; in bottom of hole below sampled zone is a much lighter tan; clay rich, occasional pebbles and small cobbles through; saturated below surface; dry but damp with depth" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2781 08PB306STO 08PB306 C320128 MRP09489 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; collected from low point between tussocks; vegetation cap 6"" thick, dark brown and rooty; goes into lighter brown soil; SEZ collected in light brown soil; splotches of iron oxide in material; in bottom of hole below sampled zone is a much lighter tan; clay rich, occasional pebbles and small cobbles through; saturated below surface; dry but damp with depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2782 08PB307SCH 08PB307 RE08161293 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; vegetation cap about 1"" thick and fell apart; then reddish-brown zone 5"" thick and saturated; then gray soil with FeOx blotches to bottom of hole at 14""; sparse scattered small pebbles up to .5"" across, rounded; gray soil is more silty where FeOx blotches are; more clay-rich in red-brown zone at 6"" depth; SMM is sampled from gray soil with minor red-brown soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2783 08PB307SEZ 08PB307 w_45 BHX002 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; vegetation cap about 1"" thick and fell apart; then reddish-brown zone 5"" thick and saturated; then gray soil with FeOx blotches to bottom of hole at 14""; sparse scattered small pebbles up to .5"" across, rounded; gray soil is more silty where FeOx blotches are; more clay-rich in red-brown zone at 6"" depth; SMM is sampled from gray soil with minor red-brown soil" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2785 08PB307STO 08PB307 C320129 MRP09489 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; vegetation cap about 1"" thick and fell apart; then reddish-brown zone 5"" thick and saturated; then gray soil with FeOx blotches to bottom of hole at 14""; sparse scattered small pebbles up to .5"" across, rounded; gray soil is more silty where FeOx blotches are; more clay-rich in red-brown zone at 6"" depth; SMM is sampled from gray soil with minor red-brown soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2786 08PB308SCH 08PB308 RE08161293 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "soil for cold hydroxylamine leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 2"" vegetation cap; 2"" below, dark brown, organic with rootlets; abrupt change to a yellow-brown/tan saturated silty clay; this horizon continues to bottom at 22""; uniform except for some FeOx and gray patches; moderate rounded pebbles up to 2-4"" scattered throughout hole" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2787 08PB308SEZ 08PB308 w_46 BHX002 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for enzyme leach; 2"" vegetation cap; 2"" below, dark brown, organic with rootlets; abrupt change to a yellow-brown/tan saturated silty clay; this horizon continues to bottom at 22""; uniform except for some FeOx and gray patches; moderate rounded pebbles up to 2-4"" scattered throughout hole" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 2789 08PB308STO 08PB308 C320130 MRP09489 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "soil for acid/sinter/fusion analysis; split from the SMM sample in the lab; archive only; not analyzed; 2"" vegetation cap; 2"" below, dark brown, organic with rootlets; abrupt change to a yellow-brown/tan saturated silty clay; this horizon continues to bottom at 22""; uniform except for some FeOx and gray patches; moderate rounded pebbles up to 2-4"" scattered throughout hole" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 2791 08PB130 08PB130 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered SS/DF/BE/BM meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 2792 08PB131 08PB131 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/BM 2793 08PB131D 08PB131D site duplicate 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered SS/DF 2794 08PB132 08PB132 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/BM sample difficult to filter (diatoms?) 2795 08PB133 08PB133 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered SS/DF 2796 08PB134 08PB134 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered SS/DF/BE/BM 2797 08PB135 08PB135 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/SS/BE/BM 2798 08PB136 08PB136 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/BM/SS/DF filtered with difficulty 2799 08PB137 08PB137 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered SS/DF 2800 08PB138 08PB138 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/RS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 2801 08PB139 08PB139 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/SS 2802 08PB140 08PB140 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/RS 2803 08PB141 08PB141 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/SS/BE/RS 2804 08PB142 08PB142 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/RS 2805 08PB143 08PB143 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/SS 2806 08PB144 08PB144 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/RS 2807 08PB145 08PB145 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/SS/RS/BE 2808 08PB146 08PB146 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/RS 2809 08PB147 08PB147 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/SS 2811 08PB149 08PB149 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/SS 2812 08PB150 08PB150 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/CC meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 2813 08PB151 08PB151 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/SS 2814 08PB152 08PB152 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/CC acidity=60 for all 7.0 water; detector limit ~60 ppm 2815 08PB153 08PB153 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/SS 2816 08PB154 08PB154 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/CC brown water looks like tannic acid; very tough to filter 2817 08PB155 08PB155 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/SS cannot see bottom of lake due to tannic acid; lake >2 ft deep where sampled 2818 08PB156 08PB156 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/CC 2819 08PB157 08PB157 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/SS 2820 08PB158 08PB158 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/CC 2821 08PB159 08PB159 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered SS/DF 2822 08PB160 08PB160 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/CC alkalinity estimated at around 9 ppm by color 2823 08PB161 08PB161 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/SS 2824 08PB162 08PB162 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/CC 2825 08PB163 08PB163 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/SS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 2826 08PB163D 08PB163D site duplicate 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/SS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 2827 08PB164 08PB164 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/MR 2828 08PB165 08PB165 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/SS no sediment samples; bottomless peat 2829 08PB166 08PB166 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/MR 2830 08PB167 08PB167 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/SS 2831 08PB168 08PB168 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/MR 2832 08PB169 08PB169 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/SS 2833 08PB170 08PB170 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/MR 2834 08PB171 08PB171 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/SS 2835 08PB172 08PB172 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/MR 2836 08PB173 08PB173 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered SS/DF 2837 08PB174 08PB174 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/MR 2838 08PB175 08PB175 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered DF/SS/BE/MR 2839 08PB176 08PB176 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/DF/LK meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 2840 08PB177 08PB177 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/DF/LK dissolved O2 difficult to measure because slight tan color which gives different hue 2842 08PB181 08PB181 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/DF/LK 2843 08PB182 08PB182 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/DF/LK 2844 08PB183 08PB183 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/DF/LK 2845 08PB184 08PB184 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/DF/LK 2846 08PB185 08PB185 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/DF meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 2847 08PB186 08PB186 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/DF 2848 08PB187 08PB187 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/DF 2849 08PB188 08PB188 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/DF 2850 08PB189 08PB189 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/DF 2851 08PB190 08PB190 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/DF 2852 08PB190D 08PB190D site duplicate 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/DF 2853 08PB191 08PB191 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, drill hole" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/DF meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 2854 08PB202 08PB202 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/DF/SS 2855 08PB203 08PB203 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, drill hole" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/DF 2856 08PB219 08PB219 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, drill hole" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/DF dissolved O2 measured with 2 kits: 1-12 ppm and 0-1 ppm. Water parameters indicate source is likely deep; not shallow groundwater; meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 2857 08PB254 08PB254 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/DF/NS/SS "alkalinity indicator solution turned pink immediately, meaning that aklinity is << 10; meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning; sub-location pH and conductance around pond: A1 - pH=5.22, Cond=124; A2 - pH=4.83, Cond=123; A3 - pH=5.31, Cond=123; A4 - p" 2858 08PB255 08PB255 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/DF/NS/SS 2859 08PB256 08PB256 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/DF/NS/SS "no water sample collected; reoccupation of 2007 pond site 07PB025 (2007 values: pH 4.51, conductivity 108)" 2860 08PB266 08PB266 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/KK/SS no water sample collected; meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 2861 08PB269 08PB269 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample stream GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/KK/SS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 2862 08PB270 08PB270 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample stream GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/KK/SS 2863 08PB271 08PB271 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample stream GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/KK/SS 2864 08PB272 08PB272 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample stream GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/KK/SS 2865 08PB273 08PB273 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample stream GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/KK/SS 2866 08PB274 08PB274 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample stream GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/KK/SS 2867 08PB275 08PB275 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample stream GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/KK/SS 2868 08PB276 08PB276 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample stream GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/KK/SS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 2869 08PB277 08PB277 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample stream GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/KK/SS hard to filter 2870 08PB278 08PB278 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample stream GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/KK/SS hard to filter 2871 08PB278D 08PB278D site duplicate 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample stream GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/KK/SS hard to filter 2872 08PB279 08PB279 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample stream GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/KK/SS 2873 08PB282 08PB282 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE "alk turns pink immediately upon adding indicator, meaning that alkalinity is << 10" 2874 08PB284 08PB284 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/KK/SS no water sample collected 2875 08PB287 08PB287 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/KK meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 2876 08PB289 08PB289 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 water field test sample stream GX none; field measurements taken on site none unfiltered BE/KK/SS no water sample taken 2882 08PB130DOC 08PB130 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u SS/DF/BE/BM meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 2883 08PB131DDOC 08PB131D site duplicate 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u SS/DF 2884 08PB131DOC 08PB131 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/BM 2885 08PB132DOC 08PB132 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/BM sample difficult to filter (diatoms?) 2886 08PB133DOC 08PB133 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u SS/DF 2887 08PB134DOC 08PB134 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u SS/DF/BE/BM 2888 08PB135DOC 08PB135 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS/BE/BM 2889 08PB136DOC 08PB136 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/BM/SS/DF filtered with difficulty 2890 08PB137DOC 08PB137 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u SS/DF 2891 08PB138DOC 08PB138 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/RS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 2892 08PB139DOC 08PB139 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 2893 08PB140DOC 08PB140 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/RS 2894 08PB141DOC 08PB141 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS/BE/RS 2895 08PB142DOC 08PB142 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/RS 2896 08PB143DOC 08PB143 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 2897 08PB144DOC 08PB144 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/RS 2898 08PB145DOC 08PB145 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS/RS/BE 2899 08PB146DOC 08PB146 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/RS 2900 08PB147DOC 08PB147 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 2901 08PB149DOC 08PB149 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 2902 08PB150DOC 08PB150 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/CC meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 2903 08PB151DOC 08PB151 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 2904 08PB152DOC 08PB152 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/CC acidity=60 for all 7.0 water; detector limit ~60 ppm 2905 08PB153DOC 08PB153 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 2906 08PB154DOC 08PB154 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/CC brown water looks like tannic acid; very tough to filter 2907 08PB155DOC 08PB155 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS cannot see bottom of lake due to tannic acid; lake >2 ft deep where sampled 2908 08PB156DOC 08PB156 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/CC 2909 08PB157DOC 08PB157 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 2910 08PB158DOC 08PB158 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/CC 2911 08PB159DOC 08PB159 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u SS/DF 2912 08PB160DOC 08PB160 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/CC alkalinity estimated at around 9 ppm by color 2913 08PB161DOC 08PB161 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 2914 08PB162DOC 08PB162 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/CC 2915 08PB163DDOC 08PB163D site duplicate 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 2916 08PB163DOC 08PB163 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 2917 08PB164DOC 08PB164 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/MR 2918 08PB165DOC 08PB165 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS no sediment samples; bottomless peat 2919 08PB166DOC 08PB166 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/MR 2920 08PB167DOC 08PB167 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 2921 08PB168DOC 08PB168 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/MR 2922 08PB169DOC 08PB169 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 2923 08PB170DOC 08PB170 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/MR 2924 08PB171DOC 08PB171 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 2925 08PB172DOC 08PB172 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/MR 2926 08PB173DOC 08PB173 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u SS/DF 2927 08PB174DOC 08PB174 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/MR 2928 08PB175DOC 08PB175 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS/BE/MR 2929 08PB176DOC 08PB176 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/LK meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 2930 08PB177DOC 08PB177 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/LK dissolved O2 difficult to measure because slight tan color which gives different hue 2932 08PB181DOC 08PB181 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/LK 2933 08PB182DOC 08PB182 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/LK 2934 08PB183DOC 08PB183 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/LK 2935 08PB184DOC 08PB184 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/LK 2936 08PB185DOC 08PB185 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 2937 08PB186DOC 08PB186 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF 2938 08PB187DOC 08PB187 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF 2939 08PB188DOC 08PB188 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF 2940 08PB189DOC 08PB189 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF 2941 08PB190DDOC 08PB190D site duplicate 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF 2942 08PB190DOC 08PB190 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF 2943 08PB191DOC 08PB191 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 2944 08PB202DOC 08PB202 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/SS 2945 08PB203DOC 08PB203 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF 2946 08PB219DOC 08PB219 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF dissolved O2 measured with 2 kits: 1-12 ppm and 0-1 ppm. Water parameters indicate source is likely deep; not shallow groundwater; meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 2947 08PB254DOC 08PB254 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/NS/SS "alkalinity indicator solution turned pink immediately, meaning that aklinity is << 10; meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning; sub-location pH and conductance around pond: A1 - pH=5.22, Cond=124; A2 - pH=4.83, Cond=123; A3 - pH=5.31, Cond=123; A4 - p" 2948 08PB255DOC 08PB255 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/NS/SS 2949 08PB256DOC 08PB256 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/NS/SS "no water sample collected; reoccupation of 2007 pond site 07PB025 (2007 values: pH 4.51, conductivity 108)" 2950 08PB269DOC 08PB269 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 2951 08PB270DOC 08PB270 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS 2952 08PB271DOC 08PB271 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS 2953 08PB272DOC 08PB272 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS 2954 08PB273DOC 08PB273 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS 2955 08PB274DOC 08PB274 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS 2956 08PB275DOC 08PB275 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS 2957 08PB276DOC 08PB276 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 2958 08PB277DOC 08PB277 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS hard to filter 2959 08PB278DDOC 08PB278D site duplicate 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS hard to filter 2960 08PB278DOC 08PB278 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS hard to filter 2961 08PB279DOC 08PB279 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS 2962 08PB282DOC 08PB282 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE "alk turns pink immediately upon adding indicator, meaning that alkalinity is << 10" 2963 08PB287DOC 08PB287 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 2971 08PB130FE 08PB130 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u SS/DF/BE/BM meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 2972 08PB131DFE 08PB131D site duplicate 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u SS/DF 2973 08PB131FE 08PB131 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/BM 2974 08PB132FE 08PB132 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/BM sample difficult to filter (diatoms?) 2975 08PB133FE 08PB133 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u SS/DF 2976 08PB134FE 08PB134 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u SS/DF/BE/BM 2977 08PB135FE 08PB135 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS/BE/BM 2978 08PB136FE 08PB136 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/BM/SS/DF filtered with difficulty 2979 08PB137FE 08PB137 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u SS/DF 2980 08PB138FE 08PB138 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/RS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 2981 08PB139FE 08PB139 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 2982 08PB140FE 08PB140 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/RS 2983 08PB141FE 08PB141 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS/BE/RS 2984 08PB142FE 08PB142 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/RS 2985 08PB143FE 08PB143 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 2986 08PB144FE 08PB144 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/RS 2987 08PB145FE 08PB145 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS/RS/BE 2988 08PB146FE 08PB146 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/RS 2989 08PB147FE 08PB147 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 2990 08PB149FE 08PB149 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 2991 08PB150FE 08PB150 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/CC meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 2992 08PB151FE 08PB151 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 2993 08PB152FE 08PB152 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/CC acidity=60 for all 7.0 water; detector limit ~60 ppm 2994 08PB153FE 08PB153 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 2995 08PB154FE 08PB154 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/CC brown water looks like tannic acid; very tough to filter 2996 08PB155FE 08PB155 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS cannot see bottom of lake due to tannic acid; lake >2 ft deep where sampled 2997 08PB156FE 08PB156 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/CC 2998 08PB157FE 08PB157 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 2999 08PB158FE 08PB158 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/CC 3000 08PB159FE 08PB159 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u SS/DF 3001 08PB160FE 08PB160 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/CC alkalinity estimated at around 9 ppm by color 3002 08PB161FE 08PB161 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 3003 08PB162FE 08PB162 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/CC 3004 08PB163DFE 08PB163D site duplicate 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3005 08PB163FE 08PB163 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3006 08PB164FE 08PB164 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/MR 3007 08PB165FE 08PB165 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS no sediment samples; bottomless peat 3008 08PB166FE 08PB166 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/MR 3009 08PB167FE 08PB167 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 3010 08PB168FE 08PB168 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/MR 3011 08PB169FE 08PB169 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 3012 08PB170FE 08PB170 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/MR 3013 08PB171FE 08PB171 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 3014 08PB172FE 08PB172 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/MR 3015 08PB173FE 08PB173 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u SS/DF 3016 08PB174FE 08PB174 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/MR 3017 08PB175FE 08PB175 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS/BE/MR 3018 08PB176FE 08PB176 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/LK meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3019 08PB177FE 08PB177 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/LK dissolved O2 difficult to measure because slight tan color which gives different hue 3021 08PB181FE 08PB181 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/LK 3022 08PB182FE 08PB182 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/LK 3023 08PB183FE 08PB183 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/LK 3024 08PB184FE 08PB184 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/LK 3025 08PB185FE 08PB185 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3026 08PB186FE 08PB186 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF 3027 08PB187FE 08PB187 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF 3028 08PB188FE 08PB188 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF 3029 08PB189FE 08PB189 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF 3030 08PB190DFE 08PB190D site duplicate 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF 3031 08PB190FE 08PB190 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF 3032 08PB191FE 08PB191 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3033 08PB202FE 08PB202 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/SS 3034 08PB203FE 08PB203 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF 3035 08PB219FE 08PB219 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF dissolved O2 measured with 2 kits: 1-12 ppm and 0-1 ppm. Water parameters indicate source is likely deep; not shallow groundwater; meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3036 08PB254FE 08PB254 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/NS/SS "alkalinity indicator solution turned pink immediately, meaning that aklinity is << 10; meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning; sub-location pH and conductance around pond: A1 - pH=5.22, Cond=124; A2 - pH=4.83, Cond=123; A3 - pH=5.31, Cond=123; A4 - p" 3037 08PB255FE 08PB255 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/NS/SS 3038 08PB256FE 08PB256 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/NS/SS "no water sample collected; reoccupation of 2007 pond site 07PB025 (2007 values: pH 4.51, conductivity 108)" 3039 08PB269FE 08PB269 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3040 08PB270FE 08PB270 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS 3041 08PB271FE 08PB271 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS 3042 08PB272FE 08PB272 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS 3043 08PB273FE 08PB273 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS 3044 08PB274FE 08PB274 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS 3045 08PB275FE 08PB275 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS 3046 08PB276FE 08PB276 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3047 08PB277FE 08PB277 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS hard to filter 3048 08PB278DFE 08PB278D site duplicate 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS hard to filter 3049 08PB278FE 08PB278 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS hard to filter 3050 08PB279FE 08PB279 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS 3051 08PB282FE 08PB282 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE "alk turns pink immediately upon adding indicator, meaning that alkalinity is << 10" 3052 08PB287FE 08PB287 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3058 08PB130FU 08PB130 C317160 MRP09241 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u SS/DF/BE/BM meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3059 08PB131DFU 08PB131D C317153 MRP09241 site duplicate 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u SS/DF 3060 08PB131FU 08PB131 C317152 MRP09241 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/BM 3061 08PB132FU 08PB132 C317097 MRP09240 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/BM sample difficult to filter (diatoms?) 3062 08PB133FU 08PB133 C317096 MRP09240 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u SS/DF 3063 08PB134FU 08PB134 C317106 MRP09240 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u SS/DF/BE/BM 3064 08PB135FU 08PB135 C317099 MRP09240 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS/BE/BM 3065 08PB136FU 08PB136 C317103 MRP09240 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/BM/SS/DF filtered with difficulty 3066 08PB137FU 08PB137 C317138 MRP09240 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u SS/DF 3067 08PB138FU 08PB138 C317109 MRP09240 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/RS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3068 08PB139FU 08PB139 C317101 MRP09240 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 3069 08PB140FU 08PB140 C317105 MRP09240 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/RS 3070 08PB141FU 08PB141 C317121 MRP09240 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS/BE/RS 3071 08PB142FU 08PB142 C317112 MRP09240 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/RS 3072 08PB143FU 08PB143 C317127 MRP09240 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 3073 08PB144FU 08PB144 C317100 MRP09240 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/RS 3074 08PB145FU 08PB145 C317122 MRP09240 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS/RS/BE 3075 08PB146FU 08PB146 C317119 MRP09240 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/RS 3076 08PB147FU 08PB147 C317130 MRP09240 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 3078 08PB149FU 08PB149 C317161 MRP09241 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 3079 08PB150FU 08PB150 C317135 MRP09240 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/CC meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3080 08PB151FU 08PB151 C317137 MRP09240 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 3081 08PB152FU 08PB152 C317115 MRP09240 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/CC acidity=60 for all 7.0 water; detector limit ~60 ppm 3082 08PB153FU 08PB153 C317108 MRP09240 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 3083 08PB154FU 08PB154 C317133 MRP09240 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/CC brown water looks like tannic acid; very tough to filter 3084 08PB155FU 08PB155 C317131 MRP09240 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS cannot see bottom of lake due to tannic acid; lake >2 ft deep where sampled 3085 08PB156FU 08PB156 C317144 MRP09241 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/CC 3086 08PB157FU 08PB157 C317111 MRP09240 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 3087 08PB158FU 08PB158 C317124 MRP09240 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/CC 3088 08PB159FU 08PB159 C317118 MRP09240 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u SS/DF 3089 08PB160FU 08PB160 C317113 MRP09240 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/CC alkalinity estimated at around 9 ppm by color 3090 08PB161FU 08PB161 C317136 MRP09240 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 3091 08PB162FU 08PB162 C317125 MRP09240 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/CC 3092 08PB163DFU 08PB163D C317128 MRP09240 site duplicate 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3093 08PB163FU 08PB163 C317154 MRP09241 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3094 08PB164FU 08PB164 C317110 MRP09240 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/MR 3095 08PB165FU 08PB165 C317129 MRP09240 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS no sediment samples; bottomless peat 3096 08PB166FU 08PB166 C317140 MRP09240 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/MR 3097 08PB167FU 08PB167 C317146 MRP09241 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 3098 08PB168FU 08PB168 C317117 MRP09240 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/MR 3099 08PB169FU 08PB169 C317155 MRP09241 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 3100 08PB170FU 08PB170 C317123 MRP09240 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/MR 3101 08PB171FU 08PB171 C317159 MRP09241 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 3102 08PB172FU 08PB172 C317114 MRP09240 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/MR 3103 08PB173FU 08PB173 C317149 MRP09241 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u SS/DF 3104 08PB174FU 08PB174 C317145 MRP09241 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/MR 3105 08PB175FU 08PB175 C317147 MRP09241 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS/BE/MR 3106 08PB176FU 08PB176 C317120 MRP09240 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/LK meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3107 08PB177FU 08PB177 C317142 MRP09240 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/LK dissolved O2 difficult to measure because slight tan color which gives different hue 3109 08PB181FU 08PB181 C317132 MRP09240 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/LK 3110 08PB182FU 08PB182 C317098 MRP09240 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/LK 3111 08PB183FU 08PB183 C317126 MRP09240 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/LK 3112 08PB184FU 08PB184 C317139 MRP09240 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/LK 3113 08PB185FU 08PB185 C317158 MRP09241 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3114 08PB186FU 08PB186 C317141 MRP09240 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF 3115 08PB187FU 08PB187 C317134 MRP09240 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF 3116 08PB188FU 08PB188 C317148 MRP09241 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF 3117 08PB189FU 08PB189 C317107 MRP09240 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF 3118 08PB190DFU 08PB190D C317102 MRP09240 site duplicate 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF 3119 08PB190FU 08PB190 C317104 MRP09240 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF 3120 08PB191FU 08PB191 C317162 MRP09241 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3121 08PB202FU 08PB202 C317143 MRP09240 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/SS 3122 08PB203FU 08PB203 C317164 MRP09241 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF 3123 08PB219FU 08PB219 C317163 MRP09241 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF dissolved O2 measured with 2 kits: 1-12 ppm and 0-1 ppm. Water parameters indicate source is likely deep; not shallow groundwater; meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3124 08PB254FU 08PB254 C317157 MRP09241 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/NS/SS "alkalinity indicator solution turned pink immediately, meaning that aklinity is << 10; meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning; sub-location pH and conductance around pond: A1 - pH=5.22, Cond=124; A2 - pH=4.83, Cond=123; A3 - pH=5.31, Cond=123; A4 - p" 3125 08PB255FU 08PB255 C317156 MRP09241 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/NS/SS 3126 08PB256FU 08PB256 C317151 MRP09241 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/NS/SS "no water sample collected; reoccupation of 2007 pond site 07PB025 (2007 values: pH 4.51, conductivity 108)" 3127 08PB269FU 08PB269 C320090 MRP09488 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3128 08PB270FU 08PB270 C320089 MRP09488 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS 3129 08PB271FU 08PB271 C320088 MRP09488 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS 3130 08PB272FU 08PB272 C320086 MRP09488 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS 3131 08PB273FU 08PB273 C320084 MRP09488 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS 3132 08PB274FU 08PB274 C320081 MRP09488 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS 3133 08PB275FU 08PB275 C320087 MRP09488 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS 3134 08PB276FU 08PB276 C320085 MRP09488 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3135 08PB277FU 08PB277 C320078 MRP09488 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS hard to filter 3136 08PB278DFU 08PB278D C320079 MRP09488 site duplicate 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS hard to filter 3137 08PB278FU 08PB278 C320082 MRP09488 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS hard to filter 3138 08PB279FU 08PB279 C320080 MRP09488 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS 3139 08PB282FU 08PB282 C320074 MRP09488 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE "alk turns pink immediately upon adding indicator, meaning that alkalinity is << 10" 3140 08PB287FU 08PB287 C320083 MRP09488 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3146 08PB132ALK 08PB132 C317168 MRP09242 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/BM sample difficult to filter (diatoms?) 3147 08PB133ALK 08PB133 C317167 MRP09242 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered SS/DF 3148 08PB134ALK 08PB134 C317177 MRP09242 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered SS/DF/BE/BM 3149 08PB135ALK 08PB135 C317170 MRP09242 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/SS/BE/BM 3150 08PB136ALK 08PB136 C317174 MRP09242 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/BM/SS/DF filtered with difficulty 3151 08PB137ALK 08PB137 C317208 MRP09242 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered SS/DF 3152 08PB138ALK 08PB138 C317180 MRP09242 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/RS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3153 08PB139ALK 08PB139 C317172 MRP09242 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/SS 3154 08PB140ALK 08PB140 C317176 MRP09242 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/RS 3155 08PB141ALK 08PB141 C317192 MRP09242 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/SS/BE/RS 3156 08PB142ALK 08PB142 C317183 MRP09242 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/RS 3157 08PB143ALK 08PB143 C317198 MRP09242 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/SS 3158 08PB144ALK 08PB144 C317171 MRP09242 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/RS 3159 08PB145ALK 08PB145 C317193 MRP09242 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/SS/RS/BE 3160 08PB146ALK 08PB146 C317190 MRP09242 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/RS 3161 08PB147ALK 08PB147 C317201 MRP09242 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/SS 3163 08PB149ALK 08PB149 C317223 MRP09243 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/SS 3164 08PB151ALK 08PB151 C317207 MRP09242 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/SS 3165 08PB152ALK 08PB152 C317186 MRP09242 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/CC acidity=60 for all 7.0 water; detector limit ~60 ppm 3166 08PB153ALK 08PB153 C317179 MRP09242 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/SS 3167 08PB154ALK 08PB154 C317204 MRP09242 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/CC brown water looks like tannic acid; very tough to filter 3168 08PB155ALK 08PB155 C317202 MRP09242 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/SS cannot see bottom of lake due to tannic acid; lake >2 ft deep where sampled 3169 08PB156ALK 08PB156 C317211 MRP09242 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/CC 3170 08PB157ALK 08PB157 C317182 MRP09242 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/SS 3171 08PB158ALK 08PB158 C317195 MRP09242 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/CC 3172 08PB159ALK 08PB159 C317189 MRP09242 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered SS/DF 3173 08PB160ALK 08PB160 C317184 MRP09242 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/CC alkalinity estimated at around 9 ppm by color 3174 08PB161ALK 08PB161 C317206 MRP09242 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/SS 3175 08PB162ALK 08PB162 C317196 MRP09242 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/CC 3176 08PB163ALK 08PB163 C317218 MRP09243 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/SS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3177 08PB163DALK 08PB163D C317199 MRP09242 site duplicate 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/SS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3178 08PB164ALK 08PB164 C317181 MRP09242 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/MR 3179 08PB165ALK 08PB165 C317200 MRP09242 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/SS no sediment samples; bottomless peat 3180 08PB166ALK 08PB166 C317210 MRP09242 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/MR 3181 08PB167ALK 08PB167 C317213 MRP09242 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/SS 3182 08PB168ALK 08PB168 C317188 MRP09242 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/MR 3183 08PB169ALK 08PB169 C317219 MRP09243 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/SS 3184 08PB170ALK 08PB170 C317194 MRP09242 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/MR 3185 08PB171ALK 08PB171 C317222 MRP09243 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/SS 3186 08PB172ALK 08PB172 C317185 MRP09242 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/MR 3187 08PB173ALK 08PB173 C317215 MRP09243 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered SS/DF 3188 08PB174ALK 08PB174 C317212 MRP09242 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/MR 3189 08PB175ALK 08PB175 C317214 MRP09242 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered DF/SS/BE/MR 3190 08PB176ALK 08PB176 C317191 MRP09242 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/DF/LK meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3192 08PB181ALK 08PB181 C317203 MRP09242 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/DF/LK 3193 08PB182ALK 08PB182 C317169 MRP09242 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/DF/LK 3194 08PB183ALK 08PB183 C317197 MRP09242 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/DF/LK 3195 08PB184ALK 08PB184 C317209 MRP09242 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/DF/LK 3196 08PB187ALK 08PB187 C317205 MRP09242 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/DF 3197 08PB189ALK 08PB189 C317178 MRP09242 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/DF 3198 08PB190ALK 08PB190 C317175 MRP09242 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/DF 3199 08PB190DALK 08PB190D C317173 MRP09242 site duplicate 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/DF 3200 08PB254ALK 08PB254 C317221 MRP09243 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/DF/NS/SS "alkalinity indicator solution turned pink immediately, meaning that aklinity is << 10; meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning; sub-location pH and conductance around pond: A1 - pH=5.22, Cond=124; A2 - pH=4.83, Cond=123; A3 - pH=5.31, Cond=123; A4 - p" 3201 08PB255ALK 08PB255 C317220 MRP09243 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/DF/NS/SS 3202 08PB256ALK 08PB256 C317217 MRP09243 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/DF/NS/SS "no water sample collected; reoccupation of 2007 pond site 07PB025 (2007 values: pH 4.51, conductivity 108)" 3203 08PB274ALK 08PB274 C320072 MRP09487 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified stream GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK/SS 3204 08PB277ALK 08PB277 C320069 MRP09487 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified stream GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK/SS hard to filter 3205 08PB278ALK 08PB278 C320073 MRP09487 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified stream GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK/SS hard to filter 3206 08PB278DALK 08PB278D C320070 MRP09487 site duplicate 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified stream GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK/SS hard to filter 3207 08PB279ALK 08PB279 C320071 MRP09487 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified stream GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK/SS 3208 08PB282ALK 08PB282 C320065 MRP09487 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE "alk turns pink immediately upon adding indicator, meaning that alkalinity is << 10" 3214 08PB192SPH 08PB192 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 10"" vegetation cap; very wet green clay with oozy consistency; hole will not stay open due to clay; angular cobbles <4"" mixed in clay; orange streaks in clay; collected SEZA at 6"" in organic peat; collected SEZB just below B horizon; SMM composited from clay oozing into the hole" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/LK 3215 08PB192DSPH 08PB192D site duplicate 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; sample site duplicate of 08PB192; 10"" vegetation cap; very wet green clay with oozy consistency; hole will not stay open due to clay; angular cobbles <4"" mixed in clay; orange streaks in clay; collected SEZA at 6"" in organic peat; collected SEZB just below B horizon; SMM composited from clay oozing into the hole" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/LK 3216 08PB193SPH 08PB193 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; very wet boggy area; hard to find site with soil below peat; moved site about 60' W of line; peat layer 14"" thick; soil below peat is brown to gray black, silty to sandy with small gravel; water fills hole faster than we can bail it" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/LK 3217 08PB194SPH 08PB194 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; at 20"", still in peat; 10"" dark black peat on top; woody roots; below 10"", peat turns light orange; collected SEZA at 6""; SEZB at 15""; SMM below 15"" (will be very organic-rich); almost no mineral soil noted; SMM lighter brown peat from below 15""; caution: high organic content in SMM" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/LK 3218 08PB195SPH 08PB195 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; dug 24"" deep hole; still in peat; collected SEZA at 6""; collected SEZB at 15""; collected SMM below 15""; dark brown peat all the way down; caution: high organic content in SMM" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/LK 3219 08PB196SPH 08PB196 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 3"" of dark black peat at top; brown peat further down; still in peat at 24""; hole wet and slowly filling with water; SEZA at 6""; SEZB at 15""; SMM at 15"" and below; peat all the way down to bottom (24""); caution: high organic content in SMM" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/LK 3220 08PB197SPH 08PB197 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; collected SEZ at 6"" deep and top of mineral soil; small-sized gravel noted near top of mineral soil; collected SMM from 10-15"" deep; soil is dark brown to black silty mineral; block of ice found on one side of hole at about 6""" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/LK 3221 08PB198SPH 08PB198 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; archive only; no analysis; 6-7"" of organic root-bound peat; saturated brown organic soil/peat; soil sticks in large clumps to 18""; SEZ at 7"" from saturated brown organic soil; no SEZB sample; SMM taken from 10"" and below" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/LK 3222 08PB199SPH 08PB199 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 24"" deep hole all in peat; very woody peat; SEZA collected 6"" from surface; SEZB collected at 15"" from surface; SMM collected from 10-18""; water in peat is almost clear (i.e; not even muddy water)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/LK 3223 08PB201SPH 08PB201 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; dug hole 12"" deep and hit ice; entire hole in peat; site is in the middle of a bog; no other choice for site; SS was standing in water just to dig the hole; peat is brown and full of grassy material and roots; collected SEZA at around 6"" in peat; collected SEZB at around 12"" in peat; collected peat between 6 and 12"" for SMM; caution: high organic content in SMM" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS 3224 08PB204SPH 08PB204 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; dug 30"" deep hole; all in peat; peat is dark brown to very dark brown, mixed with some mud at depth; hole slowly filled with water while working; collected SEZA 4-6"" below surface; collected SEZB 15-17"" below surface; collected peat from 6 to 15"" below surface for SMM" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS 3225 08PB205SPH 08PB205 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; lower A horizon (4-8"" below surface); next 8"" is brown organic- and clay-rich layer with white streak (ash?) as a layer (about 0.2"" thick); at around 14"" depth is very black organic-rich thin layer; no cobbles or pebbles; SEZA collected 4-6"" below surface in peaty A horizon; SEZB collected just below ""ash"" streak in B soil; SMM collected from 8 to 18"" depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3226 08PB206SPH 08PB206 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; first well-developed soil site seen so far on this traverse; right below the root mat is a thin layer of angular gravel with occassional cobbles below; soil is dark brown and organic-rich; at 20"" depth there is a distinct color change to light tan; none of the light tan material was included in the SMM; SEZ collected at 6"" depth; SMM collected from 8-18"" depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3227 08PB207SPH 08PB207 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; thin layer with scattered small cobbles at around 4"" depth; organic ""AO"" layer is about 4"" thick; about 12"" down soil color changes from dark organic-rich brown to lighter sandy-rich tan; SEZ collected 4-6"" below surface in upper B; rounded intermediate to felsic cobbles; SMM collected 4-14"" from surface, including both the dark brown and tan soil described above" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF 3228 08PB208SPH 08PB208 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; dug 22"" deep hole; tundra mat, 2"" thick; then 8"" of organic-rich black soil; at 10"" depth the soil abruptly changes to a clay-rich tan material; small gravel and coarse sand seen in tan material; SEZ collected at 4-6""; SMM collected in tan soils 10-20"" deep" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS 3229 08PB209SPH 08PB209 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; soil sample: Easy digging; 4"" tundra vegetation cap followed by dark brown organic-rich soil to 6"" depth; then all light brown ""B"" soil; sandy, clay-rich soil with interspersed scattered rounded volcanic cobbles; collected SEZ at 6-8"" depth in light brown sandy soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3230 08PB210SPH 08PB210 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; dug 29"" deep hole; 2"" root mat in tundra; 2"" of dark organic-rich soil; light tan clay to bottom of hole; minor pebbles found in clay; clay is wet enough to be very sticky; SEZ collected at 6"" in tan clay; SMM collected from 8-18"" depth; one 8"" diameter cobble dug up at top of tan clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/SS 3231 08PB211SPH 08PB211 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 1-2"" tundra cap; 6"" brown to reddish-brown organic soil, followed by 4"" of well-sorted medium-sized gray sand (beach? [Hamilton maps as glacial lake/drift]); below sand is the tan clayey silt with isolated gravel" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/SS 3232 08PB212SPH 08PB212 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 2"" vegetation cap; light brown clay-rich soil with cobbles interspersed throughout; very uniform material; ""pretty sticky digging""" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3233 08PB213SPH 08PB213 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 2"" vegetation cap; then right into tan sticky, sandy clay; has interspersed gravel-sized pebbles; very consistent; hard digging through clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3234 08PB214SPH 08PB214 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; vegetation cap 3"" thick; silt and sand, rich dark brown to reddish brown; sparse pebbles found throughout (2 cm biggest); reddish material starts 10-12"" deep; SEZ collected at 4-6"", in chocolate brown; SMM collected 8-14"" inches down" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3235 08PB215SPH 08PB215 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; peat for 14"" with ice at the bottom; water pooled on the ice; peat is rooty and dark brown; SEZA collected at 4"" below surface in dark brown peat; SEZB collected 14"" below surface in brown peat immediately above frozen ground; SMM collected in peat interval 4-14"" below surface; no mineral soil observed in peat; water in hole is clear (not muddy), also indicating lack of silt or mud; caution: SMM sample is high in organics" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3236 08PB216SPH 08PB216 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 2"" vegetated AO tundra cap; then about 2"" of dark brown organic-rich soil; then into brown soil for about 10""; below that to bottom of hole at 18"" the soil is tan; soil is sandy to silty; coarse cobbles found in layer just below tundra; SEZ collected 4-6"" from surface in good B soil; SMM collected from 4 to 14"" from surface in good pebble-free brown soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3237 08PB217SPH 08PB217 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 3"" tundra cap with brown cobble-rich sediment down to bottom of 24"" hole; cobbles up to 4"" in diameter; soil is coarse sandy to silt-sized material" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS 3238 08PB218SPH 08PB218 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; dug hole in wet bog 24"" deep; first 16"" were brown to dark brown peat; below peat was a gray clay that was the consistency of modeling clay; scattered gravel found in clay; SEZA collected in peat 4-6"" below surface; SEZB collected in gray clay 17"" down; SMM collected in gray clay 17-24""; had to use metal shovel to break clay free for sampling; hole filled very quickly with water" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3239 08PB220SPH 08PB220 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; about 20"" deep hole; thick organic AO is about 8"" thick; wet hole; then into gray clay (looks like lake sediment deposits seen in 2007); angular cobbles found just below the organic layer; slightly orange-brown layer (FeOx?) just below AO in B; SEZA collected in organic layer 4-6"" below surface; SEZB collected 2-4"" below the B, which we define by the organic layer to gray clay transition; SMM collected 4-14"" below uppermost B; all gray clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF 