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USGS - science for a changing world

Data Series 705

National Water-Quality Assessment Program

Mercury Bioaccumulation Studies in the National Water-Quality Assessment Program—Biological Data From New York and South Carolina, 2005–2009

By Karen M. Beaulieu, Daniel T. Button, Barbara C. Scudder Eikenberry, Karen Riva-Murray, Lia C. Chasar, Paul M. Bradley, and Douglas A. Burns

Appendix 1 Excel (27 KB)
Ecological information for fish and macroinvertebrate taxa collected in New York and South Carolina.

Appendix 2 Excel (134 KB)
Fish results and field measurements for samples collected in New York and South Carolina.

Appendix 3 Excel (70 KB)
Macroinvertebrate results and field measurements for samples collected in New York and South Carolina.

Appendix 4 Excel (22 KB)
Periphyton results for samples collected in New York and South Carolina.

Appendix 5 Excel (15 KB)
Detritus results for samples collected in New York and South Carolina.

Appendix 6 Excel (16 KB)
Leaf litter results for samples collected in New York and South Carolina.

Appendix 7 Excel (16 KB)
Quality assurance and quality control results of reference material for the assessment of mercury in fish.

Appendix 8 Excel (18 KB)
Summary of results for reference material submitted in assessment of mercury in fish.

Appendix 9 Excel (19 KB)
Quality assurance and quality control results of reference material for the assessment of mercury in macroinvertebrates.

Appendix 10 Excel (19 KB)
Quality assurance and quality control results of reference material for the assessment of methylmercury in macroinvertebrates.

Appendix 11 Excel (18 KB)
Summary of results for reference material submitted in assessment of mercury and methylmercury in macroinvertebrates.

Appendix 12 Excel (18 KB)
Quality assurance and quality control results of reference material for the assessment of stable isotopes in tissue.

Appendix 13 Excel (18 KB)
Summary of results for reference material submitted in assessment of stable isotopes in tissue.

First posted May 27, 2007

For additional information contact:
U.S. Geological Survey
Connecticut Water Science Center
101 Pitkin Street
East Hartford, CT 06108
(860) 291-6740

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Suggested citation:

Beaulieu, K.M., Button, D.T., Scudder Eikenberry, B.C., Riva-Murray, Karen, Chasar, L.C., Bradley, P.M., and Burns, D.A., 2012, Mercury bioaccumulation studies in the National Water-Quality Assessment Program—Biological data from New York and South Carolina, 2005–2009: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 705, 13 p., at