Field Name Dictionary FIELD_NAME FIELD_TYPE FIELD_SIZE_FORMAT FIELD_DESC FIELD_MIN FIELD_MAX FIELD_UNIT FIELD_TABLES AcidInsol_pct Number Double "Acid-insoluble residue, as ""best value"", in weight percent." 0.51 38.9 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock AcidInsol_pct_AM Text 20 "Acid-insoluble residue, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock AcidInsol_pct_Sum Text 255 "Acid-insoluble residue, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock ADDL_ATTR Text 255 "Additional attributes used to modify PRIMARY_CLASS, SECONDARY_CLASS, or SPECIFIC_NAME; derived from sample codes in fields of original databases that do not have equivalent fields in the NGDB." (text) Geol2 Ag_ppm Number Double "Silver, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -20 600000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Ag_Mo Ag_ppm_AM Text 20 "Silver, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Ag_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Silver, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Al_pct Number Double "Aluminum, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.01 60.3 weight percent BestValue_Ag_Mo Al_pct_AM Text 20 "Aluminum, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Al_pct_Sum Text 255 "Aluminum, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Al2O3_pct Number Double "Aluminum, as aluminum trioxide, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.472 48.3 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock Al2O3_pct_AM Text 20 "Aluminum, as aluminum trioxide, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock Al2O3_pct_Sum Text 255 "Aluminum, as aluminum trioxide, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock ALTERATION Text 50 An indication of the presence or type of alteration noted in the sample by the submitter. (text) Geol2 ANALYTIC_METHOD Text 50 Short name of analytical method. (text) Chem2; AnalyticMethod (key); Parameter_Rank ANALYTIC_METHOD_DESC Text 255 Full description of analytical method. (text) AnalyticMethod ANALYTIC_METHOD_PUB_ID Text 50 Unique ID for analytical method publication; usually USGS Library call number for reference of analytical method. (text) AnalyticMethod; AnalyticMethodBiblio (key) ARS Text 10 "Arsenopyrite, presence or relative abundance, observed in concentrate sample." (text) Mnrlgy As_ppm Number Double "Arsenic, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -5000 320000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Ag_Mo As_ppm_AM Text 20 "Arsenic, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo As_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Arsenic, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Ash_pct Number Double "Ash, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.329 99.7 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock Ash_pct_AM Text 20 "Ash, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock Ash_pct_Sum Text 255 "Ash, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock AU Text 10 "Gold, presence or relative abundance, observed in concentrate sample." (text) Mnrlgy Au_ppm Number Double "Gold, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -500 100000.11111 parts per million by weight BestValue_Ag_Mo Au_ppm_AM Text 20 "Gold, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Au_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Gold, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo B_ppm Number Double "Boron, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -150 20000.11111 parts per million by weight BestValue_Ag_Mo B_ppm_AM Text 20 "Boron, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo B_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Boron, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Ba_ppm Number Double "Barium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -1000 600000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Ag_Mo Ba_ppm_AM Text 20 "Barium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Ba_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Barium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo BAR Text 10 "Barite, presence or relative abundance, observed in concentrate sample." (text) Mnrlgy Be_ppm Number Double "Beryllium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -20 20000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Ag_Mo Be_ppm_AM Text 20 "Beryllium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Be_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Beryllium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo BESTVALUE_RANK Text 10 Numeric ranking of the analytical methods used in the determination of each species. (text) Parameter_Rank Bi_ppm Number Double "Bismuth, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -200 250000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Ag_Mo Bi_ppm_AM Text 20 "Bismuth, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Bi_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Bismuth, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Br_ppm Number Double "Bromide, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -1.2 99.2 parts per million by weight BestValue_WholeRock Br_ppm_AM Text 20 "Bromide, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock Br_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Bromide, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock C_pct Number Double "Total carbon, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.1 74.9 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock C_pct_AM Text 20 "Total carbon, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock C_pct_Sum Text 255 "Total carbon, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock Ca_meq100g Number Double "Calcium, exchangeable, as ""best value"", in milliequivalent grams per 100 grams." 1 18 milliequivalent grams per 100 grams BestValue_Ag_Mo Ca_meq100g_AM Text 20 "Calcium, exchangeable, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Ca_meq100g_Sum Text 255 "Calcium, exchangeable, all values, in milliequivalent grams per 100 grams, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Ca_meqL Number Double "Calcium, water extractable, as ""best value"", in milliequivalent grams per liter; negative values are non-detects." -0.1 26 milliequivalent grams per liter BestValue_Ag_Mo Ca_meqL_AM Text 20 "Calcium, water extractable, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Ca_meqL_Sum Text 255 "Calcium, water extractable, all values, in milliequivalent grams per liter, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Ca_pct Number Double "Calcium, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.5 50.11111 weight percent BestValue_Ag_Mo Ca_pct_AM Text 20 "Calcium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Ca_pct_Sum Text 255 "Calcium, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo CaO_pct Number Double "Calcium, as calcium oxide, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -3.22 81 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock CaO_pct_AM Text 20 "Calcium, as calcium oxide, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock CaO_pct_Sum Text 255 "Calcium, as calcium oxide, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock CAS Text 10 "Cassiterite, presence or relative abundance, observed in concentrate sample." (text) Mnrlgy CCO3_pct Number Double "Carbonate carbon, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.1 10.4 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock CCO3_pct_AM Text 20 "Carbonate carbon, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock CCO3_pct_Sum Text 255 "Carbonate carbon, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock Cd_ppm Number Double "Cadmium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -700 10400 parts per million by weight BestValue_Ag_Mo Cd_ppm_AM Text 20 "Cadmium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Cd_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Cadmium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Ce_ppm Number Double "Cerium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -1000 210000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Ag_Mo Ce_ppm_AM Text 20 "Cerium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Ce_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Cerium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo CEC_meq100g Number Double "Cation exchange capacity, as ""best value"", in milliequivalent grams per liter." 