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     Table of tephra ages, isopachs, and volumes for the Mono-Inyo Craters, California—USGS Data Series 758
     [14C, carbon-14; yr, year; BP, before present; no., number; cal., calibrated; m, meters; cm, centimeters; cu km, cubic kilometers; Pub'd, published; %, percent; wtd., weighted]

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Eruption Age, 14C yr BP 1 sigma Reference Lab no. Cal. Age, cal BP Tephra (Vent) Deposit volume, cu km Map Isopachs Remarks


Layer (Vent) Exp, Weibull [Pub'd]


Episode 6



Stine, 1987; Benson and others, 2003; S. Stine, oral com., 2005
250 (shortly before A.D. 1700; A.D. 1687-1783)

Not dated directly by radiocarbon analysis. Dated by interpolation between shoreline ages, tree rings, and sedimentation rates.


Purple (Northeast Point)
KML Not isopached


North Mono -- Inyo 550 80 Sieh and Bursik, 1986 UW-798

< 1-cm diameter twigs in pre-eruptive surficial unit, 10 cm beneath paleo-ground surface


530 60 Sieh and Bursik, 1986 UW-799

Charred, small wood fragments in Panum pyroclastic flow deposit


580 60 Sieh and Bursik, 1986 UW-797

Charred, 3.5-cm diameter branch from plant rooted in organic muck and within Panum block and ash flow deposit


554 40 Wtd. mean from Sieh and Bursik, 1986
600-625 (A.D.  1325-1350)

Date range includes dendrochronological constraint that last tephra of this sequence, Glass Creek, was erupted in late summer, A.D. 1350


Inyo (Inyo Craters, South Deadman, Obsidian Flow and Glass Creek) 0.152, 0.135 (0.158) [~0.17] KML CSV Includes South Deadman I, II, Obsidian Flow and Glass Creek tephras, as well as Wood's tephra 1


Glass Creek (Glass Creek Flow) 0.0799, 0.0791 [~0.1] KML CSV Includes Wood's tephra 1, as this is most likely correlative proximal deposit


Obsidian Flow (Obsidian Flow) 0.0191, 0.0182 [~0.02] KML CSV


South Deadman II (South Deadman) 0.0364, 0.0342 [~0.04] KML CSV


South Deadman I (South Deadman) 0.0228, 0.0215 [~0.01] KML CSV


North Mono (North Coulee, graben, Satellite and Upper Domes of Northwest Coulee, Panum, Cratered) 0.183, 0.181 (0.259) [0.297] KML CSV Includes Beds 1-7 and Gray Glassy Beds (GGB), as well as the "Upper" Turupah Flat bed.


Gray Glassy Beds 0.155, 0.116 [0.164] KML CSV In Long Valley caldera area, mistaken for Wood's tephra 2


Bed 7 0.0131, 0.0124 [0.012] KML CSV


Beds 3-6 0.0589, 0.0582 [0.065] KML CSV


Bed 2 0.00846, 0.00804 [0.018] KML CSV


Bed 1 0.0234, 0.0231 [0.038] KML CSV


Mammoth Craters 710 60 Sorey and others, 1998 CAMS-22841

Wood fragment


710 60 Sorey and others, 1998 CAMS-25394

Wood fragment


800 60 Sorey and others, 1998 CAMS-25395

Outer ring of stump with 20 rings


697 30 wtd. mean from Sorey and others, 1998


Mammoth (Mammoth Craters)
-- -- Deposit is localized around craters


Episode 5


South Mono 1422 35.2 K. Sieh QL4275

Bush twigs mostly with << 20 annual growth rings, carbonized by a South Mono pyroclastic flow.


1445 15 K. Sieh QL4358

Carbonized fragments of leaves and twigs from a small bush (< 10 yr older than the eruption based on ring-count) that was buried by the basal fall deposit of the South Mono eruption.


1441 41 Wtd. Mean

(2 sigma, 100%) Pooled ages same at 95% confidence level.


South Mono (Rocket Thrusters, South Coulee, West Control Crater, Amphitheater Crater, Orchestra Pit) 0.195, 0.171 (0.169) KML CSV Isopachs include "Lower" Turupah Flat bed and Wood's tephra 2. In addition, numerous individual surge, flow and fall beds are intimately interstratified. Volumes are for entire packages of pyroclastic material.