3240 08PB221SPH 08PB221 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 22"" deep hole; 3"" tundra cap with sub-angular cobbles beneath; below cobbles there is about 2"" of orangeish-tan clay followed to bottom of hole by a sticky gray clay; all of the clay is full of cobbles; it is a very hard hole to dig; SEZ collected just at the bottom of the orangeish-tan clay; SMM collected in the gray clay beneath" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3241 08PB222SPH 08PB222 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; difficult boggy pit; top organic layer very thick peat; hole is 30"" deep, wet; towards bottom material is about 50% peat, 50% mud; relatively large boulder in hole (about 1' across by 8""); appears to be fine-grained basalt; SEZA collected from peat 6"" below surface; SEZB collected from 16-18"", mud and peat; SMM collected about 16-20"" in mud and peat" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3242 08PB223SPH 08PB223 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; archive only; not analyized; wet site; thick peaty layers it about 10"" thick; then sub-angular to angular cobbles in gray clay down to about 22"" deep; matrix-supported; SEZA taken 4-6"" below surface in peat with minor mud; SEZB taken 14-15"" below surface in gray clay; SMM collected in gray clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3243 08PB224SPH 08PB224 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; digging hard; 4"" thick tundra cap; matrix supported cobbles; cobbles angular to sub-angular in gray clay to bottom of hole; SEZ collected in clay about 6"" depth; SMM collected in clay 6-16"" depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3244 08PB225SPH 08PB225 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 30"" hole; 12"" of peat; peat and mud with cobbles all the way down; interspersed cobbles; dark brown with high organic content; no gray clay noted; SEZA collected 4-6"" down in peat; SEZB collected 15"" down; clearly muddier but still mostly organic; SMM collected 14-24"" down in muddy peaty organic soil; some wood noted in peat" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3245 08PB226SPH 08PB226 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 6-8"" of peaty moss; then just below is clast-supported (angular to sub-angular) accumulation of cobbles with clay matrix for about 3"" thick layer; then matrix-supported gray to brown clay to bottom of hole at 20""; peat is spongy; SEZ collected at 8"" in cobbly clay; SMM collected from 10-20"" below surface in brown-gray matrix-supported clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3246 08PB227SPH 08PB227 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 4"" thick tundra cap; layer of angular to sub-rounded cobbles below cap; dark soil just at top of B; becomes brown clay with abundant cobbles and pebbles; SEZ collected about 6"" below surface; SMM collected in brown clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3247 08PB228SPH 08PB228 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 24"" hole; tundra cap about 4"" thick; cobbles near surface; transitions immediately into tan-brown silty clay with interspersed sub-rounded to sub-angular cobbles; SEZ collected at about 6"" depth in silty clay; SMM collected 8-18"" depth in silty clay; clay is not sticky; sample much easier to collect" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3248 08PB229SPH 08PB229 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 2"" thick tundra cap; this is underlain by 12"" of angular to sub-rounded cobbles with sparse fine matrix; then a 1"" layer of gray sand or ash; then 10"" of silty brown clay with interspersed rounded cobbles; bottom of hole at 24"" has another 2"" layer of sandy ash (?); SEZ collected by picking sparse matrix from between cobbles at 4-6"" below surface; SMM collected from 8-18"" from surface" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3249 08PB230SPH 08PB230 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; hole dry in till; rounded cobbles, clast-supported with interspersed fines; variable size range from clay to large cobbles all the way down; minimal organic material; a-B boundary about 4"" down; transition from dark brown to brown; hole is about 20"" deep; SEZ collected 4-6"" down in color transition; SMM collected from 6-16""" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3250 08PB231SPH 08PB231 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 2"" tundra cap, then into fairly uniform till; coarse to fine rounded cobbles; color change 3-4"" down from dark brown rooty to gray brown; SEZ collected at 4-6"" at color transition; SMM collected from 6-16"" with lots of cobbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3251 08PB232SPH 08PB232 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 3"" tundra vegetation cap; then 3"" layer of angular to sub-rounded cobbles; cobble supported; then brown silty clay to 24"" depth that is interspersed with rounded gravel clasts; SEZ collected 5-6"" from surface; SMM collected 7-17"" from surface" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3252 08PB233SPH 08PB233 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; root cap 3"" thick, followed by sparse pebbles/gravel (matrix-supported) down to 6""; at about 8-9"", transition from chocolate-brown matrix (silt) into brown clayey silt with interspersed rounded cobbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3253 08PB233DSPH 08PB233D site duplicate 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; sample site duplicate of 08PB233; 20"" deep hole; root cap 3"" thick, followed by sparse pebbles/gravel (matrix-supported) down to 6""; at about 8-9"", transition from chocolate-brown matrix (silt) into brown clayey silt with interspersed large rounded volcanic (intermediate to mafic) cobbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3254 08PB234SPH 08PB234 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; tundra cap is about 4"" thick and contains a gray sand; then below the cap is tan sandy silt down to 30""; no clasts, all silt; silt has slight orange color; very easy sample to collect; in hand lens, gray sand is well-sorted sub-angular multimineralogic with quartz; mineral grains argue against ash and more towards alluvial origin; SEZ collected from 6"" from surface in orange-tan silty sand; SMM collected from 10-20"" from surface in orange-tan silty sand" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3255 08PB235SPH 08PB235 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 3"" vegetation tundra cap with gray to white clay layer within it; then into mottled gray to brown silt for about 8""; then silty sand with rounded pebbles and gravel, brown with hint of orange to bottom of hole at 25""; SEZ collected at 6"" depth in gray to brown silt; SMM collected at 8-18"" straddling the soil described above" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3256 08PB236SPH 08PB236 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 22"" deep hole; 1-2"" tundra cap; next 5"" is chocolate brown soil with sub-angular gravel to cobbles; fairly sharp transition to tannish gray clayey silt, contains coarse sand to small cobbles; SEZ collected at 6"" right below color transition; SMM collected from 8-18"" down" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS 3257 08PB237SPH 08PB237 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; soil found in solifluction lobes moving downhill; indicates soil is likely allocthonous but fairly close to source; hole is 14"" deep; frozen solid on bottom; tundra cap is 4-6"" thick with dark brown soil beneath to bottom; encountered large woody root in hole (1.5"" diameter); SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected from 6-14"" deep" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS 3258 08PB257SPH 08PB257 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; tundra AO cap about 4"" thick; then into cobble-rich clay; thin layer of cobbles below cap; gray-tan clay, cobbles up to 3"" across; SEZ collected at 6"" depth; SMM collected at 6-14"" depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3259 08PB258SPH 08PB258 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; tundra cap is about 10"" thick, dark organic-rich soil; a-B contact is about 13"" down from surface; a-B contact is a good color change from dark brown to brown; b is sandy clay with abundant pebble and cobbles up to about 3"" across; SEZA collected 6"" below surface in organic A; SEZB collected 4"" below A-B contact; SMM collected 4"" below A-B contact (17-23"" depth)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3260 08PB259SPH 08PB259 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; tundra cap is 4"", underlain by large boulders (7-8""); beneath cobble layer is brown sandy layer; SEZ collected right below A, 4"" from surface; transition between A and B is irregular; b is sandy with mostly gravel-size cobbles; dark brown-tan in color; noticed some large porphyry intermediate cobbles here; largest cobbles just below A" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3261 08PB260SPH 08PB260 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; tundra organic cap is about 3"" thick; 6"" of A horizon; bottom of A has abundant angular broken cobbles; SEZ collected at very top of B horizon; a is dark brown; b is much lighter tan-brown, sandy clay with abundant 1-2"" rounded cobbles; SMM collected from 4"" below A-B contact to bottom of hole at about 16"" deep; soil is nearly saturated" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3262 08PB261SPH 08PB261 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; organic cap and A horizon is about 8 in thick; A-horizon soil color is a dark brown; several rounded to subrounded pebbles and cobbles, up to approx; 4 in across, straddle the lower A and upper B horizons; the B horizon is a lighter brown color and becomes less cobble rich with depth; soil is damp and sticky; sample description made in office using photographs" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3263 08PB262SPH 08PB262 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; no soil horizon development; colluvial; angular iron-stained cobbles up to 6"" long; clast support with at most saturated soil between; hard to collect; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected at 6-12""" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3264 08PB263SPH 08PB263 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; a horizon ranges from 6-10"" with downhill side thinner; b is very clay-rich; brown with cobbles from gravel to 3""; fairly saturated but not dripping; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected 10-16""" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3265 08PB264SPH 08PB264 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 6"" of A; next 4"" (top of B) saturated and dripping; b is tan clay-rich with scattered cobbles up to 2""; well-compacted (modeling clay)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3266 08PB265SPH 08PB265 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 3"" of good AO horizon; brown to dark rich brown soil down to 18""; then knife-edge change to orange Fe-rich C with angular pebbles to cobbles; almost no pebbles in B; damp all the way down; bottom 2"" are lighter brown; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected 6-16""; did not collect in C horizon; angular rocks are igneous with flattened shards (?), volcanic; totally altered" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3267 08PB265DSPH 08PB265D site duplicate 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; sample site duplicate of 08PB265; 3"" of good AO horizon; brown to dark rich brown soil down to 18""; then knife-edge change to orange Fe-rich C with angular pebbles to cobbles; almost no pebbles in B; damp all the way down; bottom 2"" are lighter brown; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected 6-16""; did not collect in C horizon; angular rocks are igneous with flattened shards (?), volcanic; totally altered" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3268 08PB266SPH 08PB266 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; saturated from just below A to bottom of hole; b soil color varies from gray to brown with patches that are orange and yellow; pebble-supported (rounded pebbles); SEZ collected from 6"" down; SMM collected from 10-16"" down; too pebbly and wet so 2 bags collected" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3269 08PB267SPH 08PB267 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; first 12"" cobbly but then relatively noncobbly; soil matrix consistent from bottom of A; a about 3""; b is brown, sandy to clay-rich" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3270 08PB268SPH 08PB268 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; vegetated AO is about 3"" thick; then immediately into brown silt, dark brown at top and getting progressively lighter with depth; at about 15"" deep it is yellow-brown silt; no pebbles at all; likely lake silt; fine rootlets to bottom of hole at 18"" depth; SEZ collected from 6"" below surface in silty B horizon; SMM collected from 8-18"", easy to collect" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3271 08PB280SPH 08PB280 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; vegetation cap about 4"" thick; dark organic-rich material for 1"", lighter brown next 4-6"", tan; SEZA collected at 6"" depth in organic A horizon; SEZB collected at 16"" depth 4"" into the B horizon; SMM collected from 16"" to bottom of hole; presence of rock fairly consistent all the way down, rounded to sub-angular" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3272 08PB281SPH 08PB281 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 3"" vegetation cap underlain by 12"" dark brown organic A horizon; sharp color change to yellow-tan organic-free (B horizon); contains abundant clay; sub-rounded to sub-angular cobbles of granodiorite; all cobbles similar lithology; SEZA collected 6"" below surface in A horizon; SEZB collected just below A at 16"" in B horizon; SMM collected 16"" to bottom of hole; rocks fairly abundant in SMM interval" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS 3273 08PB283SPH 08PB283 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 3"" vegetation cap; organic layer; dark brown to 10""; from 10""; tan to light brown sandy soil; cobbles sub-rounded to sub-angular; almost entirely granodiorite; SEZA collected 6"" below surface; SEZB collected 14"" in B horizon; SMM collected from 14-20"" in B horizon" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS 3274 08PB284SPH 08PB284 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; a horizon about 3"" thick; clay to sandy dark brown soil with abundant round to sub-angular cobbles up to 10"" in length, 3-7"" common; mostly granodiorite plus green mafic rock; consistent B horizon down to bottom of hole; no color change; fe staining on cobbles; SEZ collected at 6"" in B; SMM collected 7"" and below" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3275 08PB285SPH 08PB285 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 30"" deep hole; dark brown organic soil all the way but gradually getting lighter and siltier; occasional pebbles are rounded; scattered throughout; no well-defined break between A and B horizons; SEZA collected at 6"" in black organic material; SEZB collected at 15"" in brown silty soil; SMM collected 15-30"" depth; abundant mineral soil, not just organic material; silty brown and brownish tan" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3276 08PB288SPH 08PB288 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; uniform silt and clay all the way down; 2"" vegetation cap; rooted zone to 6""; sporadic roots even deeper; brown at very surface grading into a tan brown in the top 4-6""; no pebbles down; SEZ collected at 6"", well into B horizon; SMM collected from 5-15"" depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3277 08PB290SPH 08PB290 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; uniform silt and clay all the way down; 2"" vegetation cap; rooted zone to 6""; sporadic roots even deeper; brown at very surface grading into a tan brown in the top 4-6""; no pebbles down; SEZ collected at 6"", well into B horizon; SMM collected from 5-15"" depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3278 08PB291SPH 08PB291 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; a is 2-4"" thick, dark brown soil; brown B is uniformly silty; no pebbles or cobbles; slight amount of water filling hole; sticky B indicates higher clay content than previous 2 holes; SEZ collected at 6"" depth (about 1.5"" below A-B boundary)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3279 08PB292SPH 08PB292 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; easy digging; no pebbles; dark brown organic-rich layer 2"" thick; at 4"" down changes to lighter brown; maintains color to 20""; bottom 2"" much lighter tan; silt with clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3280 08PB293SPH 08PB293 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 4"" vegetation, dark brown AO cap; then into tan silty soil to bottom at 16"" deep; dryer than last 2 sites; no pebbles or cobbles; easy digging; SEZ collected 6"" down; SMM collected 8-16"" depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3281 08PB294SPH 08PB294 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 3-4"" A with brown silty B down about 10-11"", changing to light brown; no pebbles in hole; consistent texture; silt with clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3282 08PB295SPH 08PB295 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; vegetation cap about 2"" thick; aO stops there; soil brown for another 3"" (5"" from top), then gets progressively lighter to light tan to bottom of hole at 20""; at 20"", cobbles begin where light tan clay begins; FeOx orange spots concentrated in bottom half of hole; SMM collected in brown and light tan" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3283 08PB296SPH 08PB296 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; vegetation cap is about 2"" thick, followed by brown silty clay; top 6"" of this is saturated; grades in color to light brown at 12"" deep; then a yellow tan to bottom at 18"" deep; yellow-tan material has small patches of orange-mottled FeOx; sparse pebbles; high clay content; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected at 8-18""" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3284 08PB297SPH 08PB297 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 1"" of A but variable; shallow vegetation cap; medium-brown clay-rich, cobble-rich soil with rounded cobbles up to 6"" across; some dark brown mottled spots in the B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3285 08PB298SPH 08PB298 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; vegetation cap thin and broke apart; 1.5"" thick brown silty soil to bottom, wet silty clay; no orange splotches; scattered pebbles and cobbles; uniform brown color throughout" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3286 08PB298DSPH 08PB298D site duplicate 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; sample site duplicate of 08PB298; vegetation cap thin and broke apart; 1.5"" thick brown silty soil to bottom, wet silty clay; no orange splotches; scattered pebbles and cobbles; uniform brown color throughout" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3287 08PB299SPH 08PB299 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 4"" AO horizon; organic rich with vegetation cover; tan-colored silty clay in hole from 4"" to bottom at 20""; no pebbles; consistent texture; lots of fine rootlets" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS 3288 08PB300SPH 08PB300 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; thin, about 2"" vegetative cap with dark brown soil; quickly grades to brown and gray silty clay to bottom at 20""; no pebbles; clay rich; moist but not saturated" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3289 08PB301SPH 08PB301 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; vegetation cap about 2-3"" thick, dark brown; then 9"" of dark B, clay-rich, mottled darker brown patches; at 12"" from surface is distinct color change to lighter tan; light tan has FeOx orange patches near top of light tan soil; no pebbles; SEZ collected in brown soil 6"" from surface; SMM collected from 8-18"" and contains both brown and tan soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3290 08PB302SPH 08PB302 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 2-3"" A horizon, dark brown to black; b is mottled brown and tan silty clay; color lightens to bottom at 18""; at bottom, soil is nearly all tan; no pebbles; more 'sticky' than prevoius; not much (if any) Fe staining as in site before; SEZ collected in light brown to tan soil; SMM collected in light brown to tan soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3291 08PB303SPH 08PB303 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 20"" deep hole; 2"" thick vegetation cap; dark brown soil down 3"", grades to lighter brown for 3""; lighter brown with splotches of gray and orange, silty clay; right before bottom of hole it is a very light tan; no pebbles; easy digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3292 08PB304SPH 08PB304 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 2-3"" vegetation AO cap; then into light brown B with dark brown mottled soil; minor FeOx splotches; at 8"" depth is solid light tan contact characterized by FeOx splotches; more silty than clay-rich; no pebbles; SEZ collected at 6"" in light brown with mottled dark brown soil; SMM collected at 6-16"" mostly in light brown, includes FeOx splotches and light tan soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3293 08PB305SPH 08PB305 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; vegetation cap 3"", dark brown organic soil; below, sharp change to brown clay-rich almost saturated soil to bottom of 20"" hole; very sticky; clay; no iron oxide splotches; lots of cobbles but matrix-supported; cobbles up to 8"", rounded; most are granodiorite in composition" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3294 08PB306SPH 08PB306 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; collected from low point between tussocks; vegetation cap 6"" thick, dark brown and rooty; goes into lighter brown soil; SEZ collected in light brown soil; splotches of iron oxide in material; in bottom of hole below sampled zone is a much lighter tan; clay rich, occasional pebbles and small cobbles through; saturated below surface; dry but damp with depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3295 08PB307SPH 08PB307 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; vegetation cap about 1"" thick and fell apart; then reddish-brown zone 5"" thick and saturated; then gray soil with FeOx blotches to bottom of hole at 14""; sparse scattered small pebbles up to .5"" across, rounded; gray soil is more silty where FeOx blotches are; more clay-rich in red-brown zone at 6"" depth; SMM is sampled from gray soil with minor red-brown soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3296 08PB308SPH 08PB308 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil pH and specific conductance of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 2"" vegetation cap; 2"" below, dark brown, organic with rootlets; abrupt change to a yellow-brown/tan saturated silty clay; this horizon continues to bottom at 22""; uniform except for some FeOx and gray patches; moderate rounded pebbles up to 2-4"" scattered throughout hole" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3297 08PB130FA 08PB130 A08-6947HR 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u SS/DF/BE/BM meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3298 08PB130RA 08PB130 A08-6947HR 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered SS/DF/BE/BM meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3299 08PB131DFA 08PB131D A08-6947HR site duplicate 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u SS/DF 3300 08PB131DRA 08PB131D A08-6947HR site duplicate 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered SS/DF 3301 08PB131FA 08PB131 A08-6947HR 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/BM 3302 08PB131RA 08PB131 A08-6947HR 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/BM 3303 08PB132FA 08PB132 A08-6947HR 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/BM sample difficult to filter (diatoms?) 3304 08PB132RA 08PB132 A08-6947HR 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/BM sample difficult to filter (diatoms?) 3305 08PB133FA 08PB133 A08-6947HR 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u SS/DF 3306 08PB133RA 08PB133 A08-6947HR 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered SS/DF 3307 08PB134FA 08PB134 A08-6947HR 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u SS/DF/BE/BM 3308 08PB134RA 08PB134 A08-6947HR 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered SS/DF/BE/BM 3309 08PB135FA 08PB135 A08-6947HR 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS/BE/BM 3310 08PB135RA 08PB135 A08-6947HR 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/SS/BE/BM 3311 08PB136FA 08PB136 A08-6947HR 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/BM/SS/DF filtered with difficulty 3312 08PB136RA 08PB136 A08-6947HR 7/9/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/BM/SS/DF filtered with difficulty 3313 08PB137FA 08PB137 A08-6947HR 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u SS/DF 3314 08PB137RA 08PB137 A08-6947HR 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered SS/DF 3315 08PB138FA 08PB138 A08-6947HR 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/RS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3316 08PB138RA 08PB138 A08-6947HR 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/RS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3317 08PB139FA 08PB139 A08-6947HR 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 3318 08PB139RA 08PB139 A08-6947HR 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/SS 3319 08PB140FA 08PB140 A08-6947HR 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/RS 3320 08PB140RA 08PB140 A08-6947HR 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/RS 3321 08PB141FA 08PB141 A08-6947HR 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS/BE/RS 3322 08PB141RA 08PB141 A08-6947HR 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/SS/BE/RS 3323 08PB142FA 08PB142 A08-6947HR 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/RS 3324 08PB142RA 08PB142 A08-6947HR 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/RS 3325 08PB143FA 08PB143 A08-6947HR 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 3326 08PB143RA 08PB143 A08-6947HR 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/SS 3327 08PB144FA 08PB144 A08-6947HR 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/RS 3328 08PB144RA 08PB144 A08-6947HR 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/RS 3329 08PB145FA 08PB145 A08-6947HR 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS/RS/BE 3330 08PB145RA 08PB145 A08-6947HR 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/SS/RS/BE 3331 08PB146FA 08PB146 A08-6947HR 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/RS 3332 08PB146RA 08PB146 A08-6947HR 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/RS 3333 08PB147FA 08PB147 A08-6947HR 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 3334 08PB147RA 08PB147 A08-6947HR 7/10/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/SS 3337 08PB149FA 08PB149 A08-6947HR 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 3338 08PB149RA 08PB149 A08-6947HR 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/SS 3339 08PB150FA 08PB150 A08-6947HR 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/CC meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3340 08PB150RA 08PB150 A08-6947HR 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/CC meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3341 08PB151FA 08PB151 A08-6947HR 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 3342 08PB151RA 08PB151 A08-6947HR 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/SS 3343 08PB152FA 08PB152 A08-6947HR 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/CC acidity=60 for all 7.0 water; detector limit ~60 ppm 3344 08PB152RA 08PB152 A08-6947HR 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/CC acidity=60 for all 7.0 water; detector limit ~60 ppm 3345 08PB153FA 08PB153 A08-6947HR 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 3346 08PB153RA 08PB153 A08-6947HR 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/SS 3347 08PB154FA 08PB154 A08-6947HR 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/CC brown water looks like tannic acid; very tough to filter 3348 08PB154RA 08PB154 A08-6947HR 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/CC brown water looks like tannic acid; very tough to filter 3349 08PB155FA 08PB155 A08-6947HR 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS cannot see bottom of lake due to tannic acid; lake >2 ft deep where sampled 3350 08PB155RA 08PB155 A08-6947HR 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/SS cannot see bottom of lake due to tannic acid; lake >2 ft deep where sampled 3351 08PB156FA 08PB156 A08-6947HR 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/CC 3352 08PB156RA 08PB156 A08-6947HR 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/CC 3353 08PB157FA 08PB157 A08-6947HR 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 3354 08PB157RA 08PB157 A08-6947HR 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/SS 3355 08PB158FA 08PB158 A08-6947HR 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/CC 3356 08PB158RA 08PB158 A08-6947HR 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/CC 3357 08PB159FA 08PB159 A08-6947HR 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u SS/DF 3358 08PB159RA 08PB159 A08-6947HR 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered SS/DF 3359 08PB160FA 08PB160 A08-6947HR 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/CC alkalinity estimated at around 9 ppm by color 3360 08PB160RA 08PB160 A08-6947HR 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/CC alkalinity estimated at around 9 ppm by color 3361 08PB161FA 08PB161 A08-6947HR 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 3362 08PB161RA 08PB161 A08-6947HR 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/SS 3363 08PB162FA 08PB162 A08-6947HR 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/CC 3364 08PB162RA 08PB162 A08-6947HR 7/12/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/CC 3365 08PB163DFA 08PB163D A08-6947HR site duplicate 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3366 08PB163DRA 08PB163D A08-6947HR site duplicate 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/SS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3367 08PB163FA 08PB163 A08-6947HR 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3368 08PB163RA 08PB163 A08-6947HR 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/SS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3369 08PB164FA 08PB164 A08-6947HR 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/MR 3370 08PB164RA 08PB164 A08-6947HR 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/MR 3371 08PB165FA 08PB165 A08-6947HR 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS no sediment samples; bottomless peat 3372 08PB165RA 08PB165 A08-6947HR 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/SS no sediment samples; bottomless peat 3373 08PB166FA 08PB166 A08-6947HR 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/MR 3374 08PB166RA 08PB166 A08-6947HR 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/MR 3375 08PB167FA 08PB167 A08-6947HR 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 3376 08PB167RA 08PB167 A08-6947HR 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/SS 3377 08PB168FA 08PB168 A08-6947HR 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/MR 3378 08PB168RA 08PB168 A08-6947HR 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/MR 3379 08PB169FA 08PB169 A08-6947HR 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 3380 08PB169RA 08PB169 A08-6947HR 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/SS 3381 08PB170FA 08PB170 A08-6947HR 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/MR 3382 08PB170RA 08PB170 A08-6947HR 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/MR 3383 08PB171FA 08PB171 A08-6947HR 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS 3384 08PB171RA 08PB171 A08-6947HR 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/SS 3385 08PB172FA 08PB172 A08-6947HR 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/MR 3386 08PB172RA 08PB172 A08-6947HR 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/MR 3387 08PB173FA 08PB173 A08-6947HR 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u SS/DF 3388 08PB173RA 08PB173 A08-6947HR 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered SS/DF 3389 08PB174FA 08PB174 A08-6947HR 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/MR 3390 08PB174RA 08PB174 A08-6947HR 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/MR 3391 08PB175FA 08PB175 A08-6947HR 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u DF/SS/BE/MR 3392 08PB175RA 08PB175 A08-6947HR 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered DF/SS/BE/MR 3393 08PB176FA 08PB176 A08-6947HR 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/LK meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3394 08PB176RA 08PB176 A08-6947HR 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/DF/LK meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3395 08PB177FA 08PB177 A08-6947HR 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/LK dissolved O2 difficult to measure because slight tan color which gives different hue 3396 08PB177RA 08PB177 A08-6947HR 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/DF/LK dissolved O2 difficult to measure because slight tan color which gives different hue 3399 08PB181FA 08PB181 A08-6947HR 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/LK 3400 08PB181RA 08PB181 A08-6947HR 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/DF/LK 3401 08PB182FA 08PB182 A08-6947HR 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/LK 3402 08PB182RA 08PB182 A08-6947HR 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/DF/LK 3403 08PB183FA 08PB183 A08-6947HR 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/LK 3404 08PB183RA 08PB183 A08-6947HR 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/DF/LK 3405 08PB184FA 08PB184 A08-6947HR 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/LK 3406 08PB184RA 08PB184 A08-6947HR 7/14/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/DF/LK 3407 08PB185FA 08PB185 A08-6947HR 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3408 08PB185RA 08PB185 A08-6947HR 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/DF meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3409 08PB186FA 08PB186 A08-6947HR 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF 3410 08PB186RA 08PB186 A08-6947HR 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/DF 3411 08PB187FA 08PB187 A08-6947HR 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF 3412 08PB187RA 08PB187 A08-6947HR 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/DF 3413 08PB188FA 08PB188 A08-6947HR 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF 3414 08PB188RA 08PB188 A08-6947HR 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/DF 3415 08PB189FA 08PB189 A08-6947HR 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF 3416 08PB189RA 08PB189 A08-6947HR 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/DF 3417 08PB190DFA 08PB190D A08-6947HR site duplicate 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF 3418 08PB190DRA 08PB190D A08-6947HR site duplicate 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/DF 3419 08PB190FA 08PB190 A08-6947HR 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF 3420 08PB190RA 08PB190 A08-6947HR 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/DF 3421 08PB191FA 08PB191 A08-6947HR 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3422 08PB191RA 08PB191 A08-6947HR 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/DF meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3423 08PB202FA 08PB202 A08-6947HR 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/SS 3424 08PB202RA 08PB202 A08-6947HR 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/DF/SS 3425 08PB203FA 08PB203 A08-6947HR 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF 3426 08PB203RA 08PB203 A08-6947HR 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/DF 3427 08PB219FA 08PB219 A08-6947HR 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF dissolved O2 measured with 2 kits: 1-12 ppm and 0-1 ppm. Water parameters indicate source is likely deep; not shallow groundwater; meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3428 08PB219RA 08PB219 A08-6947HR 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, drill hole" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/DF dissolved O2 measured with 2 kits: 1-12 ppm and 0-1 ppm. Water parameters indicate source is likely deep; not shallow groundwater; meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3429 08PB254FA 08PB254 A08-6947HR 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/NS/SS "alkalinity indicator solution turned pink immediately, meaning that aklinity is << 10; meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning; sub-location pH and conductance around pond: A1 - pH=5.22, Cond=124; A2 - pH=4.83, Cond=123; A3 - pH=5.31, Cond=123; A4 - p" 3430 08PB254RA 08PB254 A08-6947HR 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/DF/NS/SS "alkalinity indicator solution turned pink immediately, meaning that aklinity is << 10; meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning; sub-location pH and conductance around pond: A1 - pH=5.22, Cond=124; A2 - pH=4.83, Cond=123; A3 - pH=5.31, Cond=123; A4 - p" 3431 08PB255FA 08PB255 A08-6947HR 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/NS/SS 3432 08PB255RA 08PB255 A08-6947HR 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/DF/NS/SS 3433 08PB256FA 08PB256 A08-6947HR 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/DF/NS/SS "no water sample collected; reoccupation of 2007 pond site 07PB025 (2007 values: pH 4.51, conductivity 108)" 3434 08PB256RA 08PB256 A08-6947HR 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/DF/NS/SS "no water sample collected; reoccupation of 2007 pond site 07PB025 (2007 values: pH 4.51, conductivity 108)" 3435 08PB269FA 08PB269 A08-6947HR 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3436 08PB269RA 08PB269 A08-6947HR 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK/SS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3437 08PB270FA 08PB270 A08-6947HR 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS 3438 08PB270RA 08PB270 A08-6947HR 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK/SS 3439 08PB271FA 08PB271 A08-6947HR 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS 3440 08PB271RA 08PB271 A08-6947HR 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK/SS 3441 08PB272FA 08PB272 A08-6947HR 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS 3442 08PB272RA 08PB272 A08-6947HR 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK/SS 3443 08PB273FA 08PB273 A08-6947HR 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS 3444 08PB273RA 08PB273 A08-6947HR 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK/SS 3445 08PB274FA 08PB274 A08-6947HR 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS 3446 08PB274RA 08PB274 A08-6947HR 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK/SS 3447 08PB275FA 08PB275 A08-6947HR 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS 3448 08PB275RA 08PB275 A08-6947HR 9/21/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK/SS 3449 08PB276FA 08PB276 A08-6947HR 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3450 08PB276RA 08PB276 A08-6947HR 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK/SS meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3451 08PB277FA 08PB277 A08-6947HR 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS hard to filter 3452 08PB277RA 08PB277 A08-6947HR 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK/SS hard to filter 3453 08PB278DFA 08PB278D A08-6947HR site duplicate 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS hard to filter 3454 08PB278DRA 08PB278D A08-6947HR site duplicate 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK/SS hard to filter 3455 08PB278FA 08PB278 A08-6947HR 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS hard to filter 3456 08PB278RA 08PB278 A08-6947HR 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK/SS hard to filter 3457 08PB279FA 08PB279 A08-6947HR 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/SS 3458 08PB279RA 08PB279 A08-6947HR 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK/SS 3459 08PB282FA 08PB282 A08-6947HR 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE "alk turns pink immediately upon adding indicator, meaning that alkalinity is << 10" 3460 08PB282RA 08PB282 A08-6947HR 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE "alk turns pink immediately upon adding indicator, meaning that alkalinity is << 10" 3461 08PB287FA 08PB287 A08-6947HR 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3462 08PB287RA 08PB287 A08-6947HR 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK meters calibrated in Iliamna in the morning 3621 07PB009SIL 07PB009 RE08164160 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; well developed soil profile, 'A' horizon about 6 cm thick, 'B' horizon extends to bottom of hole (30 cm); lower 5 cm is bleached 'B' horizon; abundant fines, small cobbles up to 3 cm across; all material is damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected from the upper part of the B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3622 07PB011SIL 07PB011 RE08164160 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon has fine silt/ mud interspersed w/ cobbles and small boulders, 'B' horizon is consistently dark brown in color; soil moist, but not wet" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3623 07PB012SIL 07PB012 RE08164160 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 7 cm thick; the 'A' is underlain by a concentration of cobbles (~2.5 cm across); in the 'B' horizon cobbles continue but are less abundant and in a fine mud matrix to 30 cm depth; wet soil composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3624 07PB014SIL 07PB014 RE08164160 7/1/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 4-5 cm thick; the A caps a thick B horizon (to bottom of hole ~30cm) that is consistently light brown to gray silt composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3625 07PB016DSIL 07PB016D RE08164160 site duplicate 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; site duplicate, collected about 2 m away from 07PB016; soil about the same as 016 but significantly more rocks" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3626 07PB016SIL 07PB016 RE08164160 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; on hill above seep; organic 'A' horizon is about 4 cm thick, then dark brown 'B' horizon to 30 cm depth, mostly fine material with very few rocks; soil damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3627 07PB017SIL 07PB017 RE08164160 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; soil collection site is about 50 m N of seep site; very organic-rich throughout the 25 cm deep hole; no pronounced color change between 'A' and 'B' horizons, if there even is a distiniction; roots prominent throughout; very few pebbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3628 07PB018SIL 07PB018 RE08164160 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; 'B' is brown-gray mud at top and gets coarser with depth (~20 cm); bottom of hole becomes very rocky (top of moraine?); mud (especially lower portion) might be lake silt composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3629 07PB020SIL 07PB020 RE08164160 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; ""soil"" on till on bluff overlying sampled spring and about 15 m W of spring; unsorted till composed of sand-pebbles-cobbles (up to about 8 cm across) and lesser silt and mud; 'A' horizon is a thin ~5 cm thick tundra mat; till is brown; poor soil development; damp soil; difficult to collect without including pebbles; no real 'B' horizon ('A', then till)" grab (composited along channel in pit) "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3630 07PB021SIL 07PB021 RE08164160 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; poor soil development; 'A' horizon is about 4 cm thick, then right into mud and silt with sparse pebbles;'B' is brown, very moist, but not saturated; soil becomes coarser-grained with depth; lake sediments on till (?)" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3631 07PB022SIL 07PB022 RE08164160 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8.5 cm thick, 'B' horizon is silty clay that is brownish-orange in color; sparse cobbles are 2.5 to 6 cm diameter and are concentrated at the top of the 'B' horizon" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3632 07PB023SIL 07PB023 RE08164160 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 5-7 cm thick and contains a few pebbles; in 'B' horizon, a gravel-rich area (with cobbles up to 3-5 cm) begins around ~23 cm; sample for SMM collected just above gravel horizon; still 1 mm size gravel in sample" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3633 07PB024SIL 07PB024 RE08164160 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 5 cm thick; till immediately underlies the tundra cap from surface to hole bottom (30 cm); fines are dark brown, granular to clay, cobbles are polylithic; roots in tundra extent to 15 cm depth; mostly damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3634 07PB027SIL 07PB027 RE08164160 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; soil mostly saturated throughout, scattered but consistent cobbles ( up to 15 cm across); immediately underlying the 'A' horizon is a concentration of polylithic cobbles 2 to 5 cm across; 'B' has scattered polylithic cobbles (2-5 cm across)s are polylithic" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3635 07PB029SIL 07PB029 RE08164160 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; upper part of hole is very rocky, but it gets more sandy with depth; very slow and difficult to collect; polylithic small cobbles to gravel are predominant with lesser silt and mud; brown, damp, but not wet" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3637 07PB033DSIL 07PB033D RE08164160 site duplicate 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon about 7 cm thick; 'B' is brownish clay to sand, with pebbles 3 cm or smaller; easy digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3638 07PB033SIL 07PB033 RE08164160 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon about 7 cm thick; 'B' is brownish clay to sand, with pebbles 3 cm or smaller; easy digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3639 07PB036SIL 07PB036 RE08164160 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon varies from 10 to 15 cm thick; 'B' horizon is sandy clay with sparse 3 to 5 cm cobbles; hole becomes more clay-rich with depth; tan color to 'B' horizon; soil is saturated and filling with water over time composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3640 07PB037SIL 07PB037 RE08164160 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; boggy, saturated soil from 40-cm thick organic peat; 'B' horizon below is gray and clay-rich with sparse pebbles (lake sediment?); could not measure 4-10 cm below A but we attempted to get proper interval with shovel" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3641 07PB038SIL 07PB038 RE08164160 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 10 cm thick 'A' horizon, followed by 20 cm of 'B' horizon that is dark brown to red brown; sandy, clay-rich, light brown soil for the next 15 cm to bottom of hole; cobbles in hole are polylithic up to 12 cm and are found mostly at the boundary between soil types; very easy to dig; the lighter brown soil is partially frozen" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3642 07PB039SIL 07PB039 RE08164160 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 10 cm thick; 'B' is brown, sandy, with abundant clay; there are abundant cobbles of altered granodiorite with pyrite and quartz in upper 25 cm of profile; some cobbles are angular, some are rounded, could be colluvium plus glacial deposits; the interval for SMM had abundant rounded cobbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3643 07PB040SIL 07PB040 RE08164160 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; soil contains subangular to rounded cobbles 12 cm across and smaller; mineralized angular cobbles in SMM fraction; collected on 10 degree slope with solifluction lobes composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3644 07PB041SIL 07PB041 RE08164160 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 3 cm thick; 'B' is brown and clay-rich with a few cobbles up to ~5 cm across; color gets slighly more orange with depth; abundant mud, very few pebbles; soil very moist-but not saturated" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3645 07PB042SIL 07PB042 RE08164160 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' is 15 cm thick; cobbles are concentrated in the lower 'A' and upper 'B' horozions; at about 10 cm below 'A', the soil changes color from brown to lighter brown; sampled SMM interval is reddish dark brown and partly frozen" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3646 07PB044SIL 07PB044 RE08164160 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 7-10 cm thick; SMM interval is zoned from light tan at top to red-brown to black at bottom; very few pebbles overall; light tan sandy zone in upper 'B'; black organic-rich? towards bottom of hole; soil damp composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3647 07PB045SIL 07PB045 RE08164160 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 10 to 15 cm thick; under the 'A' is a very pebble/cobble rich area (frost heave?); in the 'B' just below the SMM zone we encountered a pebble-free tan mud; soil very saturated; little 'clumps' of red clay with pebbles at core (in situ weathering?) composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3648 07PB046SIL 07PB046 RE08164160 7/4/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is an 8 cm thick tundra cap; 'B' is saturated tan clay with pebbles 2-4 cm across; very sticky tan mud composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3649 07PB047SIL 07PB047 RE08164160 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; good soil profile; 'A' about 8 cm thick; 'B' is dark brown, sandy silt clay that is relatively organic-rich; 0-30 cm easy digging with few cobbles; at 30 cm depth is a cobble layer (= till?) with cobbles 2-10 cm across; soil barely damp, not sticky" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3650 07PB048SIL 07PB048 RE08164160 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; very rocky and hard digging; entire hole is in rounded to subangular rocks up to small boulders; half the cobbles are altered, quartz-rich fragments, locally vuggy, and may contain sulfides; organic 'A' is 10 cm thick; A/B is sandy-silty, dark brown, and very rocky; suspect frost heave pile (most likely) or colluvium or even possibly C horizon" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3651 07PB050SIL 07PB050 RE08164160 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; right below tundra cap and down to 30 cm is gravel-like soil that looks like stream sediment; below that is tan sandy clay, but in patches; wet; saturated where clay overlies gravely areas; 4""-6"" below surface; appears to be a fluvial deposit (re-worked till?)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3652 07PB051SIL 07PB051 RE08164160 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; thin organic cap ('A'o) about 3-4 cm thick; then cobbly gravel without many fines to ~30 cm deep; then lighter-colored brown muddy silt to bottom of hole ~40 cm; wet, but not saturated; dominantly polylithic rounded cobbles but also < 5% more angular FeOx-altered felsic igneous rock (locally with square vugs where pyrite weathered out); difficult to sample; seems more fluvial then till-like" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3653 07PB052SIL 07PB052 RE08164160 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is 8 cm thick; sandy soil with cobbles 2-10 cm across; color light brown; A/B horizons are poorly developed, polylithic gravel; cobbles in gravel include mafic porphry and an FeOx- and MnOx-stained, sanadine-bearing crystal tuff" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigirated until analyzed 3654 07PB055SIL 07PB055 RE08164160 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; heavy solifluction at site; heaves range from saturated clay to soi-free rock; sample collected from saturated soil rich zone; water fills the hole; cobbles range from 2 cm to 15 cm across and are both rounded and angular; soil is tan to light brown with gray clay streaks composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3655 07PB057DSIL 07PB057D RE08164160 site duplicate 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; orgainc 'A' cap is 8-10 cm thick; beneath the soil is a cobble-rich in a matrix of brown clay; light brown cobbles are rounded; damp soil composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3656 07PB057SIL 07PB057 RE08164160 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; orgainc 'A' cap is 8-10 cm thick; beneath the soil is a cobble-rich in a matrix of brown clay; light brown cobbles are rounded; damp soil composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3658 07PB060SIL 07PB060 RE08164160 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; below the 8 cm thick organic 'A' cap is the 'B' horizon that is blotchy tan and dark reddish brown; at 20 cm depth, rounded cobbles up to 15 cm in diameter" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3659 07PB061SIL 07PB061 RE08164160 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; root mat 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is light brown and clay rich soi; SMM interval is fairly consistent with light brown clay and sparse pebbles ranging from 3 to 10 cm across; saturated soil; very thick low shrubby cover composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3660 07PB066SIL 07PB066 RE08164160 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 5-8 cm organic 'A' vegetation cap; rocky sand till below organic cap; polylithic rounded cobbles; not much variation with depth; very difficult digging; lots of pebbles and rare fines; some pebbles are iron-stained and others are blue green (weak propylithic?) composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3661 07PB067SIL 07PB067 RE08164160 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; poor soil profile; immediately after 7 cm-thick 'A' horizon is brown till; polylithic, gravel to cobbles up to 15 cm across; difficult to collect" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3662 07PB069SIL 07PB069 RE08164160 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; sandy loam; root mat; about 20 cm thick 'A' horizon; at bottom of hole (40 cm) we hit gravel; reddish brown soil below 'A'; almost no pebbles at all; some roots exposed (from overlying A); dry, well-drained" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3663 07PB071SIL 07PB071 RE08164160 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' is 8 cm thick; then nearly all dark brown silty fines from base of 'A' to about 30 cm depth; at 30 cm soil changes to tan brown and muddy; upper B has a whitish film coating grains that appears to be blotchy, but at a consistent level in the soil; the white film roughly coincides with a gravel layer above it; possible volcanic ash? Or drilling mud?" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3664 07PB073SIL 07PB073 RE08164160 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' is about 10 cm thick; at base of organic layer is a 8 cm thick cobble rich zone; in 'B' below cobbles is blotchy, light brown to tan clay-rich soil; wet to saturated" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3665 07PB074SIL 07PB074 RE08164160 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 5-8 cm thick; at it's base is a cobble layer; upper 'B' is pebble rich; moderate amount of polylithic, rounded to subangular, cobbles (bluish basalt); most of B consistent dark to medium brown color, sandy/ sandy clay; dry soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3666 07PB075SIL 07PB075 RE08164160 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is abouth 10 cm thick and dark brown; 'B' is tan mud/silt that gets slightly more orange with depth; sparse cobbles and pebbles; partially frozen in bottom of pit; at bottom of pit, unfrozen soil is saturated; extreme variability in soil pits at this site" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3667 07PB077SIL 07PB077 RE08164160 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' is fairly uniform, semi-saturated brown clay with cobbles 2-5 cm across; digging was moderately difficult due to sticky clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3668 07PB078SIL 07PB078 RE08164160 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 7 cm thick; wet, but not saturated hole; high concentration of small cobbles just below the 'A' (frost heaving?), then silt and small polylithic pebbles to bottom of hole at about 50 cm; consistent brown soil; no obvious lake silt horizon observed" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3669 07PB079SIL 07PB079 RE08164160 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; vegetation cap is about 8 cm thick and 'A' continues to depth of about 13 cm; starting at top of B horizon the soil is saturated; tannish brown clay; at 25 cm depth begins a cobble-rich layer composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3670 07PB080SIL 07PB080 RE08164160 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic-rich 'A' horizon is 9 cm thick; then brown, fine, rich 'B' horizon with interspersed small polylithic cobbles; moderate slope; hill slope to the E; relatively easy to collect; damp pit" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3671 07PB081SIL 07PB081 RE08164160 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon with peat is about 25 cm thick; 'B' horizon is moderately moist with rounded pebbles about 2-7 cm across, matrix supported; moderately compact; matrix is clay sand; SSG was fairly organic since the roots penetrated deeply" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3672 07PB083SIL 07PB083 RE08164160 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; vegetation cap is about 8 cm thick; at base of 'A' horizon is a 2.5 cm gray ash (?) layer; generally brown clay to sand with few pebbles; the SMM interval is sandy to gravel (2 to 10 cm cobbles) continuous to bottom of hole; wet, but not saturated; easy digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3673 07PB084SIL 07PB084 RE08164160 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 12 cm thick; 'B' is brown for the first 3 cm; at 5 cm from top of 'B' is a gradual color change from dark brown to orange brown; pebbles are sparse but consistent throughout; dominantly silty and sandy to bottom; no clay (ash?) horizon as found at 07PB083; sample is moist and easy to collect composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/KK/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3675 07PB086SIL 07PB086 RE08164160 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; peaty organic 'A' is about 12 cm thick; then 5 more cm of lower 'A', for a total of 17 cm; 'B' horizon is medium tan caly with rounded to subrounded pebbles to bottom of hole at 55 cm; wet to bottom, icy at bottom; very clay rich with dispersed pebbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3676 07PB087SIL 07PB087 RE08164160 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; below the 20 cm thick organic A-o horizon is a 10-15 cm thick layer of angular cobbles (frost heave?); this is followed by gray clay with red iron streaks to bottom of hole; very sticky and saturated composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3677 07PB089SIL 07PB089 RE08164160 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 25 cm thick organic A-o layer; underlaine by layer of cobbles up to 20 cm in diameter (frost heave?); below cobbles is the sticky gray clay; at this site the roots extend on down into the gray clay composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3678 07PB090DSIL 07PB090D RE08164160 site duplicate 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is mostly gray clay with angular cobbles from 3-15 cm across; total hole depth is 30 cm; ice at bottom of hole; soupy, saturated soil; root penetrate into clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3679 07PB090SIL 07PB090 RE08164160 7/7/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is mostly gray clay with angular cobbles from 3-15 cm across; total hole depth is 30 cm; ice at bottom of hole; soupy, saturated soil; root penetrate into clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3680 07PB096SIL 07PB096 RE08164160 7/8/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon down to 50 cm; below 'A' horizon are angular to subrounded cobbles up to 10 cm across; 'A' is dark brown and organic; 'B' is sandy, saturated and greenish gray; stinky hydrogen sulfide smell in the mud; basalt, grenodiorite in cobbles; sample difficult to collect" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh NS/SS/DF/BE soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3682 07PB099SIL 07PB099 RE08164160 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is 56 cm thick, root-filled, peaty, and smells of hydrogen sulfide upon initial removal of tundra vegetation cap; below 'A' is layer of angular cobbles up to 10 cm across (frost heave?); some cobbles are very red; 'B' horizon is muddy silt, brown, mixed with angular cobbles to bottom of hole at about 90 cm deep; no permafrost; in filling water at ~2 l/min; soil sample difficult to collect; low gradient slope" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3683 07PB102SIL 07PB102 RE08164160 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic-rich 'A' horizon is 5 cm thick; then 12 cm of mottled brown to tan soil with rounded cobbles followed by 10 cm of buff-colored silty clay with very small pebbles; this is followed by sandy gravel (fluvial ?) with cobbles (coarse sand to cobbles 5 cm across); SMM layer is in the buff-colored, silty clay and overlying mottled later; low to moderate gradient; damp but not wet, well-drained" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3684 07PB103SIL 07PB103 RE08164160 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; dark, organic rich soil; 'A' horizon is very organic rich and about 12 cm thick; 'B' os organic rich soil with sparse pebbles (up to 15 cm across); soil damp but not saturated; some concern that this soil sample (SMM) might be basal 'A'" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3685 07PB104SIL 07PB104 RE08164160 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; thin tundra cap; organic 'A' horizon is about 10 cm thick; SMM interval was saturated soil with abundant pebbles and cobbles; easy to dig, but hard to sample" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3686 07PB105SIL 07PB105 RE08164160 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is aboaut 10 cm thick; below that the soil is organic-rich, dark brown gravel for 5 cm; the next 5 cm of soil has a color change to rusty red brown; SEZ is from the rusty red layer; SSG is from the red-brown layer; SMM contains both, in a cobble-ric layer with sandy fines and minor clay; polylithic rounded cobbles up to 10 cm across; soil is damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3687 07PB107SIL 07PB107 RE08164160 7/9/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; below that is a 10 to 15 cm thick layer of angular cobbles up to 10 cm in diameter (frost heave?); 'B', below the cobble layer, is a light tan clay soupy soil (extremely saturated clay that oozes into the hole); clay contains rounded pebbles up to 8 cm across; SMM and SSG collected from soupy clay material; SEZ is half souply clay and halp damp brown soil from between the angular cobbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3688 07PB108SIL 07PB108 RE08164160 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' is about 8 cm thick with angular to sub-rounded cobbles; 'B' is sandy, rocky material down to the bottom of hole; damp, not saturated; not much fine material; hard digging; moderate slope" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3689 07PB109DSIL 07PB109D RE08164160 site duplicate 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is a buff-colored, clay-rich soil with scattered rounded polylithic cobbles; cobbles increase with depth; pit is damp, but not saturated; gentle slope here, but variable slopes due to solifluction" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3690 07PB109SIL 07PB109 RE08164160 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; 'B' horizon is a buff-colored, clay-rich soil with scattered rounded polylithic cobbles; cobbles increase with depth; pit is damp, but not saturated; gentle slope here, but variable slopes due to solifluction" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3691 07PB110SIL 07PB110 RE08164160 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' tundra cap about 8 cm thick; this is followed by a 10 cm thick layer of cobbles (2.5 to 15 cm in diamter; frost heave?) without any fines; below that is a clay rich layer with cobbles to bottom of hole; clay is lighter brown than the organic layer; polylithic rounded cobbles; soil is damp; some small cobbles appear to be altered composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3692 07PB111SIL 07PB111 RE08164160 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' organic horizon is about 5 cm thick; 'B' is tan, clay-rich soil with lesser pebbles and cobbles up to 10 cm across; low gradient (~5%); damp soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3693 07PB112SIL 07PB112 RE08164160 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 5 cm thick; then into dark brown soil that gradual lightens at depth to light brown clay rich mud with pebbles; damp soil; cobbles are generally small up to 5 cm composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3694 07PB114SIL 07PB114 RE08164160 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' cap is about 8 cm thick; below that are cobbles (frost heave?); then into clay-rich 'B' soil with rounded cobbles to bottom of hole; soil moist; hole easy to dig and collect composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3695 07PB115SIL 07PB115 RE08164160 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; very deep hole; organic 'A' cap is about 30 cm thick and dark brown; 'B' defined by an abrupt color change to light grayish tan, mud to sand with small gravel; fairly mois" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3696 07PB117SIL 07PB117 RE08164160 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon tundra cap is about 8 cm thick; immediately below is till with large polylithic cobbles up to 25 cm across, in a muddy matrix; this 'B' horizon is light tan brown; soil damp; hard digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3697 07PB118SIL 07PB118 RE08164160 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; 'A' horizon tundra cap is about 8 cm thick; immediately below is 'B' horizon gravel and clay; local gravel lenses are clay-free while local clay lenses are almost gravel-free; clay varies from gray to rusty red, more rusty them usual" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3698 07PB119SIL 07PB119 RE08164160 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; below the organic 'A' horizon cap are angular cobbles up to 25 cm across (frost heave?); then rare rounded cobbles are found below the angular cobbles; angular cobbles have little clay matrix; the clay content increases with depth; yellow-tan clay; saturated but not oozing; gentle ~5 degree slope composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3699 07PB120SIL 07PB120 RE08164160 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A-o' horizon cap is about 8 cm thick and is followed by 20 cm of dark brown, organic-ricy 'A' soil; dense cobbles just below the organic cap (frost heave?); 'B' horizon is tan-brown and marks an abrupt color change with the 'A' horizon; 'B' has rounded polylithic cobbles; at least one sandy horizon in the SMM interval; damp soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 7-10 cm below top of B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3700 07PB122SIL 07PB122 RE08164160 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' horizon is about 8 cm thick; brown 'A' contniues to depth of about 10 cm from surface; then a color change at 'B' horizon to lighter brown; 'B' horizon is silty clay with silt > clay; scattered cobbles up to about 6 cm across; damp soil; easy digging; low relieve <5% composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in B horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3701 07PB124SIL 07PB124 RE08164160 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "mobile metal ions leach soil fraction; organic 'A' tundra cap is 12 cm thick, followed by another 12 cm of dark brown 'A'; then into slightly lighter brown 'B', which is sand, silt, and lesser clay; cobbles are concentrated in upper 'A' and there are only sparse pebbles in 'B'; pit is in deep grass; low gradient (~5 degrees); damp" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/BE/SS soil (not sieved) collected 10-15 cm below surface in A horizon; refrigerated until analyzed 3712 08PB192DSIL 08PB192D RE08161293 site duplicate 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; sample site duplicate of 08PB192; 10"" vegetation cap; very wet green clay with oozy consistency; hole will not stay open due to clay; angular cobbles <4"" mixed in clay; orange streaks in clay; collected SEZA at 6"" in organic peat; collected SEZB just below B horizon; SMM composited from clay oozing into the hole" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/LK 3713 08PB192SIL 08PB192 RE08161293 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 10"" vegetation cap; very wet green clay with oozy consistency; hole will not stay open due to clay; angular cobbles <4"" mixed in clay; orange streaks in clay; collected SEZA at 6"" in organic peat; collected SEZB just below B horizon; SMM composited from clay oozing into the hole" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/LK 3714 08PB193SIL 08PB193 RE08161293 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; very wet boggy area; hard to find site with soil below peat; moved site about 60' W of line; peat layer 14"" thick; soil below peat is brown to gray black, silty to sandy with small gravel; water fills hole faster than we can bail it" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/LK 3724 08PB206SIL 08PB206 RE08161293 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; first well-developed soil site seen so far on this traverse; right below the root mat is a thin layer of angular gravel with occassional cobbles below; soil is dark brown and organic-rich; at 20"" depth there is a distinct color change to light tan; none of the light tan material was included in the SMM; SEZ collected at 6"" depth; SMM collected from 8-18"" depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3725 08PB207SIL 08PB207 RE08161293 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; thin layer with scattered small cobbles at around 4"" depth; organic ""AO"" layer is about 4"" thick; about 12"" down soil color changes from dark organic-rich brown to lighter sandy-rich tan; SEZ collected 4-6"" below surface in upper B; rounded intermediate to felsic cobbles; SMM collected 4-14"" from surface, including both the dark brown and tan soil described above" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF 3726 08PB208SIL 08PB208 RE08161293 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; dug 22"" deep hole; tundra mat, 2"" thick; then 8"" of organic-rich black soil; at 10"" depth the soil abruptly changes to a clay-rich tan material; small gravel and coarse sand seen in tan material; SEZ collected at 4-6""; SMM collected in tan soils 10-20"" deep" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS 3727 08PB209SIL 08PB209 RE08161293 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; soil sample: Easy digging; 4"" tundra vegetation cap followed by dark brown organic-rich soil to 6"" depth; then all light brown ""B"" soil; sandy, clay-rich soil with interspersed scattered rounded volcanic cobbles; collected SEZ at 6-8"" depth in light brown sandy soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3728 08PB210SIL 08PB210 RE08161293 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; dug 29"" deep hole; 2"" root mat in tundra; 2"" of dark organic-rich soil; light tan clay to bottom of hole; minor pebbles found in clay; clay is wet enough to be very sticky; SEZ collected at 6"" in tan clay; SMM collected from 8-18"" depth; one 8"" diameter cobble dug up at top of tan clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/SS 3729 08PB211SIL 08PB211 RE08161293 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 1-2"" tundra cap; 6"" brown to reddish-brown organic soil, followed by 4"" of well-sorted medium-sized gray sand (beach? [Hamilton maps as glacial lake/drift]); below sand is the tan clayey silt with isolated gravel" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/SS 3730 08PB212SIL 08PB212 RE08161293 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 2"" vegetation cap; light brown clay-rich soil with cobbles interspersed throughout; very uniform material; ""pretty sticky digging""" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3731 08PB213SIL 08PB213 RE08161293 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 2"" vegetation cap; then right into tan sticky, sandy clay; has interspersed gravel-sized pebbles; very consistent; hard digging through clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3732 08PB214SIL 08PB214 RE08161293 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; vegetation cap 3"" thick; silt and sand, rich dark brown to reddish brown; sparse pebbles found throughout (2 cm biggest); reddish material starts 10-12"" deep; SEZ collected at 4-6"", in chocolate brown; SMM collected 8-14"" inches down" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3734 08PB216SIL 08PB216 RE08161293 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 2"" vegetated AO tundra cap; then about 2"" of dark brown organic-rich soil; then into brown soil for about 10""; below that to bottom of hole at 18"" the soil is tan; soil is sandy to silty; coarse cobbles found in layer just below tundra; SEZ collected 4-6"" from surface in good B soil; SMM collected from 4 to 14"" from surface in good pebble-free brown soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3735 08PB217SIL 08PB217 RE08161293 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 3"" tundra cap with brown cobble-rich sediment down to bottom of 24"" hole; cobbles up to 4"" in diameter; soil is coarse sandy to silt-sized material" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS 3736 08PB218SIL 08PB218 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; dug hole in wet bog 24"" deep; first 16"" were brown to dark brown peat; below peat was a gray clay that was the consistency of modeling clay; scattered gravel found in clay; SEZA collected in peat 4-6"" below surface; SEZB collected in gray clay 17"" down; SMM collected in gray clay 17-24""; had to use metal shovel to break clay free for sampling; hole filled very quickly with water" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3737 08PB220SIL 08PB220 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; about 20"" deep hole; thick organic AO is about 8"" thick; wet hole; then into gray clay (looks like lake sediment deposits seen in 2007); angular cobbles found just below the organic layer; slightly orange-brown layer (FeOx?) just below AO in B; SEZA collected in organic layer 4-6"" below surface; SEZB collected 2-4"" below the B, which we define by the organic layer to gray clay transition; SMM collected 4-14"" below uppermost B; all gray clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF 3738 08PB221SIL 08PB221 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 22"" deep hole; 3"" tundra cap with sub-angular cobbles beneath; below cobbles there is about 2"" of orangeish-tan clay followed to bottom of hole by a sticky gray clay; all of the clay is full of cobbles; it is a very hard hole to dig; SEZ collected just at the bottom of the orangeish-tan clay; SMM collected in the gray clay beneath" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3740 08PB223SIL 08PB223 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; archive only; not analyized; wet site; thick peaty layers it about 10"" thick; then sub-angular to angular cobbles in gray clay down to about 22"" deep; matrix-supported; SEZA taken 4-6"" below surface in peat with minor mud; SEZB taken 14-15"" below surface in gray clay; SMM collected in gray clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3741 08PB224SIL 08PB224 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; digging hard; 4"" thick tundra cap; matrix supported cobbles; cobbles angular to sub-angular in gray clay to bottom of hole; SEZ collected in clay about 6"" depth; SMM collected in clay 6-16"" depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3743 08PB226SIL 08PB226 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 6-8"" of peaty moss; then just below is clast-supported (angular to sub-angular) accumulation of cobbles with clay matrix for about 3"" thick layer; then matrix-supported gray to brown clay to bottom of hole at 20""; peat is spongy; SEZ collected at 8"" in cobbly clay; SMM collected from 10-20"" below surface in brown-gray matrix-supported clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3744 08PB227SIL 08PB227 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 4"" thick tundra cap; layer of angular to sub-rounded cobbles below cap; dark soil just at top of B; becomes brown clay with abundant cobbles and pebbles; SEZ collected about 6"" below surface; SMM collected in brown clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3745 08PB228SIL 08PB228 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 24"" hole; tundra cap about 4"" thick; cobbles near surface; transitions immediately into tan-brown silty clay with interspersed sub-rounded to sub-angular cobbles; SEZ collected at about 6"" depth in silty clay; SMM collected 8-18"" depth in silty clay; clay is not sticky; sample much easier to collect" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3746 08PB229SIL 08PB229 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 2"" thick tundra cap; this is underlain by 12"" of angular to sub-rounded cobbles with sparse fine matrix; then a 1"" layer of gray sand or ash; then 10"" of silty brown clay with interspersed rounded cobbles; bottom of hole at 24"" has another 2"" layer of sandy ash (?); SEZ collected by picking sparse matrix from between cobbles at 4-6"" below surface; SMM collected from 8-18"" from surface" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3747 08PB230SIL 08PB230 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; hole dry in till; rounded cobbles, clast-supported with interspersed fines; variable size range from clay to large cobbles all the way down; minimal organic material; a-B boundary about 4"" down; transition from dark brown to brown; hole is about 20"" deep; SEZ collected 4-6"" down in color transition; SMM collected from 6-16""" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3748 08PB231SIL 08PB231 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 2"" tundra cap, then into fairly uniform till; coarse to fine rounded cobbles; color change 3-4"" down from dark brown rooty to gray brown; SEZ collected at 4-6"" at color transition; SMM collected from 6-16"" with lots of cobbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3749 08PB232SIL 08PB232 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 3"" tundra vegetation cap; then 3"" layer of angular to sub-rounded cobbles; cobble supported; then brown silty clay to 24"" depth that is interspersed with rounded gravel clasts; SEZ collected 5-6"" from surface; SMM collected 7-17"" from surface" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3750 08PB233DSIL 08PB233D RE08161293 site duplicate 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; sample site duplicate of 08PB233; 20"" deep hole; root cap 3"" thick, followed by sparse pebbles/gravel (matrix-supported) down to 6""; at about 8-9"", transition from chocolate-brown matrix (silt) into brown clayey silt with interspersed large rounded volcanic (intermediate to mafic) cobbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3751 08PB233SIL 08PB233 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; root cap 3"" thick, followed by sparse pebbles/gravel (matrix-supported) down to 6""; at about 8-9"", transition from chocolate-brown matrix (silt) into brown clayey silt with interspersed rounded cobbles" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3752 08PB234SIL 08PB234 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; tundra cap is about 4"" thick and contains a gray sand; then below the cap is tan sandy silt down to 30""; no clasts, all silt; silt has slight orange color; very easy sample to collect; in hand lens, gray sand is well-sorted sub-angular multimineralogic with quartz; mineral grains argue against ash and more towards alluvial origin; SEZ collected from 6"" from surface in orange-tan silty sand; SMM collected from 10-20"" from surface in orange-tan silty sand" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3753 08PB235SIL 08PB235 RE08161293 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 3"" vegetation tundra cap with gray to white clay layer within it; then into mottled gray to brown silt for about 8""; then silty sand with rounded pebbles and gravel, brown with hint of orange to bottom of hole at 25""; SEZ collected at 6"" depth in gray to brown silt; SMM collected at 8-18"" straddling the soil described above" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 3754 08PB236SIL 08PB236 RE08161293 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 22"" deep hole; 1-2"" tundra cap; next 5"" is chocolate brown soil with sub-angular gravel to cobbles; fairly sharp transition to tannish gray clayey silt, contains coarse sand to small cobbles; SEZ collected at 6"" right below color transition; SMM collected from 8-18"" down" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS 3755 08PB237SIL 08PB237 RE08161293 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; soil found in solifluction lobes moving downhill; indicates soil is likely allocthonous but fairly close to source; hole is 14"" deep; frozen solid on bottom; tundra cap is 4-6"" thick with dark brown soil beneath to bottom; encountered large woody root in hole (1.5"" diameter); SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected from 6-14"" deep" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS 3756 08PB257SIL 08PB257 RE08161293 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; tundra AO cap about 4"" thick; then into cobble-rich clay; thin layer of cobbles below cap; gray-tan clay, cobbles up to 3"" across; SEZ collected at 6"" depth; SMM collected at 6-14"" depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3757 08PB258SIL 08PB258 RE08161293 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; tundra cap is about 10"" thick, dark organic-rich soil; a-B contact is about 13"" down from surface; a-B contact is a good color change from dark brown to brown; b is sandy clay with abundant pebble and cobbles up to about 3"" across; SEZA collected 6"" below surface in organic A; SEZB collected 4"" below A-B contact; SMM collected 4"" below A-B contact (17-23"" depth)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3758 08PB259SIL 08PB259 RE08161293 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; tundra cap is 4"", underlain by large boulders (7-8""); beneath cobble layer is brown sandy layer; SEZ collected right below A, 4"" from surface; transition between A and B is irregular; b is sandy with mostly gravel-size cobbles; dark brown-tan in color; noticed some large porphyry intermediate cobbles here; largest cobbles just below A" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3759 08PB260SIL 08PB260 RE08161293 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; tundra organic cap is about 3"" thick; 6"" of A horizon; bottom of A has abundant angular broken cobbles; SEZ collected at very top of B horizon; a is dark brown; b is much lighter tan-brown, sandy clay with abundant 1-2"" rounded cobbles; SMM collected from 4"" below A-B contact to bottom of hole at about 16"" deep; soil is nearly saturated" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3760 08PB261SIL 08PB261 RE08161293 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; organic cap and A horizon is about 8 in thick; A-horizon soil color is a dark brown; several rounded to subrounded pebbles and cobbles, up to approx; 4 in across, straddle the lower A and upper B horizons; the B horizon is a lighter brown color and becomes less cobble rich with depth; soil is damp and sticky; sample description made in office using photographs" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3761 08PB262SIL 08PB262 RE08161293 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; no soil horizon development; colluvial; angular iron-stained cobbles up to 6"" long; clast support with at most saturated soil between; hard to collect; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected at 6-12""" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3762 08PB263SIL 08PB263 RE08161293 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; a horizon ranges from 6-10"" with downhill side thinner; b is very clay-rich; brown with cobbles from gravel to 3""; fairly saturated but not dripping; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected 10-16""" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3763 08PB264SIL 08PB264 RE08161293 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 6"" of A; next 4"" (top of B) saturated and dripping; b is tan clay-rich with scattered cobbles up to 2""; well-compacted (modeling clay)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3766 08PB266SIL 08PB266 RE08161293 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; saturated from just below A to bottom of hole; b soil color varies from gray to brown with patches that are orange and yellow; pebble-supported (rounded pebbles); SEZ collected from 6"" down; SMM collected from 10-16"" down; too pebbly and wet so 2 bags collected" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3767 08PB267SIL 08PB267 RE08161293 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; first 12"" cobbly but then relatively noncobbly; soil matrix consistent from bottom of A; a about 3""; b is brown, sandy to clay-rich" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3768 08PB268SIL 08PB268 RE08161293 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; vegetated AO is about 3"" thick; then immediately into brown silt, dark brown at top and getting progressively lighter with depth; at about 15"" deep it is yellow-brown silt; no pebbles at all; likely lake silt; fine rootlets to bottom of hole at 18"" depth; SEZ collected from 6"" below surface in silty B horizon; SMM collected from 8-18"", easy to collect" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3769 08PB280SIL 08PB280 RE08161293 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; vegetation cap about 4"" thick; dark organic-rich material for 1"", lighter brown next 4-6"", tan; SEZA collected at 6"" depth in organic A horizon; SEZB collected at 16"" depth 4"" into the B horizon; SMM collected from 16"" to bottom of hole; presence of rock fairly consistent all the way down, rounded to sub-angular" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3770 08PB281SIL 08PB281 RE08161293 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 3"" vegetation cap underlain by 12"" dark brown organic A horizon; sharp color change to yellow-tan organic-free (B horizon); contains abundant clay; sub-rounded to sub-angular cobbles of granodiorite; all cobbles similar lithology; SEZA collected 6"" below surface in A horizon; SEZB collected just below A at 16"" in B horizon; SMM collected 16"" to bottom of hole; rocks fairly abundant in SMM interval" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS 3771 08PB283SIL 08PB283 RE08161293 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 3"" vegetation cap; organic layer; dark brown to 10""; from 10""; tan to light brown sandy soil; cobbles sub-rounded to sub-angular; almost entirely granodiorite; SEZA collected 6"" below surface; SEZB collected 14"" in B horizon; SMM collected from 14-20"" in B horizon" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS 3772 08PB284SIL 08PB284 RE08161293 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; a horizon about 3"" thick; clay to sandy dark brown soil with abundant round to sub-angular cobbles up to 10"" in length, 3-7"" common; mostly granodiorite plus green mafic rock; consistent B horizon down to bottom of hole; no color change; fe staining on cobbles; SEZ collected at 6"" in B; SMM collected 7"" and below" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3773 08PB285SIL 08PB285 RE08161293 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 30"" deep hole; dark brown organic soil all the way but gradually getting lighter and siltier; occasional pebbles are rounded; scattered throughout; no well-defined break between A and B horizons; SEZA collected at 6"" in black organic material; SEZB collected at 15"" in brown silty soil; SMM collected 15-30"" depth; abundant mineral soil, not just organic material; silty brown and brownish tan" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3774 08PB288SIL 08PB288 RE08161293 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; uniform silt and clay all the way down; 2"" vegetation cap; rooted zone to 6""; sporadic roots even deeper; brown at very surface grading into a tan brown in the top 4-6""; no pebbles down; SEZ collected at 6"", well into B horizon; SMM collected from 5-15"" depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3775 08PB290SIL 08PB290 RE08161293 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; uniform silt and clay all the way down; 2"" vegetation cap; rooted zone to 6""; sporadic roots even deeper; brown at very surface grading into a tan brown in the top 4-6""; no pebbles down; SEZ collected at 6"", well into B horizon; SMM collected from 5-15"" depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3776 08PB291SIL 08PB291 RE08161293 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; a is 2-4"" thick, dark brown soil; brown B is uniformly silty; no pebbles or cobbles; slight amount of water filling hole; sticky B indicates higher clay content than previous 2 holes; SEZ collected at 6"" depth (about 1.5"" below A-B boundary)" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3777 08PB292SIL 08PB292 RE08161293 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; easy digging; no pebbles; dark brown organic-rich layer 2"" thick; at 4"" down changes to lighter brown; maintains color to 20""; bottom 2"" much lighter tan; silt with clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3778 08PB293SIL 08PB293 RE08161293 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 4"" vegetation, dark brown AO cap; then into tan silty soil to bottom at 16"" deep; dryer than last 2 sites; no pebbles or cobbles; easy digging; SEZ collected 6"" down; SMM collected 8-16"" depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3779 08PB294SIL 08PB294 RE08161293 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 3-4"" A with brown silty B down about 10-11"", changing to light brown; no pebbles in hole; consistent texture; silt with clay" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3780 08PB295SIL 08PB295 RE08161293 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; vegetation cap about 2"" thick; aO stops there; soil brown for another 3"" (5"" from top), then gets progressively lighter to light tan to bottom of hole at 20""; at 20"", cobbles begin where light tan clay begins; FeOx orange spots concentrated in bottom half of hole; SMM collected in brown and light tan" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3781 08PB296SIL 08PB296 RE08161293 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; vegetation cap is about 2"" thick, followed by brown silty clay; top 6"" of this is saturated; grades in color to light brown at 12"" deep; then a yellow tan to bottom at 18"" deep; yellow-tan material has small patches of orange-mottled FeOx; sparse pebbles; high clay content; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected at 8-18""" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3782 08PB297SIL 08PB297 RE08161293 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 1"" of A but variable; shallow vegetation cap; medium-brown clay-rich, cobble-rich soil with rounded cobbles up to 6"" across; some dark brown mottled spots in the B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3783 08PB298DSIL 08PB298D RE08161293 site duplicate 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; sample site duplicate of 08PB298; vegetation cap thin and broke apart; 1.5"" thick brown silty soil to bottom, wet silty clay; no orange splotches; scattered pebbles and cobbles; uniform brown color throughout" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3784 08PB298SIL 08PB298 RE08161293 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; vegetation cap thin and broke apart; 1.5"" thick brown silty soil to bottom, wet silty clay; no orange splotches; scattered pebbles and cobbles; uniform brown color throughout" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3785 08PB299SIL 08PB299 RE08161293 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 4"" AO horizon; organic rich with vegetation cover; tan-colored silty clay in hole from 4"" to bottom at 20""; no pebbles; consistent texture; lots of fine rootlets" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS 3786 08PB300SIL 08PB300 RE08161293 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; thin, about 2"" vegetative cap with dark brown soil; quickly grades to brown and gray silty clay to bottom at 20""; no pebbles; clay rich; moist but not saturated" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3787 08PB301SIL 08PB301 RE08161293 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; vegetation cap about 2-3"" thick, dark brown; then 9"" of dark B, clay-rich, mottled darker brown patches; at 12"" from surface is distinct color change to lighter tan; light tan has FeOx orange patches near top of light tan soil; no pebbles; SEZ collected in brown soil 6"" from surface; SMM collected from 8-18"" and contains both brown and tan soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3788 08PB302SIL 08PB302 RE08161293 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 2-3"" A horizon, dark brown to black; b is mottled brown and tan silty clay; color lightens to bottom at 18""; at bottom, soil is nearly all tan; no pebbles; more 'sticky' than prevoius; not much (if any) Fe staining as in site before; SEZ collected in light brown to tan soil; SMM collected in light brown to tan soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3789 08PB303SIL 08PB303 RE08161293 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 20"" deep hole; 2"" thick vegetation cap; dark brown soil down 3"", grades to lighter brown for 3""; lighter brown with splotches of gray and orange, silty clay; right before bottom of hole it is a very light tan; no pebbles; easy digging" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3790 08PB304SIL 08PB304 RE08161293 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 2-3"" vegetation AO cap; then into light brown B with dark brown mottled soil; minor FeOx splotches; at 8"" depth is solid light tan contact characterized by FeOx splotches; more silty than clay-rich; no pebbles; SEZ collected at 6"" in light brown with mottled dark brown soil; SMM collected at 6-16"" mostly in light brown, includes FeOx splotches and light tan soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3791 08PB305SIL 08PB305 RE08161293 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; vegetation cap 3"", dark brown organic soil; below, sharp change to brown clay-rich almost saturated soil to bottom of 20"" hole; very sticky; clay; no iron oxide splotches; lots of cobbles but matrix-supported; cobbles up to 8"", rounded; most are granodiorite in composition" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3792 08PB306SIL 08PB306 RE08161293 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; collected from low point between tussocks; vegetation cap 6"" thick, dark brown and rooty; goes into lighter brown soil; SEZ collected in light brown soil; splotches of iron oxide in material; in bottom of hole below sampled zone is a much lighter tan; clay rich, occasional pebbles and small cobbles through; saturated below surface; dry but damp with depth" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3793 08PB307SIL 08PB307 RE08161293 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; vegetation cap about 1"" thick and fell apart; then reddish-brown zone 5"" thick and saturated; then gray soil with FeOx blotches to bottom of hole at 14""; sparse scattered small pebbles up to .5"" across, rounded; gray soil is more silty where FeOx blotches are; more clay-rich in red-brown zone at 6"" depth; SMM is sampled from gray soil with minor red-brown soil" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3794 08PB308SIL 08PB308 RE08161293 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "soil, SMM (mobile metal ion) sample; 2"" vegetation cap; 2"" below, dark brown, organic with rootlets; abrupt change to a yellow-brown/tan saturated silty clay; this horizon continues to bottom at 22""; uniform except for some FeOx and gray patches; moderate rounded pebbles up to 2-4"" scattered throughout hole" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 3805 08PB192DSTLA 08PB192D w2_56 BHX001 site duplicate 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for TerraSol leach; sample site duplicate of 08PB192; 10"" vegetation cap; very wet green clay with oozy consistency; hole will not stay open due to clay; angular cobbles <4"" mixed in clay; orange streaks in clay; collected SEZA at 6"" in organic peat; collected SEZB just below B horizon; SMM composited from clay oozing into the hole" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 3806 08PB192DSTLB 08PB192D w1_43 BHX001 site duplicate 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; sample site duplicate of 08PB192; 10"" vegetation cap; very wet green clay with oozy consistency; hole will not stay open due to clay; angular cobbles <4"" mixed in clay; orange streaks in clay; collected SEZA at 6"" in organic peat; collected SEZB just below B horizon; SMM composited from clay oozing into the hole" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 3807 08PB192STLA 08PB192 w2_49 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for TerraSol leach; 10"" vegetation cap; very wet green clay with oozy consistency; hole will not stay open due to clay; angular cobbles <4"" mixed in clay; orange streaks in clay; collected SEZA at 6"" in organic peat; collected SEZB just below B horizon; SMM composited from clay oozing into the hole" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 3808 08PB192STLB 08PB192 w2_48 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 10"" vegetation cap; very wet green clay with oozy consistency; hole will not stay open due to clay; angular cobbles <4"" mixed in clay; orange streaks in clay; collected SEZA at 6"" in organic peat; collected SEZB just below B horizon; SMM composited from clay oozing into the hole" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 3809 08PB193STLA 08PB193 w1_24 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for TerraSol leach; very wet boggy area; hard to find site with soil below peat; moved site about 60' W of line; peat layer 14"" thick; soil below peat is brown to gray black, silty to sandy with small gravel; water fills hole faster than we can bail it" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 3810 08PB193STLB 08PB193 w1_14 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; very wet boggy area; hard to find site with soil below peat; moved site about 60' W of line; peat layer 14"" thick; soil below peat is brown to gray black, silty to sandy with small gravel; water fills hole faster than we can bail it" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 3811 08PB194STLA 08PB194 w1_19 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for TerraSol leach; at 20"", still in peat; 10"" dark black peat on top; woody roots; below 10"", peat turns light orange; collected SEZA at 6""; SEZB at 15""; SMM below 15"" (will be very organic-rich); almost no mineral soil noted; SMM lighter brown peat from below 15""; caution: high organic content in SMM" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 3812 08PB194STLB 08PB194 w1_31 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; at 20"", still in peat; 10"" dark black peat on top; woody roots; below 10"", peat turns light orange; collected SEZA at 6""; SEZB at 15""; SMM below 15"" (will be very organic-rich); almost no mineral soil noted; SMM lighter brown peat from below 15""; caution: high organic content in SMM" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 3814 08PB195STLA 08PB195 w1_36 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for TerraSol leach; dug 24"" deep hole; still in peat; collected SEZA at 6""; collected SEZB at 15""; collected SMM below 15""; dark brown peat all the way down; caution: high organic content in SMM" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 3815 08PB195STLB 08PB195 w1_10 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; dug 24"" deep hole; still in peat; collected SEZA at 6""; collected SEZB at 15""; collected SMM below 15""; dark brown peat all the way down; caution: high organic content in SMM" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 3816 08PB196STLA 08PB196 w2_64 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for TerraSol leach; 3"" of dark black peat at top; brown peat further down; still in peat at 24""; hole wet and slowly filling with water; SEZA at 6""; SEZB at 15""; SMM at 15"" and below; peat all the way down to bottom (24""); caution: high organic content in SMM" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 3817 08PB196STLB 08PB196 w1_39 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 3"" of dark black peat at top; brown peat further down; still in peat at 24""; hole wet and slowly filling with water; SEZA at 6""; SEZB at 15""; SMM at 15"" and below; peat all the way down to bottom (24""); caution: high organic content in SMM" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 3818 08PB197STL 08PB197 w1_41 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; collected SEZ at 6"" deep and top of mineral soil; small-sized gravel noted near top of mineral soil; collected SMM from 10-15"" deep; soil is dark brown to black silty mineral; block of ice found on one side of hole at about 6""" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 3819 08PB198STL 08PB198 w1_06 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 6-7"" of organic root-bound peat; saturated brown organic soil/peat; soil sticks in large clumps to 18""; SEZ at 7"" from saturated brown organic soil; no SEZB sample; SMM taken from 10"" and below" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 3820 08PB199STLA 08PB199 w1_13 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for TerraSol leach; 24"" deep hole all in peat; very woody peat; SEZA collected 6"" from surface; SEZB collected at 15"" from surface; SMM collected from 10-18""; water in peat is almost clear (i.e; not even muddy water)" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 3821 08PB199STLB 08PB199 w1_25 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 24"" deep hole all in peat; very woody peat; SEZA collected 6"" from surface; SEZB collected at 15"" from surface; SMM collected from 10-18""; water in peat is almost clear (i.e; not even muddy water)" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 3822 08PB200STLA 08PB200 w2_63 BHX001 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for TerraSol leach; dug in soggy peat, at 7"" hit ice; collected SEZA from bottom of rootball around 6-7"" depth; could not collect SEZB or SMM due to ice" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS/LK 3823 08PB201STLA 08PB201 w1_27 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for TerraSol leach; dug hole 12"" deep and hit ice; entire hole in peat; site is in the middle of a bog; no other choice for site; SS was standing in water just to dig the hole; peat is brown and full of grassy material and roots; collected SEZA at around 6"" in peat; collected SEZB at around 12"" in peat; collected peat between 6 and 12"" for SMM; caution: high organic content in SMM" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS 3824 08PB201STLB 08PB201 w2_57 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; dug hole 12"" deep and hit ice; entire hole in peat; site is in the middle of a bog; no other choice for site; SS was standing in water just to dig the hole; peat is brown and full of grassy material and roots; collected SEZA at around 6"" in peat; collected SEZB at around 12"" in peat; collected peat between 6 and 12"" for SMM; caution: high organic content in SMM" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS 3825 08PB202STLA 08PB202 w1_21 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for TerraSol leach; dug 8"" hole in peat; hit ice; collected SEZA 6"" below surface; could not collect SEZB or SMM due to ice; peat is brown with thick grassy root mat and minor wood" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3827 08PB204STLA 08PB204 w1_07 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for TerraSol leach; dug 30"" deep hole; all in peat; peat is dark brown to very dark brown, mixed with some mud at depth; hole slowly filled with water while working; collected SEZA 4-6"" below surface; collected SEZB 15-17"" below surface; collected peat from 6 to 15"" below surface for SMM" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS 3828 08PB204STLB 08PB204 w1_30 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; dug 30"" deep hole; all in peat; peat is dark brown to very dark brown, mixed with some mud at depth; hole slowly filled with water while working; collected SEZA 4-6"" below surface; collected SEZB 15-17"" below surface; collected peat from 6 to 15"" below surface for SMM" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS 3830 08PB205STLA 08PB205 w1_17 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for TerraSol leach; lower A horizon (4-8"" below surface); next 8"" is brown organic- and clay-rich layer with white streak (ash?) as a layer (about 0.2"" thick); at around 14"" depth is very black organic-rich thin layer; no cobbles or pebbles; SEZA collected 4-6"" below surface in peaty A horizon; SEZB collected just below ""ash"" streak in B soil; SMM collected from 8 to 18"" depth" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3831 08PB205STLB 08PB205 w1_20 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; lower A horizon (4-8"" below surface); next 8"" is brown organic- and clay-rich layer with white streak (ash?) as a layer (about 0.2"" thick); at around 14"" depth is very black organic-rich thin layer; no cobbles or pebbles; SEZA collected 4-6"" below surface in peaty A horizon; SEZB collected just below ""ash"" streak in B soil; SMM collected from 8 to 18"" depth" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3832 08PB206STL 08PB206 w1_26 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; first well-developed soil site seen so far on this traverse; right below the root mat is a thin layer of angular gravel with occassional cobbles below; soil is dark brown and organic-rich; at 20"" depth there is a distinct color change to light tan; none of the light tan material was included in the SMM; SEZ collected at 6"" depth; SMM collected from 8-18"" depth" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3833 08PB207STL 08PB207 w2_47 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; thin layer with scattered small cobbles at around 4"" depth; organic ""AO"" layer is about 4"" thick; about 12"" down soil color changes from dark organic-rich brown to lighter sandy-rich tan; SEZ collected 4-6"" below surface in upper B; rounded intermediate to felsic cobbles; SMM collected 4-14"" from surface, including both the dark brown and tan soil described above" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF 3834 08PB208STL 08PB208 w1_28 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; dug 22"" deep hole; tundra mat, 2"" thick; then 8"" of organic-rich black soil; at 10"" depth the soil abruptly changes to a clay-rich tan material; small gravel and coarse sand seen in tan material; SEZ collected at 4-6""; SMM collected in tan soils 10-20"" deep" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS 3835 08PB209STL 08PB209 w1_22 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; soil sample: Easy digging; 4"" tundra vegetation cap followed by dark brown organic-rich soil to 6"" depth; then all light brown ""B"" soil; sandy, clay-rich soil with interspersed scattered rounded volcanic cobbles; collected SEZ at 6-8"" depth in light brown sandy soil" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3836 08PB210STL 08PB210 w1_45 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; dug 29"" deep hole; 2"" root mat in tundra; 2"" of dark organic-rich soil; light tan clay to bottom of hole; minor pebbles found in clay; clay is wet enough to be very sticky; SEZ collected at 6"" in tan clay; SMM collected from 8-18"" depth; one 8"" diameter cobble dug up at top of tan clay" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/SS 3837 08PB211STL 08PB211 w1_32 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 1-2"" tundra cap; 6"" brown to reddish-brown organic soil, followed by 4"" of well-sorted medium-sized gray sand (beach? [Hamilton maps as glacial lake/drift]); below sand is the tan clayey silt with isolated gravel" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved DF/SS 3838 08PB212STL 08PB212 w1_33 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 2"" vegetation cap; light brown clay-rich soil with cobbles interspersed throughout; very uniform material; ""pretty sticky digging""" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3839 08PB213STL 08PB213 w2_53 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 2"" vegetation cap; then right into tan sticky, sandy clay; has interspersed gravel-sized pebbles; very consistent; hard digging through clay" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3840 08PB214STL 08PB214 w1_34 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; vegetation cap 3"" thick; silt and sand, rich dark brown to reddish brown; sparse pebbles found throughout (2 cm biggest); reddish material starts 10-12"" deep; SEZ collected at 4-6"", in chocolate brown; SMM collected 