2.5 34 milliequivalent grams per 100 grams BestValue_Ag_Mo CEC_meq100g_AM Text 20 "Cation exchange capacity, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo CEC_meq100g_Sum Text 255 "Cation exchange capacity, all values, in milliequivalent grams per 100 grams, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo CHEM_ID Number Long Integer Unique quantitative value identifier. 1 9699964 not applicable Chem2 (key) CIN Text 10 "Cinnabar, presence or relative abundance, observed in concentrate sample." (text) Mnrlgy Cl_meqL Number Double "Chloride, water extractable, as ""best value"", in milliequivalent grams per liter; negative values are non-detects." -1 2 milliequivalent grams per liter BestValue_WholeRock Cl_meqL_AM Text 20 "Chloride, water extractable, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock Cl_meqL_Sum Text 255 "Chloride, water extractable, all values, in milliequivalent grams per liter, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock Cl_pct Number Double "Chloride, as ""best value"", in weight percent." 0.0001 2.03 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock Cl_pct_AM Text 20 "Chloride, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock Cl_pct_Sum Text 255 "Chloride, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock Co_ppm Number Double "Cobalt, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -100 250000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Ag_Mo Co_ppm_AM Text 20 "Cobalt, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Co_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Cobalt, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo CO2_pct Number Double "Carbon dioxide, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.65 46.7 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock CO2_pct_AM Text 20 "Carbon dioxide, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock CO2_pct_Sum Text 255 "Carbon dioxide, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock COrg_pct Number Double "Organic carbon, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.1 74.8 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock COrg_pct_AM Text 20 "Organic carbon, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock COrg_pct_Sum Text 255 "Organic carbon, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock COUNT Number Long Integer Total number of determinations of each species by the analytical method listed. 1 207928 determinations Parameter COUNTRY Text 20 Country or marine body of water from where the sample was collected. (text) Geol2 CPY Text 10 "Chalcopyrite, presence or relative abundance, observed in concentrate sample." (text) Mnrlgy Cr_ppm Number Double "Chromium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -1000 462000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Ag_Mo Cr_ppm_AM Text 20 "Chromium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Cr_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Chromium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Cs_ppm Number Double "Cesium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -5 1110 parts per million by weight BestValue_Ag_Mo Cs_ppm_AM Text 20 "Cesium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Cs_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Cesium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Cu_ppm Number Double "Copper, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -1000 377000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Ag_Mo Cu_ppm_AM Text 20 "Copper, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Cu_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Copper, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo DATA_VALUE Number Double Numeric result.; units are those of the field chosen as giving the best value of the element for that sample. 0 842000 (varies) Chem2 DATE_COLLECT Date n/a "Date the sample was collected, when recorded." 11/23/1966 8/3/2009 month/day/year Geol2 DATE_SUBMITTED Date n/a Date sample was submitted to Sample Control for initial database processing prior to sample prep and analysis. 12/6/1962 9/14/2009 month/day/year Geol2 DATUM Text 50 "Reference datum, when recorded, for the latitude and longitude coordinates of the sample site." (text) Geol2 DECOMPOSITION Text 45 "Brief description of decomposition method used for given TECHNIQUE in the analysis of the sample, or a comment that further describes this TECHNIQUE." (text) Chem2 DensB_gcc Number Double "Bulk density, as ""best value"", in grams per cubic centimeter." 2.18 3.06 grams per cubic centimeter BestValue_WholeRock DensB_gcc_AM Text 20 "Bulk density, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock DensB_gcc_Sum Text 255 "Bulk density, all values, in grams per cubic centimeter, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock DensP_gcc Number Double "Powder density, as ""best value"", in grams per cubic centimeter." 2.44 6.64 grams per cubic centimeter BestValue_WholeRock DensP_gcc_AM Text 20 "Powder density, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock DensP_gcc_Sum Text 255 "Powder density, all values, in grams per cubic centimeter, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock DEPOSIT_ENVIRON Text 15 Original environment of deposition for sedimentary rocks. (text) Geol2 DEPTH Text 65 Depth from the surface at which the sample was collected; units are specified by the submitter. (text) Geol2 DIGESTION Text 1 Abbreviation of degree of sample digestion - total or partial - required by TECHNIQUE used to analyze the sample for a specific species. (text) Chem2 DIGESTION_METHOD Text 25 Digestion method used in analytical method. (text) AnalyticMethod DRAINAGE Text 15 Description of drainage of soil where sample collected. (text) Geol2 Dy_ppm Number Double "Dysprosium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -200 69700 parts per million by weight BestValue_Ag_Mo Dy_ppm_AM Text 20 "Dysprosium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Dy_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Dysprosium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Er_ppm Number Double "Erbium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -300 76100 parts per million by weight BestValue_Ag_Mo Er_ppm_AM Text 20 "Erbium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Er_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Erbium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Eu_ppm Number Double "Europium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -500 6910 parts per million by weight BestValue_Ag_Mo Eu_ppm_AM Text 20 "Europium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Eu_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Europium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo F_pct Number Double "Fluoride, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.04 38.5 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock F_pct_AM Text 20 "Fluoride, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock F_pct_Sum Text 255 "Fluoride, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock FACIES_GRADE Text 35 Metamorphic facies or grade as provided by the sample submitter. (text) Geol2 Fe_pct Number Double "Iron, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -1000 56.9 weight percent BestValue_Ag_Mo Fe_pct_AM Text 20 "Iron, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Fe_pct_Sum Text 255 "Iron, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Fe2_pct Number Double "Ferrous iron, as ""best value"", in weight percent." 0.117 21 weight percent BestValue_Ag_Mo Fe2_pct_AM Text 20 "Ferrous iron, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Fe2_pct_Sum Text 255 "Ferrous iron, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Fe2O3_pct Number Double "Ferric iron, as iron trioxide, as ""best value"", in weight percent." 0.01 44.8 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock Fe2O3_pct_AM Text 20 "Ferric iron, as iron trioxide, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock Fe2O3_pct_Sum Text 255 "Ferric iron, as iron trioxide, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock FeO_pct Number Double "Ferrous iron, as ferrous oxide, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.05 47.6 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock FeO_pct_AM Text 20 "Ferrous iron, as ferrous oxide, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock FeO_pct_Sum Text 255 "Ferrous iron, as ferrous oxide, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock FERRITIC Text 13 Ferritic nature of soil from which sample was collected. (text) Geol2 FeTO3_pct Number Double "Total iron, as iron trioxide, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.104 91.9 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock FeTO3_pct_AM Text 20 "Total iron, as iron trioxide, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock FeTO3_pct_Sum Text 255 "Total iron, as iron trioxide, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock FIELD_DESC Text 255 Description of field. (text) FieldNameDictionary FIELD_ID Text 16 "Field identifier assigned by the sample collector of sample submitted for analysis, possibly corrected by data renovator due to truncation of data entry." (text) Geol2 FIELD_MAX Text 25 Maximum value entered in field. (text) FieldNameDictionary FIELD_MIN Text 25 Minimum value entered in field; negative value represents lower limit of detection of the analytical method used. (text) FieldNameDictionary FIELD_NAME Text 35 Field name populated in one or more tables of the AGDB database. (text) FieldNameDictionary (key) FIELD_SIZE_FORMAT Text 15 "Maximum number of characters, or format of data, that can be entered in field." (text) FieldNameDictionary FIELD_TABLES Text "65,535" Table(s) containing field. (text) FieldNameDictionary FIELD_TYPE Text 15 Data type of field. (text) FieldNameDictionary FIELD_UNIT Text 50 Unit of measurement for reported value. (text) FieldNameDictionary FLR Text 10 "Fluorite, presence or relative abundance, observed in concentrate sample." (text) Mnrlgy Ga_ppm Number Double "Gallium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -300 1500 parts per million by weight BestValue_Ag_Mo Ga_ppm_AM Text 20 "Gallium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Ga_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Gallium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo GAL Text 10 "Galena, presence or relative abundance, observed in concentrate sample." (text) Mnrlgy Gas_pct Number Double "Gas content, as ""best value"", in weight percent." 0.1 11.9 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock Gas_pct_AM Text 20 "Gas content, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock Gas_pct_Sum Text 255 "Gas content, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock Gd_ppm Number Double "Gadolinium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -300 43400 parts per million by weight BestValue_Ag_Mo Gd_ppm_AM Text 20 "Gadolinium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Gd_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Gadolinium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Ge_ppm Number Double "Germanium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -50 500 parts per million by weight BestValue_Ag_Mo Ge_ppm_AM Text 20 "Germanium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Ge_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Germanium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo GEOLOGIC_AGE Text 60 Age or range of ages from the Geological Time Scale for the collected sample. (text) Geol2 H_pct Number Double "Hydrogen, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.1 2.6 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock H_pct_AM Text 20 "Hydrogen, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock H_pct_Sum Text 255 "Hydrogen, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock H2O_pct Number Double "Total water, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.01 16.2 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock H2O_pct_AM Text 20 "Total water, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock H2O_pct_Sum Text 255 "Total water, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock H2Oa_galton Number Double "Water assay, as ""best value"", in gallons per ton." 1 22.6 gallons per ton BestValue_WholeRock H2Oa_galton_AM Text 20 "Water assay, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock H2Oa_galton_Sum Text 255 "Water assay, all values, in gallons per ton, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock H2Ob_pct Number Double "Bound or essential water, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.05 16.5 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock H2Ob_pct_AM Text 20 "Bound or essential water, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock H2Ob_pct_Sum Text 255 "Bound or essential water, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock H2Om_pct Number Double "Moisture or nonessential water, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.1 21 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock H2Om_pct_AM Text 20 "Moisture or nonessential water, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock H2Om_pct_Sum Text 255 "Moisture or nonessential water, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock HCsol_pct Number Double "Soluble hydrocarbons, as ""best value"", in weight percent." 