Upper Gray glassy, Gray-white, flow and blast beds 0.119, 0.116 KML CSV Isopach areas include Wood's tephra 2 and "Lower" Turupah Flat bed.


Orange-Brown Beds 0.0398, 0.0381 KML CSV


Basal beds 0.0102, 0.0105 KML CSV Possibly also a component of "Lower" Turupah Flat bed


Northwest Coulee 1584 80 K. Sieh QL1966

Charcoal ~10cm below paleosurface, dating beds that fell on snow (irregular bedding).


1672 36 M. Bursik AA72573

Charcoal in a well-sorted obsidian-rich fall bed at the base of the pyroclastic sequence.


1688 47 M. Bursik AA72571

Charcoal in a reddish-brown channel filling deposit at the top of the pyroclastic sequence.


1667 27 Wtd. Mean

(2 sigma, 94%) Pooled ages same at 95% confidence level.


Northwest Coulee (Northwest Coulee, Pumice Pit)


Wilson Butte 1723 22.4 K. Sieh QL4276

Charred wood in pyroclastic flow in roadcut west side of highway 395, < 1 km north of Wilson Butte.


1775 22.4 K. Sieh QL4277

Charcoal 1-15cm below paleosurface at time of eruption.


1990 200 Wood, 1983 W-3469

Charred wood from pyroclastic flow in highway 395 roadcut 2 km north of Wilson Butte.


1751 16 Wtd. Mean

(2sigma, 100%) Pooled ages same at 95% confidence level.


Wilson Butte (Wilson Butte)


Episode 4


1990 200 Wood, 1983 W-3472

Wood from log of pine buried 0.5 m beneath surface within ash and lapilli layer in Sawmill Meadow. Log clearly fell just after deposition of tephra, and is covered by redeposited tephra. Log has 45 annual rings. Note this date could alternatively be weighted with Wilson Butte.


2105 73 M. Bursik AA72570

In organic-rich paleosol underlying lens of second tephra back at Crooked Meadow.


2190 90 Batchelder, 1970 unknown

Second tephra back at Black Lake


2128 55 Wtd. Mean

(2 sigma, 79%) Pooled ages same at 95% confidence level.


Deadman Summit (Mono Craters)

A 0.1m-thick tephra at Deadman Summit overlies a paleosol carbon dated at 2228+/-37 14C yr BP


Episode 3


3070 128 K. Sieh QL1965

Bark and narrow-ringed wood from pyroclastic flow deposit, east of southern Mono Craters


3320 60 Bursik and others, 2003 Beta-124204

Organic material from colluvial wedge predating eruptive sequence at June Lake, SW of Mono Craters


3330 200 Wood, 1983 W-3471

Silty organic soil 3 cm above ash and lapilli layer at Sawmill Meadow. Free of modern rootlets.


3279 52 Wtd. Mean

(2 sigma, 100%) Pooled ages same at 95% confidence level.


June Lake (southern Mono Craters)


Episode 2


4440 50 M. Bursik Beta-133676

Charcoal in basal paleosol developed on oldest pyroclastic unit in 4+ m deep trench between Obsidian Flow and Wilson Butte


4515 43.2 K. Sieh QL1964

Pods of carbonized Jeffrey Pine bark in pyroclastic flow at top of basal series, East Craters Sand Flat, southern Mono Craters


4570 200 Wood, 1983 W-3473

Fibrous peat from 3 cm immediately beneath ash and lapilli layer, Sawmill Meadow. Free of modern rootlets.


4580 130 Batchelder, 1970 unknown

Youngest of three basal tephras at Black Lake.


4491 31 Wtd. Mean

(2 sigma, 99%) Pooled ages same at 95% confidence level.


East Craters Sand Flat (southern Mono Craters; North Deadman?)


Episode 1


8490 90 Browne and others, 2010 CAMS2511 9282-9635

Charcoal 1 cm below a distal Mono ash just below Red Cones tephra.


Red Cones (Red Cones) 0.00169, 0.000775 [0.0012] KML CSV


Horseshoe Lake (Mono Craters)



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