8-14"" inches down" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3842 08PB215STLA 08PB215 w2_55 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for TerraSol leach; peat for 14"" with ice at the bottom; water pooled on the ice; peat is rooty and dark brown; SEZA collected at 4"" below surface in dark brown peat; SEZB collected 14"" below surface in brown peat immediately above frozen ground; SMM collected in peat interval 4-14"" below surface; no mineral soil observed in peat; water in hole is clear (not muddy), also indicating lack of silt or mud; caution: SMM sample is high in organics" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3843 08PB215STLB 08PB215 w2_60 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; peat for 14"" with ice at the bottom; water pooled on the ice; peat is rooty and dark brown; SEZA collected at 4"" below surface in dark brown peat; SEZB collected 14"" below surface in brown peat immediately above frozen ground; SMM collected in peat interval 4-14"" below surface; no mineral soil observed in peat; water in hole is clear (not muddy), also indicating lack of silt or mud; caution: SMM sample is high in organics" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3844 08PB216STL 08PB216 w1_18 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 2"" vegetated AO tundra cap; then about 2"" of dark brown organic-rich soil; then into brown soil for about 10""; below that to bottom of hole at 18"" the soil is tan; soil is sandy to silty; coarse cobbles found in layer just below tundra; SEZ collected 4-6"" from surface in good B soil; SMM collected from 4 to 14"" from surface in good pebble-free brown soil" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3845 08PB217STL 08PB217 w1_04 BHX001 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 3"" tundra cap with brown cobble-rich sediment down to bottom of 24"" hole; cobbles up to 4"" in diameter; soil is coarse sandy to silt-sized material" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS 3847 08PB218STLA 08PB218 w1_12 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for TerraSol leach; dug hole in wet bog 24"" deep; first 16"" were brown to dark brown peat; below peat was a gray clay that was the consistency of modeling clay; scattered gravel found in clay; SEZA collected in peat 4-6"" below surface; SEZB collected in gray clay 17"" down; SMM collected in gray clay 17-24""; had to use metal shovel to break clay free for sampling; hole filled very quickly with water" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3848 08PB218STLB 08PB218 w1_01 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; dug hole in wet bog 24"" deep; first 16"" were brown to dark brown peat; below peat was a gray clay that was the consistency of modeling clay; scattered gravel found in clay; SEZA collected in peat 4-6"" below surface; SEZB collected in gray clay 17"" down; SMM collected in gray clay 17-24""; had to use metal shovel to break clay free for sampling; hole filled very quickly with water" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3849 08PB220STLA 08PB220 w1_08 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for TerraSol leach; about 20"" deep hole; thick organic AO is about 8"" thick; wet hole; then into gray clay (looks like lake sediment deposits seen in 2007); angular cobbles found just below the organic layer; slightly orange-brown layer (FeOx?) just below AO in B; SEZA collected in organic layer 4-6"" below surface; SEZB collected 2-4"" below the B, which we define by the organic layer to gray clay transition; SMM collected 4-14"" below uppermost B; all gray clay" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF 3850 08PB220STLB 08PB220 w1_37 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; about 20"" deep hole; thick organic AO is about 8"" thick; wet hole; then into gray clay (looks like lake sediment deposits seen in 2007); angular cobbles found just below the organic layer; slightly orange-brown layer (FeOx?) just below AO in B; SEZA collected in organic layer 4-6"" below surface; SEZB collected 2-4"" below the B, which we define by the organic layer to gray clay transition; SMM collected 4-14"" below uppermost B; all gray clay" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF 3851 08PB221STL 08PB221 w2_58 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 22"" deep hole; 3"" tundra cap with sub-angular cobbles beneath; below cobbles there is about 2"" of orangeish-tan clay followed to bottom of hole by a sticky gray clay; all of the clay is full of cobbles; it is a very hard hole to dig; SEZ collected just at the bottom of the orangeish-tan clay; SMM collected in the gray clay beneath" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3852 08PB222STLA 08PB222 w1_46 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for TerraSol leach; difficult boggy pit; top organic layer very thick peat; hole is 30"" deep, wet; towards bottom material is about 50% peat, 50% mud; relatively large boulder in hole (about 1' across by 8""); appears to be fine-grained basalt; SEZA collected from peat 6"" below surface; SEZB collected from 16-18"", mud and peat; SMM collected about 16-20"" in mud and peat" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3853 08PB222STLB 08PB222 w1_42 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; difficult boggy pit; top organic layer very thick peat; hole is 30"" deep, wet; towards bottom material is about 50% peat, 50% mud; relatively large boulder in hole (about 1' across by 8""); appears to be fine-grained basalt; SEZA collected from peat 6"" below surface; SEZB collected from 16-18"", mud and peat; SMM collected about 16-20"" in mud and peat" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3854 08PB223STLA 08PB223 w2_61 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for TerraSol leach; wet site; thick peaty layers it about 10"" thick; then sub-angular to angular cobbles in gray clay down to about 22"" deep; matrix-supported; SEZA taken 4-6"" below surface in peat with minor mud; SEZB taken 14-15"" below surface in gray clay; SMM collected in gray clay" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3855 08PB223STLB 08PB223 w1_38 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; wet site; thick peaty layers it about 10"" thick; then sub-angular to angular cobbles in gray clay down to about 22"" deep; matrix-supported; SEZA taken 4-6"" below surface in peat with minor mud; SEZB taken 14-15"" below surface in gray clay; SMM collected in gray clay" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3856 08PB224STL 08PB224 w1_23 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; digging hard; 4"" thick tundra cap; matrix supported cobbles; cobbles angular to sub-angular in gray clay to bottom of hole; SEZ collected in clay about 6"" depth; SMM collected in clay 6-16"" depth" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3857 08PB225STLA 08PB225 w2_54 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for TerraSol leach; 30"" hole; 12"" of peat; peat and mud with cobbles all the way down; interspersed cobbles; dark brown with high organic content; no gray clay noted; SEZA collected 4-6"" down in peat; SEZB collected 15"" down; clearly muddier but still mostly organic; SMM collected 14-24"" down in muddy peaty organic soil; some wood noted in peat" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3858 08PB225STLB 08PB225 w1_15 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 30"" hole; 12"" of peat; peat and mud with cobbles all the way down; interspersed cobbles; dark brown with high organic content; no gray clay noted; SEZA collected 4-6"" down in peat; SEZB collected 15"" down; clearly muddier but still mostly organic; SMM collected 14-24"" down in muddy peaty organic soil; some wood noted in peat" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3859 08PB226STL 08PB226 w1_02 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 6-8"" of peaty moss; then just below is clast-supported (angular to sub-angular) accumulation of cobbles with clay matrix for about 3"" thick layer; then matrix-supported gray to brown clay to bottom of hole at 20""; peat is spongy; SEZ collected at 8"" in cobbly clay; SMM collected from 10-20"" below surface in brown-gray matrix-supported clay" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3860 08PB227STL 08PB227 w2_59 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 4"" thick tundra cap; layer of angular to sub-rounded cobbles below cap; dark soil just at top of B; becomes brown clay with abundant cobbles and pebbles; SEZ collected about 6"" below surface; SMM collected in brown clay" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3861 08PB228STL 08PB228 w1_29 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 24"" hole; tundra cap about 4"" thick; cobbles near surface; transitions immediately into tan-brown silty clay with interspersed sub-rounded to sub-angular cobbles; SEZ collected at about 6"" depth in silty clay; SMM collected 8-18"" depth in silty clay; clay is not sticky; sample much easier to collect" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3862 08PB229STL 08PB229 w1_35 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 2"" thick tundra cap; this is underlain by 12"" of angular to sub-rounded cobbles with sparse fine matrix; then a 1"" layer of gray sand or ash; then 10"" of silty brown clay with interspersed rounded cobbles; bottom of hole at 24"" has another 2"" layer of sandy ash (?); SEZ collected by picking sparse matrix from between cobbles at 4-6"" below surface; SMM collected from 8-18"" from surface" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3863 08PB230STL 08PB230 w2_51 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; hole dry in till; rounded cobbles, clast-supported with interspersed fines; variable size range from clay to large cobbles all the way down; minimal organic material; a-B boundary about 4"" down; transition from dark brown to brown; hole is about 20"" deep; SEZ collected 4-6"" down in color transition; SMM collected from 6-16""" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3864 08PB231STL 08PB231 w2_62 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 2"" tundra cap, then into fairly uniform till; coarse to fine rounded cobbles; color change 3-4"" down from dark brown rooty to gray brown; SEZ collected at 4-6"" at color transition; SMM collected from 6-16"" with lots of cobbles" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3865 08PB232STL 08PB232 w1_03 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 3"" tundra vegetation cap; then 3"" layer of angular to sub-rounded cobbles; cobble supported; then brown silty clay to 24"" depth that is interspersed with rounded gravel clasts; SEZ collected 5-6"" from surface; SMM collected 7-17"" from surface" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3866 08PB233DSTL 08PB233D w2_66 BHX001 site duplicate 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; sample site duplicate; 20"" deep hole; root cap 3"" thick, followed by sparse pebbles/gravel (matrix-supported) down to 6""; at about 8-9"", transition from chocolate-brown matrix (silt) into brown clayey silt with interspersed large rounded volcanic (intermediate to mafic) cobbles" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3868 08PB233STL 08PB233 w1_11 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; root cap 3"" thick, followed by sparse pebbles/gravel (matrix-supported) down to 6""; at about 8-9"", transition from chocolate-brown matrix (silt) into brown clayey silt with interspersed rounded cobbles" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3870 08PB234STL 08PB234 w1_40 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; tundra cap is about 4"" thick and contains a gray sand; then below the cap is tan sandy silt down to 30""; no clasts, all silt; silt has slight orange color; very easy sample to collect; in hand lens, gray sand is well-sorted sub-angular multimineralogic with quartz; mineral grains argue against ash and more towards alluvial origin; SEZ collected from 6"" from surface in orange-tan silty sand; SMM collected from 10-20"" from surface in orange-tan silty sand" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3871 08PB235STL 08PB235 w2_65 BHX001 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 3"" vegetation tundra cap with gray to white clay layer within it; then into mottled gray to brown silt for about 8""; then silty sand with rounded pebbles and gravel, brown with hint of orange to bottom of hole at 25""; SEZ collected at 6"" depth in gray to brown silt; SMM collected at 8-18"" straddling the soil described above" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/DF/SS 3872 08PB236STL 08PB236 w2_52 BHX001 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 22"" deep hole; 1-2"" tundra cap; next 5"" is chocolate brown soil with sub-angular gravel to cobbles; fairly sharp transition to tannish gray clayey silt, contains coarse sand to small cobbles; SEZ collected at 6"" right below color transition; SMM collected from 8-18"" down" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS 3873 08PB237STL 08PB237 w1_44 BHX001 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; soil found in solifluction lobes moving downhill; indicates soil is likely allocthonous but fairly close to source; hole is 14"" deep; frozen solid on bottom; tundra cap is 4-6"" thick with dark brown soil beneath to bottom; encountered large woody root in hole (1.5"" diameter); SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected from 6-14"" deep" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS 3875 08PB257STL 08PB257 w3_02 BHX002 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; tundra AO cap about 4"" thick; then into cobble-rich clay; thin layer of cobbles below cap; gray-tan clay, cobbles up to 3"" across; SEZ collected at 6"" depth; SMM collected at 6-14"" depth" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3876 08PB258STLA 08PB258 w3_03 BHX002 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for TerraSol leach; tundra cap is about 10"" thick, dark organic-rich soil; a-B contact is about 13"" down from surface; a-B contact is a good color change from dark brown to brown; b is sandy clay with abundant pebble and cobbles up to about 3"" across; SEZA collected 6"" below surface in organic A; SEZB collected 4"" below A-B contact; SMM collected 4"" below A-B contact (17-23"" depth)" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3877 08PB258STLB 08PB258 w3_04 BHX002 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; tundra cap is about 10"" thick, dark organic-rich soil; a-B contact is about 13"" down from surface; a-B contact is a good color change from dark brown to brown; b is sandy clay with abundant pebble and cobbles up to about 3"" across; SEZA collected 6"" below surface in organic A; SEZB collected 4"" below A-B contact; SMM collected 4"" below A-B contact (17-23"" depth)" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3878 08PB259STL 08PB259 w3_05 BHX002 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; tundra cap is 4"", underlain by large boulders (7-8""); beneath cobble layer is brown sandy layer; SEZ collected right below A, 4"" from surface; transition between A and B is irregular; b is sandy with mostly gravel-size cobbles; dark brown-tan in color; noticed some large porphyry intermediate cobbles here; largest cobbles just below A" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3879 08PB260STL 08PB260 w3_06 BHX002 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; tundra organic cap is about 3"" thick; 6"" of A horizon; bottom of A has abundant angular broken cobbles; SEZ collected at very top of B horizon; a is dark brown; b is much lighter tan-brown, sandy clay with abundant 1-2"" rounded cobbles; SMM collected from 4"" below A-B contact to bottom of hole at about 16"" deep; soil is nearly saturated" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3880 08PB261STLA 08PB261 w3_07 BHX002 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for TerraSol leach; organic cap and A horizon is about 8 in thick; A-horizon soil color is a dark brown; several rounded to subrounded pebbles and cobbles, up to approx; 4 in across, straddle the lower A and upper B horizons; the B horizon is a lighter brown color and becomes less cobble rich with depth; soil is damp and sticky; SEZA sample collected in A horizon at a depth of about 4-6 inches from fine-grained material between cobbles; sample description made in office using photographs" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3881 08PB261STLB 08PB261 w3_08 BHX002 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; no notes; organic cap and A horizon is about 8 in thick; A-horizon soil color is a dark brown; several rounded to subrounded pebbles and cobbles, up to approx; 4 in across, straddle the lower A and upper B horizons; the B horizon is a lighter brown color and becomes less cobble rich with depth; soil is damp and sticky; SEZB sample collected at a depth of 12-14 inches or approximately 4 inches below the A/B contact; sample description made in office using photographs" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3882 08PB262STL 08PB262 w3_09 BHX002 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; no soil horizon development; colluvial; angular iron-stained cobbles up to 6"" long; clast support with at most saturated soil between; hard to collect; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected at 6-12""" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3884 08PB263STL 08PB263 w3_10 BHX002 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; a horizon ranges from 6-10"" with downhill side thinner; b is very clay-rich; brown with cobbles from gravel to 3""; fairly saturated but not dripping; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected 10-16""" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3885 08PB264STL 08PB264 w3_11 BHX002 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 6"" of A; next 4"" (top of B) saturated and dripping; b is tan clay-rich with scattered cobbles up to 2""; well-compacted (modeling clay)" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3886 08PB265DSTL 08PB265D w3_13 BHX002 site duplicate 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; sample site duplicate of 08PB265; 3"" of good AO horizon; brown to dark rich brown soil down to 18""; then knife-edge change to orange Fe-rich C with angular pebbles to cobbles; almost no pebbles in B; damp all the way down; bottom 2"" are lighter brown; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected 6-16""; did not collect in C horizon; angular rocks are igneous with flattened shards (?), volcanic; totally altered" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3887 08PB265STL 08PB265 w3_12 BHX002 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 3"" of good AO horizon; brown to dark rich brown soil down to 18""; then knife-edge change to orange Fe-rich C with angular pebbles to cobbles; almost no pebbles in B; damp all the way down; bottom 2"" are lighter brown; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected 6-16""; did not collect in C horizon; angular rocks are igneous with flattened shards (?), volcanic; totally altered" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3888 08PB266STL 08PB266 w3_14 BHX002 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; saturated from just below A to bottom of hole; b soil color varies from gray to brown with patches that are orange and yellow; pebble-supported (rounded pebbles); SEZ collected from 6"" down; SMM collected from 10-16"" down; too pebbly and wet so 2 bags collected" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3889 08PB267STL 08PB267 w3_15 BHX002 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; first 12"" cobbly but then relatively noncobbly; soil matrix consistent from bottom of A; a about 3""; b is brown, sandy to clay-rich" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3890 08PB268STL 08PB268 w3_16 BHX002 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; vegetated AO is about 3"" thick; then immediately into brown silt, dark brown at top and getting progressively lighter with depth; at about 15"" deep it is yellow-brown silt; no pebbles at all; likely lake silt; fine rootlets to bottom of hole at 18"" depth; SEZ collected from 6"" below surface in silty B horizon; SMM collected from 8-18"", easy to collect" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3891 08PB280STLA 08PB280 w3_17 BHX002 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for TerraSol leach; vegetation cap about 4"" thick; dark organic-rich material for 1"", lighter brown next 4-6"", tan; SEZA collected at 6"" depth in organic A horizon; SEZB collected at 16"" depth 4"" into the B horizon; SMM collected from 16"" to bottom of hole; presence of rock fairly consistent all the way down, rounded to sub-angular" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3892 08PB280STLB 08PB280 w3_18 BHX002 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; vegetation cap about 4"" thick; dark organic-rich material for 1"", lighter brown next 4-6"", tan; SEZA collected at 6"" depth in organic A horizon; SEZB collected at 16"" depth 4"" into the B horizon; SMM collected from 16"" to bottom of hole; presence of rock fairly consistent all the way down, rounded to sub-angular" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3894 08PB281STLA 08PB281 w3_19 BHX002 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for TerraSol leach; 3"" vegetation cap underlain by 12"" dark brown organic A horizon; sharp color change to yellow-tan organic-free (B horizon); contains abundant clay; sub-rounded to sub-angular cobbles of granodiorite; all cobbles similar lithology; SEZA collected 6"" below surface in A horizon; SEZB collected just below A at 16"" in B horizon; SMM collected 16"" to bottom of hole; rocks fairly abundant in SMM interval" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS 3895 08PB281STLB 08PB281 w3_20 BHX002 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 3"" vegetation cap underlain by 12"" dark brown organic A horizon; sharp color change to yellow-tan organic-free (B horizon); contains abundant clay; sub-rounded to sub-angular cobbles of granodiorite; all cobbles similar lithology; SEZA collected 6"" below surface in A horizon; SEZB collected just below A at 16"" in B horizon; SMM collected 16"" to bottom of hole; rocks fairly abundant in SMM interval" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS 3896 08PB283STLA 08PB283 w3_21 BHX002 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for TerraSol leach; 3"" vegetation cap; organic layer; dark brown to 10""; from 10""; tan to light brown sandy soil; cobbles sub-rounded to sub-angular; almost entirely granodiorite; SEZA collected 6"" below surface; SEZB collected 14"" in B horizon; SMM collected from 14-20"" in B horizon" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS 3897 08PB283STLB 08PB283 w3_22 BHX002 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 3"" vegetation cap; organic layer; dark brown to 10""; from 10""; tan to light brown sandy soil; cobbles sub-rounded to sub-angular; almost entirely granodiorite; SEZA collected 6"" below surface; SEZB collected 14"" in B horizon; SMM collected from 14-20"" in B horizon" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved KK/SS 3898 08PB284STL 08PB284 w3_23 BHX002 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; a horizon about 3"" thick; clay to sandy dark brown soil with abundant round to sub-angular cobbles up to 10"" in length, 3-7"" common; mostly granodiorite plus green mafic rock; consistent B horizon down to bottom of hole; no color change; fe staining on cobbles; SEZ collected at 6"" in B; SMM collected 7"" and below" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3899 08PB285STLA 08PB285 w3_24 BHX002 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, A horizon, for TerraSol leach; 30"" deep hole; dark brown organic soil all the way but gradually getting lighter and siltier; occasional pebbles are rounded; scattered throughout; no well-defined break between A and B horizons; SEZA collected at 6"" in black organic material; SEZB collected at 15"" in brown silty soil; SMM collected 15-30"" depth; abundant mineral soil, not just organic material; silty brown and brownish tan" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in A horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" A horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3900 08PB285STLB 08PB285 w3_25 BHX002 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 30"" deep hole; dark brown organic soil all the way but gradually getting lighter and siltier; occasional pebbles are rounded; scattered throughout; no well-defined break between A and B horizons; SEZA collected at 6"" in black organic material; SEZB collected at 15"" in brown silty soil; SMM collected 15-30"" depth; abundant mineral soil, not just organic material; silty brown and brownish tan" grab "single pit, 10 cm below top of B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3901 08PB288STL 08PB288 w3_26 BHX002 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; uniform silt and clay all the way down; 2"" vegetation cap; rooted zone to 6""; sporadic roots even deeper; brown at very surface grading into a tan brown in the top 4-6""; no pebbles down; SEZ collected at 6"", well into B horizon; SMM collected from 5-15"" depth" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3902 08PB290STL 08PB290 w3_27 BHX002 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; uniform silt and clay all the way down; 2"" vegetation cap; rooted zone to 6""; sporadic roots even deeper; brown at very surface grading into a tan brown in the top 4-6""; no pebbles down; SEZ collected at 6"", well into B horizon; SMM collected from 5-15"" depth" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3903 08PB291STL 08PB291 w3_28 BHX002 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; a is 2-4"" thick, dark brown soil; brown B is uniformly silty; no pebbles or cobbles; slight amount of water filling hole; sticky B indicates higher clay content than previous 2 holes; SEZ collected at 6"" depth (about 1.5"" below A-B boundary)" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3904 08PB292STL 08PB292 w3_29 BHX002 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; easy digging; no pebbles; dark brown organic-rich layer 2"" thick; at 4"" down changes to lighter brown; maintains color to 20""; bottom 2"" much lighter tan; silt with clay" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3906 08PB293STL 08PB293 w3_30 BHX002 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 4"" vegetation, dark brown AO cap; then into tan silty soil to bottom at 16"" deep; dryer than last 2 sites; no pebbles or cobbles; easy digging; SEZ collected 6"" down; SMM collected 8-16"" depth" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3907 08PB294STL 08PB294 w3_31 BHX002 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 3-4"" A with brown silty B down about 10-11"", changing to light brown; no pebbles in hole; consistent texture; silt with clay" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3908 08PB295STL 08PB295 w3_32 BHX002 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; vegetation cap about 2"" thick; aO stops there; soil brown for another 3"" (5"" from top), then gets progressively lighter to light tan to bottom of hole at 20""; at 20"", cobbles begin where light tan clay begins; FeOx orange spots concentrated in bottom half of hole; SMM collected in brown and light tan" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3909 08PB296STL 08PB296 w3_33 BHX002 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; vegetation cap is about 2"" thick, followed by brown silty clay; top 6"" of this is saturated; grades in color to light brown at 12"" deep; then a yellow tan to bottom at 18"" deep; yellow-tan material has small patches of orange-mottled FeOx; sparse pebbles; high clay content; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected at 8-18""" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3910 08PB297STL 08PB297 w3_34 BHX002 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 1"" of A but variable; shallow vegetation cap; medium-brown clay-rich, cobble-rich soil with rounded cobbles up to 6"" across; some dark brown mottled spots in the B" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3911 08PB298DSTL 08PB298D w3_36 BHX002 site duplicate 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; sample site duplicate of 08PB298; vegetation cap thin and broke apart; 1.5"" thick brown silty soil to bottom, wet silty clay; no orange splotches; scattered pebbles and cobbles; uniform brown color throughout" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3912 08PB298STL 08PB298 w3_35 BHX002 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; vegetation cap thin and broke apart; 1.5"" thick brown silty soil to bottom, wet silty clay; no orange splotches; scattered pebbles and cobbles; uniform brown color throughout" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3913 08PB299STL 08PB299 w3_37 BHX002 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 4"" AO horizon; organic rich with vegetation cover; tan-colored silty clay in hole from 4"" to bottom at 20""; no pebbles; consistent texture; lots of fine rootlets" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved SS 3914 08PB300STL 08PB300 w3_38 BHX002 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; thin, about 2"" vegetative cap with dark brown soil; quickly grades to brown and gray silty clay to bottom at 20""; no pebbles; clay rich; moist but not saturated" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3915 08PB301STL 08PB301 w3_39 BHX002 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; vegetation cap about 2-3"" thick, dark brown; then 9"" of dark B, clay-rich, mottled darker brown patches; at 12"" from surface is distinct color change to lighter tan; light tan has FeOx orange patches near top of light tan soil; no pebbles; SEZ collected in brown soil 6"" from surface; SMM collected from 8-18"" and contains both brown and tan soil" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3917 08PB302STL 08PB302 w3_40 BHX002 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 2-3"" A horizon, dark brown to black; b is mottled brown and tan silty clay; color lightens to bottom at 18""; at bottom, soil is nearly all tan; no pebbles; more 'sticky' than prevoius; not much (if any) Fe staining as in site before; SEZ collected in light brown to tan soil; SMM collected in light brown to tan soil" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3918 08PB303STL 08PB303 w3_41 BHX002 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 20"" deep hole; 2"" thick vegetation cap; dark brown soil down 3"", grades to lighter brown for 3""; lighter brown with splotches of gray and orange, silty clay; right before bottom of hole it is a very light tan; no pebbles; easy digging" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3919 08PB304STL 08PB304 w3_42 BHX002 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 2-3"" vegetation AO cap; then into light brown B with dark brown mottled soil; minor FeOx splotches; at 8"" depth is solid light tan contact characterized by FeOx splotches; more silty than clay-rich; no pebbles; SEZ collected at 6"" in light brown with mottled dark brown soil; SMM collected at 6-16"" mostly in light brown, includes FeOx splotches and light tan soil" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3920 08PB305STL 08PB305 w3_43 BHX002 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; vegetation cap 3"", dark brown organic soil; below, sharp change to brown clay-rich almost saturated soil to bottom of 20"" hole; very sticky; clay; no iron oxide splotches; lots of cobbles but matrix-supported; cobbles up to 8"", rounded; most are granodiorite in composition" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3921 08PB306STL 08PB306 w3_44 BHX002 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; collected from low point between tussocks; vegetation cap 6"" thick, dark brown and rooty; goes into lighter brown soil; SEZ collected in light brown soil; splotches of iron oxide in material; in bottom of hole below sampled zone is a much lighter tan; clay rich, occasional pebbles and small cobbles through; saturated below surface; dry but damp with depth" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3922 08PB307STL 08PB307 w3_45 BHX002 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; vegetation cap about 1"" thick and fell apart; then reddish-brown zone 5"" thick and saturated; then gray soil with FeOx blotches to bottom of hole at 14""; sparse scattered small pebbles up to .5"" across, rounded; gray soil is more silty where FeOx blotches are; more clay-rich in red-brown zone at 6"" depth; SMM is sampled from gray soil with minor red-brown soil" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3924 08PB308STL 08PB308 w3_46 BHX002 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "soil, B horizon, for TerraSol leach; 2"" vegetation cap; 2"" below, dark brown, organic with rootlets; abrupt change to a yellow-brown/tan saturated silty clay; this horizon continues to bottom at 22""; uniform except for some FeOx and gray patches; moderate rounded pebbles up to 2-4"" scattered throughout hole" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved BE/KK/SS 3967 08PB167PDS 08PB167 C316707 MRP09215 4:20 7/13/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; muck collected from mouth of 2 inlets, 2 scoops each; substrate sediment surface has gray to yellow sandy cover, below cover is black organic goo, staining on substrate not noted" not noted composite pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh BE/MR 3984 08PB256CR00-02 08PB256 C321470 MRP09619 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" "pond sediment core 2 cm increment (00-02 cm depth); dark brown sand and silt with sparse orange accumulations; scattered pebbles, becoming more sparse with depth" core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 3986 08PB256CR02-04 08PB256 C321472 MRP09619 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" "pond sediment core 2 cm increment (02-04 cm depth); dark brown sand and silt with sparse orange accumulations; scattered pebbles, becoming more sparse with depth" core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 3987 08PB256CR04-06 08PB256 C321473 MRP09619 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" "pond sediment core 2 cm increment (04-06 cm depth); dark brown sand and silt with sparse orange accumulations; scattered pebbles, becoming more sparse with depth" core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 3988 08PB256CR06-08 08PB256 C321474 MRP09619 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" "pond sediment core 2 cm increment (06-08 cm depth); dark brown sand and silt with sparse orange accumulations; scattered pebbles, becoming more sparse with depth" core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 3989 08PB256CR08-10 08PB256 C321475 MRP09619 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" "pond sediment core 2 cm increment (08-10 cm depth); dark brown sand and silt with sparse orange accumulations; scattered pebbles, becoming more sparse with depth" core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 3990 08PB256CR10-12 08PB256 C321476 MRP09619 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" "pond sediment core 2 cm increment (10-12 cm depth); dark brown sand and silt with sparse orange accumulations; scattered pebbles, becoming more sparse with depth" core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 3991 08PB256CR12-14 08PB256 C321477 MRP09619 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" "pond sediment core 2 cm increment (12-14 cm depth); dark brown sand and silt with sparse orange accumulations; scattered pebbles, becoming more sparse with depth" core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 3992 08PB256CR14-16 08PB256 C321478 MRP09619 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" "pond sediment core 2 cm increment (14-16 cm depth); dark brown sand and silt with sparse orange accumulations; scattered pebbles, becoming more sparse with depth" core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 3993 08PB256CR16-18 08PB256 C321479 MRP09619 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" "pond sediment core 2 cm increment (16-18 cm depth); dark brown sand and silt with sparse orange accumulations; scattered pebbles, becoming more sparse with depth" core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 3995 08PB256CR18-20 08PB256 C321481 MRP09619 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" "pond sediment core 2 cm increment (18-20 cm depth); dark brown sand and silt with sparse orange accumulations; scattered pebbles, becoming more sparse with depth" core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 3996 08PB256CR20-22 08PB256 C321482 MRP09619 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" "pond sediment core 2 cm increment (20-22 cm depth); dark brown sand and silt with sparse orange accumulations; scattered pebbles, becoming more sparse with depth" core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 3997 08PB256CR22-24 08PB256 C321483 MRP09619 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" "pond sediment core 2 cm increment (22-24 cm depth); dark brown sand and silt with sparse orange accumulations; scattered pebbles, becoming more sparse with depth" core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 3998 08PB256CR24-26 08PB256 C321484 MRP09619 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" "pond sediment core 2 cm increment (24-26 cm depth); dark brown sand and silt with sparse orange accumulations; scattered pebbles, becoming more sparse with depth" core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 3999 08PB256CR26-28 08PB256 C321485 MRP09619 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" "pond sediment core 2 cm increment (26-28 cm depth); dark brown sand and silt with sparse orange accumulations; scattered pebbles, becoming more sparse with depth" core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4000 08PB256CR28-30 08PB256 C321486 MRP09619 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" "pond sediment core 2 cm increment (28-30 cm depth); dark brown sand and silt with sparse orange accumulations; scattered pebbles, becoming more sparse with depth" core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4001 08PB256CR30-32 08PB256 C321487 MRP09619 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" "pond sediment core 2 cm increment (30-32 cm depth); dark brown sand and silt with sparse orange accumulations; scattered pebbles, becoming more sparse with depth" core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4002 08PB256CR32-34 08PB256 C321488 MRP09619 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" "pond sediment core 2 cm increment (32-34 cm depth); dark brown sand and silt with sparse orange accumulations; scattered pebbles, becoming more sparse with depth" core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4004 08PB256CR34-36 08PB256 C321490 MRP09619 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" "pond sediment core 2 cm increment (34-36 cm depth); dark brown sand and silt with sparse orange accumulations; scattered pebbles, becoming more sparse with depth" core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4005 08PB256CR36-38 08PB256 C321491 MRP09619 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" "pond sediment core 2 cm increment (36-38 cm depth); dark brown sand and silt with sparse orange accumulations; scattered pebbles, becoming more sparse with depth" core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4006 08PB256CR38-40 08PB256 C321492 MRP09619 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" "pond sediment core 2 cm increment (38-40 cm depth); dark brown sand and silt with sparse orange accumulations; scattered pebbles, becoming more sparse with depth" core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4007 08PB256CR40-42 08PB256 C321493 MRP09619 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" "pond sediment core 2 cm increment (40-42 cm depth); dark brown sand and silt with sparse orange accumulations; scattered pebbles, becoming more sparse with depth" core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4008 08PB256CR42-44 08PB256 C321494 MRP09619 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" "pond sediment core 2 cm increment (42-44 cm depth); dark brown sand and silt with sparse orange accumulations; scattered pebbles, becoming more sparse with depth" core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4009 08PB256CR44-46 08PB256 C321495 MRP09619 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" "pond sediment core 2 cm increment (44-46 cm depth); dark brown sand and silt with sparse orange accumulations; scattered pebbles, becoming more sparse with depth" core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4010 08PB256CR46-48 08PB256 C321496 MRP09619 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" "pond sediment core 2 cm increment (46-48 cm depth); dark brown sand and silt with sparse orange accumulations; scattered pebbles, becoming more sparse with depth" core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4011 08PB256CR48-50 08PB256 C321497 MRP09619 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" "pond sediment core 2 cm increment (48-50 cm depth); dark brown sand and silt with sparse orange accumulations; scattered pebbles, becoming more sparse with depth" core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4013 08PB256CR50-52 08PB256 C321499 MRP09619 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" "pond sediment core 2 cm increment (50-52 cm depth); dark brown sand and silt with sparse orange accumulations; scattered pebbles, becoming more sparse with depth" core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4014 08PB256CR52-54 08PB256 C321500 MRP09619 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" "pond sediment core 2 cm increment (52-54 cm depth); dark brown sand and silt with sparse orange accumulations; scattered pebbles, becoming more sparse with depth" core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4015 08PB256CR54-56 08PB256 C321501 MRP09619 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" "pond sediment core 2 cm increment (54-56 cm depth); dark brown sand and silt with sparse orange accumulations; scattered pebbles, becoming more sparse with depth" core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4019 08PB255CR00-02 08PB255 C321505 MRP09621 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2 cm increment (00-02 cm depth); well-drained dark brown homogenous sand with scattered pebbles; no orange accumulation core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4021 08PB255CR02-04 08PB255 C321507 MRP09621 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2 cm increment (02-04 cm depth); well-drained dark brown homogenous sand with scattered pebbles; no orange accumulation core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4022 08PB255CR04-06 08PB255 C321508 MRP09621 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2 cm increment (04-06 cm depth); well-drained dark brown homogenous sand with scattered pebbles; no orange accumulation core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4023 08PB255CR06-08 08PB255 C321509 MRP09621 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2 cm increment (06-08 cm depth); well-drained dark brown homogenous sand with scattered pebbles; no orange accumulation core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4024 08PB255CR08-10 08PB255 C321510 MRP09621 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2 cm increment (08-10 cm depth); well-drained dark brown homogenous sand with scattered pebbles; no orange accumulation core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4025 08PB255CR10-12 08PB255 C321511 MRP09621 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2 cm increment (10-12 cm depth); well-drained dark brown homogenous sand with scattered pebbles; no orange accumulation core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4026 08PB255CR12-14 08PB255 C321512 MRP09621 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2 cm increment (12-14 cm depth); well-drained dark brown homogenous sand with scattered pebbles; no orange accumulation core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4028 08PB255CR14-16 08PB255 C321514 MRP09621 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2 cm increment (14-16 cm depth); well-drained dark brown homogenous sand with scattered pebbles; no orange accumulation core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4029 08PB255CR16-18 08PB255 C321515 MRP09621 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2 cm increment (16-18 cm depth); well-drained dark brown homogenous sand with scattered pebbles; no orange accumulation core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4030 08PB255CR18-20 08PB255 C321516 MRP09621 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2 cm increment (18-20 cm depth); well-drained dark brown homogenous sand with scattered pebbles; no orange accumulation core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4031 08PB255CR20-22 08PB255 C321517 MRP09621 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2 cm increment (20-22 cm depth); well-drained dark brown homogenous sand with scattered pebbles; no orange accumulation core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4032 08PB255CR22-24 08PB255 C321518 MRP09621 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2 cm increment (22-24 cm depth); well-drained dark brown homogenous sand with scattered pebbles; no orange accumulation core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4033 08PB255CR24-26 08PB255 C321519 MRP09621 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2 cm increment (24-26 cm depth); well-drained dark brown homogenous sand with scattered pebbles; no orange accumulation core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4035 08PB255CR26-28 08PB255 C321521 MRP09621 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2 cm increment (26-28 cm depth); well-drained dark brown homogenous sand with scattered pebbles; no orange accumulation core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4036 08PB255CR28-30 08PB255 C321522 MRP09621 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2 cm increment (28-30 cm depth); well-drained dark brown homogenous sand with scattered pebbles; no orange accumulation core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4037 08PB255CR30-32 08PB255 C321523 MRP09621 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2 cm increment (30-32 cm depth); well-drained dark brown homogenous sand with scattered pebbles; no orange accumulation core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4038 08PB255CR32-34 08PB255 C321524 MRP09621 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2 cm increment (32-34 cm depth); well-drained dark brown homogenous sand with scattered pebbles; no orange accumulation core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4039 08PB255CR34-36 08PB255 C321525 MRP09621 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2 cm increment (34-36 cm depth); well-drained dark brown homogenous sand with scattered pebbles; no orange accumulation core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4040 08PB255CR36-38 08PB255 C321526 MRP09621 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2 cm increment (36-38 cm depth); well-drained dark brown homogenous sand with scattered pebbles; no orange accumulation core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4042 08PB255CR38-40 08PB255 C321528 MRP09621 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2 cm increment (38-40 cm depth); well-drained dark brown homogenous sand with scattered pebbles; no orange accumulation core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4043 08PB255CR40-42 08PB255 C321529 MRP09621 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2 cm increment (40-42 cm depth); well-drained dark brown homogenous sand with scattered pebbles; no orange accumulation core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/NS/SS 4046 09PB312R 09PB312 C340612 MRP10894 1:1 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 rock "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of rock" "cobble - orange-stained, very fine-grained gray, silicified, with abundant disseminated pyrite; from shoreline" grab pond shoreline HS and GX grind to -100 mesh EA/BE heavily FeOx-stained fine-grained gray silicified cobble with disseminated pyrite; grab till(?) 