22.2 97.7 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock HCsol_pct_AM Text 20 "Soluble hydrocarbons, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock HCsol_pct_Sum Text 255 "Soluble hydrocarbons, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock Hf_ppm Number Double "Hafnium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -230 7000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Ag_Mo Hf_ppm_AM Text 20 "Hafnium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Hf_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Hafnium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Hg_ppm Number Double "Mercury, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -1000 742000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Ag_Mo Hg_ppm_AM Text 20 "Mercury, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Hg_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Mercury, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo HM_ppm Number Double "Heavy metals, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -2 -2 parts per million by weight BestValue_Ag_Mo HM_ppm_AM Text 20 "Heavy metals, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo HM_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Heavy metals, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Ho_ppm Number Double "Holmium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -200 19200 parts per million by weight BestValue_Ag_Mo Ho_ppm_AM Text 20 "Holmium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Ho_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Holmium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo HORIZON Text 20 Definition of soil sample horizon from which sample was collected. (text) Geol2 I_ppm Number Double "Iodide, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -0.5 0.964 parts per million by weight BestValue_WholeRock I_ppm_AM Text 20 "Iodide, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock I_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Iodide, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock IGNEOUS_FORM Text 25 An indication of the igneous setting from which the sample was collected. (text) Geol2 In_ppm Number Double "Indium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -100 300 parts per million by weight BestValue_Ag_Mo In_ppm_AM Text 20 "Indium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo In_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Indium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Inferred_Comment Text 255 "Tripp's comments without optical work, based on chemical analyses and previous USGS map publications." (text) Mnrlgy Ir_ppm Number Double "Iridium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -440 6 parts per million by weight BestValue_Ag_Mo Ir_ppm_AM Text 20 "Iridium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Ir_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Iridium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo JOB_ID Text 10 Laboratory batch identifier assigned by the Sample Control Officer of the analytical laboratory that received the samples as a batch. (text) Geol2 K_meq100g Number Double "Potassium, exchangeable, as ""best value"", in milliequivalent grams per 100 grams; negative values are non-detects." -0.1 0.4 milliequivalent grams per 100 grams BestValue_Ag_Mo K_meq100g_AM Text 20 "Potassium, exchangeable, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo K_meq100g_Sum Text 255 "Potassium, exchangeable, all values, in milliequivalent grams per 100 grams, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo K_meqL Number Double "Potassium, water extractable, as ""best value"", in milliequivalent grams per liter; negative values are non-detects." -0.3 1.9 milliequivalent grams per liter BestValue_Ag_Mo K_meqL_AM Text 20 "Potassium, water extractable, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo K_meqL_Sum Text 255 "Potassium, water extractable, all values, in milliequivalent grams per liter, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo K_pct Number Double "Potassium, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -3 12.7 weight percent BestValue_Ag_Mo K_pct_AM Text 20 "Potassium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo K_pct_Sum Text 255 "Potassium, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo K2O_pct Number Double "Potassium, as potassium oxide, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -2.65 16.7 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock K2O_pct_AM Text 20 "Potassium, as potassium oxide, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock K2O_pct_Sum Text 255 "Potassium, as potassium oxide, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock La_ppm Number Double "Lanthanum, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -3410 180000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Ag_Mo La_ppm_AM Text 20 "Lanthanum, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo La_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Lanthanum, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo LAB_ID Text 8 Unique identifier assigned to each submitted sample by the Sample Control Officer of the analytical laboratory that received the sample. (text) Geol2 (key); Chem2; BestValue_WholeRock (key); BestValue_Ag_Mo (key); BestValue_Na_Zr (key); Mnrlgy (key) LAB_NAME Text 25 Abbreviated name of agency or organization that performed chemical analysis. (text) Chem2 LATITUDE Number Double "Latitude coordinate of sample site, reported in decimal degrees; usually with NAD27 datum and Clarke 1866 spheroid prior to year 2000." 50 71.6 decimal degrees Geol2 Li_ppm Number Double "Lithium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -500 5110 parts per million by weight BestValue_Ag_Mo Li_ppm_AM Text 20 "Lithium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Li_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Lithium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo LLD_RANGE Text 25 Range of lower limits of detection for parameters reported in USGS publications or in-house laboratory manuals; does not represent actual analytical determinations in AGDB2. (text) Parameter_Rank LOCATE_DESC Text 255 Geographic information relating to the location of the sample site. (text) Geol2 LOI_pct Number Double "Loss on ignition, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.12 86.4 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock LOI_pct_AM Text 20 "Loss on ignition, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock LOI_pct_Sum Text 255 "Loss on ignition, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock LONGITUDE Number Double "Longitude coordinate of sample site, reported in decimal degrees; usually with NAD27 datum and Clarke 1866 spheroid prior to year 2000; there are sites on both sides of the International Date Line." -179.18333 179.45 decimal degrees Geol2 Lu_ppm Number Double "Lutetium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -200 15800 parts per million by weight BestValue_Ag_Mo Lu_ppm_AM Text 20 "Lutetium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Lu_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Lutetium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo MESH_PORE_SIZE Text 60 Sieve size used in field sampling or laboratory preparation to fractionate the sample. (text) Geol2 METAMORPHISM Text 15 An indication of the type of metamorphic setting from which the rock was collected. (text) Geol2 METHOD_COLLECTED Text 15 "Sample collection method: Single grab, composite, or channel." (text) Geol2 Mg_meq100g Number Double "Magnesium, exchangeable, as ""best value"", in milliequivalent grams per 100 grams." 