Alaska Geochemical Database Version 2.0 (AGDB2)—Including “Best Value” Data Compilations for Rock, Sediment, Soil, Mineral, and Concentrate Sample Media By Matthew Granitto, Jeanine M. Schmidt, Nora B. Shew, Bruce M. Gamble, and Keith A. Labay Data Series 759 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original posting: First posted May 28, 2013 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- second posting: Posted June 2013 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Because this database has remained essentially the same, as this was a technical/formatting fix, so the version numbers will remain the same. The files on the DVD are the updated, corrected files. What has been changed? 1. AGDB2_Chem.accdb.  Somewhere along the line, the sole table in this database lost its key field--the field CHEM_ID was still there but it was no longer a key field.  The table now has a key field. 2. Chem2.txt.  Data values were all rounded to the nearest 100th, 2 places to the right of the decimal.  This notation was present for all values (1 became 1.00).  This table was derived from Chem2 in AGDB2_Chem.accdb.  Exporting numeric data from Access or Excel files as text files causes the numeric data to default to a currency format. The fix was made and the values now look good. 3. Geol2.txt.  Coordinate values were all rounded to the nearest 100th, 2 places to the right of the decimal.  This notation was present for all values (135 became 135.00).This table was derived from Geol2 in AGDB2.accdb.  Exporting numeric data from Access or Excel files as text files causes the numeric data to default to a currency format.  The fiz was made and the values now look good. 4. Text files replaced were: BestValue_Ag_Mo.txt, BestVAlue_Na_Zr.txt, BestValue_WholeRocke.txt. These files previously had a bad format for numneric values.