4047 09PB338R 09PB338 C340614 MRP10894 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 rock "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of rock" cobble from till; disseminated pyrite in siliceous fine-grained gray matrix grab till ridge HS and GX grind to -100 mesh EA/BE disseminated pyrite in siliceous fine-grained gray matrix; grab cobble from till 4048 09PB376R 09PB376 C340616 MRP10894 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 rock "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of rock" "composite rock chips from 2 traverses across slope; disseminated pyrite, gray quartz veins, breccia (tectonic? hydrothermal? [more likely]); local slickensides; some breccia cobbles show multiple vein-breccia-vein episotes; abundant FeOx on joints; no MnOx; local drusy quartz filling vugs in breccia" composite discovery outcrop HS and GX grind to -100 mesh EA/BE "disseminated pyrite, gray quartz veins, breccia (hydrothermal?); local slickensides; abundant FeOx on joints; local drusy quartz filling vugs in breccia; composite rubble crop" 4049 09PB379R 09PB379 C340617 MRP10894 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 rock "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of rock" composite rubble crop; largely the same character described for Discovery Zone rock (site 09PB376); FeOx staining here is deeper red; a few cobbles are heavy with pyrite (fresh); spongiform rocks present - acid alteration composite rubble crop HS and GX grind to -100 mesh EA/BE similar description as sample from Discovery zone (site 09PB376); FeOx staining here is deeper red; a few cobbles are heavy with pyrite (fresh); spongiform rocks present - acid alteration; composite rubble crop 4050 09PB310PDS 09PB310 C332147 MRP10311 11:60 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" pond sediment; mostly tan to light brown; easy to grab minor pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, disaggregate, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 EA/BE 4051 09PB311PDS 09PB311 C332126 MRP10311 16:60 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; good sandy, silty gravel; easy to collect; brown algae coatings" minor pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, disaggregate, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 EA/BE 4052 09PB312PDS 09PB312 C332138 MRP10311 20:60 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; easy to collect; cobbles, gravel, and and silt; cobble ""riffle lines"" are all parallel to prevailing wind" very low pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, disaggregate, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 EA/BE 4053 09PB314PDS 09PB314 C332144 MRP10311 15:20 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" pond sediment; from a mostly cobble-lined pond; minor brown algae-covered cobbles locally; sand and silt in local accumulations low pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, disaggregate, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 EA/BE 4054 09PB315PDS 09PB315 C332128 MRP10311 10:4 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" pond sediment; from fines pocket in mostly cobble-lined pond bottom; brown algae locally common low pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, disaggregate, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 EA/BE 4055 09PB317PDS 09PB317 C332139 MRP10311 30:20 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" pond sediment; difficult to collect; high organic content due to active beaver pond high pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, disaggregate, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 EA/BE 4056 09PB319PDS 09PB319 C332145 MRP10311 25:50 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" pond sediment; abundant gray mud and gray to brown silt moderate to high pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, disaggregate, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 EA/BE 4057 09PB320PDS 09PB320 C332136 MRP10311 20:50 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" pond sediment; brown algae common moderate pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, disaggregate, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 EA/BE 4058 09PB322PDS 09PB322 C332133 MRP10311 30:30 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" pond sediment from active beaver pond; beaver digging into till at collection point probably means fair amount of till fines in sample rather than good sediment high (due to beaver dam) pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, disaggregate, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 EA/BE 4059 09PB323PDS 09PB323 C332140 MRP10311 15:25 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" pond sediment; easy to collect tan muddy fines from gravel low to moderate pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, disaggregate, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 EA/BE 4060 09PB325PDS 09PB325 C332134 MRP10311 25:10 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" pond sediment; difficult to collect due to depth of water moderate to high pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, disaggregate, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 EA/BE 4061 09PB326PDS 09PB326 C332146 MRP10311 25:10 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" pond sediment low pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, disaggregate, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 EA/BE 4062 09PB328DPDS 09PB328D C332142 MRP10311 site duplicate 25:20 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" pond sediment; from gravel/mud pockets interspersed within dominant cobbly lake bed low to moderate pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, disaggregate, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 EA/BE 4063 09PB328PDS 09PB328 C332127 MRP10311 25:20 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" pond sediment; from gravel/mud pockets interspersed within dominant cobbly lake bed low to moderate pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, disaggregate, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 EA/BE 4064 09PB329PDS 09PB329 C332137 MRP10311 30:4 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" pond sediment; difficult to collect - very few fines in this cobble-rich pond moderate pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, disaggregate, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 EA/BE 4065 09PB331PDS 09PB331 C332143 MRP10311 20:4 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" pond sediment; easy to collect from one fines pocket within cobbles low pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, disaggregate, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 EA/BE 4066 09PB332PDS 09PB332 C332131 MRP10311 20:8 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; dark orange, FeOx-rich sediment; abundant fines; easy to collect" low pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, disaggregate, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 EA/BE 4070 09PB373PDS 09PB373 C332132 MRP10311 30:80 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" pond sediment; collected for consistency with previous sites pond bottom sediment GX sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, disaggregate, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 EA/BE 4073 09PB377PDS 09PB377 C332135 MRP10311 1:1 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" pond sediment; abundant orange-brown fine sediment; grab of finesfor microprobe and/or XRD; looking for round FeOx 'oolite'-like morphologies seen in pond core sample from here in 2008; ziplock bag used to collect sample and keep it wet low pond bottom sediment "GX, MIN and/or XRD" sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, disaggregate, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 EA/BE "resample of 07PB026, 08PB255" 4074 09PB378PDS 09PB378 C332130 MRP10311 1:1 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment" "pond sediment; silty, sandy; thick accumulations; grab of finesfor microprobe and/or XRD; looking for round FeOx 'oolite'-like morphologies seen in pond core sample from here in 2008; ziplock bag used to collect sample and keep it wet" low pond bottom sediment "GX, MIN and/or XRD" sieve to -10 mesh "air dry, disaggregate, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 EA/BE resample of 08PB256 4078 08PB192DSAR 08PB192D VAN09002875 site duplicate 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 10"" vegetation cap; very wet green clay with oozy consistency; hole will not stay open due to clay; angular cobbles <4"" mixed in clay; orange streaks in clay; collected SEZA at 6"" in organic peat; collected SEZB just below B horizon; SMM composited from clay oozing into the hole" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/LK 4079 08PB192SAR 08PB192 VAN09002875 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 10"" vegetation cap; very wet green clay with oozy consistency; hole will not stay open due to clay; angular cobbles <4"" mixed in clay; orange streaks in clay; collected SEZA at 6"" in organic peat; collected SEZB just below B horizon; SMM composited from clay oozing into the hole" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/LK 4080 08PB193SAR 08PB193 VAN09002875 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; very wet boggy area; hard to find site with soil below peat; moved site about 60' W of line; peat layer 14"" thick; soil below peat is brown to gray black, silty to sandy with small gravel; water fills hole faster than we can bail it" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/LK 4081 08PB197SAR 08PB197 VAN09002875 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; collected SEZ at 6"" deep and top of mineral soil; small-sized gravel noted near top of mineral soil; collected SMM from 10-15"" deep; soil is dark brown to black silty mineral; block of ice found on one side of hole at about 6""" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/LK 4082 08PB198SAR 08PB198 VAN09002875 7/15/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 6-7"" of organic root-bound peat; saturated brown organic soil/peat; soil sticks in large clumps to 18""; SEZ at 7"" from saturated brown organic soil; no SEZB sample; SMM taken from 10"" and below" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS/LK 4083 08PB205SAR 08PB205 VAN09002875 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; lower A horizon (4-8"" below surface); next 8"" is brown organic- and clay-rich layer with white streak (ash?) as a layer (about 0.2"" thick); at around 14"" depth is very black organic-rich thin layer; no cobbles or pebbles; SEZA collected 4-6"" below surface in peaty A horizon; SEZB collected just below ""ash"" streak in B soil; SMM collected from 8 to 18"" depth" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 4084 08PB206SAR 08PB206 VAN09002875 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; first well-developed soil site seen so far on this traverse; right below the root mat is a thin layer of angular gravel with occassional cobbles below; soil is dark brown and organic-rich; at 20"" depth there is a distinct color change to light tan; none of the light tan material was included in the SMM; SEZ collected at 6"" depth; SMM collected from 8-18"" depth" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 4085 08PB207SAR 08PB207 VAN09002875 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; thin layer with scattered small cobbles at around 4"" depth; organic ""AO"" layer is about 4"" thick; about 12"" down soil color changes from dark organic-rich brown to lighter sandy-rich tan; SEZ collected 4-6"" below surface in upper B; rounded intermediate to felsic cobbles; SMM collected 4-14"" from surface, including both the dark brown and tan soil described above" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF 4086 08PB208SAR 08PB208 VAN09002875 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; dug 22"" deep hole; tundra mat, 2"" thick; then 8"" of organic-rich black soil; at 10"" depth the soil abruptly changes to a clay-rich tan material; small gravel and coarse sand seen in tan material; SEZ collected at 4-6""; SMM collected in tan soils 10-20"" deep" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS 4087 08PB209SAR 08PB209 VAN09002875 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; soil sample: Easy digging; 4"" tundra vegetation cap followed by dark brown organic-rich soil to 6"" depth; then all light brown ""B"" soil; sandy, clay-rich soil with interspersed scattered rounded volcanic cobbles; collected SEZ at 6-8"" depth in light brown sandy soil" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 4088 08PB210SAR 08PB210 VAN09002875 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; dug 29"" deep hole; 2"" root mat in tundra; 2"" of dark organic-rich soil; light tan clay to bottom of hole; minor pebbles found in clay; clay is wet enough to be very sticky; SEZ collected at 6"" in tan clay; SMM collected from 8-18"" depth; one 8"" diameter cobble dug up at top of tan clay" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/SS 4089 08PB211SAR 08PB211 VAN09002875 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 1-2"" tundra cap; 6"" brown to reddish-brown organic soil, followed by 4"" of well-sorted medium-sized gray sand (beach? [Hamilton maps as glacial lake/drift]); below sand is the tan clayey silt with isolated gravel" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh DF/SS 4090 08PB212SAR 08PB212 VAN09002875 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 2"" vegetation cap; light brown clay-rich soil with cobbles interspersed throughout; very uniform material; ""pretty sticky digging""" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 4091 08PB213SAR 08PB213 VAN09002875 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 2"" vegetation cap; then right into tan sticky, sandy clay; has interspersed gravel-sized pebbles; very consistent; hard digging through clay" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 4092 08PB214SAR 08PB214 VAN09002875 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; vegetation cap 3"" thick; silt and sand, rich dark brown to reddish brown; sparse pebbles found throughout (2 cm biggest); reddish material starts 10-12"" deep; SEZ collected at 4-6"", in chocolate brown; SMM collected 8-14"" inches down" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 4093 08PB216SAR 08PB216 VAN09002875 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 2"" vegetated AO tundra cap; then about 2"" of dark brown organic-rich soil; then into brown soil for about 10""; below that to bottom of hole at 18"" the soil is tan; soil is sandy to silty; coarse cobbles found in layer just below tundra; SEZ collected 4-6"" from surface in good B soil; SMM collected from 4 to 14"" from surface in good pebble-free brown soil" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 4094 08PB217SAR 08PB217 VAN09002875 7/17/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 3"" tundra cap with brown cobble-rich sediment down to bottom of 24"" hole; cobbles up to 4"" in diameter; soil is coarse sandy to silt-sized material" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS 4095 08PB218SAR 08PB218 VAN09002875 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; dug hole in wet bog 24"" deep; first 16"" were brown to dark brown peat; below peat was a gray clay that was the consistency of modeling clay; scattered gravel found in clay; SEZA collected in peat 4-6"" below surface; SEZB collected in gray clay 17"" down; SMM collected in gray clay 17-24""; had to use metal shovel to break clay free for sampling; hole filled very quickly with water" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 4096 08PB220SAR 08PB220 VAN09002875 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; about 20"" deep hole; thick organic AO is about 8"" thick; wet hole; then into gray clay (looks like lake sediment deposits seen in 2007); angular cobbles found just below the organic layer; slightly orange-brown layer (FeOx?) just below AO in B; SEZA collected in organic layer 4-6"" below surface; SEZB collected 2-4"" below the B, which we define by the organic layer to gray clay transition; SMM collected 4-14"" below uppermost B; all gray clay" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF 4097 08PB221SAR 08PB221 VAN09002875 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 22"" deep hole; 3"" tundra cap with sub-angular cobbles beneath; below cobbles there is about 2"" of orangeish-tan clay followed to bottom of hole by a sticky gray clay; all of the clay is full of cobbles; it is a very hard hole to dig; SEZ collected just at the bottom of the orangeish-tan clay; SMM collected in the gray clay beneath" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 4098 08PB223SAR 08PB223 VAN09002875 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; wet site; thick peaty layers it about 10"" thick; then sub-angular to angular cobbles in gray clay down to about 22"" deep; matrix-supported; SEZA taken 4-6"" below surface in peat with minor mud; SEZB taken 14-15"" below surface in gray clay; SMM collected in gray clay" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 4099 08PB224SAR 08PB224 VAN09002875 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; digging hard; 4"" thick tundra cap; matrix supported cobbles; cobbles angular to sub-angular in gray clay to bottom of hole; SEZ collected in clay about 6"" depth; SMM collected in clay 6-16"" depth" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 4101 08PB226SAR 08PB226 VAN09002875 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 6-8"" of peaty moss; then just below is clast-supported (angular to sub-angular) accumulation of cobbles with clay matrix for about 3"" thick layer; then matrix-supported gray to brown clay to bottom of hole at 20""; peat is spongy; SEZ collected at 8"" in cobbly clay; SMM collected from 10-20"" below surface in brown-gray matrix-supported clay" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 4102 08PB227SAR 08PB227 VAN09002875 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 4"" thick tundra cap; layer of angular to sub-rounded cobbles below cap; dark soil just at top of B; becomes brown clay with abundant cobbles and pebbles; SEZ collected about 6"" below surface; SMM collected in brown clay" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 4103 08PB228SAR 08PB228 VAN09002875 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 24"" hole; tundra cap about 4"" thick; cobbles near surface; transitions immediately into tan-brown silty clay with interspersed sub-rounded to sub-angular cobbles; SEZ collected at about 6"" depth in silty clay; SMM collected 8-18"" depth in silty clay; clay is not sticky; sample much easier to collect" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 4104 08PB229SAR 08PB229 VAN09002875 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 2"" thick tundra cap; this is underlain by 12"" of angular to sub-rounded cobbles with sparse fine matrix; then a 1"" layer of gray sand or ash; then 10"" of silty brown clay with interspersed rounded cobbles; bottom of hole at 24"" has another 2"" layer of sandy ash (?); SEZ collected by picking sparse matrix from between cobbles at 4-6"" below surface; SMM collected from 8-18"" from surface" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 4105 08PB230SAR 08PB230 VAN09002875 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; hole dry in till; rounded cobbles, clast-supported with interspersed fines; variable size range from clay to large cobbles all the way down; minimal organic material; a-B boundary about 4"" down; transition from dark brown to brown; hole is about 20"" deep; SEZ collected 4-6"" down in color transition; SMM collected from 6-16""" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 4106 08PB231SAR 08PB231 VAN09002875 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 2"" tundra cap, then into fairly uniform till; coarse to fine rounded cobbles; color change 3-4"" down from dark brown rooty to gray brown; SEZ collected at 4-6"" at color transition; SMM collected from 6-16"" with lots of cobbles" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 4107 08PB232SAR 08PB232 VAN09002875 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 3"" tundra vegetation cap; then 3"" layer of angular to sub-rounded cobbles; cobble supported; then brown silty clay to 24"" depth that is interspersed with rounded gravel clasts; SEZ collected 5-6"" from surface; SMM collected 7-17"" from surface" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 4108 08PB233DSAR 08PB233D VAN09002875 site duplicate 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; sample site duplicate of 08PB233; 20"" deep hole; root cap 3"" thick, followed by sparse pebbles/gravel (matrix-supported) down to 6""; at about 8-9"", transition from chocolate-brown matrix (silt) into brown clayey silt with interspersed large rounded volcanic (intermediate to mafic) cobbles" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 4109 08PB233SAR 08PB233 VAN09002875 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; root cap 3"" thick, followed by sparse pebbles/gravel (matrix-supported) down to 6""; at about 8-9"", transition from chocolate-brown matrix (silt) into brown clayey silt with interspersed rounded cobbles" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 4110 08PB234SAR 08PB234 VAN09002875 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; tundra cap is about 4"" thick and contains a gray sand; then below the cap is tan sandy silt down to 30""; no clasts, all silt; silt has slight orange color; very easy sample to collect; in hand lens, gray sand is well-sorted sub-angular multimineralogic with quartz; mineral grains argue against ash and more towards alluvial origin; SEZ collected from 6"" from surface in orange-tan silty sand; SMM collected from 10-20"" from surface in orange-tan silty sand" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 4111 08PB235SAR 08PB235 VAN09002875 7/18/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 3"" vegetation tundra cap with gray to white clay layer within it; then into mottled gray to brown silt for about 8""; then silty sand with rounded pebbles and gravel, brown with hint of orange to bottom of hole at 25""; SEZ collected at 6"" depth in gray to brown silt; SMM collected at 8-18"" straddling the soil described above" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/DF/SS 4113 08PB236SAR 08PB236 VAN09002875 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 22"" deep hole; 1-2"" tundra cap; next 5"" is chocolate brown soil with sub-angular gravel to cobbles; fairly sharp transition to tannish gray clayey silt, contains coarse sand to small cobbles; SEZ collected at 6"" right below color transition; SMM collected from 8-18"" down" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS 4114 08PB237SAR 08PB237 VAN09002875 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; soil found in solifluction lobes moving downhill; indicates soil is likely allocthonous but fairly close to source; hole is 14"" deep; frozen solid on bottom; tundra cap is 4-6"" thick with dark brown soil beneath to bottom; encountered large woody root in hole (1.5"" diameter); SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected from 6-14"" deep" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS 4115 08PB257SAR 08PB257 VAN09002875 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; tundra AO cap about 4"" thick; then into cobble-rich clay; thin layer of cobbles below cap; gray-tan clay, cobbles up to 3"" across; SEZ collected at 6"" depth; SMM collected at 6-14"" depth" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4116 08PB258SAR 08PB258 VAN09002875 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; tundra cap is about 10"" thick, dark organic-rich soil; a-B contact is about 13"" down from surface; a-B contact is a good color change from dark brown to brown; b is sandy clay with abundant pebble and cobbles up to about 3"" across; SEZA collected 6"" below surface in organic A; SEZB collected 4"" below A-B contact; SMM collected 4"" below A-B contact (17-23"" depth)" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4117 08PB259SAR 08PB259 VAN09002875 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; tundra cap is 4"", underlain by large boulders (7-8""); beneath cobble layer is brown sandy layer; SEZ collected right below A, 4"" from surface; transition between A and B is irregular; b is sandy with mostly gravel-size cobbles; dark brown-tan in color; noticed some large porphyry intermediate cobbles here; largest cobbles just below A" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4118 08PB260SAR 08PB260 VAN09002875 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; tundra organic cap is about 3"" thick; 6"" of A horizon; bottom of A has abundant angular broken cobbles; SEZ collected at very top of B horizon; a is dark brown; b is much lighter tan-brown, sandy clay with abundant 1-2"" rounded cobbles; SMM collected from 4"" below A-B contact to bottom of hole at about 16"" deep; soil is nearly saturated" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4119 08PB261SAR 08PB261 VAN09002875 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; organic cap and A horizon is about 8 in thick; A-horizon soil color is a dark brown; several rounded to subrounded pebbles and cobbles, up to approx; 4 in across, straddle the lower A and upper B horizons; the B horizon is a lighter brown color and becomes less cobble rich with depth; soil is damp and sticky; sample description made in office using photographs" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4120 08PB262SAR 08PB262 VAN09002875 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; no soil horizon development; colluvial; angular iron-stained cobbles up to 6"" long; clast support with at most saturated soil between; hard to collect; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected at 6-12""" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4121 08PB263SAR 08PB263 VAN09002875 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; a horizon ranges from 6-10"" with downhill side thinner; b is very clay-rich; brown with cobbles from gravel to 3""; fairly saturated but not dripping; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected 10-16""" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4122 08PB264SAR 08PB264 VAN09002875 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 6"" of A; next 4"" (top of B) saturated and dripping; b is tan clay-rich with scattered cobbles up to 2""; well-compacted (modeling clay)" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4123 08PB265DSAR 08PB265D VAN09002875 site duplicate 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; sample site duplicate of 08PB265; 3"" of good AO horizon; brown to dark rich brown soil down to 18""; then knife-edge change to orange Fe-rich C with angular pebbles to cobbles; almost no pebbles in B; damp all the way down; bottom 2"" are lighter brown; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected 6-16""; did not collect in C horizon; angular rocks are igneous with flattened shards (?), volcanic; totally altered" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4124 08PB265SAR 08PB265 VAN09002875 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 3"" of good AO horizon; brown to dark rich brown soil down to 18""; then knife-edge change to orange Fe-rich C with angular pebbles to cobbles; almost no pebbles in B; damp all the way down; bottom 2"" are lighter brown; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected 6-16""; did not collect in C horizon; angular rocks are igneous with flattened shards (?), volcanic; totally altered" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4125 08PB266SAR 08PB266 VAN09002875 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; saturated from just below A to bottom of hole; b soil color varies from gray to brown with patches that are orange and yellow; pebble-supported (rounded pebbles); SEZ collected from 6"" down; SMM collected from 10-16"" down; too pebbly and wet so 2 bags collected" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4126 08PB267SAR 08PB267 VAN09002875 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; first 12"" cobbly but then relatively noncobbly; soil matrix consistent from bottom of A; a about 3""; b is brown, sandy to clay-rich" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4128 08PB268SAR 08PB268 VAN09002875 9/20/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; vegetated AO is about 3"" thick; then immediately into brown silt, dark brown at top and getting progressively lighter with depth; at about 15"" deep it is yellow-brown silt; no pebbles at all; likely lake silt; fine rootlets to bottom of hole at 18"" depth; SEZ collected from 6"" below surface in silty B horizon; SMM collected from 8-18"", easy to collect" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4129 08PB280SAR 08PB280 VAN09002875 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; vegetation cap about 4"" thick; dark organic-rich material for 1"", lighter brown next 4-6"", tan; SEZA collected at 6"" depth in organic A horizon; SEZB collected at 16"" depth 4"" into the B horizon; SMM collected from 16"" to bottom of hole; presence of rock fairly consistent all the way down, rounded to sub-angular" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4130 08PB281SAR 08PB281 VAN09002875 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 3"" vegetation cap underlain by 12"" dark brown organic A horizon; sharp color change to yellow-tan organic-free (B horizon); contains abundant clay; sub-rounded to sub-angular cobbles of granodiorite; all cobbles similar lithology; SEZA collected 6"" below surface in A horizon; SEZB collected just below A at 16"" in B horizon; SMM collected 16"" to bottom of hole; rocks fairly abundant in SMM interval" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS 4131 08PB283SAR 08PB283 VAN09002875 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 3"" vegetation cap; organic layer; dark brown to 10""; from 10""; tan to light brown sandy soil; cobbles sub-rounded to sub-angular; almost entirely granodiorite; SEZA collected 6"" below surface; SEZB collected 14"" in B horizon; SMM collected from 14-20"" in B horizon" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh KK/SS 4132 08PB284SAR 08PB284 VAN09002875 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; a horizon about 3"" thick; clay to sandy dark brown soil with abundant round to sub-angular cobbles up to 10"" in length, 3-7"" common; mostly granodiorite plus green mafic rock; consistent B horizon down to bottom of hole; no color change; fe staining on cobbles; SEZ collected at 6"" in B; SMM collected 7"" and below" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4133 08PB285SAR 08PB285 VAN09002875 9/22/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 30"" deep hole; dark brown organic soil all the way but gradually getting lighter and siltier; occasional pebbles are rounded; scattered throughout; no well-defined break between A and B horizons; SEZA collected at 6"" in black organic material; SEZB collected at 15"" in brown silty soil; SMM collected 15-30"" depth; abundant mineral soil, not just organic material; silty brown and brownish tan" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4134 08PB288SAR 08PB288 VAN09002875 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4135 08PB290SAR 08PB290 VAN09002875 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; uniform silt and clay all the way down; 2"" vegetation cap; rooted zone to 6""; sporadic roots even deeper; brown at very surface grading into a tan brown in the top 4-6""; no pebbles down; SEZ collected at 6"", well into B horizon; SMM collected from 5-15"" depth" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4136 08PB291SAR 08PB291 VAN09002875 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; a is 2-4"" thick, dark brown soil; brown B is uniformly silty; no pebbles or cobbles; slight amount of water filling hole; sticky B indicates higher clay content than previous 2 holes; SEZ collected at 6"" depth (about 1.5"" below A-B boundary)" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4137 08PB292SAR 08PB292 VAN09002875 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; easy digging; no pebbles; dark brown organic-rich layer 2"" thick; at 4"" down changes to lighter brown; maintains color to 20""; bottom 2"" much lighter tan; silt with clay" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4138 08PB293SAR 08PB293 VAN09002875 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 4"" vegetation, dark brown AO cap; then into tan silty soil to bottom at 16"" deep; dryer than last 2 sites; no pebbles or cobbles; easy digging; SEZ collected 6"" down; SMM collected 8-16"" depth" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4139 08PB294SAR 08PB294 VAN09002875 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 3-4"" A with brown silty B down about 10-11"", changing to light brown; no pebbles in hole; consistent texture; silt with clay" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4140 08PB295SAR 08PB295 VAN09002875 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; vegetation cap about 2"" thick; aO stops there; soil brown for another 3"" (5"" from top), then gets progressively lighter to light tan to bottom of hole at 20""; at 20"", cobbles begin where light tan clay begins; FeOx orange spots concentrated in bottom half of hole; SMM collected in brown and light tan" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4141 08PB296SAR 08PB296 VAN09002875 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; vegetation cap is about 2"" thick, followed by brown silty clay; top 6"" of this is saturated; grades in color to light brown at 12"" deep; then a yellow tan to bottom at 18"" deep; yellow-tan material has small patches of orange-mottled FeOx; sparse pebbles; high clay content; SEZ collected at 6""; SMM collected at 8-18""" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4142 08PB297SAR 08PB297 VAN09002875 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 1"" of A but variable; shallow vegetation cap; medium-brown clay-rich, cobble-rich soil with rounded cobbles up to 6"" across; some dark brown mottled spots in the B" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4143 08PB298DSAR 08PB298D VAN09002875 site duplicate 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; sample site duplicate of 08PB298; vegetation cap thin and broke apart; 1.5"" thick brown silty soil to bottom, wet silty clay; no orange splotches; scattered pebbles and cobbles; uniform brown color throughout" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4144 08PB298SAR 08PB298 VAN09002875 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; vegetation cap thin and broke apart; 1.5"" thick brown silty soil to bottom, wet silty clay; no orange splotches; scattered pebbles and cobbles; uniform brown color throughout" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4145 08PB299SAR 08PB299 VAN09002875 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 4"" AO horizon; organic rich with vegetation cover; tan-colored silty clay in hole from 4"" to bottom at 20""; no pebbles; consistent texture; lots of fine rootlets" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh SS 4146 08PB300SAR 08PB300 VAN09002875 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; thin, about 2"" vegetative cap with dark brown soil; quickly grades to brown and gray silty clay to bottom at 20""; no pebbles; clay rich; moist but not saturated" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4147 08PB301SAR 08PB301 VAN09002875 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; vegetation cap about 2-3"" thick, dark brown; then 9"" of dark B, clay-rich, mottled darker brown patches; at 12"" from surface is distinct color change to lighter tan; light tan has FeOx orange patches near top of light tan soil; no pebbles; SEZ collected in brown soil 6"" from surface; SMM collected from 8-18"" and contains both brown and tan soil" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4148 08PB302SAR 08PB302 VAN09002875 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 2-3"" A horizon, dark brown to black; b is mottled brown and tan silty clay; color lightens to bottom at 18""; at bottom, soil is nearly all tan; no pebbles; more 'sticky' than prevoius; not much (if any) Fe staining as in site before; SEZ collected in light brown to tan soil; SMM collected in light brown to tan soil" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4149 08PB303SAR 08PB303 VAN09002875 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 20"" deep hole; 2"" thick vegetation cap; dark brown soil down 3"", grades to lighter brown for 3""; lighter brown with splotches of gray and orange, silty clay; right before bottom of hole it is a very light tan; no pebbles; easy digging" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4150 08PB304SAR 08PB304 VAN09002875 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 2-3"" vegetation AO cap; then into light brown B with dark brown mottled soil; minor FeOx splotches; at 8"" depth is solid light tan contact characterized by FeOx splotches; more silty than clay-rich; no pebbles; SEZ collected at 6"" in light brown with mottled dark brown soil; SMM collected at 6-16"" mostly in light brown, includes FeOx splotches and light tan soil" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4151 08PB305SAR 08PB305 VAN09002875 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; vegetation cap 3"", dark brown organic soil; below, sharp change to brown clay-rich almost saturated soil to bottom of 20"" hole; very sticky; clay; no iron oxide splotches; lots of cobbles but matrix-supported; cobbles up to 8"", rounded; most are granodiorite in composition" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4152 08PB306SAR 08PB306 VAN09002875 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; collected from low point between tussocks; vegetation cap 6"" thick, dark brown and rooty; goes into lighter brown soil; SEZ collected in light brown soil; splotches of iron oxide in material; in bottom of hole below sampled zone is a much lighter tan; clay rich, occasional pebbles and small cobbles through; saturated below surface; dry but damp with depth" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4153 08PB307SAR 08PB307 VAN09002875 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; vegetation cap about 1"" thick and fell apart; then reddish-brown zone 5"" thick and saturated; then gray soil with FeOx blotches to bottom of hole at 14""; sparse scattered small pebbles up to .5"" across, rounded; gray soil is more silty where FeOx blotches are; more clay-rich in red-brown zone at 6"" depth; SMM is sampled from gray soil with minor red-brown soil" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4154 08PB308SAR 08PB308 VAN09002875 9/24/2008 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "soil for aqua regia leach; split from the SMM sample in the lab; 2"" vegetation cap; 2"" below, dark brown, organic with rootlets; abrupt change to a yellow-brown/tan saturated silty clay; this horizon continues to bottom at 22""; uniform except for some FeOx and gray patches; moderate rounded pebbles up to 2-4"" scattered throughout hole" "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh BE/KK/SS 4158 09PB346SAR 09PB346 VAN09004281 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; organic vegetated layer (Ao) is ~3 in thick and dark brown; then immediately into gray-tan sandy soil (B) with interspersed cobbles up to 2 in across; polylithic cobbles are granitic, intermediate volcanic and argillite; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4159 09PB346SCH 09PB346 RE09097438 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; organic vegetated layer (Ao) is ~3 in thick and dark brown; then immediately into gray-tan sandy soil (B) with interspersed cobbles up to 2 in across; polylithic cobbles are granitic, intermediate volcanic and argillite; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4160 09PB346SEZ 09PB346 w_01 XDP074 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach; easy to dig; organic vegetated layer (Ao) is ~3 in thick and dark brown; then immediately into gray-tan sandy soil (B) with interspersed cobbles up to 2 in across; polylithic cobbles are granitic, intermediate volcanic and argillite; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved EA/BE 4161 09PB346SIL 09PB346 RE09097438 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "Ionic leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; organic vegetated layer (Ao) is ~3 in thick and dark brown; then immediately into gray-tan sandy soil (B) with interspersed cobbles up to 2 in across; polylithic cobbles are granitic, intermediate volcanic and argillite; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4162 09PB346SPH 09PB346 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil split for mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions; archive only; not analyzed; easy to dig; organic vegetated layer (Ao) is ~3 in thick and dark brown; then immediately into gray-tan sandy soil (B) with interspersed cobbles up to 2 in across; polylithic cobbles are granitic, intermediate volcanic and argillite; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4163 09PB346STL 09PB346 w_01 XDP074 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "Terrasol leach; done on same sample as enzyme leach; easy to dig; organic vegetated layer (Ao) is ~3 in thick and dark brown; then immediately into gray-tan sandy soil (B) with interspersed cobbles up to 2 in across; polylithic cobbles are granitic, intermediate volcanic and argillite; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unseived EA/BE 4164 09PB346STO 09PB346 C332162 MRP10313 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "total analysis of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; organic vegetated layer (Ao) is ~3 in thick and dark brown; then immediately into gray-tan sandy soil (B) with interspersed cobbles up to 2 in across; polylithic cobbles are granitic, intermediate volcanic and argillite; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4165 09PB347SAR 09PB347 VAN09004281 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil aqua regia leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; organic vegetated layer is ~ 5 in thick and dark brown; then into brown cobbley/gravelly soil to bottom at 18 in depth; polylithic cobbles; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4166 09PB347SCH 09PB347 RE09097438 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil cold hydroxylamine leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; organic vegetated layer is ~ 5 in thick and dark brown; then into brown cobbley/gravelly soil to bottom at 18 in depth; polylithic cobbles; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4167 09PB347SEZ 09PB347 w_02 XDP074 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach; easy to dig; organic vegetated layer is ~ 5 in thick and dark brown; then into brown cobbley/gravelly soil to bottom at 18 in depth; polylithic cobbles; SEZ collected ~ 6 in below surface in B; not sieved grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved EA/BE 4168 09PB347SIL 09PB347 RE09097438 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil Ionic leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; organic vegetated layer is ~ 5 in thick and dark brown; then into brown cobbley/gravelly soil to bottom at 18 in depth; polylithic cobbles; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4169 09PB347SPH 09PB347 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil split for mobile metal ion leachate of soil mobile metal ions; archive only; not analyzed; easy to dig; organic vegetated layer is ~ 5 in thick and dark brown; then into brown cobbley/gravelly soil to bottom at 18 in depth; polylithic cobbles; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4170 09PB347STL 09PB347 w_02 XDP074 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil Terrasol leach; done on same sample as enzyme leach; easy to dig; organic vegetated layer is ~ 5 in thick and dark brown; then into brown cobbley/gravelly soil to bottom at 18 in depth; polylithic cobbles; SEZ collected ~ 6 in below surface in B; not sieved grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unseived EA/BE 4171 09PB347STO 09PB347 C332173 MRP10313 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" total analysis of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; organic vegetated layer is ~ 5 in thick and dark brown; then into brown cobbley/gravelly soil to bottom at 18 in depth; polylithic cobbles; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4172 09PB348SAR 09PB348 VAN09004281 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to collect; organic vegetation layer is ~2 in thick and dark brown; then into brown to gray cobble-rich, clay-rich soil; rounded polylithic cobbles; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4173 09PB348SCH 09PB348 RE09097438 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to collect; organic vegetation layer is ~2 in thick and dark brown; then into brown to gray cobble-rich, clay-rich soil; rounded polylithic cobbles; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4174 09PB348SEZ 09PB348 w_03 XDP074 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach; easy to collect; organic vegetation layer is ~2 in thick and dark brown; then into brown to gray cobble-rich, clay-rich soil; rounded polylithic cobbles; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved EA/BE 4175 09PB348SIL 09PB348 RE09097438 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "Ionic leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to collect; organic vegetation layer is ~2 in thick and dark brown; then into brown to gray cobble-rich, clay-rich soil; rounded polylithic cobbles; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4176 09PB348SPH 09PB348 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil split for mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions; archive only; not analyzed; easy to collect; organic vegetation layer is ~2 in thick and dark brown; then into brown to gray cobble-rich, clay-rich soil; rounded polylithic cobbles; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4177 09PB348STL 09PB348 w_03 XDP074 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "Terrasol leach; done on same sample as enzyme leach; easy to collect; organic vegetation layer is ~2 in thick and dark brown; then into brown to gray cobble-rich, clay-rich soil; rounded polylithic cobbles; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unseived EA/BE 4178 09PB348STO 09PB348 C332172 MRP10313 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "total analysis of SMM sub-sample; easy to collect; easy to collect; organic vegetation layer is ~2 in thick and dark brown; then into brown to gray cobble-rich, clay-rich soil; rounded polylithic cobbles; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4179 09PB349SAR 09PB349 VAN09004281 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to collect; may have moved southward due to slumping (see photos); vegetation cap is ~4 in thick and dard brown; then into brown soil that lightens with depth to 20 in deep; rounded polylithic cobbles in sand/mud/silt matrix; not as muddy as previous site; cobbles are intermediate porphyritic volcanic, argillite and lesser granite cobbles; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4180 09PB349SCH 09PB349 RE09097438 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to collect; may have moved southward due to slumping (see photos); vegetation cap is ~4 in thick and dard brown; then into brown soil that lightens with depth to 20 in deep; rounded polylithic cobbles in sand/mud/silt matrix; not as muddy as previous site; cobbles are intermediate porphyritic volcanic, argillite and lesser granite cobbles; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4181 09PB349SEZ 09PB349 w_05 XDP074 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach; easy to collect; may have moved southward due to slumping (see photos); vegetation cap is ~4 in thick and dard brown; then into brown soil that lightens with depth to 20 in deep; rounded polylithic cobbles in sand/mud/silt matrix; not as muddy as previous site; cobbles are intermediate porphyritic volcanic, argillite and lesser granite cobbles; SEZ collected 6 in below surface at top of B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved EA/BE 4182 09PB349SIL 09PB349 RE09097438 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "Ionic leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to collect; may have moved southward due to slumping (see photos); vegetation cap is ~4 in thick and dard brown; then into brown soil that lightens with depth to 20 in deep; rounded polylithic cobbles in sand/mud/silt matrix; not as muddy as previous site; cobbles are intermediate porphyritic volcanic, argillite and lesser granite cobbles; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4183 09PB349SPH 09PB349 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil split for mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions; archive only; not analyzed; easy to collect; may have moved southward due to slumping (see photos); vegetation cap is ~4 in thick and dard brown; then into brown soil that lightens with depth to 20 in deep; rounded polylithic cobbles in sand/mud/silt matrix; not as muddy as previous site; cobbles are intermediate porphyritic volcanic, argillite and lesser granite cobbles; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4184 09PB349STL 09PB349 w_05 XDP074 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "Terrasol leach; done on same sample as enzyme leach; easy to collect; may have moved southward due to slumping (see photos); vegetation cap is ~4 in thick and dard brown; then into brown soil that lightens with depth to 20 in deep; rounded polylithic cobbles in sand/mud/silt matrix; not as muddy as previous site; cobbles are intermediate porphyritic volcanic, argillite and lesser granite cobbles; SEZ collected 6 in below surface at top of B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unseived EA/BE 4185 09PB349STO 09PB349 C332151 MRP10313 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "total analysis of SMM sub-sample; easy to collect; may have moved southward due to slumping (see photos); vegetation cap is ~4 in thick and dard brown; then into brown soil that lightens with depth to 20 in deep; rounded polylithic cobbles in sand/mud/silt matrix; not as muddy as previous site; cobbles are intermediate porphyritic volcanic, argillite and lesser granite cobbles; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4186 09PB351SAR 09PB351 VAN09004281 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation cap ~2 in (thin) and dark brown; then into lighter brown cobbly silty soil with local grayer clots; cobbles are polylithic; granodiorite and intermediate volcanic with lesser dark argillite; hole bottom is ~22 in deep and in gray C horizon soil (photo); SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone, in B" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE "In all soil samples collected so far today, base of root zone and top of B have been at same approximate point." 4187 09PB351SCH 09PB351 RE09097438 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation cap ~2 in (thin) and dark brown; then into lighter brown cobbly silty soil with local grayer clots; cobbles are polylithic; granodiorite and intermediate volcanic with lesser dark argillite; hole bottom is ~22 in deep and in gray C horizon soil (photo); SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone, in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE "In all soil samples collected so far today, base of root zone and top of B have been at same approximate point." 4188 09PB351SEZ 09PB351 w_06 XDP074 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach; easy to dig; vegetation cap ~2 in (thin) and dark brown; then into lighter brown cobbly silty soil with local grayer clots; cobbles are polylithic; granodiorite and intermediate volcanic with lesser dark argillite; hole bottom is ~22 in deep and in gray C horizon soil (photo); SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in B; not sieved grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved EA/BE 4189 09PB351SIL 09PB351 RE09097438 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "Ionic leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation cap ~2 in (thin) and dark brown; then into lighter brown cobbly silty soil with local grayer clots; cobbles are polylithic; granodiorite and intermediate volcanic with lesser dark argillite; hole bottom is ~22 in deep and in gray C horizon soil (photo); SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone, in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4190 09PB351SPH 09PB351 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil split for mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions; archive only; not analyzed; easy to dig; vegetation cap ~2 in (thin) and dark brown; then into lighter brown cobbly silty soil with local grayer clots; cobbles are polylithic; granodiorite and intermediate volcanic with lesser dark argillite; hole bottom is ~22 in deep and in gray C horizon soil (photo); SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone, in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4191 09PB351STL 09PB351 w_06 XDP074 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil Terrasol leach; done on same sample as enzyme leach; easy to dig; vegetation cap ~2 in (thin) and dark brown; then into lighter brown cobbly silty soil with local grayer clots; cobbles are polylithic; granodiorite and intermediate volcanic with lesser dark argillite; hole bottom is ~22 in deep and in gray C horizon soil (photo); SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in B; not sieved grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unseived EA/BE 4192 09PB351STO 09PB351 C332157 MRP10313 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "total analysis of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation cap ~2 in (thin) and dark brown; then into lighter brown cobbly silty soil with local grayer clots; cobbles are polylithic; granodiorite and intermediate volcanic with lesser dark argillite; hole bottom is ~22 in deep and in gray C horizon soil (photo); SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone, in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4193 09PB352SAR 09PB352 VAN09004281 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach of SMM sub-sample; hard to dig through cobbles; vegetation layer ~3 in thick and dark brown; then immediately into gray sand/silt fines with abundant pebbles and cobbles, to bottom of hole at 20 in depth; polylithic; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root layer in B" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4194 09PB352SCH 09PB352 RE09097438 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach of SMM sub-sample; hard to dig through cobbles; vegetation layer ~3 in thick and dark brown; then immediately into gray sand/silt fines with abundant pebbles and cobbles, to bottom of hole at 20 in depth; polylithic; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root layer in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4195 09PB352SEZ 09PB352 w_07 XDP074 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach; hard to dig through cobbles; vegetation layer ~3 in thick and dark brown; then immediately into gray sand/silt fines with abundant pebbles and cobbles, to bottom of hole at 20 in depth; polylithic; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved EA/BE 4196 09PB352SIL 09PB352 RE09097438 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "Ionic leach of SMM sub-sample; hard to dig through cobbles; vegetation layer ~3 in thick and dark brown; then immediately into gray sand/silt fines with abundant pebbles and cobbles, to bottom of hole at 20 in depth; polylithic; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root layer in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4197 09PB352SPH 09PB352 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil split for mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions; archive only; not analyzed; hard to dig through cobbles; vegetation layer ~3 in thick and dark brown; then immediately into gray sand/silt fines with abundant pebbles and cobbles, to bottom of hole at 20 in depth; polylithic; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root layer in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4198 09PB352STL 09PB352 w_07 XDP074 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "Terrasol leach; done on same sample as enzyme leach; hard to dig through cobbles; vegetation layer ~3 in thick and dark brown; then immediately into gray sand/silt fines with abundant pebbles and cobbles, to bottom of hole at 20 in depth; polylithic; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unseived EA/BE 4199 09PB352STO 09PB352 C332154 MRP10313 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "total analysis of SMM sub-sample; hard to dig through cobbles; vegetation layer ~3 in thick and dark brown; then immediately into gray sand/silt fines with abundant pebbles and cobbles, to bottom of hole at 20 in depth; polylithic; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root layer in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4200 09PB353SAR 09PB353 VAN09004281 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach of SMM sub-sample; vegetation layer is ~3 in thick, rooty and dark brown; then into lighter brown that grades quickly into a more gray-brown soil to bottom of hole at 18 in deep; sampled brown-gray soil is sandy and clay-rich with abundant cobbles up to ~2 in across, but most are pebble size; polylithic; SMM collected at 4-10 in below root zone in brown-gray B" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4201 09PB353SCH 09PB353 RE09097438 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach of SMM sub-sample; vegetation layer is ~3 in thick, rooty and dark brown; then into lighter brown that grades quickly into a more gray-brown soil to bottom of hole at 18 in deep; sampled brown-gray soil is sandy and clay-rich with abundant cobbles up to ~2 in across, but most are pebble size; polylithic; SMM collected at 4-10 in below root zone in brown-gray B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4202 09PB353SEZ 09PB353 w_08 XDP074 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach; vegetation layer is ~3 in thick, rooty and dark brown; then into lighter brown that grades quickly into a more gray-brown soil to bottom of hole at 18 in deep; sampled brown-gray soil is sandy and clay-rich with abundant cobbles up to ~2 in across, but most are pebble size; polylithic; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in same, but more brown; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved EA/BE 4203 09PB353SIL 09PB353 RE09097438 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "Ionic leach of SMM sub-sample; vegetation layer is ~3 in thick, rooty and dark brown; then into lighter brown that grades quickly into a more gray-brown soil to bottom of hole at 18 in deep; sampled brown-gray soil is sandy and clay-rich with abundant cobbles up to ~2 in across, but most are pebble size; polylithic; SMM collected at 4-10 in below root zone in brown-gray B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4204 09PB353SPH 09PB353 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil split for mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions; archive only; not analyzed; vegetation layer is ~3 in thick, rooty and dark brown; then into lighter brown that grades quickly into a more gray-brown soil to bottom of hole at 18 in deep; sampled brown-gray soil is sandy and clay-rich with abundant cobbles up to ~2 in across, but most are pebble size; polylithic; SMM collected at 4-10 in below root zone in brown-gray B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4205 09PB353STL 09PB353 w_08 XDP074 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "Terrasol leach; done on same sample as enzyme leach; vegetation layer is ~3 in thick, rooty and dark brown; then into lighter brown that grades quickly into a more gray-brown soil to bottom of hole at 18 in deep; sampled brown-gray soil is sandy and clay-rich with abundant cobbles up to ~2 in across, but most are pebble size; polylithic; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in same, but more brown; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unseived EA/BE 4206 09PB353STO 09PB353 C332168 MRP10313 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "total analysis of SMM sub-sample; vegetation layer is ~3 in thick, rooty and dark brown; then into lighter brown that grades quickly into a more gray-brown soil to bottom of hole at 18 in deep; sampled brown-gray soil is sandy and clay-rich with abundant cobbles up to ~2 in across, but most are pebble size; polylithic; SMM collected at 4-10 in below root zone in brown-gray B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4209 09PB354SAR 09PB354 VAN09004281 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil aqua regia leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer is ~2 in thick and dark brown; underlain by silty less dark brown cobbly/gravelly sand/silt layer to 18 in deep; polylithic; below dark brown is a lighter gray to orangish layer at bottom of hole = C horizon; c boundary is irregular; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in B and in C where it rises into interval; some orange and gray material included grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4210 09PB354SCH 09PB354 RE09097438 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil cold hydroxylamine leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer is ~2 in thick and dark brown; underlain by silty less dark brown cobbly/gravelly sand/silt layer to 18 in deep; polylithic; below dark brown is a lighter gray to orangish layer at bottom of hole = C horizon; c boundary is irregular; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in B and in C where it rises into interval; some orange and gray material included composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4211 09PB354SEZ 09PB354 w_10 XDP074 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach; easy to dig; vegetation layer is ~2 in thick and dark brown; underlain by silty less dark brown cobbly/gravelly sand/silt layer to 18 in deep; polylithic; below dark brown is a lighter gray to orangish layer at bottom of hole = C horizon; c boundary is irregular; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in upper B; not sieved grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved EA/BE 4212 09PB354SIL 09PB354 RE09097438 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil Ionic leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer is ~2 in thick and dark brown; underlain by silty less dark brown cobbly/gravelly sand/silt layer to 18 in deep; polylithic; below dark brown is