0.6 4.6 milliequivalent grams per 100 grams BestValue_Ag_Mo Mg_meq100g_AM Text 20 "Magnesium, exchangeable, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Mg_meq100g_Sum Text 255 "Magnesium, exchangeable, all values, in milliequivalent grams per 100 grams, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Mg_meqL Number Double "Magnesium, water extractable, as ""best value"", in milliequivalent grams per liter; negative values are non-detects." -0.05 10 milliequivalent grams per liter BestValue_Ag_Mo Mg_meqL_AM Text 20 "Magnesium, water extractable, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Mg_meqL_Sum Text 255 "Magnesium, water extractable, all values, in milliequivalent grams per liter, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Mg_pct Number Double "Magnesium, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.1 41 weight percent BestValue_Ag_Mo Mg_pct_AM Text 20 "Magnesium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Mg_pct_Sum Text 255 "Magnesium, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo MgO_pct Number Double "Magnesium, as magnesium oxide, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.2 49.2 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock MgO_pct_AM Text 20 "Magnesium, as magnesium oxide, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock MgO_pct_Sum Text 255 "Magnesium, as magnesium oxide, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock MINERALIZATION Text 35 An indication of mineralization or mineralization types as provided by the sample submitter. (text) Geol2 MLY Text 10 "Molybdenite, presence or relative abundance, observed in concentrate sample." (text) Mnrlgy Mn_pct Number Double "Manganese, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.05 18 weight percent BestValue_Ag_Mo Mn_pct_AM Text 20 "Manganese, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Mn_pct_Sum Text 255 "Manganese, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo MnO_pct Number Double "Manganese, as manganese oxide, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.05 25 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock MnO_pct_AM Text 20 "Manganese, as manganese oxide, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock MnO_pct_Sum Text 255 "Manganese, as manganese oxide, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock MNRL_ABBRV Text 15 Abbreviation used in table Mnrlgy of mineral name. (text) MnrlName; key MNRL_NAME Text 35 Mineral name used in table Mnrlgy. (text) MnrlName MNZ Text 10 "Monazite, presence or relative abundance, observed in concentrate sample." (text) Mnrlgy MNZ_dk Text 10 "Monazite, dark variety, presence or relative abundance, observed in concentrate sample." (text) Mnrlgy MNZ_yel Text 10 "Monazite, yellow variety, presence or relative abundance, observed in concentrate sample." (text) Mnrlgy Mo_ppm Number Double "Molybdenum, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -50 12000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Ag_Mo Mo_ppm_AM Text 20 "Molybdenum, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo Mo_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Molybdenum, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Ag_Mo N_pct Number Double "Nitrogen, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.1 0.78 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock N_pct_AM Text 20 "Nitrogen, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock N_pct_Sum Text 255 "Nitrogen, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock Na_meq100g Number Double "Sodium, exchangeable, as ""best value"", in milliequivalent grams per 100 grams; negative values are non-detects." -0.1 0.3 milliequivalent grams per 100 grams BestValue_Na_Zr Na_meq100g_AM Text 20 "Sodium, exchangeable, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Na_meq100g_Sum Text 255 "Sodium, exchangeable, all values, in milliequivalent grams per 100 grams, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Na_meqL Number Double "Sodium, water extractable, as ""best value"", in milliequivalent grams per liter; negative values are non-detects." -0.1 0.94 milliequivalent grams per liter BestValue_Na_Zr Na_meqL_AM Text 20 "Sodium, water extractable, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Na_meqL_Sum Text 255 "Sodium, water extractable, all values, in milliequivalent grams per lite, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Na_pct Number Double "Sodium, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -1 10 weight percent BestValue_Na_Zr Na_pct_AM Text 20 "Sodium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Na_pct_Sum Text 255 "Sodium, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Na2O_pct Number Double "Sodium, as sodium oxide, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.809 30 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock Na2O_pct_AM Text 20 "Sodium, as sodium oxide, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock Na2O_pct_Sum Text 255 "Sodium, as sodium oxide, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock Nb_ppm Number Double "Niobium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -200 9400 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr Nb_ppm_AM Text 20 "Niobium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Nb_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Niobium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Nd_ppm Number Double "Neodymium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -510 128000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr Nd_ppm_AM Text 20 "Neodymium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Nd_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Neodymium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Ni_ppm Number Double "Nickel, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -500 100000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr Ni_ppm_AM Text 20 "Nickel, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Ni_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Nickel, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr NO3_pct Number Double "Nitrate, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.00005 0.0055 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock NO3_pct_AM Text 20 "Nitrate, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock NO3_pct_Sum Text 255 "Nitrate, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock NONDETECT_RANGE Text 50 Range of non-detect values for the analytical method used in the determination of each species; range in brackets represent approximately 90% of non-detect values for analytical method. (text) Parameter_Rank NONDETECT_RANK Text 10 Ranking by species of limit of detection entries in LLD_RANGE. (text) Parameter_Rank NORM Text 10 No ore related minerals found. (text) Mnrlgy Oil_pct Number Double "Oil content, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.1 60.8 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock Oil_pct_AM Text 20 "Oil content, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock Oil_pct_Sum Text 255 "Oil content, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock OilA_galton Number Double "Oil assay, as ""best value"", in gallons per ton; negative values are non-detects." -0.2 165 gallons per ton BestValue_WholeRock OilA_galton_AM Text 20 "Oil assay, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock OilA_galton_Sum Text 255 "Oil assay, all values, in gallons per ton, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock OilG_gcc Number Double "Oil gravity, as ""best value"", in grams per cubic centimeter." 