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Data Series 743

Lead Isotope Determinations from Sulfide Mineral Occurrences—Russian Far East

By Stanley E. Church, Nikolai A. Goryachev, and Vladimir I. Shpikerman

Thumbnail of and link to report PDF (216 kB)Abstract

The lead isotope database for sulfide deposits and occurrences in the Russian Far East was funded by the Mineral Resources Program, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in conjunction with the collaborative studies of mineral resources by the Russian Academy of Sciences and the U. S. Geological Survey (Nokleberg and others, 1996). Comparisons of these data with similar lead isotope data from Alaska published in Church, Delevaux, and others (1987) and Gaccetta and Church (1989) provide a basis for the following three-fold project objectives:

1. To utilize lead isotope signatures, in conjunction with regional mapping, to assess the relative ages and to categorize the types of mineral deposits studied,

2. To relate the lead isotope and trace-element geochemical signatures of specific deposits and occurrences to ore-forming processes, and

3. To use the lead isotope data to correlate lithotectonic terranes within the northern Cordillera (Alaska, Yukon Territories and British Columbia in Canada, and the western Cordillera of the United States).

The report by Church, Gray, and others (1987) shows how this fingerprinting methodology can be applied to trace the offset of lithotectonic (or lithostratigraphic as labeled by some authors) terranes.The lead isotope data presented in table 1 represent the work completed on sulfide mineral deposits located in the Russian Far East from 1993 to 1995, when this study was terminated due to lack of funding. The lead isotope data are reported here for use by investigators who may find them of value in mineral exploration. No attempt is made to summarize the voluminous literature on these mineral deposits.

First posted March 18, 2013

For additional information:
Director, Central Mineral and Environmental Resources Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
Box 25046, Mail Stop 973
Denver, CO 80225

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Suggested citation:

Church, S.E., Goryachev, N.A., and Shpikerman, V.I., 2013, Lead isotope determinations from sulfide mineral occurrences—Russian Far East: U. S. Geological Survey Data Series 743, 4 p.



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