a lighter gray to orangish layer at bottom of hole = C horizon; c boundary is irregular; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in B and in C where it rises into interval; some orange and gray material included composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4213 09PB354SPH 09PB354 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil split for mobile metal ion leachate of soil mobile metal ions; archive only; not analyzed; easy to dig; vegetation layer is ~2 in thick and dark brown; underlain by silty less dark brown cobbly/gravelly sand/silt layer to 18 in deep; polylithic; below dark brown is a lighter gray to orangish layer at bottom of hole = C horizon; c boundary is irregular; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in B and in C where it rises into interval; some orange and gray material included composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4214 09PB354STL 09PB354 w_10 XDP074 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil Terrasol leach; done on same sample as enzyme leach; easy to dig; vegetation layer is ~2 in thick and dark brown; underlain by silty less dark brown cobbly/gravelly sand/silt layer to 18 in deep; polylithic; below dark brown is a lighter gray to orangish layer at bottom of hole = C horizon; c boundary is irregular; some orange and gray material included; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in upper B; not sieved grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unseived EA/BE 4215 09PB354STO 09PB354 C332155 MRP10313 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" total analysis of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer is ~2 in thick and dark brown; underlain by silty less dark brown cobbly/gravelly sand/silt layer to 18 in deep; polylithic; below dark brown is a lighter gray to orangish layer at bottom of hole = C horizon; c boundary is irregular; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in B and in C where it rises into interval; some orange and gray material included composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4216 09PB355SAR 09PB355 VAN09004281 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil aqua regia leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer is thin (~1.5 in thick); then into uniform brown-gray silty soil with relatively sparse polylithic cobbles; uniform down to bottom of hole at 18 in; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in B grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4217 09PB355SCH 09PB355 RE09097438 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil cold hydroxylamine leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer is thin (~1.5 in thick); then into uniform brown-gray silty soil with relatively sparse polylithic cobbles; uniform down to bottom of hole at 18 in; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in B composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4218 09PB355SEZ 09PB355 w_11 XDP074 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach; easy to dig; vegetation layer is thin (~1.5 in thick); then into uniform brown-gray silty soil with relatively sparse polylithic cobbles; uniform down to bottom of hole at 18 in; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in B; not sieved grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved EA/BE 4219 09PB355SIL 09PB355 RE09097438 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil Ionic leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer is thin (~1.5 in thick); then into uniform brown-gray silty soil with relatively sparse polylithic cobbles; uniform down to bottom of hole at 18 in; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in B composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4220 09PB355SPH 09PB355 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil split for mobile metal ion leachate of soil mobile metal ions; archive only; not analyzed; easy to dig; vegetation layer is thin (~1.5 in thick); then into uniform brown-gray silty soil with relatively sparse polylithic cobbles; uniform down to bottom of hole at 18 in; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in B composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4221 09PB355STL 09PB355 w_11 XDP074 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil Terrasol leach; done on same sample as enzyme leach; easy to dig; vegetation layer is thin (~1.5 in thick); then into uniform brown-gray silty soil with relatively sparse polylithic cobbles; uniform down to bottom of hole at 18 in; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in B; not sieved grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unseived EA/BE 4222 09PB355STO 09PB355 C332170 MRP10313 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" total analysis of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer is thin (~1.5 in thick); then into uniform brown-gray silty soil with relatively sparse polylithic cobbles; uniform down to bottom of hole at 18 in; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in B composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4223 09PB356SAR 09PB356 VAN09004281 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil aqua regia leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig hole; vegetation layer ~2 in thick; then into brown uniform sand/silt and cobbly soil; polylithic; abundant small pebbles and cobbles throughout hole depth; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in B grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4224 09PB356SCH 09PB356 RE09097438 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil cold hydroxylamine leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig hole; vegetation layer ~2 in thick; then into brown uniform sand/silt and cobbly soil; polylithic; abundant small pebbles and cobbles throughout hole depth; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in B composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4225 09PB356SEZ 09PB356 w_12 XDP074 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach; easy to dig hole; vegetation layer ~2 in thick; then into brown uniform sand/silt and cobbly soil; polylithic; abundant small pebbles and cobbles throughout hole depth; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in B; not sieved grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved EA/BE 4226 09PB356SIL 09PB356 RE09097438 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil Ionic leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig hole; vegetation layer ~2 in thick; then into brown uniform sand/silt and cobbly soil; polylithic; abundant small pebbles and cobbles throughout hole depth; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in B composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4227 09PB356SPH 09PB356 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil split for mobile metal ion leachate of soil mobile metal ions; archive only; not analyzed; easy to dig hole; vegetation layer ~2 in thick; then into brown uniform sand/silt and cobbly soil; polylithic; abundant small pebbles and cobbles throughout hole depth; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in B composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4228 09PB356STL 09PB356 w_12 XDP074 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil Terrasol leach; done on same sample as enzyme leach; easy to dig hole; vegetation layer ~2 in thick; then into brown uniform sand/silt and cobbly soil; polylithic; abundant small pebbles and cobbles throughout hole depth; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in B; not sieved grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unseived EA/BE 4229 09PB356STO 09PB356 C332158 MRP10313 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" total analysis of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig hole; vegetation layer ~2 in thick; then into brown uniform sand/silt and cobbly soil; polylithic; abundant small pebbles and cobbles throughout hole depth; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in B composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4230 09PB357SAR 09PB357 VAN09004281 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to collect; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown uniform silty soil with sparse pebbles, few cobbles, down to ~18 in (B); then into gray to orange soil at ~18 in to bottom of hole at 20 in (C); SMM collected at 4-10 in below root layer in B" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4231 09PB357SCH 09PB357 RE09097438 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to collect; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown uniform silty soil with sparse pebbles, few cobbles, down to ~18 in (B); then into gray to orange soil at ~18 in to bottom of hole at 20 in (C); SMM collected at 4-10 in below root layer in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4232 09PB357SEZ 09PB357 w_13 XDP074 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach; easy to collect; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown uniform silty soil with sparse pebbles, few cobbles, down to ~18 in (B); then into gray to orange soil at ~18 in to bottom of hole at 20 in (C); SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved EA/BE 4233 09PB357SIL 09PB357 RE09097438 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "Ionic leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to collect; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown uniform silty soil with sparse pebbles, few cobbles, down to ~18 in (B); then into gray to orange soil at ~18 in to bottom of hole at 20 in (C); SMM collected at 4-10 in below root layer in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4234 09PB357SPH 09PB357 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil split for mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions; archive only; not analyzed; easy to collect; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown uniform silty soil with sparse pebbles, few cobbles, down to ~18 in (B); then into gray to orange soil at ~18 in to bottom of hole at 20 in (C); SMM collected at 4-10 in below root layer in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4235 09PB357STL 09PB357 w_13 XDP074 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "Terrasol leach; done on same sample as enzyme leach; easy to collect; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown uniform silty soil with sparse pebbles, few cobbles, down to ~18 in (B); then into gray to orange soil at ~18 in to bottom of hole at 20 in (C); SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unseived EA/BE 4236 09PB357STO 09PB357 C332164 MRP10313 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "total analysis of SMM sub-sample; easy to collect; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown uniform silty soil with sparse pebbles, few cobbles, down to ~18 in (B); then into gray to orange soil at ~18 in to bottom of hole at 20 in (C); SMM collected at 4-10 in below root layer in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4237 09PB358SAR 09PB358 VAN09004281 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; thin organic layer ~1.5 in, dark brown; then into slightly lighter brown uniform, cobble-free silty/sandy soil, down to ~18 in depth (B); then into gray soil with orange streaks to bottom of hole (C); SMM collected 4-10 in from base of root layer in B" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE "compared to the lake sediment sampled at Pebble proper, this ""soil"" is not as clay-rich; however, lack of cobbles/pebbles still suggests that this last site might be old lake sediment" 4238 09PB358SCH 09PB358 RE09097438 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; thin organic layer ~1.5 in, dark brown; then into slightly lighter brown uniform, cobble-free silty/sandy soil, down to ~18 in depth (B); then into gray soil with orange streaks to bottom of hole (C); SMM collected 4-10 in from base of root layer in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE "compared to the lake sediment sampled at Pebble proper, this ""soil"" is not as clay-rich; however, lack of cobbles/pebbles still suggests that this last site might be old lake sediment" 4239 09PB358SEZ 09PB358 w_14 XDP074 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach; easy to dig; thin organic layer ~1.5 in, dark brown; then into slightly lighter brown uniform, cobble-free silty/sandy soil, down to ~18 in depth (B); then into gray soil with orange streaks to bottom of hole (C); SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved EA/BE "compared to the lake sediment sampled at Pebble proper, this ""soil"" is not as clay-rich; however, lack of cobbles/pebbles still suggests that this last site might be old lake sediment" 4240 09PB358SIL 09PB358 RE09097438 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "Ionic leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; thin organic layer ~1.5 in, dark brown; then into slightly lighter brown uniform, cobble-free silty/sandy soil, down to ~18 in depth (B); then into gray soil with orange streaks to bottom of hole (C); SMM collected 4-10 in from base of root layer in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE "compared to the lake sediment sampled at Pebble proper, this ""soil"" is not as clay-rich; however, lack of cobbles/pebbles still suggests that this last site might be old lake sediment" 4241 09PB358SPH 09PB358 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil split for mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions; archive only; not analyzed; easy to dig; thin organic layer ~1.5 in, dark brown; then into slightly lighter brown uniform, cobble-free silty/sandy soil, down to ~18 in depth (B); then into gray soil with orange streaks to bottom of hole (C); SMM collected 4-10 in from base of root layer in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE "compared to the lake sediment sampled at Pebble proper, this ""soil"" is not as clay-rich; however, lack of cobbles/pebbles still suggests that this last site might be old lake sediment" 4242 09PB358STL 09PB358 w_14 XDP074 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "Terrasol leach; done on same sample as enzyme leach; easy to dig; thin organic layer ~1.5 in, dark brown; then into slightly lighter brown uniform, cobble-free silty/sandy soil, down to ~18 in depth (B); then into gray soil with orange streaks to bottom of hole (C); SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unseived EA/BE "compared to the lake sediment sampled at Pebble proper, this ""soil"" is not as clay-rich; however, lack of cobbles/pebbles still suggests that this last site might be old lake sediment" 4243 09PB358STO 09PB358 C332167 MRP10313 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "total analysis of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; thin organic layer ~1.5 in, dark brown; then into slightly lighter brown uniform, cobble-free silty/sandy soil, down to ~18 in depth (B); then into gray soil with orange streaks to bottom of hole (C); SMM collected 4-10 in from base of root layer in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE "compared to the lake sediment sampled at Pebble proper, this ""soil"" is not as clay-rich; however, lack of cobbles/pebbles still suggests that this last site might be old lake sediment" 4244 09PB359SAR 09PB359 VAN09004281 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil aqua regia leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to collect; thin vegetation cap ~0.5-1 in; then into tan clay-rich cobbly soil to bottom of hole at ~18 in; uniform; polylithic; dominantly granodiorite and intermediate volcanic cobbles; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in B grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4245 09PB359SCH 09PB359 RE09097438 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil cold hydroxylamine leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to collect; thin vegetation cap ~0.5-1 in; then into tan clay-rich cobbly soil to bottom of hole at ~18 in; uniform; polylithic; dominantly granodiorite and intermediate volcanic cobbles; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in B composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4246 09PB359SEZ 09PB359 w_16 XDP074 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach; easy to collect; thin vegetation cap ~0.5-1 in; then into tan clay-rich cobbly soil to bottom of hole at ~18 in; uniform; polylithic; dominantly granodiorite and intermediate volcanic cobbles; SEZ collected 4-6 in from surface in B; not sieved grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved EA/BE 4247 09PB359SIL 09PB359 RE09097438 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil Ionic leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to collect; thin vegetation cap ~0.5-1 in; then into tan clay-rich cobbly soil to bottom of hole at ~18 in; uniform; polylithic; dominantly granodiorite and intermediate volcanic cobbles; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in B composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4248 09PB359SPH 09PB359 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil split for mobile metal ion leachate of soil mobile metal ions; archive only; not analyzed; easy to collect; thin vegetation cap ~0.5-1 in; then into tan clay-rich cobbly soil to bottom of hole at ~18 in; uniform; polylithic; dominantly granodiorite and intermediate volcanic cobbles; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in B composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4249 09PB359STL 09PB359 w_16 XDP074 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil Terrasol leach; done on same sample as enzyme leach; easy to collect; thin vegetation cap ~0.5-1 in; then into tan clay-rich cobbly soil to bottom of hole at ~18 in; uniform; polylithic; dominantly granodiorite and intermediate volcanic cobbles; SEZ collected 4-6 in from surface in B; not sieved grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unseived EA/BE 4250 09PB359STO 09PB359 C332175 MRP10313 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" total analysis of SMM sub-sample; easy to collect; thin vegetation cap ~0.5-1 in; then into tan clay-rich cobbly soil to bottom of hole at ~18 in; uniform; polylithic; dominantly granodiorite and intermediate volcanic cobbles; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in B composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4251 09PB361SAR 09PB361 VAN09004281 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil aqua regia leach of SMM sub-sample; very easy to dig; vegetation cap ~3 in thick and dark brown; then into lighter brown (slight orange tinge) silty/sandy soil to 14 in (B); then tan version of same sandy/silty soil to bottom at 20 in (C?); no cobbles or pebbles=old pond during glacial event? SMM collected 4-10 in below surface in B grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE no cobbles deposited; argument against pond is that there is no clay; wind blown accumulation of fines (?) 4252 09PB361SCH 09PB361 RE09097438 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil cold hydroxylamine leach of SMM sub-sample; very easy to dig; vegetation cap ~3 in thick and dark brown; then into lighter brown (slight orange tinge) silty/sandy soil to 14 in (B); then tan version of same sandy/silty soil to bottom at 20 in (C?); no cobbles or pebbles=old pond during glacial event? SMM collected 4-10 in below surface in B composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE no cobbles deposited; argument against pond is that there is no clay; wind blown accumulation of fines (?) 4253 09PB361SEZ 09PB361 w_17 XDP074 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach; very easy to dig; vegetation cap ~3 in thick and dark brown; then into lighter brown (slight orange tinge) silty/sandy soil to 14 in (B); then tan version of same sandy/silty soil to bottom at 20 in (C?); no cobbles or pebbles=old pond during glacial event? SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in B; not sieved grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved EA/BE no cobbles deposited; argument against pond is that there is no clay; wind blown accumulation of fines (?) 4254 09PB361SIL 09PB361 RE09097438 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil Ionic leach of SMM sub-sample; very easy to dig; vegetation cap ~3 in thick and dark brown; then into lighter brown (slight orange tinge) silty/sandy soil to 14 in (B); then tan version of same sandy/silty soil to bottom at 20 in (C?); no cobbles or pebbles=old pond during glacial event? SMM collected 4-10 in below surface in B composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE no cobbles deposited; argument against pond is that there is no clay; wind blown accumulation of fines (?) 4255 09PB361SPH 09PB361 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil split for mobile metal ion leachate of soil mobile metal ions; archive only; not analyzed; very easy to dig; vegetation cap ~3 in thick and dark brown; then into lighter brown (slight orange tinge) silty/sandy soil to 14 in (B); then tan version of same sandy/silty soil to bottom at 20 in (C?); no cobbles or pebbles=old pond during glacial event? SMM collected 4-10 in below surface in B composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE no cobbles deposited; argument against pond is that there is no clay; wind blown accumulation of fines (?) 4256 09PB361STL 09PB361 w_17 XDP074 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil Terrasol leach; done on same sample as enzyme leach; very easy to dig; vegetation cap ~3 in thick and dark brown; then into lighter brown (slight orange tinge) silty/sandy soil to 14 in (B); then tan version of same sandy/silty soil to bottom at 20 in (C?); no cobbles or pebbles=old pond during glacial event? SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in B; not sieved grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unseived EA/BE no cobbles deposited; argument against pond is that there is no clay; wind blown accumulation of fines (?) 4257 09PB361STO 09PB361 C332166 MRP10313 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" total analysis of SMM sub-sample; very easy to dig; vegetation cap ~3 in thick and dark brown; then into lighter brown (slight orange tinge) silty/sandy soil to 14 in (B); then tan version of same sandy/silty soil to bottom at 20 in (C?); no cobbles or pebbles=old pond during glacial event? SMM collected 4-10 in below surface in B composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE no cobbles deposited; argument against pond is that there is no clay; wind blown accumulation of fines (?) 4258 09PB362SAR 09PB362 VAN09004281 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil aqua regia leach of SMM sub-sample; very easy to dig; vegetation layer ~3 in thick and dark brown; then into uniform brown silty/sandy soil with sparse cobbles and pebbles to ~16 in depth; then slightly lighter tan soil to bottom at 20 in; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in brown B grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4259 09PB362SCH 09PB362 RE09097438 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil cold hydroxylamine leach of SMM sub-sample; very easy to dig; vegetation layer ~3 in thick and dark brown; then into uniform brown silty/sandy soil with sparse cobbles and pebbles to ~16 in depth; then slightly lighter tan soil to bottom at 20 in; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in brown B composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4260 09PB362SEZ 09PB362 w_18 XDP074 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil enzyme leach; very easy to dig; vegetation layer ~3 in thick and dark brown; then into uniform brown silty/sandy soil with sparse cobbles and pebbles to ~16 in depth; then slightly lighter tan soil to bottom at 20 in; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in upper B; not sieved grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved EA/BE 4261 09PB362SIL 09PB362 RE09097438 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil Ionic leach of SMM sub-sample; very easy to dig; vegetation layer ~3 in thick and dark brown; then into uniform brown silty/sandy soil with sparse cobbles and pebbles to ~16 in depth; then slightly lighter tan soil to bottom at 20 in; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in brown B composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4262 09PB362SPH 09PB362 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil split for mobile metal ion leachate of soil mobile metal ions; archive only; not analyzed; very easy to dig; vegetation layer ~3 in thick and dark brown; then into uniform brown silty/sandy soil with sparse cobbles and pebbles to ~16 in depth; then slightly lighter tan soil to bottom at 20 in; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in brown B composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4263 09PB362STL 09PB362 w_18 XDP074 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil Terrasol leach; done on same sample as enzyme leach; very easy to dig; vegetation layer ~3 in thick and dark brown; then into uniform brown silty/sandy soil with sparse cobbles and pebbles to ~16 in depth; then slightly lighter tan soil to bottom at 20 in; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in upper B; not sieved grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unseived EA/BE 4264 09PB362STO 09PB362 C332153 MRP10313 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" total analysis of SMM sub-sample; very easy to dig; vegetation layer ~3 in thick and dark brown; then into uniform brown silty/sandy soil with sparse cobbles and pebbles to ~16 in depth; then slightly lighter tan soil to bottom at 20 in; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in brown B composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4265 09PB363SAR 09PB363 VAN09004281 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer 3-4 in thick, dark brown; then into B, brown, uniform silty/clayey soil to bottom at 20 in; sparse pebbles and small cobbles are polylithic; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in B" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4266 09PB363SCH 09PB363 RE09097438 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer 3-4 in thick, dark brown; then into B, brown, uniform silty/clayey soil to bottom at 20 in; sparse pebbles and small cobbles are polylithic; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4267 09PB363SEZ 09PB363 w_19 XDP074 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach; easy to dig; vegetation layer 3-4 in thick, dark brown; then into B, brown, uniform silty/clayey soil to bottom at 20 in; sparse pebbles and small cobbles are polylithic; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in top of B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved EA/BE 4268 09PB363SIL 09PB363 RE09097438 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "Ionic leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer 3-4 in thick, dark brown; then into B, brown, uniform silty/clayey soil to bottom at 20 in; sparse pebbles and small cobbles are polylithic; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4269 09PB363SPH 09PB363 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil split for mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions; archive only; not analyzed; easy to dig; vegetation layer 3-4 in thick, dark brown; then into B, brown, uniform silty/clayey soil to bottom at 20 in; sparse pebbles and small cobbles are polylithic; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4270 09PB363STL 09PB363 w_19 XDP074 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "Terrasol leach; done on same sample as enzyme leach; easy to dig; vegetation layer 3-4 in thick, dark brown; then into B, brown, uniform silty/clayey soil to bottom at 20 in; sparse pebbles and small cobbles are polylithic; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in top of B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unseived EA/BE 4271 09PB363STO 09PB363 C332161 MRP10313 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "total analysis of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer 3-4 in thick, dark brown; then into B, brown, uniform silty/clayey soil to bottom at 20 in; sparse pebbles and small cobbles are polylithic; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4274 09PB364SAR 09PB364 VAN09004281 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach of SMM sub-sample; relatively easy to dig; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown cobble and pebble-rich silty/sandy soil to bottom at 18 in deep; sMM collected 4-10 in from base of root zone in B" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4275 09PB364SCH 09PB364 RE09097438 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach of SMM sub-sample; relatively easy to dig; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown cobble and pebble-rich silty/sandy soil to bottom at 18 in deep; SMM collected 4-10 in from base of root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4276 09PB364SEZ 09PB364 w_20 XDP074 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach; relatively easy to dig; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown cobble and pebble-rich silty/sandy soil to bottom at 18 in deep; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in top of B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved EA/BE 4277 09PB364SIL 09PB364 RE09097438 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "Ionic leach of SMM sub-sample; relatively easy to dig; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown cobble and pebble-rich silty/sandy soil to bottom at 18 in deep; SMM collected 4-10 in from base of root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4278 09PB364SPH 09PB364 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil split for mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions; archive only; not analyzed; relatively easy to dig; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown cobble and pebble-rich silty/sandy soil to bottom at 18 in deep; SMM collected 4-10 in from base of root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4279 09PB364STL 09PB364 w_20 XDP074 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "Terrasol leach; done on same sample as enzyme leach; relatively easy to dig; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown cobble and pebble-rich silty/sandy soil to bottom at 18 in deep; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in top of B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unseived EA/BE 4280 09PB364STO 09PB364 C332174 MRP10313 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "total analysis of SMM sub-sample; relatively easy to dig; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown cobble and pebble-rich silty/sandy soil to bottom at 18 in deep; SMM collected 4-10 in from base of root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4281 09PB365SAR 09PB365 VAN09004281 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown-gray silty/clayey soil with pebbles/cobbles throughout to bottom of hole at 20 in; polylithic cobbles; SMM collected 4-10 in from base of root zone in B" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4282 09PB365SCH 09PB365 RE09097438 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown-gray silty/clayey soil with pebbles/cobbles throughout to bottom of hole at 20 in; polylithic cobbles; SMM collected 4-10 in from base of root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4283 09PB365SEZ 09PB365 w_21 XDP074 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach; easy to dig; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown-gray silty/clayey soil with pebbles/cobbles throughout to bottom of hole at 20 in; polylithic cobbles; SEZ collected 5 in from surface at top of B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved EA/BE 4284 09PB365SIL 09PB365 RE09097438 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "Ionic leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown-gray silty/clayey soil with pebbles/cobbles throughout to bottom of hole at 20 in; polylithic cobbles; SMM collected 4-10 in from base of root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4285 09PB365SPH 09PB365 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil split for mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions; archive only; not analyzed; easy to dig; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown-gray silty/clayey soil with pebbles/cobbles throughout to bottom of hole at 20 in; polylithic cobbles; SMM collected 4-10 in from base of root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4286 09PB365STL 09PB365 w_21 XDP074 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "Terrasol leach; done on same sample as enzyme leach; easy to dig; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown-gray silty/clayey soil with pebbles/cobbles throughout to bottom of hole at 20 in; polylithic cobbles; SEZ collected 5 in from surface at top of B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unseived EA/BE 4287 09PB365STO 09PB365 C332159 MRP10313 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "total analysis of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown-gray silty/clayey soil with pebbles/cobbles throughout to bottom of hole at 20 in; polylithic cobbles; SMM collected 4-10 in from base of root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4288 09PB366SAR 09PB366 VAN09004281 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer thick, ~5 in, dark brown; then into rich brown, almost cobble-free silty/sandy soil in B to ~18 in depth; soil lightens in color with depth; generally a more loamy soil than previous; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in B" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4289 09PB366SCH 09PB366 RE09097438 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer thick, ~5 in, dark brown; then into rich brown, almost cobble-free silty/sandy soil in B to ~18 in depth; soil lightens in color with depth; generally a more loamy soil than previous; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4290 09PB366SEZ 09PB366 w_23 XDP074 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach; easy to dig; vegetation layer thick, ~5 in, dark brown; then into rich brown, almost cobble-free silty/sandy soil in B to ~18 in depth; soil lightens in color with depth; generally a more loamy soil than previous; SEZ collected ~6 in below surface at top of B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved EA/BE 4291 09PB366SIL 09PB366 RE09097438 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "Ionic leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer thick, ~5 in, dark brown; then into rich brown, almost cobble-free silty/sandy soil in B to ~18 in depth; soil lightens in color with depth; generally a more loamy soil than previous; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4292 09PB366SPH 09PB366 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil split for mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions; archive only; not analyzed; easy to dig; vegetation layer thick, ~5 in, dark brown; then into rich brown, almost cobble-free silty/sandy soil in B to ~18 in depth; soil lightens in color with depth; generally a more loamy soil than previous; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4293 09PB366STL 09PB366 w_23 XDP074 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "Terrasol leach; done on same sample as enzyme leach; easy to dig; vegetation layer thick, ~5 in, dark brown; then into rich brown, almost cobble-free silty/sandy soil in B to ~18 in depth; soil lightens in color with depth; generally a more loamy soil than previous; SEZ collected ~6 in below surface at top of B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unseived EA/BE 4294 09PB366STO 09PB366 C332163 MRP10313 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "total analysis of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer thick, ~5 in, dark brown; then into rich brown, almost cobble-free silty/sandy soil in B to ~18 in depth; soil lightens in color with depth; generally a more loamy soil than previous; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4297 09PB367DSAR 09PB367D VAN09004281 site duplicate 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown silty/sandy, cobbly B soil; cobbles and pebbles are not too abundant, polylithic; soil color lightens with depth to ~18 in; light tan at 18 in to bottom at 20 in; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in B" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4298 09PB367DSCH 09PB367D RE09097438 site duplicate 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown silty/sandy, cobbly B soil; cobbles and pebbles are not too abundant, polylithic; soil color lightens with depth to ~18 in; light tan at 18 in to bottom at 20 in; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4299 09PB367DSEZ 09PB367D w_28 XDP074 site duplicate 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach; easy to dig; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown silty/sandy, cobbly B soil; cobbles and pebbles are not too abundant, polylithic; soil color lightens with depth to ~18 in; light tan at 18 in to bottom at 20 in; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in upper B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved EA/BE 4300 09PB367DSIL 09PB367D RE09097438 site duplicate 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "Ionic leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown silty/sandy, cobbly B soil; cobbles and pebbles are not too abundant, polylithic; soil color lightens with depth to ~18 in; light tan at 18 in to bottom at 20 in; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4301 09PB367DSPH 09PB367D site duplicate 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil split for mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions; archive only; not analyzed; easy to dig; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown silty/sandy, cobbly B soil; cobbles and pebbles are not too abundant, polylithic; soil color lightens with depth to ~18 in; light tan at 18 in to bottom at 20 in; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4302 09PB367DSTL 09PB367D w_28 XDP074 site duplicate 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "Terrasol leach; done on same sample as enzyme leach; easy to dig; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown silty/sandy, cobbly B soil; cobbles and pebbles are not too abundant, polylithic; soil color lightens with depth to ~18 in; light tan at 18 in to bottom at 20 in; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in upper B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unseived EA/BE 4303 09PB367DSTO 09PB367D C332171 MRP10313 site duplicate 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "total analysis of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown silty/sandy, cobbly B soil; cobbles and pebbles are not too abundant, polylithic; soil color lightens with depth to ~18 in; light tan at 18 in to bottom at 20 in; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4304 09PB367SAR 09PB367 VAN09004281 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown silty/sandy, cobbly B soil; cobbles and pebbles are not too abundant, polylithic; soil color lightens with depth to ~18 in; light tan at 18 in to bottom at 20 in; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in B" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4305 09PB367SCH 09PB367 RE09097438 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown silty/sandy, cobbly B soil; cobbles and pebbles are not too abundant, polylithic; soil color lightens with depth to ~18 in; light tan at 18 in to bottom at 20 in; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4306 09PB367SEZ 09PB367 w_24 XDP074 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach; easy to dig; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown silty/sandy, cobbly B soil; cobbles and pebbles are not too abundant, polylithic; soil color lightens with depth to ~18 in; light tan at 18 in to bottom at 20 in; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in upper B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved EA/BE 4307 09PB367SIL 09PB367 RE09097438 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "Ionic leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown silty/sandy, cobbly B soil; cobbles and pebbles are not too abundant, polylithic; soil color lightens with depth to ~18 in; light tan at 18 in to bottom at 20 in; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4308 09PB367SPH 09PB367 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil split for mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions; archive only; not analyzed; easy to dig; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown silty/sandy, cobbly B soil; cobbles and pebbles are not too abundant, polylithic; soil color lightens with depth to ~18 in; light tan at 18 in to bottom at 20 in; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4309 09PB367STL 09PB367 w_24 XDP074 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "Terrasol leach; done on same sample as enzyme leach; easy to dig; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown silty/sandy, cobbly B soil; cobbles and pebbles are not too abundant, polylithic; soil color lightens with depth to ~18 in; light tan at 18 in to bottom at 20 in; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in upper B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unseived EA/BE 4310 09PB367STO 09PB367 C332150 MRP10313 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "total analysis of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer ~2 in thick, dark brown; then into brown silty/sandy, cobbly B soil; cobbles and pebbles are not too abundant, polylithic; soil color lightens with depth to ~18 in; light tan at 18 in to bottom at 20 in; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4311 09PB368SAR 09PB368 VAN09004281 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer ~3 in thick, dark brown; then into lighter, brown silty/sandy soil (B) with small polylithic cobbles and pebbles interspersed throughout; light brown-tan and darker brown irregularly throughout hole to ~18 in; then tan-brown to bottom at 22 in; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in B" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4312 09PB368SCH 09PB368 RE09097438 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer ~3 in thick, dark brown; then into lighter, brown silty/sandy soil (B) with small polylithic cobbles and pebbles interspersed throughout; light brown-tan and darker brown irregularly throughout hole to ~18 in; then tan-brown to bottom at 22 in; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4313 09PB368SEZ 09PB368 w_25 XDP074 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach; easy to dig; vegetation layer ~3 in thick, dark brown; then into lighter, brown silty/sandy soil (B) with small polylithic cobbles and pebbles interspersed throughout; light brown-tan and darker brown irregularly throughout hole to ~18 in; then tan-brown to bottom at 22 in; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved EA/BE 4314 09PB368SIL 09PB368 RE09097438 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "Ionic leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer ~3 in thick, dark brown; then into lighter, brown silty/sandy soil (B) with small polylithic cobbles and pebbles interspersed throughout; light brown-tan and darker brown irregularly throughout hole to ~18 in; then tan-brown to bottom at 22 in; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4315 09PB368SPH 09PB368 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil split for mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions; archive only; not analyzed; easy to dig; vegetation layer ~3 in thick, dark brown; then into lighter, brown silty/sandy soil (B) with small polylithic cobbles and pebbles interspersed throughout; light brown-tan and darker brown irregularly throughout hole to ~18 in; then tan-brown to bottom at 22 in; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4316 09PB368STL 09PB368 w_25 XDP074 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "Terrasol leach; done on same sample as enzyme leach; easy to dig; vegetation layer ~3 in thick, dark brown; then into lighter, brown silty/sandy soil (B) with small polylithic cobbles and pebbles interspersed throughout; light brown-tan and darker brown irregularly throughout hole to ~18 in; then tan-brown to bottom at 22 in; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unseived EA/BE 4317 09PB368STO 09PB368 C332156 MRP10313 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "total analysis of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetation layer ~3 in thick, dark brown; then into lighter, brown silty/sandy soil (B) with small polylithic cobbles and pebbles interspersed throughout; light brown-tan and darker brown irregularly throughout hole to ~18 in; then tan-brown to bottom at 22 in; SMM collected 4-10 in below base of root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4318 09PB369SAR 09PB369 VAN09004281 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetated layer about 2 in thick; then into silty/sandy brown, pebbly/cobbly (up to ~2 in) soil (B), continuous to bottom of hole at 20 in; pebbles and cobbles are polylithic and more abundant than previous holes today; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in B" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4319 09PB369SCH 09PB369 RE09097438 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetated layer about 2 in thick; then into silty/sandy brown, pebbly/cobbly (up to ~2 in) soil (B), continuous to bottom of hole at 20 in; pebbles and cobbles are polylithic and more abundant than previous holes today; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4320 09PB369SEZ 09PB369 w_26 XDP074 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach; easy to dig; vegetated layer about 2 in thick; then into silty/sandy brown, pebbly/cobbly (up to ~2 in) soil (B), continuous to bottom of hole at 20 in; pebbles and cobbles are polylithic and more abundant than previous holes today; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in upper B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved EA/BE 4321 09PB369SIL 09PB369 RE09097438 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "Ionic leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetated layer about 2 in thick; then into silty/sandy brown, pebbly/cobbly (up to ~2 in) soil (B), continuous to bottom of hole at 20 in; pebbles and cobbles are polylithic and more abundant than previous holes today; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4322 09PB369SPH 09PB369 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil split for mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions; archive only; not analyzed; easy to dig; vegetated layer about 2 in thick; then into silty/sandy brown, pebbly/cobbly (up to ~2 in) soil (B), continuous to bottom of hole at 20 in; pebbles and cobbles are polylithic and more abundant than previous holes today; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4323 09PB369STL 09PB369 w_26 XDP074 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "Terrasol leach; done on same sample as enzyme leach; easy to dig; vegetated layer about 2 in thick; then into silty/sandy brown, pebbly/cobbly (up to ~2 in) soil (B), continuous to bottom of hole at 20 in; pebbles and cobbles are polylithic and more abundant than previous holes today; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in upper B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unseived EA/BE 4324 09PB369STO 09PB369 C332165 MRP10313 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "total analysis of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; vegetated layer about 2 in thick; then into silty/sandy brown, pebbly/cobbly (up to ~2 in) soil (B), continuous to bottom of hole at 20 in; pebbles and cobbles are polylithic and more abundant than previous holes today; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4325 09PB370SAR 09PB370 VAN09004281 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil aqua regia leachate of soil "aqua regia leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; all soils on this traverse have been easy relatively; vegetation layer ~3 in thick, dark brown; then into brown sandy/silty soil with abundant small cobbles and pebbles (rounded, polylithic); soil is uniform to bottom at 22 in; higher concntration of gravel/cobbles at very bottom of hole below sampling zone; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in Bupper B" grab "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SAR split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4326 09PB370SCH 09PB370 RE09097438 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leachate of soil "cold hydroxylamine leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; all soils on this traverse have been easy relatively; vegetation layer ~3 in thick, dark brown; then into brown sandy/silty soil with abundant small cobbles and pebbles (rounded, polylithic); soil is uniform to bottom at 22 in; higher concntration of gravel/cobbles at very bottom of hole below sampling zone; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SCH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4327 09PB370SEZ 09PB370 w_27 XDP074 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil enhanced enzyme leachate of soil "enzyme leach; easy to dig; all soils on this traverse have been easy relatively; vegetation layer ~3 in thick, dark brown; then into brown sandy/silty soil with abundant small cobbles and pebbles (rounded, polylithic); soil is uniform to bottom at 22 in; higher concntration of gravel/cobbles at very bottom of hole below sampling zone; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in upper B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, SEZ split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unsieved EA/BE 4328 09PB370SIL 09PB370 RE09097438 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil ionic leachate of soil "Ionic leach of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; all soils on this traverse have been easy relatively; vegetation layer ~3 in thick, dark brown; then into brown sandy/silty soil with abundant small cobbles and pebbles (rounded, polylithic); soil is uniform to bottom at 22 in; higher concntration of gravel/cobbles at very bottom of hole below sampling zone; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SIL split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4329 09PB370SPH 09PB370 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil split for mobile metal ion leachate of soil "mobile metal ions; archive only; not analyzed; easy to dig; all soils on this traverse have been easy relatively; vegetation layer ~3 in thick, dark brown; then into brown sandy/silty soil with abundant small cobbles and pebbles (rounded, polylithic); soil is uniform to bottom at 22 in; higher concntration of gravel/cobbles at very bottom of hole below sampling zone; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), SPH split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4330 09PB370STL 09PB370 w_27 XDP074 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil TerraSol leachate of soil "Terrasol leach; done on same sample as enzyme leach; easy to dig; all soils on this traverse have been easy relatively; vegetation layer ~3 in thick, dark brown; then into brown sandy/silty soil with abundant small cobbles and pebbles (rounded, polylithic); soil is uniform to bottom at 22 in; higher concntration of gravel/cobbles at very bottom of hole below sampling zone; SEZ collected 4-6 in below surface in upper B; not sieved" grab "single pit, 10 to 15 cm below surface in B horizon, STL split from SEZ subsample" B horizon GX "hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements, placed in 50-mL centrifuge tube, packed tightly with no headspace, capped, kept cool" none unseived EA/BE 4331 09PB370STO 09PB370 C332160 MRP10313 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 soil "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of soil" "total analysis of SMM sub-sample; easy to dig; all soils on this traverse have been easy relatively; vegetation layer ~3 in thick, dark brown; then into brown sandy/silty soil with abundant small cobbles and pebbles (rounded, polylithic); soil is uniform to bottom at 22 in; higher concntration of gravel/cobbles at very bottom of hole below sampling zone; SMM collected 4-10 in below root zone in B" composite "single pit, vertical composite SMM subsample taken between 10 and 25 cm below base of organic layer (in the B horizon in most cases), STO split from SMM subsample" GX hand sorted (gloved hands) to exclude material >2 mm using plastic implements "air dry, sieve to -80 mesh, then split" -80 mesh EA/BE 4384 09PB309TIL 09PB309 4834 1:1 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 sediment till "unsorted till; till could be influenced by nearby 38 & 308 Occurrences; damp, coarse pebbles removed by hand (gloved)" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various EA/BE no obvious mineralized cobbles 4385 09PB313TIL 09PB313 4834 1:1 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 sediment till unsorted till sample from ridge composed entirely of till; coarse pebbles removed by hand (gloved) grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various EA/BE 4386 09PB316TIL 09PB316 4834 1:1 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 sediment till "till, unsorted cobbles, pebbles and brown fines; coarse pebbles removed by hand (gloved)" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various EA/BE minor FeOx-stained cobbles locally; no hydrothermally-altered rocks observed 4387 09PB318TIL 09PB318 4834 1:1 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 sediment till unsorted till from low ridgeline within valley; cobbles to gravel to fines; easy to collect; lichen-covered surface cobbles; coarse pebbles removed by hand (gloved) grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various EA/BE no altered rocks observed 4388 09PB321TIL 09PB321 4834 1:1 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 sediment till unsorted till; from west of Pebble deposit area; easy to collect; coarse pebbles removed by hand (gloved) grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various EA/BE 4389 09PB324TIL 09PB324 4834 1:1 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 sediment till "unsorted till; easy to collect; cobbles are rounded to sub-angular, fines are muddy tan-brown; coarse pebbles removed by hand (gloved)" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various EA/BE no FeOx staining 4390 09PB327TIL 09PB327 4834 1:1 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 sediment till unsorted till; very soily till with rounded cobbles; more soil content than previous; coarse pebbles removed by hand (gloved) grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various EA/BE 4391 09PB330TIL 09PB330 4834 1:1 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 sediment till unsorted till; easy to collect; mud and clay with cobbles up to ~2 in; soily; coarse pebbles removed by hand (gloved) grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various EA/BE cobbles commonly FeOx-stained 4392 09PB333TIL 09PB333 4834 1:1 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 sediment till unsorted till; high amount of clay fine material; damp; cobbles up to ~3 in across; very muddy sample; coarse pebbles removed by hand (gloved) grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various EA/BE 4393 09PB334TIL 09PB334 4834 1:1 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 sediment till unsorted till; soily; tan to brown; cobbles up to ~3 in across; coarse pebbles removed