0.852 0.97 grams per cubic centimeter BestValue_WholeRock OilG_gcc_AM Text 20 "Oil gravity, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock OilG_gcc_Sum Text 255 "Oil gravity, all values, in grams per cubic centimeter, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock Optical_Comment Text 255 General mineralogy comments after optical work. (text) Mnrlgy OreRelatedMnrl_Comment Text 255 Comment regarding ore or gem related minerals after optical work. (text) Mnrlgy ORGANICS Text 20 Organic content of soil from which sample was collected. (text) Geol2 Os_ppm Number Double "Osmium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -150 3 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr Os_ppm_AM Text 20 "Osmium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Os_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Osmium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr P_pct Number Double "Phosphorus, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -1 20.11111 weight percent BestValue_Na_Zr P_pct_AM Text 20 "Phosphorus, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr P_pct_Sum Text 255 "Phosphorus, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr P2O5_pct Number Double "Phosphorus, as phosphorus pentoxide, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -1 34 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock P2O5_pct_AM Text 20 "Phosphorus, as phosphorus pentoxide, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock P2O5_pct_Sum Text 255 "Phosphorus, as phosphorus pentoxide, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock PARAMETER Text 25 "Chemical parameter that is a concatenation of SPECIES, UNITS, TECHNIQUE, DIGESTION, and sometimes DECOMPOSITION." (text) Chem2; Parameter_Rank (key); Parameter (key) PARAMETER_DESC Text 255 "Description of chemical parameter that is a concatenation of SPECIES, UNITS, TECHNIQUE, DIGESTION, and sometimes DECOMPOSITION." (text) Parameter Pb_ppm Number Double "Lead, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -200 550000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr Pb_ppm_AM Text 20 "Lead, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Pb_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Lead, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Pd_ppm Number Double "Palladium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -100 250000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr Pd_ppm_AM Text 20 "Palladium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Pd_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Palladium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr pH_SI Number Double "pH, as ""best value"", in standard units." 2.8 9 standard units BestValue_WholeRock pH_SI_AM Text 20 "pH, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock pH_SI_Sum Text 255 "pH, all values, in standard units, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock POW Text 10 "Powellite, presence or relative abundance, observed in concentrate sample." (text) Mnrlgy Pr_ppm Number Double "Praesodymium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -1000 24400 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr Pr_ppm_AM Text 20 "Praesodymium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Pr_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Praesodymium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr PREP Text 255 Description of the sample preparation methods used. (text) Geol2 PREVIOUS_JOB_ID Text 20 Original NGDB batch number (JOB_ID) of a USGS resubmitted sample that has been given a new batch number upon resubmittal for further analysis. (text) Geol2 PREVIOUS_LAB_ID Text 20 Original NGDB LAB_ID of a USGS resubmitted sample that has been given a new lab number upon resubmittal for further analysis. (text) Geol2 PRIMARY_CLASS Text 30 Primary classification of sample media. (text) Geol2 PROJECT_NAME Text 50 "Project name, at times derived from a project account number, of work group funded for the collection and analysis of submitted samples." (text) Geol2 Pt_ppm Number Double "Platinum, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -300 250000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr Pt_ppm_AM Text 20 "Platinum, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Pt_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Platinum, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr PUB_AUTHOR Text 255 Author(s) of analytical method publication. (text) AnalyticMethodBiblio PUB_NOTES Text "65,535" Notes regarding analytical method publication. AnalyticMethodBiblio PUB_ORG_LINK Text 50 Organization linked to analytical method publication. (text) AnalyticMethodBiblio PUB_PAGES Text 100 Pages in analytical method publication. (text) AnalyticMethodBiblio PUB_SERIES_TITLE Text 150 Series title of analytical method publication. (text) AnalyticMethodBiblio PUB_TITLE Text 255 Title of analytical method publication. (text) AnalyticMethodBiblio PUB_URL URL n/a "URL of analytical method publication, if available." (text) AnalyticMethodBiblio PUB_YEAR Number Long Integer Year of analytical method publication. 1884 2007 year AnalyticMethodBiblio PYR Text 10 "Pyrite, presence or relative abundance, observed in concentrate sample." (text) Mnrlgy QUAD Text 25 "Name of 1:250,000-scale quadrangle (1 degrees x2 degrees or 1 degrees x3 degrees ) in which sample was collected." (text) Geol2 QUALIFIED_VALUE Number Double "Numeric result; qualified so that DATA_VALUEs with associated QUALIFIERs '<', 'N' or 'L' are expressed as negative values, and DATA_VALUEs with associated QUALIFIERs '>' or 'G' end in '111'; units are those of the field chosen as giving the best value." -32000 842000 (varies) Chem2 QUALIFIER Text 1 "Qualifying modifier for result; i.e., '<', '>'." (text) Chem2 RANK_COUNT Number Long Integer Total number of determinations for analytical method ranking of each species by the analytical method listed (PARAMETER). 1 207928 integer Parameter_Rank Rb_ppm Number Double "Rubidium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -200 1830 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr Rb_ppm_AM Text 20 "Rubidium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Rb_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Rubidium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Re_ppm Number Double "Rhenium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -150 0.052 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr Re_ppm_AM Text 20 "Rhenium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Re_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Rhenium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Rh_ppm Number Double "Rhodium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -15 2 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr Rh_ppm_AM Text 20 "Rhodium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Rh_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Rhodium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr RockFormingMnrl_Comment Text 255 Comments regarding rock-forming minerals after optical work. (text) Mnrlgy Ru_ppm