Fatality Estimator Software Version 1.1 After downloading and extracting the ds729_EstimatorSetup.ZIP file, replace the InputPlaceholder.txt file with the one found in InputPlaceholderV1.1.ZIP. This .txt file becomes accessible when the user executes the installation of the software (EstimatorSetup.msi) and will be located in the same directory in which the user installed the software. Version 1.1 corrects an error that occurred when all or almost all carcasses in a particular class were found during searches. The error caused the upper confidence interval to be much larger than it should have been. In addition, this version provides a graph of the fit of the carcass persistence function relative to the data and compares it to a fit using the exponential distribution. May 4, 2017 An inconsistency was discovered in the example (fictitious) Site1.Fatality.csv file in the column labeled Freq. It refers to the frequency at which the bat species echolocates. The hoary bat (LACI) is considered to be a species that uses low-frequency calls, whereas the Eastern Red bat (LABO) uses high frequency calls. The High or Low indicator should be constant within the species. This error has been corrected in the file Site1.Fatality.new.csv. This error is only in the fictitious example data and will not affect the functionality of the estimator