by hand (gloved) grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various EA/BE FeOx staining on some joints 4394 09PB335TIL 09PB335 4834 1:1 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 sediment till "unsorted till; well-developed till, not as soily as previous 3 sites; brown fines, cobbles up to 4 in and small boulders; coarse pebbles removed by hand (gloved)" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various EA/BE one altered FeOx-rich vuggy cobble with wispy quartz veinlets; hydrothermally altered likely; generally not much FeOx staining on cobbles 4395 09PB336TIL 09PB336 4834 1:1 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 sediment till unsorted till; not well-developed till; till veneer on shallow bedrock(??) sample probably composed of both till and colluvium from outcrop; brown muddy matrix; cobbles sub-rounded to sub-angular; coarse pebbles removed by hand (gloved) grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various EA/BE lesser FeOx-stained cobbles 4396 09PB337TIL 09PB337 4834 1:1 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 sediment till unsorted till; well-developed; fines to gravel to cobbles up to 2 in across; local cobbles up to 8 in across; brown (slightly orange tint) soil; well-rounded cobbles; coarse pebbles removed by hand (gloved) grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various EA/BE 4397 09PB338TIL 09PB338 4834 1:1 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 sediment till unsorted till; from well-developed till ridge (labeled moraine); well-rounded polylithic cobbles up to 6 in across; soily brown fines; coarse pebbles removed by hand (gloved) grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various EA/BE FeOx staining on joints on some cobbles that are siliceous with disseminated pyrite 4398 09PB339TIL 09PB339 4834 1:1 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 sediment till unsorted till; well-developed sandy/silty/cobbly till; dark brown; coarse pebbles removed by hand (gloved) grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various EA/BE FeOx staining on fractures of a gray siliceous rock with disseminated pyrite; looks like that sampled at site 09PB338 (as isolated cobbles) 4399 09PB340TIL 09PB340 4834 1:1 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 sediment till unsorted till; medium to small cobbles up to 3 in across; well-rounded; polylithic; coarse pebbles removed by hand (gloved) grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various EA/BE minor FeOx staining 4400 09PB341TIL 09PB341 4834 1:1 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 sediment till unsorted till; well-rounded unsorted polylithic till; coarse pebbles removed by hand (gloved) grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various EA/BE 4401 09PB342TIL 09PB342 4834 1:1 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 sediment till "unsorted till; well-rounded, polylithic cobbles up to 8 in across with isolated boulders; clay-rich brown fines; coarse pebbles removed by hand (gloved)" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various EA/BE minor FeOx staining 4402 09PB343TIL 09PB343 4834 1:1 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 sediment till "unsorted till; well-developed till, well-rounded, polylithic cobble-rich surface with unsorted till below; sandy brown fines; cobbles up to 6 in across with isolated boulders; coarse pebbles removed by hand (gloved)" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various EA/BE minor FeOx-stained cobbles 4403 09PB344TIL 09PB344 4834 1:1 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 sediment till unsorted till; well-developed till hill; well-rounded plylithic; brown sandy fines; coarse pebbles removed by hand (gloved) grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various EA/BE minor FeOx on joints 4404 09PB345TIL 09PB345 4834 1:1 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 sediment till unsorted till; well-developed; sand/clay/cobbles; well-rounded up to ~3 in across; cobbles concentrated at surface layer; brown fines; coarse pebbles removed by hand (gloved) grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various EA/BE minor FeOx 4405 09PB376TIL 09PB376 4834 1:1 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment till unsorted till; from immediately above discovery outcrop; rounded cobbles up to ~2 in diameter in brown soil matrix; coarse pebbles removed by hand (gloved). grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various EA/BE "altered (clay, silica, FeOx)" 4406 09PB310 09PB310 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered EA/BE "pH calibration check; 4.0=4.0, 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured)" 4407 09PB310ALK 09PB310 C329534 MRP10209 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered EA/BE "pH calibration check; 4.0=4.0, 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured)" 4408 09PB310FA 09PB310 A09-4592 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE "pH calibration check; 4.0=4.0, 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured)" 4409 09PB310FU 09PB310 C329510 MRP10208 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE "pH calibration check; 4.0=4.0, 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured)" 4410 09PB310RA 09PB310 A09-4592 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered EA/BE "pH calibration check; 4.0=4.0, 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured)" 4411 09PB311 09PB311 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered EA/BE water somewhat hard to filter - diatoms (?); first filter saved to check for diatoms 4412 09PB311ALK 09PB311 C329537 MRP10209 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered EA/BE water somewhat hard to filter - diatoms (?); first filter saved to check for diatoms 4413 09PB311FA 09PB311 A09-4592 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE water somewhat hard to filter - diatoms (?); first filter saved to check for diatoms 4414 09PB311FU 09PB311 C329513 MRP10208 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE water somewhat hard to filter - diatoms (?); first filter saved to check for diatoms 4415 09PB311RA 09PB311 A09-4592 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered EA/BE water somewhat hard to filter - diatoms (?); first filter saved to check for diatoms 4416 09PB312 09PB312 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered EA/BE easy to filter 4417 09PB312ALK 09PB312 C329538 MRP10209 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered EA/BE easy to filter 4418 09PB312FA 09PB312 A09-4592 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE easy to filter 4419 09PB312FU 09PB312 C329514 MRP10208 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE easy to filter 4420 09PB312RA 09PB312 A09-4592 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered EA/BE easy to filter 4421 09PB314 09PB314 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered EA/BE alkalinity close to 10 4422 09PB314ALK 09PB314 C329542 MRP10209 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered EA/BE alkalinity close to 10 4423 09PB314FA 09PB314 A09-4592 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE alkalinity close to 10 4424 09PB314FU 09PB314 C329518 MRP10208 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE alkalinity close to 10 4425 09PB314RA 09PB314 A09-4592 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered EA/BE alkalinity close to 10 4426 09PB315 09PB315 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered EA/BE alkalinity well below 10 4427 09PB315ALK 09PB315 C329535 MRP10209 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered EA/BE alkalinity well below 10 4428 09PB315FA 09PB315 A09-4592 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE alkalinity well below 10 4429 09PB315FU 09PB315 C329511 MRP10208 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE alkalinity well below 10 4430 09PB315RA 09PB315 A09-4592 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered EA/BE alkalinity well below 10 4431 09PB317 09PB317 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered EA/BE "pH calibration check; 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured). Conductivity calibration check: 10.2 (standard), 10.3 (measured)" 4432 09PB317ALK 09PB317 C329553 MRP10209 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered EA/BE "pH calibration check; 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured). Conductivity calibration check: 10.2 (standard), 10.3 (measured)" 4433 09PB317FA 09PB317 A09-4592 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE "pH calibration check; 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured). Conductivity calibration check: 10.2 (standard), 10.3 (measured)" 4434 09PB317FU 09PB317 C329529 MRP10208 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE "pH calibration check; 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured). Conductivity calibration check: 10.2 (standard), 10.3 (measured)" 4435 09PB317RA 09PB317 A09-4592 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered EA/BE "pH calibration check; 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured). Conductivity calibration check: 10.2 (standard), 10.3 (measured)" 4436 09PB319 09PB319 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered EA/BE 4437 09PB319ALK 09PB319 C329547 MRP10209 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered EA/BE 4438 09PB319FA 09PB319 A09-4592 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4439 09PB319FU 09PB319 C329523 MRP10208 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4440 09PB319RA 09PB319 A09-4592 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered EA/BE 4441 09PB320 09PB320 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered EA/BE alkalinity close to 10 4442 09PB320ALK 09PB320 C329546 MRP10209 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered EA/BE alkalinity close to 10 4443 09PB320FA 09PB320 A09-4592 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE alkalinity close to 10 4444 09PB320FU 09PB320 C329522 MRP10208 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE alkalinity close to 10 4445 09PB320RA 09PB320 A09-4592 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered EA/BE alkalinity close to 10 4446 09PB322 09PB322 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered EA/BE could lower pH (compared to pond 09PB323) be due to higher content of organic debris (acids) from beaver activity (?) 4447 09PB322ALK 09PB322 C329554 MRP10209 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered EA/BE could lower pH (compared to pond 09PB323) be due to higher content of organic debris (acids) from beaver activity (?) 4448 09PB322FA 09PB322 A09-4592 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE could lower pH (compared to pond 09PB323) be due to higher content of organic debris (acids) from beaver activity (?) 4449 09PB322FU 09PB322 C329530 MRP10208 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE could lower pH (compared to pond 09PB323) be due to higher content of organic debris (acids) from beaver activity (?) 4450 09PB322RA 09PB322 A09-4592 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered EA/BE could lower pH (compared to pond 09PB323) be due to higher content of organic debris (acids) from beaver activity (?) 4451 09PB323 09PB323 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered EA/BE 4452 09PB323ALK 09PB323 C329544 MRP10209 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered EA/BE 4453 09PB323FA 09PB323 A09-4592 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4454 09PB323FU 09PB323 C329520 MRP10208 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4455 09PB323RA 09PB323 A09-4592 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered EA/BE 4456 09PB325 09PB325 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered EA/BE 4457 09PB325ALK 09PB325 C329555 MRP10209 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered EA/BE 4458 09PB325FA 09PB325 A09-4592 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4459 09PB325FU 09PB325 C329531 MRP10208 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4460 09PB325RA 09PB325 A09-4592 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered EA/BE 4461 09PB326 09PB326 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered EA/BE 4462 09PB326ALK 09PB326 C329550 MRP10209 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered EA/BE 4463 09PB326FA 09PB326 A09-4592 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4464 09PB326FU 09PB326 C329526 MRP10208 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4465 09PB326RA 09PB326 A09-4592 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered EA/BE 4466 09PB328 09PB328 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered EA/BE 4467 09PB328ALK 09PB328 C329548 MRP10209 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered EA/BE 4468 09PB328D 09PB328D site duplicate 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered EA/BE 4469 09PB328DALK 09PB328D C329549 MRP10209 site duplicate 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered EA/BE 4470 09PB328DFA 09PB328D A09-4592 site duplicate 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4471 09PB328DFU 09PB328D C329525 MRP10208 site duplicate 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4472 09PB328DRA 09PB328D A09-4592 site duplicate 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered EA/BE 4473 09PB328FA 09PB328 A09-4592 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4474 09PB328FU 09PB328 C329524 MRP10208 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4475 09PB328RA 09PB328 A09-4592 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered EA/BE 4476 09PB329 09PB329 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site EA/BE difficult to filter; filter saved to check for diatoms 4477 09PB329ALK 09PB329 C329540 MRP10209 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered EA/BE difficult to filter; filter saved to check for diatoms 4478 09PB329FA 09PB329 A09-4592 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE difficult to filter; filter saved to check for diatoms 4479 09PB329FU 09PB329 C329516 MRP10208 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE difficult to filter; filter saved to check for diatoms 4480 09PB329RA 09PB329 A09-4592 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered EA/BE difficult to filter; filter saved to check for diatoms 4481 09PB331 09PB331 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered EA/BE 4482 09PB331ALK 09PB331 C329552 MRP10209 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered EA/BE 4483 09PB331FA 09PB331 A09-4592 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4484 09PB331FU 09PB331 C329528 MRP10208 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4485 09PB331RA 09PB331 A09-4592 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered EA/BE 4486 09PB332 09PB332 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered EA/BE 4487 09PB332ALK 09PB332 C329541 MRP10209 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered EA/BE 4488 09PB332FA 09PB332 A09-4592 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4489 09PB332FU 09PB332 C329517 MRP10208 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4490 09PB332RA 09PB332 A09-4592 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered EA/BE 4491 09PB350 09PB350 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 water field test sample "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered EA/BE "spring is Pebble spring monitoring site SP21-05; pH calibration: 4.00, 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured); Cond calibration: 10.2 (standard), 10.3 (measured)" 4492 09PB350ALK 09PB350 C329551 MRP10209 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered EA/BE "spring is Pebble spring monitoring site SP21-05; pH calibration: 4.00, 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured); Cond calibration: 10.2 (standard), 10.3 (measured)" 4493 09PB350FA 09PB350 A09-4592 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE "spring is Pebble spring monitoring site SP21-05; pH calibration: 4.00, 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured); Cond calibration: 10.2 (standard), 10.3 (measured)" 4494 09PB350FU 09PB350 C329527 MRP10208 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE "spring is Pebble spring monitoring site SP21-05; pH calibration: 4.00, 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured); Cond calibration: 10.2 (standard), 10.3 (measured)" 4495 09PB350RA 09PB350 A09-4592 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered EA/BE "spring is Pebble spring monitoring site SP21-05; pH calibration: 4.00, 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured); Cond calibration: 10.2 (standard), 10.3 (measured)" 4496 09PB360 09PB360 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered EA/BE alk sample changed color to pink immediately upon adding indicator solution=Alk near 0; sample difficult to filter 4497 09PB360ALK 09PB360 C329543 MRP10209 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered EA/BE alk sample changed color to pink immediately upon adding indicator solution=Alk near 0; sample difficult to filter 4498 09PB360FA 09PB360 A09-4592 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE alk sample changed color to pink immediately upon adding indicator solution=Alk near 0; sample difficult to filter 4499 09PB360FU 09PB360 C329519 MRP10208 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE alk sample changed color to pink immediately upon adding indicator solution=Alk near 0; sample difficult to filter 4500 09PB360RA 09PB360 A09-4592 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered EA/BE alk sample changed color to pink immediately upon adding indicator solution=Alk near 0; sample difficult to filter 4501 09PB371 09PB371 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered EA/BE "hard to filter; pH calibration: 4.00, 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured)" 4502 09PB371ALK 09PB371 C329536 MRP10209 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered EA/BE "hard to filter; pH calibration: 4.00, 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured)" 4503 09PB371FA 09PB371 A09-4592 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE "hard to filter; pH calibration: 4.00, 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured)" 4504 09PB371FU 09PB371 C329512 MRP10208 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE "hard to filter; pH calibration: 4.00, 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured)" 4505 09PB371RA 09PB371 A09-4592 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered EA/BE "hard to filter; pH calibration: 4.00, 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured)" 4506 09PB372 09PB372 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered EA/BE 4507 09PB372ALK 09PB372 C329545 MRP10209 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered EA/BE 4508 09PB372FA 09PB372 A09-4592 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4509 09PB372FU 09PB372 C329521 MRP10208 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4510 09PB372RA 09PB372 A09-4592 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered EA/BE 4511 09PB373 09PB373 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 water field test sample "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered EA/BE "hrd to filter - filter saved to check for diatoms; pH calibration; 4.00, 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured)" 4512 09PB373ALK 09PB373 C329539 MRP10209 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered EA/BE "hrd to filter - filter saved to check for diatoms; pH calibration; 4.00, 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured)" 4513 09PB373FA 09PB373 A09-4592 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE "hrd to filter - filter saved to check for diatoms; pH calibration; 4.00, 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured)" 4514 09PB373FU 09PB373 C329515 MRP10208 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE "hrd to filter - filter saved to check for diatoms; pH calibration; 4.00, 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured)" 4515 09PB373RA 09PB373 A09-4592 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered EA/BE "hrd to filter - filter saved to check for diatoms; pH calibration; 4.00, 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured)" 4537 09PB310DOC 09PB310 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE "pH calibration check; 4.0=4.0, 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured)" 4538 09PB311DOC 09PB311 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE water somewhat hard to filter - diatoms (?); first filter saved to check for diatoms 4539 09PB312DOC 09PB312 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE easy to filter 4540 09PB314DOC 09PB314 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE alkalinity close to 10 4541 09PB315DOC 09PB315 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE alkalinity well below 10 4542 09PB317DOC 09PB317 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE "pH calibration check; 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured). Conductivity calibration check: 10.2 (standard), 10.3 (measured)" 4543 09PB319DOC 09PB319 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4544 09PB320DOC 09PB320 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE alkalinity close to 10 4545 09PB322DOC 09PB322 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE could lower pH (compared to pond 09PB323) be due to higher content of organic debris (acids) from beaver activity (?) 4546 09PB323DOC 09PB323 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4547 09PB325DOC 09PB325 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4548 09PB326DOC 09PB326 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4549 09PB328DDOC 09PB328D site duplicate 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4550 09PB328DOC 09PB328 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none EA/BE 4551 09PB329DOC 09PB329 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE difficult to filter; filter saved to check for diatoms 4552 09PB331DOC 09PB331 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4553 09PB332DOC 09PB332 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4554 09PB350DOC 09PB350 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE "spring is Pebble spring monitoring site SP21-05; pH calibration: 4.00, 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured); Cond calibration: 10.2 (standard), 10.3 (measured)" 4555 09PB360DOC 09PB360 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE alk sample changed color to pink immediately upon adding indicator solution=Alk near 0; sample difficult to filter 4556 09PB371DOC 09PB371 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE "hard to filter; pH calibration: 4.00, 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured)" 4557 09PB372DOC 09PB372 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4558 09PB373DOC 09PB373 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE "hrd to filter - filter saved to check for diatoms; pH calibration; 4.00, 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured)" 4563 09PB310FE 09PB310 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE "pH calibration check; 4.0=4.0, 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured)" 4564 09PB311FE 09PB311 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE water somewhat hard to filter - diatoms (?); first filter saved to check for diatoms 4565 09PB312FE 09PB312 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE easy to filter 4566 09PB314FE 09PB314 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE alkalinity close to 10 4567 09PB315FE 09PB315 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE alkalinity well below 10 4568 09PB317FE 09PB317 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE "pH calibration check; 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured). Conductivity calibration check: 10.2 (standard), 10.3 (measured)" 4569 09PB319FE 09PB319 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4570 09PB320FE 09PB320 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE alkalinity close to 10 4571 09PB322FE 09PB322 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE could lower pH (compared to pond 09PB323) be due to higher content of organic debris (acids) from beaver activity (?) 4572 09PB323FE 09PB323 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4573 09PB325FE 09PB325 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4574 09PB326FE 09PB326 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4575 09PB328FE 09PB328 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4576 09PB328DFE 09PB328D site duplicate 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4577 09PB329FE 09PB329 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE difficult to filter; filter saved to check for diatoms 4578 09PB331FE 09PB331 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4579 09PB332FE 09PB332 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4580 09PB350FE 09PB350 8/2/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE "spring is Pebble spring monitoring site SP21-05; pH calibration: 4.00, 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured); Cond calibration: 10.2 (standard), 10.3 (measured)" 4581 09PB360FE 09PB360 8/3/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE alk sample changed color to pink immediately upon adding indicator solution=Alk near 0; sample difficult to filter 4582 09PB371FE 09PB371 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE "hard to filter; pH calibration: 4.00, 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured)" 4583 09PB372FE 09PB372 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE 4584 09PB373FE 09PB373 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u EA/BE "hrd to filter - filter saved to check for diatoms; pH calibration; 4.00, 6.86 (standard), 6.91 (measured)" 4589 09PB371CR00-01 09PB371 C340517 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (00-01 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4590 09PB371CR01-02 09PB371 C340518 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (01-02 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4591 09PB371CR02-03 09PB371 C340519 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (02-03 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4592 09PB371CR03-04 09PB371 C340520 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (03-04 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4593 09PB371CR04-05 09PB371 C340521 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (04-05 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4594 09PB371CR05-06 09PB371 C340522 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (05-06 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4595 09PB371CR06-07 09PB371 C340523 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (06-07 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4596 09PB371CR07-08 09PB371 C340524 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (07-08 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4597 09PB371CR08-09 09PB371 C340525 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (08-09 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4599 09PB371CR09-10 09PB371 C340527 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (09-10 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4600 09PB371CR10-11 09PB371 C340528 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (10-11 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4601 09PB371CR11-12 09PB371 C340529 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (11-12 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4602 09PB371CR12-13 09PB371 C340530 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (12-13 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4603 09PB371CR13-14 09PB371 C340531 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (13-14 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4604 09PB371CR14-15 09PB371 C340532 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (14-15 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4605 09PB371CR15-16 09PB371 C340533 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (15-16 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4606 09PB371CR16-17 09PB371 C340534 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (16-17 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4607 09PB371CR17-18 09PB371 C340535 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (17-18 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4609 09PB371CR18-19 09PB371 C340537 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (18-19 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4610 09PB372CR00-01 09PB372 C340538 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (00-01 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4611 09PB372CR01-02 09PB372 C340539 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (01-02 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4612 09PB372CR02-03 09PB372 C340540 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (02-03 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4613 09PB372CR03-04 09PB372 C340541 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (03-04 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4614 09PB372CR04-05 09PB372 C340542 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (04-05 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4615 09PB372CR05-06 09PB372 C340543 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (05-06 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4616 09PB372CR06-07 09PB372 C340544 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (06-07 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4617 09PB372CR07-08 09PB372 C340545 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (07-08 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4618 09PB372CR08-09 09PB372 C340546 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (08-09 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4619 09PB372CR09-10 09PB372 C340547 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (09-10 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4620 09PB372CR10-11 09PB372 C340548 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (10-11 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4621 09PB372CR11-12 09PB372 C340549 MRP10890 8/4/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (11-12 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4623 09PB373CR00-01 09PB373 C340554 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (00-01 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4624 09PB373CR01-02 09PB373 C340555 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (01-02 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4625 09PB373CR02-03 09PB373 C340556 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (02-03 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4626 09PB373CR03-04 09PB373 C340557 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (03-04 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4627 09PB373CR04-05 09PB373 C340558 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (04-05 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4628 09PB373CR05-06 09PB373 C340559 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (05-06 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4629 09PB373CR06-07 09PB373 C340560 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (06-07 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4630 09PB373CR07-08 09PB373 C340561 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (07-08 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4631 09PB373CR08-09 09PB373 C340562 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (08-09 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4632 09PB373CR09-10 09PB373 C340563 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (09-10 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4633 09PB373CR10-11 09PB373 C340564 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (10-11 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4634 09PB373CR11-12 09PB373 C340565 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (11-12 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4635 09PB373CR12-13 09PB373 C340566 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (12-13 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4636 09PB374CR00-01 09PB374 C340567 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (00-01 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4638 09PB374CR01-02 09PB374 C340569 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (01-02 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4639 09PB374CR02-03 09PB374 C340570 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (02-03 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4640 09PB374CR03-04 09PB374 C340571 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (03-04 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4641 09PB374CR04-05 09PB374 C340572 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (04-05 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4642 09PB374CR05-06 09PB374 C340573 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (05-06 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4643 09PB374CR06-07 09PB374 C340574 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (06-07 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4644 09PB374CR07-08 09PB374 C340575 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (07-08 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4645 09PB374CR08-09 09PB374 C340576 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (08-09 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4646 09PB374CR09-10 09PB374 C340577 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (09-10 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4647 09PB374CR10-11 09PB374 C340578 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (10-11 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4648 09PB374CR11-12 09PB374 C340579 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (11-12 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4649 09PB374CR12-13 09PB374 C340580 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (12-13 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4650 09PB375CR00-01 09PB375 C340581 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (00-01 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4651 09PB375CR01-02 09PB375 C340582 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (01-02 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4653 09PB375CR02-03 09PB375 C340584 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (02-03 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4654 09PB375CR03-04 09PB375 C340585 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (03-04 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4655 09PB375CR04-05 09PB375 C340586 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (04-05 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4656 09PB375CR05-06 09PB375 C340587 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (05-06 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4657 09PB375CR06-07 09PB375 C340588 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (06-07 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4658 09PB375CR07-08 09PB375 C340589 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (07-08 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4659 09PB375CR08-09 09PB375 C340590 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (08-09 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4660 09PB375CR09-10 09PB375 C340591 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (09-10 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4661 09PB375CR10-11 09PB375 C340592 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (10-11 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4662 09PB375CR11-12 09PB375 C340593 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (11-12 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4663 09PB375CR12-13 09PB375 C340594 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (12-13 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4664 09PB375CR13-14 09PB375 C340595 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (13-14 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4665 09PB375CR14-15 09PB375 C340596 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (14-15 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4666 09PB375CR15-16 09PB375 C340597 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (15-16 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4667 09PB375CR16-17 09PB375 C340598 MRP10892 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 sediment "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of pond sediment core" pond sediment core 2.5 cm increment (16-17 inch depth) core pond sediment core GX "sediment core was retained in original 3” clear plastic collection tube, drained of water, and held upright; tube then frozen in place at base camp" "core tube thawed upright, core extracted, sub-sampled from top downward in 2 cm increments; sub-samples visually characterized and split; sieved to minus-80 mesh with stainless steel screen, pulverized to nominal minus-100 mesh" -80 mesh EA/BE 4669 10PB380 10PB380 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered BE/KK flowing in open sunny area; pH & Sp Cond meters calibrated in Iliamna 4670 10PB381 10PB381 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered BE/KK/DT in open sunny area 4671 10PB382 10PB382 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered BE/KK/DT at head of pond; high turbidity value deleted; likely erroneous due to condensation; visual estimate was no turbidity 4672 10PB383 10PB383 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered BE/KK/DT flowing in open sunny area; frog in sampled pool 4673 10PB384 10PB384 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered BE/KK/DT flowing in open sunny area; first turbidity reading was 12.0; then wiped off glass again and it read 0.0 (due to condensation on outside of bottle) 4674 10PB385 10PB385 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered BE/KK "small pond, standing in open sunny area; pond might be more rainwater pool rather than groundwater seep" 4675 10PB386 10PB386 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4676 10PB387 10PB387 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered BE/KK "flowing in open sunny area; pH calib buffer: 4.01; pH calib check: 6.86 (std), 6.88 (meas); SpCond calib check: 84 (std), 89 (meas)" 4677 10PB388 10PB388 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4678 10PB389 10PB389 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered BE/KK/WJ flowing in open sunny area 4679 10PB390 10PB390 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered BE/KK/WJ standing in open sunny area 4680 10PB391 10PB391 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered BE/KK/WJ flowing in open sunny area 4681 10PB392 10PB392 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered BE/KK/WJ flowing in open sunny area 4682 10PB393 10PB393 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4683 10PB393D 10PB393D site duplicate 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered BE/KK/WJ flowing in open sunny area 4684 10PB394 10PB394 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered BE/KK flowing 4685 10PB395 10PB395 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered BE/KK/WJ flowing; no dissolved oxygen reading; ran out of indicator tubes 4686 10PB396 10PB396 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered BE/KK flowing in open sunny area; no dissolved oxygen reading; ran out of indicator tubes 4687 10PB397 10PB397 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered BE/KK "flowing in both sunny and shady area; pH calib buffer: 7.00; pH calib check: 6.86/4.0 (std), 6.90/4.0 (meas); SpCond calib check: 84/1413 (std), 90/1483 (meas); no dissolved oxygen reading; ran out of indicator tubes" 4688 10PB398 10PB398 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area; no dissolved oxygen reading; ran out of indicator tubes 4689 10PB399 10PB399 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area; no dissolved oxygen reading; ran out of indicator tubes 4690 10PB400 10PB400 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area; no dissolved oxygen reading; ran out of indicator tubes 4691 10PB401 10PB401 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area; no dissolved oxygen reading; ran out of indicator tubes 4692 10PB402 10PB402 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered BE/KK flowing in open sunny area; good possibility that Fe2+ to Fe3+ reaction happening here with upwelling Fe2+ water and sunlight reacting to form Fe3+ precipitation; no dissolved oxygen reading; ran out of indicator tubes 4693 10PB403 10PB403 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered BE/KK flowing in shady area; no dissolved oxygen reading; ran out of indicator tubes 4694 10PB404 10PB404 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered BE/KK flowing in open sunny area; no alk or dissolved oxygen measurement; out of indicator solution; sample collected for alk 4695 10PB405 10PB405 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered BE/KK flowing in open sunny area; no dissolved oxygen reading; ran out of indicator tubes 4696 10PB406 10PB406 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX none; field measurements taken on site unfiltered BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area; no dissolved oxygen reading; ran out of indicator tubes 4700 10PB407TIL 10PB407 5227 1:1 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 sediment till soil and pebbly up to 6-in diameter pebbles grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK 4701 10PB408TIL 10PB408 5227 1:1 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 sediment till soil and pebbles up to 8 in diameter; muddy (relatively high moisture) grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK 4702 10PB409TIL 10PB409 5227 1:1 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 sediment till "unsorted till, many are angular, many are rounded; damp" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK 4703 10PB410TIL 10PB410 5227 1:1 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 sediment till tan-orange color; damp; rounded pebbles; gravel to small cobbles (4 in); unsorted; sandier than last site (more sandy than muddy) grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK 4704 10PB411TIL 10PB411 5227 1:1 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 sediment till damp; tannish-brown; unsorted; sandy to small cobbles up to about 6 in across grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK 4705 10PB412TIL 10PB412 5227 1:1 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 sediment till [no description noted] grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK 4706 10PB413TIL 10PB413 5227 1:1 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 sediment till sub-angular cobbles in muddy matrix; unsorted grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK 4707 10PB414TIL 10PB414 5227 1:1 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 sediment till rounded and sub-angular cobbles; moist and sandy/clay-rich; unsorted; wide range size cobbles (up to 8 in) grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK 4708 10PB415TIL 10PB415 5227 1:1 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 sediment till "dominantly sandy tan-brown sediment; fairly uniform, but with some cobbles; attempted to sample coarser material in the fines" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK 4709 10PB416TIL 10PB416 5227 1:1 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 sediment till "light to dark brown; sandy, but poorly-sorted; gravel up to cobbles 5 in across; cobbles very rounded for the most part; orange stain on low bench material across small creek to direct north" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK 4710 10PB417TIL 10PB417 5227 1:1 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 sediment till "poorly-sorted muddy sand to small boulders up to 12 in across; a lot of soily matrix, brown; coarsens (more gravelly) with depth; deeper hole dug to reach coarser material; clay-rich" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK 4711 10PB418TIL 10PB418 5227 1:1 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 sediment till good sandy till with some clay; unsorted from sand to boulders 10 in across grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK 4712 10PB419TIL 10PB419 5227 1:1 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 sediment till "thin till cap on bedrock rubble crop; till is well-rounded, unsorted; sandy fines to cobbles up to 5 in across; more cobbles than sand" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK 4713 10PB420TIL 10PB420 5227 1:1 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 sediment till "till likely not very thick here because parts of the same hill is rubble crop; sub-angular cobbles, some well-rounded; restricted range of clast size (up to 2 in); muddy (= clay); unsorted; medium-brown in color" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK 4715 10PB422TIL 10PB422 5227 1:1 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 sediment till sandy polylithic till with wide range of clast sized with cobbles up to 7 in diameter grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK/MC 4716 10PB423TIL 10PB423 5227 1:1 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 sediment till "mostly 1-in diameter and less, dominantly fines (clay-rich), polylithic; saturated site" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK/MC 4717 10PB424TIL 10PB424 5227 1:1 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 sediment till mostly volcanic cobbles in organic-rich soily matrix; cobbles up to 1 in across; either large cobbles or soils; not much in between grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK/MC 4718 10PB425TIL 10PB425 5227 1:1 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 sediment till variable grain size (up to 6 in cobbles); rounded grains grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK/MC 4719 10PB426TIL 10PB426 5227 1:1 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 sediment till "unsorted, well-developed polylithic; sands to cobbles up to 5 in across; very sandy; sub-angular, angular, and rounded cobbles" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK 4720 10PB427TIL 10PB427 5227 1:1 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 sediment till "sandy with some clay; unsorted, polylithic; cobbles to 4 in across; no Fe staining; damp; well-rounded" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK/DP 4721 10PB428TIL 10PB428 5227 1:1 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 sediment till "well-developed, unsorted, polylithic till; all well-rounded; sandy; sandy fines to cobbles up to 5 in across" grab single pit MIN sieve to -10 mesh "dry, split, sieve to -18, -30, -60 and -120 mesh; density separation at 2.8 and 3.2 SG, magnetic separation at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz" various BE/KK 4722 10PB380ALK 10PB380 C343962 MRP11162 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK flowing in open sunny area; pH & Sp Cond meters calibrated in Iliamna 4723 10PB381ALK 10PB381 C343963 MRP11162 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK/DT in open sunny area 4724 10PB382ALK 10PB382 C343958 MRP11162 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK/DT at head of pond; high turbidity value deleted; likely erroneous due to condensation; visual estimate was no turbidity 4725 10PB383ALK 10PB383 C343960 MRP11162 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK/DT flowing in open sunny area; frog in sampled pool 4726 10PB384ALK 10PB384 C343947 MRP11162 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified stream GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK/DT flowing in open sunny area; first turbidity reading was 12.0; then wiped off glass again and it read 0.0 (due to condensation on outside of bottle) 4727 10PB385ALK 10PB385 C343952 MRP11162 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK "small pond, standing in open sunny area; pond might be more rainwater pool rather than groundwater seep" 4728 10PB386ALK 10PB386 C343948 MRP11162 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4729 10PB387ALK 10PB387 C343941 MRP11162 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK "flowing in open sunny area; pH calib buffer: 4.01; pH calib check: 6.86 (std), 6.88 (meas); SpCond calib check: 84 (std), 89 (meas)" 4730 10PB388ALK 10PB388 C343942 MRP11162 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified stream GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4731 10PB389ALK 10PB389 C343940 MRP11162 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK/WJ flowing in open sunny area 4732 10PB390ALK 10PB390 C343951 MRP11162 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK/WJ standing in open sunny area 4733 10PB391ALK 10PB391 C343957 MRP11162 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK/WJ flowing in open sunny area 4734 10PB392ALK 10PB392 C343949 MRP11162 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified stream GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK/WJ flowing in open sunny area 4735 10PB393DALK 10PB393D C343954 MRP11162 site duplicate 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK/WJ flowing in open sunny area 4736 10PB393ALK 10PB393 C343955 MRP11162 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4737 10PB394ALK 10PB394 C343945 MRP11162 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK flowing 4738 10PB395ALK 10PB395 C343950 MRP11162 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK/WJ flowing 4739 10PB396ALK 10PB396 C343943 MRP11162 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified stream GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4740 10PB397ALK 10PB397 C343965 MRP11162 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified stream GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK "flowing in both sunny and shady area; pH calib buffer: 7.00; pH calib check: 6.86/4.0 (std), 6.90/4.0 (meas); SpCond calib check: 84/1413 (std), 90/1483 (meas); no dissolved oxygen reading; ran out of indicator tubes" 4741 10PB398ALK 10PB398 C343964 MRP11162 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified stream GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area 4742 10PB401ALK 10PB401 C343959 MRP11162 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified stream GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area 4743 10PB402ALK 10PB402 C343944 MRP11162 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK flowing in open sunny area; good possibility that Fe2+ to Fe3+ reaction happening here with upwelling Fe2+ water and sunlight reacting to form Fe3+ precipitation; no dissolved oxygen reading; ran out of indicator tubes 4744 10PB403ALK 10PB403 C343946 MRP11162 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified stream GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK flowing in shady area 4745 10PB404ALK 10PB404 C343953 MRP11162 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified stream GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4746 10PB405ALK 10PB405 C343961 MRP11162 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified stream GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4747 10PB406ALK 10PB406 C343956 MRP11162 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and unacidified stream GX unfiltered and unacidified none unfiltered BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area 4750 10PB380FU 10PB380 C343902 MRP11160 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area; pH & Sp Cond meters calibrated in Iliamna 4751 10PB381FU 10PB381 C343904 MRP11160 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/DT in open sunny area 4752 10PB382FU 10PB382 C343898 MRP11160 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/DT at head of pond; high turbidity value deleted; likely erroneous due to condensation; visual estimate was no turbidity 4753 10PB383FU 10PB383 C343900 MRP11160 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/DT flowing in open sunny area; frog in sampled pool 4754 10PB384FU 10PB384 C343887 MRP11160 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/DT flowing in open sunny area; first turbidity reading was 12.0; then wiped off glass again and it read 0.0 (due to condensation on outside of bottle) 4755 10PB385FU 10PB385 C343892 MRP11160 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK "small pond, standing in open sunny area; pond might be more rainwater pool rather than groundwater seep" 4756 10PB386FU 10PB386 C343888 MRP11160 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4757 10PB387FU 10PB387 C343881 MRP11160 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK "flowing in open sunny area; pH calib buffer: 4.01; pH calib check: 6.86 (std), 6.88 (meas); SpCond calib check: 84 (std), 89 (meas)" 4758 10PB388FU 10PB388 C343882 MRP11160 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4759 10PB389FU 10PB389 C343880 MRP11160 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/WJ flowing in open sunny area 4760 10PB390FU 10PB390 C343891 MRP11160 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/WJ standing in open sunny area 4761 10PB391FU 10PB391 C343897 MRP11160 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/WJ flowing in open sunny area 4762 10PB392FU 10PB392 C343889 MRP11160 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/WJ flowing in open sunny area 4763 10PB393DFU 10PB393D C343894 MRP11160 site duplicate 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/WJ flowing in open sunny area 4764 10PB393FU 10PB393 C343895 MRP11160 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4765 10PB394FU 10PB394 C343885 MRP11160 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing 4766 10PB395FU 10PB395 C343890 MRP11160 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/WJ flowing 4767 10PB396FU 10PB396 C343883 MRP11160 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4768 10PB397FU 10PB397 C343907 MRP11160 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK "flowing in both sunny and shady area; pH calib buffer: 7.00; pH calib check: 6.86/4.0 (std), 6.90/4.0 (meas); SpCond calib check: 84/1413 (std), 90/1483 (meas); no dissolved oxygen reading; ran out of indicator tubes" 4769 10PB398FU 10PB398 C343906 MRP11160 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area 4770 10PB399FU 10PB399 C343903 MRP11160 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area 4771 10PB400FU 10PB400 C343905 MRP11160 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area 4772 10PB401FU 10PB401 C343899 MRP11160 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area 4773 10PB402FU 10PB402 C343884 MRP11160 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area; good possibility that Fe2+ to Fe3+ reaction happening here with upwelling Fe2+ water and sunlight reacting to form Fe3+ precipitation; no dissolved oxygen reading; ran out of indicator tubes 4774 10PB403FU 10PB403 C343886 MRP11160 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in shady area 4775 10PB404FU 10PB404 C343893 MRP11160 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4776 10PB405FU 10PB405 C343901 MRP11160 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4777 10PB406FU 10PB406 C343896 MRP11160 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and unacidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), unacidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area 4780 10PB380FE 10PB380 C343932 MRP11161 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area; pH & Sp Cond meters calibrated in Iliamna 4781 10PB381FE 