Number Double "Ruthenium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -200 4 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr Ru_ppm_AM Text 20 "Ruthenium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Ru_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Ruthenium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr S_pct Number Double "Total sulfur, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.05 52 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock S_pct_AM Text 20 "Total sulfur, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock S_pct_Sum Text 255 "Total sulfur, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock SALINE Text 12 Saline nature of soil from which sample was collected. (text) Geol2 SAMPLE_COMMENT Text 255 "Attribute used to modify PRIMARY_CLASS, SECONDARY_CLASS, or SPECIFIC_NAME; data is not derived from sample codes." (text) Geol2 SAMPLE_SOURCE Text 40 Physical setting or environment from which the sample was collected. (text) Geol2 SAMPLE_ZONE Text 20 Soil horizon from which sample was collected. (text) Geol2 SatInd_SI Number Double "Saturation index, as ""best value"", in standard units." 21.1 173 standard units BestValue_WholeRock SatInd_SI_AM Text 20 "Saturation index, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock SatInd_SI_Sum Text 255 "Saturation index, all values, in standard units, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock Sb_ppm Number Double "Antimony, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -2500 250000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr Sb_ppm_AM Text 20 "Antimony, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Sb_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Antimony, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Sc_ppm Number Double "Scandium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -200 1930 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr Sc_ppm_AM Text 20 "Scandium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Sc_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Scandium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr SCH Text 10 "Scheelite, presence or relative abundance, observed in concentrate sample." (text) Mnrlgy Se_ppm Number Double "Selenium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -400 440 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr Se_ppm_AM Text 20 "Selenium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Se_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Selenium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr SECONDARY_CLASS Text 15 Secondary classification or subclass of sample media; attribute of PRIMARY_CLASS. (text) Geol2 Si_pct Number Double "Silicon, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -1 42.7 weight percent BestValue_Na_Zr Si_pct_AM Text 20 "Silicon, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Si_pct_Sum Text 255 "Silicon, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr SiO2_pct Number Double "Silicon, as silicon dioxide, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -21.4 99.11111 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock SiO2_pct_AM Text 20 "Silicon, as silicon dioxide, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock SiO2_pct_Sum Text 255 "Silicon, as silicon dioxide, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock Sm_ppm Number Double "Samarium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -1000 48400 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr Sm_ppm_AM Text 20 "Samarium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Sm_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Samarium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Sn_ppm Number Double "Tin, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -200 300000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr Sn_ppm_AM Text 20 "Tin, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Sn_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Tin, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr SO3_pct Number Double "Sulfide, extractable, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.025 17 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock SO3_pct_AM Text 20 "Sulfide, extractable, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock SO3_pct_Sum Text 255 "Sulfide, extractable, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock SO4_meqL Number Double "Sulfate, water extractable, as ""best value"", in millequivalent grams per liter; negative values are non-detects." -1 39 millequivalent grams per liter BestValue_WholeRock SO4_meqL_AM Text 20 "Sulfate, water extractable, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock SO4_meqL_Sum Text 255 "Sulfate, water extractable, all values, in millequivalent grams per liter, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock SO4_pct Number Double "Sulfate, acid soluble, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.05 5.6 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock SO4_pct_AM Text 20 "Sulfate, acid soluble, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock SO4_pct_Sum Text 255 "Sulfate, acid soluble, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock SOrg_pct Number Double "Organic sulfur, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.01 0.25 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock SOrg_pct_AM Text 20 "Organic sulfur, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock SOrg_pct_Sum Text 255 "Organic sulfur, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock SOURCE_ROCK Text 12 "Used in the rock database to identify the precursor rock, igneous or sedimentary, for metamorphic rocks." (text) Geol2 SpCon_uScm Number Double "Specific conductance, as ""best value"", in microsiemens per centimeter; negative values are non-detects." -200 3000 micro-Siemens per centimeter BestValue_WholeRock SpCon_uScm_AM Text 20 "Specific conductance, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock SpCon_uScm_Sum Text 255 "Specific conductance, all values, in micro-Siemens per centimeter, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock SPECIES Text 12 Chemical attribute symbol or abbreviation of SPECIES_NAME that has a data value associated with it. (text) Chem2; Parameter_Rank SPECIES_NAME Text 50 Chemical attribute name that has a data value associated with it. (text) Parameter_Rank SPECIFIC_NAME Text 30 A specific name for the sample media collected; attribute of PRIMARY_CLASS and/or SECONDARY_CLASS. (text) Geol2 SPH Text 10 "Sphalerite, presence or relative abundance, observed in concentrate sample." (text) Mnrlgy SPHEROID Text 25 "Reference spheroid or ellipsoid, when recorded, for the latitude and longitude coordinates of the sample site." (text) Geol2 SplWtAu_g Number Double "Gold method sample weight, as ""best value"", in grams; negative values are non-detects." -1 90 grams BestValue_Na_Zr SplWtAu_g_AM Text 20 "Gold method sample weight, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr SplWtAu_g_Sum Text 255 "Gold method sample weight, all values, in grams, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr SplWtFA_g Number Double "Fire assay sample weight, as ""best value"", in grams." 