Data Series 672
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Crow, C.L., 2012, Geochemical and hydrologic data for San Marcos Springs recharge characterization near San Marcos, Texas, November 2008–December 2010: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 672, 19 p. (appendixes available online only).
Geochemical Data
Hydrologic Data
References Cited
Appendix 1. Water-quality and isotope data collected for San Marcos Springs recharge study, Bexar, Comal, and Hays Counties, Texas, November 2008–December 2010
Appendix 2. Blank samples collected for San Marcos Spring recharge study, Bexar, Comal, and Hays Counties, Texas, November 2008–December 2010
Appendix 3. Physicochemical data collected at U.S. Geological Survey station 08171290 Blanco River at Halifax Ranch near Kyle, Texas, water years 2009–2011
Appendix 4. Physicochemical data collected at U.S. Geological Survey station 295314097565701 LR-67-01-826 (TSU-West Campus well), Hays County, Texas, 2009–11
Appendix 5. Physicochemical data collected at U.S. Geological Survey station 295443097554201 LR-67-01-809 (Tipps well), Hays County, Texas, 2009–10
Appendix 6. Physicochemical data collected at U.S. Geological Survey station 295322097561000 LR-67-01-819 (Deep Spring), Hays County, Texas, 2009–11
Appendix 7. Physicochemical data collected at U.S. Geological Survey station 295336097555201 LR-67-01-825 (Diversion Spring), Hays County, Texas, 2009–11
Appendix 8. Physicochemical data collected at U.S. Geological Survey station 295322097561002 LR-67-01-820 (Weissmuller Spring), Hays County, Texas, 2010–11
Appendix 9. Daily mean gage height, in feet, at U.S. Geological Survey station 08169932 Sink Creek near San Marcos, Texas, 2009–11
Appendix 10. Daily mean gage height, in feet, at U.S. Geological Survey station 08169958 Purgatory Creek at Mountain High Drive near San Marcos, Texas, 2009–11
Appendix 11. Daily mean gage height, in feet, at U.S. Geological Survey station 08171290 Blanco River at Halifax Ranch near Kyle, Texas, 2009–11
Appendix 12. Daily mean discharge, in cubic feet per second, computed for U.S. Geological Survey station 08169932 Sink Creek near San Marcos, Texas, 2009–11
Appendix 13. Daily mean discharge, in cubic feet per second, computed for U.S. Geological Survey station 08171290 Blanco River at Halifax Ranch near Kyle, Texas, 2009–11
Appendix 14. Instantaneous discharge measurements, in cubic feet per second, from U.S. Geological Survey stations 08169932 Sink Creek near San Marcos, Texas, and 08171290 Blanco River at Halifax Ranch near Kyle, Texas, 2009–11
Appendix 15. Daily mean depth to water below land surface, in feet, at U.S. Geological Survey station 295314097565701 LR-67-01-826 (TSU-West Campus well), Hays County, Texas, 2009–11
Appendix 16. Daily mean depth to water below land surface, in feet, at U.S. Geological Survey station 295443097554201 LR-67-01-809 (Tipps well), Hays County, Texas, 2009–10