ArcGIS Project Read-Me for Data Series 671 The map documents and shapefiles used to create the maps provided on this disc can be found in the arc subfolder of the software folder located at the top level of the disc. The map documents were created with Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) ArcGIS version 9.3.1. Shapefiles may also be viewed with other versions of ArcView, ArcGIS, or the free ArcExplorer ( The list below describes the contents of the Data Products folder located within the html folder. This folder is further divided into subfolders for multibeam bathymetry and side scan sonar. The multibeam folder contains the following subfolders and data files: Subfolder = GeoTIFF File = rm10cct03_mb_50m.tif is a GeoTIFF of the 50-m resolution multibeam bathymetry grid. File = rm10cct03_east_rbf_50m_3f.tif is a GeoTIFF image of the 50-m multibeam bathymetry grid of the East section. File = rm10cct03_west1_rbf_50m_5f.tif is the GeoTIFF image of the 50-m multibeam bathymetry grid of West 1 section. File = rm10cct03_west2_rbf_50m_5f.tif is the GeoTIFF image of the 50-m multibeam bathymetry grid of West 2 section. Subfolder = Grid_as_raster2ascii File = rm10cct03_mb_50m_raster2ascii.txt is the 50-m resolution multibeam bathymetry grid in ascii format. File = rm10cct03_east_rbf_50m_3f_raster2ascii.txt is the 50-m multibeam bathymetry grid of the East section in ascii format. File = rm10cct03_west1_rbf_50m_5f_raster2ascii.txt is the 50-m multibeam bathymetry grid of West 1 section. File = rm10cct03_west2_rbf_50m_5f_raster2ascii.txt is the 50-m multibeam bathymetry grid of West 2 section. Subfolder = Grid_as_raster2point File = rm10cct03_mb_50m_raster2point.shp is the 50-m resolution multibeam bathymetry grid in ascii format. File = rm10cct03_east_rbf_50m_3f_raster2point.shp is the 50-m multibeam bathymetry grid of the East section in point format. File = rm10cct03_west1_rbf_50m_5f_raster2point.shp is the 50-m multibeam bathymetry grid of West 1 section in point format. File = rm10cct03_west2_rbf_50m_5f_raster2point.shp is the 50-m multibeam bathymetry grid of West 2 section in point format. The side scan sonar folder contains the following subfolders and data files: Subfolder = GeoTIFF File = 10cct03_ss_1m.tif is the side scan sonar mosaic as a GeoTIFF file at 1-m resolution. File - 10cct03_xyzi.txt is a text file containing x,y,z,i. This is a combination file of the multibeam bathymetry depth and side scan pixel intensity. The subfolder software has the file listing for the ArcGIS project is as follows: ArcMap Project Name: 10cct03_dataseries.mxd Group Layer GeoTIFF file names are the following: Subgroup = Multibeam_All File = rm10cct03_mb_50m.tif Subgroup = Multibeam_Sections File = rm10cct03_east_rbf_50m_3f.tif File = rm10cct03_west1_rbf_50m_5f.tif File = rm10cct03_west2_rbf_50m_5f.tif Subgroup = Side Scan File = 10cct03_ss_1m.tif Group Layer Shoreline file name is as follows: 2007_shoreline.shp