0.03 15.9 grams BestValue_Na_Zr SplWtFA_g_AM Text 20 "Fire assay sample weight, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr SplWtFA_g_Sum Text 255 "Fire assay sample weight, all values, in grams, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr SPyr_pct Number Double "Pyritic sulfur, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.01 0.11 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock SPyr_pct_AM Text 20 "Pyritic sulfur, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock SPyr_pct_Sum Text 255 "Pyritic sulfur, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock Sr_ppm Number Double "Strontium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -1000 47000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr Sr_ppm_AM Text 20 "Strontium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Sr_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Strontium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr STATE Text 2 Abbreviation of state from where the sample was collected. (text) Geol2 STB Text 10 "Stibnite, presence or relative abundance, observed in concentrate sample." (text) Mnrlgy STRATIGRAPHY Text 255 "Name of the stratigraphic unit from which the sample was collected. When present, values are as given by the sample submitter and may represent either a formal name, an informal name, or geologic map unit abbreviation." (text) Geol2 SUBMITTER Text 75 "Name of the individual(s) who submitted the sample in a batch to the laboratory for analysis; not necessarily the sample collector.," (text) Geol2 Sulfide_pct Number Double "Sulfide, extractable, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.05 2.21 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock Sulfide_pct_AM Text 20 "Sulfide, extractable, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock Sulfide_pct_Sum Text 255 "Sulfide, extractable, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock Ta_ppm Number Double "Tantalum, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -2000 3000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr Ta_ppm_AM Text 20 "Tantalum, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Ta_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Tantalum, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Tb_ppm Number Double "Terbium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -1500 8690 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr Tb_ppm_AM Text 20 "Terbium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Tb_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Terbium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Te_ppm Number Double "Tellurium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -10000 50000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr Te_ppm_AM Text 20 "Tellurium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Te_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Tellurium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr TECHNIQUE Text 5 Abbreviation of analytical method used to analyze the sample. (text) Chem2 Th_ppm Number Double "Thorium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -32000 160000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr Th_ppm_AM Text 20 "Thorium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Th_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Thorium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr THR Text 10 "Thorite, presence or relative abundance, observed in concentrate sample." (text) Mnrlgy Ti_pct Number Double "Titanium, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.5 37 weight percent BestValue_Na_Zr Ti_pct_AM Text 20 "Titanium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Ti_pct_Sum Text 255 "Titanium, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr TiO2_pct Number Double "Titanium, as titanium dioxide, as ""best value"", in weight percent; negative values are non-detects." -0.0834 20 weight percent BestValue_WholeRock TiO2_pct_AM Text 20 "Titanium, as titanium dioxide, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock TiO2_pct_Sum Text 255 "Titanium, as titanium dioxide, all values, in weight percent, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_WholeRock Tl_ppm Number Double "Thallium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -200 1000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr Tl_ppm_AM Text 20 "Thallium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Tl_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Thallium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Tm_ppm Number Double "Thulium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -100 17500 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr Tm_ppm_AM Text 20 "Thulium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Tm_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Thulium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr U_ppm Number Double "Uranium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -3000 117000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr U_ppm_AM Text 20 "Uranium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr U_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Uranium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr UNITS Text 12 Units of concentration or measurement in which the DATA_VALUE is expressed. (text) Chem2 V_ppm Number Double "Vanadium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -50 10000.11111 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr V_ppm_AM Text 20 "Vanadium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr V_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Vanadium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr W_ppm Number Double "Tungsten, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -1000 250000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr W_ppm_AM Text 20 "Tungsten, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr W_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Tungsten, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Y_ppm Number Double "Yttrium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -460 400000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr Y_ppm_AM Text 20 "Yttrium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Y_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Yttrium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Yb_ppm Number Double "Ytterbium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -100 337000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr Yb_ppm_AM Text 20 "Ytterbium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Yb_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Ytterbium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Zn_ppm Number Double "Zinc, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -3000 842000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr Zn_ppm_AM Text 20 "Zinc, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Zn_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Zinc, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Zr_ppm Number Double "Zirconium, as ""best value"", in parts per million by weight; negative values are non-detects." -1000 250000 parts per million by weight BestValue_Na_Zr Zr_ppm_AM Text 20 "Zirconium, analytical method used for ""best value"", abbreviation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr Zr_ppm_Sum Text 255 "Zirconium, all values, in parts per million by weight, and their analytical methods, from best method to least, concatenation." (text) BestValue_Na_Zr