10PB381 C343934 MRP11161 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/DT in open sunny area 4782 10PB382FE 10PB382 C343928 MRP11161 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/DT at head of pond; high turbidity value deleted; likely erroneous due to condensation; visual estimate was no turbidity 4783 10PB383FE 10PB383 C343930 MRP11161 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/DT flowing in open sunny area; frog in sampled pool 4784 10PB384FE 10PB384 C343917 MRP11161 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/DT flowing in open sunny area; first turbidity reading was 12.0; then wiped off glass again and it read 0.0 (due to condensation on outside of bottle) 4785 10PB385FE 10PB385 C343922 MRP11161 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK "small pond, standing in open sunny area; pond might be more rainwater pool rather than groundwater seep" 4786 10PB386FE 10PB386 C343918 MRP11161 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4787 10PB387FE 10PB387 C343911 MRP11161 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK "flowing in open sunny area; pH calib buffer: 4.01; pH calib check: 6.86 (std), 6.88 (meas); SpCond calib check: 84 (std), 89 (meas)" 4788 10PB388FE 10PB388 C343912 MRP11161 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4789 10PB389FE 10PB389 C343910 MRP11161 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/WJ flowing in open sunny area 4790 10PB390FE 10PB390 C343921 MRP11161 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/WJ standing in open sunny area 4791 10PB391FE 10PB391 C343927 MRP11161 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/WJ flowing in open sunny area 4792 10PB392FE 10PB392 C343919 MRP11161 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/WJ flowing in open sunny area 4793 10PB393DFE 10PB393D C343924 MRP11161 site duplicate 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/WJ flowing in open sunny area 4794 10PB393FE 10PB393 C343925 MRP11161 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4795 10PB394FE 10PB394 C343915 MRP11161 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing 4796 10PB395FE 10PB395 C343920 MRP11161 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/WJ flowing 4797 10PB396FE 10PB396 C343913 MRP11161 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4798 10PB397FE 10PB397 C343937 MRP11161 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK "flowing in both sunny and shady area; pH calib buffer: 7.00; pH calib check: 6.86/4.0 (std), 6.90/4.0 (meas); SpCond calib check: 84/1413 (std), 90/1483 (meas); no dissolved oxygen reading; ran out of indicator tubes" 4799 10PB398FE 10PB398 C343936 MRP11161 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area 4800 10PB399FE 10PB399 C343933 MRP11161 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area 4801 10PB400FE 10PB400 C343935 MRP11161 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area 4802 10PB401FE 10PB401 C343929 MRP11161 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area 4803 10PB402FE 10PB402 C343914 MRP11161 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area; good possibility that Fe2+ to Fe3+ reaction happening here with upwelling Fe2+ water and sunlight reacting to form Fe3+ precipitation; no dissolved oxygen reading; ran out of indicator tubes 4804 10PB403FE 10PB403 C343916 MRP11161 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in shady area 4805 10PB404FE 10PB404 C343923 MRP11161 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4806 10PB405FE 10PB405 C343931 MRP11161 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4807 10PB406FE 10PB406 C343926 MRP11161 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area 4810 10PB380FE 10PB380 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area; pH & Sp Cond meters calibrated in Iliamna 4811 10PB381FE 10PB381 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/DT in open sunny area 4812 10PB382FE 10PB382 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/DT at head of pond; high turbidity value deleted; likely erroneous due to condensation; visual estimate was no turbidity 4813 10PB383FE 10PB383 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/DT flowing in open sunny area; frog in sampled pool 4814 10PB384FE 10PB384 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/DT flowing in open sunny area; first turbidity reading was 12.0; then wiped off glass again and it read 0.0 (due to condensation on outside of bottle) 4815 10PB385FE 10PB385 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK "small pond, standing in open sunny area; pond might be more rainwater pool rather than groundwater seep" 4816 10PB386FE 10PB386 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4817 10PB387FE 10PB387 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK "flowing in open sunny area; pH calib buffer: 4.01; pH calib check: 6.86 (std), 6.88 (meas); SpCond calib check: 84 (std), 89 (meas)" 4818 10PB388FE 10PB388 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4819 10PB389FE 10PB389 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/WJ flowing in open sunny area 4820 10PB390FE 10PB390 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/WJ standing in open sunny area 4821 10PB391FE 10PB391 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/WJ flowing in open sunny area 4822 10PB392FE 10PB392 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/WJ flowing in open sunny area 4823 10PB393DFE 10PB393D site duplicate 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/WJ flowing in open sunny area 4824 10PB393FE 10PB393 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4825 10PB394FE 10PB394 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing 4826 10PB395FE 10PB395 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/WJ flowing 4827 10PB396FE 10PB396 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4828 10PB397FE 10PB397 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK "flowing in both sunny and shady area; pH calib buffer: 7.00; pH calib check: 6.86/4.0 (std), 6.90/4.0 (meas); SpCond calib check: 84/1413 (std), 90/1483 (meas); no dissolved oxygen reading; ran out of indicator tubes" 4829 10PB398FE 10PB398 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area 4830 10PB399FE 10PB399 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area 4831 10PB400FE 10PB400 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area 4832 10PB401FE 10PB401 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area 4833 10PB402FE 10PB402 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area; good possibility that Fe2+ to Fe3+ reaction happening here with upwelling Fe2+ water and sunlight reacting to form Fe3+ precipitation; no dissolved oxygen reading; ran out of indicator tubes 4834 10PB403FE 10PB403 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in shady area 4835 10PB404FE 10PB404 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4836 10PB405FE 10PB405 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4837 10PB406FE 10PB406 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HCl acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area 4840 10PB380FA 10PB380 A10-5229 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area; pH & Sp Cond meters calibrated in Iliamna 4841 10PB380RA 10PB380 A10-5229 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK flowing in open sunny area; pH & Sp Cond meters calibrated in Iliamna 4842 10PB381FA 10PB381 A10-5229 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/DT in open sunny area 4843 10PB381RA 10PB381 A10-5229 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK/DT in open sunny area 4844 10PB382FA 10PB382 A10-5229 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/DT at head of pond; high turbidity value deleted; likely erroneous due to condensation; visual estimate was no turbidity 4845 10PB382RA 10PB382 A10-5229 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK/DT at head of pond; high turbidity value deleted; likely erroneous due to condensation; visual estimate was no turbidity 4846 10PB383FA 10PB383 A10-5229 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/DT flowing in open sunny area; frog in sampled pool 4847 10PB383RA 10PB383 A10-5229 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK/DT flowing in open sunny area; frog in sampled pool 4848 10PB384FA 10PB384 A10-5229 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/DT flowing in open sunny area; first turbidity reading was 12.0; then wiped off glass again and it read 0.0 (due to condensation on outside of bottle) 4849 10PB384RA 10PB384 A10-5229 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK/DT flowing in open sunny area; first turbidity reading was 12.0; then wiped off glass again and it read 0.0 (due to condensation on outside of bottle) 4850 10PB385FA 10PB385 A10-5229 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK "small pond, standing in open sunny area; pond might be more rainwater pool rather than groundwater seep" 4851 10PB385RA 10PB385 A10-5229 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "pond, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK "small pond, standing in open sunny area; pond might be more rainwater pool rather than groundwater seep" 4852 10PB386FA 10PB386 A10-5229 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4853 10PB386RA 10PB386 A10-5229 7/31/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4854 10PB387FA 10PB387 A10-5229 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK "flowing in open sunny area; pH calib buffer: 4.01; pH calib check: 6.86 (std), 6.88 (meas); SpCond calib check: 84 (std), 89 (meas)" 4855 10PB387RA 10PB387 A10-5229 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK "flowing in open sunny area; pH calib buffer: 4.01; pH calib check: 6.86 (std), 6.88 (meas); SpCond calib check: 84 (std), 89 (meas)" 4856 10PB388FA 10PB388 A10-5229 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4857 10PB388RA 10PB388 A10-5229 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4858 10PB389FA 10PB389 A10-5229 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/WJ flowing in open sunny area 4859 10PB389RA 10PB389 A10-5229 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK/WJ flowing in open sunny area 4860 10PB390FA 10PB390 A10-5229 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/WJ standing in open sunny area 4861 10PB390RA 10PB390 A10-5229 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK/WJ standing in open sunny area 4862 10PB391FA 10PB391 A10-5229 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/WJ flowing in open sunny area 4863 10PB391RA 10PB391 A10-5229 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK/WJ flowing in open sunny area 4864 10PB392FA 10PB392 A10-5229 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/WJ flowing in open sunny area 4865 10PB392RA 10PB392 A10-5229 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK/WJ flowing in open sunny area 4866 10PB393DFA 10PB393D A10-5229 site duplicate 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/WJ flowing in open sunny area 4867 10PB393DRA 10PB393D A10-5229 site duplicate 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK/WJ flowing in open sunny area 4868 10PB393FA 10PB393 A10-5229 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4869 10PB393RA 10PB393 A10-5229 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4870 10PB394FA 10PB394 A10-5229 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing 4871 10PB394RA 10PB394 A10-5229 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK flowing 4872 10PB395FA 10PB395 A10-5229 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK/WJ flowing 4873 10PB395RA 10PB395 A10-5229 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK/WJ flowing 4874 10PB396FA 10PB396 A10-5229 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4875 10PB396RA 10PB396 A10-5229 8/1/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4876 10PB397FA 10PB397 A10-5229 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK "flowing in both sunny and shady area; pH calib buffer: 7.00; pH calib check: 6.86/4.0 (std), 6.90/4.0 (meas); SpCond calib check: 84/1413 (std), 90/1483 (meas); no dissolved oxygen reading; ran out of indicator tubes" 4877 10PB397RA 10PB397 A10-5229 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK "flowing in both sunny and shady area; pH calib buffer: 7.00; pH calib check: 6.86/4.0 (std), 6.90/4.0 (meas); SpCond calib check: 84/1413 (std), 90/1483 (meas); no dissolved oxygen reading; ran out of indicator tubes" 4878 10PB398FA 10PB398 A10-5229 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area 4879 10PB398RA 10PB398 A10-5229 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area 4880 10PB399FA 10PB399 A10-5229 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area 4881 10PB399RA 10PB399 A10-5229 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area 4882 10PB400FA 10PB400 A10-5229 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area 4883 10PB400RA 10PB400 A10-5229 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area 4884 10PB401FA 10PB401 A10-5229 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area 4885 10PB401RA 10PB401 A10-5229 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area 4886 10PB402FA 10PB402 A10-5229 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area; good possibility that Fe2+ to Fe3+ reaction happening here with upwelling Fe2+ water and sunlight reacting to form Fe3+ precipitation; no dissolved oxygen reading; ran out of indicator tubes 4887 10PB402RA 10PB402 A10-5229 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified "seep, natural" GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK flowing in open sunny area; good possibility that Fe2+ to Fe3+ reaction happening here with upwelling Fe2+ water and sunlight reacting to form Fe3+ precipitation; no dissolved oxygen reading; ran out of indicator tubes 4888 10PB403FA 10PB403 A10-5229 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in shady area 4889 10PB403RA 10PB403 A10-5229 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK flowing in shady area 4890 10PB404FA 10PB404 A10-5229 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4891 10PB404RA 10PB404 A10-5229 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4892 10PB405FA 10PB405 A10-5229 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4893 10PB405RA 10PB405 A10-5229 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK flowing in open sunny area 4894 10PB406FA 10PB406 A10-5229 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water filtered and acidified stream GX "filtered (0.45 u), HNO3 acidified" none 0.45 u BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area 4895 10PB406RA 10PB406 A10-5229 8/2/2010 1/0/1900 water unfiltered and acidified stream GX "unfiltered, HNO3 acidified" none unfiltered BE/KK flowing in both sunny and shady area 4907 07PB001TIL1 07PB001 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4908 07PB001TIL2 07PB001 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4909 07PB001TIL3 07PB001 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4910 07PB001TIL4 07PB001 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4911 07PB001TIL5 07PB001 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4912 07PB001TIL6 07PB001 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4913 07PB002TIL1 07PB002 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4914 07PB002TIL2 07PB002 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4915 07PB002TIL3 07PB002 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4916 07PB002TIL4 07PB002 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4917 07PB002TIL5 07PB002 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4918 07PB003TIL1 07PB003 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4919 07PB003TIL2 07PB003 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4920 07PB004TIL1 07PB004 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4921 07PB004TIL2 07PB004 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4922 07PB004TIL3 07PB004 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4923 07PB005TIL1 07PB005 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4924 07PB005TIL2 07PB005 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4925 07PB005TIL3 07PB005 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4926 07PB005TIL4 07PB005 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4927 07PB005TIL5 07PB005 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4928 07PB006TIL01 07PB006 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4929 07PB006TIL02 07PB006 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4930 07PB006TIL03 07PB006 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4931 07PB006TIL04 07PB006 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4932 07PB006TIL05 07PB006 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4933 07PB006TIL06 07PB006 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4934 07PB006TIL07 07PB006 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4935 07PB006TIL08 07PB006 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4936 07PB006TIL09 07PB006 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4937 07PB006TIL10 07PB006 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4938 07PB006TIL11 07PB006 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4939 07PB006TIL12 07PB006 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4940 07PB006TIL13 07PB006 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4941 07PB006TIL14 07PB006 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4942 07PB006TIL15 07PB006 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4943 07PB007TIL1 07PB007 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4944 07PB007TIL2 07PB007 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4945 07PB007TIL3 07PB007 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4946 07PB007TIL4 07PB007 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4947 07PB007TIL5 07PB007 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4948 07PB007TIL6 07PB007 3951 6/29/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4949 07PB010HMC1 07PB010 3953 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent concentrate sample separate "active stream alluvium, concentrate sample" MIN "separate from parent concentrate sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4950 07PB010HMC2 07PB010 3953 6/30/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent concentrate sample separate "active stream alluvium, concentrate sample" MIN "separate from parent concentrate sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4951 07PB020HMC1 07PB020 3953 7/2/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent concentrate sample separate "active stream alluvium, concentrate sample" MIN "separate from parent concentrate sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/BE 4952 07PB028TIL1 07PB028 3951 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various SS/KK/DF/BE 4953 07PB028TIL2 07PB028 3951 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various SS/KK/DF/BE 4954 07PB028TIL3 07PB028 3951 7/3/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various SS/KK/DF/BE 4955 07PB053HMC1 07PB053 3953 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent concentrate sample separate "active stream alluvium, concentrate sample" MIN "separate from parent concentrate sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/SS 4956 07PB053HMC2 07PB053 3953 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent concentrate sample separate "active stream alluvium, concentrate sample" MIN "separate from parent concentrate sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/SS 4957 07PB053HMC3 07PB053 3953 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent concentrate sample separate "active stream alluvium, concentrate sample" MIN "separate from parent concentrate sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/SS 4958 07PB053HMC4 07PB053 3953 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent concentrate sample separate "active stream alluvium, concentrate sample" MIN "separate from parent concentrate sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/SS 4959 07PB053HMC5 07PB053 3953 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent concentrate sample separate "active stream alluvium, concentrate sample" MIN "separate from parent concentrate sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/SS 4960 07PB053HMC6 07PB053 3953 7/5/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent concentrate sample separate "active stream alluvium, concentrate sample" MIN "separate from parent concentrate sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/SS 4961 07PB063TIL1 07PB063 3951 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various DF/BE 4962 07PB063TIL2 07PB063 3951 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various DF/BE 4963 07PB064HMC1 07PB064 3953 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent concentrate sample separate "active stream alluvium, concentrate sample" MIN "separate from parent concentrate sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various DF/BE 4964 07PB091TIL1 07PB091 3951 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/SS 4965 07PB091TIL2 07PB091 3951 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/SS 4966 07PB091TIL3 07PB091 3951 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/SS 4967 07PB091TIL4 07PB091 3951 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/SS 4968 07PB091TIL5 07PB091 3951 7/6/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various KK/SS 4969 07PB116TIL01 07PB116 3951 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various DF/BE/SS 4970 07PB116TIL02 07PB116 3951 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various DF/BE/SS 4971 07PB116TIL03 07PB116 3951 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various DF/BE/SS 4972 07PB116TIL04 07PB116 3951 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various DF/BE/SS 4973 07PB116TIL05 07PB116 3951 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various DF/BE/SS 4974 07PB116TIL06 07PB116 3951 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various DF/BE/SS 4975 07PB116TIL07 07PB116 3951 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various DF/BE/SS 4976 07PB116TIL08 07PB116 3951 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various DF/BE/SS 4977 07PB116TIL09 07PB116 3951 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various DF/BE/SS 4978 07PB116TIL10 07PB116 3951 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various DF/BE/SS 4979 07PB116TIL11 07PB116 3951 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various DF/BE/SS 4980 07PB122HMC1 07PB122 3953 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent concentrate sample separate "active stream alluvium, concentrate sample" MIN "separate from parent concentrate sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various DF/BE/SS 4981 07PB122HMC2 07PB122 3953 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent concentrate sample separate "active stream alluvium, concentrate sample" MIN "separate from parent concentrate sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various DF/BE/SS 4982 07PB123HMC1 07PB123 3953 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent concentrate sample separate "active stream alluvium, concentrate sample" MIN "separate from parent concentrate sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various DF/BE/SS 4983 07PB123HMC2 07PB123 3953 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent concentrate sample separate "active stream alluvium, concentrate sample" MIN "separate from parent concentrate sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various DF/BE/SS 4984 07PB123HMC3 07PB123 3953 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent concentrate sample separate "active stream alluvium, concentrate sample" MIN "separate from parent concentrate sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various DF/BE/SS 4985 07PB123HMC4 07PB123 3953 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent concentrate sample separate "active stream alluvium, concentrate sample" MIN "separate from parent concentrate sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various DF/BE/SS 4986 07PB123HMC5 07PB123 3953 7/11/2007 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent concentrate sample separate "active stream alluvium, concentrate sample" MIN "separate from parent concentrate sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various DF/BE/SS 4987 08PB238TIL1 08PB238 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 4988 08PB238TIL2 08PB238 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 4989 08PB238TIL3 08PB238 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 4990 08PB239TIL1 08PB239 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 4991 08PB239TIL2 08PB239 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 4992 08PB239TIL3 08PB239 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 4993 08PB239TIL4 08PB239 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 4994 08PB240TIL1 08PB240 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 4995 08PB240TIL2 08PB240 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 4996 08PB240TIL3 08PB240 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 4997 08PB240TIL4 08PB240 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 4998 08PB240TIL5 08PB240 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 4999 08PB240TIL6 08PB240 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5000 08PB240TIL7 08PB240 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5001 08PB240TIL8 08PB240 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5002 08PB241TIL1 08PB241 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5003 08PB241TIL2 08PB241 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5004 08PB241TIL3 08PB241 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5005 08PB241TIL4 08PB241 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5006 08PB241TIL5 08PB241 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5007 08PB241TIL6 08PB241 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5008 08PB242TIL1 08PB242 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5009 08PB242TIL2 08PB242 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5010 08PB242TIL3 08PB242 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5011 08PB242TIL4 08PB242 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5012 08PB243TIL1 08PB243 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5013 08PB243TIL2 08PB243 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5014 08PB243TIL3 08PB243 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5015 08PB243TIL4 08PB243 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5016 08PB243TIL5 08PB243 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5017 08PB243TIL6 08PB243 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5018 08PB243TIL7 08PB243 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5019 08PB243TIL8 08PB243 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5020 08PB243TIL9 08PB243 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5021 08PB244TIL01 08PB244 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5022 08PB244TIL02 08PB244 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5023 08PB244TIL03 08PB244 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5024 08PB244TIL04 08PB244 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5025 08PB244TIL05 08PB244 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5026 08PB244TIL06 08PB244 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5027 08PB244TIL07 08PB244 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5028 08PB244TIL08 08PB244 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5029 08PB244TIL09 08PB244 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5030 08PB244TIL10 08PB244 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5031 08PB244TIL11 08PB244 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5032 08PB245TIL1 08PB245 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5033 08PB245TIL2 08PB245 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5034 08PB245TIL3 08PB245 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5035 08PB245TIL4 08PB245 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5036 08PB245TIL5 08PB245 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5037 08PB245TIL6 08PB245 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5038 08PB245TIL7 08PB245 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5039 08PB246TIL01 08PB246 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5040 08PB246TIL02 08PB246 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5041 08PB246TIL03 08PB246 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5042 08PB246TIL04 08PB246 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5043 08PB246TIL05 08PB246 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5044 08PB246TIL06 08PB246 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5045 08PB246TIL07 08PB246 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5046 08PB246TIL08 08PB246 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5047 08PB246TIL09 08PB246 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5048 08PB246TIL10 08PB246 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5049 08PB246TIL11 08PB246 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5050 08PB246TIL12 08PB246 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5051 08PB246TIL13 08PB246 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5052 08PB246TIL14 08PB246 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5053 08PB246TIL15 08PB246 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5054 08PB246TIL16 08PB246 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5055 08PB247TIL1 08PB247 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5056 08PB247TIL2 08PB247 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5057 08PB247TIL3 08PB247 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5058 08PB247TIL4 08PB247 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5059 08PB247TIL5 08PB247 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5060 08PB247TIL6 08PB247 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5061 08PB247TIL7 08PB247 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5062 08PB247TIL8 08PB247 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5063 08PB247TIL9 08PB247 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5064 08PB248TIL1 08PB248 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5065 08PB248TIL2 08PB248 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5066 08PB248TIL3 08PB248 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5067 08PB248TIL4 08PB248 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5068 08PB248TIL5 08PB248 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5069 08PB248TIL6 08PB248 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5070 08PB248TIL7 08PB248 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5071 08PB248TIL8 08PB248 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5072 08PB249TIL1 08PB249 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5073 08PB249TIL2 08PB249 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5074 08PB249TIL3 08PB249 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5075 08PB249TIL4 08PB249 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5076 08PB249TIL5 08PB249 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5077 08PB249TIL6 08PB249 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5078 08PB249TIL7 08PB249 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5079 08PB250TIL1 08PB250 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5080 08PB250TIL2 08PB250 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5081 08PB250TIL3 08PB250 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5082 08PB250TIL4 08PB250 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5083 08PB250TIL5 08PB250 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5084 08PB251TIL1 08PB251 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5085 08PB252TIL1 08PB252 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5086 08PB252TIL2 08PB252 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5087 08PB253TIL1 08PB253 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5088 08PB253TIL2 08PB253 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5089 08PB253TIL3 08PB253 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5090 08PB253TIL4 08PB253 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5091 08PB253TIL5 08PB253 4318 7/19/2008 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/DF 5092 09PB309TIL01 09PB309 4834 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5093 09PB309TIL02 09PB309 4834 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5094 09PB309TIL03 09PB309 4834 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5095 09PB309TIL04 09PB309 4834 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5096 09PB309TIL05 09PB309 4834 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5097 09PB309TIL06 09PB309 4834 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5098 09PB309TIL07 09PB309 4834 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5099 09PB309TIL08 09PB309 4834 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5100 09PB309TIL09 09PB309 4834 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5101 09PB309TIL10 09PB309 4834 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5102 09PB313TIL1 09PB313 4834 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5103 09PB313TIL2 09PB313 4834 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5104 09PB313TIL3 09PB313 4834 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5105 09PB313TIL4 09PB313 4834 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5106 09PB313TIL5 09PB313 4834 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5107 09PB316TIL01 09PB316 4834 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5108 09PB316TIL02 09PB316 4834 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5109 09PB316TIL03 09PB316 4834 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5110 09PB316TIL04 09PB316 4834 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5111 09PB316TIL05 09PB316 4834 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5112 09PB316TIL06 09PB316 4834 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5113 09PB316TIL07 09PB316 4834 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5114 09PB316TIL08 09PB316 4834 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5115 09PB316TIL09 09PB316 4834 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5116 09PB316TIL10 09PB316 4834 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5117 09PB316TIL11 09PB316 4834 7/28/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5118 09PB318TIL1 09PB318 4834 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5119 09PB318TIL2 09PB318 4834 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5120 09PB318TIL3 09PB318 4834 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5121 09PB318TIL4 09PB318 4834 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5122 09PB318TIL5 09PB318 4834 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5123 09PB318TIL6 09PB318 4834 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5124 09PB318TIL7 09PB318 4834 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5125 09PB318TIL8 09PB318 4834 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5126 09PB318TIL9 09PB318 4834 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5127 09PB321TIL1 09PB321 4834 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5128 09PB321TIL2 09PB321 4834 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5129 09PB321TIL3 09PB321 4834 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5130 09PB321TIL4 09PB321 4834 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5131 09PB321TIL5 09PB321 4834 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5132 09PB321TIL6 09PB321 4834 7/29/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5133 09PB324TIL1 09PB324 4834 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5134 09PB324TIL2 09PB324 4834 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5135 09PB324TIL3 09PB324 4834 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5136 09PB324TIL4 09PB324 4834 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5137 09PB324TIL5 09PB324 4834 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5138 09PB327TIL1 09PB327 4834 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5139 09PB327TIL2 09PB327 4834 7/30/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5140 09PB330TIL1 09PB330 4834 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5141 09PB330TIL2 09PB330 4834 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5142 09PB330TIL3 09PB330 4834 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5143 09PB333TIL1 09PB333 4834 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5144 09PB333TIL2 09PB333 4834 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5145 09PB333TIL3 09PB333 4834 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5146 09PB333TIL4 09PB333 4834 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5147 09PB333TIL5 09PB333 4834 7/31/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5148 09PB334TIL1 09PB334 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5149 09PB334TIL2 09PB334 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5150 09PB335TIL1 09PB335 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5151 09PB335TIL2 09PB335 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5152 09PB335TIL3 09PB335 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5153 09PB335TIL4 09PB335 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5154 09PB335TIL5 09PB335 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5155 09PB335TIL6 09PB335 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5156 09PB335TIL7 09PB335 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5157 09PB335TIL8 09PB335 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5158 09PB336TIL1 09PB336 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5159 09PB336TIL2 09PB336 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5160 09PB336TIL3 09PB336 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5161 09PB336TIL4 09PB336 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5162 09PB336TIL5 09PB336 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5163 09PB336TIL6 09PB336 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5164 09PB337TIL1 09PB337 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5165 09PB337TIL2 09PB337 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5166 09PB337TIL3 09PB337 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5167 09PB337TIL4 09PB337 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5168 09PB337TIL5 09PB337 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5169 09PB337TIL6 09PB337 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5170 09PB338TIL1 09PB338 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5171 09PB338TIL2 09PB338 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5172 09PB338TIL3 09PB338 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5173 09PB338TIL4 09PB338 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5174 09PB338TIL5 09PB338 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5175 09PB338TIL6 09PB338 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5176 09PB338TIL7 09PB338 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5177 09PB339TIL1 09PB339 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5178 09PB339TIL2 09PB339 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5179 09PB339TIL3 09PB339 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5180 09PB340TIL01 09PB340 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5181 09PB340TIL02 09PB340 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5182 09PB340TIL03 09PB340 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5183 09PB340TIL04 09PB340 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5184 09PB340TIL05 09PB340 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5185 09PB340TIL06 09PB340 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5186 09PB340TIL07 09PB340 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5187 09PB340TIL08 09PB340 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5188 09PB340TIL09 09PB340 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5189 09PB340TIL10 09PB340 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5190 09PB340TIL11 09PB340 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5191 09PB340TIL12 09PB340 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5192 09PB341TIL1 09PB341 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5193 09PB341TIL2 09PB341 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5194 09PB341TIL3 09PB341 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5195 09PB341TIL4 09PB341 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5196 09PB341TIL5 09PB341 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5197 09PB341TIL6 09PB341 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5198 09PB341TIL7 09PB341 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5199 09PB341TIL8 09PB341 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5200 09PB341TIL9 09PB341 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5201 09PB342TIL1 09PB342 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5202 09PB342TIL2 09PB342 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5203 09PB342TIL3 09PB342 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5204 09PB342TIL4 09PB342 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5205 09PB343TIL01 09PB343 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5206 09PB343TIL02 09PB343 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5207 09PB343TIL03 09PB343 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5208 09PB343TIL04 09PB343 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5209 09PB343TIL05 09PB343 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5210 09PB343TIL06 09PB343 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5211 09PB343TIL07 09PB343 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5212 09PB343TIL08 09PB343 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5213 09PB343TIL09 09PB343 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5214 09PB343TIL10 09PB343 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5215 09PB343TIL11 09PB343 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5216 09PB343TIL12 09PB343 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5217 09PB343TIL13 09PB343 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5218 09PB343TIL14 09PB343 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5219 09PB343TIL15 09PB343 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5220 09PB343TIL16 09PB343 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5221 09PB344TIL01 09PB344 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5222 09PB344TIL02 09PB344 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5223 09PB344TIL03 09PB344 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5224 09PB344TIL04 09PB344 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5225 09PB344TIL05 09PB344 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5226 09PB344TIL06 09PB344 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5227 09PB344TIL07 09PB344 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5228 09PB344TIL08 09PB344 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5229 09PB344TIL09 09PB344 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5230 09PB344TIL10 09PB344 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5231 09PB344TIL11 09PB344 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5232 09PB344TIL12 09PB344 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5233 09PB344TIL13 09PB344 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5234 09PB345TIL01 09PB345 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5235 09PB345TIL02 09PB345 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5236 09PB345TIL03 09PB345 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5237 09PB345TIL04 09PB345 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5238 09PB345TIL05 09PB345 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5239 09PB345TIL06 09PB345 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5240 09PB345TIL07 09PB345 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5241 09PB345TIL08 09PB345 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5242 09PB345TIL09 09PB345 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5243 09PB345TIL10 09PB345 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5244 09PB345TIL11 09PB345 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5245 09PB345TIL12 09PB345 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5246 09PB345TIL13 09PB345 4834 8/1/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5247 09PB376TIL1 09PB376 4834 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5248 09PB376TIL2 09PB376 4834 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5249 09PB376TIL3 09PB376 4834 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5250 09PB376TIL4 09PB376 4834 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5251 09PB376TIL5 09PB376 4834 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5252 09PB376TIL6 09PB376 4834 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5253 09PB376TIL7 09PB376 4834 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5254 09PB376TIL8 09PB376 4834 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5255 09PB376TIL9 09PB376 4834 8/5/2009 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various EA/BE 5257 07PB116R 07PB116 C340613 MRP10894 7/10/2007 1/0/1900 rock "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of rock" FeOx-rich gossan and vein qtz cutting felsic igneous cobbles; fresh pyrite; composite from till composite single pit GX grind to -100 mesh DF/BE/SS 5258 08PB286R1 08PB286 C340606 MRP10894 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 rock "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of rock" "white, fine-grained, clay-rich cobbles from large round crater-like structure; possible chemical sediment (?); composite rubble crop" composite rubble GX grind to -100 mesh BE/KK 5259 08PB286R2 08PB286 C340607 MRP10894 9/23/2008 1/0/1900 rock "acid, sinter or fusion digestion of rock" "maroon, fine-grained, silica-rich variant from same structure; composite float cobbles" composite float GX grind to -100 mesh BE/KK 5264 10PB407TIL1 10PB407 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5265 10PB407TIL2 10PB407 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5266 10PB407TIL3 10PB407 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5267 10PB407TIL4 10PB407 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5268 10PB407TIL5 10PB407 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5269 10PB410TIL1 10PB410 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5270 10PB410TIL2 10PB410 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5271 10PB410TIL3 10PB410 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5272 10PB411TIL1 10PB411 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5273 10PB411TIL2 10PB411 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5274 10PB411TIL3 10PB411 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5275 10PB412TIL1 10PB412 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5276 10PB412TIL2 10PB412 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5277 10PB412TIL3 10PB412 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5278 10PB412TIL4 10PB412 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5279 10PB412TIL5 10PB412 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5280 10PB412TIL6 10PB412 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5281 10PB412TIL7 10PB412 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5282 10PB412TIL8 10PB412 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5283 10PB413TIL1 10PB413 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5284 10PB413TIL2 10PB413 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5285 10PB413TIL3 10PB413 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5286 10PB414TIL1 10PB414 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5287 10PB414TIL2 10PB414 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5288 10PB414TIL3 10PB414 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5289 10PB414TIL4 10PB414 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5290 10PB414TIL5 10PB414 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5291 10PB414TIL6 10PB414 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5292 10PB414TIL7 10PB414 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5293 10PB415TIL1 10PB415 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5294 10PB415TIL2 10PB415 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5295 10PB416TIL1 10PB416 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5296 10PB416TIL2 10PB416 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5297 10PB416TIL3 10PB416 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5298 10PB416TIL4 10PB416 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5299 10PB417TIL1 10PB417 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5300 10PB417TIL2 10PB417 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5301 10PB417TIL3 10PB417 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5302 10PB417TIL4 10PB417 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5303 10PB417TIL5 10PB417 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5304 10PB418TIL1 10PB418 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5305 10PB418TIL2 10PB418 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5306 10PB418TIL3 10PB418 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5307 10PB418TIL4 10PB418 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5308 10PB418TIL5 10PB418 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5309 10PB418TIL6 10PB418 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5310 10PB418TIL7 10PB418 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5311 10PB419TIL1 10PB419 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5312 10PB419TIL2 10PB419 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5313 10PB419TIL3 10PB419 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5314 10PB419TIL4 10PB419 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5315 10PB419TIL5 10PB419 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5316 10PB419TIL6 10PB419 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5317 10PB419TIL7 10PB419 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5318 10PB419TIL8 10PB419 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5319 10PB419TIL9 10PB419 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5320 10PB420TIL1 10PB420 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5321 10PB420TIL2 10PB420 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5322 10PB420TIL3 10PB420 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5323 10PB420TIL4 10PB420 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5324 10PB420TIL5 10PB420 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5325 10PB420TIL6 10PB420 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5326 10PB420TIL7 10PB420 5227 8/3/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5327 10PB422TIL1 10PB422 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/MC 5328 10PB422TIL2 10PB422 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/MC 5329 10PB422TIL3 10PB422 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/MC 5330 10PB422TIL4 10PB422 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/MC 5331 10PB423TIL1 10PB423 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/MC 5332 10PB423TIL2 10PB423 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/MC 5333 10PB423TIL3 10PB423 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/MC 5334 10PB423TIL4 10PB423 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/MC 5335 10PB423TIL5 10PB423 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/MC 5336 10PB423TIL6 10PB423 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/MC 5337 10PB423TIL7 10PB423 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/MC 5338 10PB423TIL8 10PB423 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/MC 5339 10PB423TIL9 10PB423 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/MC 5340 10PB424TIL01 10PB424 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/MC 5341 10PB424TIL02 10PB424 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/MC 5342 10PB424TIL03 10PB424 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/MC 5343 10PB424TIL04 10PB424 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/MC 5344 10PB424TIL05 10PB424 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/MC 5345 10PB424TIL06 10PB424 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/MC 5346 10PB424TIL07 10PB424 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/MC 5347 10PB424TIL08 10PB424 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/MC 5348 10PB424TIL09 10PB424 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/MC 5349 10PB424TIL10 10PB424 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/MC 5350 10PB425TIL1 10PB425 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/MC 5351 10PB425TIL2 10PB425 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/MC 5352 10PB425TIL3 10PB425 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/MC 5353 10PB425TIL4 10PB425 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/MC 5354 10PB425TIL5 10PB425 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/MC 5355 10PB425TIL6 10PB425 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/MC 5356 10PB426TIL01 10PB426 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5357 10PB426TIL02 10PB426 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5358 10PB426TIL03 10PB426 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5359 10PB426TIL04 10PB426 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5360 10PB426TIL05 10PB426 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5361 10PB426TIL06 10PB426 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5362 10PB426TIL07 10PB426 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5363 10PB426TIL08 10PB426 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5364 10PB426TIL09 10PB426 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5365 10PB426TIL10 10PB426 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5366 10PB426TIL11 10PB426 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5367 10PB426TIL12 10PB426 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5368 10PB426TIL13 10PB426 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5369 10PB426TIL14 10PB426 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5370 10PB426TIL15 10PB426 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5371 10PB426TIL16 10PB426 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5372 10PB426TIL17 10PB426 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5373 10PB426TIL18 10PB426 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5374 10PB426TIL19 10PB426 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5375 10PB426TIL20 10PB426 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5376 10PB426TIL21 10PB426 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5377 10PB427TIL1 10PB427 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/DP 5378 10PB427TIL2 10PB427 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK/DP 5379 10PB428TIL1 10PB428 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5380 10PB428TIL2 10PB428 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK 5381 10PB428TIL3 10PB428 5227 8/4/2010 1/0/1900 mineral gold grains derived from parent till sample separate "single pit, till sample" MIN "separate from parent till sample gravimetrically, by particle size, by density and by magnetic susceptibility" various BE/KK